See the following for more detail than what is discussed in this brief summary: (index to all articles and videos)
Many have endeavored to produce an English translation that is "faithful to the original Greek text." In reality, they have all produced translations that are faithful to the English at the expense of the Greek, focusing on how to translate into the best English possible, with the tradeoff being how literal, or at least faithful, to the original Greek they can still remain after doing so. Yet there is and can be no such thing as a "literal, word for word" translation. The set of words in each language do not have a one to one correspondence to each other, nor does the grammar, nor do the composition and style rules map. My translation will not accomplish such an impossible feat either, nor even to my own satisfaction, but it will take the additional step of being much more faithful to the Greek, sacrificing proper English grammar, punctuation, composition, and style, bringing out every word, every grammatical construct, and every possible subtlety in the original text, only endeavoring to still keep the text readable and understandable in English. And that is the goal of what I am calling "Garth's Hyper-literal Translation," which I will abbreviate "GHT." It is not like any translation you have seen before. I focus on how they said it, rather than how we would say it. As much as possible, I avoid interpretation ("it says that but means this") but instead say what it says the way it says it. Where others have fallen short due to an English language mindset, which they impose upon the Greek, I have much more closely followed the sense and flow of the Greek language. That is why it is so very awkward in English. It will take some getting used to, to read it this way. Various popular English translations target audiences ranging roughly from the the third grade level (e.g. NCV and NIrV) to fourth or fifth grade (e.g. The Message) to eighth grade (e.g. NIV) to tenth grade (e.g. ESV) to eleventh grade (e.g. NASB) reading comprehension level; I would say that my "GHT" assumes a high school graduate level of reading comprehension (by 1960's/1970's academic standards, not today's), because of the awkward and unconventional English, certainly worse than reading the KJV. But if you don't know the Greek, this will get you the closest to it, and those who do know Greek may question the virtue of being so "hyper-literal," yet they will have to acknowledge that it brutally accomplishes that objective.
This translation provides no accommodation for sentimentality, liturgical recitation, or religious traditions of men. It is for serious bible study for those who do not know Greek (yet), or who do know it but are not yet able to easily sight read it in the way they are able to sight read English at a glance. Anyone quoting it for the benefit of a wider audience will, in many cases, need to adapt it to flow better in conventional English, but it provides a better starting point for doing so than going about comparing multiple conventional translations and reading commentaries. If you want to know what the original says, as close to the original as possible, translating every original word and every original grammatical construct, at the expense of nice English, yet still reasonably understandable in English, then this is the translation for you. However, it is still a translation, not the God-breathed original, no translation can exactly match the original, and you are still responsible as a serious student of the Bible to learn the original language.
Academic credentials
I am a retired career electrical/computer hardware design/development engineer and have no academic credentials in any language area. I am actually promoting that as an advantage. I have spent many years studying Greek, and during that time have become increasingly frustrated with the products of credentialed academia at all levels. A student learns from a professor, that student becomes a professor, and then teaches students likewise. Academic status quo traditions and dogmas develop, as the student must agree with the professor to succeed academically, and then the professors dare not deviate from the status quo that they were taught, and which other professors profess, since they must maintain that status quo to maintain their own standing. I've found critical thinking skills lacking as each just repeats the teachings of the one before him, without questioning whether it was ever right in the first place. Also, students are not taught the language as much as they are taught to translate the language into proper English, such that the consequence ends up being that the original language cannot be understood until it is translated into corresponding English and interpreted by an English language mindset. Ultimately, English becomes the master language by which ancient languages like this are evaluated, even those that preceded English by a thousand years or more, before English even existed as a language.
English translations today can be traced back to Tyndale, Erasmus, Wycliffe, even St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate. Wycliffe translated from the Latin Vulgate and did not know Greek. Later reformation-era translators, due to their Roman Catholic schooling, were likewise experts schooled in Latin, pioneers but novices at Greek. Anything we have learned about ancient Greek since then is rarely applied to Bible translation, because of the reluctance of academics to deviate from the status quo that dates back five hundred years, and an unwavering devotion to the Protestant Reformation, which dates back to that long ago, yet is but one of many significant events in the historic timeline of Christianity. Ironically, translation tradition among the academics today is consistent with the works of those "beginners" at Greek five hundred years ago. Who would dare to deviate from that? I have no academic credential, academic reputation, clerical ordination, or employment, at risk. I cannot be fired, defrocked, decertified, or deprived of any source of income. What is accomplished here stands on its own. Don't like it? Don't complain in some public forum about me, and make pooh-pooh, just so, ipse dixit declarations, ad populum, ad lapidem, ad antiquitatem, ad vericundiam, ad hominem, ad baculum, and nirvana fallacy. If you consider yourself competent enough to critique this, then contact me and tell me what specifically I got wrong and why, and I will fix it. My modus operandi is that of an engineer, as an innovator and problem solver. If I am shown to be wrong, it is not a big deal. I will simply fix it and acknowledge you by name for the correction (if not trivial or unsubstantial), even if you are a belligerent adversary. And I have done so in the past. Otherwise, an appeal to requirement for "academic credential" is not only argumentum ad vericundiam, but hypocritical, as one categorically dismissing this work on that basis would certainly not dismiss Jesus the carpenter, Matthew the tax collector, Luke the physician, the several fishermen, and so on, as disqualified for lack of specific academic credential, as the religious leaders of their time also similarly criticized them, yet we criticize those religious leaders for thus criticizing them.
Let us all bear in mind that we all knew our native language well enough to speak it fluently as a young child before even entering kindergarten, and were entirely competent in all the technical aspects of grammar and composition by the time we graduated from high school (or at least by 1960's/1970's academic standards and prior). This did not require a college education!
So, why do I suppose that I am in a position to do better than all the rest? This actually goes back again to my qualifications and mindset as a career engineer. Where others before me, schooled in the language arts and/or religion, have been subjective and interpretive, I impose a much more strict, disciplined, precise, consistent, objective, mechanical, analytical process and methodology to translation. And Koine Greek is very mechanical and mundane, lending itself well to that, due to the consequence of how the dialect became κοινη, "common," coming about so quickly, ubiquitously, and by necessity, through the rapid military conquests of Alexander the Great. Where some others have claimed that their translation "brings out the Greek," I say they have failed, even to the point of eisegesis, reading into the Greek what they want to "bring out" of it. Scholars will be forced to admit that I have succeeded far more than others; they will just cringe at how much of a disservice to the English language I do to achieve that, and that it would be too much of a distraction to use in any church liturgy or devotional reading of scripture, which is very true.
Many of you don't know Greek. It is far, far more straightforward than English. This is not rocket science. You should learn it for yourselves and not just trust me, or, for that matter, any credentialed scholar or translation committee uncritically, or else what you read here will be "yet another translation," and you will again be left asking "which translation is the best." Remember, it is the conviction of all mainstream Christianity that only the original manuscripts penned by the original authors are God-breathed. There are some manuscript variations through hand-copying from then up until the time of the printing press, which thankfully are not of any significant consequence, and certainly not significant enough to affect any Christian doctrine. Then, after that, translations of these manuscripts by men are not God-breathed. And neither is this one. But it will be immediately apparent that this "English" translation is much more faithful to the original than those that flow well in English. Indeed, it will make apparent how much the popular English translations have departed from the original so as to accommodate and generate nice English. Yet this is still not "the Bible." You weren't reading "the Bible" before, and you still aren't now. The Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Unless you are reading it in the original language, you aren't reading "the Bible" but someone's translation of the Bible.
"No translation committee?"
Neither Jerome, nor Wycliffe, nor Erasmus, nor Tyndale, were committees, yet are still honored and affirmed. The first New Testament translation by committee was the protestants' Geneva Bible of 1560, then the Anglican Catholic (Church of England) Bishops' Bible of 1568 and the King James 1611 revision of it. Translation committees have both advantages and disadvantages. The committee makes changes more carefully considered by collaboration, pooling the knowledge and experience of multiple contributors, and eliminates spurious opinions. On the other hand, a status quo and traditions are established, squelching dissent and discordant views that may actually be correct. Although I assume the responsibility for this translation and am solely the one making the final call, you are potentially part of a "committee" if you provide helpful feedback that results in changes and improvements.
At this point I want to acknowledge the contribution of my son, Nathan, another engineer, who has tirelessly reviewed my work as I have progressed in the translation, by performing consistency checks as I go. He has developed Python scripts and a SQLite concordance database to catch simple errors and inconsistencies. I now consider his work vital to this venture. So, in a sense, this has now become a "committee" of two.
If you are hunting for some heresy or doctrinal schism, you won't find it here. Nor any profound revelation hidden from men and only now revealed. Just more clarity and transparency to the original language at the expense of good English, making the English very awkward to read. I am simply fed up with overly loose and interpretive translating and paraphrasing, as well as with the traditions of the status quo and corresponding lack of due diligence to the original text, especially where they could have easily been more faithful to the original even without being "hyper-literal," and still rendered it in good English. I have not discovered anything that would deviate from mainstream Christian orthodoxy in any substantial or consequential way. Nor am I on some agenda to hunt for and vindicate some doctrinal position. So, for example, when you see that παρουσια, hyper-literally "being-aside," which I thought would be a bit too hyper-literal, is translated as "presence" in Matt 24, that doesn't mean I am jumping into the laps of Jehovah's Witnesses, their NWT, and their notion of Jesus having already returned, being "invisibly" present since 1914, which is totally ridiculous (both the notion itself and the notion that I would accommodate that). Rather, "coming," as an aorist participle, would be ελθων, and "arrive" would be some inflection of ηκω. My translation translates; it does not make eschatological accommodations or implicate any kind of doctrinal statement about anything.
Which manuscripts?
I am examining Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894, the Byzantine GNT (Robinson), and the NA28 with Critical Apparatus, checking every instance of every manuscript variation. I don't categorically affirm one manuscript tradition and disregard the other. I check each variation in each instance and decide for myself in each instance. That's what textual critics (including Scrivener, and anyone who promotes a so-called "Textus Receptus") do. Yet most tend to fall into political camps such that they swear by one and vilify the other, as if Democrats vs. Republicans in today's American political arena. So, I suppose that makes me a nonpartisan "Independent," as I don't align myself with either political platform of textual criticism (and, yes, even you who may be KJV/TR advocates are inherently textual critics). In general (i.e. as a generalization, not categorically) I have concluded that the 𝔐/Byzantine/Majority/TR manuscripts are, in general, substantially superior, and, in general, I deem them to be closer to the original, when compared to the Alexandrian/WH/NA/UBS/SBL basis. In general, but not always. My selections correspond to the former maybe something like 95% of the time (anecdotally speaking). Among the latter tradition, I reckon Codex ℵ/Aleph/Sinaiticus to be a nineteenth century manuscript, so I don't give any weight to it. Yet I also agree that there are some obvious, blaring defects within the various 𝔐/Byzantine/Majority/TR manuscripts. And there are multiple variants of TR editions from 1516 all the way to 1894, and those are at variance with the multiple variants of Byzantine/Majority texts. And let me make this clear: There are words and variations within the TR tradition Greek New Testament Reformation-era compilations (Erasmus, Estienne/Stephanus, and so on) that cannot be found even in any Byzantine family/era manuscript. So, these additions/changes clearly originated during the 1500's, however minor they may be. In the outcome neither the "Democrats" nor the "Republicans," so to speak, can claim a platform without issue. Yet, as I said, I tend to agree with the "Republicans'" choice of variants "95%" of the time (anecdotally speaking), as you will see. Again, thankfully, all these manuscript variations hardly ever matter to the meaning and, when they do, it is of little to no significance or consequence. My faith in the scriptures is thus reinforced, not compromised, to the point that I am not considering it worthwhile to note each individual instance where I have chosen one reading over another, as I think it would be a distraction. But in general I choose primarily based on which variation is represented by a more diverse and larger number of manuscripts/families, and secondarily whether the reading taken by itself obviously makes more sense and is more likely authentic, rather than claim, as the WH/NA/UBS/SBL political camp does, that a particular few (even two, ℵ and B) manuscripts are oldest, or, as some in the KJV/TR political camp do, that Church of England Anglican Catholic clergy in the early 1600's were so godly and correspondingly divinely inspired as to have providentially utilized that which corresponded to the original autographs.
Yet I cannot let my personal biases get in the way. For example, on one hand, I personally question whether Matt 17:21 "this kind does not go out without prayer and fasting" is original but, in applying a consistent standard for inclusion, it is in my translation. Yet even that doesn't affect any doctrine, because, as I have said in my articles, it would have to be referring to "this kind" of "unbelief" (the last thing Jesus mentioned), not "this kind" of demon, and that should be obvious, since Jesus didn't "fast and pray" the demon out of the boy. Furthermore, "kind" isn't even the best translation of γενος, which hyper-literally means "become[noun]," a very general word with a very wide semantic range that refers to something that has become. But you won't find some comment or footnote embedded in the translation to either point. On the other hand, KJV/TR-only conspiracy theorists will be disappointed when they do not find their precious Johannine Comma in 1 John 5:7-9, also without further comment or footnote. Erasmus may have been pressured into including it for the cause of escaping slander, but I will not be.
After all that I have extensively compared of manuscript variations, the one and only place that might be considered to possibly affect Christian doctrine and practice would be the "snakes" and "poison" references at the end of Mark 16, where some extremists in the WH/NA/UBS/SBL camp suggest that the Mark 16 ending may not be original (while nevertheless always including it, not daring to omit it). This view, however, is untenable for many reasons, but particularly because early church fathers referenced/quoted the ending hundreds of years before the WH/NA/UBS/SBL camp's so-called "earliest and most reliable manuscripts" omitted it. The notion was thoroughly critiqued by Scrivener in the late 1800's and should no longer even be a controversy. Other teachings of the Mark 16 ending are confirmed elsewhere in scripture and are not unique.
I repeat again, that other than the aforementioned instance, any other variation that may possibly present an ambiguity of some meaningful consequence -- and these are very rare -- is resolved by a preponderance of other scriptures for which there is no ambiguity. Even in the case of the "Johannine Comma," the witness for the deity of Jesus Christ and the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit are so well extensively attested by scripture without it, that the conclusions of the councils of Nicea and Constantinople would not be affected, nor any subsequent.
Notation, punctuation, capitalization, diacritical markings
I use square brackets to denote something I have added for clarity that is not in the original text. An [ing] on a participle means it is an aorist or future participle, not a present partciple. As noted in more detail below, I use curly brackets to denote dative and genitive cases and a colon to denote third-person imperatives. I liberally use hyphens to bring out etymological/morphemes, compound words, and single words from the original that do not have a single English correspondence but can be expressed using multiple English words and/or English morphemes, and underscore to insert separate original words into a hyphenated sequence (usually "_not_"). I use the slash character where I need to convey that a word could be either one or the other English word, or a sense of both or something in between. Since interrogatives are not punctuated in the Greek, and are not even explicit, I let the text flow as in the original and insert question mark characters in square brackets. Beyond that, punctuation is simply a best-effort attempt to follow English convention. There is little to no punctuation in the original Greek text, and not in the English sense or English convention. I capitalize proper names as in English, but there is no capitalization scheme in Greek.
Conversely, I do not feel compelled to honor diacritical marks in the NA28 and various other Greek texts, as the earliest manuscripts did not have them. This means that they were added later. Consequently, for example, τις could either be "who" as an interrogative pronoun or an indefinite pronoun, but I will not let manuscript diacritics compel that distinction.
Important points in lexicality and grammar, issues
I avoid religiously loaded words. For example, χριστος is "anointed," βαπτιζω is "immerse," διακονος is "servant," and αποστολος is "sent-off[one]." See my article, List of religious terms that shouldn't be religious. I prefer to translate, not use traditional religious transliterations, which are not translations of the words. Be assured that in any of these instances I am not on an agenda to water down any established Christian doctrine of mainstream orthodoxy or start a schism. My desire is for clarity with regard to original word meanings, and I don't care about religious language and traditions. In a few cases I do keep religious words. For example, I am currently translating αμαρτανω/αμαρτια as "sin," even though it fundamentally more generally means fail/err/failure/fault/error. "Sin" always connotes a spiritual/moral/ethical failure, fault, or error, and the scriptures don't concern themselves with mundane things. Similarly, I want to translate προσευχαμαι/προσευχη as "toward-vow" but have kept it the traditional "pray/prayer," figuring that anyone familiar with my work can read my article on that. Other examples are δοξα as "glory," μακαριος as "blessed," or χαρις for "grace," words that do convey the proper meaning even though religious.
I use "of{}" and "to{}" for genitive and dative cases, respectively, but everyone should keep in mind that these are not prepositions, nor do they, without actual prepositions, create prepositional phrases in the original Greek. The genitive case simply points from an object and the dative case to an object. However, when I create an English prepositional phrase from it, I don't always keep prefixing every consecutive genitive or dative word accordingly. Instead, I enclose multiple separate words in curly brackets, which are all genitive or dative, as the case may be.
For verb conjugations, I use hyphens to combine the English auxiliary/helper verbs with the main verb, when a verb conjugation must be expressed in multiple English words to construct a verb phrase, as well as the implied subject with a pronoun, where needed. In some cases I have to use a hyphen for clarity, such as "will-ing" for the verb "will," to be sure it isn't interpreted as the English adjective "willing." I use the underscore character in a verb phrase to underscore that the word "not" is a separate Greek word (i.e. "_not_"), or any other word that is separate. I also want to make clear that there are, grammatically, no periphrastic verb phrases! That is yet another example of an English language mindset being read back into the Greek language. I am not saying that there are never semantic, contextual reasons for a verb and a participle being placed next to or near each other, but I will always translate them separately and treat them independently, and you, the reader, should never visualize an English periphrastic verb phrase from them due to English habit.
Since the aorist tense (χρονος αοριστος) is, categorically, not marked for time or aspect/progress/completion (which is what the Greek word α-οριστος means, "without-definition, unbounded, indefinite"), I map this to the English simple present tense, which usually means the same thing in English. For example, I can tell you that "I play the piano." That said, I am not making a statement of when or any sense of progress (and in fact I am sitting at a computer, not a piano, right now), but just expressing the verb "play" as fact. Indeed, most of the verbs in the text of this Introduction are English simple present, expressing fact, not time or progress/completion. Parse this English text and see! For written historical narratives, we use the English past tense but Greek has no past tense. Rather, historical narratives were told from the perspective of the speaker putting himself in the frame of reference of being in the past observing the events happen as they occurred. We do that in English colloquially and informally, usually in oral speech, using the English simple present tense. Where you see square brackets in the form "[ing]" on a participle, that is to mark and distinguish an aorist active participle from a present participle, as English has no aorist participle form, but I have to somehow get an "-ing" in there to make it recognizable in English as a participle, if it is in the active voice. I also do the same for future participles, since English has no such thing. For passive aorist participles, I consistently translate into the English past participle form, since in English this will (hopefully) be understood as timeless fact/state. See Matt 9:6, for example, where Jesus declares the paralytic "roused" even while he is still lying there, then that same passive aorist participle is repeated in the next verse after he gets up.
The imperfect tense (χρονος παρατατικος) conveys something that has not completed. I consistently represent that as "has-been-[verb]ing," the English present perfect progressive/continuous tense. That is awkward but can be important. For example, in John 1:1 ...και θεος ην ο λογος "...and God has-been-being the word" makes for an even more powerful statement of the deity of Christ, since using past tense does not inherently imply that whatever was in the past still is the case. And now you don't even have to swap the words around.
The Greek present tense (χρονος ενεστως) describes something happening in the present, so I consistently map that with the English present progressive/continuous tense, "is-[verb]ing."
The other tenses are intuitive and straightforward to map.
The Greek language has both second and third person imperative verbs, whereas English only has second person imperatives. To translate the third person, I construct the phrase using a colon. For example, Matt 5:16, "the light of you: shine," such that it is the light that is being given the imperative, the command, not the person being addressed. This eliminates the traditional use of "let" (e.g. "let your light shine"), where "let" is a verb that only means "allow," still in the second person, and does not bring out the imperative sense of the actual verb (i.e. "allow your light to shine" has "allow" as an imperative in the second person and "shine" as an infinitive).
See for a comparison of English and Greek verb conjugation.
The concept of "deponent verbs" has been sufficiently debunked in recent times. I do my best to search for a corresponding English word that maps to the middle/passive voice of any word traditionally marked "deponent." For example, σεβομαι would be to religiously devote oneself such as to be religiously devoted to the object in question (middle voice), whereas προσκυνεω would either be "worship" in the active voice or "be worshipped" in the passive voice. For middle voice of other verbs that are not traditionally tagged as so-called "deponent," since English has no middle voice, I try to choose a word that can be conceptualized as acting such as to be acted upon. For example, I translate απολλυμι as "destroy-off/away" in the active or passive voice, but "perish-off/away" in the middle voice. I considered, but found it too tedious, to systematically and mechanically express each instance as "[verb]-such-as-to-be-[verb]ed" or "[verbs]-himself," but do explicitly express reflexivity/affectedness in some cases where needed, when the verb does not inherently express it semantically. On the other hand, in some cases I just leave it in the customary English active sense, because the so-called "deponency" is just a syndrome of English. For example, διηγεομαι is hyper-literally "be-led-through" (middle/passive sense) but means "describe" (active sense) in English. I am compelled to stick with the latter, because the hyper-literal construction is not intuitive in English and I cannot think of a better way to express it in the middle/passive sense.
The Greek language has no third person personal pronouns. They used αυτος, from which we get the English prefix that also means "same." We may say, "If a man diligently studies the scriptures, he will be blessed." They would say, "If a man diligently studies the scriptures, [the] same will be blessed." However, in just translating it "same" I do lose the number and gender, which in some cases I have to note in square brackets.
I keep things like definite articles in places that they are traditionally or systematically omitted. For example, "Jesus" was a common name, there also being a Jesus bar-Abbas (Jesus son of Abbas), the criminal released by Pilate, and "Jesus called Justus" of Col 4:10. So, they wrote "the Jesus" to signify the particular Jesus already specified. We just don't do that in English with proper nouns, but that is what the definite article is for, in both Greek and English. Likewise, ο θεος is "the god," employing the common noun "god." That definite article distinguishes the "god" of Israel, whose name is not "God" but יהוה, the "tetragrammaton" YHWH, usually pronounced "Yahweh," or the more customary English pronunciation, "Jehovah." The reason I keep the capitalization of "God" is to avoid being viewed as sacrilegious and causing offense to some. It should not be capitalized. The same goes for Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Lord, as applicable to deity, which I also capitalize. I do not capitalize "son of man." (That does not mean I believe that Jesus was ever not fully God, however, so don't read anything into that.)
Altogether I find a way to translate every original word, where the rest of the translations may omit words that they consider insignificant or that do not suit the English translation. On the other hand, if the original Greek word is already a transliteration, then I keep the transliteration and do not translate, such as "amen," "raka," and "mammon," for example, or currency, units of measure, and so on. So, this translation is "literal, word for word" in that it translates every word, but it isn't "literal, word for word" in that I have to add words (such as "of{}" to denote genitive and "to{}" to denote dative, for example), and that I routinely change the word order, wherever English requires it to make sense of it (such as English subject-verb-object order, for example), add punctuation, and so on. But you will see that every word is translated and never omitted or lumped into an equivalence. For example ει μη is "if not," not "except" (the common rendering), and there are some cases where it is not wise to jump to that English equivalence, such as in Mark 6:8, resolving a supposed Bible contradiction about whether Jesus allowed the disciples to take a staff or not. Another example is ου μη which, as a two-word phrase, is neither redundant, nor emphatic, nor a double negative, as the former is objective/absolute/denies whereas the latter is subjective/relative/rejects/prohibits. Each of these words needs to be translated appropriately, either individually, or when used together, or when part of contractions. Why do the popular translations smooth over the distinctions? Do they think that the word of God is unnecessarily overly specific? If I do need to note an equivalence to a multi-word phrase, I do so in square brackets, such as, for κατ' ιδιαν, "with self [i.e. in private]."
Again, let's be clear that there is no way to completely eliminate interpretation in a translation. However, I go to great lengths to minimize it. If a word has a wide semantic range I may have to choose from the possibilities, and that is interpretation, but, where needed, I will indicate multiple meanings with slash characters and/or put my interpretation in square brackets, so that you know it is interpretation and not strictly one-for-one translation of an English word that can have only one possible meaning for an exactly equivalent Greek word that can have only one possible meaning.
I try to keep lexical concordance, meaning using a concordant method of translation, giving each Greek word a unique and consistent English equivalent, as much as possible, instead of taking liberties with the wider semantic range of various words. It is almost to the point that you can predict what Greek word is being translated by the English word that I use. For example, τεκνον is always "offspring" (not necessarily young "child") and παις is always "child" (not necessarily "offspring"), and then παιδιον, the diminutive, is always "childling." But, on the other hand, I have to be flexible with words that have too great a semantic range or mean different things in different declensions, conjugations, and contexts. For example, περι, "around/about," figuratively "concerning/regarding," which I let the reader get from translating it "about," but for which "around" won't work. Or κατα, "down/against/with," with figurative "according to." Or, for example, ωδε can be of manner ("thus" or "in this way") or of place ("here"). See Matt 16:28, Mark 9:1, and Luke 9:27, where the grammar, as well as the immediate context, compels it to be the former, resolving an oft-cited Bible "contradiction" dilemma. Yet δια is nearly always good enough as "through" and εις is always good enough as "into," for example. Altogether I am exhaustively and painstakingly scrutinizing my resources, aiming to find an English word with the greatest semantic range that characterizes what the greatest semantic range, or least peculiar, least context-dependent meaning of a Greek word is, to limit my reading into the text, as much as possible. Yet I want to clearly distinguish different words where they are indeed different. It is beyond me why so many translators claim to believe in verbal, plenary inspiration, yet will, even in the very same verse, translate two different Greek words with the same English word, as if it didn't matter that they were different words. The well-known "Peter do you love me" discourse at the end of John would immediately come to mind, but there are many more places where I have made sure to make a distinction where the original text makes a distinction, and that goes for every grammatical feature as well. Believe me when I say that I am examining and reexamining everything.
With grammatical constructs, I am very rigid, consistent, and I do not make any exceptions, or take such broad liberties with the grammar as most do to make for nice English prose. And I do not honor all the modern concoctions of interpretive subcategories. It is not "this kind of aorist." It is "aorist." It is not "dative of such and such." It is "dative." And so on. So many scholars and textbooks unnecessarily complicate things, which is just reading an English language mindset back into the Greek, as if these subcategories were part of the original Greek grammar, whereas I just render the grammar, as parsed, consistently and in a concordant fashion. I consider all this lexical and grammatical rigidity a feature, severely limiting my ability to interpret rather than translate, and honoring the verbal, grammatical, plenary inspiration of the original text, that every original word and every original grammatical construct is God-breathed, that every word and every grammatical construct ought to be specifically and consistently translated.
An exception to my "every grammatical construct is translated" rule is that to bring out gender and number of every word into English is impractical and would result in extreme clutter full of square bracket denotations. Singular vs. plural nouns and pronouns are made apparent, but all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, participles, and so on, in the Greek, have both gender and number.
Accordingly, 99.9% of the time (anecdotally speaking), I am in harmony with standard, existing parsing (except for so-called "deponency"), as this is mostly mechanical and mostly not subject to interpretation anyway. But not always. For example, while people debate about whether to translate John 4:24 "God is spirit" or "God is a spirit," I conclude neither. Noting that πνευμα is the spelling for both the nominative and accusative case, that there is no verb "is," and that αυτον means "same" in the accusative, I translate it "...for also the Father is-seeking the-which-the-same[plural], the worshiping same Spirit, and the God is-necessitating the[plural] worshiping same to-be-worshiping in to{spirit} and to{truth}" with πνευμα as accusative, the object of the verb "worship," not nominative as always parsed, and αυτον modifies πνευμα, "same spirit." This makes contextual sense after the fact as well, in that Jesus is answering the woman's question about worshiping here ("this mountain") or there ("Jerusalem").
