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Garth's Hyper-literal Translation (GHT)
Accuracy at the expense of proper English

No copyright I grant this work to the public domain.  Note:  This is a new work in progress (August 2024) and will be subject to frequent editing and improvement.  Progress toward completion is currently about three chapters a week.  Last updated: (your local time)

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Good-message according-to Matthew

[Matt 1][:1] Scroll of{genesis} of{Jesus, anointed, son [of-]David, son [of-]Abraham}.  [:2] Abraham begets the Isaac, moreover Isaac begets the Jacob, moreover Jacob begets the Judah and the brothers of{same}, [:3] moreover Judah begets the Perez and the Zerah out of{the} Tamar, moreover Perez begets the Hezron, moreover Hezron begets the Aram, [:4] moreover Aram begets the Amminadab, moreover Amminadab begets the Nahshon, moreover Nahshon begets the Salmon, [:5] moreover Salmon begets the Boaz out of{the} Rahab, moreover Boaz begets the Obed out of{the} Ruth, moreover Obed begets the Jesse, [:6] moreover Jesse begets the David, the king, moreover David, the king, begets the Solomon out of{the[feminine]} of{the[masculine]} Uriah, [:7] moreover Solomon begets the Rehoboam, moreover Rehoboam begets the Abijah, moreover Abijah begets the Asa, [:8] moreover Asa begets the Jehosaphat, moreover Jehosaphat begets the Joram, moreover Joram begets the Uzziah, [:9] moreover Uzziah begets the Jotham, moreover Jotham begets the Ahaz, moreover Ahaz begets the Hezekiah, [:10] moreover Hezekiah begets the Manasseh, moreover Manasseh begets the Amon, moreover Amon begets the Josiah, [:11] moreover Josiah begets the Jeconiah and the brothers of{same} upon of{the change-of-home} of{Babylon}, [:12] moreover alongside the change-of-home of{Babylon} Jeconiah begets the Shealtiel, moreover Shealtiel begets the Zerubbabel, [:13] moreover Zerubbabel begets the Abihud, moreover Abihud begets the Eliakim, moreover Eliakim begets the Azor, [:14] moreover Azor begets the Zadok, moreover Zadok begets the Achim, moreover Achim begets the Eliud, [:15] moreover Eliud begets the Eleazar, moreover Eleazar begets the Matthan, moreover Matthan begets the Jacob, [:16] moreover Jacob begets the Joseph, the man of{Mary} out of{whom} is-begotten Jesus, the being-said "anointed."  [:17] So, all the generations from Abraham until David: fourteen generations, and from David until of{the change-of-home} of{Babylon:} fourteen generations, and from of{the change-of-home} of{Babylon} until of{the anointed}: fourteen generations.  [:18] Moreover, of{the Jesus anointed}, the beget-sis[i.e. conception] the-same-ly has-been-being of{remember-promised[i.e. betrothed/engaged]} of{the mother} of{same}, of{Mary} to{the} Joseph, prior than same to-come-together, is-found in to{belly} having out of{Holy Spirit}.  [:19] Moreover, Joseph, the man of{same}, being just, and not will-ing to-stigmatize same, intends privately to-loose-off/away same.  [:20] Moreover, the-same[neuter], of{same[masculine]} infuriated, behold, messenger of{Lord} with dream is-revealed to{same}, saying, "Joseph son [of-]David, you-should_not_fear to-take-along Mary, the woman of{you}, for the in to{same}, begotten out of{Spirit}, is-being of{Holy}.  [:21] Moreover, she-will-offspring/be-offspring-ed [a] son and you-will-call the name of{same} 'Jesus,' for same will-save the people of{same} from of{the sins} of{same}."  [:22] Moreover, the-same whole has-become in-which-place it-may-be-fulfilled, the declared under of{the Lord} through of{the prophet, saying}, [:23] "Behold, the virgin will-have in to{belly}, and will-offspring/be-offspring-ed [a] son and they-will-call the name of{same} 'Emmanuel,' which is-being being-translated 'the God alongside of{us}.'"  [:24] Moreover, the Joseph, through-roused from of{the sleep}, does as the messenger of{Lord} sets-toward to{same}, and takes-along the woman of{same}, [:25] and has_not_been-knowing same until of{whom} offsprings the son of{same} and he-calls the name of{same}, "Jesus."

[Matt 2][:1] Moreover, of{the Jesus begotten} in Bethlehem of{the Judea} in to{days} of{Herod the king}, behold, magi from of{risings/[east]} become-aside into Jerusalem, [:2] saying, "Where is-being the offspringed King of{the Judeans}, for we-behold of{same} the star in to{the rising/[east]} and come to-worship to{same}."  [:3] Moreover, hear[ing], the king Herod is-disturbed and all Jerusalem alongside of{same}. [:4] And gather[ing]-together all the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and scribes of{the people}, he-has-been-ascertaining aside of{same} where the anointed is-being-begotten.  [:5] Moreover, they-say to{same}, "In Bethlehem of{the Judea}, for the-same-ly it-has-been-written through of{the prophet}, [:6] 'And you, Bethlehem, land of{Judah}, are-being not-moreover-as least in to{the governors} of{Judah}, for out of{you} will-come-out/be-come-out [a] governing, he-who will-shepherd the people of{me}, the Israel.'"  [:7] Then Herod, privately call[ing] the magi, precisions along of{same} the time of{the revealing} of{star}.  [:8] And dispatch[ing] same into Bethlehem, says, "Be[ing]-gone, examine-out precisely about of{the childling}; moreover, upon-supposing you-discover, message-off to{me}, which-how I-also, come[ing], may-worship to{same}."  [:9] Moreover, the hear[ing] of{the king}, they-be[ing]-gone, also, behold, the star that they-behold in to{the rising/[east]} has-been-leading-in-front-of same until, come[ing], stands up-upon of{which} has-been-being the childling.  [:10] Moreover, behold[ing] the star, they-are-joyed, vehemently great joy.  [:11] And, come[ing] into the house, they-behold the childling alongside Mary, of{the mother} of{same} and, fall[ing], worship to{same}, and open[ing]-up the wealth of{same}, they-carry-toward to{same} gifts: gold and frankincense and myrrh.  [:12] And, business-effect-ized with dream not to-turn-back/anew toward Herod, they-separate-anew through of{another way} into the region of{same}.  [:13] Moreover, of{same separated-anew}, behold, [a] messenger of{Lord} is-being-revealed with dream to{the} Joseph, saying, "Roused, take-along the childling and the mother of{same} and be-fleeing into Egypt and be-being there until supposing I-may-say to{you}, for Herod is-being-about to-be-seeking the childling of{the} to-destroy-off/away same."  [:14] Moreover, the roused takes-along the childling and the mother of{same} of{night} and separates-anew into Egypt.  [:15] And he-has-been-being there until of{the end/decease} of{Herod}, in-which-place may-be-fulfilled the declared under of{Lord} through of{the prophet, saying}, out of{Egypt} I-call the Son of{me}.  [:16] Then Herod, behold[ing] that he-is-infantilized under of{the magi}, is-infuriated extremely and, send[ing]-off, does-away-with all the children, the in Bethlehem, and in to{all the boundaries} of{same}, from two-years and downward, according-to the time that he-precisions aside/beside of{the magi}.  [:17] Then is-fulfilled the declared through of{Jeremiah the prophet, saying}, [:18] "[A] sound in Ramah is-heard, [a] lamentation and weeping[noun] and much bewailing[noun], Rachel weeping [over] the offsprings of{same} and not has-been-being-willed to-be-called-near, that they-are-being not."  [:19] Moreover, of{decease[ing]} of{the Herod}, behold, messenger of{Lord} is-being-revealed with dream to{the} Joseph in to{Egypt}, [:20] saying, roused, take-along the childling and the mother of{same} and be-being-gone into [the] land [of-]Israel, for the seeking the life of{the childling} have-died.  [:21] Moreover, the roused takes-along the childling and the mother of{same} and comes into [the] land [of-]Israel.  [:22] Moreover, hear[ing] that Archelaus is-reigning of{the Judea} in-place-of of{Herod, the father} of{same}, he-fears to-go there.  Moreover, business-effect-ized with dream, he-separates-anew into the parts of{the Galilee}.  [:23] And, come[ing], he-houses-down into [a] city being-said Nazareth, which-how would-fulfill the declared through of{the prophets} that he-will-be-called Nazarene.

[Matt 3][:1] Moreover, in to{the days, the-there-s}, John the immerser is-becoming-aside, proclaiming in to{the desolate} of{the Judea} [:2] and saying, "Change-your-minds/thinking, for the kingdom of{the heavens} has-become-near."  [:3] For the-same is-being the declared through of{Isaiah the prophet, saying}, "Sound of{crying} in to{the desolate}.  Prepare the way of{Lord}, be-making straight the paths of{same}."  [:4] Moreover, same, the John, has-been-having the clothing of{same} from of{hairs} of{camel} and leather belt around the hip of{same}; moreover, the nourishment of{same} has-been-being locusts and wild honey.  [:5] Then Jerusalem has-been-being-gone-out toward same and all the Judea and all the region-around of{the Jordan}.  [:6] And they-have-been-being-immersed in to{the Jordan river} under of{same}, acknowledging-out the sins of{same}.  [:7] Moreover, behold[ing] many of{the Pharisees and Sadducees} being-come, upon the immerse-effect of{same}, he-says to{same}, "Begotten-effect of{vipers}: Who[?] indicates to{you} to-flee from of{the about-to-be-being wrath}[?]  [:8] So, make worthwhile fruit of{the change-of-mind/thinking}.  [:9] And you-should_not_deem to-be-saying in to{sameselves}, 'We-are-having the father Abraham,' for I-am-saying to{you} that the God is-being-enabled to-rouse offsprings to{the Abraham} out of{the stones, the-same}.  [:10] Moreover, already also the axe is-being-lain toward the root of{the trees}; so, every tree making no good fruit is-being-cut-out and being-thrown into fire.  [:11] On-one-hand I am-immersing you in to{water} into change-of-mind; on-the-other-hand the behind of{me}, being-come, is-being stronger of{me}, of{whom} I-am-being not sufficient to-bear the footwear.  Same will-immerse you in to{Holy Spirit} and to{fire}, [:12] of{whom} the winnowing-fork in to{the hand} of{same} also will-purge/cleanse-through the threshing-floor of{same} and will-gather-together the grain of{same} into the storehouse; moreover, he-will-burn-down the chaff to{unquenchable fire}."  [:13] Then the Jesus from of{the Galilee} is-becoming-along upon the Jordan toward the John of{the} to-be-immersed under of{same}.  [:14] Moreover, the John has-been-withstanding-through same, saying, "I am-having need under of{you} to-be-immersed and you are-being-come toward me[?]"  [:15] Moreover the Jesus, respond[ing], says toward same, "Permit presently, for the-same-ly it-is-being fitting to{us} to-fulfill all justice."  Then he-is-permitting same.  [:16] Moreover, immersed, the Jesus straightaway ascends from of{the water} and, behold, the heavens are-opened-up to{same}, and he-beholds the Spirit of{the God} descending as-if [a] pigeon/dove and being-come upon same.  [:17] And, behold, [a] sound out of{the heavens}, saying, "The-same is-being the Son of{me}, the beloved, in to{whom} I-well-deem."

[Matt 4][:1] Then the Jesus is-led-up into the desolate under of{the Spirit} to-be-trial-ized under of{the devil/slanderer}.  [:2] and, fast[ing] forty days and forty nights, afterward he-hungers.  [:3] And, come[ing]-toward, the trial-izing says to{same}, "If you-are-being Son of{the God}, say, in-which-place the stones, the-same, may-become bread."  [:4] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, "It-has-been-written, 'Not upon to{bread only} the man will-be-being-alive; contrariwise, upon to{every declaration being-gone-out} through of{[the] mouth} of{God}.'"  [:5] Then the devil/slanderer is-taking-along same into the holy city and is-standing same upon the pinnacle of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} [:6] and is-saying to{same}, "If you-are-being Son of{the God}, cast yourself down, for it-has-been-written that to{the messengers} of{same} he-will-command around of{you} and upon of{hands} they-will-lift you, not-whereby you-may-strike-toward toward [a] stone, the foot of{you}."  [:7] The Jesus has-been-asserting to{same}, "Again it-has-been-written, 'You-will_not_try-out [the] Lord, the God of{you}.'"  [:8] Again the devil/slanderer is-taking-along same into [an] extremely high mountain and is-showing to{same} all the kingdoms of{the world} and the glory of{same}.  [:9] and he-is-saying to{same}, "The-same all I-will-give to{you} if-supposing, fall[ing], you-would-worship to{me}."  [:10] Then the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Be-withdrawing behind of{me}, Satan/adversary, for it-has-been-written, 'You-will-worship [the] Lord, the God of{you}, and to{same only}, you-will-render-employment.'"  [:11] Then the devil/slanderer is-letting-off/away-from same and, behold, messengers come-toward and have-been-serving to{same}.  [:12] Moreover, hear[ing] that John is-delivered, he-separates-anew into the Galilee.  [:13] And leave[ing]-behind the Nazareth, come[ing], he-houses-down into Capernaum, the by-the-seawater, in to{boundaries} Zebulun and Naphtali, [:14] in-which-place may-be-fulfilled the declared through of{Isaiah the prophet, saying} [:15] "Land Zebulun and land Naphtali, way of{seawater} other-side of{the Jordan}, Galilee of{the nations}, [:16] the people, the being-seated in to{darkness}, beholds [a] great light, and to{the being-seated} in to{region and shadow} of{death}, light completes-up to{same}."  [:17] From then, the Jesus initiates to-be-proclaiming and to-be-saying, "Change-your-minds/thinking, for the kingdom of{the heavens} has-become-near."  [:18] Moreover, walking-around near the seawater of{the Galilee} he-beholds two brothers, Simon, the being-said "Peter," and Andrew, the brother of{same}, casting [a] surround-cast[i.e. broad net] into the seawater, for they-have-been-being fishers.  [:19] And he-is-saying to{same}, "Come!, behind of{me}, and I-will-make you fishers of{men}."  [:20]  Moreover, straightaway, let[ing]-off/away-from the nets, they-follow to{same}.  [:21] And step[ing]-ahead thence, he-beholds another two brothers, James the of{the Zebedee}, and John, the brother of{same}, in to{the boat} alongside of{Zebedee, the father} of{same}, making-ready the nets of{same}, and he-calls same.  [:22] Moreover the[plural], straightaway, let[ing]-off/away-from the boat and the father of{same}, they-follow to{same}.  [:23] and the Jesus has-been-leading-around the whole Galilee, teaching in to{the synagogues} of{same} and proclaiming the good-message of{the kingdom} and healing every disease and every malady in to{the people}.  [:24] And the what-is-heard of{same} goes-off/away into the whole Syria, and they-carry-toward to{same} all the unwell, having various diseases, and holding-together torments, and being-demonized, and being-lunatic-ized, and paralyzed, and he-heals same.  [:25] And many crowds follow to{same} from of{the Galilee} and of{ten-city/Decapolis} and of{Jerusalems} and of{Judea} and other-side of{the Jordan}.

[Matt 5][:1] Moreover, behold[ing] the crowds, he-ascends into the mountain and, of{same} sit[ing]-down, the disciples of{same} come-toward to{same} [:2] and, open[ing]-up the mouth of{same}, he-has-been-teaching same, saying, [:3] Blessed, the destitute to{the spirit}, that of{same} is-being the kingdom of{the heavens}.  [:4] Blessed, the mourning, that same will-be-called-near.  [:5] Blessed, the meek, that same will-inherit the earth.  [:6] Blessed, the hungering and thirsting the justice, that same will-be-fed-ized.  [:7] Blessed, the merciful, that same will-be-shown-mercy.  [:8] Blessed, the purged/clean to{the heart}, that same will-see the God.  [:9] Blessed, the peace-makers, that same sons will-be-called of{God}.  [:10] Blessed, the having-been-chased because of{justice}, that of{same} is-being the kingdom of{the heavens}.  [:11] Blessed you-are-being when-supposing they-may-reproach-ize you and may-chase and may-say every evil against of{you}, falsifying because of{emphatically-me}.  [:12] Be-joying and be-exulting, that much, the wage of{you}, in to{the heavens}, for the-same-ly they-chase the prophets, the before of{you}.  [:13] You are-being the salt of{the earth}.  Moreover, if-supposing the salt may-become-stupid, in to{what}[?] it-will-be-salted[?]  Into not-one[i.e. nothing] having-strength still, if not to-be-cast outside and to-be-being-walked-down/against[i.e. trampled] under of{the men}.  [:14] You are-being the light of{the world}.  [A] city is_not_being-enabled to-be-hidden being-lain up-upon of{[a] mountain}.  [:15] Nor they-are-igniting [a] lamp and are-placing same under the basket-measure; contrariwise, upon the lampstand, and it-is-shining to{all the} in to{the house}.  [:16] The-same-ly, the light of{you}: shine, in-front of{the men}, which-how they-may-behold of{you} the good works and may-glorify the Father of{you}, the in to{the heavens}.  [:17] You-should_not_decide that I-come to-loose-down the law or the prophets.  I-come not to-loose-down; contrariwise, to-fulfill.  [:18] For amen I-am-saying to{you}, until supposing the heaven and the earth may-pass-by, no, one iota or one point should_not_pass-by from of{the law} until supposing all may-become.  [:19] So, who if-supposing may-loose one of{the commands, the-same, the least}, and may-teach the men the-same-ly, will-be-called least in to{the kingdom} of{the heavens}; moreover, who supposing may-do and may-teach, the-same will-be-called great in to{the kingdom} of{the heavens}.  [:20] For I-am-saying to{you} that if-supposing the justice of{you} should_not_exceed more-than of{the scribes and Pharisees}, no, you-will_not_come-into into the kingdom of{the heavens}.  [:21] You-hear that it-is-declared to{the originals}, "You-shall_not_murder; moreover, who supposing would-murder will-be liable to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}.  [:22] Moreover I am-saying to{you} that every, the being-angry to{the brother} of{same} feignedly will-be liable to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}.  Moreover, who supposing may-say to{the brother} of{same}, "Raka!" he-will-be liable to{the council}.  Moreover, who supposing may-say, "Fool!" he-will-be liable into the Gehenna of{the fire}.  [:23] So, if-supposing you-may-be-toward-carrying the gift of{you} upon the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar], and-there may-remember that the brother of{you} is-holding some[thing]/any[thing] against of{you}, [:24] let-off/away-from[i.e. leave] the gift of{you} there in-front of{the} sacrifice-place[i.e. altar] and withdraw.  First exchange-through to{the brother} of{you} and then, come[ing], be-toward-carrying the gift of{you}.  [:25] Be well-minding to{the litigant} of{you} speedily until of{when} if alongside of{same} in to{the way}; not-whereby the litigant may-deliver you to{the judge} and the judge may-deliver you to{the subordinate} and you-will-be-cast into custody.  [:26] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, no, you-may_not_come-out thence until supposing you-may-give-off/away the last coin.  [:27] You-hear that it-is-declared, do_not_adulter.  [:28] Moreover I am-saying to{you} that every, the viewing [a] woman toward the to-desire-upon same[feminine], already adulters same[feminine] in to{the heart} of{same[masculine]}.  [:29] Moreover if the eye of{you}, the right, scandalizes you, take-out same and cast from of{you}, for it-is-bearing-together to{you} in-which-place it-may-perish-off/away, one of{the parts} of{you}, and not the whole body of{you} should-be-cast into Gehenna.  [:30] And if the right hand of{you} is-scandalizing you, cut-out same and cast from of{you}, for it-is-bearing-together to{you} in-which-place it-may-perish-off/away, one of{the parts} of{you}, and not the whole body of{you} should-be-cast into Gehenna.  [:31] Moreover, it-is-declared, who supposing may-loose-off/away the woman of{same}: give off/away-standing to{same[feminine]}.  [:32] Moreover, I am-saying to{you} that every, the loosing-off the woman of{same[masculine]}, aside-beyond of{word/reason/account} of{sexual-immorality}, is-making same[feminine] to-adulter/be-adultered, and who if-supposing may-marry [her]having-been-loosed-off, is-adultering/being-adultered.  [:33] Again you-hear that it-is-declared to{the originals}, you-shall_not_take-oath-upon[an object vainly]; moreover, you-shall-give-off/away to{the Lord} the oath[objects] of{you}.  [:34] Moreover, I am-saying to{you} not to-swear altogether, neither in to{the heaven}, that it-is-being throne of{the God}, [:35] nor in to{the earth}, that it-is-being under-foot of{the feet} of{same}, nor into Jerusalem, that is-being [the] city of{the great king}, [:36] nor in to{the head} of{you} should-you-swear, that you-are_not_being-enabled to-make one hair white or black; [:37] moreover, the word of{you}: be-being yes, yes, no, no; moreover, the excess of{the-same} is-being out of{the evil}.  [:38] You-hear that it-is-declared, "Eye in-place-of of{eye} and tooth in-place-of of{tooth}."  [:39] Moreover, I am-saying to{you} not to-stand-in-place-of to{the evil}; contrariwise, he-who will-slap-ize you upon the right cheek of{you}, turn to{same} also the other, [:40] and to{the will-ing you} to-be-judged and to-take the inner-garment of{you}, let-off/away-from[i.e. leave] to{same} also the outer-garment, [:41] and he-who will-conscript you one mile[Roman/Latin: mille/milliare], withdraw alongside of{same} two.  [:42] to{the requesting/giving-cause-to} you, give, and the will-ing from of{you} to-loan-ize, you-should_not_be-turned-away-from.  [:43] You-hear that it-is-declared, "You-will-love the nearby of{you} and you-will-hate the hostile of{you};" [:44] moreover, I am-saying to{you}, be-loving the hostile of{you}, be-well-wording the cursing you, be-doing well the hating you, and be-praying over of{the threaten-izing-upon} you and of{the chasing} you, [:45] which-how you-may-become sons of{the Father} of{you}, of{the} in to{heavens}, that the sun of{same} is-completing-up upon evil and beneficial, and is-raining upon just and unjust.  [:46] For if-supposing you-may-love the loving you, what[?] wages you-are-having[?]  Emphatically-not also the [tax]collectors are-doing the same[?]  [:47] And if-supposing you-may-greet/be-greeted the friends of{you} only, what[?] excess you-are-doing[?]  Emphatically-not also the [tax]collectors are-doing the-same-ly[?]  [:48] So, you will-be complete, about-as the Father, of{you}, the in to{the heavens}, is-being complete.

