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The following are some of Garth's writings. The articles are all granted to the public domain and are consequently free of any copyright restrictions. Last update: 2/6/2025
New: I am translating the Bible, starting with the New Testament:
Garth's Hyper-literal Translation (GHT) (in progress)
A message about my articles
- List of religious terms that shouldn't be religious -- last updated 1/29/2025
- What is "forgiveness" according to the scriptures?
- What is "repentance" according to the scriptures?
- Acts 2:38 "baptism" analysis
- 1 Peter 3:21 "baptism" analysis
- "Discipler's Baptism"
- Is water baptism important?
- What is "salvation" according to the scriptures?
- What is "The Gospel" according to the scriptures?
- The half-gospel of popular evangelicalism
- "Christus Victor" vs. "Penal Substitutionary Atonement"
- What is "church" according to the scriptures? -- video updated 2/22/2023
- What is an "apostle" according to the scriptures?
- What is a "pastor" according to the scriptures?
- Gift/office/n-fold-ministry lists (updated 3/21/2022)
- Eph 4:11 "five-fold" or "four-fold" -- new 3/21/2022
- "Gifts of the Spirit": Literally not even in the Bible -- last updated 1/24/2023
- What is "worship," according to the scriptures? -- last updated 2/6/2025
- What is "fellowship," according to the scriptures?
- What is "ministry," according to the scriptures?
- What is "love" according to the scriptures?
- What is "marriage" and "divorce," according to the scriptures? (last update 11/18/2024)
- Tithe fulfilled: Heb 7:9-10
- What is "prayer" according to the scriptures?
- Regarding "prayer requests" to heal the sick (also the "prayer of agreement")
- Regarding distance prayers
- What is "fasting" according to the scriptures? -- new 3/7/2022
- What is "faith" according to the scriptures?
- Faith vs. Works
- What is "doubt" according to the scriptures?
- "Faith cometh by hearing"? Romans 10:16-17 as one sentence
- Luke 17 "unprofitable servants"
- Beg God to "send out laborers"? -- updated 10/24/2024
- The fiery furnace: "and if he doesn't rescue us..."? -- updated 6/6/2024
- 1 Peter 2:24 "sins" vs. "healing"
- 1 Peter 2:24 = "fact," not past tense!
- Is it "stripe" or "stripes" in Isa 53:5?
- Paul's "thorn": What does "in the flesh" mean?
- Paul's "large letters"
- James 5:16 - confess sins to be healed?
- 1 John 1:9 analysis (If you confess sins, then you will be forgiven?)
- 1 John 5:16-17 - "sin that leads to death"
- Is sin "missing the mark"? -- updated 11/22/2024
- Are we "sinners" or "saints"?
- What is "original sin" and the "sin nature" according to the scriptures?
- Hebrews 6:4-6 - point of no return?
- 1 Cor 11:27-34 "communion curse"?
- Herod's death by worms, also Ananias and Sapphira -- updated 6/19/2024
- Man born blind in John 9:3 -- new 5/7/2020
- Epaphroditus sick (Phil 2:26)? -- new 9/21/2020
- 1 Cor 15:29 "baptism for the dead"?
- 1 Cor 14:22 "the tongues" and 1 Cor 14:23
- John 3:1-15, color coded
- John 1:1 is never translated properly -- new 2/8/2024
- John 1:1-17, literally -- updated 2/1/2025
- Where people go when they die -- last update 1/29/2025
- Tripartite dogma: spirit, soul, and body
- "Predestination vs. Free Will": scripture analysis -- last update 4/4/2023
- Regarding "KJV-only" activism -- updated 11/5/2024
- Pronoun ideology -- new 7/2/2024
- Encouragement to dig: Koine Greek
- Short videos: (These are posted on https://www.youtube.com/GarthDWiebe" and https://vimeo.com/garthdwiebe")
English-Spanish DHT, NJ 2021, also available via YouTube Playlist or Vimeo Showcase
Littlestown PA DHT, 2021, also available via YouTube Playlist or Vimeo Showcase
Theophostics is a new and dangerous method of psychotherapy that involves occult
visualization techniques.
Click here to see materials exposing
Dr. Ed Smith's "TheoPhostic Counseling" (last updated on 5/12/2001)
Click here for the audio analysis
regarding Neil Armstrong's first words on the moon (2006 article)
Concerning BonnieJean's mother's father, Dwight E. Avis, Sr., widely misquoted by income tax protesters (2009 article)
Are you concerned about electromagnetic radiation from microwave ovens and wireless devices? (2015 article, now updated with supplementary comments about 5G -- 4/22/2021, last update 7/7/2022)
GPS vs. Flat Earth (5/19/2022)
What you heard about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 fear, hype, and hypocrisy (Oct. 2016 article)
An engineer's thoughts on obstetric ultrasound (2017 article)
Did John G. Lake say we are "little gods," an "incarnation," and that God's purpose was to "deify the nature of men"? See my short video exposé. (also on Vimeo)
What about the "constitutional separation of church and state"?
• Click here for the short video on YouTube (6:15)
• Click here for the long video on YouTube (19:13)
Some internet pointers of interest to us:
Looking for our street and foreign missions action videos that I have posted? They are unlisted. Contact me.