I try to bring out prefixes, suffixes, morphemes, and morphological/etymological constructions as much as possible. For example χαρισμα is grace-effect, based on the -μα suffix ("spiritual gift" would be δομα πνευματικος, which is not in the Bible), εκκλησια is "out-calling" ("church" would more properly be συναγωγη), and μετανοεω is change-mind/thinking. Or, for example, when you see "girlie" in translation, I am not trying to be cute. That is a diminutive ending, παιδ-ισκη, so I translate it as such. On the other hand, there is a point where I need not be pedantic. For example, I still translate σωμα, "whole-effect," as "body," πνευμα, "blow-effect" as "wind/spirit," and for εκκλησια, "out-call-ia," I just settle for "out-calling." And although σπερμα, "sow-effect," would sound much better as "seed," σπορος is seed, so I feel compelled to make a distinction. And then, in some cases I just can't bring out the meaning even to my own satisfaction. For example, the verb/noun αποκρινομαι/αποκρισις breaks down to "judged/judgment-off/away-from," too cryptic to hyper-literally render, yet there is no way to emphasize in the text that this is not fundamentally just a verbal reply/answer but has to do with an assessment made, a response in principle, somewhat akin to what we have in English with a "respondent" in a court case. I just translate as "respond" or "response," but every time I see the word in the Greek I wish I could do better.
I try to keep prepositions and prepositional prefixes as literal/geometric as possible (δια=through, επι=upon, υπο=under, etc.), as the figurative uses are usually apparent from the literal/geometric sense anyway. But it is best not to habitually jump to figurative uses. For example, Peter told them to be immersed "into" (εις) forgiveness of sins in Acts 2:38, where water (υδωρ) is not even mentioned, making moot all the debates about what the English word "for" means. Or, for example, Paul brought out the irony of the Corinthians immersing people literally "over" (υπερ) dead people in 1 Cor 15:29, where the dead people would obviously be buried under the ground, all in the context of some in Corinth saying there was no resurrection. So, now the Mormon "baptize for the dead" (baptism of dead people by proxy baptisms) contention is rendered moot. Or, for example, in Matt 6:19-20 we traditionally have "where moth and rust destroy," but the basis for "rust" is the root word for "food" and the basis for "destroy" is the root word for "reveal" negated ("destroy" would have been ολλυμι). But food has nothing to do with metal and it doesn't actually say "destroy"! The solution to the problem is that it is more accurately "food-sis" (βρω-σις) i.e. the state of food, which moths would affect if they get into closed food storage containers to lay eggs, and that this is hidden from view. So, my "hyper-literal" rendering is "which-where moth and food-sis[i.e. state of food] are-unreveal-izing," leveraging the equivalence of the Greek suffix -σις to the English suffix -sis (and -ιζ to -ize in α-φαν-ιζ-ει), tying the moths to the hidden, and implicit ruin, of the condition of food, analogous to, in the second part of the verse, the thieves being associated with breaking in and stealing (an operation that is also not immediately apparent, as well). Evidently nobody before me figured this out, as "rust" and "destroy" is now etched into all the translations and, consequently, dictionary entries, all based on a mistranslation by St. Jerome into Latin ("aerugo" and "demolitur"/demolish) in 405 AD, which Erasmus (who only changed "demolitur" to "corrumpit"/corrupts) and Reformation-era English translators, fluent in Latin, pioneers but novices in Greek, copied and translated, after which everyone after that just followed suit and parroted out what they were taught and were accustomed to through the generations without checking to see whether it was ever right in the first place. This is why a careful examination of each word -- indeed, reexamination -- is called for to do diligence to any translation.
In reducing words, and often breaking up compound words into etymological/morphological root meanings and constructions, I have to be careful not to commit the etymological fallacy, such as, in the classic English example, a "butterfly" has nothing to do with butter and is not a fly, or that we park in the "driveway" and drive on the "parkway," but I have yet to encounter such blaring examples in Greek, although I have had to go with composite meanings in many cases where a hyphenated compound construct would not cause the reader to jump to the accepted composite meaning. For example, there's συκο-φαντησητε in Luke 3:14, being a "fig-revealer," one of the things John the Baptist told the soldiers not to do. That etymology is vindicated by ancient Greek history, and it most certainly does have to do with figs; however, few would know that, so I have to indicate in translation that this is an informant who would extort or blackmail someone. Similarly, in John 12:6, that is a "tongue-case," γλωσσοκομον, that Judas was stealing out of, etymologically a small box meant for storing mouthpieces of wind instruments, but it isn't intrinsically a "money box," even if that's what the context implies the disciples were using it for. Or, for example, in Matt 18:6 and Luke 17:2, yes, that is a "donkey millstone" to be hung around someone's neck, a millstone that is so weighty that a donkey is used to turn it in a grain mill; I don't say "large millstone," because "large" (μεγας) isn't the word used. On the other hand, for example, the compound παραβολη is "aside-cast," but I feel compelled to stick with the transliteration "parable," as it would otherwise be too much of a leap from the morphological construction. Even so, the reader will at times find awkward how I stubbornly insist on hyper-translating so many words and constructs instead of interpreting them, leaving the reader to jump from the "hyper-literal" rendering to the semantic sense, where it would have just been easier to interpret into a more common, more natural English word or phrase. For example, notable and frequent is my translation of the contraction ουτος as "the-same" instead of "this," and εκεινος as "the-there" instead of "that." Although awkward and perhaps appearing unnecessary to the point of annoyance, it makes for a distinction between the contraction and the definite article, ο, which can also be translated "this," and the embedded sense of "there" may potentially be semantically meaningful. So, for example, in Matt 10:22, we have "the-same will-be-saved" as opposed to "this will-be-saved," requiring inserting a word, i.e. "this [one]," or, of course, taking liberties with "dynamic equivalence," as it is called, to make for nice English, "he who endures to the end will be saved." That example is not semantically significant. But, for example, significant in Matt 9:38 and Luke 10:2 is breaking up the contraction οπως to "which-how," bringing out the pronoun "which," which then functions as the subject of the verb εκβαλη, "may-cast-out," with the agent of cause being δεηθητε, which is "be-necessitated," passive voice, "of the Lord of the harvest," genitive case, not "pray to the Lord of the harvest," dative case. This shifts the responsibility to those being addressed, not God. Again, this mistranslation dates back to St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate in 405 AD, where he used "rogate" ("ask"), "Dominum" ("Lord" in the accusative case), and just "ut" ("as" or "that") for οπως. Erasmus translated similarly, and Reformation-era English translators, fluent in Latin, pioneers but novices in Greek, propagated the error, after which everyone after that just followed suit, without ever checking to see whether it was right in the first place. I covered this in a separate article.
Keeping the last points above in mind, I am not saying that it is wrong to substitute English "he" for "same," "this" for "the-same," "that" for "the-there," and so on, or "he" for "the" where it functions as the subject of a sentence and does not modify a noun. And if you need to do so, then do so, at least mentally. It is just that I am making it clear what the original word was, rather than jumping to accommodate it in English and losing the distinction by doing so.
Finally, this is not a "gender neutral" translation. Modern translations and revisions are now bowing to the English language ideology of twentieth century radical feminism and twenty-first century LGBTQIA2S+ sexual perversion, so as to promote "gender neutrality." In my translation, ανθρωπος translates to "man" and αδελφος to "brother," and etc., maintaining the gender specified in the grammar of the Bible, which is there for a reason, which you can read about in the first two chapters of Genesis, and corresponds to similar English language usage up through the mid-twentieth century before the time of the sexual revolution. See my article/video for additional information.
All this points to my acceptance of the verbal, grammatical, plenary inspiration of the Bible, which is that, although written by men, every aspect of what was penned was God-breathed, words and grammar. This drives me to the objective of minimal manipulation and minimal interpretation in translation. And if you agree with me on this point, then you should welcome translations that are more faithful to the original language, rather than being more faithful to English grammar, punctuation, composition, and style, as long as the translation is still understandable by an English reader. And I definitely push this to the limit. Please let me know if you find any place where the translation is not still understandable in English.
Resources used
While translating, I have always open on my "desktop" Olive Tree platform NASB'95 Interlinear, NA28 with parsing and critical text annotation, NA28 Critical Apparatus, Byzantine (Robinson) text; Logos platform LSJ, Brill/Montanari, Brill/Beekes, Wharton (Etyma Græca), Louw-Nida dictionaries; ISA2 (Interlinear Scripture Analyzer, version 2 with Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894). I also reference various other works as needed. I do not reference Christian lexicons/dictionaries (BDAG and etc.), word studies, and commentaries, except occasionally Louw-Nida's semantic domain lexicon (for the category organization), as these are predicated upon Christian tradition and doctrine that is not built into Koine Greek as a language and to which the men who penned the New Testament would not have had access. My translation translates; it does not exegete. That said, I am cognizant of the fact that the New Testament was written by Christians, and there are some cases, though scant, where the language used reflects that, and where I feel compelled to accommodate it. For example, αμαρτια is "sin," not "failure/fault/error," and etc.
Regarding dictionary entries, keep in mind that even the secular ones we use are relatively modern works on the timeline of history, and that a dictionary summarizes all the possible meanings and ways a particular word is used. This means that how it is translated in modern published works is referenced and cited, which would include how modern Bible translations interpret a word. This means that in some cases an entry even in a secular dictionary will be begging the question. The same syndrome applies to secular translations of ancient Greek secular works. This is why sometimes my translation of a word is so deconstructive in its breaking down into fundamental morphemes that the way I translate it cannot exactly be found in any Greek dictionary. Why? For the same reason I have been repeatedly pointing out, which is that even the secular translations of ancient Greek secular works are made to conform to proper English, and my hyphenated constructions are not proper English!
Scholars questioning any of my few instances of Koine Greek grammatical assertions that are contrary to the status quo, and requiring scholarly, credentialed academic verification, can refer to Grammar of the Greek New Testament in Light of Historical Research (PDF, 52 MB) by A.T. Robertson (1914), which is conveniently accessible online in digitized form and also in the public domain. That work further references an immense collection of other scholarly works, too many for even that author to exhaustively list in his bibliography, which is 21 pages long. The aorist problem is most thoroughly addressed in this article by Charles R. Smith in the Grace Theological Journal 2.2 (Fall 1981), p. 205-226, and this article by Frank Stagg in the Journal of Biblical Literature (1972), p.222-31. The so-called "deponency" issue is thorougly addressed by A.T. Robertson (op. cit.) and other scholars here, here, here, here, here, and here.
File format
This translation is written in HTML/CSS/Javascript on a plain text editor in a single textfile and, since it is hand-typed, it is still readable even as a plain textfile without using a web browser. I use only ASCII characters, except for the few unicode Greek characters in this introduction and the non-breaking space character at the end of sentences throughout, which is just to force them to be double-spaced.
Being online, it will perpetually be a work in progress. I update/upload the latest version often multiple times daily, so that what you are reading is likely no more than an hour or so out of date in terms of my workflow. I do make retroactive changes and improvements from time to time, so what I have already translated is subject to change. I estimate that the file with the whole New Testament will be around 1.5 MB when completed. As noted at the top and bottom, this work is granted to the public domain; I am especially opposed to commercializing and merchandising the Word of God. When Jesus comes back and cleanses the temple of God (which is now the body of Christ, not a building), you won't find me part of the Bible translation publication business enterprise.
If you are reading someone's copy, adaptation, or modification of the GHT, the original source is at Note: No one can claim a copyright on a derivative work of something in the public domain. That is considered fraud. Do not accept any claim to ownership, licensing, copy restrictions, or use fees associated with any derivative work (reformat, adaptation, modification, etc.) as a matter of alleged claimed intellectual property. You are free to copy and use any derivative work as well, without restriction or any legal ramification. If the translation is still the "GHT," or based on the "GHT," then it is still public domain.
Old Testament
That will be another project for another year. One thing at a time; first the New Testament.
Good-message according-to Luke
[Luke 1][:1] Upon-having-beheld-about many hand-upons[i.e. undertakings] to-set-anew a-leading-through-sis[i.e. narrative] about of{the[plural] having-full-carried} in to{us} of{practice-effects} [:2] according-as it-is-delivered to{us}, the[masculine plural] from of{origin} same-seeing[adjective plural] and subordinates become of{the word} [:3] it-deems to{me-also, accompanying-beside} up/anew-place-ly to{all}, precisely, consecutively, to-write to{you}, mightiest Theophilus, [:4] in-which-place you-may-know-upon about of{whom[plural]} you-are-orally-informed/instructed, the un-fail-ia/stability/security/assuredness of{[the] words}. [:5] It-becomes in to{the days} of{Herod, the king} of{the Judea} [a] consecrated[i.e. priest], who to{name}, "Zechariah," out of{upon-day[i.e. translit. ephemeral, a shift]} [of-]Abijah, and the woman of{same}, out of{the daughters} [of-]Aaron, and the name of{same}, "Elizabeth." [:6] Moreover, both have-been-being just in-sight of{the God}, being-gone in to{all the commands} and blameless to{justice-effects} of{the Lord}. [:7] And there-has_not_been-being offspring to{same}, according-that the Elizabeth has-been-being sterile, and both have-been-being having-been-advanced in to{the days} of{same}. [:8] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-consecrating[i.e. priestly-duty] same[masculine] in to{the set-sis[i.e. set state]/order/arrangement} of{the upon-day[i.e. translit. ephemeral, a shift]} of{same} in-in-place-of of{the God} [:9] according-to the custom of{the consecrate-ia[i.e. priesthood]} designates of{the} to-smoke/fumigate/[incense], come[ing]-into into the temple of{the Lord}. [:10] And all the multitude of{the people} has-been-being praying outside to{the hour} of{the smoke/fumigation/[incense]}. [:11] Moreover, [a] messenger of{[the] Lord} is-seen to{same}, having-stood out of{right} of{the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]} of{the smoke/fumigation/[incense]}. [:12] And Zechariah is-disturbed, behold[ing], and fear falls-upon upon same. [:13] Moreover, the messenger says toward same, "Do_not_be-fearing, Zechariah, through-that the necessitation of{you} is-heard-into and the woman of{you}, Elizabeth, will-beget [a] son to{you}, and you-will-call the name of{same}, 'John.' [:14] And it/he-will-be joy to{you}, and exultation, and many will-rejoice upon to{the beget-sis[i.e. conception]} of{same}. [:15] For he-will-be great in-sight of{the Lord} and wine and strong/fermented-drink/liquor, no, he-should_not_drink, and he-will-be-filled of{Holy Spirit} still out of{cavity} of{mother} of{same}. [:16] And many of{the sons} [of-]Israel will-turn-upon upon [the] Lord the God of{same}. [:17] And same will-come-before in-sight of{same} in to{spirit} and to{enablement/empowerment} of{Elijah}, to-turn-upon hearts of{fathers} upon offsprings, and unpersuadable/stubborn/noncompliant in to{prudence} of{just}, to-prepare people to{[the] Lord} having-been-equip-ized/furnished." [:18] And Zechariah says toward the messenger, "According-to what[?] I-will-know the-same[?] For I am-being [an] elder and the woman of{me} having-advanced in to{the days} of{same[feminine]}." [:19] And the messenger, respond[ing], says to{same}, "I am-being Gabriel, the having-stood-beside in-sight of{the God}, and I-am-sent-off/away to-speak toward you and to-good-message-ize the-same to{you}. [:20] And, behold, you-will-be being-silent and not being-enabled to-speak, even-to of{which day} the-same may-become, in-place-of of{which[plural]} you-do_not_believe to{the words} of{me}, which-what will-be-fulfilled into the season of{same}." [:21] And the people has-been-being deeming-toward/anticipating the Zechariah, and they-have-been-marveling in to{the} to-time-izing same in to{the temple}. [:22] Moreover, come[ing]-out, he-has_not_been-enabled to-speak to{same}, and they-know-upon that he-has-seen [a] vision in to{the temple}, and same has-been-being nodding-through[i.e. gesturing] to{same} and mute has-been-remaining-through. [:23] And it-becomes as the days of{the voluntary-employment} of{same} are-filled, he-comes-off/away into the house of{same}. [:24] Moreover, alongside the-same, the days, Elizabeth, the woman of{same}, together-takes[i.e. gets pregnant], and has-been-hiding-around sameself five months, saying [:25] that "the-same-ly the Lord has-done to{me} in to{days which} he-beholds-upon to-lift-off/away the reproach of{me} in to{men}." [:26] Moreover, in to{the month, the sixth}, the messenger Gabriel is-sent-off/away under of{the God} into [a] city of{the Galilee} to{the} name, "Nazareth," [:27] toward [a] virgin having-been-remember-promised[i.e. betrothed/engaged] to{[a] man, whom} name, "Joseph," out of{house} [of-]David, and the name of{the virgin}, "Mary," [:28] and come[ing]-into, the messenger says toward same, "be-joying, having-been-favored, the Lord alongside of{you}, having-been-well-word-ed, you in to{women}." [:29] Moreover, the behold[ing] is-disturbed-through upon to{the word} of{same}, and has-been-being-dialog-ized when-where/what-manner[?] might-be-being the greeting, the-same. [:30] And the messenger says to{same}, "Do_not_be-fearing, Mary, for you-find favor aside to{the God}. [:31] And, behold, you-will-together-take/get[i.e. get pregnant] in to{belly}, and you-will-offspring/be-offspring-ed [a] son, and you-will-call the name of{same}, 'Jesus.' [:32] The-same will-be great and son of{highest} will-be-called, and [the] Lord the God will-give to{same} the throne of{the father} of{same}, David. [:33] And he-will-reign upon the house [of-]Jacob into the eons, and of{the kingdom} of{same} it-will_not_be completion." [:34] Moreover, Mary says toward the messenger, "How[?] the-same will-be, upon-if I-am_not_knowing [a] man[?]" [:35] And, respond[ing], the messenger says to{same}, "[The] Holy Spirit will-come-upon upon you and [the] enablement/empowerment of{highest} will-upon-shadow[i.e. overshadow] to{you} through-which also the having-begotten, holy, will-be-called 'son of{God}.' [:36] And, behold, Elizabeth, the together-become[i.e. related] of{you}, also same having-together-taken[i.e. gotten pregnant] [a] son in to{old-age} of{same}, also the-same is-being sixth month to{same, the being-called sterile}, [:37] that every declaration will_not_unenable/unempower beside to{the God}." [:38] Moreover, Mary says, "Behold the slave of{[the] Lord}. It-might-become to{me} according-to the declaration of{you}," and the messenger comes-off/away-from from of{same}." [:39] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew, Mary, in to{the days, the-same}, is-gone into the mountainous, alongside of{expedience}, into [a] city of{Judah}. [:40] And she-comes-into into the house of{Zechariah}, and greets/is-greeted the Elizabeth. [:41] And it-becomes as the Elizabeth hears the greeting of{the Mary} the baby jumps in to{the cavity} of{same} and the Elizabeth is-filled of{Holy Spirit}, [:42] and sounds-up/anew to{great sound} and says, "You having-been-well-word-ed in to{women}, and the fruit of{the cavity} of{you}, having-been-well-word-ed, [:43] and whence to{me} the-same, in-which-place may-come the mother of{the Lord} of{me} toward me, [:44] for behold, as the sound of{the greeting} of{you} becomes into the ears of{me}, the baby jumps in to{exultation} in to{the cavity} of{me}. [:45] And blessed, the believe[ing], that completion-sis[i.e. state of completion] will-be to{the having-been-spoken} to{same[feminine]} beside of{[the] Lord}. [:46] And Mary says, "The life of{me} magnifies the Lord, [:47] and the spirit of{me} exults upon to{the God, the savior} of{me}, [:48] that he-views-upon upon the humbleness of{the slave} of{same}, for, behold, off/away-from of{the} now all the generations will-bless-ize me, [:49] that the able does to{me} magnificent, and holy, the name of{same}, [:50] and the mercy of{same} into generations of{generations} to{the fearing} same. [:51] He-does might in to{arm} of{same}, scatter[ing]-through over-shown/proud/arrogant to{through-mind/thinking} of{heart} of{same[plural]}. [:52] He-lifts-down empowered-ones from of{thrones} and elevates [the] humble. [:53] He-in-fills [the] hungering of{beneficial} and sends-out-off/away empty [the] being-rich. [:54] He-takes-in-place-of Israel of{same child} to-be-reminded of{mercy}, [:55] according-as he-speaks toward the fathers of{us} to{the} Abraham and to{the sow-effect} of{same} into the eon." [:56] Moreover, Mary stays together-with to{same} as-if three months and returns into the house of{same}. [:57] Moreover, to{the} Elizabeth, the time of{the} to-offspring[verb], same, is-filled, and she-begets [a] son. [:58] And the houses-around and the together-become[i.e. related] of{same} hear that [the] Lord has-been-magnifying the mercy of{same} alongside of{same} and they-have-been-together-joying to{same}. [:59] And it-becomes in to{the eighth day} they-come to-circumcise the childling and have-been-calling same upon to{the name} of{the father} of{same}, "Zechariah." [:60] And, respond[ing], the mother of{same} says, "Emphatically-not; contrariwise, he-will-be-called "John." [:61] And they-say toward same that "not-one is-being in to{the together-become-ia[i.e. family]} of{you} who is-being-called to{the name, the-same}." [:62] Moreover, they-have-been-nodding-in[i.e. gesturing] to{the father} of{same} the what supposing he-might-be-will-ing to-be-being-called same. [:63] And, give[ing]-cause/request[ing] [a] tablet, he-writes, saying, "'John' is-being the name of{same}," and all marvel. [:64] Moreover, the mouth of{same} is-opened-up/anew, and immediately the tongue of{same} also has-been-speaking, well-word-ing the God. [:65] And fear becomes upon all, the housing-around same, and in to{whole, the mountainous} of{the Judea} all the declarations, the-same, has-been-being-spoken-through. [:66] And all the hear[ing] place-such-as-to-be-placed in to{the heart} of{same[plural]}, saying, "What[?], consequently, will-be the childling, the-same[?]," and, "[The] hand of{[the] Lord} has-been-being alongside of{same}." [:67] And Zechariah, the father of{same}, is-filled of{[the] Holy Spirit} and prophesies, saying, [:68] "Well-worded, [the] Lord, the God of{the} Israel, that he-watches-upon and does loose-sis/[state of]release to{the people} of{same}, [:69] and rouses [a] horn of{salvation} to{us} in to{[the] house} [of-]David, of{the child} of{same}, [:70] according-as he-speaks through of{[the] mouth} of{the holy, the} from of{eon} of{prophets} of{same}, [:71] salvation out of{hostile} of{us} and out of{[the] hand} of{all the hating} us, [:72] to-do mercy alongside of{the fathers} of{us} and to-remember of{[the] holy through-placement/disposition/covenant} of{same}, [:73] which oath he-swears toward Abraham, the father of{us}, of{the} to-give to{us} [:74] without-fear out of{[the] hand} of{the hostile} of{us}, rescued to-be-rendering-employment to{same}, [:75] in to{piety} and to{justice} in-sight of{same}, all the days of{the being-alive[noun]} of{us}. [:76] And you, childling, prophet of{highest}, will-be-called, for you-will-be-gone-before before of{face} of{[the] Lord} to-prepare [the] ways of{same}, [:77] of{the} to-give knowledge of{salvation} to{the people} of{same} in to{let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release]} of{sins} of{same}, [:78] through inward-affect-ion[/compassion] of{mercy} of{[the] God} of{us} in to{which} up/anew-complete he-watches-upon us out of{height/elevation/exaltation}, [:79] to-reveal-upon to{the} being-seated in to{darkness} and to{shadow} of{death}, of{the} to-straighten-down/against/according-to the feet of{us} into [the] way of{peace}." [:80] Moreover, the childling has-been-growing and has-been-being-mighty/prevailing to{spirit} and has-been-being in to{the desolate} until of{day} of{[the] show-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of having showed up/anew]} of{same} toward the Israel.
[Luke 2][:1] Moreover, it-becomes, in to{the days, the-there}, [a] decree beside of{Caesar Augustus} comes-out, to-be-being-written-from/documented/registered all the housed/inhabited. [:2] The-same, the written-from/document/registration first becomes of{governing} of{the Syria} of{Quirinius}. [:3] And they-have-been-being-gone, all to-be-being-written-from/documented/registered each into the own city. [:4] Moreover also Joseph ascends from of{the Galilee} out of{[the] city} [of-]Nazareth into the Judea into [the] city [of-]David, which-what is-being-called "Bethlehem," through the to-be-being same out of{[the] house} and of{father-ia[i.e. paternal lineage]} [of-]David, [:5] to-write-such-as-to-be-written-from/document/register together-with Mary to{the having-been-remember-promised[i.e. betrothed/engaged]} to{same}, to{woman being with-child}. [:6] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being same[plural] there, the days are-filled of{the} to-be-offspring[ing], same[feminine]. [:7] And she-offsprings the son of{same}, the first-offspring, and swaddles same, and reclines same in to{the manger}, through-that there-has_not_been-being to{same} [a] place in to{the loose-down-effect/lodging}. [:8] And shepherds have-been-being in to{the region, the same}, being-afield and guarding custodies of{the night} upon the flock of{same[plural]}. [:9] And, behold, [a] messenger of{[the] Lord} stands-upon to{same} and [the] glory of{[the] Lord} shines-around same, and they-fear great fear. [:10] And the messenger says to{same}, "Do_not_be-fearing, for behold, I-am-good-message-izing to{you} great joy which-what will-be to{all the people}, [:11] that [a] savior is-offspring-ed to{you} today who is-being anointed, Lord, in to{[the] city} [of-]David. [:12] And the-same, to{you}, the sign, you-will-discover [a] baby having-been-swaddled and being-lain in to{[a] manger}. [:13] And out-suddenly it-becomes together-with to{the messenger} [a] multitude of{heavenly army praising} the God, and of{saying}, [:14] "Glory in to{highest God} and upon of{[the] earth} peace, well-deem-ia/inclination, in to{men}." [:15] And it-becomes as the messengers come-off/away from of{same[plural]} into the heaven, and the men, the shepherds, say toward one-another, "We-should-come-through, indeed, until Bethlehem, and should-behold the declaration, the-same, the having-become, which the Lord know-izes to{us}." [:16] And, hasten[ing], they-come, and discover-anew both the Mary and the Joseph and the baby being-lain in to{the manger}. [:17] Moreover, behold[ing], they-through-know-ize about of{the declaration, the spoken} to{same} about of{the childling, the-same}. [:18] And all the hear[ing] marvel about of{the spoken} under of{the shepherds} toward same. [:19] Moreover, the Mary has-been-keeping-together all the declarations, the-same, casting-together in to{the heart} of{same}. [:20] And the shepherds return, glorifying and praising the God upon to{all which} they-hear and behold, according-as is-spoken toward same. [:21] And when eight days are-filled of{the} to-circumcise same, also he-is-called, the name of{same}, "Jesus," the called under of{the messenger} before of{the} to-be-together-taken/gotten[i.e. got pregnant] same in to{the cavity}. [:22] And when the days of{the purging/cleansing} of{same} are-filled according-to the law of{Moses} they-lead-up/anew same into Jerusalem to-stand-beside to{the Lord}, [:23] according-as it-has-been-written in to{law} of{[the] Lord} that every male opening-up-through [the] womb will-be-called holy to{the Lord}, [:24] and of{the} to-give [a] sacrifice according-to the having-been-declared in to{[the] law} of{[the] Lord}, [a] pair of{turtledoves} or two young-birds of{pigeons/doves}. [:25] And, behold, [a] man has-been-being in Jerusalem to{whom} name, "Simeon," and the man, the-same, just and well-taken[adjective], toward-receiving [the] call-aside-sis[i.e. state of being called-aside] of{the} Israel, and [the] Spirit has-been-being [the] Holy upon same. [:26] And he-has-been-being to{same}, having-been-business-effect-ized under of{the Spirit, the Holy} to_no_behold death prior than he-should-behold the anointed of{[the] Lord}. [:27] And he-comes in to{the Spirit} into the consecrated[i.e. temple] and in to{the} to-lead-into the parents, the childling, Jesus, of{the} to-do same[plural] according-to the having-been-custom-ized of{the law} about of{same}, [:28] and same receives same into the arms of{same}, and well-words the God, and says, [:29] "Now you-are-loosing-off/away the slave of{you}, ruler, according-to the declaration of{you} in to{peace}, [:30] that the eyes of{me} behold the salvation of{you}, [:31] which you-prepare according-to face[noun, but like the verb] of{all the peoples}, [:32] [a] light into off-cover-sis/state-of-uncovering/revelation of{[the] nations} and [the] glory of{[the] people} of{you}, Israel." [:33] And Joseph has-been-being, and the mother of{same}, marveling upon to{the being-spoken} about of{same[masculine singular]}. [:34] And Simeon well-words same[plural] and says toward Mary, the mother of{same}, "Behold, the-same is-being-lain into [the] fall-sis[i.e. state of falling] and up/anew-stand-sis[i.e. state of standing up/anew] of{many} in to{the} Israel, and into [a] sign, saying-in-place-of/in-opposition-to/contradicting/rebutting, [:35] and of{you}, moreover, of{same[feminine]}, [a] sword will-come-through the life which-how supposing dialog-iz-ations may-off-cover/uncover out of{many hearts}." [:36] And Hannah, prophet, daughter [of-]Phanuel has-been-being out of{[the] tribe} [of-]Asher, same having-advanced in to{many days}, be[ing]-alive years alongside of{man}, seven from of{the virginity} of{same}, [:37] and same widow as of{eighty-four years}, the[feminine] has_not_been-being-stood-off/away-from from of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} to{fastings[noun]} and to{necessitations} being-employed night and day. [:38] And same, to{the same hour}, stand[ing]-upon, has-been-same-wording-in-place-of to{the Lord}, and has-been-speaking about of{same[masculine]} to{all the receiving-toward} loose-sis/[state of]release in Jerusalem. [:39] And, as they-finish emphatically-all, the according-to the law of{[the] Lord}, they-return into the Galilee into the city of{same}, Nazareth. [:40] Moreover, the childling has-been-growing and has-been-being-mighty/prevailing to{spirit}, being-filled-full of{wisdom}, and [the] grace/favor of{God} has-been-being upon same. [:41] And the parents of{same} have-been-being-gone according-to year into Jerusalem to{the festival} of{the passover}. [:42] And when it-becomes of{year} twelve, of{same ascend[ing]} into Jerusalem according-to the custom of{the festival}, [:43] and of{complete[ing]} the days in to{the} same to-be-returning, the child, Jesus, stays-under/behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph does_not_know, also the mother of{same}. [:44] Moreover, decide[ing] same to-be-being in to{the together-way}, they-come of{day['s]} way and have-been-seeking-anew same in to{the together-become[i.e. related]} and in to{the knowns}, [:45] and, no discover[ing] same, return into Jerusalem, seeking-anew same. [:46] And it-becomes alongside three days they-discover same in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} being-seat-ized in to{midst} of{the teachers} and hearing of{same} and asking-upon same. [:47] Moreover, all the hearing of{same} have-been-being-astounded upon to{the put-together-sis[i.e. state of comprehension]} and to{the responses} of{same}. [:48] And, behold[ing] same, they-are-impacted and the mother of{same} says toward same, "Offspring, what[?] you-do to{us} the-same-ly[?] Behold, the father of{you} and-I, suffering, have-been-seeking you." [:49] And he-says toward same, "What[?] that you-have-been-seeking me[?] You-had_not_beheld that in to{the} of{the father} of{me} it-is-necessitating me to-be-being[?] [:50] And same do_not_put-together the declaration which he-speaks to{same}. [:51] And he-descends alongside of{same}, and comes into Nazareth, and has-been-being being-set-under/subjected to{same}, and the mother of{same} has-been-through-keeping all the declarations, the-same, in to{the heart} of{same[feminine]}. [:52] And Jesus has-been-progressing to{wisdom} and to{age/stature} and to{grace/favor} beside to{God} and to{men}.