[Matt 6][:1] Be-holding-toward to_not_be-doing the mercy/charity of{you} in-front-of of{the men}, toward the to-be-spectated to{same}, if moreover, no-indeed, you-are-having no wage along to{the Father} of{you}, to{the} in to{the heavens}.  [:2] So, whenever you-may-be-doing mercy/charity, you-should_not_trumpet in-front-of of{you} about-as the pretenders are-doing in to{the synagogues} and in to{the streets}, which-how they-may-be-glorified under of{the men}.  Amen I-am-saying to{you} they-are-holding-off the wage of{same}.  [:3] Moreover, of{your doing} mercy/charity, the left of{you}: do_not_know what the right of{you} is-doing, [:4] which-how the mercy/charity of{you} may-be-being in to{the hidden[adjective]}, and the Father of{you}, the viewing in to{the hidden[adjective]}, same will-give-off/away to{you} in to{the revealed[adjective]}.  [:5] And when-supposing you-may-be-praying, you-will_not_be about-as the pretenders, that they-are-liking in to{the synagogues} and in to{the corners} of{the broad[space]s}, having-stood to-be-praying, which-how they-may-be-revealed to{the men}.  Amen I-am-saying to{you} they-are-holding-off the wage of{same}.  [:6] Moreover you, when-supposing you-may-be-praying, come-into into the inner-room of{you} and, close[ing] the door of{you}, pray to{the Father} of{you}, to{the} in to{the hidden[adjective]}, and the Father of{you}, the viewing in to{the hidden[adjective]}, will-give-off/away to{you} in to{the revealed[adjective]}.  [:7] Moreover, praying, you-should_not_babble about-as the nations, for they-are-deeming that in to{the loquacity} of{same} they-will-be-heard-into.  [:8] So, you-should_not_be-likened to{same}, for the Father of{you} has-beheld of{what} you-are-having need before of{the} to-request/give-cause-to same[masculine singular] you[plural].  [:9] So, the-same-ly, you be-praying, "Father of{us}, the in to{the heavens}, the name of{you}: be-holy-ized.  [:10] The kingdom of{you}: be-come.  The will-effect of{you}: be-become, as in to{heaven} and/also upon of{the earth}.  [:11] Give to{us} today the bread of{us}, the upon-substance, [:12] and let-off/away to{us} the owe-effects of{us} as also we are-letting-off/away to{the owe-ers} of{us}.  [:13] And you-would_not_carry-into us into trial; contrariwise, rescue us from of{the evil}, that of{you} is-being the kingdom and the empowerment and the glory into the eons.  Amen."  [:14] For if-supposing you-may-let-off/away to{the men} the fall-aside-effects of{same}, the Father of{you}, the heavenly, will-let-off/away also to{you}.  [:15] Moreover, if-supposing you-should_not_let-off/away to{the men} the fall-aside-effects of{same}, neither the Father of{you} will-let-off/away the fall-aside-effects of{you}.  [:16] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-be-fasting, do_not_be-becoming about-as the somber pretenders, for they-are-unreveal-izing the face of{same} which-how they-may-be-revealed fasting to{the men}.  Amen, I-am-saying to{you}, they-are-holding-off the wage of{same}.  [:17] Moreover, you, fasting, oil the head of{you} and wash the face of{you}, [:18] which-how you-should_not_be-revealed fasting to{the men}; contrariwise, to{the Father} of{you}, to{the} in to{the hidden[adjective]}, and the Father of{you}, the viewing in to{the hidden[adjective]}, will-give-off/away to{you}.  [:19] Do_not_be-wealth-izing-up to{yourselves} wealth upon of{the earth} which-where moth and food-sis[i.e. state of food] are-unreveal-izing and which-where thieves are-digging-through and are-stealing.  [:20] Moreover be-wealth-izing-up to{yourselves} wealth in to{heaven}, which-where neither moth nor food-sis[i.e. state of food] are-unreveal-izing and which-where thieves are_not_digging-through nor are-stealing.  [:21] For which-where is-being the wealth of{you}, there will-be also the heart of{you}.  [:22] The lamp of{the body} is-being the eye.  So, if-supposing, the eye of{you} may-be-being straightforward, the whole body of{you} will-be luminous.  [:23] Moreover, if-supposing the eye of{you} may-be-being evil, the whole body of{you} will-be dark.  So, if the light, the in to{you}, darkness, how-much is-being the darkness[?]  [:24] Not-one is-being-enabled to-be-slaving to{two lords}, for either he-will-hate the one and will-love the different/other, or will-hold-against of{one} and will-disregard of{the different/other}.  You-are_not_being-enabled to-be-slaving to{God} and to{mammon}.  [:25] Through the-same I-am-saying to{you} do_not_be-worrying to{the life} of{you}, what you-may-eat or what you-may-drink, nor to{the body} of{you}, what you-may-clothe-yourself.  The life is_emphatically-not_being more-than of{the nourishment} and the body of{the clothing}.  [:26] View-in into the birds of{the heaven}, that they-are_not_sowing nor are-harvesting nor are-gathering-together into storehouses, and the Father of{you}, the heavenly, is-nourishing same.  You are_not_bearing-through/surpassing more of{same}[?]  [:27] Moreover, who[?] out of{you}, worrying, is-being-enabled to-place-toward upon the stature of{same} one cubit[?]  [:28] And about of{clothing}, what[?] you-are-worrying[?]  Learn-with/according-to the lilies of{the field}, how they-are-growing.  They-are_not_laboring, nor are-spinning.  [:29] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that not-moreover Solomon in to{all the glory} of{same} drapes-around-himself as one of{the-same}.  [:30]  Moreover, if the God the-same-ly is-dress-ing the grass being of{the field} today and tomorrow being-thrown into [an] oven, not to{much} more you, scant[of]faith.  [:31] So, you-should_not_worry, saying, "What we-may-eat[?]" or, "What we-may-drink[?]" or, "What we-may-drape-around-ourselves[?]"  [:32] For the-same all the nations is-seeking-upon, for the Father of{you}, the heavenly, has-beheld that you-are-needing of{the-same emphatically-all}.  [:33] Moreover, be-seeking first the kingdom of{the God} and the justice of{same} and the-same all will-be-placed-toward to{you}.  [:34] So, you-should_not_worry into the tomorrow, for the tomorrow will-worry of{sameself} sufficient to{the day}, the malice of{same}.

[Matt 7][:1] Be_not_judging, in-which-place you-would_not_be-judged.  [:2] For in to{which judge-effect/judgment} you-are-judging, you-will-be-judged, and in to{which measure} you-are-measuring, it-will-be-measured to{you}.  [:3] Moreover, why[?] you-are-viewing the twig, the in to{the eye} of{the brother} of{you}; moreover the in to{the your eye} you-are_not_thinking-according-to/considering [a] log[?]  [:4] Or how[?] you-will-declare to{the brother} of{you}, "Permit; I-should-cast-out the twig out of{the eye} of{you}," and, behold, the log in to{the eye} of{you}[?]  [:5] Pretender!  First cast-out out of{the eye} of{you} the log, and then you-will-view-through to-cast-out the twig out of{the eye} of{the brother} of{you}.  [:6] You-should_not_give the holy to{the dogs}, nor should-you-throw the pearls of{you} in-front of{the pigs}.  not-whereby should-they-walk-down/against[i.e. trample] same in to{the feet} of{same} and, turned, would-tear you.  [:7] Be-requesting/giving-cause-to and it-will-be-given to{you}.  Be-seeking and you-will-discover.  Be-knocking and it-will-be-opened-anew to{you}.  [:8] For every, the requesting/giving-cause-to, is-taking, and the seeking is-discovering, and to{the knocking} will-be-opened-anew.  [:9] Or who[?], [a] man, is-being out of{you}, whom, if-supposing the son of{same} may-give-cause-to/request bread, will_not_give-upon to{same} [a] stone[?]  [:10] Or also if-supposing may-give-cause-to/request fish will_not_give-upon to{same} [a] serpent[?]  [:11] So, if you, being evil, have-beheld to-be-giving beneficial give-effects to{the offsprings} of{you}, to{how-much} more the Father of{you}, the in to{the heavens}, will-give beneficial to{the requesting/giving-cause-to} same[?]  [:12] So, every as-much-as supposing you-may-be-will-ing, in-which-place the men may-be-doing to{you}, the-same-ly also you be-doing to{same}, for the-same is-being the law and the prophets.  [:13] Come-into through of{the narrow gate}, that broad the gate and spacious the way, the leading-off/away into the destruction-off/away, and many are-being the being-come-into through of{same}; [:14] what narrow the gate and having-been-constricted the way, the leading-off/away into the being-alive[noun], and few are-being the discovering same.  [:15] Moreover, be-holding-toward off/away of{the false-prophets}, some-who are-being-come toward you in to{clothing} of{sheep}; moreover inwardly are-being snatching[adjective] wolves.  [:16] From of{the fruit} of{same} you-will-know-upon same.  Not-any grape they-are-collecting from of{thorn-bushes}, or figs from of{thistles}.  [:17] The-same-ly every beneficial tree is-making good fruit; moreover, the worthless tree is-making evil fruit.  [:18] [A] beneficial tree is_not_being-enabled to-be-making evil fruit, nor [a] worthless tree to-be-making good fruit.  [:19] Every tree not making good fruit is-being-cut-out and is-being-cast into fire.  [:20] Of-consequence-indeed, from of{the fruit} of{same} you-will-know-upon same.  [:21] Not every, the saying to{me}, "Lord, Lord," will-be-come-into into the kingdom of{the heavens}; contrariwise, the doing the will-effect of{the Father} of{me}, of{the} in to{the heavens}.  [:22] Many will-declare to{me} in to{the-there, the day}, "Lord, Lord, not to{the your name} we-prophesy, and to{the your name} we-cast-out demon-ias, and to{the your name} we-do many empowerments[?]  [:23] And then I-will-acknowledge to{same} that "not-yet-ever I-know you.  Be-separating-off/away from of{emphatically-me}, the work-izing the lawlessness."  [:24] So, every, any-who is-hearing of{me} the words, the-same, and is-doing same will-be-likened to{[a] prudent man}, someone-who house-builds the house of{same} upon the rock-mass.  [:25] And the rain descends and the rivers come and the winds blow and fall-toward to{the house, the-there}, and it-does_not_fall, for it-had-been-founded upon the rock-mass.  [:26] And every, the hearing of{me} the words, the-same, and not doing same will-be-likened to{[a] foolish man}, someone-who house-builds the house of{same} upon the sand.  [:27] And the rain descends, and the rivers come and the winds blow and strike-toward to{the house, the-there}, and it-falls, and the fall-sis[i.e. state of being fallen] of{same} has-been-being great.  [:28] And it-becomes when the Jesus finishes-together the words, the-same, the crowds have-been-being-impacted upon to{the teaching} of{same}, [:29] for he-has-been-being teaching same as having authority and not as the scribes.

[Matt 8][:1] Moreover, of{descend[ing]} of{same} from of{the mountain}, many crowds follow to{same}.  [:2] And, behold, leprous, come[ing]-toward, has-been-worshiping to{same}, saying, "Lord, if-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, you-are-being-enabled to-purge/cleanse me."  [:3] And stretch[ing]-out the hand, he-takes-hold of{same}, saying, "I-am-will-ing.  Be-purged/cleansed."  And straightaway the leprosy of{same} is-purged/cleansed, [:4] and the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "You-be-seeing: to{no-one} you-may-say; contrariwise, be-withdrawing yourself, show to{the consecrated[i.e. priest]} and toward-carry the gift which Moses sets-toward into witness to{same}."  [:5] Moreover, of{same come[ing]-into} into Capernaum, [a] centurion comes-toward to{same}, calling-aside same, [:6] and saying, "Lord, the child of{me} has-been-cast in to{the house} paralyzed, terribly tortured."  [:7] And the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "I, come[ing], will-heal same."  [:8] And the centurion, respond[ing], has-been-asserting, "Lord, I-am_not_being sufficient in-which-place you-may-come under the roof of{me}; contrariwise, only say to{word} and the child of{me} will-be-cured."  [:9] For also I am-being [a] man under authority, having under myself soldiers and I-am-saying to{the-same[singular]}, 'Be-gone.' and he-is-being-gone, and to{another}, 'Be-being-come,' and he-is-being-come, and to{the slave} of{me}, 'Do the-same,' and he-is-doing."  [:10] Moreover, the Jesus, hear[ing], marvels, and says to{the accompanying}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you}, no-one I-discover the-which-the-same faith in to{the Israel}.  [:11] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that many from of{risings/[east]} and of{settings/[west]} will-arrive and will-be-reclined alongside Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in to{the kingdom} of{the heavens}.  [:12] Moreover, the sons of{the kingdom} will-be-cast-out into the darkness, the outer.  There it-will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth}."  [:13] And the Jesus says to{the centurion}, "Be-withdrawing.  As you-believe, [it:] be-become to{you}."  And the child is-cured in to{the hour, the-there}.  [:14] And, the Jesus come[ing] into the house of{Peter}, beholds the mother-in-law of{same} having-been-cast and having-fever.  [:15] And he-takes-hold of{the hand} of{same} and the fever lets-off/away-from[i.e. leaves] same.  And she-is-roused and has-been-serving to{same}.  [:16] Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, they-carry-toward to{same} many being-demonized, and he-casts-out the spirits to{word}, and all the having unwell he-heals, [:17] which-how may-be-fulfilled the declared through of{Isaiah the prophet, saying}, "Same takes the weaknesses/infirmities of{us} and bears the diseases."  [:18] Moreover, the Jesus, behold[ing] [a] numerous throng around same, orders to-come-off/away into the other-side.  [:19] And, come[ing]-toward, one scribe says to{same}, "Teacher, I-will-accompany to{you} where-which if-supposing you-may-be-being-come-off/away-from."  [:20] And the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "The foxes are-having dens and the birds of{the heaven} roosts; moreover, the son of{the man} is_not_having where he-may-be-leaning the head."  [:21] Moreover, [a] different/other of{the disciples} of{same} says to{same}, "Lord, upon-turn to{me} first to-come-off/away-from and to-bury the father of{me}."  [:22] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Be-accompanying to{me} and let-off/away the dead to-bury the dead of{sameselves}."  [:23] And, to-step[ing]-in to{same} into the boat, the disciples of{same} accompany to{same}.  [:24] And, behold, [a] large tempest becomes in to{the seawater}, such-as the boat to-be-being-covered under of{the waves}; moreover, same has-been-lying-asleep.  [:25] And the disciples of{same}, come[ing]-toward, rouse same, saying, "Lord, save us.  We-are-perishing-off/away."  [:26] And he-is-saying to{same}, "What[?]  You-are-being cowardly, scant[of]faith[?]"  Then, roused, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{the winds} and to{the seawater}, and it-becomes great calmness.  [:27] Moreover, the men marvel, saying, "When-where/what-manner[?] the-same is-being, that also the winds and the seawater are-harkening-under to{same}[?]"  [:28] And, of{come[ing]} of{same} into the other-side into the region of{the Gadarenes}, two being-demonized encounter to{same}, being-come-out out of{the memorials}, extremely perilous, such-as anyone to-be-having_no_strength to-come-by through of{the way, the-there}.  [:29] And, behold, they-cry-out, saying, "What to{us} and to{you}, Jesus, Son of{the God}[?]  You-come thus to-torture us before of{season}[?]"  [:30] Moreover, [a] herd of{many pigs} being-grazed has-been-being far off/away-from of{same}.  [:31] Moreover, the demons have-been-calling-aside same, saying, "If you-are-casting-out us, turn-upon to{us} to-send-off/away into the herd of{the pigs}.  [:32] And he-says to{same}, "Be-withdrawing."  Moreover, the[plural], come[ing]-out, come-off/away into the herd of{the pigs} and, behold, all the herd dash down of{the precipice} into the seawater and die-off/away in to{the waters}.  [:33] Moreover, the grazers flee and, come[ing]-off/away into the city, they-message-off/away all, also the of{the being-demonized}.  [:34] And, behold, all the city comes-out into together-in-place-of to{the Jesus} and, behold[ing] same, call-aside which-how he-may-change-course off/away-from of{the boundaries[neuter]} of{same[masculine]}.

[Matt 9][:1] And, step[ing]-in into [a] boat, he-goes-through-to-other-side and comes into the own city.  [:2] And, behold, they-have-been-carrying-toward to{same} [one] paralyzed, having-been-cast upon [a] bed, and the Jesus, behold[ing] the faith of{same[plural]}, says to{the paralyzed}, "Be-having-courage, offspring, the sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away-from to{you}."  [:3] And, behold, some of{the scribes} say in sameselves, "The-same is-asserting-evil."  [:4] And the Jesus, behold[ing] the infuriation of{same}, says, "In-which-place what[?] you-are-being-infuriated evil in to{the hearts} of{you}[?]  [:5] For what[?] is-being easier to-say, 'The sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away-from to{you},' or to-say, 'Rouse-yourself and walk-around'[?]  [:6] Moreover, in-which-place you-should-have-beheld that the son of{the man} is-having authority upon of{the earth} to-be-letting-off/away-from sins--" then he-is-saying to{the paralyzed}, "Roused, lift the bed of{you}, and be-withdrawing into the house of{you}."  [:7] And, roused, he-comes-off/away into the house of{same}.  [:8] Moreover, the crowds behold[ing] marvel, and glorify the God, the give[ing] to-which-the-same authority to{the men}.  [:9] And the Jesus, leading-along thence, beholds [a] man being-seated upon the [tax]collection[place] having-been-said "Matthew," and is-saying to{same}, "Be-accompanying to{me}," and, stand[ing]-up, accompanies to{same}.  [:10] And it-becomes of{same}, of{being-lain-up/anew} in to{the house} and, behold, many [tax]collectors and sinful, come[ing], have-been-being-lain-up/anew-together to{the Jesus} and to{the disciples} of{same}.  [:11] And the Pharisees, behold[ing], say to{the disciples} of{same}, "Through what[?], alongside of{the [tax]collectors} and of{sinful}, the teacher of{you} is-eating[?]"  [:12] Moreover, the Jesus, hear[ing], says to{same}, "The having-strength are_not_having need of{curer}; contrariwise, the having unwell.  [:13] Moreover, be[ing]-gone, learn what is-being 'I-am-will-ing mercy and not sacrifice,' for I-come not to-call [the] just; contrariwise, [the] sinful into change-of-mind."  [:14] Then the disciples of{John} are-being-come-toward to{same}, saying, "Through what[?] we and the Pharisees are-fasting much; moreover, the disciples of{you} are_not_fasting[?]"  [:15] And the Jesus says to{same}, "The sons of{the bridal-chamber} cannot be-being-enabled to-be-mourning, upon as-much-as the bridegroom is-being alongside of{same}.  Moreover, days will-be-come when-supposing the bridegroom should-be-lifted-off/away-from from of{same}, and then they-will-fast.  [:16] Moreover, not-one is-casting-upon [an] upon-cast-effect of{not-fulled} cloth-piece upon to{old outer-garment}, for it-is-lifting the full-effect of{same} off/away-from of{the outer-garment} and [a] worse split-effect is-being-become, [:17] nor casting fresh wine into old leathern-bags; moreover if, no-indeed, the leathern-bags tear and the wine is-being-poured-out, and the leathern-bags will-perish-off/away; contrariwise, they-are-casting fresh wine into new leathern-bags, and both are-being-kept-together."  [:18] of{same[singular]} of{speaking} the-same to{same[plural]}, behold, one [synagogue (Luke 8:41)]chief, come[ing], has-been-worshiping to{same}, saying that "the daughter of{me} presently deceases; contrariwise, come[ing], upon-place the hand of{you} upon same and she-will-be-being-alive."  [:19] And the Jesus, roused, accompanies to{same}, and the disciples of{same}.  [:20] And, behold, [a] woman, blood-flowing twelve years, come[ing]-toward from-behind, takes-hold-of of{the fringe} of{the outer-garment} of{same}.  [:21] For she-has-been-saying in to{sameself}, "If-supposing I-may-take-hold-of only of{the outer-garment} of{same}, I-will-be-saved."  [:22] Moreover, the Jesus, be[ing]-upon-turned and behold[ing] same, says, "Be-having-courage, daughter.  The faith of{you} has-saved you."  And the woman is-saved from of{the hour, the-there}.  [:23] And the Jesus, come[ing] into the house of{the [synagogue (Luke 8:41)]chief} and behold[ing] the flutists and the crowd being-tumult-ed, [:24] he-is-saying to{same}, be-separating-anew, for the girl is_not_died-off/away; contrariwise, she-is-lying-asleep," and they-have-been-laughing-down/against of{same}.  [:25] Moreover, when he-casts-out the crowd, come[ing]-into, he-seizes of{the hand} of{same} and the girl is-roused.  [:26] And the report, the-same, comes-out into the whole the-there land.  [:27] And leading-aside thence, two blind accompany to{same} to{the Jesus}, crying-out and saying, "Show-mercy-to us, son [of-]David."  [:28] Moreover, to{come[ing]} into the house, the blind come-toward to{same} and the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "You-are-believing that I-am-being-enabled to-do the-same." They-are-saying to{same}, "Yes, Lord."  [:29] Then he-takes-hold of{the eyes} of{same}, saying, "According-to the faith of{you}, [it:] be-become to{you}."  [:30] And the eyes of{same} are-opened, and the Jesus expresses-emotion to{same[plural]}, saying, "You-be-seeing; no-one: be-knowing."  [:31] Moreover, the[plural], come[ing]-out, through-assert-ize[i.e. spread] same in to{the whole land, the-there}.  [:32] Moreover, of{being-come-out} of{same}, behold, they-carry-toward to{same} [a] deaf/mute man, being-demonized, [:33] and of{the demon-ia cast-out} the deaf/mute speaks, and the crowds marvel, saying, not-yet-ever is-revealed the-same-ly in to{the} Israel.  [:34] Moreover, the Pharisees have-been-saying, "In to{the chief} of{the demon-ias} he-is-casting-out the demon-ias."  [:35] And the Jesus has-been-leading-around all the cities and the villages, teaching in to{the synagogues} of{same} and proclaiming the good-message of{the kingdom} and healing every disease and every malady.  [:36] Moreover, behold[ing] the crowds he-is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] around of{same}, that they-have-been-being having-been-hassled and having-been-tossed, as-if sheep having no shepherd.  [:37] Then he-is-saying to{the disciples} of{same}, on-one-hand the harvest much; on-the-other-hand the workers few.  [:38] So, be-necessitated of{the lord} of{the harvest}, which-how may-cast-out workers into the harvest of{same}.