[Luke 3][:1] Moreover, in to{[the] fifteenth year} of{the government} of{Tiberius Caesar}, of{governing} of{Pontius Pilate} of{the Judea} and of{fourth-part-origin-ruling} of{the Galilee} of{Herod}; moreover, of{Philip, the brother} of{same}, of{fourth-part-origin-ruling} of{the region} of{Ituraea} and of{Trachonitis}, and Lysanias of{fourth-part-origin-ruling} of{the Abilene}, [:2] upon of{chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} of{Annas} and of{Caiaphas}, [a/the] declaration of{God} becomes upon John, the son of{Zechariah}, in to{the desolate}, [:3] and he-comes into all the region-around of{the Jordan}, proclaiming immerse-effect of{change-of-mind/thinking} into let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins}, [:4] as it-has-been-written in to{scroll} of{words} of{Isaiah, the prophet, saying}, "Sound of{crying} in to{the desolate}, prepare the way of{[the] Lord}, make straight the paths of{same}. [:5] Every ravine will-be-filled-full and every mountain and hill will-be-lowered, and the crooked will-be into straight, and the rough into smooth ways, [:6] and all flesh will-see-themselves the salvation of{the God}. [:7] So, he-has-been-saying to{the crowds being-gone-out} to-be-immersed under of{same}, "Begotten-effect of{vipers}, who[?] indicates to{you} to-flee from of{the about-to-be-being wrath}[?] [:8] So, make worthwhile fruit of{the change-of-mind/thinking}. And you-should_not_initiate to-be-saying in to{sameselves}, 'We-are-having the father Abraham,' for I-am-saying to{you} that the God is-being-enabled to-rouse offsprings to{the Abraham} out of{the stones, the-same}. [:9] Moreover, already also the axe is-being-lain toward the root of{the trees}; so, every tree making no good fruit is-being-cut-out and being-thrown into fire." [:10] And the crowds have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "So, what[?] we-will-do[?]" [:11] Moreover, respond[ing], he-is-saying to{same}, "The having two inner-garments: [ex]change/alongside-give/share to{the no having} and the having food: be-doing similarly." [:12] Moreover, also [tax]collectors come to-be-immersed, and say toward same, "Teacher, what[?] we-will-do[?]" [:13] Moreover, the says toward same, "Nothing more-than aside the having-been-set-through to{you} be-practicing." [:14] Moreover, also being-armed have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "And we, what[?] we-will-do[?]" And he-says toward same, "No-one should-shake-through[i.e. shake down] nor be-fig-revealer/informer/blackmail/extort, and be-being-sufficed to{the salary} of{you}." [:15] Moreover, of{the people deeming-toward/anticipating} and of{all being-dialog-ized} in to{the hearts} of{same} about of{the John} not-whereby same might-be-being the anointed. [:16] The John responds to{emphatically-all}, saying, "I, on-one-hand, am-immersing you to{water}; on-the-other-hand, the stronger of{me} is-being-come, of{whom} I-am_not_being sufficient to-loose the strap of{the footwear} of{same}. Same will-immerse you in to{Holy Spirit} and to{fire}, [:17] of{whom} the winnowing-fork in to{the hand} of{same} also will-purge/cleanse-through the threshing-floor of{same} and will-gather-together the grain into the storehouse of{same}; moreover, he-will-burn-down the chaff to{unquenchable fire}." [:18] So, on-one-hand, also calling-aside many different/others, he-has-been-being-good-message-izing the people; [:19] on-the-other-hand, the Herod, the fourth-part-origin-ruler, confuting under of{same} about of{Herodias, the woman} of{Philip, the brother} of{same}, and about of{all} as the Herod does of{evil}, [:20] he-places-toward the-same upon to{all} also; he-closes-down/against[i.e. locks up] the John in to{the custody[i.e. prison]}. [:21] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-immersed, emphatically-all the people, also of{Jesus immersed} and of{praying}, to-be-opened-up/anew the heaven, [:22] and to-descend, the Spirit, the Holy, to{bodily behold[noun]} as-if [a] pigeon/dove upon same, and sound out of{heaven} to-become, saying, "You are-being the son of{me}, the beloved. In to{you} I-well-deem." [:23] And same, the Jesus, has-been-being commencing as-if thirty of{years}, being as has-been-being-decided, son [of-]Joseph, of{the} Eli, [:24] of{the} Matthat, of{the} Levi, of{the} Melchi, of{the} Janna, of{the} Joseph, [:25] of{the Mattathias}, of{the} Amos, of{the} Nahum, of{the} Esli, of{the} Naggai, [:26] of{the} Maath, of{the Mattathias}, of{the} Semein, of{the} Joseph, of{the Joda}, [:27] of{the Joana}, of{the} Rhesa, of{the} Zerubbabel, of{the} Shealtiel, of{the} Neri, [:28] of{the} Mechi, of{the} Addi, of{the} Cosam, of{the} Elmodam, of{the} Er, [:29] of{the Jose}, of{the} Eliezer, of{the} Jorim, of{the} Matthat, of{the} Levi, [:30] of{the} Simeon, of{the Judah}, of{the} Joseph, of{the} Jonan, of{the} Eliakim, [:31] of{the} Melea, of{the} Mainam, of{the} Mattatha, of{the} Nathan, of{the} David, [:32] of{the} Jesse, of{the} Obed, of{the} Boaz, of{the} Salmon, of{the} Naasson, [:33] of{the} Aminadab, of{the} Aram, of{the} Esrom, of{the} Phares, of{the} Judah, [:34] of{the} Jacob, of{the} Isaac, of{the} Abraham, of{the} Tarah, of{the} Nahor, [:35] of{the} Saruch, of{the} Reu, of{the} Peleg, of{the} Eber, of{the} Sala, [:36] of{the} Cainan, of{the} Arphaxad, of{the} Shem, of{the} Noah, of{the} Lamech, [:37] of{the} Methuselah, of{the} Enoch, of{the} Jared, of{the} Maleleel, of{the} Cainan, [:38] of{the} Enosh, of{the} Seth, of{the} Adam, of{the God}.
[Luke 4][:1] Moreover, Jesus, full of{[the] Holy Spirit}, returns from of{the Jordan} and has-been-being-led in to{the spirit} into the desolate [:2] forty days, being-trial-ized under of{the devil/slanderer} and he-does_not_eat, nothing, in to{the days, the-there}, and of{together-completed same}, afterward he-hungers. [:3] And the devil/slanderer says to{same}, "If you-are-being son of{the God}, say to{the stone, the-same} in-which-place it-may-become bread." [:4] And Jesus responds toward same, saying, "It-has-been-written that not upon to{bread only} the man will-be-being-alive; contrariwise, upon to{every declaration} of{God}." [:5] And the devil/slanderer lead[ing]-up same into [a] high mountain, he-shows to{same} all the kingdoms of{the housed/inhabited} in to{point} of{time}. [:6] And the devil/slanderer says to{same}, "To{you} I-will-give the authority, the-same emphatically-every, and the glory of{same}, that to{emphatically-me} it-has-been-delivered, and to{whom} if-supposing I-may-be-will-ing I-am-giving same. [:7] So, you, if-supposing you-may-worship in-sight of{emphatically-me} it-will-be all of{you}. [:8] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "It-has-been-written, 'You-will-worship [the] Lord, the God of{you}, and to{same only} you-will-render-employment.'" [:9] And he-leads same into Jerusalem and stands same upon the pinnacle of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, and says to{same}, "If you-are-being son of{the God}, cast yourself down from-here, [:10] for it-has-been-written that to{the messengers} of{same} he-will-command about of{you} of{the} to-through-guard you, [:11] and that upon of{hands} they-will-lift you, not-whereby you-may-strike-toward toward [a] stone, the foot of{you}." [:12] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same} that it-has-been-declared, "You-will_not_try-out [the] Lord, the God of{you}." [:13] And together-complete[ing] all trials, the devil/slanderer stands-off/away-from from of{same}, even-to of{season}. [:14] And the Jesus returns in to{the enablement/empowerment} of{the spirit} into the Galilee, and report comes-out down/against of{the whole region-around} around of{same}. [:15] And same has-been-teaching in to{the synagogues} of{same}, being-glorified under of{all}. [:16] And he-comes into the Nazareth, of{which} he-has-been-being having-been-nourished, and enters-into according-to the having-been-accustomed to{same} in to{the day} of{the sabbaths} into the synagogue and stands-up/anew to-know-anew. [:17] And [the] scrollet of{Isaiah the prophet} is-given-upon to{same} and, furl[ing]-up/anew the scrollet, he-finds the place of{which} has-been-being having-been-written, [:18] "[The] Spirit of{[the] Lord} upon emphatically-me, because of{whom} he-anoints me to-be-being-good-message-ized to{destitute}. He-has-sent-off/away me to-cure the having-been-broken/crushed the heart, to-proclaim to{[the] spear-takens[i.e. prisoners of war]} let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release], and anew-view to{blind}, to-send-off/away [the] having-been-shattered in to{let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release]}, [:19] to-proclaim [an] acceptable anniversary/year of{[the] Lord}." [:20] And, furl[ing] the scrollet, give[ing]-off/away to{the subordinate}, he-sits-down, and the eyes of{all} in to{the synagogue} have-been-being being-fixated to{same}. [:21] Moreover, he-initiates to-be-saying toward same that "today the scripture, the-same, in to{the ears} of{you}, has-been-fulfilled." [:22] And all have-been-witnessing to{same} and have-been-marveling upon to{the words} of{the grace/favor} to{the being-gone-out} out of{the mouth} of{same} and have-been-saying, "The-same is_not_being the son [of-]Joseph[?]" [:23] And he-says toward same, "You-will-declare, all, to{me} the parable, the-same, '"Curer, heal yourself." As-much-as we-hear become[ing] in to{the} Capernaum, do also here/thus in to{the father-land} of{you}.'" [:24] Moreover, he-says, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that not-one prophet is-being acceptable in to{the father-land} of{same}. [:25] Moreover, upon of{truth} I-am-saying to{you}, many widows have-been-being in to{the days} of{Elijah} in to{the} Israel when the heaven is-closed upon three years and six months as [a] large famine becomes upon all the land, [:26] and toward not-one of{same} Elijah is-dispatched if not into Zarephath of{the Sidon} toward [a] woman, [a] widow. [:27] And many leprous have-been-being upon of{Elisha, the prophet} in to{the} Israel, and not-one of{same} is-purged/cleansed if not Naaman the Syrian." [:28] And all are-filled of{fury} in to{the synagogue}, hearing the-same [:29] and, stand[ing]-up/anew, they-cast-out same out of{the city} and lead same until of{[the] brow} of{the mountain} upon of{which} the city of{same} had-been-home-built such-as to-down-cliff-ize same. [:30] Moreover, same, come[ing]-through through of{midst} of{same} has-been-being-gone. [:31] And he-comes-down into Capernaum city of{the Galilee} and has-been-being teaching same in to{the sabbaths}, [:32] And they-have-been-being-impacted upon to{the teaching[noun]} of{same}, that the word of{same} has-been-being in to{authority}. [:33] And [a] man has-been-being in to{the synagogue} having [a] spirit of{unclean demon-ia} and cries-out-up/anew to{great sound}, [:34] saying, "Ah, What[?] to{us} and to{you}, Jesus, Nazarene[?] You-come to-destroy-off/away us[?] I-have-beheld you, who is-being the holy of{the God}." [:35] And the Jesus adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, saying, "Be-muzzled and come-out out of{same}." And the demon-ia, toss[ing] same into the midst, comes-out from of{same} hinder/disable/harm[ing] same nothing. [:36] And amazement becomes upon all, and they-have-been-speaking-together toward one-another, saying, "Who[?] the word, the-same, that in to{authority} and to{enablement/empowerment} he-is-setting-upon to{the unclean spirits} and they-are-being-come-out[?]" [:37] And [the] audible-manifestation has-been-being-gone-out about of{same} into every place of{the region-around}. [:38] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew out of{the synagogue}, he-comes-into into the house of{Simon}. Moreover, the mother-in-law of{the Simon} has-been-being having-together to{great fever}, and they-ask same[masculine singular] about of{same[feminine]}. [:39] And, stand[ing]-upon up-upon of{same}, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{the fever}, and it-lets-off/away-from same. Moreover, immediately stand[ing]-up/anew, she-has-been-serving to{same}. [:40] Moreover, of{the sun sinking}, all, as-many-as have-been-having being-weak/infirm to{various diseases}, lead same[plural] toward same[singular]; moreover, the, to{each one} of{same}, upon-place[ing] the hands, heals same. [:41] Moreover, also demon-ias have-been-being-come-out from of{many}, crying-out and saying that "you are-being the anointed, the son of{the God}" and, adjudging-valuation-upon, he-has_not_been-allowing same to-be-speaking, that they-had-beheld the anointed same to-be-being. [:42] Moreover, of{become day}, come[ing]-out, he-is-gone into [a] desolate place, and the crowds have-been-seeking-upon same, and come until of{same[singular]} and have-been-holding-down same[singular] of{the} to-be_not_gone from of{same[plural]}. [:43] Moreover, the says toward same that "also to{the different/other cities}, to-good-message-ize me it-is-necessitating the kingdom of{the God} that into the-same I-have-been-sent-off/away." [:44] And he-has-been-being proclaiming in to{the synagogues} of{the Galilee}.
[Luke 5][:1] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} the crowd to-be-laid-upon to{same}, of{the} to-be-hearing the word of{the God} and same has-been-being having-stood beside the lake Gennesaret, [:2] and he-beholds two boats having-stood beside the lake. Moreover, the fishers, stepping-off/away-from from of{same}, are-rinsing-off the nets. [:3] Moreover, step[ing]-in into one of{the boats}, the has-been-being of{the Simon}, he-asks same from of{the land} to-lead-upon [a] few and, sit[ing]-down, he-has-been-teaching the crowd out of{the boat}. [:4] Moreover, as he-stops speaking, he-says toward the Simon, "Lead-upon into the deep and loosen/lower the nets of{you[plural]} into [a] catch." [:5] And, respond[ing], the Simon says to{same}, "Superintendent, through of{the whole night}, labor[ing], we-take not-one; moreover, upon to{the declaration} of{you} I-will-loosen/lower the net." [:6] And, do[ing] the-same, they-close-together much multitude of{fish}. Moreover, the net of{same[plural]} has-been-tearing-through. [:7] And they-nod-down[i.e. gesture/beckon] to{the have-alongside/participants/partners, the} in to{the different boat}, of{the} come[ing] to-together-take/get to{same[plural]} and they-come and fill both the boats such-as to-be-deep-izing/submerging same[plural]. [:8] Moreover, behold[ing], Simon Peter falls-toward to{the knees} of{Jesus}, saying, "Come-out from of{emphatically-me}, that sinful man I-am-being, Lord," [:9] for amazement has-around same[singular] and all the together-with to{same} upon to{the catch} of{the fish} to{which} they-take-together, [:10] moreover, similarly also James and John, sons of{Zebedee}, who have-been-being partners/in-common to{the Simon}. And the Jesus says toward the Simon, "Do_not_be-fearing. From of{the} now you-will-be catching-alive men." [:11] And, lead[ing]-down the boats upon the land, let[ing]-off/away-from emphatically-all, they-accompany to{same}. [:12] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being same[masculine] in to{one} of{the cities}, and, behold, [a] man full of{leprosy}, also behold[ing] the Jesus, fall[ing] upon [his] face, is-necessitated of{same}, saying, "Lord, if-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, you-are-being-enabled/empowered to-purge/cleanse me." [:13] And, stretch[ing]-out the hand, he-takes-hold of{same}, say[ing], "I-am-will-ing. Be-purged/cleansed." And straightaway the leprosy comes-off/away-from from of{same}. [:14] And same messages-aside to{same}, "To{no-one} to-say; contrariwise, come[ing]-off/away, show yourself to{the consecrated[i.e. priest]} and carry-toward about of{the purging/cleansing} of{you} according-as Moses sets-toward into witness to{same}." [:15] Moreover, the word about of{same} has-been-being-come-through more, and many crowds have-been-being-come-together to-be-hearing and to-be-being-healed under of{same} from of{the weak/infirm} of{same}. [:16] Moreover, same has-been-being retreating in to{the desolate} and praying. [:17] And it-becomes in to{one} of{the days} also same has-been-being teaching, and Pharisees and law-teachers have-been-being being-seated, who have-been-being having-been-come out of{every village} of{the Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem}, and enablement/empowerment of{[the] Lord} has-been-being into the same[plural] to-be-being-cured. [:18] And, behold, men carrying [a] man upon of{[a] bed} who has-been-being having-been-paralyzed and they-have-been-seeking same to-carry-into and to-place in-sight of{same}. [:19] And not discover[ing] through of{about-what-such} they-may-carry-into same through the crowd, ascend[ing] upon the building they-let-down through of{the earthen-tiles} same together-with to{the bedlet/cot} into the midst in-front of{the Jesus}. [:20] And, behold[ing] the faith of{same[plural]}, he-says to{same}, "Man, the sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away to{you}. [:21] And the scribes and the Pharisees initiate to-be-being-dialog-ized, saying, "Who[?] is-being the-same, who is-speaking evil-assertions[?] Who[?] is-being-enabled to-be-letting-off/away sins if not only the God[?]" [:22] Moreover, the Jesus, know[ing]-upon the dialog-iz-ation of{same}, respond[ing], says toward same, "What[?] you-are-being-dialog-ized in to{the hearts} of{you}[?] [:23] What[?] is-being easier to-say[?], 'The sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away to{you},' or to-say, 'Rouse-yourself and be-walking-around'[?] [:24] Moreover, in-which-place you-should-have-beheld that the son of{the man} is-having authority upon of{the earth} to-let-off/away sins," he-says to{the having-been-paralyzed}, "I-am-saying to{you}, rouse-yourself and, lift[ing] the bedlet/cot of{you}, be-being-gone into the house of{you}." [:25] And, immediately, stand[ing]-up/anew in-sight of{same[plural]}, lift[ing] upon what he-has-been-lain-down, he-comes-off/away into the house of{same}, glorifying the God. [:26] And astoundment takes emphatically-all, and they-have-been-glorifying the God and are-filled of{fear}, saying that "we-behold paradoxical today." [:27] And alongside the-same he-comes-out and spectates [a] [tax]collector to{name} 'Levi' being-seated upon the [tax]collection[place], and he-says to{same}, "Accompany to{me}." [:28] And leave[ing]-behind emphatically-all, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-has-been-accompanying to{same}. [:29] And Levi makes [a] large reception to{same} in to{the house} of{same} and [a] vast crowd has-been-being of{[tax]collectors} and of{others} who have-been-being alongside of{same} being-lain-down. [:30] And the Pharisees and the scribes of{same} have-been-muttering toward the disciples of{same}, saying, "Through what[?] alongside of{the [tax]collectors} and of{sinful} you-are-eating and are-drinking[?] [:31] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says toward same, "The being-healthy are_not_having need of{[a] curer}; contrariwise, the having badly. [:32] I-have-come not to-call [the] just; contrariwise, sinful into change-of-mind/thinking." [:33] Moreover, the[plural] say toward same, "Through what[?] the disciples of{John} are-fasting often and making necessitations, and similarly the of{the Pharisees}; moreover, the to{you} are-eating and are-drinking." [:34] Moreover, the Jesus says toward same, "You-are_not_being-enabled, the sons of{the bridal-chamber}, in to{whom} the bridegroom is-being alongside of{same}, to-make to-be-fasting. [:35] Moreover, days will-be-come also when-supposing the bridegroom should-be-lifted-off/away-from from of{same}; then they-will-fast in to{the days, the-there}." [:36] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also [a] parable toward same, that "not-one is-casting-upon [an] upon-cast-effect of{new outer-garment} upon [an] old outer-garment; moreover, if no-indeed also the new is-splitting also to{the old}; it-is_not_carrying-together, the upon-cast-effect, the from of{the new}. [:37] And not-one is-casting fresh wine into old leathern-bags; moreover, if no-indeed the fresh wine will-tear the leathern-bags and same will-be-poured-out, and the leathern-bags will-perish-off/away; [:38] contrariwise, cast[adjective] fresh wine into new leathern-bags, and both are-being-kept-together. [:39] And not-one drink[ing] [the] old straightaway is-will-ing [the] fresh, for he-is-saying the old is-being more-useful."
[Luke 6][:1] Moreover, it-becomes in to{second-first sabbath} to-be-being-gone-through same through of{the sown} and the disciples of{same} have-been-plucking the heads-of-grain and have-been-eating, crumbling to{the hands}. [:2] Moreover, some of{the Pharisees} say to{same}, "What[?] you-are-doing, which is_not_being-allowed to-be-doing in to{the sabbaths}[?]" [:3] And, respond[ing] toward same, the Jesus says, "Nor you-know-anew the-same, which David does when[?] same hungers, and the alongside of{same}, [:4] as he-comes-into into the house of{the God} and takes the bread, of{the setting-forth}, and eats, and he-gives also to{the} alongside of{same}, whom it-is_not_being-allowed to-eat, if not only the consecrateds[i.e. priests][?]" [:5] And he-has-been-saying to{same} that the son of{the man} is-being lord also of{the sabbath}. [:6] Moreover, it-becomes also in to{[a] different sabbath} to-enter-into same, into the synagogue also to-be-teaching, and [a] man has-been-being there, and the hand of{same}, the right, has-been-being withered. [:7] Moreover, the scribes and the Pharisees have-been-keeping-beside same, if in to{the sabbath} he-will-heal, in-which-place they-may-discover accusation of{same}. [:8] Moreover, same had-beheld the dialog-iz-ation of{same} and says to{the man}, to{the having withered}, the hand, "Rouse and stand into the midst." Moreover, the, stand[ing]-up/anew, stands. [:9] So, the Jesus says toward same[plural], "I-will-ask-upon you what[?] is-being-allowed to{the sabbaths}, to-do-benefit or to-do-bad, to-save life or to-destroy-off/away[?]" [:10] And, view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around same all, he-says to{the man}, "Stretch-out the hand of{you}." Moreover, the does the-same-ly, and the hand of{same} is-reinstated, healthy as the other. [:11] Moreover, same are-filled of{thoughtlessness} and have-been-speaking-through toward one-another what supposing they-might-do to{the Jesus}. [:12] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the days, the-same} he-comes-out into the mountain to-pray and has-been-being through-night-ing in to{the prayer} of{the God}. [:13] And when day becomes, he-sounds-toward the disciples of{same}, also choose[ing] from of{same} twelve, whom also he-names sent-off[ones], [:14] Simon, whom also he-names Peter, and Andrew, the brother of{same}, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, [:15] Matthew and Thomas, James, the of{the Alphaeus}, and Simon, the being-called Zealot, [:16] Judas of{James} and Judas Iscariot, who also becomes betrayer. [:17] And, descend[ing] alongside of{same} he-stands upon of{[a] flat/level place}, and [a] crowd of{disciples} of{same} and [a] vast multitude of{the people} from of{all the Judea} and Jerusalem and of{the Tyre, beside-salt[sea]} and of{Sidon}, who come to-hear of{same} and to-be-cured from of{the diseases} of{same}, [:18] and the being-inundated under of{unclean spirits}, and they-have-been-being-healed. [:19] And all the crowd has-been-seeking to-be-taking-hold of{same}, that enablement/empowerment beside of{same} has-been-coming-out, and he-has-been-curing all. [:20] And same, lift[ing]-upon the eyes of{same} into the disciples of{same}, has-been-saying, "Blessed, the destitute, that yours is-being the kingdom of{the God}. [:21] Blessed, the hungering now, that you-will-be-fed-ized. Blessed, the weeping now, that you-will-laugh. [:22] Blessed you-are-being when-supposing the men may-hate you, and when-supposing they-may-define-off/away[i.e. separate] you and may-reproach-ize and may-cast-out the name of{you} as evil because of{the son} of{the man}. [:23] be-joying in to{the-there, the day,}, and jump, for behold, the wage of{you} much in to{the heaven}, for according-to the-same the fathers of{same} have-been-doing to{the prophets}. [:24] More-ly, woe to{you, the rich}, that you-are-holding-off the call-aside-sis[i.e. state of being called-aside] of{you}. [:25] Woe to{you}, the having-been-in-filled, that you-will-hunger. Woe to{you}, the laughing now, that you-will-mourn and you-will-weep. [:26] Woe when-supposing well all the men may-say you, for according-to the-same the fathers of{same} have-been-doing to{the false-prophets}. [:27] Contrariwise, to{you} I-am-saying, to{the hearing}, be-loving the hostile of{you}; be-doing well to{the hating} you. [:28] Be-well-wording the cursing you and pray over of{the threaten-izing-upon} you. [:29] To{the beating} you upon the cheek, be-holding-aside/presenting also the other, and from of{the lifting} of{you} the outer-garment also you-should_not_hinder the inner-garment. [:30] Moreover, to{the all requesting/giving-cause-to} you, be-giving, and from of{the lifting} the yours do_not_be-requesting/giving-cause-off/away-from. [:31] And according-as you-are-will-ing in-which-place the men may-be-doing to{you} also you be-doing similarly to{same}. [:32] And if you-are-loving the loving you, about-what-such[?] grace/favor is-being to{you}, for also the sinful are-loving the loving same. [:33] And if-supposing you-may-be-doing-benefit the doing-benefit you, about-what-such[?] grace/favor is-being to{you}, for also the sinful are-doing the same. [:34] And if-supposing you-may-loan-ize beside of{whom} you-may-be-expect[ize]ing to-take-off/away-from, about-what-such[?] grace/favor is-being to{you}, for also sinful to{sinful} are-loan-izing in-which-place they-may-take-off/away-from the equal. [:35] More-ly, be-loving the hostile of{you} and be-doing-benefit and be-loan-izing, expect[ize]ing-off/away nothing, and the wage of{you} will-be much and you-will-be sons of{[the] highest}, that same is-being useful upon the unfavorable/ungracious and evil. [:36] So, be-becoming caring[adjective] according-as also the Father of{you} is-being caring[adjective]. [:37] And do_not_be-judging, and no, you-should_not_be-judged. Do_not_be-justifying-down/against/condemn, and no, you-should_not_be-justified-down/against/condemn. Loose-off/away-from, and you-will-be-loosed-off/away-from. [:38] Be-giving, and it-will-be-given to{you}, [a] good measure having-been-pressed and having-been-shaken and being-poured-out-over they-will-give into the bosom/lap of{you}, for to{the same measure which} you-measure it-will-be-measured-in-place-of to{you}. [:39] Moreover, he-says [a] parable to{same}. "No-what[?] blind is-being-enabled to-be-leading-way blind[?] Emphatically-not; both will-fall-themselves into [a] pit. [:40] [A] disciple is_not_being over the teacher of{same}; moreover, having-been-made-ready, every will-be as the teacher of{same}. [:41] Moreover, what[?] you-are-viewing the twig, the in to{the eye} of{the brother} of{you}; moreover, you-are_not_thinking-according-to/considering the log, the in to{the own eye}[?] [:42] Or, how[?] you-are-being-enabled to-be-saying to{the brother} of{you}, 'Brother, let-off/away, I-may-cast-out the twig, the in to{the eye} of{you},' same not viewing the log in to{the eye} of{you}[?] Pretender, first cast-out the log out of{the eye} of{you} and then you-will-view-through to-cast-out the twig, the in to{the eye} of{the brother} of{you}. [:43] For [a] good tree is_not_being making worthless fruit, nor [a] worthless tree making good fruit, [:44] for each tree is-becoming out of{the own fruit}, for they-are-collecting figs not out of{thorn-bushes}, nor are-gathering grapes out of{[a] bramble/briar-bush}. [:45] The beneficial man is-carrying-forth the beneficial out of{the beneficial wealth} of{the heart} of{same} and the evil man is-carrying-forth the evil out of{the evil wealth} of{the heart} of{same}, for out of{the excess-effect} of{the heart} the mouth of{same} is-speaking. [:46] Moreover, what[?] you-are-calling me 'Lord, Lord," and are_not_doing what I-am-saying[?] [:47] The every being-come toward me and hearing of{the words} of{me} and doing same, I-will-indicate to{you} to{whom} it-is-being analogous. [:48] It-is-being analogous to{[a] man house-building} [a] house who excavates and deepens and places [a] foundation upon the rock-mass. Moreover, of{flood become}, the river tears-toward to{the house, the-there} and it-does_not_have-strength to-shake same, for it-had-been-founded upon the rock-mass. [:49] Moreover, the hear[ing] and no do[ing] is-being analogous to{[a] man house-build[ing]} [a] house upon the land separate of{foundation}, to{which} the river tears-toward, and straightaway together-falls, and great becomes the tear-effect of{the house, the-there}."