[Matt 10][:1] And call[ing]-toward-himself the twelve disciples of{same}, he-gives, to{same}, authority of{unclean spirits} such-as to-be-casting-out same and to-be-healing every disease and every malady.  [:2] Moreover, the names of{the twelve sent-off[ones]} is-being, the-same, first, Simon, the being-said "Peter," and Andrew, the brother of{same}, James, the of{the Zebedee} and John, the brother of{same}, [:3] Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, the [tax]collector, James, the of{the Alphaeus}, and Lebbeus, the upon-called Thaddaeus, [:4] Simon the Cananite[/Zealot] and Judas Iscariot, the also deliver[ing] same.  [:5] The-same, the twelve, the Jesus sends-off, messaging-aside to{same}, saying, "Into [the] way of{nations} you-should_not_come-off/away and into [a] city of{Samaritans} you-should_not_come-into.  [:6] Moreover, be-being-gone more toward the sheep, the having-been-destroyed-off/away of{house} [of-]Israel.  [:7] Moreover, being-gone, be-proclaiming, saying that the kingdom of{the heavens} has-become-near.  [:8] Be-healing [the] being-infirm, be-purging/cleansing leprous, be-rousing dead, be-casting-out demon-ias, gratuitously you-take, gratuitously give.  [:9] You-should_not_acquire gold, nor silver, nor copper into the belts of{you}, [:10] nor bag into [the] way, nor two inner-garments, nor footwear, nor staffs, for worthwhile the worker of{the nourishment} of{same}, [:11] Moreover, supposing into which city or village you-may-come-into, examine-out who in to{same} is-being worthwhile, and-there stay until supposing you-may-come-out.  [:12] Moreover, being-come-into into the house, greet/be-greeted same.  [:13] And if-supposing on-one-hand the house may-be-being worthwhile, the peace of{you}: come upon same.  On-the-other-hand, if-supposing it-should_not_be-being worthwhile, the peace of{you} toward you: be-upon-turned.  [:14] And who supposing should_not_receive you, nor may-hear the words of{you}, being-come-out of{the house} or of{the city, the-there}, shake-out the dust of{the feet} of{you}.  [:15] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, it-will-be more-endurable to{[the] land} of{Sodom} and of{Gomorrah} in to{[the] day} of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} than to{the city, the-there}.  [:16] Behold, I am-sending-off/away you as sheep in to{midst} of{wolves}.  So, be-becoming prudent as the serpents and pure/unmixed as the pigeons/doves.  [:17] Moreover, be-holding-toward off/away-from of{the men}, for they-will-deliver you into councils and in to{the synagogues} of{same} they-will-scourge you.  [:18] And upon governors, moreover, and kings you-will-be-led because of{emphatically-me}, into witness to{same} and to{the nations}.  [:19] Moreover, when-supposing they-may-be-delivering you, you-should_not_worry how or what you-may-speak, for it-will-be-given to{you} in to{the-there, the hour}, what you-will-speak.  [:20] For you are_not_being the speaking; contrariwise, the Spirit of{the Father} of{you}, the speaking in to{you}.  [:21] Moreover, brother will-deliver brother into death, and father, offspring, and offsprings will-stand-up-upon upon parents and will-put-to-death same.  [:22] And you-will-be being-hated under of{all} through the name of{me}; moreover, the staying-under into completion, the-same will-be-saved.  [:23] Moreover, when-supposing they-may-be-chasing you in to{the city, the-same}, be-fleeing into the other, for amen I-am-saying to{you}, no, you-should_not_finish the cities of{the} Israel until supposing may-come the son of{the man}.  [:24] [A] disciple is_not_being over the teacher, nor slave over the lord of{same}.  [:25] Sufficient to{the disciple} in-which-place he-may-become as the teacher of{same} and the slave as the lord of{same}.  If they-call the house-ruler Ba'al-Zebub, to{how-much} more the house-members of{same}.  [:26] So, do_not_fear same, for not-one[i.e. nothing] is-being having-been-covered, which will_not_be-off-covered, and which hidden[adjective] will_not_be-known.  [:27] What I-am-saying to{you} in to{the darkness-ia}, say in to{the light}, and the into the ear you-are-hearing, proclaim upon of{the buildings}.  [:28] And do_not_fear from of{the killing-off} the body, moreover nor of{being-enabled} to-kill-off the life; moreover, more fear the being-enabled also to-destroy-off/away life and body in to{Gehenna}.  [:29] Emphatically-not two sparrows is-being-sold of{assarius[a Roman coin]}, and one out of{same} will_not_be-fallen upon the ground without of{the Father} of{you}.  [:30] Moreover, also the hairs of{the head} of{you} all are-being having-been-numbered.  [:31] So, do_not_fear.  You are-bearing-through/surpassing of{many sparrows}.  [:32] So, every, any-who will-acknowledge in to{emphatically-me} in-front of{the men} I-also will-acknowledge in to{same} in-front of{the Father} of{me}, of{the} in to{heavens}.  [:33] Moreover, any-who supposing may-deny me in-front of{the men} I-also will-deny same in-front of{the Father} of{me}, of{the} in to{heavens}.  [:34] You-should_not_decide that I-come to-cast peace upon the land; I-come not to-cast peace; contrariwise, [a] knife.  [:35] For I-come to-sever man against of{the father} of{same}, and daughter against of{the mother} of{same}, and bride/daughter-in-law against of{the mother-in-law} of{same}, [:36] and hostile of{the man}, the house-members of{same}.  [:37] The liking father or mother over emphatically-me is_not_being worthwhile of{me}, and the liking son or daughter over emphatically-me is_not_being worthwhile of{me}.  [:38] And who is_not_taking the cross of{same} and accompanying behind of{me} is_not_being worthwhile of{me}.  [:39] The discover[ing] the life of{same} will-destroy-off/away same and the destroy[ing]-off/away the life of{same} because of{emphatically-me} will-discover same.  [:40] The receiving you is-receiving emphatically-me and the receiving emphatically-me is-receiving the send[ing]-off me.  [:41] The receiving [a] prophet into [the] name of{prophet} will-take/get wages of{prophet} and the receiving just into name of{just} will-take/get wages of{just}.  [:42] And who supposing may-drink-ize[i.e. hydrate] one of{the little} of{the-same[plural]} only [a] cup of{cold} into [the] name of{disciple}, amen I-am-saying to{you}, no, he-would_not_destroy-off/away the wage of{same}."

[Matt 11][:1] And it-becomes when the Jesus finishes setting-through to{the twelve disciples} of{same} he-changes-course thence of{the} to-be-teaching and to-be-proclaiming in to{the cities} of{same}.  [:2] Moreover, the John, hear[ing] in to{the prison} the works of{the anointed}, dispatch[ing] two of{the disciples} of{same}, [:3] says to{same}, "You are-being the being-come, or [a] different/other [one] we-are-deeming-toward/anticipating[?]"  [:4] And the Jesus, respond[ing], says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, message-off/away to{John} what you-are-hearing and are-viewing. [:5] Blind are-viewing-anew and lame are-walking-around, leprous are-being-purged/cleansed and deaf/dumb are-hearing, dead are-being-roused, and destitute are-being-good-message-ized, [:6] and blessed is-being who if-supposing should_not_be-scandalized in to{emphatically-me}."  [:7] Moreover, of{the-same being-gone}, the Jesus initiates to-be-saying to{the crowds} about of{John}, "What[?] you-come-out into the desolate to-spectate, [a] reed being-shaken under of{wind}[?]  [:8] Contrariwise, what[?] you-come-out to-behold[?]  [A] man having-been-dressed in to{soft outer-garments}[?]  Behold, the[plural], the wearing soft, are-being in to{the houses} of{the kings}.  [:9] Contrariwise, what[?] you-come-out to-behold[?]  [A] prophet, yes, I-am-saying to{you}, and more-excessive of{[a] prophet}.  [:10] For the-same is-being about of{whom} it-has-been-written, 'Behold, I am-sending-off/away the messenger of{me} before of{[the] face} of{you} who will-equip-ize/furnish the way of{you} in-front of{you}.'  [:11] Amen I-am-saying to{you} [there] has_not_been-roused in to{begotten} of{women} greater-than of{John, the immerser}.  Moreover, the lesser in to{the kingdom} of{the heavens} is-being greater-than of{same}.  [:12] Moreover, from of{the days} of{John the immerser} until presently the kingdom of{the heavens} is-being-forced, and forceful are-snatching same.  [:13] For all the prophets and the law until of{John} prophesy, [:14] And, if you-are-will-ing to-receive, same is-being Elijah, the about-to-be-being to-be-being-come.  [:15] The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing.  [:16] Moreover, to{what}[?] I-will-liken the generation, the-same[?]  It-is-being analogous to{childlings} in to{the marketplaces being-seated} and to{sounding-toward the comrades} of{same}, [:17] and saying, 'We-flute to{you} and you-do_not_dance; we-lament to{you} and you-do_not_strike-yourself.'  [:18] For John comes neither eating nor drinking and they-are-saying, 'He-is-having [a] demon-ia.'  [:19] The son of{the man} comes eating and drinking and they-are-saying, 'Behold, [a] glutton man and wine-bibber, friend of{[tax]collectors and sinful}.'  And the wisdom is-justified off/away-from of{the offsprings} of{same}."  [:20] Then he-initiates to-reproach-ize the cities in to{which} the most empowerments of{same} become, that they-do_not_change-minds/thinking.  [:21] "Woe to{you}, Chorazin, woe to{you}, Bethsaida, that if in to{Tyre} and to{Sidon} are-become the empowerments, the become[ing] in to{you}, long-ago supposing in to{sackcloth} and to{ashes} they-change-minds/thinking.  [:22] More-ly, I-am-saying to{you}, to{Tyre} and to{Sidon} it-will-be more-endurable in to{[the] day} of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} than to{you}.  [:23] And you, Capernaum, the until of{the heaven} elevated, until of{unseen/Hades}, you-will-be-descended, that if in to{Sodom} are-become the empowerments, the become[ing] in to{you}, they-remain supposing up-to of{the} today.  [:24] More-ly, I-am-saying to{you} that it-will-be more-endurable to{[the] land} of{Sodom} in to{[the] day} of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} than to{you}."  [:25] In to{the season, the-there}, the Jesus, respond[ing], says, "I-am-acknowledging-out to{you}, Father, Lord of{the heaven} and of{the earth}, that you-conceal-from the-same, from of{wise} and of{intelligent}, and you-uncover same to{infants}.  [:26] Yes, oh Father, that the-same-ly it-becomes well-deem-ia/inclination in-front of{you}.  [:27] All to{me} is-delivered under of{the Father} of{me} and not-one is-knowing-upon the son if not the Father, nor the Father any is-knowing-upon if not the son and to{whom} if-supposing the son may-be-intending to-off-cover.  [:28] Come!, toward me all the laboring and having-been-laden and-I will-rest you.  [:29] Lift the yoke of{me} upon you and learn from of{emphatically-me}, that I-am-being gentle and humble to{the heart}, and you-will-discover rest to{the lives} of{you}.  [:30] For the yoke of{me} is-being useful and the load of{me} light."

[Matt 12][:1]  In to{the season, the-there}, the Jesus is-gone to{the sabbaths} through of{the sown}; moreover, the disciples of{same} hunger, and initiate to-be-plucking heads-of-grain and to-be-eating.  [:2] Moreover, the Pharisees, behold[ing], say to{same}, "Behold, the disciples of{you} are-doing what is_not_being-allowed to-do in to{sabbath}."  [:3] Moreover, the says to{same}, "You-do_not_know-anew what David does when he-hungers, same and the alongside of{same}, [:4] how he-comes-into into the house of{the God} and eats the breads of{the setting-forth}, the has-been-being not being-allowed to{same} to-eat, nor to{the} alongside of{same}, if not to{the consecrateds[i.e. priests]} only, [:5] or you-do_not_know-anew in to{the law} that to{the sabbaths} the consecrateds[i.e. priests] in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} are-defiling the sabbath and are-being without-cause.  [:6] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} greater is-being here.  [:7] Moreover, if you-had-known what is-being 'Mercy I-am-will-ing and not sacrifice,' supposing you-do_not_justify-down/against, the without-cause.  [:8] For lord of{the sabbath} is-being the son of{the man}."  [:9] And change[ing]-course thence he-comes into the synagogue of{same}.  [:10] And, behold, [a] man has-been-being there having the hand withered; also they-ask-upon same, saying if is-being-allowed to{the sabbaths} to-be-healing, in-which-place they-may-accuse of{same}.  [:11] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Who will-be out of{you} [a] man who will-have one sheep, and if-supposing the-same may-fall-in, to{the sabbaths}, into [a] pit, emphatically-not will-seize same and will-rouse[?]  [:12] So, to{how-much} [a] man is-bearing-through/surpassing of{sheep} such-as it-is-being-allowed to{the sabbaths} to-be-making well."  [:13] Then he-is-saying to{the man}, "Stretch-out the hand of{you}," and he-stretches-out, and it-is-reinstated healthy as the other.  [:14] Moreover, the Pharisees, come[ing]-out, take intention-together against of{same}, which-how they-may-destroy-off/away same.  [:15] Moreover, the Jesus, know[ing], separates-anew thence, and many crowds accompany to{same}, and he-heals same all.  [:16] And he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{same} in-which-place they-would_not_make same revealed[adjective], [:17] which-how the declared through of{Isaiah the prophet} may-be-fulfilled, of{saying}, [:18] "Behold, the child of{me} whom I-make-chosen, the beloved of{me} into whom the life of{me} well-deems.  I-will-place the Spirit of{me} upon same and he-will-message-off judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment] to{the nations}. [:19] He-will_not_quarrel, nor will-cry-out-ize, nor will_any_hear in to{the broad[space]s} the sound of{same}.  [:20] He-will_not_break-down [a] reed having-been-crushed, and he-will_not_extinguish smoking flax, until supposing he-may-cast-out into victory the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment].  [:21] And to{the name} of{same} [the] nations will-expect[ize]."  [:22] Then is-brought-toward to{same} [a] demonized blind and deaf/mute, and he-heals same, such-as the blind and deaf/mute also to-be-speaking and to-be-viewing.  [:23] And all the crowds have-been-being-astounded and have-been-saying, "Not-what[?]; the-same is-being the son [of-]David[?]"  [:24] Moreover, the Pharisees, hear[ing], say, "The-same is_not_casting-out the demon-ias if not in to{the Ba'al-Zebub, chief} of{the demon-ias}."  [:25] Moreover, the Jesus, having-beheld the infuriation of{same}, says to{same}, "Every kingdom divided down/against of{sameself} is-being-desolated, and every city or house divided down/against of{sameself} will_not_stand.  [:26] And, if the Satan/adversary is-casting-out the Satan/adversary, he-is-divided upon sameself.  So, how will-stand the kingdom of{same}[?]  [:27] And if I am-casting-out the demon-ias in to{Ba'al-Zebub}, in to{whom} are-casting-out, the sons of{you}[?]  Through the-same, same will-be judges of{you}.  [:28] Moreover, if in to{Spirit} of{God} I am-casting-out the demon-ias, of-consequence the kingdom of{the God} precedes/overtakes upon you.  [:29] Or how is-being-enabled any to-come-into into the house of{the strong} and snatch-through the vessels of{same} if-supposing he-should_not_first_bind the strong, and then he-will-snatch-through the house of{same}.  [:30] The not being alongside of{emphatically-me} is-being against of{emphatically-me} and the not gathering-together alongside of{emphatically-me} is-scattering.  [:31] Through the-same I-am-saying to{you}, every sin and evil-assertion will-be-let-off/from to{the men}; moreover, the evil-assertions of{the Spirit} will_not_be-let-off/from to{the men}.  [:32] And who supposing may-say [a] word against of{the son} of{the man}, it-will-be-let-off/from to{same}; moreover, who supposing may-say against of{the Spirit, the Holy}, will_not_be-let-off/from to{same}, nor in to{the-same, the eon}, nor in to{the about-to-be-being}.  [:33] Either make the tree good and the fruit of{same} good, or make the tree worthless and the fruit of{same} worthless, for out of{the fruit} the tree is-being-known.  [:34] Begotten-effect of{vipers}!  How[?] you-are-being-enabled to-be-speaking beneficial, being evil[?]  For out of{the excess-effect} of{the heart} the mouth is-speaking.  [:35] The beneficial man is-casting-out the beneficial out of{the beneficial wealth}, and the evil man is-casting-out evil out of{the evil wealth}.  [:36] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that every idle declaration, which if-supposing the men may-speak, they-will-give-from account about of{same} in to{[the] day} of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}.  [:37] For out of{the words} of{you} you-will-be-justified and out of{the words} of{you} you-will-be-justified-down/against/condemned.  [:38] Then some of{the scribes and Pharisees} respond, saying, "Teacher, we-are-will-ing to-behold [a] sign from of{you}."  [:39] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "[An] evil and adulterous generation is-seeking-upon [a] sign and [a] sign will_not_be-given to{same} if not the sign of{Jonah the prophet}, [:40] For about-as Jonah has-been-being in to{the cavity} of{the whale} three days and three nights, the-same-ly the son of{the man} will-be in to{the heart} of{the earth} three days and three nights.  [:41] Nineveh men will-stand-up in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} alongside of{the generation}, of{the-same} and will-judge-against same, that they-change-minds/thinking into the proclamation of{Jonah} and, behold, greater-than of{Jonah} here.  [:42] [The] queen of{south/southwest} will-be-roused in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} alongside of{the generation}, of{the-same}, and will-judge-against same, that she-comes out of{the limits} of{the earth} to-hear the wisdom of{Solomon} and, behold, greater-than of{Solomon} here.  [:43] Moreover, when-supposing the unclean spirit may-come-out from of{the man} it-is-being-come-through through of{dry places} seeking rest and is_not_discovering.  [:44] Then it-is-saying, "Into the house of{me} I-will-upon-turn whence I-come-out" and, come[ing], is-discovering being-vacant, having-been-swept, and having-been-arranged/ordered.  [:45] Then it-is-being-gone and is-taking-along alongside of{sameself} seven different/other spirits more-evil-than of{sameself}, and, come[ing]-into, is-housing-down there, and is-being-become the last of{the man, the-there,} worse-than of{the first}.  The-same-ly it-will-be also to{the generation}, to{the-same}, to{the evil}."  [:46] Moreover, still of{same speaking} to{the crowds}, behold, the mother and the brothers of{same} had-stood outside, seeking to-speak to{same}.  [:47] Moreover, someone says to{same}, "Behold, the mother of{you} and the brothers of{you} have-stood outside seeking to-speak to{you}.  [:48] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{the say[ing]} to{same}, "Who[?] is-being the mother of{me} and who are-being the brothers of{me}[?]"  [:49] And, stretch[ing]-out the hand of{same} upon the disciples of{same}, he-says, "Behold the mother of{me} and the brothers of{me}.  [:50] For any-who supposing would-do the will-effect of{the Father} of{me, the} in to{heavens}, same is-being of{me} brother and sister and mother. 

[Matt 13][:1] Moreover, in to{the day, the-there}, the Jesus, come[ing]-out from of{the house}, has-been-being-seated beside the seawater, [:2] and many crowds are-gathered-together toward same, such-as, same, step[ing]-in, into the boat to-be-being-seated, also all the crowd had-stood upon the shore.  [:3] And he-speaks to{same} a-lot in to{parables}, saying, "Behold, the sowing comes-out of{the} to-be-sowing, [:4] and in to{the} to-be-sowing same, on-one-hand which falls beside the way, and the birds come and [it]eats-down same.  [:5] On-the-other-hand, others, [it]falls upon the rocky-beholds, which-where it-has_not_been-having much land, and straightaway it-springs-up-out, through the to-be-having no depth of{land}.  [:6] Moreover, of{sun complete[ing]-up}, it-is-scorched, and through the to-be-having no root, is-withered.  [:7] On-the-other-hand, others, [it]falls upon the thorn-bushes, and the thorn-bushes ascend and suffocate-off/away same.  [:8] On-the-other-hand, others, [it]falls upon the land, the good, and has-been-giving fruit, on-one-hand the hundred, on-the-other-hand the sixty, on-the-other-hand the thirty.  [:9] The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing."  [:10] And, come[ing]-toward, the disciples say to{same}, "Through what[?] in to{parables} you-are-speaking to{same}[?]  [:11] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same} that "to{you} has-been-given to-know the mysteries of{the kingdom} of{the heavens}; moreover, to{the-there-s} it-has_not_been-given.  [:12] For any-who is-having will-be-given to{same}, and will-be-exceeded; moreover, any-who is_not_having, also what is-having will-be-lifted from of{same}.  [:13] Through the-same in to{parables} I-am-speaking to{same}, that viewing, they-are_not_viewing, and hearing, they-are_not_hearing, nor are-putting-together.  [:14] And the prophecy of{Isaiah} is-being-fulfilled-anew upon to{same}, the saying, "to{what-is-heard} you-will-hear and no, you-may_not_put-together, and, viewing, you-will-view and no, you-may_not_behold, [:15] for the heart of{the people}, of{the-same}, is-thickened, and to{the ears}, heavily they-hear, and they-shut the eyes of{same}, not-whereby they-would-behold to{the eyes}, and to{the ears} they-would-hear, and to{the heart} they-would-put-together, and they-would-upon-turn, and I-would-cure same.  [:16] Moreover, blessed, the eyes of{you}, that they-are-viewing, and the ears of{you}, that they-are-hearing.  [:17] For amen I-am-saying to{you} that many prophets and just desire-upon to-behold what you-are-viewing, and they-do_not_behold, and to-hear what you-are-hearing, and they-do_not_hear.  [:18] So, you, hear the parable of{the sowing}.  [:19] of{every hearing} the word of{the kingdom} and not of{putting-together}, the evil is-being-come and is-snatching the having-been-sown in to{the heart} of{same}.  The-same is-being the sown beside the path.  [:20] Moreover, the upon the rocky-beholds sown, the-same is-being the hearing the word and straightaway alongside of{joy} taking same; [:21] moreover, he-is_not_having root in to{sameself}; contrariwise, toward-season is-being, moreover, of{become} of{pressure/constriction/oppression} or of{chasing[noun]} through the word, straightaway he-is-being-scandalized.  [:22] Moreover, the into the thorn-bushes sown, the-same is-being the hearing the word, and the worry of{the eon} of{the-same} and the deceit of{the riches} is-together-choking the word, and it-is-becoming unfruitful.  [:23] Moreover, the upon the land, the good, sown, the-same is-being the hearing the word and putting-together, who indeed is-bearing-fruit and is-making on-one-hand the hundred, on-the-other-hand the sixty, on-the-other-hand the thirty."  [:24] He-places-alongside another parable to{same}, saying, "The kingdom of{the heavens} is-likened to{[a] man sow[ing]} good sow-effect in to{the field} of{same}.  [:25] Moreover, in to{the} to-be-lying-asleep, the men, comes the hostile of{same}, and sows tares anew midst of{the grain}, and comes-off/away-from.  [:26] Moreover, when the pasture sprouts and makes fruit, then is-revealed also the tares.  [:27] Moreover, come[ing]-toward, the slaves of{the house-ruler} say to{same}, 'Lord, emphatically-not[?] you-sow good sow-effect in to{the your field}[?]  So, whence it-is-having tares[?]'  [:28] Moreover, the has-been-asserting to{same}, '[A] hostile man does the-same.'  Moreover, the slaves say to{same}, 'So, you-are-will-ing, come[ing]-away, we-should-collect same[?]'  [:29] Moreover, the has-been-asserting, 'No, not-whereby, collecting the tares, you-may-root-out at-the-same-time to{same} the grain.  [:30] Let-off[i.e. leave] to-be-growing-together both up-to of{the harvest}, and in to{the season} of{the harvest} I-will-declare to{the harvesters}, collect first the tares and bind same into bundles toward the to-burn-down same; moreover, gather-together the grain into the storehouse of{me}.'"  [:31] He-places-alongside another parable to{same}, saying, "The kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{[a] kernel} of{mustard}, which, get[ing], [a] man sows in to{the field} of{same}, [:32] which on-one-hand is-being smaller-than of{all} of{the sow-effects}.  On-the-other-hand, when-supposing it-may-be-grown, it-is-being larger of{the herbs} and [a] tree is-being-become, such-as to-come the birds of{the heaven} and to-be-roosting in to{the branches} of{same}."  [:33] He-speaks another parable to{same}:  "The kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{leaven}, which [a] woman, take[ing], conceals-in into three seahs of{flour}, until of{which} is-leavened whole."  [:34] The Jesus speaks the-same all in to{parables} to{the crowds} and apart-from of{parable} he-has_not_been-speaking to{same}, [:35] which-how the declared through of{the prophet} may-be-fulfilled, of{saying}, "I-will-open-up the mouth of{me} in to{parables}; I-will-pour-out having-been-hidden from of{[the] cast-down} of{[the] world}."  [:36] Then, let[ing]-off/away-from the crowds, the Jesus comes into the house, and the disciples come-toward to{same}, saying, "Explain to{us} the parable of{the tares} of{the field}."  [:37] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "The sowing the good sow-effect is-being the son of{the man}."  [:38] Moreover, the field is-being the world.  Moreover, the good sow-effect, the-same are-being the sons of{the kingdom}.  Moreover, the tares are-being the sons of{the evil}.  [:39] Moreover, the hostile, the sow[ing] same, is-being the devil/slanderer.  Moreover, the harvest is-being [the] summation of{the eon}.  Moreover, the harvesters are-being messengers.  [:40] So, about-as the tares are-being-collected and to{fire} burned, the-same-ly it-will-be in to{the summation} of{the eon} of{the-same}.  [:41] The son of{the man} will-send-off/away the messengers of{same} and they-will-collect out of{the kingdom} of{same} all the scandals and the doing the lawlessness.  [:42] And they-will-cast same into the furnace of{the fire}.  There will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth}.  [:43] Then the just will-shine-out as the sun in to{the kingdom} of{the Father} of{same}.  The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing.  [:44] Again, the kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{wealth having-been-hidden} in to{the field} which, [a] man, discover[ing], hides, and from of{the joy} of{same}, is-withdrawing and is-selling all, as-much-as he-is-having, and is-purchasing the field, the-there.  [:45] Again, the kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{[a] man, [a] traveler[merchant], seeking} good pearls, [:46] who, discover[ing] one valuable pearl, come[ing]-off/away-from, has-liquidated-for-sale all, as-much-as he-has-been-having, and purchases same.  [:47] Again, the kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{[a] dragnet cast} into the seawater, and to{gather[ing]-together} out of{every become[noun]}, [:48] which, when it-is-filled-full, step-ize[ing]-up upon the shore and, sit[ing]-down, they-collect the good into containers; moreover, the worthless they-cast outside.  [:49] The-same-ly it-will-be in to{the summation} of{the eon}.  The messengers will-come-out and will-define-off/away[i.e. separate] the evil out of{midst} of{the just}, [:50] and they-will-cast same into the furnace of{the fire}; there will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth}."  [:51] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "You-put-together all, the-same[?]"  They-are-saying to{same}, "Yes, Lord."  [:52] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Through the-same every scribe discipled into the kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{[a] man, [a] house-ruler}, someone-who is-casting-out out of{the wealth} of{same} new and old."  [:53] And it-becomes when the Jesus finishes the parables, the-same, he-transitions-up thence.  [:54] And, come[ing] into the fatherland of{same}, he-has-been-teaching same in to{the synagogue} of{same}, such-as to-be-being-impacted, same[plural], and to-be-saying, "Whence to{the-same} the wisdom, the-same, and the empowerments[?]  [:55] Not the-same is-being the son of{the craftsman/carpenter}[?]  Emphatically-not the mother of{same} is-being-said "Mary" and the brothers of{same} James and Joseph and Simon and Judas[?]  [:56] And the sisters of{same}, emphatically-not all toward us are-being[?]  So, whence to{the-same[masculine]}, the-same[neuter] all[?]"  [:57] And they-have-been-being-scandalized in to{same}.  Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "[A] prophet is_not_being unvalued if not in to{the fatherland} of{same} and in to{the house} of{same}."  [:58] And he-does_not_do many empowerments there through the unbelief of{same}.