[Luke 7][:1] Moreover, since he-fills-full all the declarations of{same} into the hearing[noun] of{the people}, he-comes-into into Capernaum. [:2] Moreover, [a] slave of{some centurion}, having unwell, has-been-being-about to-decease, who has-been-being invaluable to{same}. [:3] Moreover, hear[ing] about of{the Jesus}, he-sends-off/away, toward same, elders of{the Judeans}, asking same which-how, come[ing], he-may-through-save the slave of{same}. [:4] Moreover, the[plural], being[ing]-become-aside toward the Jesus, call-aside same expediently, saying that "he-is-being worthwhile to{whom} he-will-have-aside/present the-same, [:5] for he-is-loving the nation of{us}, and same house-builds the synagogue to{us}." [:6] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-being-gone together-with to{same[plural]}. Moreover, already of{same} not far of{having-off/away-from} from of{the house} the centurion dispatches toward same friends, saying to{same}, "Lord, do_not_be-being-hassled, for I-am_not_being sufficient in-which-place you-may-come-into under the roof of{me}, [:7] nor through-which I-am-worthwhile myself toward you to-come; contrariwise, say to{word} and the child of{me} will-be-cured. [:8] For also I am-being [a] man under authority, having setting under myself soldiers, and I-am-saying to{the-same}, 'Be-gone,' and he-is-being-gone, and to{another}, 'Be-being-come,' and he-is-being-come, and to{the slave} of{me}, 'Do the-same,' and he-is-doing." [:9] Moreover, hear[ing] the-same, the Jesus marvels same and, turn[ing] to{the same crowd accompanying}, says, "I-am-saying to{you} moreover-not in to{the} Israel I-discover the-which-the-same faith." [:10] And the dispatched return[ing] into the house discover the infirm slave being-healthy. [:11] And it-becomes in to{the} next; he-has-been-being-gone into [a] city being-called Nain, and the disciples of{same} have-been-being-gone-together to{same}, sufficient, and [a] vast crowd. [:12] Moreover, as he-becomes-near to{the gate} of{the city}, also, behold, [a] having-died has-been-being-out-attend-ized, [an] only-begotten son to{the mother} of{same} and same[feminine] has-been-being [a] widow, and [a] crowd of{the city}, sufficient, has-been-being together-with to{same[feminine]}. [:13] And, behold[ing] same[feminine], the Lord is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] upon to{same[feminine]} and says to{same[feminine]}, "Do_not_be-weeping." [:14] And, come[ing]-toward, he-takes-hold of{the coffin}; moreover, the[plural] bearing stand, and he-says, "Youth, I-am-saying to{you}, be-roused." [:15] And the dead sits-up/anew and initiates to-be-speaking, and he-gives same to{the mother} of{same}. [:16] Moreover, fear takes emphatically-all and they-have-been-glorifying the God, saying that "[a] great prophet has-been-roused in to{us}," and that the God watches-upon the people of{same}. [:17] And the word, the-same, comes-out in to{the whole Judea} about of{same}, and in to{all the region-around}. [:18] And the disciples of{same} message-off/away to{John} about of{all the-same}. [:19] And, call[ing]-toward-himself some two of{the disciples} of{same}, the John dispatches toward the Jesus, saying, "You are-being the being-come, or another we-deem-toward/anticipate[?]" [:20] Moreover, the men become[ing]-aside toward same say, "John, the immerser, has-sent-off/away us toward you, saying, 'You are-being the being-come, or another we-deem-toward/anticipate[?]'" [:21] Moreover, in to{same, the hour} he-heals many from of{diseases} and of{scourges} and of{evil spirits} and to{many blind} he-gratifies the to-be-viewing. [:22] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, message-off/away to{John} what you-behold and hear. Blind are-viewing-anew, lame are-walking-around, leprous are-being-purged/cleansed, deaf/mute are-hearing, dead are-being-roused, and destitute are-being-good-message-ized. [:23] And blessed is-being who if-supposing would_not_be-scandalized in to{emphatically-me}. [:24] Moreover, of{come[ing]-off/away, the messengers} of{John}, he-initiates to-be-saying toward the crowds about of{John}, "What[?] you-come-out into the desolate to-spectate, [a] reed being-shaken under of{wind}[?] [:25] Contrariwise, what[?] you-come-out to-behold, [a] man having-been-dressed in to{soft outer-garments}[?] Behold, the in to{in-glorious outer-garment-sets} and to{luxury} are-being originating-under in to{the king-dwellings/palaces}. [:26] Contrariwise, what[?] you-come-out to-behold[?] [A] prophet, yes, I-am-saying to{you}, and more-excessive of{[a] prophet}. [:27] The-same is-being about of{whom} it-has-been-written, 'Behold, I am-sending-off/away the messenger of{me} before of{[the] face} of{you}, who will-equip-ize/furnish the way of{you} in-front of{you}.' [:28] For I-am-saying to{you}, not-one prophet in to{begotten} of{women} is-being greater-than of{John, the immerser}; moreover, the lesser in to{the kingdom} of{the God} is-being greater-than of{same}. [:29] And every, the people hear[ing], also the [tax]collectors, justify the God, immersed the immerse-effect of{John}. [:30] Moreover, the Pharisees and the lawyers un-place/nullify/reject the intent of{the God} into sameselves, no immersed under of{same}. [:31] So, to{what[?]} I-will-liken the men of{the generation, the-same} and to{what[?]} they-are-being analogous[?] [:32] They-are-being analogous to{childlings, the} in to{[the] marketplace being-seated}, and are-sounding-toward one-another and saying, 'We-flute to{you} and you-do_not_dance; we-lament to{you} and you-do_not_weep,' [:33] for John, the immerser, has-come neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you-are-saying, 'He-is-having demon-ia.' [:34] The son of{the man} has-come eating and drinking and you-are-saying, 'Behold, [a] glutton man and wine-bibber, friend of{[tax]collectors} and of{sinful}.' [:35] And the wisdom is-justified off/away-from of{the offsprings} of{all} of{same}." [:36] Moreover, someone of{the Pharisees} has-been-asking same in-which-place he-may-eat alongside of{same} and, come[ing]-into into the house of{the Pharisee} he-is-reclined. [:37] And behold, [a] woman in to{the city}, she-who has-been-being sinful, upon-know[ing] that he-is-being-lain-up/anew in to{the house} of{the Pharisee}, attend-ize[ing] [an] alabaster-vessel of{ointment}, [:38] and stand[ing] beside the feet of{same} behind, weeping, initiates to-be-wetting the feet of{same} to{the tears} and has-been-out-wiping to{the hair} of{the head} of{same[feminine]}, and has-been-fonding-down/against the feet of{same}, and has-been-oiling to{the ointment}. [:39] Moreover, the Pharisee, the call[ing] same, behold[ing], says in to{sameself}, saying, "The-same, if he-has-been-being [a] prophet, has-been-knowing supposing who and when-where/what-manner the woman, she-who is-taking-hold of{same}, that she-is-being sinful." [:40] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says toward same, "Simon, I-am-having what to-say to{you}." Moreover, the is-asserting, "Teacher, say." [:41] "Two obligation-owe-ers have-been-being to{some debt}. The one has-been-owing five-hundred denarii; moreover, the different/other fifty. [:42] Moreover, no of{having same} to-give-off/away, he-is-gratified to{both}. So, who[?] of{same}, say, will-love same much-more[?]" [:43] Moreover, respond[ing], the Simon says, "I-am-taking-under that the to{whom} is-gratified much-more." Moreover, the says to{same}, "Straightly you-judge." [:44] And, turned toward the woman, he-has-been-asserting to{the Simon}, "You-are-viewing the-same, the woman. I-come-into into the house of{you}; you-do_not_give water upon the feet of{me}; moreover, same wets the feet of{me} to{the tears} and out-wipes to{the hair} of{the head} of{same}. [:45] You-do_not_give [a] fond-effect to{me}; moreover, same from of{whom} I-come-into does_not_discontinue fonding-down/against the feet of{me}. [:46] You-do_not_oil the head of{me} to{olive-oil}; moreover, same oils the feet of{me} to{ointment}, [:47] of{which}, graciously, I-am-saying to{you} the sins of{same}, the many, have-been-let-off/away, that she-loves much; moreover to{whom} are-being-let-off/away scant, is-loving scant." [:48] Moreover, he-says to{same[feminine]}, "The sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away." [:49] And the being-lain-up/anew-together initiate to-be-saying in to{sameselves}, "Who[?], the-same, is-being, who also is-letting-off/away sins[?]" [:50] Moreover, he-says toward the woman, "The faith of{you} has-saved you. Be-being-gone into peace."
[Luke 8][:1] And it-becomes in to{the} consecutively also same has-been-traveling-through according-to city and village, proclaiming and good-message-izing the kingdom of{the God}, and the twelve together-with to{same}. [:2] And some women who have-been-being having-been-healed from of{evil spirits} and of{infirmities}, Mary, the being-called Magdalene, from of{whom} seven demon-ias had-come-out, [:3] and of{Joanna}, woman of{Chuza}, of{administrator} of{Herod}, and Susanna, and many different/others, some-who have-been-serving to{same[plural]} from of{the undertaking-s} to{same[plural]}. [:4] Moreover, of{[a] vast crowd together-being} and of{the being-gone-upon[plural]} according-to city he-says toward same through parable, [:5] "The sowing comes-out of{the} to-sow the seed of{same} and in to{the} to-be-sowing same, the on-one-hand falls beside the way and is-walked-down/against[i.e. trampled], and the birds of{the heaven} eats-down same. [:6] And different/other falls upon the rock-mass and, produce[ing], is-withered through the having no moisture. [:7] And different/other falls in to{midst} of{the thorn-bushes} and, produce[ing]-together, the thorn-bushes suffocate-off/away same. [:8] And different/other falls into the land, the beneficial, and, produce[ing], makes [a] hundredfold fruit." Saying the-same, he-has-been-sounding, "The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing." [:9] Moreover, the disciples of{same} have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "Who[?] might-be-being the parable, the-same[?]" [:10] Moreover, the says, "To{you} has-been-given to-know the mysteries of{the kingdom} of{the God}; moreover, to{the remaining}, in to{parables}, in-which-place viewing, they-would_not_be-viewing, and hearing, they-would_not_be-putting-together. [:11] Moreover, the-same is-being the parable: The seed is-being the word of{the God}. [:12] Moreover, the beside the way are-being the hearing; thereafter, the devil/slanderer is-being-come and is-lifting the word off/away-from of{the heart} of{same}, lest in-which-place, believe[ing]/entrust[ing], they-would-be-saved. [:13] Moreover, the upon of{the rock-mass}, the when-supposing may-hear, alongside of{joy} they-are-receiving the word, and the-same are_not_having root. The toward season are-believing/entrusting and in to{season} of{trial} are-being-stood-off/away. [:14] Moreover, the fall[ing] into the thorn-bushes, the-same are-being the hear[ing], and being-gone under of{worry} and of{riches} and of{pleasures} of{the livelihood}, are-together-being-choked and are_not_carrying-to-completion. [:15] Moreover, the in to{the good land}, the-same are-being the-some hear[ing] the word in to{good heart} and to{beneficial}. They-are-having/holding-according-to and are-carrying-fruit in to{under-remain/endurance/perseverance}. [:16] Moreover, not-one kindle[ing] [a] lamp is-covering same to{vessel} or is-placing down-under of{couch/bed}; contrariwise, upon of{[a] lampstand} is-placing-upon, in-which-place the being-gone-into may-be-viewing the light. [:17] For [the] hidden[adjective] is_not_being which will-become not revealed[adjective], nor [the] hidden-off/away-from[adjective], which will_not_be-known, also may-come into [the] revealed[adjective]. [:18] So, be-viewing how you-are-hearing, for who supposing may-be-having, it-will-be-given to{same}, and who supposing would_not_be-having, also what he-is-deeming to-be-having will-be-lifted off/away-from of{same}." [:19] Moreover, the mother and the brothers of{same} become-aside toward same, and they-have_not_been-being-enabled to-happen-together to{same} through the crowd. [:20] And it-is-messaged-off/away to{same}, of{saying}, "The mother of{you} and the brothers of{you} have-stood outside will-ing to-behold you." [:21] Moreover, the respond[ing] says toward same, "[The] mother of{me} and [the] brothers of{me}, the-same are-being the hearing the word of{the God} and doing same." [:22] And it-becomes in to{one} of{the days} also same steps-in into [a] boat, and the disciples of{same}, and he-says toward same, we-should-come-through into the other-side of{the lake} and they-lead-up/anew. [:23] Moreover, of{same boating}, he-sleeps-off/away, and [a] storm of{wind} descends into the lake, and they-have-been-being-together-filled-full and they-have-been-being-endangered. [:24] Moreover, come[ing]-toward, they-through-rouse same, saying, "Superintendent, superintendent, we-are-perishing-off/away." Moreover, the roused adjudges-valuation-upon to{the wind} and to{the wave/surge/billow} of{the water} and they-quit/end/rest/stop and it-becomes calm. [:25] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "Where[?] is-being the faith of{you}[?]" Moreover, fear[ing], they-marvel, saying toward one-another, "Who[?] of-consequence is-being the-same, that also to{the winds} he-is-setting-upon, and to{the water}, and they-are-hearkening-under to{same}[?]" [:26] And they-boat into the region of{the Gadarenes} which-what is-being opposite-side-ly of{the Galilee}. [:27] Moreover, to{same come[ing]-out} upon the land he-encounters to{same} some man out of{the city} who has-been-having demon-ias out of{sufficient time}, and outer-garment has_not_been-being-clothed, and in to{[a] house} has_not_been-staying; contrariwise, in to{the memorial-effects}. [:28] Moreover, behold[ing] the Jesus and cry[ing]-out-up/anew, he-falls-toward to{same} and to{great sound} says, "What[?] to{emphatically-me} and to{you}, Jesus, son of{the God, the highest}[?] I-am-being-necessitated of{you} you-would_not_torture me." [:29] For he-messages-aside to{the spirit, the unclean} to-come-out from of{the man}, for to{many times} it-had-together-snatched same, and he-has-been-being-fettered to{un-loose-sis-es[i.e. states of being chained/bound]} and to{[foot]shackles}, being-guarded, and, tearing the bonds, he-has-been-being-propelled under of{the demon} into the desolate. [:30] Moreover, the Jesus asks-upon same, saying, "What[?] to{you} is-being name[?]" Moreover, the says, "Legion," that many demon-ias come-into into same. [:31] And they-have-been-calling-aside same in-which-place he-would_not_set-upon to{same[plural]} to-come-off/away into the bottomless-depths. [:32] Moreover, [a] herd of{sufficient pigs being-grazed} has-been-being there in to{the mountain} and they-have-been-calling-aside same in-which-place he-may-turn-upon to{same} into the-there-s to-come-into, and he-turns-upon to{same}. [:33] Moreover, the demon-ias, come[ing]-out from of{the man}, come-into into the pigs, and the herd dashes down of{the precipice} into the lake and suffocates-off/away[i.e. drowns]. [:34] Moreover, the grazing behold[ing] the having-become flee and message-off/away into the city and into the fields. [:35] Moreover, they-come-out to-behold the having-become, and come toward the Jesus and discover the man from of{whom} the demon-ias had-come-out being-seated, having-been-outer-garmented, and being-of-sound-disposition beside the feet of{the Jesus}, and they-fear. [:36] Moreover, also the behold[ing] message-off/away to{same} how the demonized is-saved. [:37] And the emphatically-every multitude of{the region-around} of{the Gadarenes} ask same to-come-off/away-from from of{same}, that to{great fear} they-have-been-having-together; moreover, same, step[ing]-in into the boat, returns. [:38] Moreover, the man from of{whom} the demon-ias had-come-out has-been-necessitating of{same} to-be-being together-with to{same}; moreover, the Jesus looses-off/away same, saying, [:39] "Be-returning into the house of{you} and be-describing as-much-as the God does to{you}." And he-comes-off/away down/against the whole city, proclaiming as-much-as the Jesus does to{same}. [:40] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-return the Jesus, the crowd receives-from same, for all have-been-being deeming-toward/anticipating same. [:41] And behold, [a] man, to{whom} name "Jairus," comes, and same chief of{the synagogue} has-been-originating-under and, fall[ing] beside the feet of{the Jesus}, has-been-calling-aside same to-come-into into the house of{same}, [:42] that only-begotten daughter has-been-being to{same} as twelve of{years}, and same has-been-dying-off/away; moreover, in to{the} to-withdrawing same, the crowds together-stifle same. [:43] And [a] woman being in to{flow-sis[i.e. a state of flow]} of{blood} from twelve of{years}, she-who, loose[ing]-up/anew-toward physicians the whole livelihood, does_not_have-strength under of{not-one} to-be-healed. [:44] Come[ing]-toward from-behind, she-takes-hold of{the fringe} of{the outer-garment} of{same} and immediately stands the flow-sis[i.e. state of flow] of{the blood} of{same}. [:45] And the Jesus says, "Who[?], the take[ing]-hold of{me}[?]" Moreover, of{all denying}, the Peter and the alongside of{same} say, "Superintendent, the crowds are-together-holding you and constricting-from and you-are-saying, 'Who[?], the take[ing]-hold of{me}[?]'" [:46] Moreover, the Jesus says, "Someone takes-hold of{me}, For I know enablement/empowerment come[ing]-out from of{emphatically-me}. [:47] Moreover, the woman behold[ing] that she-does_not_escape-notice, trembling, comes and, fall[ing]-toward to{same}, through whom cause she-takes-hold of{same}, messages-off/away to{same} in-sight of{all the people} and as she-is-cured immediately. [:48] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Be-having-courage, daughter. The faith of{you} has-saved you. Be-being-gone into peace." [:49] Still of{same speaking}, someone is-being-come beside of{the synagogue-chief}, saying to{same} that "the daughter of{you} has-died. Do_not_be-hassling the teacher." [:50] Moreover, the Jesus, hear[ing], responds to{same}, saying, "Do_not_be-fearing, only be-believing, and she-will-be-saved." [:51] Moreover, come[ing]-into into the house he-does_not_let-off to-come-into, not-one, if not Peter and James and John, and the father of{the child} and the mother. [:52] Moreover, all have-been-weeping and have-been-striking-themselves [regarding] same[feminine]; moreover, the says, "Do_not_be-weeping, for she-does_not_die-off/away; contrariwise, she-is-lying-asleep. [:53] And they-have-been-laughing-down/against of{same}, having-beheld that she-dies-off/away. [:54] Moreover, same, cast[ing]-out all outside and, seize[ing] of{the hand} of{same}, sounds, saying, "The child, be-being-roused." [:55] And the spirit of{same} turns-upon, and she-stands-up/anew immediately, and he-sets-through to{same[feminine]} to-be-given to-eat. [:56] And the parents of{same} are-astounded; moreover, the messages-aside to{same} to{no-one} to-say the having-become.
[Luke 9][:1] Moreover, call[ing]-together the twelve, he-gives to{same} enablement/empowerment and authority upon all the demon-ias and to-be-healing diseases. [:2] And he-sends-off/away same to-be-proclaiming the kingdom of{the God} and to-be-curing the weaknesses/infirmities. [:3] And he-says toward same, "Be-lifting nothing into the way, neither staffs, nor bag, nor bread, nor silver, nor two inner-garments to-be-having anew. [:4] And into which supposing house you-may-come-into, be-staying there and thence be-being-come-out. [:5] And as-many-as supposing may_not_receive you, being-come-out from of{the city, the-there}, shake-off the dust from of{the feet} of{you} into witness upon same." [:6] Moreover, being-come-out, they-have-been-being-come-through according-to the villages, good-message-izing and healing everywhere. [:7] Moreover, Herod, the fourth-part-origin-ruler, hears the being-become all under of{same} and has-been-being-perplexed-through through the to-be-being-said under of{some}, that John has-been-roused out of{dead}, [:8] moreover under of{some} that Elijah is-revealed, moreover of{others} that [a] prophet into of{the originals} stands-up/anew. [:9] And Herod says, "I behead John; moreover, who[?] is-being the-same about of{whom} I am-hearing to-which-the-same[?]" And he-has-been-seeking to-behold same. [:10] And, return[ing], the sent-off[ones] describe to{same} as-much-as they-do and, take[ing]-aside same[plural], he-retreats with self [i.e. in private] into [a] desolate place of{[a] city being-called} Bethsaida. [:11] Moreover, the crowds, know[ing], accompany to{same} and, receive[ing] same[plural], he-has-been-speaking to{same} about of{the kingdom} of{the God}, and the[plural] having need of{therapy} he-has-been-curing. [:12] Moreover, the day initiates to-be-leaning; moreover, come[ing]-toward, the twelve say to{same}, "Loose-off/away the crowd, in-which-place, come[ing]-off/away into the to{round-about} villages and the fields, they-may-loose-down[i.e. retire] and may-discover upon-grain/provision, that we-are-being here in to{[a] desolate place}." [:13] Moreover, he-says toward same, "You, give to{same} to-eat." Moreover, the[plural] say, "There-are_not_being to{us} much-more than five breads and two fishes if not-what, be[ing]-gone, we may-purchase into all the people, the-same, food," [:14] for there-have-been-being as-if five-thousand men. Moreover, he-says toward the disciples of{same}, "Lay-down same[plural], companies fifty anew." [:15] And they-do the-same-ly, and recline emphatically-all. [:16] Moreover, take[ing] the five breads and the two fishes, view[ing]-up into the heaven, he-well-words same and breaks-down and has-been-giving to{the disciples} to-be-set-aside to{the crowd}. [:17] And they-eat and all are-fed-ized, and the exceed[ing] to{same} of{break-effects/fragments}, twelve baskets, are-lifted. [:18] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being, same, praying, with-only/alone, the disciples have-been-being-together to{same}, and he-asks-upon same, saying, "Who[?] the crowds are-saying me to-be-being[?]" [:19] Moreover, the respond[ing] say, "John, the immerser; moreover, others, Elijah; moreover, others that [a] prophet, who of{the originals}, stands-up/anew." [:20] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "Moreover, who[?] you are-saying me to-be-being[?]" Moreover, the Peter, respond[ing], says, "The anointed of{the God}." [:21] Moreover, the, adjudge[ing]-valuation-upon to{same}, messages-aside to-say the-same to{no-one}, [:22] say[ing] that it-is-necessitating the son of{the man} to-suffer many and to-be-deemed-off/away[i.e. be rejected] from of{the elders} and of{chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{scribes}, and to-be-killed-off/away, and to{the third day} to-be-roused. [:23] Moreover, he-has-been-saying toward all, "If any is-will-ing behind of{me} to-come: deny-off/away sameself and lift the cross of{same} according-to day and be-accompanying to{me}, [:24] for who supposing may-be-will-ing the life of{same} to-save will-destroy-off/away same; moreover, who supposing may-destroy-off/away the life of{same} because of{emphatically-me}, the-same will-save same. [:25] For what[?] is-being-profited, [a] man gain[ing] the whole world, moreover destroy[ing]-off/away sameself or penalized[?] [:26] For who supposing may-be-ashamed-upon me and the my words, the-same, the son of{the man} will-be-ashamed-upon when-supposing he-may-come in to{the glory} of{same} and of{the father} and of{the holy messengers}. [:27] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you}, truly some are-being of{the thus having-stood} who, no, should_not_taste of{death} until supposing they-may-behold the kingdom of{the God}. [:28] Moreover, it-becomes alongside the words, the-same, as-if eight days and, take[ing]-aside Peter and John and James, he-ascends into the mountain to-pray. [:29] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-praying same, the behold of{the face} of{same} different, and the outer-garment-set of{same} flashing-out[like "lightning"] white/bright. [:30] And, behold, two men have-been-speaking-together to{same}; the-some have-been-being Moses and Elijah, [:31] who, seen in to{glory}, have-been-saying the way-out of{same[masculine singular]} he-has-been-being-about which to-be-fulfilling in Jerusalem. [:32] Moreover, the Peter and the together-with to{same} have-been-being having-been-weighted to{sleep}. Moreover, be[ing]-through-awake, they-behold the glory of{same} and the two men, the having-stood-together to{same[singular]}. [:33] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-separating-through same from of{same} the Peter says toward the Jesus, "Superintendent, it-is-being good, us, to-be-being here, and we-should-make three tents, one to{you} and one to{Moses} and one to{Elijah}," no having-beheld the he-is-saying. [:34] Moreover, of{same saying} the-same, [a] cloud becomes and shadows-upon same. Moreover, they-fear in to{the} the-there-s to-come-into into the cloud. [:35] And [a] sound becomes out of{the cloud}, saying, "The-same is-being the son of{me}, the beloved. Be-hearing of{same}." [:36] And in to{the} to-become the sound, only the Jesus is-discovered, and same[plural] refrain-from-speaking and to{not-one} they-message-off/away in to{the-there-s, the days} nothing of{whom} they-have-seen. [:37] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the next day} of{same come[ing]-down} from of{the mountain} [a] vast crowd meets to{same}, [:38] And behold, [a] man from of{the crowd} cries-up/anew, saying, "Teacher, I-am-being-necessitated of{you} to-view-upon upon the son of{me}, that he-is-being only-begotten to{me}, [:39] and behold, [a] spirit is-taking same and out-suddenly cries-out, and is-convulsing same alongside of{foam} and excruciatingly it-is-separating-off/away-from from of{same}, crushing same, [:40] and I-am-necessitated of{the disciples} of{you} in-which-place they-may-be-casting-out same, and they-are_not_enabled/empowered." [:41] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Oh generation unbelieving[adjective] and having-been-twisted/distorted. Until at-what-time[?] I-will-be toward you and will-hold/be-held-up/anew of{you}[?] Lead-toward here the son of{you}." [:42] Moreover, still being-come-toward of{same} the demon-ia tears same and together-convulses; moreover, the Jesus adjudges-valuation-upon to{the spirit, the unclean} and cures the child and gives-off/away same to{the father} of{same}. [:43] Moreover, all have-been-being-impacted upon to{the magnificence} of{the God}. Moreover, of{all marveling} upon to{all which} the Jesus does, he-says toward the disciples of{same}, [:44] "You, place into the ears of{you} the words, the-same, for the son of{the man} is-being-about to-be-being-delivered into [the] hands of{men}." [:45] Moreover, the[plural] have-been-not-thinking the declaration, the-same, and has-been-being having-been-covered-aside from of{same} in-which-place they-would_not_perceive same and they-have-been-fearing to-ask same about of{the declaration, the-same}. [:46] Moreover, [a] dialog-iz-ation comes-into in to{same[plural]}, the who[singular] supposing might-be-being greater of{same[plural]}. [:47] Moreover, the Jesus, behold[ing] the dialog-iz-ation of{the heart} of{same[plural]}, take[ing]-upon of{[a] childling}, stands same beside to{sameself} [:48] and says to{same[plural]}, "Who if-supposing may-receive the-same, the childling, upon to{the name} of{me} is-receiving emphatically-me, and who if-supposing may-receive emphatically-me is-receiving the send[ing]-off-away me, for the lesser in to{all you} originating-under[i.e. having subordinated to], the-same will-be great." [:49] Moreover, respond[ing], the John says, "Superintendent, we-behold someone upon to{the name} of{you} casting-out demon-ias, and we-hinder same, that he-is_not_accompanying alongside of{us}." [:50] And the Jesus says toward same, "Do_not_be-hindering, for who is_not_being against of{you} is-being over/for-the-sake of{you}." [:51] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-together-fulfilled the days of{the taking-up-sis[i.e. state of taking up]} of{same} and same establishes the face of{same} of{the} to-be-being-gone into Jerusalem. [:52] And he-sends-off/away messengers before of{face} of{same} and, be[ing]-gone, they-come-into into [a] village of{Samaritans} such-as to-prepare to{same}, [:53] and they-do_not_receive same, that the face of{same} has-been-being being-gone into Jerusalem. [:54] Moreover, behold[ing], the disciples of{same}, James and John, say, "Lord, you-are-will-ing we-may-say fire to-descend from of{the heaven} and to-consume same as also Elijah does." [:55] Moreover, be[ing]-turned, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{same} and says, "You-have_not_beheld of{the-which spirit} you-are-being; [:56] the son of{the man} does_not_come to-destroy-off/away [the] lives of{men}; contrariwise, to-save." And they-are-gone into [a] different village. [:57] Moreover, it-becomes, of{same being-gone} in to{the way}, someone says toward same, "I-will-accompany to{you} which-where supposing you-may-be-being-come-off/away, Lord." [:58] And the Jesus says to{same}, "The foxes are-having dens and the birds of{the heaven} roosts; moreover, the son of{the man} is_not_having where he-may-be-leaning the head." [:59] Moreover, he-says toward [a] different, "Be-accompanying to{me}." Moreover, the says, "Lord, turn-upon to{me, come[ing]-off/away}, first to-bury the father of{me}." [:60] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Let-off/away the dead to-bury the dead of{sameselves}. Moreover, you, come[ing]-off/away, through-message the kingdom of{the God}." [:61] Moreover, also [a] different says, "I-will-accompany to{you}, Lord; moreover, first turn-upon to{me} to-set-such-as-to-be-set-off/away to{the} into the house of{me}." [:62] Moreover, the Jesus says toward same, "Not-one cast[ing]-upon the hand of{same} upon [the] plow and viewing into the behind is-being well-placed into the kingdom of{the God}."
[Luke 10][:1] Moreover, alongside the-same the Lord shows-anew/appoints also seventy different/others and sends-off/away same two anew before of{face} of{same} into every city and place of{which} same[singular] has-been-being-about to-be-being-come. [:2] So, he-has-been-saying toward same, "On-one-hand the harvest much; on-the-other-hand the workers few. So, be-necessitated of{the Lord} of{the harvest}, which-how may-cast-out workers into the harvest of{same}. [:3] Be-withdrawing. Behold, I am-sending-off/away you as lambs in to{midst} of{wolves}. [:4] Do_not_be-bearing [a] purse, no bag, nor footwear, also, you-may-greet/be-greeted no-one down the way. [:5] Moreover, into which supposing house you-may-be-being-come-into, first be-saying, 'Peace to{the house, the-same},' [:6] and if-supposing [a] son of{peace} may-be-being there, the peace of{you} will-rest-upon upon same; moreover, if no-indeed upon you it-will-turn-back/anew. [:7] Moreover, in to{same, the house}, be-staying, eating and drinking the beside of{same}, for the worker of{the wage} of{same} is-being worthwhile. Do_not_change-course out of{house} into house. [:8] And into which supposing you-may-be-being-come-into [a] city and they-may-be-receiving you, be-eating the placing-beside to{you}. [:9] And be-healing the infirm in to{same} and be-saying to{same}, 'The kingdom of{the God} has-become-near upon you.' [:10] Moreover, into which supposing city you-may-be-being-come-into and they-are_not_receiving you, come[ing]-out into the broad[space]s of{same}, say, [:11] 'Also the dust, the adhered to{us} out of{the city} of{us} we-are-wiping-off to{you}. More-ly be-knowing the-same, that has-become-near upon you the kingdom of{the God}.' [:12] I-am-saying to{you} that it-will-be more-endurable to{Sodom} in to{the day, the-there} than to{the city, the-there}. [:13] Woe to{you}, Chorazin, woe to{you}, Bethsaida, that if in to{Tyre} and to{Sidon} is-become the empowerments, the be[ing]-become in to{you}, long-ago supposing being-seated in to{sackcloth} and to{ashes} they-change-minds/thinking. [:14] More-ly, it-will-be more-endurable to{Tyre} and to{Sidon} in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} than to{you}. [:15] And you, Capernaum, the until of{the heaven} elevated, until of{unseen/Hades}, you-will-be-descended. [:16] The hearing of{you} is-hearing of{emphatically-me}, and the un-placing/rejecting you is-un-placing/rejecting emphatically-me; moreover, the un-placing/rejecting emphatically-me is-un-placing/rejecting the send[ing]-off/away me." [:17] Moreover, the seventy return alongside of{joy}, saying, "Lord, also the demon-ias are-being-set-under/subjected to{us} in to{the name} of{you}." [:18] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "I-have-been-observing the Satan/adversary as lightning fall[ing] out of{the heaven}. [:19] Behold, I-have-given to{you} the authority of{the} to-be-treading up-upon of{serpents} and of{scorpions} and upon all the enablement/empowerment of{the hostile}, and nothing, no, would_not_do-injustice-to/injure you. [:20] More-ly, in to{the-same} do_not_be-joying that the spirits are-being-set-under/subject to{you}; moreover, be-joying that the names of{you} are-written in to{the heavens}." [:21] In to{the same hour} the Jesus exults to{the Spirit} and says, "I-am-acknowledging-out to{you}, Father, Lord of{the heaven} and of{the earth}, that you-conceal-from, the-same, from of{wise} and of{intelligent} and you-uncover same to{infants}. Yes, oh Father, that the-same-ly becomes well-deem-ia/inclination in-front of{you}." [:22] And, be[ing]-turned toward the disciples, he-says, "All is-delivered to{me} under of{the Father} of{me}, and no-one is-knowing who is-being the son if not the Father, and who is-being the Father if not the son, and to{whom} if-supposing he-may-be-intending the son to-off-cover." [:23] And, be[ing]-turned toward the disciples with self [i.e. in private], he-says, "Blessed, the eyes, the viewing, what you-are-viewing, [:24] for I-am-saying to{you} that many prophets and kings will to-behold what you are-viewing, and do_not_behold, and to-hear what you-are-hearing and do_not_hear." [:25] And, behold, some lawyer stands-up, trial-izing-out same and saying, "Teacher, do[ing] what[?] I-will-inherit eternal being-alive[noun][?]" [:26] Moreover, the says toward same, "It-has-been-written what[?] in to{the law}[?] How[?] you-are-knowing-anew[?]" [:27] Moreover, respond[ing], the says, "You-will-love [the] Lord, the God of{you}, out of{the whole heart} of{you} and out of{the whole life} of{you} and out of{the whole strength} of{you} and out of{the whole mind/thinking-through} of{you} and the nearby of{you} as yourself." [:28] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "Straightly you-respond. Be-doing the-same and you-will-be-alive." [:29] Moreover, the, will-ing to-be-justifying sameself, says toward the Jesus, "And who[?] is-being nearby of{me}[?]" [:30] Moreover, take[ing]-under, the Jesus says, "Some man has-been-descending from Jerusalem into Jericho and falls-around/about to{robbers} who, also, out-clothe[ing]/disrobe[ing] same, also set[ing]-upon blows, come-off/away, let[ing]-off/away half-dead. Occurring, [:31] moreover, according-to together-happen/coincidence, some consecrated[i.e. priest] has-been-descending in to{the way, the-there} and, behold[ing] same, comes-opposite-aside. [:32] Moreover, similarly, also [a] Levite, become[ing] according-to the place, come[ing], also behold[ing], comes-opposite-aside. [:33] Moreover, some Samaritan, traveling, comes according-to same and, behold[ing] same, is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion]. [:34] And, come[ing]-toward, binds-down/against the wound-effects of{same}, upon-pouring olive-oil and wine. Moreover, step-ize[ing]-upon/mounting-upon same upon the own livestock/animal, he-leads same into [an] inn and is-concerned-upon/takes-care of{same}. [:35] And upon the tomorrow, come[ing]-out, cast[ing]-out two denarii, he-gives to{the innkeeper} and says to{same}, 'Be-concerned-upon/take-care of{same} and the what supposing you-may-spend-toward, I will-give-off/away to{you} in to{the} to-be-being-upon-come-anew[i.e. come back again] me.' [:36] So, who[?] of{the-same[plural], the three} to{you} are-deeming to-have-become nearby of{the fall[ing]-in} into the robbers[?]" [:37] Moreover, the says, "The do[ing] the mercy alongside of{same}." Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Being-gone, also you, be-doing similarly." [:38] Moreover, it-becomes, in to{the} to-be-being-gone same, and same comes-into into some village, moreover some woman to{name} Martha under-receives same into the house of{same}. [:39] And to{she-here} has-been-being [a] sister being-called Mary who, also sit[ing]-down-beside beside the feet of{the Jesus} has-been-hearing the word of{same}. [:40] Moreover, the Martha has-been-being-drawn-around around much service. Moreover, stand[ing]-upon, she-says, "Lord, it-is_not_concerning to{you} that the sister of{me} leaves-behind me alone to-be-serving[?] So, say to{same} in-which-place she-may-take-together-in-place[i.e. assist] to{me}." [:41] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Martha, Martha, you-are-worrying and being-stirred-up about many; [:42] moreover, of{one} need is-being; moreover, Mary chooses the beneficial part which-what will_not_be-lifted-off/away-from from of{same}."
[Luke 11][:1] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being same in to{some place} praying, as he-stops, someone of{the disciples} of{same} says toward same, "Lord, teach us to-be-praying according-as also John teaches the disciples of{same}." [:2] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "When-supposing you-may-be-praying, be-saying, "Father of{us}, the in to{the heavens}, the name of{you}: be-holy-ized. The kingdom of{you}: be-come. The will-effect of{you}: be-become, as in to{heaven} and/also upon of{the earth}. [:3] Be-giving to{us} the bread of{us}, the upon-substance, the according-to[i.e. per] day. [:4] And let-off/away to{us} the sins of{us}; for also same[plural] are-letting-off/away to{every owing} to{us}. And you-would_not_carry-into us into trial; contrariwise, rescue us from of{the evil}." [:5] And he-says toward same, "Who[?] out of{you} will-have [a] friend and will-be-gone toward same of{mid-night} and may-say to{same}, 'Friend, lend to{me} three breads, [:6] since-indeed [a] friend of{me} becomes-aside out of{[the] way} toward me, and I-am_not_having what I-will-set-aside to{same}.' [:7] And-the-there, inside, respond[ing], may-say, 'Be_not_having-aside/presenting toil to{me}. Already the door has-been-closed and the childlings of{me} alongside of{emphatically-me} are-being into the [marriage/family]bed. I-am_not_being-enabled, stand[ing]-up/anew, to-give to{you}.' [:8] I-am-saying to{you} if also he-will_not_give to{same} stand[ing]-up/anew through the friend to-be-being of{same}, yet through the shameless-ia/shamelessness of{same}, roused, he-will-give to{same} as-much-as he-is-needing. [:9] And-I am-saying to{you}, be-requesting/giving-cause-to and it-will-be-given to{you}, be-seeking and you-will-discover, be-knocking and it-will-be-opened-anew to{you}, [:10] For every, the requesting/giving-cause-to, is-taking, and the seeking, is-discovering, and to{the knocking}, it-will-be-opened-anew. [:11] Moreover, the some father out of{you}, the son will-give-cause-to/request bread. He-will_not_upon-give [a] stone to{same}; or also [a] fish, not in-place-of of{[a] fish} he-will-upon-give [a] serpent to{same}. [:12] Or also if-supposing he-may-give-cause-to/request [an] egg, he-will_not_upon-give [a] scorpion to{same}. [:13] So, if you, evil originating-under, having-beheld beneficial give-effects to-be-giving to{the offsprings} of{you}, to{how-much} more the Father, the out of{heaven} will-give [the] Holy Spirit to{the giving-cause-to/requesting} same." [:14] And he-has-been-being casting-out [a] demon-ia, and same has-been-being deaf/mute. Moreover, it-becomes of{the demon-ia come[ing]-out} the deaf/mute speaks, and the crowds marvel. [:15] Moreover, some out of{same} say, "In to{Ba'al-Zebub, chief} of{the demon-ias} he-is-casting-out the demon-ias. [:16] Moreover, different/others, trial-izing, have-been-seeking [a] sign out of{heaven} beside of{same}. [:17] Moreover, same having-beheld the through-mind/thinking-effects[i.e. thoughts] of{same} says to{same}, "Every kingdom be[ing]-divided-through upon sameself is-desolated, and house upon house is-falling. [:18] Moreover, if also the Satan/adversary is-divided-through upon sameself, how[?] will-be-stood, the kingdom of{same}, that you-are-saying me, in to{Ba'al-Zebub} to-be-casting-out the demon-ias[?] [:19] Moreover, if I am-casting-out the demon-ias in to{Ba'al-Zebub}, in to{whom[?]} the sons of{you} are-casting-out[?] Through the-same, judges of{you} will-be same[plural]. [:20] Moreover, if I-am-casting-out the demon-ias in to{[the] finger} of{God}, consequently, the kingdom of{the God} precedes/overtakes upon you. [:21] When-supposing the strong, having-been-armed-against, may-be-guarding the courtyard of{sameself}, in to{peace} is-being the undertaking-s of{same}. [:22] Moreover, upon-supposing the stronger of{same}, come[ing]-upon, may-conquer same, he-is-lifting the all-arms/weapon-ia/panoply of{same} upon to{which} he-had-had-confidence-upon and is-giving-through/distributing the spoils of{same}. [:23] The not being alongside of{emphatically-me} is-being against of{emphatically-me} and the not gathering-together alongside of{emphatically-me} is-scattering. [:24] When-supposing the unclean spirit may-come-out from of{the man}, it-is-being-come-through through of{dry/withered places}, seeking rest and, not discovering, it-is-saying, 'I-will-return into the house of{me} whence I-come-out.' [:25] And, come[ing], it-is-discovering being-vacant, having-been-swept, and having-been-arranged/ordered. [:26] Then it-is-being-gone and is-taking-along seven different/other spirits, more-evil-than of{sameself} and, come[ing]-into, is-housing-down there, and the last of{the man, the-there} is-being-become worse-than of{the first}." [:27] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-saying same[masculine], the-same[neuter plural], some woman, sound raise[ing]-upon out of{the crowd}, says to{same}, "Blessed, the cavity, the bear[ing] you, and breasts which you-nurse." [:28] Moreover, same says, "Yet,-so,-on-the-other-hand, blessed, the hearing the word of{the God} and guarding same." [:29] Moreover, of{the crowds assembled-upon}, he-initiates to-be-saying, "The same generation is-being evil. It-is-seeking-upon [a] sign, and [a] sign will_not_be-given same if not the sign of{Jonah the prophet}, [:30] for according-as Jonah becomes [a] sign to{the Ninevites}, the-same-ly the son of{the man} will-be also to{the generation, the-same}. [:31] [The] queen of{[the] south/southwest} will-be-roused in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} alongside of{the men} of{the generation, the-same} and will-judge-against same, that she-comes out of{the limits} of{the earth} to-hear the wisdom of{Solomon} and, behold, more-than of{Solomon} here. [:32] Ninevite men will-stand-up/anew in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} alongside of{the generation, the-same}, and judge-against same, that they-change-mind/thinking into the proclaim-effect of{Jonah} and, behold, more-than of{Jonah} here. [:33] Moreover, no-one kindle[ing] [a] lamp is-placing into hidden[adjective], nor under the basket-measure; contrariwise, upon the lampstand, in-which-place the being-gone-into may-be-viewing the light. [:34] The lamp of{the body} is-being the eye. So, when-supposing the eye of{you} may-be-being straightforward, also the whole body of{you} is-being luminous. Moreover, upon-supposing it-may-be-being evil, also the body of{you} dark. [:35] So, watch, lest the light, the in to{you}, is-being darkness. [:36] So, if the whole body of{you} luminous, not having any part dark, [the] whole will-be luminous, as when-supposing the lamp to{the lightning/flash} may-be-illuminating you." [:37] Moreover, in to{the} to-speak, some Pharisee has-been-asking same which-how he-may-have-breakfast/lunch beside to{same}. Moreover, come[ing]-into, he-falls-anew[i.e. sits down]. [:38] Moreover, the Pharisee, behold[ing], marvels that not first he-is-immersed before of{the breakfast/lunch}. [:39] Moreover, the Lord says toward same, "Now you, the Pharisees, are-cleansing the outwardly of{the cup} and of{the platter}; moreover, the inwardly of{you} is-brimming of{seizure[i.e. taking from]} and of{evil}. [:40] Imprudent[ones], not the make[ing] the outwardly also makes the inwardly[?] [:41] More-ly, give the being-in mercy/charity and, behold, all is-being clean to{you}. [:42] Contrariwise, woe to{you, the Pharisees}, that you-are-tenth-ing-off/away-from the sweet-smelling/mint and the rue and every herb, and you-are-being-come-aside the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment], and the love of{the God}. He/it-has-been-necessitating the-same to-do, and-the-there not to-be-letting-off/away-from. [:43] Woe to{you, the Pharisees}, that you-are-loving the first-seat in to{the synagogues} and the greetings in to{the marketplaces}. [:44] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-being as the memorials, the un-evident, and the men, walking-around up-upon, have_not_beheld." [:45] Moreover, respond[ing], someone of{the lawyers} is-saying to{same}, "Teacher, saying the-same also is-rampaging us." [:46] Moreover, the says, "Also to{you, the lawyers}, woe, that you-are-loading the men hard-to-bear loads, and same are_not_toward-touching to{one} of{the fingers} of{you} to{the loads}. [:47] Woe to{you}, that you-are-house-building the memorials of{the prophets}; moreover, the fathers of{you} kill-off/away same. [:48] Consequently, you-are-witnessing and you-are-being-well-inclined-together to{the works} of{the fathers} of{you}, that same on-one-hand kill-off/away same; on-the-other-hand, you are-house-building the memorials of{same}. [:49] Through the-same also the wisdom of{the God} says, 'I-will-send-off/away into same prophets and sent-off/away[ones], and out of{same} they-will-kill-off/away and they-will-chase-out,' [:50] in-which-place the blood of{all the prophets}, the being-poured-out from of{[the] cast-down} of{[the] world}, may-be-sought-out from of{the generation, the-same}, [:51] from of{the blood} [of-]Abel until of{the blood} of{Zechariah} of{the perished-off/away} between of{[the] sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]} and of{the house}. Yes, I-am-saying to{you}, it-will-be-sought-out from of{the generation, the-same}. [:52] Woe to{you, the lawyers}, that you-lift the key of{the knowledge}. Same[plural] [you-]do_not_come-into, and you-hinder the being-come-into." [:53] Moreover, of{same saying} the-same[neuter plural] toward same[masculine plural], the scribes and the Pharisees initiate to-be-holding-in terribly and to-be-mouth-off-izing same about of{much-more}, [:54] ambushing same and seeking to-hunt something out of{the mouth} of{same} in-which-place they-may-accuse of{same},
[Luke 12][:1] in to{which} of{gather[ing]-together-upon} of{the ten-thousand} of{the crowd} such-as to-be-walking-down/against[i.e. trampling] one-another, he-initiates to-be-saying toward the disciples of{same} first, "Be-holding-toward to{sameselves} from of{the leaven} of{the Pharisees}, which-what is-being pretense. [:2] Moreover, nothing having-been-covered-together is-being the will_not_be-off-covered, and [the] hidden[adjective] the will_not_be-known, [:3] to-the-contrary of{which}, as-much-as in to{the darkness-ia} you-say, in to{the light} will-be-heard, and the toward the ear you-speak in to{the inner-rooms} will-be-proclaimed upon of{the buildings}. [:4] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you, the friends} of{me}, do_not_fear from of{the killing-off/away} the body and alongside the-same not of{having} more-excessive what to-do. [:5] Moreover, I-will-indicate to{you} whom you-should-fear. Fear the, alongside the to-kill-off/away, having authority to-cast-in into the Gehenna. Yes, I-am-saying to{you}, fear the-same. [:6] Emphatically-not five sparrows is-being-sold of{two assarii[a Roman coin]} and one out of{same} is_not_being having-been-forgotten in-sight of{the God}. [:7] Contrariwise, also the hairs of{the head} of{you} all have-been-numbered, so do_not_be-fearing; you-are-bearing-through/surpassing of{many sparrows}. [:8] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you}, every who supposing may-same-word in to{emphatically-me} in-front of{the men}, also the son of{the man} will-same-word in to{same} in-front of{the messengers} of{the God}. [:9] Moreover, the deny[ing] me in-sight of{the men} will-be-denied-off/away in-sight of{the messengers} of{the God}. [:10] And every, who will-declare [a] word into the son of{the man}, will-be-let-off/away to{same}; moreover, to{the asserting-evil} into the Holy Spirit, will_not_be-let-off/away. [:11] Moreover, when-supposing they-may-be-toward-carrying you upon the synagogues and the chiefs and the authorities, you-should_not_worry how or what you-may-defend or what you-may-say, [:12] for the Holy Spirit will-teach you in to{the same hour} what is-necessitating to-say." [:13] Moreover, someone out of{the crowd} says to{same}, "Teacher, say to{the brother} of{me} to-divide alongside of{emphatically-me} the inheritance." [:14] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Man, who[?] stands/sets-down me justice[role] or divider upon you[?]" [:15] Moreover, he-says toward same[plural], "Be-seeing and be-guarding from of{the greater-having-ness}, that not in to{the} to-be-exceeding to{which} the being-alive[noun] of{same} is-being out of{the undertaking-s} of{same}." [:16] Moreover, he-says [a] parable toward same, saying, "The region of{some rich man} bears-well, [:17] and he-has-been-being-dialog-ized in to{sameself}, saying, 'What[?] I-may-do, that I-am_not_having where[?] I-will-gather-together the fruits of{me}[?]' [:18] And he-says, 'I-will-do the-same[i.e. this:]. I-will-lift-down of{me} the storehouses and house-build larger, and I-will-gather-together there all the begotten-effects of{me} and the beneficial of{me}, [:19] And I-will-declare to{the life} of{me}, "Life, you-are-having many beneficial being-lain into many years. Be-resting, eat, drink, be-being-gladdened."' [:20] Moreover, the God says to{same}, 'Imprudent, to{the-same, the night}, it-is-giving-cause-to/requesting-off/away-from from of{you} the life of{you}. Moreover, what you-prepare, to{whom} it-will-be[?]' [:21] The-same-ly the wealth-izing to{sameself} and not being-rich into God." [:22] Moreover, he-says toward the disciples of{same}, "Through the-same I-am-saying to{you}, do_not_be-worrying to{the life} of{you}, what you-may-eat, nor to{the body}, what you-may-clothe-yourself, [:23] for the life is-being more-than of{the nourishment} and the body of{the clothing}. [:24] Think-according-to/consider the ravens, that they-are_not_sowing nor harvesting, to{which} there-is_not_being inner-room nor storehouse, and the God is-nourishing same. To{how-much} more you-are-bearing-through/surpassing of{the birds}. [:25] Moreover, who[?] out of{you} of{worry} is-being-enabled to-place-toward upon the stature of{same} one cubit[?] [:26] So, if you-are-being-enabled not-besides [the] least, what[?] about of{the remaining} you-are-worrying[?] [:27] Think-according-to/consider the lilies, how they-are-growing. They-are_not_laboring nor spinning; moreover, I-am-saying to{you} neither Solomon in to{all the glory} of{same} drapes-around-himself as one of{the-same}. [:28] Moreover, if the God the-same-ly is-dress-ing the grass being in to{the field} today and being-cast tomorrow into [an] oven, to{how-much[?]} more you, scant[of]faith[?] [:29] And you, do_not_be-seeking what you-may-eat or what you-may-drink, and do_not_be-in-suspense, [:30] for the nations of{the world} is-seeking-upon the-same all; moreover, the Father of{you} has-beheld that you-are-needing of{the-same}. [:31] More-ly, be-seeking the kingdom of{the God} and the-same all will-be-placed-toward to{you}. [:32] Do_not_be-fearing, the little flock-let, that the Father of{you} is-well-inclined to-give to{you} the kingdom. [:33] Sell the undertaking-s of{you} and give mercy/charity. Make to{sameselves} purses not becoming-old, wealth uninterrupted in to{the heavens} which-where thief is_not_becoming-near nor moth is-ruining-through, [:34] for which-where the wealth of{you} is-being, there also the heart of{you} will-be. [:35] The hips/loins of{you}: be-being having-been-girded-around, and the lamps being-ignited. [:36] And you, analogous to{men receiving-toward} the Lord of{sameselves}, at-what-time he-will-loose-up/anew out of{the weddings} in-which-place, of{come[ing]} and of{knock[ing]} straightaway they-may-open-up to{same}. [:37] Blessed, the slaves, the-there-s, whom, come[ing], the Lord will-discover being-awake. Amen I-am-saying to{you} that he-will-be-girded-around and will-recline same and, come[ing]-aside, will-serve to{same}. [:38] And if-supposing he-may-come in to{the second custody[i.e. time period]}, and in to{the third custody[i.e. time period]} he-may-come and may-discover the-same-ly, blessed are-being the slaves, the-there-s. [:39] Moreover, be-knowing the-same, that if the house-ruler had-beheld to{about-what-such hour} the thief is-being-come, he-is-awake, also supposing he-does_not_let-off/away to-be-dug-through, the house of{same} [:40] So, also you be-becoming ready, that to{which hour} you-are_not_supposing, the son of{the man} is-being-come." [:41] Moreover, the peter says to{same}, "Lord, you-are-speaking the parable, the-same, toward us, or also toward all[?]" [:42] Moreover, the Lord says, "Who[?], consequently, is-being the faithful house-legislator, and prudent, whom the lord will-stand/set-down upon of{the therapy/treatment/attendance} of{same}, of{the} to-be-giving in to{season} the grain-measure[?] [:43] Blessed, the slave, the-there, whom the lord of{same}, come[ing], will-discover doing the-same-ly. [:44] Truly I-am-saying to{you} that upon to{all the undertaking-s} of{same} he-will-stand/set-down same. [:45] Moreover, if-supposing the slave, the-there, may-say in to{the heart} of{same}, 'The lord of{me} is-taking-time to-be-being-come,' and may-initiate to-be-beating the children and the girlies, both to-be-eating and to-be-drinking and to-be-getting-drunk, [:46] the lord of{the slave, the-there}, will-arrive in to{[a] day which} he-is_not_deeming-toward and in to{[an] hour which} he-is_not_knowing, and he-will-cut/separate same and will-place the portion of{same} alongside of{the unfaithful}. [:47] Moreover, the slave, the-there, the know[ing] the will-effect of{the lord} of{sameself} and not prepare[ing] nor do[ing] toward the will-effect of{same} will-be-flayed many. [:48] Moreover, the not know[ing], moreover do[ing] worthy of{blows}, will-be-flayed few; moreover, to{every whom} is-given much, much will-be-sought beside of{same}, and to{whom} is-placed-beside-such-as-to-place-beside much, more-excessive will-be-requested/given-cause-to same. [:49] I-come to-cast fire upon the earth, and what I-am-will-ing, if already it-is-kindled-anew. [:50] Moreover, I-am-having [an] immersion-effect to-be-immersed, and how I-am-being-held-together until of{which} may-be-finished. [:51] You-are-deeming that I-become-near to-give peace in to{the earth}; emphatically-not, I-am-saying to{you}; contrariwise, rather, division-through. [:52] For will-be, from of{the} now, five in to{one house} having-been-divided-through, three upon to{two} and two upon to{three}. [:53] Father will-be-divided-through upon to{son} and son upon to{father}, mother upon to{daughter} and daughter upon to{mother}, mother-in-law upon the bride/daughter-in-law of{same} and bride/daughter-in-law upon the mother-in-law of{same}." [:54] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also to{the crowds}, "When-supposing you-may-behold [a] cloud completing-up from of{setting/[west]}, straightaway you-are-saying, '[A] rainstorm is-being-come,' and it-is-becoming the-same-ly. [:55] And when-supposing blowing south/southwest you-are-saying that it-will-be burning-heat, and it-is-becoming. [:56] Pretenders! You-have-beheld the face of{the earth} and of{the heaven} to-be-deem-izing/evaluating; moreover, how[?] you-are_not_deem-izing/evaluating the season, the-same[?] [:57] Moreover, what[?] also from of{sameselves} you-are_not_judging the just[?], [:58] for as you-are-withdrawing alongside of{the litigant} of{you} upon [a] chief/ruler/magistrate, give work-ia/business in to{the way} to-have-been-released/acquitted/discharged/absolved/settled from of{same}, not-whereby he-may-drag-down you toward the judge and the judge may-deliver you to{the executor} and the executor may-cast you into custody. [:59] I-am-saying to{you}, no, you-would_not_come-out thence until of{whom} also you-would-give-off the last mite."