[Matt 14][:1] In to{the season, the-there}, Herod, the fourth-part-origin-ruler, hears the what-is-heard of{Jesus} [:2] and says to{the children} of{same}, "The-same is-being John the immerser; same is-roused from of{the dead}, and through the-same the empowerments are-working in to{same}."  [:3] For the Herod, seize[ing] the John, binds same and places-such-as-to-be-placed in to{custody} through Herodias, the woman of{Philip, the brother} of{same}.  [:4] For the John has-been-saying to{same}, it-is_not_being-allowed to{you} to-be-having same[feminine].  [:5] And will-ing same to-kill-off, he-fears the crowd, that as [a] prophet they-have-been-having same.  [:6] Moreover, of{geneses[/birthdays] becoming} of{the Herod}, the daughter of{the Herodias} dances in to{the midst} and pleases to{the Herod}, [:7] whence alongside of{oath} he-acknowledges to{same} to-give what if-supposing she-may-request/give-cause-to-for-herself.  [:8] Moreover, the forced-ahead under of{the mother} of{same} is-asserting, "Give to{me} here upon to{[a] platter} the head of{John the immerser}.  [:9] And the king is-grieved.  Moreover, through the oaths and the[plural] being-lain-up/anew-together, he-orders to-be-given.  [:10] And, dispatch[ing], he-beheads the John in to{the custody[i.e. prison]}.  [:11] And the head of{same} is-carried upon to{[a] platter} and is-given to{the girl}, and she-carries to{the mother} of{same}.  [:12] And, the disciples of{same} come[ing]-toward, lift the fall-effect[/corpse] and bury same, and, come[ing], they-message-off to{the Jesus}.  [:13] And the Jesus, hear[ing], separates-anew thence in to{[a] boat} into [a] desolate place with self [i.e. in private] and, the crowds hear[ing], accompany to{same} on-foot off/away-from of{the cities}.  [:14] And, the Jesus, come[ing]-out, beholds [a] vast crowd, and he-is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] upon to{same}, and he-heals the sick of{same}.  [:15] Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, the disciples of{same} come-toward to{same}, saying, "The place is-being desolate and the hour already comes-by.  Loose-off the crowds, in-which-place, come[ing]-off/away into the villages, they-may-purchase food to{sameselves}."  [:16] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "They-are_not_having need to-come-off/away-from.  You, give to{same} to-eat."  [:17] Moreover, the are-saying to{same}, "We-are_not_having here if not five breads and two fishes."  [:18] Moreover, the says, "Be-carrying same here to{me}."  [:19] And, order[ing] the crowds to-be-reclined upon the grass, and take[ing] the five breads and the two fishes, view[ing]-up into the heaven, he-well-words and, break[ing], gives the breads to{the disciples}; moreover, the disciples to{the crowds}.  [:20] And all eat and are-fed-ized, and they-lift the exceeding of{the break-effects/fragments}, twelve full baskets.  [:21] Moreover, the eating have-been-being men as-if five-thousand, apart-from of{women} and of{childlings}.  [:22] And straightaway the Jesus compels the disciples of{same} to-step-in into the boat and to-be-leading-in-front-of same into the other-side until of{which} he-may-loose-off/away the crowds.  [:23] And, loose[ing]-off the crowds, he-ascends into the mountain with self [i.e. in private] to-pray.  Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, he-has-been-being alone there.  [:24] Moreover, the boat has-been-being already midst of{the seawater}, being-tortured under of{the waves}, for the wind has-been-being in-opposition.  [:25] Moreover, to{fourth custody[i.e. time period]} of{the night} the Jesus comes-off/away toward same, walking-about upon of{the seawater}.  [:26] And, the disciples behold[ing] same walking-around upon the seawater are-disturbed, saying that it-is-being [an] appear-ize-effect/apparition, and from of{the fear} they-cry-out.  [:27] Moreover, straightaway the Jesus speaks to{same}, saying, "Be-having-courage.  I am-being.  Do_not_be-being-afraid."  [:28] Moreover, respond[ing] to{same}, the Peter says, "Lord, if you are-being, order me to-come toward you upon the waters."  [:29] Moreover, the says, "Come."  And, descend[ing] from of{the boat}, the Peter walks-around upon the waters to-come toward the Jesus."  [:30] Moreover, viewing the strong wind, he-fears and, initiate[ing]-self to-be-plunging-down, he-cries-out, saying, "Lord, save me."  [:31] Moreover, straightaway, the Jesus, stretch[ing]-out the hand, takes-upon of{same}, and is-saying to{same}, "Scant[of]faith.  Into what[?] you-two-stand[?]"  [:32] And of{step[ing]-in} of{same} into the boat, the wind exhausts.  [:33] Moreover, the[plural] come[ing] in to{the boat} worship to{same}, saying, "Truly you-are-being Son of{God}."  [:34] And, go[ing]-through-to-other-side, they-come into the Gennesaret land.  [:35] And, upon-know[ing] same the men of{the place, the-there}, send-off/away into the whole region-around the-there, and they-carry-toward to{same} all the having unwell.  [:36] And they-have-been-calling-aside same, in-which-place they-may-take-hold only of{the fringe} of{the outer-garment} of{same}, and as-many-as take-hold are-saved-through.

[Matt 15][:1] Then the scribes and Pharisees from of{Jerusalems} are-being-come-toward to{the Jesus}, saying, [:2] "Through what[?] the disciples of{you} are-sidestepping the delivery of{the elders}, for they-are_not_washing the hands of{same}, when-supposing they-may-be-eating bread."  [:3] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "Through what[?] also you are-sidestepping the command of{the God} through the delivery of{you}.  [:4] For the God commands, saying, 'Be-valuing the father and the mother,' and 'the saying-bad[of/to] father or mother: be-deceasing to{death}.'  [:5] Moreover you are-saying, 'Who supposing may-say to{the father or the mother} "gift which if-supposing out of{emphatically-me} you-would-be-profited" [:6] also no, he-should_not_value the father of{same} or the mother of{same},' also you-invalidate the command of{the God} through the delivery of{you}.  [:7] Pretenders!  Isaiah prophesies well about of{you}, saying, [:8] 'The people, the-same, is-becoming-near to{me} to{the mouth} of{same} and to{the lips} is-valuing me; moreover, the heart of{same} is-holding-off from of{emphatically-me} distantly.  [:9] Moreover, vainly they-are-devoting-themselves-to me, teaching teachings command-effects of{men}.'"  [:10] And call[ing]-toward-himself the crowd, he-says to{same}, "Be-hearing and be-putting-together.  [:11] Not the being-come-into into the mouth is-common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man; contrariwise, the being-gone-out out of{the mouth}, the-same is-common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man."  [:12] Then, the disciples of{same} come[ing]-toward, say to{same}, "You-have-beheld that the Pharisees, hear[ing] the word, are-scandalized[?]"  [:13] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, "Every plant which the Father of{me}, the heavenly, does_not_plant will-be-rooted-out.  [:14] Let-off/away-from[i.e. leave] same.  They-are-being blind way-leaders of{blind}; moreover, if-supposing blind may-be-leading-way blind, both will-fall-themselves into [a] pit."  [:15] Moreover, the Peter, respond[ing], says to{same}, "Explain to{us} the parable, the-same."  [:16] Moreover, the Jesus says, "At-this-point also you are-being not-put-together.  [:17] Not-yet you-are-thinking that the every being-gone-into into the mouth is-making-space into the cavity and is-being-cast-out into sitting-off/away-from[i.e. defecating].  [:18] Moreover, the being-gone-out out of{the mouth} is-being-come-out out of{the heart}, and-the-there is-common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man.  [:19] For out of{the heart} are-being-come-out evil dialog-iz-ations, murders, adulteries, sexual-immoralities, thefts, false-witnesses, evil-assertions.  [:20] The-same is-being the common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man; moreover, the to-eat to{unwashed hands} is_not_common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man."  [:21] And, come[ing]-out thence, the Jesus separates-anew into the parts of{Tyre} and of{Sidon}.  [:22] And, behold, [a] Canaanite woman from of{the boundaries}, come[ing]-out of{the-there-s}, cry-out-izes to{same}, saying, "Show-mercy-to me, Lord, Son, [of-]David.  The daughter of{me}, unwell, is-being-demonized."  [:23] Moreover, the does_not_respond [a] word to{same} and, the disciples of{same}, come[ing]-toward, have-been-asking same, saying, "Loose-off/away same[feminine], that she-is-crying-out from-behind of{us}."  [:24] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, "I-am_not_sent-off/away if not into the sheep, the having-been-destroyed-off/away-from of{house} [of-]Israel."  [:25] Moreover, the[feminine], come[ing], worships to{same}, saying, "Lord, be-helping to{me}."  [:26] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, "It-is_not_being good to-take the bread of{the offsprings} and to-cast to{the doggies}."  [:27] Moreover, the[feminine] says, "Yes, Lord, for also the doggies is-eating from of{the crumblets} of{the falling} from of{the table} of{the lords} of{same}."  [:28] Then, the Jesus, respond[ing], says to{same}, "Oh, woman, great the faith of{you}.  [It:] be-become to{you} as you-are-will-ing."  And the daughter of{same} is-cured from of{the hour, the-there}.  [:29] And, change[ing]-course thence, the Jesus comes beside the seawater of{the Galilee} and, ascend[ing] into the mountain, he-has-been-being-seated there.  [:30] And many crowds come-toward to{same} having alongside of{sameselves} lame, blind, deaf/mute, crippled, and many different/others, and they-toss same beside the feet of{the Jesus}, and he-heals same, [:31] such-as to-marvel the crowds, viewing deaf/mute speaking, crippled healthy, lame walking-around, and blind viewing, and they-glorify the God [of-]Israel.  [:32] Moreover, the Jesus, call[ing]-toward-himself the disciples of{same}, says, "I-am-being-affected-inwardly[/having-compassion] upon the crowd, that already they-are-staying-toward to{me} three days and they-are_not_having what they-may-eat, and I-am_not_will-ing to-loose-off/away same fasting[adjective], not-whereby should-they-be-slackened-out in to{the way}."  [:33] And the disciples of{same} are-saying to{same}, "Whence to{us} in to{desolation} the-which-the-same breads such-as to-feed-ize the-which-the-same crowd[?]"  [:34] And the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "You-are-having how-much breads[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] say, "Seven and few fishies."  [:35] And he-orders to{the crowds} to-fall-anew[i.e. sit down] upon the land.  [:36] And, take[ing] the seven breads and the fishes, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, breaks and gives to{the disciples} of{same}; moreover, the disciples to{the crowd}, [:37] and all eat and are-fed-ized.  And they-lift the exceeding of{the break-effects/fragments}, seven [large]baskets full.  [:38] Moreover, the eating have-been-being four-thousand men, apart-from of{women} and of{childlings}.  [:39] And, loose[ing]-off/away the crowds, he-steps-in into the boat and comes into the Magadan boundaries. 

[Matt 16][:1] And, come[ing]-toward, the Pharisees and Sadducees, trial-izing, inquire-upon same to-show-upon sign out of{the heaven} to{same}.  [:2] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "of{late/evening become[ing]} you-are-saying, 'Fair-weather, for the heaven is-reddening.'  [:3] And early/morning, 'Today bad-weather/storm, for the heaven being-gloomy is-reddening.'  Pretenders!  On-one-hand you-are-knowing the face of{the heaven}; on-the-other-hand you-are_not_being-enabled to-be-discriminating the signs of{the seasons}.  [:4] [An] evil and adulterous generation is-seeking-upon [a] sign, and [a] sign will_not_be-given to{same} if not the sign of{Jonah the prophet}."  And, leave[ing]-behind same, he-comes-off/away-from, [:5] and, the disciples of{same}, come[ing] into the other-side, forget to-take breads.  [:6] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Be-seeing and be-holding-toward off/away-from of{the leaven} of{the Pharisees and Sadducees}."  [:7] Moreover, the have-been-being-dialog-ized in to{sameselves}, saying that "we-do_not_take breads."  [:8] Moreover, the Jesus, know[ing], says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-being-dialog-ized in to{sameselves}, scant[of]faith, that you-do_not_take breads[?]  [:9] Not-yet you-are-thinking, nor you-are-remembering the five breads of{the five-thousand} and how-many baskets you-take, [:10] nor the seven breads of{the four-thousand} and how-many [large]baskets you-take.  [:11] How[?] you-are_not_thinking that I-say to{you} not about of{bread}, to-be-holding-toward off/away-from of{the leaven} of{the Pharisees and Sadducees}[?]  [:12] Then they-put-together that he-does_not_say to-be-holding-toward off/away-from of{the leaven} of{the bread}; contrariwise, off/away-from of{the teaching} of{the Pharisees and Sadducees}.  [:13] Moreover, the Jesus, come[ing] into the parts of{Caesarea, the} of{Philip[pi]}, has-been-asking the disciples of{same}, saying, "Who[?] the men are-saying me to-be-being, the son of{the man}[?]"  [:14] Moreover, the say, "On-one-hand, the[plural], John the immerser; on-the-other-hand, others Elijah; on-the-other-hand, different/others Jeremiah or one of{the prophets}."  [:15] He-is-saying to{same}, "Moreover, you, who[?] you-are-saying me to-be-being[?]"  [:16] Moreover, respond[ing], Simon Peter says, "You are-being the anointed, the Son of{the God} of{the being-alive}."  [:17] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Blessed you-are-being, Simon bar-Jona, that flesh and blood does_not_uncover to{you}; contrariwise, the Father of{me}, the in to{the heavens}.  [:18] Moreover, also-I am-saying to{you} that you are-being Peter/rock, and upon to{the-same, the rock-mass[feminine]}, I-will-house-build of{me} the out-calling, and [the] gates of{unseen/Hades} will_not_have-strength-against of{same}.  [:19] And I-will-give to{you} the keys of{the kingdom} of{the heavens}, and what if-supposing you-may-necessitate upon of{the earth} will-be having-been-necessitated in to{the heavens} and what if-supposing you-may-loose upon of{the earth} will-be having-been-loosed in to{the heavens}."  [:20] Then he-sends-through-such-as-to-be-sent-through to{the disciples} of{same} in-which-place to{no-one} they-may-say that same is-being Jesus the anointed.  [:21] From then the Jesus initiates to-be-showing to{the disciples} of{same} that it-is-necessitating same to-come-off/away into Jerusalem and to-suffer many from of{the elders} and of{chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{scribes} and to-be-killed-off/away and to{the third day} to-be-roused.  [:22] And toward-take[ing]/get[ing] same, the Peter initiates to-adjudge-valuation-upon to{same}, saying, "Propitious to{you}, Lord, no, the-same will_not_be to{you}."  [:23] Moreover, the, turned, says to{the Peter}, "Withdraw behind of{me}, Satan/adversary.  You-are-being [a] scandal of{me}, that you-are_not_considering the of{the God}; contrariwise, the of{the men}."  [:24] Then the Jesus says to{the disciples} of{same}, "If any is-will-ing to-come behind of{me}: deny-off/away sameself and lift the cross of{same} and be-accompanying to{me}.  [:25] For who supposing may-be-will-ing to-save the life of{same} will-destroy-off/away same; moreover, who supposing may-destroy-off/away the life of{same} because of{emphatically-me} will-discover same.  [:26] For what[?] man is-being-profited if-supposing he-may-gain the whole world; moreover he-may-be-penalized the life of{same}[?]  Or, what[?] man will-give compensation of{the life} of{same}[?]  [:27] For the son of{the man} is-being-about to-be-being-come in to{the glory} of{the Father} of{same} alongside of{the messengers} of{same} and then he-will-give-off/away to{each} according-to [the] practice of{same}.  [:28] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, some are-being of{the thus having-stood}, some-who, no, may_not_taste of{death} until supposing they-may-behold the son of{the man} being-come in to{the kingdom} of{same}.

[Matt 17][:1] And alongside six days the Jesus is-taking-along the Peter and James and John, the brother of{same}, and is-bringing-up same into [a] high mountain with self [i.e. in private].  [:2] And he-is-transformed in-front of{same} and the face of{same} shines as the sun.  Moreover, the outer-garments of{same} become white/bright as the light.  [:3] And, behold, are-seen to{same} Moses and Elijah alongside of{same}, talking-together.  [:4] Moreover, respond[ing], the Peter says to{the Jesus}, "Lord, it-is-being good, us, to-be-being here.  If you-are-will-ing, we-should-make here three tents, one to{you} and one to{Moses} and one to{Elijah}."  [:5] Still of{same[singular] speaking}, behold, [a] luminous cloud shadows-upon same and, behold, [a] sound out of{the cloud}, saying, "The-same is-being the Son of{me}, the beloved, in to{whom} I-well-deem of{same}.  Be-hearing."  [:6] And, hear[ing], the disciples fall upon [the] face of{same}, and they-fear vehemently.  [:7] And, the Jesus, come[ing]-toward, takes-hold of{same} and says, "Be-roused and do_not_be-being-afraid."  [:8] Moreover, upon-lift[ing] the eyes of{same}, they-behold not-one, if not only the Jesus.  [:9] And, of{same descending} from of{the mountain}, the Jesus commands to{same}, saying, "to{no-one} may-you-speak the see-effect until of{which} the son of{the man} may-stand-up/anew out of{dead}."  [:10] And the disciples of{same} ask-upon same, saying, "So, what[?] the scribes are-saying that it-is-necessitating Elijah to-come first[?]" [:11] Moreover, the Jesus, respond[ing], says to{same}, "Elijah on-one-hand is-being-come first, and will-reinstate all.  [:12] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that Elijah already comes and they-do_not_know-upon same; contrariwise, they-do-upon in to{same} as-much-as they-will; the-same-ly also the son of{the man} is-being-about to-be-suffering under of{same}."  [:13] Then the disciples put-together that he-says to{same} about of{John the immerser}.  [:14] And of{same come[ing]} toward the crowd, [a] man comes-toward to{same}, falling[to]knee to{same}, [:15] and saying, "Lord, show-mercy-to the son of{me}, that he-is-being-lunatic-ized and, unwell, is-suffering, for often he-is-falling into the fire, and often into the water, [:16] and I-carry-toward same to{the disciples} of{you}, and they-are_not_empowered to-heal same."  [:17] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Oh generation, unbelieving[adjective] and having-been-twisted/distorted.  Until at-what-time[?] I-will-be alongside of{you}[?]  Until at-what-time[?] I-will-hold/be-held-up/anew of{you}[?]  Be-carrying same here to{me}."  [:18] And the Jesus adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, and the demon-ia comes-out from of{same}, and the child is-healed from of{the hour, the-there}.  [:19] Then the disciples, come[ing]-toward to{the Jesus} with self [i.e. in private] say, "Through what[?] we are_not_empowered to-cast-out same[?]"  [:20] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Through the unbelief of{you}, for amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing you-may-be-having faith as [a] kernel of{mustard} you-will-declare to{the mountain, the-same}, 'Be-stepped-across from-here there,' and it-will-step/be-stepped-across, and not-one[i.e. nothing] will-unenable/unempower to{you}.  [:21] Moreover, the-same, the become[noun], is_not_being-gone-out if not in to{prayer} and to{fasting[noun]}."  [:22] Moreover, of{turning-anew} of{same[plural]} in to{the Galilee}, the Jesus says to{same}, "The son of{the man} is-being-about to-be-being-delivered into [the] hands of{men}, [:23] and they-will-kill-off/away same, and to{the third day} he-will-be-roused," and they-are-grieved vehemently.  [:24] Moreover, of{come[ing]} of{same} into Capernaum, the come-toward, the taking two-drachma to{the Peter} and say, "The teacher of{you} is_not_settling the two-drachma[?]"  [:25] He-is-saying, "Yes," and when he-comes-into into the house, the Jesus anticipates-before same, saying, "What[?] is-deeming to{you}, Simon[?]  The kings of{the land}, from of{whom}[?] they-are-taking settlements or [tax]assessments, from of{the sons} of{same} or from of{the belonging-to-others}[?]"  [:26] The Peter is-saying to{same}, "From of{the belonging-to-others}."  The Jesus has-been-asserting to{same}, "Of-consequence-indeed, the sons are-being free.  [:27] Moreover, in-which-place we-should_not_scandalize same, be[ing]-gone, cast [a] hook into the seawater and lift the first fish ascend[ing] and, open[ing]-up the mouth of{same}, you-will-discover [a] stater.  Take[ing] the-there, give to{same} in-place-of of{emphatically-me} and of{you}.

[Matt 18][:1] In to{the hour, the-there,} the disciples come-toward to{the Jesus}, saying, "Who[?], consequently, is-being greater in to{the kingdom} of{the heavens}[?]"  [:2] And, the Jesus call[ing]-toward-himself [a] childling, stands same in to{midst} of{same[plural]}, [:3] and says, "Amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing you-would_not_{turn and become} as the childlings, no, you-would_not_come-into into the kingdom of{the heavens}. [:4] So, any-who would-lower sameself as the childling, the-same, the-same is-being the greater in to{the kingdom} of{the heavens}.  [:5] And who if-supposing may-receive to-which-the-same one childling upon to{the name} of{me} is-receiving emphatically-me.  [:6] Moreover, who supposing may-scandalize one of{the little} of{the-same}, of{the believing/entrusting} into emphatically-me, it-is-bearing-together to{same} in-which-place [a] donkey millstone would-be-hung around the neck of{same} and would-be-plunged in to{the ocean} of{the seawater}.  [:7] Woe to{the world} from of{the scandals}.  For it-is-being of-certainty to-come the scandals; more-ly, woe to{the man, the-there,} through of{whom} the scandal is-being-come.  [:8] Moreover, if the hand of{you} or the foot of{you} is-scandalizing you, cut-out same and cast from of{you}.  It-is-being good to{you} to-come-into into the being-alive[noun] lame or crippled, than two hands or two feet having, to-be-cast into the fire, the eternal.  [:9] And if the eye of{you} scandalizes you, lift-out same and cast from of{you}.  It-is-being good to{you} to-come-into into the being-alive[noun] single-eyed, than two eyes having, to-be-cast into the Gehenna of{the fire}.  [:10] Be-seeing; you-should_not_disregard of{one} of{the little}, of{the-same}.  For I-am-saying to{you} that the messengers of{same} in to{heavens} are-viewing through of{all} the face of{the Father} of{me} of{the} in to{heavens}.  [:11] For the son of{the man} comes to-save the having-been-destroyed-off/away.  [:12] What[?] to{you} is-deeming, if-supposing it-may-become to{some man} [a] hundred sheep and one is-led-astray out of{same}, emphatically-not[?] let[ing]-off/away-from the ninety-nine upon the mountains, be[ing]-gone, he-is-seeking the being-led-astray[?]  [:13] And if-supposing it-may-become to-discover same, amen I-am-saying to{you} that he-is-joying upon to{same} more than upon to{the ninety-nine, the not having-been-led-astray}.  [:14] The-same-ly, it-is_not_being [the] will-effect in-front of{the Father} of{you}, of{the} in to{heavens}, in-which-place one of{the little} of{the-same} may-perish-off/away.  [:15] Moreover, if-supposing the brother of{you} may-sin into you, be-withdrawing and confute same between of{you} and of{same only}.  If-supposing he-may-hear of{you}, you-gain the brother of{you}.  [:16] Moreover, if-supposing he-should_not_hear, take-along alongside of{you} still one or two, in-which-place upon of{mouth} of{two witnesses} or of{three} may-be-stood every declaration.  [:17] Moreover, if-supposing he-hears-aside[i.e. disregards] of{same[plural]}, say to{the out-calling}.  Moreover, if-supposing also he-may-hear-aside[i.e. disregard] of{the out-calling}, [he:] be-being to{you} about-as the nation-al and the [tax]collector.  [:18] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, as-much-as if-supposing you-may-necessitate upon of{the earth} will-be having-been-necessitated in to{the heaven} and as-much-as if-supposing you-may-loose upon of{the earth} will-be having-been-loosed in to{the heaven}.  [:19] Again I-am-saying to{you} that if-supposing two of{you} may-agree-together upon of{the earth} about of{every practice-effect which} if-supposing they-may-request/give-cause-to-for-themselves, it-will-become to{same} alongside of{the Father} of{me} of{the} in to{heavens}, [:20] for of{which} two or three are-being having-been-gathered-together into the my name, there I-am-being in to{midst} of{same}."  [:21] Then the Peter, come[ing]-toward to{same}, says, "Lord, how-many-times[?] the brother of{me} will-sin into emphatically-me and I-will-let-off/away to{same}[?] Until seven-ly[?]"  [:22] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Not I-am-saying to{you} until seven-ly; contrariwise, until seventy-ly seven.  [:23] Through the-same the kingdom of{the heavens} is-likened to{[a] man, king,} who wills to-lift-together[i.e. harmonize] [the] account alongside of{the slaves} of{same}.  [:24] Moreover, of{initiate[ing]/initiated} of{same} to-be-lifting-together[i.e. harmonizing], one owe-er is-carried-toward to{same} of{ten-thousand talents}.  [:25] Moreover, of{having} no of{same} to-give-off/away, the lord of{same} orders same to-be-liquidated-for-sale, also the woman of{same} and the offsprings, and all, as-much-as he-has-been-having, also to-be-given-off/away.  [:26] So, fall[ing], the slave has-been-worshiping to{same}, saying, 'Lord, be-far-fury[i.e. longsuffering] upon to{emphatically-me} and I-will-give-off/away all to{you}.'  [:27] Moreover, the lord of{the slave, the-there}, affected-inwardly[/having-compassion], looses-off same and lets-off/away the debt to{same}.  [:28] Moreover, come[ing]-out, the slave discovers, the-there, one of{the together-slaves} of{same} who has-been-owing to{same} [a] hundred denarii and, seize[ing], has-been-choking same, saying, 'Give-off to{me} any which you-are-owing.'  [:29] So, the together-slave of{same}, fall[ing] into the feet of{same}, has-been-calling-aside same, saying, 'Be-far-fury[i.e. longsuffering] upon to{emphatically-me} and I-will-give-off/away all to{you}.'  [:30] Moreover, the has_not_been-will-ing; contrariwise, come[ing]-off/away, he-casts same into custody until of{which} he-may-give-off/away the being-owed.  [:31] Moreover, the together-slaves of{same}, behold[ing] the become[ing], are-grieved vehemently and, come[ing], they-elucidate-through to{the lord} of{same} all the become[ing].  [:32] Then, the lord of{same}, call[ing]-toward-himself same, is-saying to{same}, 'Evil slave!  I-let-off to{you} all the owed[noun], the-there, since you-call-aside me.  [:33]  Not[?] it-has-been-necessitating also you to-show-mercy-to the together-slave of{you} as also I show-mercy-to you[?]'  [:34] And, angered, the lord of{same} delivers same to{the torturers} until of{which} he-may-give-off all the being-owed to{same}.  [:35] The-same-ly also the Father of{me}, the upon-heaven, will-do to{you} if-supposing you-would_not_let-off/away each to{the brother} of{same} from of{the hearts} of{you} the fall-aside-effects of{same}."

[Matt 19][:1] And it-becomes when the Jesus finishes the words, the-same, he-transitions-up from of{the Galilee} and comes into the boundaries of{the Judea}, other-side of{the Jordan}.  [:2] And many crowds accompany to{same}, and he-heals same there.  [:3] And Pharisees come-toward to{same}, trial-izing same and saying to{same} if it-is-being-allowed to{man} to-loose-off/away the woman of{same} according-to every cause.  [:4] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "You-do_not_know-anew that the make[ing] from of{origin} makes same male and female[?]["]  [:5] And he-says, ["]Because of{the-same} [a] man will-leave-behind the father and the mother and will-be-glued/welded/adhered/conjoined-toward to{the woman} of{same}, and the two will-be into one flesh, [:6] such-as not-still they-are-being two; contrariwise, one flesh.  So, what the God yokes-together, man: be_no_separating."  [:7] They-are-saying to{same}, "What[?] So, Moses commands to-give scrollet of{off/away-standing} and to-loose-off/away same[?]"  [:8] He-is-saying to{same} that "Moses upon-turns to{you} toward the hard-heart of{you} to-loose-off the women of{you[plural]}; moreover, from of{origin} it-has_not_become the-same-ly.  [:9] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that who supposing may-loose-off/away the woman of{same}, if not upon sexual-immorality, and may-marry another, is-adultering/being-adultered, and the marry[ing] [her]having-been-loosed-off is-adultering/being-adultered."  [:10] The disciples of{same} are-saying to{same}, "If the-same-ly is-being the cause of{the man} alongside of{the woman}, it-is_not_bearing-together to-marry."  [:11] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Not all are-making-space-for the word, the-same; contrariwise, to{whom} it-has-been-given.  [:12] For there-are-being eunuchs, some-who are-begotten out of{cavity} of{mother} the-same-ly, and there-are-being eunuchs, some-who are-eunuch-ized under of{the men}, and there-are-being eunuchs, some-who eunuch-ize sameselves through the kingdom of{the heavens}.  The being-enabled to-be-making-space: be-making-space."  [:13] Then childlings are-carried-toward to{same}, in-which-place he-may-upon-place the hands to{same}, and he-may-pray.  Moreover, the disciples adjudge-valuation-upon to{same}.  [:14] Moreover, the Jesus says, "Let-off-from the childlings and do_not_be-hindering same to-come toward me, for of{the to-which-the-same} is-being the kingdom of{the heavens}."  [:15] And upon-place[ing] to{same} the hands, he-is-gone thence.  [:16] And, behold, one come[ing]-toward says to{same}, "Beneficial teacher, what[?] beneficial I-should-do in-which-place I-may-be-having eternal being-alive[noun][?]"  [:17] Moreover, the says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-saying me beneficial[?]  Not-one beneficial if not one, the God.  Moreover, if you-are-will-ing to-come-into into the being-alive[noun], keep the commands."  [:18] He-is-saying to{same}, "Of{what-kind}[?]"  Moreover, the Jesus says, "The you-will_not_murder, you-will_not_adulter, you-will_not_steal, you-will_not_false-witness, [:19] be-valuing the father of{you} and the mother, and you-will-love the nearby of{you} as yourself."  [:20] The youth is-saying to{same}, the-same all I-guard-such-as-to-be-guarded out of{youth} of{me}.  What[?] still I-am-being-deficient[?]  [:21] The Jesus has-been-asserting to{same}, "If you-are-will-ing to-be complete, be-withdrawing, sell the undertaking-s of{you} and give to{destitute} and you-will-have wealth in to{heaven}, and Come!  Be-accompanying to{me}."  [:22] Moreover, the youth, hear[ing] the word, comes-off/away grieving, for he-has-been-being having many acquire-effects.  [:23] Moreover, the Jesus says to{the disciples} of{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that, difficultly, rich will-be-come-into into the kingdom of{the heavens}.  [:24] Moreover, again I-am-saying to{you}, it-is-being easier, camel to-come-through through of{bore-effect} of{needle} than rich into the kingdom of{the God} to-come-into."  [:25] Moreover, hear[ing], the disciples of{same} have-been-being-impacted vehemently, saying, "Who, consequently, is-being-enabled to-be-saved[?]"  [:26] Moreover, view[ing]-in, the Jesus says to{same}, "Beside to{men} the-same is-being unable; moreover, beside to{God} all is-being able.  [:27] Then, respond[ing], the Peter says to{same}, "Behold, we let-off/away all and accompany to{you}.  What, consequently, will-be to{us}[?]"  [:28] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that you, the accompany[ing] to{me} in to{the again-genesis} when-supposing the son of{the man} may-sit-down upon of{[the] throne} of{glory} of{same}, also you will-be-seated upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of{the} [of-]Israel.  [:29] And all who let-off/away houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or woman or offsprings or fields because of{the name} of{me} will-take/get [a] hundredfold and will-inherit eternal being-alive[noun].  [:30] Moreover, many firsts will-be lasts and lasts firsts." 

[Matt 20][:1] For the kingdom of{the heavens} is-being analogous to{[a] man, [a] house-ruler}, he-who comes-out at-the-same-time early/morning to-employ workers into the vineyard of{same}.  [:2] Moreover, agree[ing]-together alongside of{the workers} out of{denarius} the day, he-sends-off same into the vineyard of{same}.  [:3] And, come[ing]-out around the third hour he-beholds others having-stood in to{the marketplace} idle.  [:4] And to{the-there} he-says, "Withdraw, also you, into the vineyard, and what if-supposing may-be-being just, I-will-give to{you}.  [:5] Moreover, the[plural] come-off/away.  Again, come[ing]-out around [the] sixth and ninth hour, he-does as-same-ly.  [:6] Moreover, around the eleventh hour, come[ing]-out, he-discovers others having-stood idle, and he-is-saying to{same}, "What[?]  You-have-stood here the whole day idle[?]"  [:7] They-are-saying to{same} that "not-one employs us."  He-is-saying to{same}, "Be-withdrawing, also you, into the vineyard, and what if-supposing may-be-being just, you-will-take/get."  [:8] Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, the lord of{the vineyard} is-saying to{the administrator} of{same}, "Call the workers and give-off to{same} the wage, initiate[ing]/initiated from of{the lasts} until of{the firsts}."  [:9] And, come[ing], the[plural] around the eleventh hour, take up/anew [a] denarius.  [:10] Moreover, come[ing], the firsts decide that they-will-take/get more-than, and same take up/anew also [a] denarius.  [:11] Moreover, take[ing], they-have-been-muttering against of{the house-ruler}, [:12] saying that "the-same, the lasts do one hour and you-do same equal to{us, the bear[ing]} the weight of{the day} and the burning-heat."  [:13] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{one} of{same}, "Comrade, I-am_not_doing-injustice-to you.  Emphatically-not[?] of{denarius} you-agree-together-with to{me}[?]  [:14] Lift the yours and be-withdrawing.  Moreover, I-am-will-ing to-give to{the-same} to{the last} as also to{you}.  [:15] Or is_not_being-allowed to{me} to-do what I-am-will-ing in to{the mine-s}, if the eye of{you} is-being evil, that I am-being beneficial[?]"  [:16] The-same-ly, the lasts will-be firsts and the firsts lasts, for many are-being [the] called; moreover few chosen.  [:17] And, the Jesus, ascending into Jerusalem, takes-along the twelve disciples with self [i.e. in private] in to{the way}, and says to{same}, [:18] "Behold, we-are-ascending into Jerusalem, and the son of{the man} will-be-delivered to{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and to{scribes}, and they-will-judge-against same to{death}.  [:19] And they-will-deliver same to{the nations} into the to-infantilize and to-scourge and to-crucify and to{the third day} he-will-stand-up/anew."  [:20] Then the mother of{the sons} of{Zebedee} comes-toward to{same} alongside of{the sons} of{same}, worshiping and requesting/giving-cause-to something beside of{same}.  [:21] Moreover, the says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-will-ing[?]  She-is-saying to{same}, "Say in-which-place the-same[plural], the two sons of{me}, may-sit-down, one out of{right} of{you} and one out of{left} in to{the kingdom} of{you}."  [:22] Moreover, the Jesus, respond[ing], says, you-have_not_beheld what you-are-requesting/giving-cause-to-for-yourselves.  You-are-being-enabled to-drink the cup which I am-being-about to-be-drinking and the immerse-effect which I am-being-immersed to-be-immersed[?]"  They-are-saying to{same}, "We-are-enabled."  [:23] And he-is-saying to{same}, "On-one-hand you-will-drink the cup of{me}, and the immerse-effect which I am-being-immersed you-will-be-immersed; on-the-other-hand, the to-sit-down out of{right} of{me} and out of{left} of{me} is_not_being mine to-give; contrariwise, to{whom} it-has-been-prepared under of{the Father} of{me}."  [:24] And, hear[ing], the ten are-irritated about of{the two brothers}.  [:25] Moreover, the Jesus, call[ing]-toward-himself same, says, "You-have-beheld that the chiefs of{the nations} are-lording-down/against of{same} and the great are-exercising-authority-down/against/according-to of{same}.  [:26] Not the-same-ly, moreover, it-will-be in to{you}; contrariwise; who[singular] if-supposing may-be-will-ing in to{you[plural]} to-become great: be-being [a] servant of{you[plural]}.  [:27] And who[singular] if-supposing may-be-will-ing in to{you[plural]} to-be-being first: be-being [a] slave of{you[plural]}.  [:28] about-as the son of{the man} does_not_come to-be-served; contrariwise, to-serve and to-give the life of{same}, [a] price-of-release in-place-of of{many}.  [:29] And of{same[plural] being-gone-out} from Jericho, [a] vast crowd accompanies to{same}.  [:30] And, behold, two blind being-seated beside the way, hear[ing] that Jesus is-leading-aside, cry-out, saying, "Show-mercy-to us, Lord, son [of-]David."  [:31] Moreover, the crowd adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, in-which-place they-should-be-silent; moreover, the greater they-have-been-crying-out, saying, "Show-mercy-to us, Lord, son [of-]David."  [:32] And, stand[ing], the Jesus sounds [to] same and says, "What[?] you-are-will-ing I-may-do to{you}[?]"  [:33] They-are-saying to{same}, "Lord, in-which-place the eyes of{us} may-be-opened."  [:34] Moreover, affected-inwardly[/having-compassion], the Jesus takes-hold of{the eyes} of{same} and straightaway the eyes of{same} view-up, and they-accompany to{same}.

[Matt 21][:1] And when they-become-near into Jerusalem and come into Bethphage toward the mountain of{the olives} then the Jesus sends-off/away two disciples, [:2] saying to{same}, "Be-being-gone into the village, the down-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{you} and straightaway you-will-discover [a] donkey having-been-bound and [a] colt alongside of{same}.  Loose[ing], lead to{me}.  [:3] And if-supposing anyone may-say to{you}, 'What[?]'/anything you-will-say that the Lord is-having need of{same}; moreover, straightaway he-will-send-off/away same."  [:4] Moreover, the-same whole has-become in-which-place may-be-fulfilled the declared through of{the prophet, saying}, [:5] "Say to{the daughter} [of-]Zion, 'Behold, the king of{you} is-being-come to{you} meek and having-stepped-upon upon [a] donkey, also colt, son of{under-yoke}.'"  [:6] Moreover, the disciples be[ing]-gone and do[ing] according-as the Jesus sets-toward to{same}, [:7] they-lead the donkey and the colt, and they-place-upon up-upon of{same} the outer-garments of{same}, and he-sits-down-upon up-upon of{same}.  [:8] Moreover, the most crowd spread of{sameselves} the outer-garments in to{the way}; moreover, others have-been-cutting branches from of{the trees} and have-been-spreading in to{the way}.  [:9] Moreover, the crowds, the leading-in-front-of, and the accompanying, have-been-crying-out, saying, "Hosanna to{the son} [of-]David, having-been-well-word-ed, the being-come in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}.  Hosanna in to{the highest}."  [:10] And of{same come[ing]-into} into Jerusalem, all the city is-shaken, saying, "Who[?] is-being, the-same[?]"  [:11] Moreover, the crowds have-been-saying, "The-same is-being Jesus, the prophet, the from Nazareth of{the Galilee}."  [:12] And the Jesus comes-into into the consecrated[i.e. temple] of{the God} and casts-out all the selling and purchasing in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and overturns the tables of{the money-changers} and the seats of{the selling} the pigeons/doves.  [:13] And he-is-saying to{same}, "It-has-been-written, 'The house of{me} will-be-called house of{prayer};' moreover, you make same [a] cave of{robbers}."  [:14] And blind and lame come-toward to{same} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and he-heals same.  [:15] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes, behold[ing] the marvels which he-does and the children crying-out in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and saying, "Hosanna to{the son} [of-]David," are-irritated, [:16] and say to{same}, "You-are-hearing what[?] the-same are-saying[?]"  Moreover, the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Yes.  Not-yet-ever[?] you-know-anew that 'out of{[the] mouth} of{infants} and of{nursing} you-make-ready-for-yourself praise.'"  [:17] And, leave[ing]-behind same, he-comes-out outside of{the city} into Bethany and is-camped-out/spends-the-night there.  [:18] Moreover, of{early/morning}, upon-leading-up/anew into the city, he-hungers.  [:19] And, behold[ing] one fig-tree upon of{the way} he-comes upon same and discovers not-one[i.e. nothing] in to{same} if not leaves only, and he-is-saying to{same}, "No-longer fruit may-become out of{you} into the eon," and immediately the fig-tree is-withered.  [:20] And, behold[ing], the disciples marvel, saying, "How[?] immediately the fig-tree is-withered[?]"  [:21] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing you-may-be-having faith and may_not_be-deliberated, not only the of{the fig-tree} you-will-do; contrariwise; also-supposing to{the mountain, the-same,} you-may-say, 'Be-lifted and be-cast into the seawater,' it-will-become, [:22] and all, as-much-as supposing you-may-request/give-cause-to in to{the prayer}, believing, you-will-take/get.  [:23] And, of{same come[ing]} into the consecrated[i.e. temple], the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders of{the people} come-toward to{same}, to{teaching}, saying, "In to{about-what-such authority}[?] you-are-doing the-same and who[?] gives the authority, the-same, to{you}[?]"  [:24] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Also-I will-ask you one word, which if-supposing you-may-say to{me}, also-I will-declare to{you} in to{about-what-such authority} I-am-doing the-same.  [:25] The immersion-effect of{John}.  Whence[?] it-has-been-being, out of{heaven} or out of{men}[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] have-been-being-dialog-ized beside to{sameselves}, saying, "If-supposing we-may-say, 'Out of{heaven},' he-will-declare to{us}, 'So, through what[?] you-do_not_entrust to{same}[?];' [:26] moreover, if-supposing we-may-say, 'Out of{men},' we-are-fearing the crowd, for all are-having the John as [a] prophet."  [:27] And, respond[ing] to{the Jesus}, they-say, "We-have_not_beheld."  And same[singular] has-been-asserting to{same[plural]}, "Neither I am-saying to{you} in to{about-what-such authority} I-am-doing the-same.  [:28] Moreover, what[?] to{you} are-deeming[?]  [A] man has-been-having two offsprings and come[ing]-toward to{the first}, says, 'Offspring, be-withdrawing today.  Be-work-izing in to{the vineyard} of{me}.'  [:29] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, 'I-am_not_will-ing.'  Moreover, afterward, change[ing]-concern, he-comes-off/away-from.  [:30] And, come[ing]-toward to{the second}, says as-same-ly.  Moreover, the respond[ing] says, 'I, lord,' and does_not_come-off/away-from.  [:31] Who[?] out of{the two} does the will-effect of{the father}[?]"  They-are-saying to{same}, "The first."  The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that the [tax]collectors and the sexually-immoral are-leading-in-front-of you into the kingdom of{the God}.  [:32] For John comes toward you in to{way} of{justice} and you-do_not_entrust to{same}; moreover, the [tax]collectors and the sexually-immoral entrust to{same}; moreover, you, behold[ing], do_not_change-concern, afterward, of{the} to-entrust to{same}.  [:33] Hear another parable.  Some man having-been-being house-ruler, he-who plants [a] vineyard and places-around [a] barrier to{same}, and digs [a] trough in to{same} and house-builds [a] tower and gives/is-given-out same to{land-workers} and goes-abroad.  [:34] Moreover, when the season of{the fruits} becomes-near he-sends-off/away the slaves of{same} toward the land-workers, to-take the fruits of{same}.  [:35] And, the land-workers, take[ing] the slaves of{same}, on-one-hand flay that[one], on-the-other-hand, kill-off that[other][one], on-the-other-hand, stone-cast that[other][one].  [:36] Again he-sends-off other slaves, more-than of{the firsts} and they-do to{same} as-same-ly.  [:37] Moreover, afterward, he-sends-off toward same the son of{same}, saying, 'They-will-have-regard-for the son of{me}.'  [:38] Moreover, the land-workers, behold[ing] the son, say in to{sameselves}, 'The-same is-being the heir.  Come!, we-should-be-killing-off same and should-hold-down/against/according-to the inheritance of{same}.'  [:39] And, take[ing] same, they-cast-out outside of{the vineyard} and kill-off/away.  [:40] So, when-supposing may-come the lord of{the vineyard}, what[?] he-will-do to{the land-workers, the-there-s}[?]"  [:41] They-are-saying to{same}, "Badly he-will-destroy-off/away bad same, and he-will-give-out the vineyard to{other land-workers}, any-who will-give-off/from to{same} the fruits in to{the seasons} of{same}."  [:42] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Not-yet-ever[?] you-know-anew in to{the scriptures}, 'Stone which the house-building deem-off/away[i.e. reject], the-same is-become into head of{corner}.  Beside of{Lord} same becomes and it-is-being marvelous in to{[the] eyes} of{us}.  [:43] Through the-same I-am-saying to{you} that the kingdom of{the God} will-be-lifted from of{you} and it-will-be-given to{[a] nation doing} the fruits of{same}.  [:44] And the fall[ing] upon the stone, the-same, will-be-crushed; moreover, upon whom supposing it-may-fall will-winnow same."  [:45] And, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the Pharisees, hear[ing] the parables of{same}, know that he-is-saying about of{same}, [:46] and, seeking to-seize same, they-fear the crowds, as since-indeed they-have-been-having same, prophet. 