[Luke 13][:1] Moreover, some have-been-being-present in to{same, the season}, messaging-off to{same} about of{the Galileans}, the blood of{whom} Pilate mixes alongside of{the sacrifices} of{same[plural]}. [:2] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "You-are-deeming that the Galileans, the-same, become sinful aside all the Galileans, that to-which-the-same have-suffered. [:3] Emphatically-not, I-am-saying to{you}; contrariwise, if-supposing you-should_not_be-changing-mind/thinking, [you] all similarly will-perish-off/away. [:4] Or, the ten and eight, the-there-s, upon whom the tower in to{the} Siloam falls and kills-off/away same. You-are-deeming that the-same owe-ers become, aside all men, the housing-down in Jerusalem. [:5] Emphatically-not, I-am-saying to{you}; contrariwise, if-supposing you-should_not_be-changing-mind/thinking, [you] all similarly will-perish-off/away." [:6] Moreover, he-has-been-saying the-same, the parable, "Someone has-been-having [a] fig-tree, having-been-planted in to{the vineyard} of{same}, and he-comes seeking fruit in to{same} and does_not_discover. [:7] Moreover, he-says toward the vineyard-worker, 'Behold, I-am-being-come three years seeking fruit in to{the fig-tree, the-same} and I-am_not_discovering. Cut-out same in-which-place what[?] also the land is-being-unemployed/idle/useless.' [:8] Moreover, the respond[ing] is-saying to{same}, 'Lord, let-off/away-from same and the year, the-same, until of{when} I-may-excavate around same and may-cast manure, [:9] and-supposing, on-one-hand, it-may-make fruit; if, on-the-other-hand, no-indeed into the being-about, you-will-cut-out same.'" [:10] Moreover, he-has-been-being teaching in to{one} of{the synagogues} in to{the sabbaths} [:11] and, behold, [a] woman has-been-being having [a] spirit of{infirmity} ten and eight years, and has-been-being stooping-together and not being-enabled to-stoop-up/anew into the all-complete. [:12] Moreover, behold[ing], the Jesus sounds-toward same and says to{same}, "Woman, you-have-been-loosed-off/away-from of{the infirmity} of{you}." [:13] And he-upon-places the hands to{same} and immediately she-is-straightened-up and has-been-glorifying the God. [:14] Moreover, respond[ing], the synagogue-chief, being-irritated that the Jesus heals to{the sabbath}, has-been-saying to{the crowd}, "Six days are-being in to{which} it-is-necessitating to-be-being-work-ized so, in to{the-same} being-come, be-being-healed, and not to{the day} of{the sabbath}." [:15] So, respond[ing] to{same}, the Lord also says, "Pretenders, each of{you} to{the sabbath} is_not_loosing the ox of{same} or the donkey from of{the manger} and, lead[ing]-off/away, is-drink-izing[?] [:16] Moreover, the-same being [a] daughter [of-]Abraham, whom the Satan/adversary binds, behold, ten and eight years, it-has_not_been-necessitating to-be-loosed from of{the bond, the-same} to{the day} of{the sabbath}[?]" [:17] And, of{same saying} the-same, all the being-lain-opposed to{same} have-been-being-shamed-down and all the crowd has-been-joying upon to{all the in-glorious, the become} under of{same}. [:18] Moreover, he-has-been-saying, "To{what[?]} is-being the kingdom of{the God} analogous, and to{what[?]} I-will-liken same[?] [:19] It-is-being analogous to{[a] kernel} of{mustard}, which [a] man, take[ing], casts into [the] plantation of{sameself}, and it-grows and becomes into [a] large tree, and the birds of{the heaven} roost in to{the branches} of{same}." [:20] And again he-says, "To{what[?]} I-will-liken the kingdom of{the God}[?] [:21] It-is-being analogous to{leaven}, which [a] woman, take[ing], conceals-in into three seahs of{flour}, until of{which} is-leavened whole." [:22] And he-has-been-being-gone-through according-to cities and villages, teaching and being-made going[noun]/journey into Jerusalem. [:23] Moreover, someone says to{same}, "Lord, if few, the being-saved[?]" Moreover, the says toward same, [:24] "Be-competing/contending to-come-into through of{the narrow gate}, that many, I-am-saying to{you}, will-seek to-come-into and will_not_have-strength. [:25] From of{which} supposing the house-ruler is-roused and closes-off the door, and you-may-initiate outside to-have-stood and to-be-knocking the door, saying, 'Lord, lord, open-up to{us}' and, respond[ing], he-will-declare to{you}, 'I-have_not_beheld you. Whence[?] you-are-being[?]' [:26] Then you-will-initiate to-be-saying, 'We-eat in-sight of{you} and we-drink and in to{the broad[space]s} of{us} you-teach.' [:27] And he-will-declare, 'I-am-saying to{you} I-have_not_beheld you. Whence[?] you-are-being[?] Stand-off/away from of{emphatically-me} all the workers of{the injustice}.' [:28] There will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth} when-supposing you-may-see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in to{the kingdom} of{the God}; moreover, you being-cast-out outside. [:29] And they-will-arrive from of{risings/[east]} and of{settings/[west]} from of{north/northeast} and of{south/southwest} and will-be-reclined in to{the kingdom} of{the God}. [:30] And, behold, lasts are-being the will-be firsts and firsts are-being the will-be lasts." [:31] In to{same, the day}, some Pharisees come-toward, saying to{same}, "Be-come-out and be-being-gone from-here, that Herod is-will-ing to-kill-off/away you." [:32] And he-says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, say to{the fox, the-same}, 'Behold, I-am-casting-out demon-ias and finishing-upon cure-sis-es[i.e. states of cures] today and tomorrow, and to{the third} I-am-being-finished.' [:33] More-ly, it-is-necessitating me today and tomorrow and to{the being-had/held} to-be-being-gone, that it-is_not_receiving-in[i.e. acceptable] [a] prophet to-perish-off/away outside [of-]Jerusalem. [:34] Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killing-off/away the prophets and stone-casting the having-been-sent-off/away toward same, how-many-times I-will to-gather-together-upon the offsprings of{you}, whom manner [a] hen the brood of{sameself} under the wings, and you-do_not_will. [:35] Behold, the desolate house of{you} is-being-let-off/away to{you}. Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that no, you-would_not_behold me until supposing would-arrive when you-would-say, 'Having-been-well-worded, the being-come in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}.'"
[Luke 14][:1] And it-becomes in to{the} to-come same into of{some} house of{the chiefs} of{the Pharisees} to{sabbath} to-eat bread, and same[plural] have-been-being keeping-beside same. [:2] And, behold, some man has-been-being dropsical in-front of{same}. [:3] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says toward the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, "It-is-being-allowed to{the sabbath} to-be-healing or not[?]" [:4] Moreover, the[plural] quiet-ize. And, take[ing]-upon, he-cures same and looses-off/away. [:5] And, respond[ing] toward same, he-says, "Of{any} son or ox of{you} will-fall-in into [a] cistern/tank/reservoir/well and not straightaway he-will-draw-up same in to{the day} of{the sabbath}[?]" [:6] And they-do_not_have-strength to-counter-respond to{same} toward the-same[neuter plural]. [:7] Moreover, he-has-been-saying [a] parable toward the having-been-called, holding-upon how they-have-been-choosing the first-[re]cline-places, saying toward same, [:8] "When-supposing you-may-be-called under of{someone} into weddings, you-should_not_lay-down into the first-[re]cline-place, not-whereby more-in-value of{you} may-be-being having-been-called under of{same} [:9] and, come[ing], the call[ing] you and same will-declare to{you}, 'Give to{the-same} [the] place,' and then you-may-initiate alongside of{shame} to-be-holding-down the last place. [:10] Contrariwise, when-supposing you-may-be-called, be[ing]-gone, fall-anew[i.e. sit down] into the last place, in-which-place when-supposing the having-called you may-come, he-may-say to{you}, 'Friend, step-up-toward more-up.' Then it-will-be to{you} glory in-sight of{the reclining-together} to{you}, [:11] that every, the elevating sameself, will-be-lowered, and the lowering sameself will-be-elevated." [:12] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also to{the having-called} same, "When-supposing you-may-make breakfast/lunch or dinner/supper, do_not_be-sounding the friends of{you}, nor the brothers of{you}, nor the together-become[i.e. related] of{you}, nor rich neighbors, not-whereby also same may-opposite-call[i.e. invite in return] you and may-become to{you} opposite-give-off/away-effect[i.e. compensation in exchange]. [:13] Contrariwise, when-supposing you-may-be-making [a] reception, be-calling destitute, maimed/disabled, lame, blind. [:14] And you-will-be blessed, that they-are_not_having to-opposite-give-off/away[i.e. compensation in exchange] to{you}, for it-will-be-opposite-given-off/away[i.e. compensation in exchange] in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the just}." [:15] Moreover, hear[ing], someone of{the being-lain-up/anew-together}, the-same[plural], says to{same}, "Blessed, who will-eat bread in to{the kingdom} of{the God}." [:16] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Some man makes [a] large dinner/supper and calls many. [:17] And he-sends-off/away the slave of{same} to{the hour} of{the dinner/supper} to-say to{the having-been-called}, "Be-being-come, that already all is-being ready." [:18] And they-initiate from of{one} to-be-being-given-cause-aside[i.e. excused], all. The first says to{same}, 'I-purchase [a] field, and I-am-having of-certainty to-come-out and behold same. I-am-asking you, be-having me having-been-given-cause-aside[i.e. excused].' [:19] And [a] different/other says, 'I-purchase yoke of{oxen}, five, and am-being-gone to-deem-ize/evaluate same. I-am-asking you, be-having me having-been-given-cause-aside[i.e. excused].' [:20] And [a] different/other says, 'I-marry [a] woman, and through the-same I-am_not_being-enabled to-come.' [:21] And, become[ing]-aside, the slave, the-there, messages-off/away to{the lord} of{same}, the-same[neuter plural]. Then, angered, the house-ruler says to{the slave} of{same}, 'Come-out speedily into the broad[space]s and streets of{the city} and lead-into here the destitute and maimed/disabled and lame and blind.' [:22] And the slave says, 'Lord, it-has-become as you-set-upon and still place is-being.' [:23] And the lord says toward the slave, 'Come-out into the ways and barriers and compel to-come-into, in-which-place the house of{me} may-be-fill-ized.' [:24] For I-am-saying to{you} that not-one of{the men, the-there, the having-been-called,} will-taste of{the dinner/supper} of{me}." [:25] Moreover, many crowds have-been-being-gone-together to{same} and, turned, he-says toward same, [:26] "If any is-being-come toward me and is_not_hating the father of{sameself} and the mother and the woman and the offsprings and the brothers and the sisters and, moreover still, the life of{sameself}, he-is_not_being-enabled to-be-being [a] disciple of{me}. [:27] And any-who is_not_bearing the cross of{same} and being-come behind of{me} is_not_being-enabled of{me} to-be-being [a] disciple. [:28] For who out of{you} will-ing to-house-build [a] tower, emphatically-not first, sit[ing]-down, are-pebble-izing/calculating the expense, if he-is-having the[plural] into [the] conclusion, [:29] in-which-place not-whereby of{place[ing] same} foundation and of{having_no_strength} to-complete-out all, the observing may-initiate to-be-infantilizing to{same}, [:30] saying that the-same, the man, initiates to-be-house-building and does_not_have-strength to-complete-out. [:31] Or, who[?], [a] king, being-gone to-together-cast to{[a] different/other king} into war emphatically-not, sit[ing]-down, first is-intending if he-is-being enabled[noun] in to{ten thousand} to-encounter to{the} alongside of{twenty thousand} to{being-come} upon same[?] [:32] Moreover, if no-indeed, still of{same being} distantly, send[ing]-off/away elder-ia/embassy, he-asks the toward peace. [:33] So, the-same-ly, every out of{you} who is_not_setting-off/away to{all the undertaking-s} of{sameself} is_not_being-enabled to-be-being [a] disciple of{me}. [:34] Good, the salt; moreover, if-supposing the salt may-become-stupid, in to{what[?]} it-will-be-prepared/seasoned[?] [:35] Neither it-is-being well-placed into [the] ground nor into manure. They-are-casting same outside. The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing."
[Luke 15][:1] Moreover, all the [tax]collectors and the sinful have-been-being becoming-near to{same} to-be-hearing of{same}, [:2] and the Pharisees and the scribes have-been-muttering-through, saying that the-same is-receiving-toward sinful and eating-together to{same}. [:3] Moreover, he-says toward same the parable, the-same, saying, [:4] "Who[?], [a] man out of{you}, having [a] hundred sheep, and lose[ing] one out of{same}, is_not_leaving-behind the ninety-nine in to{the desolate} and is-being-gone upon the having-been-lost-off/away until he-may-discover same[?] [:5] And, discover[ing], he-is-placing-upon upon the shoulders of{sameself} joying. [:6] And, come[ing] into the house, he-is-calling-together the friends and the neighbors, saying to{same}, 'Be-joyed-together to{me}, that I-discover the sheep of{me}, the having-been-lost-off/away.' [:7] I-am-saying to{you} that the-same-ly it-will-be joy in to{the heaven} upon to{one sinful changing-mind/thinking} than upon to{ninety nine just}, who-any are_not_having need of{change-of-mind/thinking}. [:8] Or, who[?], [a] woman having ten drachmas, if-supposing she-may-lose one drachma, emphatically-not is-kindling [a] lamp and is-sweeping the house and is-seeking upon-concern/carefully until of{when} she-may-discover[?] [:9] And, discover[ing], she-is-calling-together the friends and the neighbors, saying, 'Be-joyed-together to{me}, that I-discover the drachma, which is-lost-off/away.' [:10] The-same-ly I-am-saying to{you}, it-is-becoming joy in-sight of{the messengers} of{the God} upon to{one sinful changing-mind/thinking}." [:11] Moreover, he-says, "Some man has-been-having two sons, [:12] and the younger of{same} says to{the father}, "Father, give to{me} the being-cast-upon portion of{the being-ia}. And he-lifts-through/distributes to{same[plural]} the livelihood. [:13] And, alongside not many days, gather[ing]-together emphatically-all, the younger son goes-abroad into [a] far region and there scatters-through the being-ia of{same}, being-alive unsalvageably. [:14] Moreover, of{same spending} all, [a] strong famine becomes down/against the region, the-there, and same initiates to-be-being-deficient. [:15] And, be[ing]-gone, he-is-adhered to{one} of{the city-ers/citizens} of{the region, the-there} and he-dispatches same into the fields of{same} to-be-grazing pigs. [:16] And he-has-been-desiring-upon to-fill-ize the cavity of{same} from of{the horns[of carob], which} the pigs have-been-eating, and not-one has-been-giving to{same}. [:17] Moreover, come[ing] into sameself, he-says, 'How-many hired-s of{the father} of{me} are-exceeding of{bread}; moreover, I am-perishing to{famine}. [:18] Stand[ing]-up/anew I-will-be-gone toward the father of{me} and will-declare to{same}, "Father, I-sin into the heaven and in-sight of{you}, [:19] and I-am-being not-still worthwhile to-be-called [a] son of{you}. Make me as one of{the hired} of{you}."' [:20] And, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-comes toward the father of{same}; moreover, still of{same} far of{having-off/away}, the father of{same} beholds same and is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] and, hurry[ing], falls-upon upon the neck of{same} and fonds-down/against same. [:21] Moreover, the son says to{same}, 'Father, I-sin into the heaven and in-sight of{you}, and I-am-being not-still worthwhile to-be-called [a] son of{you}.' [:22] Moreover, the father says toward the slaves of{same}, 'Carry-out the wardrobe, the first, and clothe same, and give [a] ring into the hand of{same} and footwear into the feet. [:23] And, carry[ing] the calf, the grain-fed, sacrifice and, eat[ing], we-may-be-gladdened, [:24] that the-same, the son of{me}, has-been-being dead and is-alive-anew, and has-been-being having-been-lost-off/away, and is-discovered,' and initiates to-be-being-gladdened. [:25] Moreover, the son of{same}, the elder, has-been-being in to{[the] field} and, as he-becomes-near to{the house}, being-come, he-hears of{together-sound-ia/harmony/music} and of{chorus/dance}. [:26] And, call[ing]-toward-himself one of{the children}, he-has-been-ascertaining what supposing might-be-being the-same. [:27] Moreover, the says to{same} that 'the brother of{you} has-arrived and the father of{you} sacrifices the calf, the grain-fed, that he-takes-off/away same being-healthy.' [:28] Moreover, he-is-angered, and has_not_been-being-will-ing to-come-into. So, the father of{same}, come[ing]-out, has-been-calling-aside same. [:29] Moreover, the, respond[ing], says to{the father}, 'Behold, the-which-the-same years I-am-slaving to{you} and not-yet-ever I-pass-by [a] command of{you}, and to{emphatically-me} not-yet-ever you-give [a] [young]goat, in-which-place alongside of{the friends} of{me} would-be-gladdened. [:30] Moreover, when the son of{you}, the-same, the eat[ing]-down the livelihood of{you} alongside of{prostitutes} comes, you-sacrifice to{same} the calf, the grain-fed.' [:31] Moreover, the says to{same}, 'Offspring, you always are-being alongside of{emphatically-me} and all the mine is-being yours. [:32] Moreover, to-be-gladdened and to-be-joyed it-has-been-necessitating that the brother of{you}, the-same, has-been-being dead and is-alive-anew, and has-been-being having-been-lost-off/away, also is-discovered.'"
[Luke 16][:1] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also toward the disciples of{same}, "Some man has-been-being rich, who has-been-having [a] house-legislator, and the-same is-through-cast to{same} as scattering-through the undertaking-s of{same}, [:2] and, sound[ing] same, says to{same}, 'What[?], the-same, I-am-hearing about of{you}[?] Give-off/away the word/account of{the house-legislation} of{you}, for you-will_not_be-enabled still to-be-house-legislating.' [:3] Moreover, the house-legislator says in to{sameself}, 'What[?] I-may-do, that the lord of{me} is-being-lifted-off/away-from from of{emphatically-me} the house-legislation[?] I-am_not_having-strength to-be-excavating. I-am-being-ashamed to-be-giving-cause/requesting-upon/begging. [:4] I-know what I-will-do, in-which-place when-supposing I-may-be-stood-alongside of{the house-legislation}, they-may-receive me into the houses of{same}.' [:5] And, call[ing]-toward-himself each one of{the obligation-owe-ers} of{the lord} of{sameself}, he-has-been-saying to{the first}, 'How-much[?] you-are-owing to{the lord} of{me}[?]' [:6] Moreover, the says, '[A] hundred baths[Hebrew] of{olive-oil}.' And he-says to{same}, 'Receive of{you} the write-effect and, sit[ing]-down, speedily write fifty.' [:7] Upon-thereafter, to{different/other} he-says, 'Moreover, you, how-much[?] you-are-owing[?]' Moreover, the says, '[A] hundred kors[Hebrew] of{grain}.' And he-is-saying to{same}, 'Receive of{you} the write-effect and write eighty.' [:8] And the lord praises-upon the house-legislator of{the injustice}, that he-does prudently, that the sons of{the eon, the-same} are-being more-prudent over the sons of{the light} into the generation of{sameselves}. [:9] And-I am-saying to{you}, make to{sameselves} friends out of{the mammon} of{the injustice}, in-which-place when-supposing it-may-leave-out/abandon/disappear, they-may-receive you into the eternal tents. [:10] The faithful in to{least} also is-being faithful in to{much}, and the unjust in to{least} is-being unjust in to{much}. [:11] So, if faithful in to{the unjust mammon} you-do_not_become, who[?] will-entrust the genuine to{you}[?] [:12] And if faithful in to{the belonging-to-another} you-do_not_become, who[?] will-give the yours to{you}[?] [:13] Not-one domestic/house-resident is-being-enabled to-be-slaving to{two lords}, for either he-will-hate the one and will-love the different/other, or will-hold-against of{one} and will-disregard of{the different/other}. You-are_not_being-enabled to-be-slaving to{God} and to{mammon}." [:14] Moreover, the silver-fond Pharisees undertaking the-same all also have-been-hearing, and have-been-mock-izing/deride-izing same. [:15] And he-says to{same}, "You are-being the justifying sameselves in-sight of{the men}; moreover, the God is-knowing the hearts of{you}, that the high in to{men} is-being [an] abomination in-sight of{the God}. [:16] The law and the prophets until of{John}; from then the kingdom of{the God} is-being-good-message-ized, and every into same is-being-forced. [:17] Moreover, it-is-being easier, the heaven and the earth to-pass-by, than one point to-fall of{the law}. [:18] The every loosing-off/away the woman of{same} and marrying [a] different/other is-adultering, and the every having-been-loosed-off/away from of{[a] man}, marrying, is-adultering. [:19] Moreover, some man has-been-being rich and has-been-being-dressed purple and fine-cloth, being-gladdened according-to day, radiantly/brilliantly/splendidly. [:20] Moreover, some destitute has-been-being, to{name} 'Lazarus,' who had-been-cast toward the gate of{same}, having-been-wounded/ulcerated, [:21] and desiring-upon to-be-fed-ized from of{the crumblets, the falling} from of{the table} of{the rich}, and, contrariwise, the dogs, being-come, have-been-licking-off/away the wounds/sores of{same}. [:22] Moreover, it-becomes to-die-off/away, the destitute, and to-be-carried-off/away same under of{the messengers} into the bosom/lap of{the} Abraham. Moreover, also the rich dies-off/away and is-buried. [:23] And in to{the unseen/Hades}, lift[ing]-upon the eyes of{same}, originating-under in to{torments}, he-is-seeing the Abraham from afar and Lazarus in to{the bosoms/laps} of{same}. [:24] And same, sound[ing], says, 'Father Abraham, show-mercy-to me and dispatch Lazarus, in-which-place he-may-dip the extremity of{the finger} of{same} of{water} and cool-down the tongue of{me}, that I-am-suffering in to{the flame, the-same}.' [:25] Moreover, Abraham says, 'Offspring, remember that you take-off/away the beneficial of{you} in to{the being-alive[noun]} of{you} and Lazarus similarly the bad. Moreover, now thus he-is-being-called-aside; moreover, you are-suffering. [:26] And upon to{all, the-same}, between of{us} and of{you} [a] large chasm has-been-established, which-how the will-ing to-step-through from-here toward you may_not_be-being-enabled, nor the from-there toward us they-may-be-going-through-to-other-side.' [:27] Moreover, he-says, 'So, I-am-asking you, father, in-which-place you-may-dispatch same into the house of{the father} of{me}, [:28] For I-am-having five brothers, which-how he-may-be-witnessing-through to{same}, in-which-place also same would_not_come into the place, the-same, of{the torment}.' [:29] Abraham is-saying to{same}, 'They-are-having Moses and the prophets. [They:] hear of{same}.' [:30] Moreover, the says, 'Emphatically-not, father Abraham; contrariwise, if-supposing someone from of{dead} may-be-gone toward same they-will-change-mind/thinking.' [:31] Moreover, he-says to{same}, 'If they-are_not_hearing of{Moses} and of{the prophets}, neither if-supposing someone out of{dead} may-stand-up/anew they-will-be-persuaded.'"