[Matt 22][:1] And, respond[ing], the Jesus again says to{same} in to{parables}, saying, [:2] "The kingdom of{the heavens} is-likened to{[a] man, [a] king}, he-who does weddings to{the son} of{same}.  [:3] And he-sends-off/away the slaves of{same} to-call the having-been-called into the weddings, and they-have_not_been-will-ing to-come.  [:4] Again he-sends-off other slaves, saying, 'Say to{the having-been-called}, "Behold, the breakfast/lunch of{me} I-prepare, the bulls of{me}, and the grained[i.e. grain fed] having-been-sacrificed, and all ready.  Come!, into the weddings."'  [:5] Moreover, the[plural], unconcerned, come-off/away, the, on-one-hand, into the own field, the, on-the-other-hand, into the traveling-merchandise of{same}.  [:6] the remaining, on-the-other-hand, seize[ing] the slaves of{same}, rampage and kill-off/away.  [:7] Moreover, hear[ing], the king is-angered and, dispatch[ing] the armaments of{same}, destroys-off/away the murderers, the-there-s, and inflames the city of{same}.  [:8] Then he-is-saying to{the slaves} of{same}, 'On-one-hand the wedding is-being ready; on-the-other-hand, the having-been-called have_not_been-being worthwhile.  [:9] So, be-being-gone, upon the out-through-ways of{the ways}, and as-many-as supposing you-may-discover, call into the weddings.'  [:10] And, come[ing]-out, the slaves, the-there-s, into the ways, gather-together all, as-many-as they-discover, both evil and beneficial, and the wedding is-filled of{being-lain-up/anew}.  [:11] Moreover, the king, come[ing]-into to-spectate the being-lain-up/anew, beholds there [a] man not having-been-clothed clothing of{wedding}.  [:12] And he-is-saying to{same}, 'Comrade, how[?] you-come-into here having no clothing of{wedding}[?]'  Moreover, the is-muzzled.  [:13] Then the king says to{the servants}, 'Bind[ing] feet and hands of{same}, lift same and cast-out into the darkness, the outer.' There will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth}, [:14] for many are-being called; moreover, few chosen."  [:15] Then, be[ing]-gone, the Pharisees take intention-together, which-how they-may-trap same in to{word}.  [:16] And they-are-sending-off/away to{same} the disciples of{same} alongside of{the Herodians}, saying, "Teacher, we-have-beheld that you-are-being true, and you-are-teaching the way of{the God} in to{truth}, and it-is_not_concerning to{you} about of{not-one}, for you-are_not_viewing into [the] face of{men}.  [:17] So, say to{us}, what[?] to{you} is-deeming.  It-is-being-allowed to-give [tax]assessments to{Caesar} or not[?]"  [:18] Moreover, the Jesus, know[ing] the evil of{same}, says, "What[?] you-are-trial-izing me[?]  Pretenders!  [:19] Show-upon to{me} the currency of{the [tax]assessment}."  Moreover, the[plural] carry-toward [a] denarius to{same}.  [:20] And he-is-saying to{same}, "Of{whom}[?] the same image and the writing-upon/inscription[?]"  [:21] They-are-saying to{same}, "of{Caesar}."  Then he-is-saying to{same}, "So, give-off/away the of{Caesar} to{Caesar} and the of{the God} to{the God}."  [:22] And, hear[ing], they-marvel and, let[ing]-off/away same, they-come-off/away.  [:23] In to{the-there, the day,} Sadducees come-toward to{same}, the saying to-be-being no stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection], and they-ask-upon same, [:24] saying, "Teacher, Moses says if-supposing any having no offsprings may-die-off/away, the brother of{same} shall-intermarry-upon[i.e. levirate] the woman of{same} and will-stand-up/anew[i.e. procreate] sow-effect to{the brother} of{same}.  [:25] Moreover, there-have-been-being aside to{us} seven brothers, and the first, marry[ing], deceases and, having no sow-effect, lets-off[i.e. leaves] the woman of{same} to{the brother} of{same}.  [:26] Similarly also the second and the third until of{the} seven.  [:27] Moreover, afterward of{all}, the woman dies-off/away.  [:28] So, in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}, of{which}[?] of{the seven} will-be [the] woman[?]  For all have same[feminine]."  [:29] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "You-are-being-led-astray, not having-beheld the scriptures, nor the empowerment of{the God}.  [:30] For in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}, neither they-are-marrying nor they-are-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage]; contrariwise, they-are-being as messengers of{the God} in to{heaven}.  [:31] Moreover, about of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the dead}, you-do_not_know-anew the declared to{you} under of{the God, saying}, [:32] 'I am-being the God [of-]Abraham and the God [of-]Isaac and the God [of-]Jacob.'  The God is_not_being God of{dead}; contrariwise, of{being-alive}."  [:33] And, hear[ing], the crowds have-been-being-impacted upon to{the teaching} of{same}.  [:34] Moreover, the Pharisees, hear[ing] that he-muzzles the Sadducees, gathered-together upon the same.  [:35] And one out of{same}, [a] lawyer, asks-upon, trial-izing same and saying, [:36] "Teacher, what-kind[?] great command in to{the law}[?]  [:37] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "You-will-love [the] Lord, the God of{you}, in to{whole, the heart} of{you} and in to{whole, the life} of{you} and in to{whole, the through-mind/thinking} of{you}.  [:38] Same is-being first and great command.  [:39] Moreover, second, similar to{same}, "You-will-love the nearby of{you} as yourself.  [:40] In to{the-same, the two commands} the whole law and the prophets are-hanging."  [:41] Moreover, of{the Pharisees having-been-gathered-together}, the Jesus asks-upon same, [:42] saying, "What[?] to{you} is-deeming about of{the anointed}[?]  of{whom} son he-is-being[?]  They-are-saying to{same}, "of{the} David."  [:43] He-is-saying to{same}, "So, how[?] David in to{spirit} is-calling same 'Lord,' saying, [:44] 'The Lord says to{the lord} of{me}, "Be-being-seated out of{right} of{me} until supposing I-place the hostile of{you} [a] footstool of{the feet} of{you}."'[?]  [:45] So, if David is-calling same 'Lord,' how[?] is-being son of{same}[?]"  [:46] And not-one has-been-being-enabled to-respond [a] word to{same}, nor anyone dares to-ask-upon same, not-still from of{the-there, the day}.

[Matt 23][:1] Then the Jesus speaks to{the crowds} and to{the disciples} of{same}, [:2] saying, "Upon of{the Moses seat} the scribes and the Pharisees sit-down.  [:3] So, all, as-much-as supposing they-may-say to{you} to-be-keeping, be-keeping and be-doing; moreover, according-to the works of{same} be_not_doing, for they-are-saying and they-are_not_doing.  [:4] For they-are-fettering heavy and hard-to-bear loads and are-placing-upon upon the shoulders of{the men}; moreover, to{the finger} of{same} they-are_not_will-ing to-move same.  [:5] Moreover, all the works of{same} they-are-doing toward the to-be-spectated to{the men}; moreover, they-are-broadening the phylacteries of{same} and magnifying the fringes of{the outer-garments} of{same}.  [:6] They-are-liking both the first-[re]cline-place in to{the dinners/suppers} and the first-seats in to{the synagogues}, [:7] and the greetings in to{the marketplaces} and to-be-being-called under of{the men} 'Rabbi, Rabbi.'  [:8] Moreover, you should_not_be-called 'Rabbi,' for one is-being the guide-down/against[noun] of{you}, the Anointed; moreover, all you are-being brothers.  [:9] And you-should_not_call of{you} 'father' upon of{the land}, for one is-being the father of{you}, the in to{the heavens}.  [:10] Nor you-should-be-called guide-down/against[noun], for one is-being the guide-down/against[noun] of{you}, the Anointed.  [:11] Moreover, the greater of{you} will-be [the] servant of{you}.  [:12] Moreover, any-who will-elevate sameself will-be-lowered and any-who will-lower sameself will-be-elevated.  [:13] Moreover, woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-closing the kingdom of{the heavens} in-front of{the men}, for you are_not_being-come-into, nor you-are-letting-off/away the being-come-into to-come-into.  [:14] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-eating-down the houses of{the widows} and to{reveal-before-sis[i.e. pretext]}, praying long; through the-same you-will-take/get more-excessive judge-effect/judgment.  [:15] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-leading-around the seawater and the dry to-make one toward-comer and, when-supposing he-may-become, you-are-making same more-double son of{Gehenna} of{you}.  [:16] Woe to{you}, blind way-leaders, the saying, 'Who supposing may-swear in to{the temple} it-is-being not-one[i.e. nothing]; moreover, who supposing may-swear in to{the gold} of{the temple} is-owing.'  [:17] Stupid and blind; for which[?] is-being greater, the gold or the temple, the holy-izing the gold[?]  [:18] And, who if-supposing may-swear in to{the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]} it-is-being not-one[i.e. nothing]; moreover, who supposing may-swear in to{the gift, the} up-upon of{same} is-owing.  [:19] Stupid and blind; for which[?] greater, the gift, or the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar], the holy-izing the gift[?]  [:20] So, the swear[ing] in to{the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]} is-swearing in to{same} and in to{all the} up-upon of{same}, [:21] and the swear[ing] in to{the temple} is-swearing in to{same} and in to{the house[ing]-down} same, [:22] and the swear[ing] in to{the heaven} is-swearing in to{the throne} of{the God} and in to{the being-seated} up-upon of{same}.  [:23] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-tenth-ing-off/away-from the sweet-smelling/mint and the dill and the cumin and you-let-off/away the weightier of{the law}, the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment] and the mercy and the faith.  Moreover, the-same has-been-necessitating to-do and-the-there to_not_be-letting-off/away.  [:24] Blind way-leaders, the straining the gnat moreover drinking-down the camel.  [:25] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-cleansing outwardly the of{the cup} and of{the dish}; moreover, inwardly are-brimming out of{seizure[i.e. taking from]} and of{unruliness}.  [:26] Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the within of{the cup} and of{the dish}, in-which-place also the without[i.e. outside] of{same} may-become clean.  [:27] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-aside-like-izing[i.e. resembling] to{tombs having-been-plastered/whitewashed}, some-who, on-one-hand, outwardly are-being-revealed beautiful; on-the-other-hand, inwardly are-brimming of{dead bones} and of{all uncleanness}.  [:28] The-same-ly also, on-one-hand, outwardly, you-are-being-revealed to{the men} just; on-the-other-hand, inwardly, you-are-being replete of{pretense} and of{lawlessness}.  [:29] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-house-building the tombs of{the prophets} and you-are-putting-in-order the memorials of{the just}, [:30] and you-are-saying, 'If we-have-been-being in to{the days} of{the fathers} of{us} not supposing we-have-been-being partners of{same} in to{the blood} of{the prophets},' [:31] such-as you-are-witnessing to{sameselves} that you-are-being sons of{the murder[ing]} the prophets.  [:32] And you, fulfill the measure of{the fathers} of{you}.  [:33] Serpents, begotten-effect of{vipers}, how[?] you-may-flee from of{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} of{the Gehenna}[?]  [:34] Through the-same, behold, I am-sending-off/away toward you prophets and wise and scribes, and out of{same} you-will-kill-off and you-will-crucify, and out of{same} you-will-scourge in to{the synagogues} of{you} and you-will-chase from of{city} into city, [:35] which-how may-come upon you all just blood being-poured-out upon of{the land}, from of{the blood} of{Abel the just} until of{the blood} of{Zechariah, son} of{Berechiah}, whom you-murder between of{the temple} and of{the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]}.  [:36] Amen I-am-saying to{you} the-same all will-arrive[singular] upon the generation, the-same.  [:37] Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killing-off the prophets and stone-casting the having-been-sent-off/away toward same, how-many-times I-will to-gather-together-upon the offsprings of{you}, which manner [a] hen is-gathering-together-upon the birdlings/chicks of{sameself} under the wings and you-do_not_will.  [:38] Behold, the desolate house of{you} is-let-off/away to{you}.  [:39] For I-am-saying to{you} no, you-may_not_behold me from presently until supposing you-may-say, 'Having-been-well-word-ed, the being-come in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}.'"

[Matt 24][:1] And, come[ing]-out, the Jesus has-been-being-gone from of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and the disciples of{same} come-toward to-show-upon to{same} the house-buildings of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}.  [:2] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "You-are_not_viewing all the-same[?]  Amen I-am-saying to{you}, no, [a] stone may_not_be-let-off/away-from upon stone here which, no, will_not_be-loosed-down."  [:3] Moreover, of{same being-seated} upon of{the mountain} of{the olives}, the disciples come-toward to{same} with self [i.e. in private], saying, "Say to{us} at-what-time[?] the-same will-be and what[?] the sign of{the your presence} and of{the summation} of{the eon}[?]"  [:4] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Be-viewing; no, any would-lead_you_astray, [:5] for many will-be-come upon to{the name} of{me}, saying, 'I am-being the anointed,' and will-lead-astray many.  [:6] Moreover, you-will-be-about to-be-hearing wars and what-is-heard of{wars}.  Be-seeing; do_not_be-being-perturbed.  For is-necessitating all to-become; contrariwise, not-yet is-being the completion.  [:7] For nation will-be-roused upon nation and kingdom upon kingdom, and will-be famines and plagues and tempests/shakes/quakes down/against places; [:8] moreover, all the-same origin of{travail/anguish[e.g. childbirth]}.  [:9] Then they-will-deliver you into pressure/constriction/oppression and they-will-kill-off you and you-will-be being-hated under of{all the nations} through the name of{me}.  [:10] And then many will-be-scandalized, and they-will-deliver one-another and will-hate one-another, [:11] and many false-prophets will-be-roused and will-lead-astray many.  [:12] And through the to-be-multiplied the lawlessness, the love of{the many} will-cool; [:13] moreover, the stay[ing]-under into completion, the-same will-be-saved.  [:14] And the-same, the good-message of{the kingdom} will-be-proclaimed in to{whole, the being-inhabited} into witness to{all the nations} and then will-arrive the completion.  [:15] So, when-supposing you-may-behold the abomination of{the desolate-sis[i.e. state of being desolate]}, the declared through of{Daniel the prophet}, having-stood in to{[the] holy place}, the knowing-anew: be-thinking.  [:16] Then the in to{the Judea}: be-fleeing upon the mountains.  [:17] The upon of{the building}: do_not_be-descending to-lift anything out of{the house} of{same}, [:18] and the in to{the field}: do_not_turn-upon behind to-lift the outer-garment of{same}.  [:19] Moreover, woe to{the having in belly} and to{the nursing} in to{the-there-s, the days}.  [:20] Moreover, be-praying in-which-place the flight of{you} would_not_become of{winter/bad-weather/storm}, nor to{sabbath}, [:21] for then will-be great pressure/constriction/oppression, the-which has_not_become from of{origin} of{the world} until now, nor no, may_not_become [:22] and, if the days, the-there-s, are_not_curtailed, not supposing every flesh is-saved; moreover, through the chosen, the days, the-there-s, will-be-curtailed.  [:23] Then, if-supposing any may-say to{you}, 'Behold, here the anointed,' or, 'Here,' you-should_not_believe, [:24] for false-anointeds and false-prophets will-be-roused, and they-will-give great signs and miracles such-as to-lead-astray, if able/empowered, also the chosen.  [:25] Behold, I-have-said-beforehand to{you}.  [:26] So, if-supposing they-may-say to{you}, 'Behold, he-is-being in to{the desolate},' you-should_not_come-out; 'Behold, in to{the inner-rooms},' you-should_not_believe, [:27] for about-as the lightning is-being-come-out from of{risings/[east]} and is-being-revealed until of{settings/[west]}, the-same-ly will-be also the presence of{the son} of{the man}.  [:28] For which-where if-supposing may-be-being the fall-effect[/fallen/corpse] there will-be-gathered-together the eagles.  [:29] Moreover, straightaway alongside the pressure/constriction/oppression of{the days, the-there-s} the sun will-be-darkened and the moon will_not_give the radiance of{same}, and the stars will-fall-themselves from of{the heaven}, and the empowerments of{the heavens} will-be-shaken.  [:30] And then the sign of{the son} of{the man} will-be-revealed in to{the heaven}, and then all the tribes of{the earth} will-be-striking-themselves, and they-will-see the son of{the man} being-come upon of{the clouds} of{the heaven} alongside of{empowerment} and of{much glory}.  [:31] And he-will-send-off the messengers of{same} alongside of{great trumpet sound} and they-will-be-gathering-together-upon the chosen of{same} out of{the four winds}, from of{extremities} of{heavens} until of{extremities} of{same}.  [:32] Moreover, from of{the fig-tree} learn the parable.  When-supposing already the branch of{same} may-become tender and may-be-growing-out the leaves, you-are-knowing that the summer near.  [:33] The-same-ly also when-supposing you may-behold all the-same, be-knowing that it/he-is-being near upon to{[the] entrances}.  [:34] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, no, the same generation may_not_pass-by until supposing all the-same may-become.  [:35] The heaven and the earth will-be-passed-by; moreover, the words of{me}, no, would_not_pass-by.  [:36] Moreover, about of{the day, the-there} and of{hour}, not-one has-beheld, nor the messengers of{the heavens}, if not the Father of{me} only.  [:37] Moreover, about-as the days of{the Noah} the-same-ly will-be also the presence of{the son} of{the man}.  [:38] For about-as they-have-been-being in to{the days, the} before of{the deluge}, munching and drinking, marrying and marry-izing-out[i.e. giving out/away in marriage], even-to of{which day} Noah comes-into into the ark, [:39] and they-did_not_know until the deluge comes and lifts emphatically-all; the-same-ly the presence of{the son} of{the man} will-be also.  [:40] Then two will-be in to{the field}; the one is-being-taken-along and the one is-being-let-off/away-from.  [:41] Two grinding in to{the mill}; one is-being-taken-along and one is-being-let-off/away-from.  [:42] So, be-being-awake, that you-have_not_beheld to{about-what-such hour} the Lord of{you} is-being-come.  [:43] Moreover, be-knowing the-there that if the house-ruler had-beheld to{about-what-such custody[i.e. time period]} the thief is-being-come, supposing he-is-awake and not supposing he-allows the house of{same} to-be-dug-through.  [:44] Through the-same also you, be-becoming ready, that the son of{the man} is-being-come to{which hour} you-are_not_deeming.  [:45] Consequently, who is-being the faithful slave, and prudent, whom the lord of{same} stands/sets-down upon of{the household} of{same}, of{the} to-be-giving to{same} the nourishment in to{season}.  [:46] Blessed, the slave, the-there, whom, the lord of{same}, come[ing], will-discover doing the-same-ly.  [:47] Amen I-am-saying to{you} that he-will-stand/set-down same upon to{all the undertaking-s} of{same}.  [:48] Moreover, if-supposing the bad slave, the-there, may-say in to{the heart} of{same}, "The lord of{me} is-taking-time to-come, [:49] and may-initiate to-be-beating the together-slaves; moreover, to-be-eating and to-be-drinking alongside of{the being-drunk}, [:50] the lord of{the slave, the-there} will-arrive in to{[the] day which} he-is_not_deeming-toward/anticipating and in to{[the] hour which} he-is_not_knowing, [:51] and he-will-cut/separate same and will-place the portion of{same} alongside of{the pretenders}; there will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth}."

[Matt 25][:1] "Then the kingdom of{the heavens} will-be-likened to{ten virgins} who-some, take[ing] the lamps of{same}, come-out into encounter of{the bridegroom}.  [:2] Moreover, five out of{same} have-been-being prudent and the five stupid, [:3] who-some stupid, take[ing] the lamps of{same} do_not_take alongside of{sameselves} olive-oil.  [:4] Moreover, the prudent take olive-oil in to{the containers} of{same} alongside of{the lamps} of{same}.  [:5] Moreover, of{the bridegroom taking-time}, all nod-off and have-been-lying-asleep.  [:6] Moreover, of{midst} of{night} [a] cry-out has-become, 'Behold, the bridegroom is-being-come.  Be-being-come-out into encounter of{same}.'  [:7] Then all the virgins, the-there-s, are-roused and put-in-order the lamps of{same}.  [:8] Moreover, the stupid say to{the prudent}, 'Give to{us} out of{the olive-oil} of{you}, that the lamps of{us} are-being-extinguished.'  [:9] Moreover, the prudent respond, saying, 'not-whereby may_not_suffice to{us} and to{you}.  Moreover, be-being-gone, more, toward the selling and purchase to{sameselves}.'  [:10] Moreover, of{same being-come-off/away} to-purchase, the bridegroom comes, and the ready come-into alongside of{same} into the weddings, and the door is-closed.  [:11] Moreover, afterward, also the remaining virgins are-being-come, saying, 'Lord, lord, open-up to{us}.'  [:12] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, 'Amen I-am-saying to{you}, I-have_not_beheld you.'  [:13] So, be-being-awake, that you-have_not_beheld the day nor the hour in to{which} the son of{the man} is-being-come.  [:14] For about-as [a] man, going-abroad, calls the own slaves and delivers to{same} the undertaking-s of{same}, [:15] and to{whom} on-one-hand gives five talents, to{whom} on-the-other-hand two, to{whom} on-the-other-hand one, to{each} according-to the own enablement, and straightaway goes-abroad.  [:16] Moreover, be[ing]-gone, the take[ing] the five talents work-izes in to{same} and gains another five talents.  [:17] as-same-ly also the[masculine] two gains the[plural]; also same[masculine] another two.  [:18] Moreover, the take[ing] the one, come[ing]-off/away, digs in to{the land} and conceals the silver of{the lord} of{same}.  [:19] Moreover, alongside much time the lord of{the slaves, the-there-s,} is-being-come and is-lifting-together[i.e. harmonizing] [the] account alongside of{same}.  [:20] And the take[ing] the five talents, come[ing]-toward, carries-toward another five talents, saying, 'Lord, you-deliver five talents to{me}; behold, I-gain another five talents upon to{same}.'  [:21] Moreover, the lord of{same} has-been-asserting to{same}, 'Well[adverb], slave, beneficial, and faithful, you-have-been-being faithful upon few; upon of{many} I-will-stand/set-down you.  Come-into into the joy of{the lord} of{you}.'  [:22] Moreover, also the take[ing] the two talents, come[ing]-toward, says, 'Lord, you-deliver two talents to{me}; behold, I-gain another two talents upon to{same}.'  [:23] The lord of{same} has-been-asserting to{same}, 'Well[adverb], slave, beneficial, and faithful, you-have-been-being faithful upon few; upon of{many} I-will-stand/set-down you.  Come-into into the joy of{the lord} of{you}.'  [:24] Moreover, also, the having-taken the one talent, come[ing]-toward, says, 'Lord, I-know you, that you-are-being [a] hard man, harvesting which-where you-do_not_sow, and gathering-together whence you-do_not_scatter-through [:25] and, fear[ing], come[ing]-off/away, I-conceal the talent of{you} in to{the land}; behold, you-are-having the yours.'  [:26] Moreover, respond[ing], the lord of{same} says to{same}, 'Evil slave, and reluctant, you-had-beheld that I-am-harvesting which-where I-do_not_sow, and I-am-gathering-together whence I-do_not_scatter-through.  [:27] So, it-has-been-necessitating you to-cast the silver of{me} to{the table-ers[i.e. money market]} and, come[ing], supposing I attend-ize the mine[pronoun] together-with to{interest}.  [:28] So, lift from of{same} the talent and give to{the having} the ten talents.  [:29] For to{the every having} will-be-given and will-be-exceeded; moreover, from of{the not having} also what he-is-having will-be-lifted from of{same}.  [:30] and be-casting-out the useless slave into the darkness, the outer.  There will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth}.'  [:31] Moreover, when-supposing the son of{the man} may-come in to{the glory} of{same} and all the messengers alongside of{same}, then he-will-sit-down upon of{[the] throne} of{glory} of{same}, [:32] and all the nations will-be-gathered-together in-front of{same}, and he-will-define-off/away-from[i.e. separate] same from of{one-another} about-as the shepherd is-defining-off/away-from[i.e. separating] the sheep from of{the [young]goats}.  [:33] And he-will-stand, on-one-hand, the sheep out of{right} of{same}; on-the-other-hand, the [young]goats out of{left}.  [:34] Then the king will-declare to{the} out of{right} of{same}, 'Come!, the having-been-well-word-ed of{the father} of{me}.  Inherit the kingdom having-been-prepared to{you} from of{cast-down} of{world}.  [:35] For I-hunger and you-give to{me} to-eat; I-thirst and you-drink-ize[i.e. hydrate] me; I-have-been-being stranger and you-gather-together-with me; [:36] naked and you-drape-around me; I-am-weak and you-watch-upon me; I-have-been-being in to{custody} and you-come toward me.'  [:37] Then the just will-respond to{same}, saying, 'Lord, at-what-time[?] we-behold you hungering and we-nourish or thirsting and we-drink-ize[i.e. hydrate]; [:38] moreover, at-what-time[?] we-behold you stranger and we-gather-together-with or naked and we-drape-around; [:39] moreover, at-what-time[?] we-behold you weak or in to{custody} and we-come toward you[?]'  [:40] And, respond[ing], the king will-declare to{same}, 'Amen I-am-saying to{you}, upon as-much-as you-do to{one} of{the-same, the least, the brothers} of{me}, you-do to{emphatically-me}.'  [:41] Then he-will-declare also to{the} out of{left}, 'Be-being-gone from of{emphatically-me}, the having-been-cursed, into the fire, the eternal, the having-been-prepared to{the devil/slanderer} and to{the messengers} of{same}, [:42] for I-hunger and you-do_not_give to{me} to-eat, I-thirst and you-do_not_drink-ize[i.e. hydrate] me, [:43] I-have-been-being stranger and you-do_not_gather-together-with me, naked and you-do_not_drape-around me, weak and in to{custody} and you-do_not_watch-upon me.' [:44] Then they-will-respond, and same are-saying, 'Lord, at-what-time[?] we-behold you hungering or thirsting or stranger or naked or weak or in to{custody} and we-do_not_serve to{you}[?]' [:45] Then he-will-respond to{same}, saying, 'Amen I-am-saying to{you} upon as-much-as you-do_not_do to{one} of{the-same, the least,} neither do-you-do to{emphatically-me}.'  [:46] And the-same will-be-come-off/away into eternal punishment; moreover, the just into eternal being-alive[noun]."

[Matt 26][:1] And it-becomes when the Jesus finishes all the words, the-same, he-says to{the disciples} of{same}, [:2] "You-have-beheld that, alongside two days, the passover is-being-become and the son of{the man} is-being-delivered into the to-be-crucified."  [:3] Then the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders of{the people} are-gathered-together into the courtyard of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest], the being-said "Caiaphas"}.  [:4] And they-intend-together in-which-place they-may-seize the Jesus, to{bait}, and they-may-be-killing-off.  [:5] Moreover, they-have-been-saying, "Not in to{the festival}, in-which-place no tumult may-become in to{the people}."  [:6] Moreover, of{the Jesus become[ing]} in to{Bethany}, in to{house} of{Simon the leper}, [:7] [a] woman comes-toward to{same}, having [an] alabaster-vessel of{costly ointment}, and pours-down upon the head of{same being-lain-up/anew}.  [:8] Moreover, behold[ing], the disciples of{same} are-irritated, saying, "Into what[?] the same destruction/loss-off/away[?]"  [:9] For the-same, the ointment, has-been-being-enabled to-be-liquidated-for-sale of{much} and to-be-given to{destitute}."  [:10] Moreover, know[ing], the Jesus says to{same} "What[?] you-are-having-aside/presenting toil to{the woman}[?]  For she-work-izes [a] good work into emphatically-me.  [:11] For always you-are-having the destitute alongside of{sameselves}; moreover, you-are_not_having emphatically-me always.  [:12] For the-same cast[ing] the ointment, the-same, upon of{the body} of{me} she-does toward the to-en-funeral-ize me.  [:13] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, which-where if-supposing the good-message may-be-proclaimed in to{[the] whole, the world}, the-same will-be-spoken, also, which the-same[feminine] does, into remembrance of{same[feminine]}."  [:14] Then one of{the twelve}, the being-said "Judas Iscariot," be[ing]-gone toward the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests], [:15] says, "What[?] you-are-will-ing to-give to{me}, and-I will-deliver to{you} same[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] stand to{same} thirty silvers.  [:16] And from then he-has-been-seeking good-season/opportunity in-which-place he-may-deliver same.  [:17] Moreover, to{the first} of{the unleavened} the disciples come-toward to{the Jesus}, saying to{same}, "Where[?] you-are-will-ing we-may-prepare to{you} to-eat the passover[?]"  [:18] Moreover, the says, "Be-withdrawing into the city toward the somebody and say to{same}, 'The teacher is-saying, "The season of{me} is-being near toward you; I-am-doing the passover alongside of{the disciples} of{me}."'"  [:19] And the disciples do as the Jesus sets-together to{same}, and they-prepare the passover.  [:20] Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, he-has-been-being-lain-up/anew alongside of{the twelve}, [:21] and of{same eating} says, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that one out of{you} will-deliver me."  [:22] And, vehemently grieved, they-initiate to-be-saying to{same[singular]}, each of{same[plural]}, "Not-what[?] I am-being, Lord[?]."  [:23] Moreover, the respond[ing] says, "The dip[ing]-in the hand alongside of{emphatically-me} in to{the bowl}, the-same will-deliver me.  [:24] On-one-hand, the son of{the man} is-withdrawing according-as it-has-been-written about of{same}; on-the-other-hand, woe to{the man, the-there} through of{whom} the son of{the man} is-being-delivered.  It-has-been-being good to{same} if the man, the-there, is_not_begotten."  [:25] Moreover, respond[ing], Judas, the delivering same, says, "Not-what[?] I am-being, Rabbi[?]"  He-is-saying to{same}, "You say[verb indicative, not imperative]."  [:26] Moreover, of{same eating}, the Jesus take[ing] the bread and well-word[ing], breaks and, give[ing] to{the disciples}, says, "Take and eat; the-same is-being the body of{me}."  [:27] And take[ing] the cup and well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, gives to{same}, saying, "All, drink out of{same}, [:28] for the-same is-being the blood of{me}, the of{the new through-placement/disposition/covenant}, the about of{many}, being-poured-out into let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins}.  [:29] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that, no, I-may_not_drink from, presently, out of{the-same, the begotten-effect} of{the vine} until of{the day, the-there,} when-supposing I-may-be-drinking same alongside of{you} new in to{the kingdom} of{the father} of{me}."  [:30] And, sing[ing][a]hymn, they-come-out into the mountain of{the olives}.  [:31] Then the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "All you will-be-scandalized in to{emphatically-me} in to{the night, the-same}, for it-has-been-written, 'I-will-smite the shepherd, and the sheep of{the flock} will-be-scattered-through.'  [:32] Moreover, alongside the to-be-roused me, I-will-lead-in-front-of you into the Galilee."  [:33] Moreover, respond[ing], the Peter says to{same}, "If all will-be-scandalized in to{you}, I not-yet-ever will-be-scandalized."  [:34] The Jesus has-been-asserting to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that in to{the-same, the night} prior to-sound [the] rooster, thrice you-will-deny-off/away-from me."  [:35] The Peter is-saying to{same}, "Also-supposing it-may-necessitate me, together-with to{you} to-die-off/away-from, no, I-will_not_deny-off/away-from you."  Moreover, similarly also all the disciples say.  [:36] Then the Jesus is-being-come alongside of{same} into [the] area being-said "Gethsemane," and he-is-saying to{the disciples}, "Sit-down of{same} until of{which}, come[ing]-off/away-from, I-may-pray there."  [:37] And, take[ing]-aside the Peter and the two sons of{Zebedee}, he-initiates to-be-being-grieved and to-be-being-dismayed.  [:38] Then he-is-saying to{same}, "The life of{me} is-being about-grief until of{death}.  Stay here and be-being-awake alongside of{emphatically-me}."  [:39] And, come[ing]-toward [a] little, he-falls upon [the] face of{same}, praying, and saying, "Father of{me}, if it-is-being able, [it:] pass-by from of{emphatically-me} the cup, the-same; more-ly, not as I am-will-ing; contrariwise, as you."  [:40] And he-is-being-come toward the disciples and is-discovering same lying-asleep, and he-is-saying to{the Peter}, "The-same-ly you-do_not_have-strength one hour to-be-awake alongside of{emphatically-me}[?]  [:41] Be-being-awake and be-praying in-which-place you-should_not_come-into into trial; on-one-hand the spirit pre-desire; on-the-other-hand the flesh weak."  [:42] Again, come[ing]-off/away-from out of{second} he-prays, saying, "Father of{me}, if it-is_not_being-enabled, the-same, the cup to-pass-by from of{emphatically-me}, if-supposing I-may_not_drink same, the will-effect of{you}: be-become."  [:43] And, come[ing] again, he-discovers same lying-asleep, for the eyes of{same} have-been-being having-been-weighted.  [:44] And, let[ing]-off/away same, come[ing]-off/away again, he-prays out of{third}, say[ing] the same word.  [:45] Then he-is-being-come toward the disciples of{same} and is-saying to{same}, "You-are-lying-asleep, the remaining, and you-are-quitting-anew/resting.  Behold, the hour has-become-near and the son of{the man} is-being-delivered into [the] hands of{sinful}.  [:46] Be-being-roused.  We-may-be-going.  Behold, the delivering me has-become-near."  [:47] And still of{same speaking}, behold, Judas, one of{the twelve}, comes, and alongside of{same} [a] vast crowd alongside of{knives} and of{wood[en-clubs]} from of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{elders} of{the people}.  [:48] Moreover, the delivering same gives to{same} [a] sign, saying, "Whom supposing I-may-be-fond-of, same is-being.  Seize same."  [:49] And, straightaway, come[ing]-toward to{the Jesus}, says, "be-joying, Rabbi," and fonds-down/against same.  [:50] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Comrade, upon to{which} you-are-being-present[?]"  Then, come[ing]-toward, they-upon-cast the hands upon the Jesus and they-seize same.  [:51] And, behold, one of{the} alongside of{Jesus}, stretch[ing]-out the hand, draws-off the knife of{same} and, smite[ing] the slave of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}, lifts-off/away-from of{same} the earlet.  [:52] Then the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Turn-off/away-from of{you} the knife into the place of{same}, for all, the take[ing] knife, in to{knife} will-perish-off/away.  [:53] Or you-are-deeming that I-am_not_enabled presently to-call-aside the Father of{me} and he-will-stand-beside to{me} greater than twelve legions of{messengers}[?]  [:54] So, how[?] may-be-fulfilled the scriptures that the-same-ly it-is-necessitating to-be-become[?]  [:55] In to{the-there, the hour}, the Jesus says to{the crowds}, "As upon [a] robber you-come-out alongside of{knives} and of{wood[en-clubs]} to-together-take me.  According-to day I-have-been-being-seat-ized, teaching toward you in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and you-do_not_seize me.  [:56] Moreover, the-same whole has-become in-which-place the scriptures of{the prophets} may-be-fulfilled."  Then all the disciples, let[ing]-off/away, flee same.  [:57] Moreover, the seize[ing] the Jesus lead-off/away toward Caiaphas, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest], which-where the scribes and the elders are-gathered-together.  [:58] Moreover, the Peter has-been-accompanying to{same} from afar until of{the courtyard} of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} and, come[ing]-into within, he-has-been-being-seated alongside of{the subordinates} to-behold the completion.  [:59] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders and the whole council have-been-seeking false-witness against of{the Jesus}, which-how they-may-put-to-death same, [:60] and they-do_not_discover, and of{many false-witnesses come[ing]-toward}, they-do_not_discover; moreover, afterward, two false-witnesses come[ing]-toward [:61] say, "The-same has-been-asserting, 'I-am-enabled to-loose-down the temple of{the God} and through of{three days} to-house-build same.'"  [:62] And, stand[ing]-up, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] says to{same}, "Not-one[i.e. nothing] you-are-responding,/; what[?] the-same[plural] are-witnessing-against of{you}[?]  [:63] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-being-silent and, respond[ing], the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] says to{same}, "I-out-oath-ize you down/against/according-to of{the God, the being-alive}, in-which-place to{us} you-should-say if you are-being the anointed, the son of{the God}."  [:64] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "You say[verb indicative, not imperative].  More-ly, I-am-saying to{you}, from presently you-will-see the son of{the man} being-seated out of{right[hand]s} of{the empowerment} and being-come upon of{the clouds} of{the heaven}."  [:65] Then the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] tears-through the outer-garments of{same}, saying that, "He-asserts-evil.  Still what[?] need we-are-having of{witnesses}[?]  Behold, now you-hear the evil-assertion of{same}.  [:66] What[?] to{you} is-deeming[?]"  Moreover, the respond[ing] say, "He-is-being liable of{death}."  [:67] Then they-spit-in into the face of{same} and they-buffet-ize same.  Moreover, the[plural] slap-ize, [:68] saying, "Prophesy to{us}, anointed, who[?] is-being the strike[ing] you[?]"  [:69] Moreover, the Peter outside has-been-being-seated in to{the courtyard}, and one girlie comes-toward to{same}, saying, "Also you have-been-being alongside of{Jesus the Galilean}."  [:70] Moreover, the denies in-front of{all}, saying, "I-have_not_beheld[;] what[?] you-are-saying[?]"  [:71] Moreover, come[ing]-out, same, into the gateway, another beholds same and she-is-saying, to{[the] same[plural]} there, "Also the-same has-been-being alongside of{Jesus the Nazarene}."  [:72] And again he-denies alongside of{oath} that "I-have_not_beheld the man."  [:73] Moreover, alongside [a] little, come[ing]-toward, the[plural], having-stood, say to{the Peter}, "Truly also you are-being out of{same}, for also the speech of{you} is-making you evident."  [:74] Then he-initiates to-be-cursing-down/against and to-be-swearing that "I-have_not_beheld the man," and straightaway [the] rooster sounds.  [:75] And the Peter is-reminded of{the declaration} of{the Jesus} of{having-declared} to{same} that "prior to-sound [the] rooster, thrice you-will-deny-off/away-from me" and, come[ing]-out outside, he-weeps bitterly.

[Matt 27][:1] Moreover, of{early/morning become[ing]}, all the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders of{the people} take intention-together down/against of{the Jesus} such-as to-put-to-death same.  [:2] And, bind[ing] same, they-lead-off/away and deliver same to{Pontius Pilate, the governor}.  [:3] Then, Judas, the delivering same, behold[ing] that he-is-judged-against, chang[ing]-concern, turns-off/away the thirty silvers to{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and to{the elders}, [:4] saying, "I-sin, deliver[ing] innocent blood."  Moreover, the[plural] say, "What[?] you will-see toward us[?]"  [:5] And, toss[ing] the silvers in to{the temple} he-separates-anew and, come[ing]-off/away, he-strangles-self.  [:6] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests], take[ing] the silvers, say, "It-is_not_being-allowed to-cast same into the corbanan[Hebrew]/votive-offering-treasury since is-being value of{blood}."  [:7] Moreover, take[ing] intention-together, they-purchase out of{same} the field of{the potter} into burial to{the foreigners/strangers}, [:8] through-which the field, the-there, is-called "field of{blood}" until of{the} today.  [:9] Then the declared through of{Jeremiah the prophet} is-fulfilled, of{saying}, "And they-take the thirty silvers, the value of{the having-been-valued}, whom they-value-such-as-to-be-valued from of{[the] sons} [of-]Israel, [:10] and they-give same into the field of{the potter} according-which [the] Lord sets-together to{me}."  [:11] Moreover, the Jesus stands in-front of{the governor}, and the governor asks-upon same, saying, "You are-being the king of{the Judeans}[?]"  Moreover, the Jesus has-been-asserting to{same}, "You are-saying."  [:12] And in to{the} to-be-being-accused same under of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{the elders} not-one[i.e. nothing] he-responds.  [:13] Then the Pilate is-saying to{same}, "You-are_not_hearing how-many/much they-are-witnessing-against of{you}[?]"  [:14] And he-does_not_respond to{same}, toward not-moreover one declaration, such-as to-be-marveling the governor extremely.  [:15] Moreover, according-to [the] festival the governor had-been-accustomed to-be-loosing-off/away to{the crowd} one bound[noun] whom they-have-been-will-ing.  [:16] Moreover then, they-have-been-having upon-noted bound[noun], being-said "bar-Abbas."  [:17] So, having-gathered-together of{same}, the Pilate says to{same}, "Whom[?] you-are-will-ing I-should-loose-off/away to{you}, bar-Abbas, or Jesus, the being-said 'anointed'[?]"  [:18] For he-had-beheld that through jealousy they-deliver same.  [:19] Moreover, of{being-seated} of{same} upon of{the step} the woman of{same} sends-off/away toward same, saying, "Nothing to{you} and to{the just, the-there}, for I-agonize much today with dream through same."  [:20] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders persuade the crowds in-which-place they-would-request/give-cause-to-for-themselves the bar-Abbas; moreover, they-should-destroy-off/away the Jesus.  [:21] Moreover, respond[ing], the governor says to{same}, "Who[?] you-are-will-ing from of{the two} I-may-loose-off to{you}[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] say, "Bar-Abbas."  [:22] The Pilate is-saying to{same}, "So, what[?] I-will-be-doing [to] Jesus, the being-said "anointed"[?]  All are-saying to{same}, "[he:] Be-crucified."  [:23] Moreover, the governor has-been-asserting, "For what[?] bad he-does[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] have-been-crying-out exceedingly, saying, "[he:] Be-crucified."  [:24] Moreover, the Pilate behold[ing] that he-is-profiting not-one[i.e. nothing]; contrariwise, more tumult is-being-become, take[ing] water, he-washes-off the hands from-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{the crowd}, saying, "I-am-being innocent from of{the blood} of{the just, the-same}.  You will-see."  [:25] And, respond[ing], every, the people, says, "The blood of{same} upon us and upon the offsprings of{us}."  [:26] Then he-looses-off/away to{same} the bar-Abbas; moreover, whip[ing] the Jesus, he-delivers in-which-place he-may-be-crucified.  [:27] Then the soldiers of{the governor}, take[ing]-aside the Jesus into the praetorium[Latin], gathered-together upon same the whole [military]company.  [:28] And, out-clothe[ing]/disrobe[ing] same, they-place-around to{same} [a] scarlet cloak.  [:29] And, weave[ing] [a] garland/crown out of{thorn-bushes}, they-place-upon upon the head of{same}, also [a] reed/staff upon the right[hand] of{same} and, knee-fall[ing] in-front of{same}, they-have-been-infantilizing to{same}, saying, "be-joying, the king of{the Judeans}."  [:30] And, spit[ing]-in into same, they-take the reed/staff and have-been-beating into the head of{same}.  [:31] And when they-infantilize to{same}, they-strip same [of] the mantle and they-clothe same [in] the outer-garments of{same}, and they-lead-off/away same into the to-crucify.  [:32] Moreover, being-come-out, they-discover [a] Cyrene man, "Simon" to{name}.  They-conscript the-same in-which-place he-would-lift the cross of{same}.  [:33] And come[ing] into [the] place being-said "Golgotha," which is-being being-said "place of{skull}," [:34] they-give to{same} to-drink vinegar alongside of{gall/bile}, having-been-mixed and, taste[ing] he-has_not_been-will-ing to-drink.  [:35] Moreover, crucify[ing] same, they-part/divide-through-themselves the outer-garments of{same}, casting lot.  [:36] And, being-seated, they-have-been-keeping same there.  [:37] And they-place-upon up-upon of{the head} of{same} the cause of{same}, having-been-written, "The-same is-being Jesus, the king of{the Judeans}."  [:38] Then two robbers are-being-crucified together-with to{same}, one out of{right} and one out of{left}.  [:39] Moreover, the[plural] being-gone-aside have-been-asserting-evil [toward] same, moving the heads of{same}, [:40] and saying, "The loosing-down the temple and in to{three days} house-building, save yourself; if you-are-being son of{the God}, descend off/from of{the cross}"  [:41] Moreover, similarly also the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests], infantilizing alongside of{the scribes} and of{[the] elders} and of{[the] Pharisees} have-been-saying, [:42] "He-saves others; he-is_not_empowered to-save sameself.  If he-is-being king [of-]Israel, [he:] descend now from of{the cross} and we-will-believe upon to{same}.  [:43] He-has-been-confident upon the God; [he:] rescue same now if he-is-will-ing same, for he-says that 'I-am-being son of{God}."  [:44] Moreover, the same, also the robbers, the together-crucified to{same}, have-been-reproach-ize-ing same.  [:45] Moreover, from of{sixth hour} darkness becomes upon all the land until of{ninth hour}.  [:46] Moreover, around the ninth hour the Jesus cries-up to{great sound}, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani."  The-same is-being "God of{me}, God of{me}, in-which-place what[?] you-in-down/against-leave/leave-behind me[?]"  [:47] Moreover, some of{the having-stood} there, hear[ing], have-been-saying that "the-same is-sounding Elijah."  [:48] And straightaway, hurry[ing], one out of{same}, and take[ing] [a] sponge, both fill[ing] of{vinegar} and place[ing]-around to{reed/staff}, has-been-drink-izing same.  [:49] Moreover, the remaining have-been-saying, "Let-off/away-from; we-may-behold if Elijah is-being-come, will-save[ing] same.  [:50] Moreover, the Jesus, again cry[ing]-out to{great sound} lets-off/away-from the spirit/breath.  [:51] And behold, the spread-out-against-effect/curtain of{the temple} is-split into two from up-place-ly until down, and the land is-shaken and the rock-masses are-split, [:52] and the memorials are-opened-up, and many bodies of{the holy having-been-slept} are-roused [:53] and, come[ing]-out out of{the memorials} alongside the roused[noun] of{same}, they-come-into into the holy city and are-revealed-ized-in to{many}.  [:54] Moreover, the centurion and the alongside of{same} keeping[i.e. watching over] the Jesus, behold[ing] the shake/quake and the become[ing]s, fear vehemently, saying, "Truly the-same has-been-being son of{God}."  [:55] Moreover, many women have-been-being there from afar, observing, some-who accompany to{the Jesus} from of{the Galilee}, serving to{same}, [:56] in to{whom} has-been-being Mary, the Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of{the James} and of{Joses}, and the mother of{the sons} of{Zebedee}.  [:57] Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, [a] rich man from of{Arimathea} of{the-name} Joseph comes, who also, same, disciples[verb] to{the Jesus}.  [:58] The-same, come[ing]-toward to{the Pilate} requests/gives-cause-to-for-himself the body of{the Jesus}.  Then the Pilate orders the body to-be-given-from.  [:59] And, take[ing] the body, the Joseph envelops same to{clean linen}, [:60] and places same in to{the new memorial} of{same}, which he-hews in to{the rock-mass} and, toward-roll[ing] [a] large stone to{the entrance} of{the memorial}, he-comes-off/away.  [:61] Moreover, Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary, has-been-being there being-seated from-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{the tomb}.  [:62] Moreover, to{the} upon-the-next-day, which-what is-being alongside the preparation, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the Pharisees are-gathered-together toward Pilate, [:63] saying, "Lord, we-remember that the astray, the-there, says, still being-alive, 'Alongside three days I-am-being-roused.'  [:64] So, order to-be-secured the tomb until of{the third day}, not-whereby the disciples of{same}, come[ing] of{night}, may-steal same and may-say to{the people}, 'He-is-roused from of{the dead},' and the last straying[noun] will-be worse of{the first}."  [:65] Moreover, the Pilate has-been-asserting to{same}, you-are-having custodia[Latin]/garrison/guard.  Be-withdrawing; secure-such-as-to-be-secured as you-have-beheld.  [:66] Moreover, the be[ing]-gone secure-such-as-to-be-secured the tomb, affix[ing]-with-seal the stone alongside of{the custodia[Latin]/garrison/guard}.