[Luke 17][:1] Moreover, he-says toward the disciples, "It-is-being un-received-in/inadmissible of{the} to_not_come the scandals; moreover, woe through of{whom} they-are-being-come. [:2] It-is-being-appropriate to{same} if [a] donkey millstone is-being-lain-around around the neck of{same} and have-been-tossed into the seawater than in-which-place he-may-scandalize one of{the little, the-same}. [:3] Be-holding-toward to{sameselves}. Moreover, if-supposing the brother of{you} may-sin into you, adjudge-valuation-upon to{same}, and if-supposing he-may-change-mind/thinking, let-off/away to{same}. [:4] And if-supposing seven-ly of{the day} he-may-sin into you and seven-ly of{the day} he-may-upon-turn toward you, saying, 'I-am-changing-mind/thinking,' you-will-let-off/away to{same}." [:5] And the sent-off[ones] say to{the Lord}, "Place-toward to{us} faith." [:6] Moreover, the Lord says, "If you-have-been-having faith as [a] kernel of{mustard}, you-have-been-saying supposing to{the mulberry-tree, the-same}, 'Be-rooted-out and be-planted in to{the seawater},' and it-hearkens-under supposing to{you}. [:7] Moreover, who[?] out of{you}, having [a] slave plowing or shepherding who, to{come[ing]-into} out of{the field} will-declare, straightaway, 'Come[ing]-aside, fall-anew[i.e. sit down]'[?] [:8] Contrariwise, emphatically-not. He-will-declare to{same}, 'Prepare what I-may-dine and, be[ing]-girded-around, be-serving to{me} until I-may-eat and may-drink and, alongside the-same, you will-eat and will-drink.' [:9] He-is-having no grace/favor to{the slave, the-there}, that he-does the set-through to{same}. I-am_not_deeming. [:10] The-same-ly, also, you, when-supposing you-may-do all the set-through to{you}, be-saying that 'we-are-being useless slaves, that, which we-have-been-owing to-do, we-have-done.'" [:11] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-gone same into Jerusalem and same has-been-being-come-through through of{midst} of{Samaria} and of{Galilee}. [:12] And, of{same being-come-into} into some village, ten leprous men encounter to{same}, who stand from-distantly. [:13] And same lift [a] sound, saying, "Jesus, superintendent, show-mercy-to us." [:14] And, behold[ing], he-says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, show-upon sameselves to{the consecrateds[i.e. priests]}." And it-becomes, in to{the} to-be-withdrawing, same, they-are-purged/cleansed. [:15] Moreover, one out of{same}, behold[ing] that he-is-cured, returns alongside of{large sound}, glorifying the God. [:16] And he-falls upon [his] face beside the feet of{same}, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks to{same}. And same has-been-being [a] Samaritan. [:17] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Emphatically-not[?] the ten are-purged/cleansed[?] Moreover, the nine, where[?] [:18] They-are_not_found return[ing] to-give glory to{the God} if not the other-become[noun][i.e. other race], the-same[?]" [:19] And he-says to{same}, "Stand[ing]-up/anew, be-being-gone. The faith of{you} has-saved you." [:20] Moreover, be[ing]-asked-upon under of{the Pharisees} at-what-time the kingdom of{the God} is-being-come, he-responds to{same} and says, "The kingdom of{the God} is_not_being-come alongside of{kept-aside-sis/surveillance}, [:21] nor they-will-declare, 'Behold here,' or, 'Behold there,' for behold, the kingdom of{the God} is-being within of{you}." [:22] Moreover, he-says toward the disciples, "Days will-be-come when you-will-desire-upon to-behold one of{the days} of{the son} of{the man}, and you-will_not_see. [:23] And they-will-declare to{you}, 'Behold here,' or, 'Behold there.' You-should_not_come-off/away nor should-chase. [:24] For about-as the lightning lightning-ing[verb] out of{the} under heaven into the under heaven is-shining, the-same-ly will-be the son of{the man} in to{the day} of{same}. [:25] Moreover, first it-is-necessitating same to-suffer many and to-be-deemed-off/away[i.e. be rejected] from of{the generation, the-same}. [:26] And according-as it-becomes in to{the days} of{the Noah}, the-same-ly it-will-be also in to{the days} of{the son} of{the man}. [:27] They-have-been-eating, they-have-been-drinking, they-have-been-marrying, they-have-been-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage], even-to of{which day} Noah comes-into into the ark, and the deluge comes and destroys-off/away emphatically-all. [:28] Similarly also as it-becomes in to{the days} [of-]Lot, they-have-been-eating, they-have-been-drinking, they-have-been-purchasing, they-have-been-selling, they-have-been-planting, they-have-been-house-building; [:29] moreover, to{the day} Lot comes-out from Sodom, it-rains fire and sulfur/brimstone from of{heaven} and destroys-off/away emphatically-all. [:30] According-to the-same it-will-be to{the day} the son of{the man} is-being-off-covered. [:31] In to{the-there, the day,} who will-be upon of{the building}, and the vessels of{same} in to{the house}: do_not_descend to-lift same; also, the in to{the field} similarly: do_not_turn-upon into the behind. [:32] You-are-remembering of{the woman} [of-]Lot. [:33] Who if-supposing may-seek to-save the life of{same} will-destroy-off/away same, and who if-supposing may-destroy-off/away same will-become/make-alive same. [:34] I-am-saying to{you}, to{the-same, the night} there-will-be two upon of{one bed}; one will-be-taken-aside and the different/other will-be-let-off/away. [:35] Two will-be grinding upon the same; one will-be-taken-aside and the different/other will-be-let-off/away." [:37] And, respond[ing], they-are-saying to{same}, "Where[?], Lord[?]" Moreover, the says to{same}, "Which-where the body, there the eagles will-be-gathered-together."
[Luke 18][:1] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also [a] parable to{same}, toward the to-be-necessitating always same to-be-praying and not to-be-bad-ing-out, [:2] saying, "Some judge has-been-being in to{some city}, not fearing the God and not having-regard-for men. [:3] Moreover, [a] widow has-been-being in to{the city, the-there} and has-been-being-come toward same, saying, 'Give-out-justice-to/vindicate me from of{the litigant} of{me}.' [:4] And he-does_not_will, upon [a] time. Moreover, alongside the-same he-says in to{sameself}, 'If also I-am_not_fearing the God and I-am_not_having-regard-for men, [:5] yet through the to-be-having-beside to{me} toil, the widow, the-same, I-will-give-out-justice-to/vindicate same, lest in-which-place into finish, being-come, she-may-be-provoking me.'" [:6] Moreover, the Lord says, "Hear what the judge of{the injustice} is-saying. [:7] Moreover, the God, no, will_not_do the out-justice/vindication of{the[plural] chosen} of{same[singular]} of{the[plural] crying} toward same[singular] of{day} and of{night} and being-far-fury[i.e. longsuffering] upon to{same[plural]}[?] [:8] I-am-saying to{you} that he-will-do the out-justice/vindication of{same} in to{speed}. More-ly, the son of{the man}, come[ing], consequently will-discover the faith upon of{the earth}." [:9] Moreover, he-says the parable, the-same, also toward some, the having-had-confidence upon to{sameselves} that they-are-being just, and out-nothing/discount the remaining. [:10] "Two men ascend into the consecrated[i.e. temple] to-pray, the one [a] Pharisee and the different/other [a] [tax]collector. [:11] The Pharisee, be[ing]-stood, has-been-praying the-same toward sameself, 'The God, I-am-well-favoring/giving-thanks to{you}, that I-am_not_being about-as the remaining of{the men}, snatching[adjective], unjust, adulterers, or also as the-same, the [tax]collector. [:12] I-am-fasting twice of{the sabbath}. I-am-tenth-ing/off-away all, as-much-as I-am-acquiring,' [:13] and the [tax]collector, having-stood afar, has_not_been-will-ing, not-moreover, to-lift-upon the eyes into the heaven; contrariwise, he-has-been-beating the chest/sternum of{same}, saying, 'The God, be-propitious to{me, the sinful}.' [:14] I-am-saying to{you}, the-same descends having-been-justified into the house of{same}, for the-there may-be-being that the every elevating sameself will-be-lowered; moreover, the lowering sameself will-be-elevated." [:15] Moreover, they-have-been-carrying-toward to{same} also the babies, in-which-place he-may-be-taking-hold of{same}. Moreover, behold[ing], the disciples adjudge-valuation-upon to{same}. [:16] Moreover, the Jesus, call[ing]-toward-himself same, says, "Let-off/away the childlings to-be-being-come toward me and do_not_be-hindering same, for of{the to-which-the-same} is-being the kingdom of{the God}. [:17] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, who if-supposing would_not_receive the kingdom of{the God} as [a] childling, no, would_not_come-into into same." [:18] And some chief asks-upon same, saying, "Beneficial teacher, what[?], do[ing], will-inherit eternal being-alive[noun][?]" [:19] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-saying me beneficial[?] Not-one beneficial if not one, the God. [:20] You-have-beheld the commands. You-should_not_adulter, you-should_not_murder, you-should_not_steal, you-should_not_false-witness, be-valuing the father of{you} and the mother of{you}." [:21] Moreover, the says, "the-same all I-guard-such-as-to-be-guarded out of{youth} of{me}." [:22] Moreover, hear[ing] the-same, the Jesus says to{same}, "Still one to{you} is-lacking. Sell all, as-much-as you-are-having, and give-through/distribute to{destitute} and you-will-have wealth in to{heaven}, and Come! Be-accompanying to{me}." [:23] Moreover, the, hear[ing] the-same, about-grief becomes, for he-has-been-being rich vehemently. [:24] Moreover, the Jesus behold[ing] same become[ing] about-grief says, "How[?] difficultly the having the business-effects will-be-come-into into the kingdom of{the God}[?] [:25] For it-is-being easier, [a] camel through of{needle hole} to-come-into, than rich into the kingdom of{the God} to-come-into." [:26] Moreover, the hear[ing] say, "And who[?] is-being-enabled to-be-saved[?]" [:27] Moreover, the says, "The unable beside to{men} is-being able beside to{the God}." [:28] Moreover, the Peter says, "Behold, we let-off/away all and accompany to{you}." [:29] Moreover, the says to{same[plural]}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that not-one is-being who lets-off/away house or parents or brothers or woman or offsprings because of{the kingdom} of{the God} [:30] who no, would_not_take-off/away multiple in to{the season, the-same}, and in to{the eon, the being-come}, eternal being-alive[noun]." [:31] Moreover, take[ing]-aside the twelve, he-says toward same, "Behold, we-are-ascending into Jerusalem, and all the having-been-written through of{the prophets} will-be-finished to{the son} of{the man}, [:32] for he-will-be-delivered to{the nations} and will-be-infantilized and will-be-rampaged and will-be-spit-in [:33] and, scourge[ing], they-will-kill-off/away same and to{the day, the third,} he-will-stand/be-stood-up/anew." [:34] And the-same put-together not-one of{the-same}, and the declaration, the-same, has-been-being having-been-hidden from of{same}, and they-have_not_been-knowing the saying[participle]. [:35] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-becoming-near same into Jericho some blind has-been-being-seated beside the way giving-cause/requesting-toward. [:36] Moreover, hear[ing] of{[the] crowd being-gone-through}, he-has-been-ascertaining what might-be-being the-same. [:37] Moreover, they-message-off to{same} that Jesus, the Nazarene, is-being-come-aside. [:38] And he-cries, saying, "Jesus, son [of-]David, show-mercy-to me." [:39] And the leading-in-front have-been-adjudging-valuation-upon to{same} in-which-place he-should-be-silent; moreover, same has-been-crying-out to{much} more, "Son [of-]David, show-mercy-to me." [:40] Moreover, stand[ing], the Jesus orders same to-be-led toward same. Moreover, of{become[ing]-near same}, he-asks-upon same, [:41] saying, "What[?] to{you} you-are-will-ing I-may-do[?]" Moreover, the says, "Lord, in-which-place I-may-view-anew." [:42] And the Jesus says to{same}, "View-anew. The faith of{you} has-saved you." [:43] And immediately he-views-anew and has-been-accompanying to{same}, glorifying the God, and all the people behold[ing] give praise to{the God}.
[Luke 19][:1] And, come[ing]-into, he-has-been-being-come-through the Jericho. [:2] And, behold, [a] man to{name} being-called "Zaccheus," and same has-been-being chief-[tax]collector, and the-same has-been-being rich, [:3] and he-has-been-seeking to-behold the Jesus, who is-being, and he-has_not_been-being-enabled from of{the crowd}, that to{the small stature} has-been-being. [:4] And, hurry[ing]-ahead in-front, he-ascends upon [a] sycamore-tree in-which-place he-may-behold same, that through of{the-there} he-has-been-being-about to-be-being-come-through. [:5] And as he-comes upon the place, view[ing]-up, the Jesus beholds same and says toward same, "Zaccheus, hasten[ing], descend, for today it-is-necessitating me to-stay in to{the house} of{you}." [:6] And, hasten[ing], he-descends and under-receives same, joying. [:7] And, behold[ing], all have-been-muttering-through, saying that beside to{[a] sinful man} he-comes-into to-loose-down[i.e. retire]. [:8] Moreover, stand[ing], Zaccheus says toward the Lord, "Behold, Lord, I-am-giving the half of{the undertaking-s} of{me} to{the destitute} and if of{any} what I-fig-reveal/be-informer/blackmail/extort I-am-giving-off/away quadruple." [:9] Moreover, the Jesus says toward same that "today salvation becomes to{the house, the-same}, according-that also same is-being son [of-]Abraham, [:10] for the son of{the man} comes to-seek and to-save the having-been-lost-off/away." [:11] Moreover, of{same[plural] hearing}, place[ing]-toward the-same[neuter plural], he-says [a] parable through the same to-be-being near Jerusalem and same[plural] to-deem that immediately the kingdom of{the God} is-being-about to-be-being-revealed-anew. [:12] So, he-says, "Some well-become man is-gone into [a] far region to-take to{sameself} [a] kingdom and to-return. [:13] Moreover, call[ing] ten slaves of{sameself}, he-gives to{same} ten minas and says toward same, "Do-practice-effect until I-am-being-come." [:14] Moreover, the city-ers/citizens of{same} have-been-hating same and send-off/away [an] elder-ia/embassy behind of{same}, saying, "We-are_not_will-ing the-same to-reign upon us." [:15] And it-becomes in to{the} to-come-upon-anew[i.e. come back again] same, take[ing] the kingdom, also he-says to-sound to{same} the slaves, the-same, to{whom} he-gives the silver, in-which-place he-may-know who does-practice-effect-through what. [:16] Moreover, the first becomes-aside, saying, "Lord, the mina of{you} work-izes-toward ten minas." [:17] And he-says to{same}, "Well beneficial, slave, that in to{least} you-become faithful. Be-being having authority up-upon of{ten cities}." [:18] And the second comes, saying, "Lord, the mina of{you} makes five minas." [:19] Moreover, he-says also to{the-same}, "Also you, be-being-become up-upon of{five cities}." [:20] And [a] different/other comes, saying, "Lord, behold, the mina of{you} which I-have-been-having, being-lain-off/away in to{[a] sudarium[Latin]/towel/napkin/cloth}, [:21] for I-have-been-fearing you, that you-are-being [an] austere man. You-are-lifting the you-do_not_place and you-are-harvesting the you-do_not_sow." [:22] Moreover, he-is-saying to{same}, "Out of{the mouth} of{you} I-will-judge you, evil slave. You-had-beheld that I am-being [an] austere man, lifting the I-do_not_place and harvesting the I-do_not_sow. [:23] And through what[?] you-do_not_give the silver of{me} upon [the] [money market]table, and I, come[ing], supposing I-effect same together-with to{interest}[?]" [:24] And to{the having-stood-beside} he-says, "Lift off/away-from of{same} the mina and give to{the having} the ten minas." [:25] And they-say to{same}, "Lord, he-is-having ten minas." [:26] For I-am-saying to{you} that to{every, the having} it-will-be-given; moreover, off/away-from of{the not having} also what he-is-having will-be-lifted off/away-from of{same}. [:27] "More-ly, the hostile of{me}, the-there-s, the not will[ing] me to-reign upon same, lead here and slay-down in-front of{me}." [:28] And, say[ing] the-same, he-has-been-being-gone in-front, ascending into Jerusalem. [:29] And it-becomes as he-becomes-near into Bethphage and Bethany toward the mountain, the being-called "of{olives}," he-sends-off/away two of{the disciples} of{same}, [:30] say[ing], "Be-withdrawing into the down-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] village in to{which}, being-gone-into, you-will-discover [a] colt having-been-bound, upon which not-one ever-yet of{men} sits-down. Loose[ing] same, lead. [:31] And if-supposing any may-be-asking you, 'Through what[?] you-are-loosing the-same-ly,' you-will-declare to{same} that the Lord is-having need of{same}." [:32] Moreover, come[ing]-off/away, the having-been-sent-off/away discover according-as he-says to{same}. [:33] Moreover, of{same loosing} the colt, the lords of{same} say toward same, "What[?] you-are-loosing the colt[?]" [:34] Moreover, they-say, "The Lord is-having need of{same}." [:35] And they-lead same toward the Jesus and, toss[ing]-upon the outer-garments of{sameselves} upon the colt, they-step-ize-upon/mount the Jesus. [:36] Moreover, of{same being-gone}, they-have-been-spreading-under, the outer-garments of{same}, in to{the way}. [:37] Moreover, of{same becoming-near} already toward to{the descent-sis[i.e. state of descent]} of{the mountain} of{the olives}, they-initiate, emphatically-all, the multitude of{the disciples}, joying to-praise the God to{large sound} around of{all who} behold of{[the] enablements/empowerments}, [:38] saying, "Having-been-well-worded, the being-come king in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}, peace in to{heaven} and glory in to{highest}." [:39] And some of{the Pharisees} from of{the crowd} say toward same, "Teacher, adjudge-valuation-upon to{the disciples} of{you}." [:40] And, respond[ing], he-says to{same}, "I-am-saying to{you} that if-supposing the-same may-be-silent the stones will-cry-out." [:41] And as he-becomes-near, behold[ing] the city, he-weeps upon to{same}, [:42] saying that "if you-know, and/also you and/also yet in to{the day} of{you}, to{the-same}, the toward peace of{you}; moreover, now it-is-hidden from of{[the] eyes} of{you}, [:43] that days will-arrive upon you, and the hostile of{you} will-cast-around [an] encampment[or barricade of pales/poles/stakes/fortification] to{you} and circle-around you from-everywhere, [:44] and ground/level-ize you and the offsprings of{you} in to{you}, and they-will_not_let-off/away in to{you} stone upon to{stone}, instead/contrary/against of{whom} you-do_not_know the season of{the watch-upon/oversight} of{you}." [:45] And, come[ing]-into into the consecrated[i.e. temple], he-initiates to-be-casting-out the selling in to{same} and purchasing, [:46] saying to{same}, "It-has-been-written, 'The house of{me} is-being [a] house of{prayer};' moreover, you make same [a] cave of{robbers}." [:47] And he-has-been-being teaching the according-to day in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}; moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes, also the firsts of{the people}, have-been-seeking to-destroy-off/away same. [:48] And they-have_not_been-discovering the what they-may-do, for the people, emphatically-every, has-been-hanging-out, hearing of{same}.
[Luke 20][:1] And it-becomes in to{one} of{the days, the-there,} of{same teaching} the people in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and of{good-message-izing}, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes together-with the elders stand-upon, [:2] and they-say, saying toward same, "Say to{us} in to{about-what-such authority} you-are-doing the-same, or who[?] is-being the give[ing] to{you} the authority, the-same[?]" [:3] Moreover, respond[ing], he-says toward same, "Also-I will-ask you one word. And, say to{me}, [:4] the immerse-effect of{John} has-been-being out of{heaven} or out of{men}[?]" [:5] Moreover, the[plural] dialog-ize-together toward sameselves, saying that "if-supposing we-may-say, 'Out of{heaven},' he-will-declare, 'So, through what[?] you-do_not_entrust to{same}[?]' [:6] Moreover, if-supposing we-may-say, 'Out of{men},' all the people will-stone-ize-down us, for it-is-being having-been-persuaded John[accusative], [a] prophet[accusative], to-be-being." [:7] And they-respond to-have_not_beheld whence. [:8] And the Jesus says to{same}, "Neither I am-saying to{you} in to{about-what-such authority} I-am-doing the-same." [:9] Moreover, he-initiates to-be-saying toward the people the parable, the-same, "Some man plants [a] vineyard and gives-out same to{land-workers} and goes-abroad sufficient times. [:10] And in to{season} he-sends-off/away toward the land-workers [a] slave, in-which-place they-may-give from of{the fruit} of{the vineyard} to{same}. Moreover, the land-workers, flay[ing] same, send-out-off/away empty. [:11] And he-places-toward to-dispatch [a] different slave. Moreover, the[plural] flay[ing] also-the-there and, unvalue-ize[ing], send-out-off/away empty. [:12] And he-places-toward to-dispatch [a] third. Moreover, the[plural] also, wound-effect-ize[ing] the-same, cast-out. [:13] Moreover, the lord of{the vineyard} says, "What[?] I-may-do[?] I-will-dispatch the son of{me}, the beloved. Behold[ing] the-same, they-will-have-regard-for equally." [:14] Moreover, behold[ing] same, the land-workers have-been-dialog-izing toward sameselves, saying, 'The-same is-being the heir. Come, we-may-be-killing-off/away same, in-which-place the inheritance may-become of{us}.' [:15] And, cast[ing]-out same outside of{the vineyard}, they-kill-off/away. So, what[?] the lord of{the vineyard} will-do to{same}[?] [:16] He-will-be-come and will-destroy-off/away the land-workers, the-same, and give the vineyard to{others}." Moreover, hear[ing], they-say, "It-could_not_become." [:17] Moreover, the, view[ing]-in to{same}, says, "So, what[?] is-being the having-been-written, the-same, '[The] stone whom the house-building deem-off/away[i.e. reject], the-same becomes into head of{corner}.' [:18] Every, the fall[ing] upon the-there, the stone, will-be-crushed; moreover, upon whom supposing it/he-may-fall it/he-will-winnow same." [:19] And the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes seek to-cast-upon upon same the hands in to{same, the hour} and they-fear the people, for they-know that toward same he-says the parable, the-same. [:20] And, keep[ing]-beside, they-send-off/away spies, pretending sameselves to-be-being just, in-which-place they-may-take-upon of{same} of{word} into the to-deliver same to{the origin} and to{the authority} of{the governor}. [:21] And they-ask-upon same, saying, "Teacher, we-have-beheld that straightly you-are-saying and you-are-teaching and you-are_not_taking face[i.e. appearance]; contrariwise, upon of{truth} you-are-teaching the way of{the God}. [:22] It-is-being-allowed to{us} to-give tribute to{Caesar} or not[?]" [:23] Moreover, think[ing]-according-to/considering of{same} the all-working/craftiness, he-says toward same, "What[?] you-are-trial-izing me[?] [:24] Show-upon to{me} [a] denarius. Of{whom[?]} it-is-having image and writing-upon/inscription[?]" Moreover, respond[ing], they-say, "Of{Caesar}." [:25] Moreover, the says to{same}, "To-this-now/therefore, give-off/away the of{Caesar} to{Caesar} and the of{the God} to{the God}." [:26] And they-do_not_have-strength to-take-upon of{same} of{declaration} in-in-place-ly[/opposite/facing] of{the people} and, marvel[ing] upon to{the response} of{same}, refrain-from-speaking. [:27] Moreover, some of{the Sadducees} come[ing]-toward, the saying-in-place-of/in-opposition-to/contradicting/rebutting, no stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection] to-be-being, ask-upon same, [:28] saying, "Teacher, Moses writes to{us}, if-supposing of{some} brother may-die-off/away having [a] woman, and the-same may-die-off/away without-offspring, in-which-place the brother of{same} would-take the woman and may-stand-up/anew-out sow-effect to{the brother} of{same}. [:29] So, they-have-been-being seven brothers, and the first, take[ing] [the] woman, dies-off/away without-offspring. [:30] And the second takes the woman, and the-same without-offspring dies-off/away. [:31] And the third takes same. Moreover, as-same-ly, also the seven do_not_leave-behind offsprings, and die-off/away. [:32] Afterward of{all}, the woman also dies-off/away. [:33] So, in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}, of{whom[?]} of{same} is-becoming [the] woman, for the seven have same woman[?]" [:34] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "The sons of{the eon, the-same} are-marrying and are-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage]. [:35] Moreover, the considered-worthwhile-according-to of{the eon, the-there} to-occur also of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the} out of{dead} neither are-marrying nor are-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage]. [:36] For neither they-are-being-enabled still to-die-off/away, for they-are-being equal-messengers and they-are-being sons of{the God}, being sons of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}. [:37] Moreover, that the dead are-being-roused, also Moses discloses upon of{the bramble/briar-bush} as he-is-saying 'Lord the God [of-]Abraham and the God [of-]Isaac and the God [of-]Jacob.' [:38] Moreover, God is_not_being of{dead}; contrariwise, of{being-alive}, for all are-being-alive to{same}." [:39] Moreover, respond[ing], some of{the scribes} say, "Teacher, you-say well." [:40] Moreover, they-have_not-still_been-daring to-be-asking-upon same, nothing. [:41] Moreover, he-says toward same, "How[?] they-are-saying the anointed son [of-]David to-be-being[?] [:42] And same David is-saying in to{scroll} of{psalms}, "The Lord says to{the lord} of{me}, 'Be-being-seated out of{right} of{me} [:43] until supposing I-may-place the hostile of{you} under-foot of{the feet} of{you}.' [:44] So, David is-calling same 'lord,' and how[?] he-is-being son of{same}[?]" [:45] Moreover, of{all the people hearing}, he-says to{the disciples} of{same}, [:46] "Be-having-toward off/away-from of{the scribes, the will-ing} to-be-walking-around in to{wardrobes} and of{liking} greetings in to{the marketplaces} and first-seats in to{the synagogues} and first-[re]cline-places in to{the dinners/suppers}, [:47] the are-eating-down the houses of{the widows} and to{reveal-before-sis[i.e. pretext]} they-are-praying long. The-same will-take/get more-excessive judge-effect/judgment."
[Luke 21][:1] Moreover, view[ing]-up, he-beholds the rich casting the gifts of{same} into the treasury. [:2] Moreover, he-beholds also [a] poor widow casting two mites there. [:3] And he-says, "Truly, I-am-saying to{you} that the widow, the destitute, same casts much-more of{all}, [:4] for emphatically-all, the-same[plural], out of{the exceeding} to{same} cast into the gifts of{the God}; moreover, same[feminine] out of{the deficient-effect/lack} of{same} casts emphatically-all the livelihood which she-has-been-having." [:5] And of{some saying} about of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, that to{good stones} and to{up/anew-place-effects/monuments/ornaments/offerings} it-has-been-arranged/ordered, he-says, [:6] "You-are-observing the-same, which, days will-be-come in to{which} it-will_not_be-let-off/away-from stone upon to{stone} which will_not_be-loosed-down." [:7] Moreover, they-ask-upon same, saying, "Teacher, so, at-what-time[?], the-same[plural], it-will-be, and what[?] the sign when-supposing may-be-being-about, the-same[plural], to-be-becoming[?]" [:8] Moreover, the says, "Be-viewing, you-would_not_be-led-astray, for many will-be-come upon to{the name} of{me}, saying that 'I am-being' and, 'The season has-become-near,' so, you-should_not_be-gone behind of{same[plural]}. [:9] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-hear wars and without-stand-down/against-ia/instability you-should_not_be-distraught/upset/dismayed/agitated, for it-is-necessitating the-same[plural] to-become first; contrariwise, not straightaway the completion." [:10] Then he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Nation upon nation will-be-roused, and kingdom upon kingdom. [:11] Both large/great tempests/shakes/quakes down/against places and famines and plagues will-be. It-will-be both fears/terrors and large/great signs from of{heaven}. [:12] Moreover, before of{the-same all} they-will-cast-upon upon you the hands of{same} and will-chase, delivering into synagogues and custodies, being-led upon kings and governors because of{the name} of{me}. [:13] Moreover, it-will-step-off/away-from/turn-out/result to{you} into witness. [:14] So, place into the hearts of{you} not to-be-concerned/care-about-beforehand to-be-defended, [:15] for I will-give to{you} mouth and wisdom to{which} all the being-lain-opposed to{you} will_not_be-enabled to-say-in-place-of/against/in-opposition-to/contradict/rebut nor to-stand-in-place-of/against/in-opposition-to/withstand. [:16] Moreover, you-will-be-delivered also under of{parents} and of{brothers} and of{together-become[i.e. related]} and of{friends} and they-will-put-to-death out of{you}. [:17] And you-will-be being-hated under of{all} through the name of{me}. [:18] And [a] hair out of{the head} of{you[plural]}, no, will_not_perish. [:19] In to{the under-remain/endurance/perseverance} of{you[plural]}, acquire the lives of{you[plural]}. [:20] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-behold the Jerusalem being-circled under of{soldier/army-ground/military-encampment}, then know that the desolate-sis[i.e. state of being desolate] of{same} has-become-near. [:21] Then the in to{the Judea}: be-fleeing into the mountains, and the in to{midst} of{same}: be-separating-out, and the in to{the spaces}: do_not_be-being-come-into into same, [:22] that same are-being days of{out-justice/vindication} of{the} to-be-fulfilled all the having-been-written. [:23] Moreover, woe to{the} in to{belly having} and to{the nursing} in to{the-there, the days}, for it-will-be of-certainty large upon of{the earth} and wrath to{the people, the-same}. [:24] And they-will-be-fallen to{[the] mouth/edge} of{[the] knife} and will-be-spear-taken-ized/taken-captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will-be being-treaded under of{nations} even-to [the] seasons of{nations} may-be-fulfilled. [:25] And it-will-be signs in to{[the] sun} and to{[the] moon} and to{[the] stars} and upon of{the earth}, hold-together[noun] of{nations} in to{difficulty-of-passage} of{audible-manifestation} of{seawater} and of{tossing-motion}, [:26] of{men life-ing-off/away} from of{fear} and of{deem-toward/anticipation} of{the being-come-upon} to{the housed/inhabited}, for the enablements/empowerments of{the heavens} will-be-shaken. [:27] And then they-will-see the son of{the man} being-come in to{cloud} alongside of{enablement/empowerment} and of{much glory}. [:28] Moreover, of{the-same being-initiated} to-be-being-become, stoop-up/anew and lift-upon the heads of{you}, through-that the loose-off/away-sis/[state of]release-off/away of{you} is-becoming-near." [:29] And he-says [a] parable to{same}, "Behold the fig-tree and all the trees. [:30] When-supposing they-may-cast-forth, already viewing from of{sameselves} you-are-knowing that already near the summer is-being. [:31] The-same-ly also you, when-supposing you-may-behold the-same being-become, be-knowing that near is-being the kingdom of{the God}. [:32] Amen I-am-saying to{you} that no, the generation, the-same, should_not_pass-by until supposing all may-become. [:33] The heaven and the earth will-be-passed-by; moreover, the words of{me} no, should_not_pass-by. [:34] Moreover, be-having-toward to{sameselves}, not-whereby the hearts of{you} may-be-weighted in to{intoxication} and to{drunkenness} and to{livelihood-ish worries} and unexpectedly the day, the-there, may-stand-upon upon you, [:35] for as [a] trap it-will-be-come-upon upon all the being-seated upon [the] face of{all the earth}. [:36] So, be-being-awake in to{all season}, being-necessitated, in-which-place you-may-be-considered-worthwhile-according-to flee-out/escape the-same all, the being-about to-be-being-become, and to-be-stood in-front of{the son} of{the man}." [:37] Moreover, the days, in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} he-has-been-being teaching; moreover, the nights, being-come-out, he-has-been-being-camped-out/spending-the-night into the mountain, the being-called "of{olives}." [:38] And every, the people, has-been-daybreak-izing toward same in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} to-be-hearing of{same}.
[Luke 22][:1] Moreover, the festival of{the unleavened}, the being-said "passover," has-been-becoming-near, [:2] and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes have-been-seeking the how they-may-lift-up[i.e. take out] same, for they-have-been-fearing the people. [:3] Moreover, [the] Satan/adversary comes-into into Judas, the being-upon-called Iscariot, being out of{the number} of{the twelve}, [:4] and, come[ing]-off/away, he-speaks-together to{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and to{the officers} the how he-may-deliver same to{same[plural]}, [:5] and they-are-joyed and place-together to-give silver to{same}. [:6] And he-acknowledges-out and has-been-seeking good-season/opportunity of{the} to-deliver same to{same[plural]} apart-from of{crowd}. [:7] Moreover, the day of{the unleavened} comes in to{which} it-has-been-necessitating the passover to-be-being-sacrificed. [:8] And he-sends-off/away Peter and John, say[ing], "Be[ing]-gone, prepare to{us} the passover, in-which-place we-may-eat." [:9] Moreover, the say to{same}, "Where[?] you-are-will-ing we-may-prepare[?]" [:10] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Behold, of{you come[ing]-into} into the city, [a] man will-meet to{you} bearing [a] pot of{water}. Accompany to{same} into the house of{which} he-is-being-gone-into, [:11] and you-will-declare to{the house-ruler} of{the house}, 'The teacher is-saying to{you}, "Where[?] is-being the loose-down-effect/lodging which-where I-may-eat the passover alongside of{the disciples} of{me}[?]"' [:12] And-the-there will-show to{you} [a] large up[from]ground[room] having-been-spread. Prepare there." [:13] Moreover, come[ing]-off/away, they-discover according-as he-has-declared to{same}, and they-prepare the passover. [:14] And when the hour becomes, he-falls-anew[i.e. sits down], and the twelve sent-off[ones] together-with to{same}. [:15] And he-says toward same, "To{upon-desire-ia} I-desire-upon the-same, the passover, to-eat alongside of{you} before of{the} me to-suffer, [:16] for I-am-saying to{you} that not-still, no, I-should_not_eat out of{same} until of{when} it-may-be-fulfilled in to{the kingdom} of{the God}." [:17] And, receive[ing] [the] cup, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, he-says, "Take the-same and divide-through to{sameselves}, [:18] for I-am-saying to{you} that no, I-should_not_drink, from of{the} now, from of{the begotten-effect} of{the vine}, until of{when} the kingdom of{the God} may-come." [:19] And, take[ing] bread, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, he-breaks and gives to{same}, saying, "The-same is-being the body of{me}, the over/for-the-sake of{you} being-given. Be-doing the-same into the mine remembrance-anew." [:20] As-same-ly also the cup alongside the to-dine, saying, "The-same, the cup, the new through-placement/disposition/covenant in to{the blood} of{me}, the over/for-the-sake of{you} being-poured-out. [:21] More-ly, behold, the hand of{the delivering} me alongside of{emphatically-me} upon of{the table} [:22] and, on-one-hand, the son of{the man} is-being-gone according-to the having-been-defined; more-ly, woe to{the man, the-there} through of{whom} he-is-being-delivered." [:23] And same[plural] initiate to-be-seeking-together toward sameselves the who consequently might-be-being out of{same} the being-about to-be-practicing the-same. [:24] Moreover, [a] fond-of-quarrel-ia/competition/rivalry becomes in to{same}, the who of{same} is-deeming to-be-being greater. [:25] Moreover, the says to{same}, "The kings of{the nations} are-lording of{same} and the[plural] are-authority-izing of{same}. Good-workers/benefactors are-being-called; [:26] moreover, you not the-same-ly; contrariwise, the greater in to{you}: become as the youth, and the governing as the serving, [:27] for who[?] greater, the being-lain-up/anew or the serving[?] Emphatically-not the being-lain-up/anew[?] Moreover, I am-being in to{midst} of{you} as the serving. [:28] Moreover, you are-being the having-stayed-through alongside of{emphatically-me} in to{the trials} of{me}. [:29] And-I am-[through-placing/dispositioning/covenanting-such-as-to-be-]being-through-placed/dispositioned/covenanted to{you} according-as the father of{me} through-places/dispositions/covenants-such-as-to-be-through-placed/dispositioned/covenanted to{me} [a] kingdom, [:30] in-which-place you-may-be-eating and may-be-drinking upon of{the table} of{me} in to{the kingdom} of{me}, and will-sit-down upon of{thrones} judging the twelve tribes of{the} Israel." [:31] Moreover, the Lord says, "Simon, Simon, behold, the Satan/adversary gives-cause/requests-out-for-himself you[plural] of{the} to-sift as the grain. [:32] Moreover, I am-necessitated about of{you} in-which-place the faith of{you} should_not_leave-out/abandon/disappear, and you, at-what-time, turn[ing]-upon, establish the brothers of{you}." [:33] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Lord, alongside of{you} I-am-being also ready to-be-being-gone into custody and into death." [:34] Moreover, the says, "I-am-saying to{you}, Peter, no, [a] rooster will_not_sound today prior than thrice you-will-deny-off/away to-have_not_beheld me." [:35] And he-says to{same}, when I-send-off/away you apart-from of{purse} and of{bag} and of{footwear}, no, of{any[?]} you-are-deficient[?]" Moreover, the say, "Of{nothing}." [:36] So, he-says to{same}; "Contrariwise, now the having purse: lift. Similarly also bag, and the not having: sell the outer-garment of{same} and purchase [a] knife, [:37] for I-am-saying to{you} that still the-same, the having-been-written, is-necessitating to-be-finished in to{emphatically-me}, the also 'he-is-word-ized/reckoned/accounted alongside of{lawless},' for also the about of{emphatically-me} is-having completion." [:38] Moreover, the say, "Lord, behold, two knives here." Moreover, the says to{same}, "It-is-being sufficient." [:39] And, come[ing]-out, he-is-gone according-to the custom into the mountain of{the olives}; moreover, the disciples of{same} accompany to{same}. [:40] Moreover, become upon of{the place}, he-says to{same}, "Be-praying to_not_come-into into trial." [:41] And same is-drawn-off/away-from from of{same} as-if of{stone cast[noun]} and, place[ing] the knees, he-has-been-praying, [:42] saying, "Father, if you-are-intending, carry-aside the cup, the-same, from of{emphatically-me}; more-ly, not the will-effect of{me}; contrariwise, the yours: be-become." [:43] Moreover, [a] messenger from of{heaven} is-seen to{same}, in-strengthening same. [:44] And become[ing] in to{contest-ia/struggle-ia/agony} he-has-been-praying fervently; moreover, the sweat of{same} becomes as-if clots/coagulations of{blood} descending upon the ground. [:45] And, stand[ing]-up from of{the prayer}, come[ing] toward the disciples, he-discovers same sleeping from of{the grief}. [:46] And he-says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-lying-asleep[?] Stand[ing]-up, be-praying in-which-place you-should_not_come-into into trial." [:47] Moreover, still of{same speaking}, behold, [a] crowd, and the being-said "Judas," into of{the twelve}, has-been-coming-before same, and becomes-near to{the Jesus} to-fond same. [:48] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Judas, you-are-delivering the son of{the man} to{fond-effect}[?]" [:49] Moreover, behold[ing] the will-be, the around same say to{same}, "Lord, if we-will-smite in to{knife}[?]" [:50] And some one out of{same} smites the slave of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} and lifts-off/away of{same} the ear, the right. [:51] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Be-allowing until of{the-same}," and, take[ing]-hold of{the ear} of{same}, he-cures same. [:52] Moreover, the Jesus says toward the become-aside upon same, chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and officers of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and elders, "As upon [a] robber you-come-out alongside of{knives} and of{wood[en-clubs]}. [:53] According-to day of{me being} alongside of{you} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} you-do_not_stretch-out the hands upon emphatically-me; contrariwise, same[singular] is-being of{you} the hour and the authority of{the darkness}." [:54] Moreover, together-take[ing] same, they-lead, and they-into-lead same into the house of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}. Moreover, the Peter has-been-accompanying afar. [:55] Moreover, of{kindle[ing]} [a] fire in to{midst} of{the courtyard} and of{same being-seated-together}, the Peter has-been-being-seated in to{midst} of{same}. [:56] Moreover, behold[ing] same, some girlie being-seated toward the light and fixate[ing] to{same} says, "Also the-same has-been-being together-with to{same}." [:57] Moreover, the denies same, saying, "Woman, I-have_not_beheld same." [:58] And alongside [a] bit, [a] different/other, behold[ing] same, has-been-asserting, "Also, you are-being out of{same}." Moreover, the Peter says, "Man, I-am_not_being." [:59] And of{stand[ing]-through/apart} as-if of{one hour}, some other has-been-being-through-strength-izing/persisting/maintaining, saying, "Upon of{truth} also the-same has-been-being alongside of{same}, for also he-is-being [a] Galilean." [:60] Moreover, the Peter says, "Man, I-have_not_beheld what you-are-saying," and immediately, still of{same speaking} [a] rooster sounds. [:61] And, turn[ing], the Lord views-in to{the Peter}, and the Peter is-reminded-under of{the word} of{the Lord} as he-says to{same} that "prior to-sound [a] rooster, you-will-deny-off/away me thrice." [:62] And, come[ing]-out outside, the Peter weeps bitterly. [:63] And the men, the together-holding the Jesus, have-been-infantilizing to{same}, flaying [:64] and cover[ing]-around same, they-have-been-beating the face of{same} and have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "Prophesy. Who[?] is-being the strike[ing] you[?]" [:65] And they-have-been-saying many different/others, asserting-evil into same. [:66] And as day becomes, the [body of]elders of{the people} are-gathered-together, both chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and scribes, and lead-up/anew same into the council of{same}, saying, [:67] "If you are-being the anointed, say to{us}." Moreover, he-says to{same}, "If-supposing I-would-say to{you}, no, you-would_not_believe. [:68] Moreover, if-supposing also I-would-ask, no, you-would_not_respond to{me} or loose-off/away. [:69] From of{the} now it-will-be the son of{the man} being-seated out of{right} of{the enablement/empowerment} of{the God}" [:70] Moreover, they-say, all, "So, you are-being the son of{the God}[?] Moreover, the has-been-asserting toward same, "You are-saying that I am-being." [:71] Moreover, the say, "Still what[?] need we-are-having of{witness-ia}[?] For same[plural] we-hear from of{the mouth} of{same}."
[Luke 23][:1] And, stand[ing]-up/anew, emphatically-all the multitude of{same}, leads same upon the Pilate. [:2] Moreover, they-initiate to-be-accusing of{same}, saying, "We-discover the-same through-turning/twisting/distorting the nation of{us} and hindering to-be-giving tribute to{Caesar}, saying sameself to-be-being anointed[noun] king." [:3] Moreover, the Pilate asks-upon same, saying, "You are-being the king of{the Judeans}[?]" Moreover, the, respond[ing] to{same}, has-been-asserting, "You are-saying." [:4] Moreover, the Pilate says toward the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the crowds, "I-am-discovering not-one cause in to{the man, the-same}." [:5] Moreover, the[plural] have-been-having-strength-upon, saying that he-shakes-up/anew the people, teaching down/against of{the whole Judea}, initiate[ing]-himself from of{the Galilee} until here. [:6] Moreover, Pilate, hear[ing] "Galilee," asks-upon if the man is-being Galilean. [:7] And, upon-know[ing] that he-is-being out of{the authority} of{Herod}, he-dispatches-anew same toward Herod, same also being in to{Jerusalems} in to{the-same, the days}. [:8] Moreover, the Herod, behold[ing] the Jesus, joys extremely, for he-has-been-being will-ing out of{sufficient} to-behold same through the to-be-hearing much about of{same} and has-been-expect[ize]ing what[?] sign to-behold being-become under of{same}. [:9] Moreover, he-has-been-asking-upon same in to{sufficient words}; moreover, same responds nothing to{same}. [:10] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes had-stood strenuously accusing of{same}. [:11] Moreover, out-nothing[ing]/discount[ing] same, the Herod, together-with to{the armaments} of{same}, and infantilize[ing], drape[ing]-around same [with] shining attire, dispatches-anew same to{the Pilate}. [:12] Moreover, the both Pilate and the Herod become friends in to{same, the day} alongside of{one-another}, for they-have-been-being-before-under-originating in to{hostility}, being toward sameselves. [:13] Moreover, Pilate, call[ing]-together the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the chiefs and the people, [:14] says toward same, "You-carry-toward to{me} the man, the-same, as turning-off/away the people and, behold, I, in-sight of{you}, judge[ing]-anew, discover nothing in to{the man, the-same}, of{which} cause you-are-accusing down/against/according-to of{same}. [:15] Contrariwise, moreover-not Herod, for he-dispatches-anew same toward us and, behold, nothing worthwhile of{death} is-being having-been-practiced to{same}. [:16] So, child[ing]/chastise[ing] same, I-will-loose-off/away." [:17] Moreover, of-certainty he-has-been-having to-be-loosing-off/away to{same} one according-to [the] festival. [:18] Moreover, they-cry-out-anew all-multitude-ly, saying, "Be-lifting the-same; moreover, loose-off to{us} the bar-Abbas," [:19] someone-who has-been-being through some stand-sis[i.e. state of standing] become[ing] in to{the city} and murder, having-been-cast into custody. [:20] So, again the Pilate sounds-toward, will-ing to-loose-off/away the Jesus. [:21] Moreover, the[plural] have-been-sounding-upon, saying, "Crucify, crucify same." [:22] Moreover, the says third[ly] toward same, "For what[?] bad the-same does[?] I-discover not-one cause of{death} in to{same}. So, child[ing]/chastise[ing] same, I-will-loose-off/away." [:23] Moreover, the have-been-being-lain-upon to{large sounds} requesting/giving-cause-to-for-themselves same to-be-crucified and the sounds of{same} have-been-having-strength-against. And of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]}, [:24] moreover, the Pilate judges-upon the request/cause-effect to-become of{same[plural]}. [:25] Moreover, he-looses-off/away to{same} the through stand-sis[i.e. state of standing] and murder having-been-cast into the custody, whom they-have-been-requesting/giving-cause-to-for-themselves; moreover, he-delivers the Jesus to{the will-effect} of{same}. [:26] And as they-lead-off/away same, take[ing]-upon of{Simon, some Cyrenian, the being-come} from of{field}, they-place-upon to{same} the cross to-be-carrying from-behind of{the Jesus}. [:27] Moreover, [a] vast multitude of{the people} has-been-accompanying to{same}, and of{women}, who also have-been-striking-themselves and have-been-lamenting same. [:28] Moreover, turn[ing] toward same, the Jesus says, "Daughters [of-]Jerusalem, do_not_be-weeping upon emphatically-me; more-ly be-weeping upon sameselves and upon the offsprings of{you}, [:29] that, behold, days are-being-come in to{which} they-will-declare, "Blessed, the sterile and cavities which do_not_beget, and breasts which do_not_nurse. [:30] Then they-will-initiate to-be-saying to{the mountains}, "Fall upon us," and to{the hills}, "Cover us," [:31] that if in to{the moist/wet wood} they-are-doing the-same, in to{the dry/withered} what[?] may-become[?]" [:32] Moreover, also two different/others, bad-working[adjective], have-been-being-led together-with to{same} to-be-lifted-up. [:33] And when they-come-off/away upon the place, the being-called "skull," there they-crucify same and the bad-working[adjective], whom on-one-hand out of{right}, whom on-the-other-hand out of{left}. [:34] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-saying, "Father, let-off/away to{same}, for they-have_not_beheld what they-are-doing." Moreover, parting/dividing-through-themselves the outer-garments of{same}, they-cast lot. [:35] And the people had-stood observing. Moreover, the chiefs together-with to{same} have-been-mock-izing/deride-izing, saying, "Others he-saves; [he:] save sameself, if the-same is-being the anointed, the chosen of{the God}." [:36] Moreover, also the soldiers have-been-infantilizing to{same}, being-come-toward and carrying-toward to{same} vinegar, [:37] and saying, "If you are-being the king of{the Judeans}, save yourself." [:38] Moreover, also [a] writing-upon/inscription has-been-being having-been-written upon to{same} to{write-effects} to{Greek} and to{Latin} and to{Hebrew}, "The-same is-being the king of{the Judeans}." [:39] Moreover, one of{the hung bad-workers} has-been-asserting-evil [to] same, saying, "If you are-being the anointed, save yourself and us." [:40] Moreover, respond[ing], the different/other adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, saying, "Nor you are-fearing the God, that in to{the same judge-effect/judgment} you-are-being. [:41] And we on-one-hand justly, for we-practice worthwhile of{which} we-are-taking-off/away; on-the-other-hand, the-same practices nothing out-of-place. [:42] And he-has-been-saying to{the Jesus}, "Be-reminded of{me}, Lord, when-supposing you-may-come in to{the kingdom} of{you}." [:43] And the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} today alongside of{emphatically-me} you-will-be in to{the garden}" [:44] Moreover, it-has-been-being as-if [the] sixth hour and darkness becomes upon the whole land until of{[the] ninth hour}, [:45] and the sun is-darkened and the spread-out-against-effect/curtain of{the temple} is-split midst, [:46] and, sound[ing] to{large sound}, the Jesus says, "Father, into [the] hands of{you} I-am-being-placed-aside[/placing-myself-aside] the spirit of{me}." And, say[ing] the-same, he-breathes-out. [:47] Moreover, behold[ing] the be[ing]-become, the centurion glorifies the God, saying, "Being-ly/actually, the man, the-same, has-been-being just." [:48] And all the together-be[ing]-become-beside crowds upon the observe-ia, the-same, observing the be[ing]-become, beating the chests/sternums of{sameselves}, have-been-returning. [:49] Moreover, all the knowns of{same} had-stood afar, and the women accompanying-together to{same} from of{the Galilee}, seeing the-same. [:50] And, behold, [a] man to{name} "Joseph," [a] councilor originating-under, [a] beneficial man and just, [:51] the-same, has_not_been-being having-been-together-placed-according-to to{the intention} and to{the practice} of{same[plural]}, from of{Arimathea, the Judean city}, and who same also has-been-toward-receiving the kingdom of{the God}, [:52] the-same, come[ing]-toward to{the Pilate}, requests/gives-cause-for-himself the body of{the Jesus}. [:53] And, lift[ing]-down same, envelopes same to{linen} and places same in to{hewn-out-of-rock memorial-effect} of{which} has_not_been-being not-moreover-yet-ly not-one being-lain. [:54] And [the] day has-been-being preparation, and [the] sabbath has-been-upon-light-izing/illuminating[i.e. becoming dawn] [:55] Moreover, the women, following-down/according-to, some-who have-been-being having-come-together to{same} out of{the Galilee}, spectate the memorial and as the body of{same} is-placed. [:56] Moreover, return[ing], they-prepare aromatics and ointments. And, on-one-hand, they-quiet-ize the sabbath, according-to the command;
[Luke 24][:1] on-the-other-hand, to{the one} of{the sabbaths} of{deep[i.e. dim/early] daybreak} they-come upon the memorial-effect, carrying which aromatics they-prepare, and some[feminine plural] together-with to{same[feminine plural]}. [:2] Moreover, they-discover the stone having-been-rolled-off/away from of{the memorial} [:3] and, come[ing]-into, they-do_not_discover the body of{the Lord Jesus}. [:4] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-perplexed-through same[feminine plural] about of{the-same[neuter singular]}, also, behold, two men stand-upon to{same[feminine plural]} in to{attire-sis-es[i.e. states of attire] flashing-out[like lightning]}. [:5] Moreover, of{same[feminine plural] become[ing] in-fear} and of{leaning} the face into the ground, they-say toward same[feminine plural], "What[?] you-are-seeking the being-alive alongside of{the dead}[?] [:6] He-is_not_being here; contrariwise, he-is-roused. Remember as he-speaks to{you} still being in to{the Galilee}, [:7] saying that it-is-necessitating, the son of{the man}, to-be-delivered into [the] hands of{sinful men} and to-be-crucified and to{the third day} to{stand-up/anew}." [:8] And they-remember of{the declarations} of{same}. [:9] And, return[ing] from of{the memorial}, they-message-off/away the-same all to{the eleven} and to{all the remaining} [:10] Moreover, they-have-been-being the Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary of{James} and the remaining, together-with to{same}, who have-been-saying toward the sent-off[ones] the-same. [:11] And they-are-revealed in-sight of{same} as-if nonsense, the declarations of{same}, and they-have-been-disbelieving to{same}. [:12] Moreover, the Peter, stand[ing]-up/anew, hurries upon the memorial and, stoop[ing]-beside, views the linen-cloths being-lain alone, and comes-off/away marveling toward sameself the having-become. [:13] And, behold, two out of{same} have-been-being being-gone in to{same, the day}, into [a] village, having-off/away sixty stadia from Jerusalem, to{which} name, "Emmaus." [:14] And same have-been-keeping-company toward one-another about of{all the having-stepped-together, the-same}. [:15] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-keeping-company same and to-seek-together, also the same Jesus, become[ing]-near, has-been-being-gone-together to{same} [:16] Moreover, the eyes of{same} have-been-being-seized of{the} to_not_know-upon same. [:17] Moreover, he-says toward same, "What[?] the words, the-same which you-are-casting-contrary/exchanging/debating toward one-another walking-around, and you-are-being somber[?]" [:18] Moreover, one out of{same} respond[ing], to{which} name "Cleopas," says toward same, "You alone/only are-housing-aside Jerusalem and do_not_know the be[ing]-become in to{same} in to{the days, the-same}[?] [:19] And he-says to{same}, "About-what-such[?]" Moreover, the say to{same}, "The about of{Jesus the Nazarene} who becomes [a] prophet man able/enabled/empowered in to{work} and to{word} in-in-place-ly[/opposite/facing] of{the God} and of{all the people}, [:20] which-how both the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the chiefs of{us} deliver same into judge-effect/judgment of{death} and crucify same. [:21] Moreover, we have-been-expect-ize-ing that same is-being the being-about [to-be-liberating-such-as-]to-be-being-liberated the Israel; contrariwise, yet together-with to{the-same all}, it-is-leading [the] third, the-same day, today, from of{which} the-same is-become. [:22] Contrariwise, also some women out of{us} astound us, daybreak become[ing] upon the memorial [:23] and not discover[ing] the body of{same}, they-come saying to-have-seen also [a] vision of{messengers} who are-saying same to-be-being-alive, [:24] and some of{the} together-with to{us} come-off/away upon the memorial and discover the-same-ly according-as also the women say; moreover, they-do_not_behold same." [:25] And same[singular] says toward same[plural], "Oh mindless/thoughtless and slow to{the heart} of{the} to-be-believing upon to{all which} the prophets speak. [:26] Emphatically-not[?] it-has-been-necessitating the-same to-suffer, the anointed, and to-come-into into the glory of{same}[?]" [:27] And, initiate[ing] from of{Moses} and from of{all the prophets} he-has-been-interpreting to{same} in to{all the scriptures} the about of{sameself}. [:28] And they-become-near into the village of{which} they-have-been-being-gone and same has-been-making-toward to-be-being-gone more-distantly, [:29] and they-force-beside same, saying, "Stay alongside of{us}, that it-is-being toward dusk/evening and the day has-leaned." And he-comes-into of{the} to-stay together-with to{same}. [:30] And it-becomes in to{the} to-lay-down same[singular] alongside of{same[plural]}, take[ing] the bread, he-well-words and, break[ing], he-has-been-giving-upon to{same}. [:31] Moreover, the eyes of{same} are-opened-up-through and they-know-upon same, and unrevealed[adjective] same[singular] is-become from of{same[plural]}. [:32] And they-say toward one-another, "Emphatically-not[?] the heart of{us} has-been-being having-been-ignited in to{us} as he-has-been-speaking to{us} in to{the way} and as it-has-been-opening-up-through the scriptures to{us}[?]" [:33] And stand[ing]-up/anew to{the same hour} they-return into Jerusalem and discover assembled-together the eleven and the together-with to{same}, [:34] saying that the Lord is-roused, being-ly/actually, and is-seen to{Simon}. [:35] And same has-been-guiding-out the in to{the way} and as he-is-known to{same} in to{the break-sis[i.e. state of breaking]} of{the bread}. [:36] Moreover, of{same speaking} the-same[neuter], same[masculine], the Jesus, stands in to{midst} of{same} and is-saying to{same}, "Peace to{you}." [:37] Moreover, be[ing]-distraught/upset/dismayed/agitated and become[ing] in-fear, they-have-been-deeming to-be-observing [a] spirit. [:38] And he-says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-being having-been-disturbed, and through what[?] dialog-iz-ations are-ascending in to{the hearts} of{you}[?] [:39] Behold the hands of{me} and the feet of{me}, that same I am-being. Handle me and behold that [a] spirit is_not_having flesh and bones according-as you-are-observing emphatically-me having." [:40] And, say[ing] the-same, he-shows-upon to{same} the hands and the feet. [:41] Moreover, still of{same disbelieving} from of{the joy} and of{marveling}, he-says to{same}, "What[?] edible you-are-having in-this-place[?]" [:42] Moreover, the gives-upon to{same} part of{[a] cooked fish} and from of{beehive honeycomb}. [:43] And, take[ing], in-sight of{same}, he-eats. [:44] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "The-same, the words which I-speak toward you still being together-with to{you}, that it-is-necessitating to-be-fulfilled all the having-been-written in to{the law} of{Moses} and to{[the] prophets} and to{[the] psalms} about of{emphatically-me}." [:45] Then he-opens-up-through of{same} the mind/thinking, of{the} to-be-putting-together the scriptures. [:46] And he-says to{same} that "the-same-ly has-been-written and the-same-ly has-been-necessitating to-suffer, the anointed, and to-stand-up/anew out of{dead} to{the third day}, [:47] and to-be-proclaimed upon to{the name} of{same} change-of-mind/thinking and let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins} into all the nations, initiate[ing][neuter singular] from Jerusalem. [:48] Moreover, you are-being witnesses of{the-same}. [:49] And, behold, I am-sending-off/away the upon-message-ia of{the Father} of{me} upon you. Moreover, you, sit-down in to{the city}, Jerusalem, until of{whom} you-may-clothe-yourself enablement/empowerment out of{height}." [:50] Moreover, he-leads-out same outside until into Bethany and, lift[ing]-upon the hands of{same}, well-words same. [:51] And it-becomes, in to{the} to-be-well-wording same, he-stands-through/apart off/away-from of{same} and has-been-carried-up into the heaven. [:52] And same[plural], worship[ing] same, return into Jerusalem alongside of{great joy}. [:53] And they-have-been-being through of{all} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, praising and well-wording the God. Amen.