[Matt 28][:1] Moreover, late of{sabbaths}, to{the upon-luminating[i.e. dawn]} into one of{sabbaths}, Mary the Magdalene and the other Mary come to-observe the tomb.  [:2] And, behold, [a] large shake/quake becomes, for [a/the] messenger of{Lord}, descend[ing] out of{heaven}, come[ing]-toward, rolls-off/away the stone from of{the entrance} and has-been-being-seated up-upon of{same}.  [:3] Moreover, the beholding[noun] of{same} has-been-being as lightning and the clothing of{same} white/bright as-if snow.  [:4] Moreover, from of{the fear} of{same} the keeping[i.e. watching over] are-shaken/quaked and become as-if dead.  [:5] Moreover, the messenger, respond[ing], says to{the women}, "You: do_not_be-fearing, for I-have-beheld that you-are-seeking Jesus, the having-been-crucified.  [:6] He-is_not_being here, for he-is-roused according-as he-says.  Come!, behold the place which-where the Lord has-been-lain, [:7] and, speedily be[ing]-gone, say to{the disciples} of{same} that he-is-roused from of{the dead} and, behold, he-is-leading-before you into the Galilee.  There you-will-see same.  Behold, I-say to{you}."  [:8] And, come[ing]-out speedily from of{the memorial} alongside of{fear} and of{great joy} they-hurry to-message-off/away to{the disciples} of{same}.  [:9] Moreover, as they-have-been-being-gone to-message-off/away to{the disciples} of{same}, also, behold, the Jesus encounters to{same}, saying, "be-joying."  Moreover, the[plural], come[ing]-toward, seize the feet of{same}, and they-worship to{same}.  [:10] Then the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Do_not_be-fearing.  Be-withdrawing.  Message-off to{the brothers} of{me} in-which-place they-may-come-off/away into the Galilee, and there they-will-see me.  [:11] Moreover, of{same being-gone}, behold, some of{the custodia[Latin]/garrison/guard}, come[ing] into the city, message-off to{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} emphatically-all the become[ing].  [:12] And, gathered-together alongside of{the elders}, besides hold[ing] together-intention, they-give sufficient silvers to{the soldiers}, [:13] saying, "Say that the disciples of{same}, come[ing] of{night}, steal same, of{our sleeping}, [:14] and if-supposing the-same may-be-heard upon of{the governor}, we will-persuade same and we-will-make you without-worry."  [:15] Moreover, the[plural], take[ing] the silvers, do as they-are-instructed and through-assert-ize[i.e. spread] the word, the-same, aside to{Judeans} up-to of{the} today.  [:16] Moreover, the eleven disciples are-gone into the Galilee, into the mountain of{which} the Jesus sets/is-set to{same}.  [:17] And, behold[ing] same, they-worship to{same}; moreover, the[plural] two-stand.  [:18] And, come[ing]-toward, the Jesus speaks to{same}, saying, "All authority in to{heaven} and upon of{earth} is-given to{me}.  [:19] So, be[ing]-gone, disciple all the nations, immersing same into the name of{the Father} and of{the Son} and of{the Holy Spirit}, [:20] teaching same to-be-keeping all, as-much-as I-command to{you} and, behold, I am-being alongside of{you} all the days until of{the summation} of{the eon}.  Amen."

Good-message according-to Mark

[Mark 1][:1] [The] origin of{the good-message} of{Jesus anointed, son} of{the God}, [:2] as has-been-written in to{the prophets}, "Behold, I am-sending the messenger of{me} before of{[the] face} of{you} who will-equip-ize/furnish the way of{you} in-front of{you}.  [:3] [The] sound of{crying} in to{the desolate}; prepare the way of{[the] Lord}, be-making straight the paths of{same}."  [:4] John becomes immersing in to{the desolate} and proclaiming immerse-effect of{change-of-mind/thinking} into let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins}.  [:5] And all the Judea region and the Jerusalemites has-been-being-gone-out toward same, and all have-been-being-immersed in to{the Jordan River} under of{same}, acknowledging-out the sins of{same}.  [:6] Moreover, John has-been-being having-been-clothed [in] hairs of{camel} and belt of{leather} around the loin of{same} and eating locusts and wild honey.  [:7] And he-has-been-proclaiming, saying, "The stronger of{me} is-being-come behind of{me}, of{whom} I-am_not_being sufficient, stoop[ing] to-loose the strap of{the footwear} of{same}.  [:8] I on-one-hand immerse you in to{water}; on-the-other-hand same will-immerse you in to{Holy Spirit}."  [:9] And, it-becomes in to{the-there-s, the days} Jesus from Nazareth of{the Galilee} comes and is-immersed under of{John} into the Jordan.  [:10] And straightaway, ascending from of{the water} he-beholds the heavens being-split and the Spirit as-if [a] pigeon/dove descending upon same, [:11] and [a] sound becomes out of{the heavens}, "You are-being the son of{me}, the beloved, in to{whom} I-well-deem."  [:12] And straightaway the Spirit is-casting-out same into the desolate, [:13] and he-has-been-being in to{the desolate} forty days, being-trial-ized under of{the Satan/adversary}, and he-has-been-being alongside of{the [wild]animals} and the messengers have-been-serving to{same}.  [:14] Moreover, alongside the to-be-delivered, the John, the Jesus comes into the Galilee, proclaiming the good-message of{the kingdom} of{the God}, [:15] and saying that "the season has-been-fulfilled and the Kingdom of{the God} has-become-near.  Be-changing-minds/thinking and be-believing/entrusting in to{the good-message}.  [:16] Moreover, walking-around beside the seawater of{the Galilee} he-beholds Simon, and Andrew, the brother of{same}, casting [a] surround-cast[i.e. broad net] in to{the seawater}, for they-have-been-being fishers.  [:17] And the Jesus says to{same}, "Come!, behind of{me}, and I-will-make you to-become fishers of{men}."  [:18] And straightaway, let[ing]-off/away-from the nets, they-accompany to{same}.  [:19] And, ahead-step[ing] thence [a] few, he-beholds James, the of{the Zebedee} and John, the brother of{same}, also same in to{the boat}, making-ready the nets.  [:20] And straightaway he-calls same and, let[ing]-off/away the father of{same}, Zebedee, in to{the boat} alongside of{the hireds}, they-come-off/away behind of{same}.  [:21] And they-are-being-gone-into into Capernaum, and straightaway to{the sabbaths}, come[ing]-into into the synagogue, he-has-been-teaching.  [:22] And they-have-been-being-impacted upon to{the teaching} of{same}, for he-has-been-being teaching same as having authority and not as the scribes.  [:23] And there-has-been-being in to{the synagogue} of{same} [a] man in to{unclean spirit}, and he-cries-out-up/anew, [:24] saying, "Ah!, what[?] to{us} and to{you}, Jesus, Nazarene[?]  You-come to-destroy-off/away us[?]  I-have-beheld you who is-being the holy of{the God}.  [:25] And the Jesus adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, saying, "Be-muzzled and come-out out of{same}."  [:26] And, the spirit, the unclean, convulse[ing] same, and cry[ing]-out to{great sound}, comes-out out of{same}.  [:27] And all are-amazed, such-as to-be-seeking-together toward sameselves, saying, "What[?] is-being the-same[?]  Who[?], the teaching, the new, that according-to authority and to{the spirits, the unclean} he-is-setting-upon, and they-are-harkening-under to{same}[?]"  [:28] And the what-is-heard of{same} straightaway comes-out into the whole region-around of{the Galilee}.  [:29] And, straightaway come[ing]-out out of{the synagogue}, they-come into the house of{Simon} and of{Andrew} alongside of{James} and of{John}.  [:30] Moreover, the mother-in-law of{Simon} has-been-being-lain-down having-fever, and straightaway they-are-saying to{same} about of{same}.  [:31] And, come[ing]-toward, he-rouses same, seize[ing] of{the hand} of{same}, and the fever straightaway lets-off/away-from same, and she-has-been-serving to{same}.  [:32] Moreover, of{late/evening become[ing]}, when the sun sinks, they-have-been-carrying toward same all the having unwell and the being-demonized, [:33] and the whole city has-been-being having-been-gathered-together-upon toward the entrance, [:34] and he-heals many unwell having to{various diseases} and he-casts-out many demon-ias, and he-has_not_been-letting-off the demon-ias to-be-speaking, that they-had-beheld same to-be-being the anointed.  [:35] And very early/morning in-night, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-comes-out and comes-off/away into [a] desolate place, and-there he-has-been-praying.  [:36] And the Simon and the alongside of{same} chase-down same [:37] and, discover[ing] same, they-are-saying to{same} that "all are-seeking you."  [:38] And he-is-saying to{same}, "We-may-be-leading into the being-had village-cities in-which-place also-there I-may-proclaim, for into the-same I-have-come-out."  [:39] And he-has-been-being proclaiming in to{the synagogues} of{same} into the whole Galilee, and casting-out the demon-ias.  [:40] And leprous is-being-come toward, calling-aside same and knee-falling same, and saying to{same} that "if-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, you-are-being-empowered to-purge/cleanse me."  [:41] Moreover, the Jesus, affected-inwardly[/having-compassion], stretch[ing]-out the hand, takes-hold of{same} and is-saying to{same}, "I-am-will-ing.  Be-purged/cleansed."  [:42] And, of-say[ing] of{same}, straightaway the leprosy comes-off/away from of{same} and he-is-purged/cleansed.  [:43] And, expressing-emotion to{same}, straightaway he-casts-out same, [:44] and is-saying to{same}, "Be-seeing, to{no-one} nothing you-may-say; contrariwise, be-withdrawing.  Show yourself to{the consecrated[i.e. priest]} and carry-toward about of{the purging/cleansing} of{you} which Moses sets-toward into witness to{same}."  [:45] Moreover, the come[ing]-out initiates to-be-proclaiming much and is-through-assert-izing[i.e. spreading] the word, such-as no-still to-be-enabling same to-come-into into [the] city revealingly; contrariwise, he-has-been-being outside in to{desolate places}, and they-have-been-being-come toward same from-everywhere.

[Mark 2][:1] And again he-comes-into into Capernaum through of{days} and it-is-heard that he-is-being into [a] house.  [:2] And straightaway many are-gathered-together such-as no-still to-be-making-space, nor-moreover the toward the door, and he-has-been-speaking to{same} the word.  [:3] And they-are-being-come toward same, carrying [one] paralyzed, being-lifted under of{four}.  [:4] And not being-enabled to-become-near-toward to{same} through the crowd, they-off-roof-ize the roof which-where he-has-been-being and, excavate[ing], are-loosening/lowering the pallet/bed upon to{which} the paralyzed has-been-being-lain-down.  [:5] Moreover, the Jesus, behold[ing] the faith of{same[plural]}, is-saying to{the paralyzed}, "Offspring, the sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away to{you}."  [:6] Moreover, there-have-been-being some of{the scribes} being-seated there and being-dialog-ized in to{the hearts} of{same}, [:7] "What[?], the-same, the-same-ly, is-speaking evil-assertions.  Who[?] is-enabled to-let-off/away sins if not one, the God[?]"  [:8] And the Jesus straightaway know[ing]-upon to{the Spirit} of{same} that the-same-ly same[plural] are-being-dialog-ized in to{sameselves}, he-says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-being-dialog-ized the-same in to{the hearts} of{you}[?]  [:9] What[?] is-being easier to-say to{the paralyzed}, 'The sins have-been-let-off/away to{you},' or to-say, 'Rouse-yourself and lift the pallet/bed of{you} and be-walking-around'[?]  [:10] Moreover, in-which-place you-should-have-beheld that the son of{the man} is-having authority upon of{the earth} to-be-letting-off/away sins," he-is-saying to{the paralyzed}, [:11] "I-am-saying to{you}, rouse-yourself and lift the pallet/bed of{you}, and be-withdrawing into the house of{you}."  [:12] And he-is-roused and, straightaway, lift[ing] the pallet/bed, he-comes-out in-in-place-ly[/opposite/facing] of{all} such-as to-astound/be-astounded all and to-be-glorifying the God, saying that "not-yet-ever the-same-ly we-behold."  [:13] And he-comes-out again beside the seawater and all the crowd has-been-being-come toward same, and he-has-been-teaching same.  [:14] And, leading-beside, he-beholds Levi, the of{the Alphaeus}, being-seated upon the [tax]collection[place], and he-is-saying to{same}, "Be-accompanying to{me}," and, stand[ing]-up, he-accompanies to{same}.  [:15] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-lain-down same in to{the house} of{same} also many [tax]collectors and sinful have-been-being-lain-up/anew-together to{the Jesus} and to{the disciples} of{same}, for there-have-been-being many, and they-accompany to{same}.  [:16] And the scribes and the Pharisees, behold[ing] same eating alongside of{the [tax]collectors} and of{sinful} have-been-saying to{the disciples} of{same}, "What[?], that alongside of{the [tax]collectors} and of{sinful} he-is-eating and he-is-drinking."  [:17] And, the Jesus, hear[ing], is-saying to{same}, "The having-strength are_not_having need of{[a] physician}; contrariwise, the having unwell.  I-do_not_come to-call just; contrariwise, sinful, into change-of-mind/thinking."  [:18] And the disciples of{John} and the of{the Pharisees} have-been-being fasting and they-are-being-come, and they-are-saying to{same}, "Through what[?] the disciples of{John} and the of{the Pharisees} are-fasting; moreover, the disciples to{you} are_not_fasting[?]"  [:19] And the Jesus says to{same}, "The sons of{the bridechamber}, in to{which} the bridegroom is-being alongside of{same}, cannot be-being-enabled to-be-fasting; as-much_time_as they-are-having the bridegroom alongside of{sameselves} they-are_not_being-enabled to-be-fasting.  [:20] Moreover, days will-be-come when-supposing the bridegroom may-be-lifted-from from of{same}, and then they-will-fast, in to{the-there-s, the days}.  [:21] And not-one is-sewing [an] upon-cast-effect of{not-fulled cloth-piece} upon to{old outer-garment} moreover if not the full-effect of{same} is-lifting the new of{the old} and [a] worse split-effect is-being-become.  [:22] And not-one is-casting fresh wine into old leathern-bags moreover if not the wine, the fresh, is-tearing the leathern-bags and the wine is-being-poured-out, and the leathern-bags will-perish-off/away; contrariwise, fresh wine into new, cast-able leathern-bags."  [:23] And it-becomes to-be-being-gone-aside same in to{the sabbaths} through of{the sown}, and the disciples of{same} initiate to-be-making [a] way to-be-plucking the heads-of-grain.  [:24] And the Pharisees have-been-saying to{same}, "Behold, what[?] they-are-doing in to{the sabbaths}, which is_not_being-allowed."  [:25] And same[singular] has-been-saying to{same}, "Not-yet-ever you-know-anew what[?] David does when he-has need and same hungers, and the alongside of{same}, [:26] how he-comes-into into the house of{the God} upon of{Abiathar, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} and eats the breads of{the setting-forth}, which is_not_being-allowed to-eat if not to{the consecrateds[i.e. priests]}, and he-gives also to{the[plural] being} together-with to{same}[?]"  [:27] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "The sabbath becomes through the man, not the man through the sabbath, [:28] such-as the son of{the man} is-being Lord also of{the sabbath}.

[Mark 3][:1] And again he-comes-into into the synagogue, and [a] man has-been-being there having the hand having-been-withered.  [:2] And they-have-been-keeping-beside same if to{the sabbaths} he-will-heal same, in-which-place they-may-accuse of{same}.  [:3] And he-is-saying to{the man, the having} the hand having-been-withered, "Rouse-yourself into the midst."  [:4] And he-is-saying to{same[plural]}, "It-is-being-allowed to{the sabbaths} to-do-benefit or to-do-bad, to-save life or to-destroy[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] have-been-being-silent.  [:5] And view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around same alongside of{wrath}, together-being-grieved upon to{the callousness} of{the heart} of{same[plural]}, he-is-saying to{the man}, "Stretch-out the hand of{you}," and he-stretches-out, and the hand of{same} is-reinstated healthy as the other.  [:6] And, come[ing]-out, the Pharisees straightaway have-been-making together-intention alongside of{the Herodians} against of{same}, which-how they-may-destroy-off/away same.  [:7] And the Jesus separates-anew alongside of{the disciples} of{same} toward the seawater, and [a] vast multitude from of{the Galilee} accompany to{same}, and from of{the Judea}, [:8] and from of{Jerusalems}, and from of{the Idumea} and other-side of{the Jordan} and the[plural] around Tyre and Sidon, [a] vast multitude hear[ing] as-much-as he-has-been-doing, come toward same.  [:9] And he-says to{the disciples} of{same} in-which-place [a] small-boat may-be-enduring-toward to{same} through the crowd, in-which-place they-should_not_be-constricting same.  [:10] For he-heals many such-as to-be-falling-upon to{same[singular]}, in-which-place they-may-take-hold of{same}, as-many-as have-been-having scourges.  [:11] And the spirits, the unclean, when-supposing has-been-observing same, has-been-falling-toward to{same} and has-been-crying-out, saying that "you are-being the son of{the God}," [:12] and he-has-been-adjudging-value-upon many to{same} in-which-place they-should_not_make same[singular] revealed[adjective].  [:13] And he-is-ascending into the mountain and is-calling-toward-himself whom same[singular] has-been-will-ing, and they-come-off/away toward same.  [:14] And he-makes twelve, in-which-place they-may-be-being alongside of{same}, and in-which-place he-may-be-sending-off/away same to-be-proclaiming, [:15] and to-be-having authority to-be-healing the diseases and to-be-casting-out the demon-ias.  [:16] And he-places-upon to{the Simon} name 'Peter,' [:17] and James the of{the Zebedee}, and John, the brother of{the James}, and he-places-upon to{same} names 'Boanerges,' which is-being 'sons of{thunder},' [:18] and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James, the of{the Alphaeus}, and Thaddeus, and Simon, the Cananite[/Zealot], [:19] and Judas Iscariot, who also delivers same.  And they-are-being-come into [a] house, [:20] and [a] crowd is-being-come-together again, such-as not to-be-being-enabled same[plural] not-moreover to-eat bread.  [:21] And, hear[ing], the[plural] beside of{same} come-out to-seize same, for they-have-been-saying that he-astounds, [:22] and the scribes, the descend[ing] from of{Jerusalems}, have-been-saying that he-is-having Ba'al-Zebub, and that in to{the chief} of{the demon-ias} he-is-casting-out the demon-ias.  [:23] And, call[ing]-toward-himself same in to{parables}, he-has-been-saying to{same}, "How is-being-enabled Satan/adversary to-be-casting-out Satan/adversary[?]  [:24] And if-supposing [a] kingdom may-be-divided upon sameself, the kingdom, the-there, is_not_being-enabled to-be-stood.  [:25] And if-supposing [a] house may-be-divided upon sameself, the house, the-there, is_not_being-enabled to-be-stood.  [:26] And if the Satan/adversary stands-up/anew upon sameself and has-been-divided, he-is_not_being-enabled to-be-stood; contrariwise, he-is-having finish.  [:27] Not-one is-being-enabled, come[ing]-into into the house of{the strong}, to-snatch-through the vessels of{same}, if-supposing not first he-would-bind the strong, and then he-will-snatch-through the house of{same}.  [:28] Amen I-am-saying to{you} that all the sin-effects will-be-let-off/away to{the sons} of{the men}, and evil-assertions, as-much-as supposing they-may-assert-evil.  [:29] Moreover, who supposing may-assert-evil into the Spirit, the Holy, he-is_not_having let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] into the eon; contrariwise, he-is-being liable of{eternal judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}."  [:30] They-have-been-saying that he-is-having [an] unclean spirit, [:31] and the brothers and the mother of{same} are-being-come and, having-stood outside, they-send-off/away toward same, sounding[i.e. beckoning] same.  [:32] And [a] crowd has-been-being-seated around same.  Moreover, they-say to{same}, "Behold, the mother of{you} and the brothers of{you} are-seeking you outside."  [:33] And he-responds to{same}, saying, "Who[?] is-being the mother of{me} and the brothers of{me}[?]"  [:34] And, view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around to{circle} the[plural] around same being-seated, he-is-saying, "Behold, the mother of{me} and the brothers of{me}, [:35] for who supposing would-do the will-effect of{the God}, the-same is-being brother of{me} and sister and mother."

[Mark 4][:1] And again he-initiates to-be-teaching beside the seawater and [a] vast crowd is-being-gathered-together toward same, such-as same step[ing]-in into the boat to-be-being-seated in to{the seawater}, and all the crowd has-been-being toward the seawater upon of{the land}.  [:2] And he-has-been-teaching same many in to{parables}, and has-been-saying to{same} in to{the teaching} of{same}, [:3] "Be-hearing, behold, the sowing comes-out of{the} to-sow, [:4] and it-becomes in to{the} to-be-sowing, on-one-hand which falls beside the way, and comes the birds and eats-down same.  [:5] On-the-other-hand, other falls upon the rocky-behold, which-where it-has-been-having not much land, and straightaway it-springs-up-out, through the to-be-having no depth of{land}.  [:6] Moreover, complete[ing]-up of{sun}, it-is-scorched, and through the to-be-having no root, is-withered.  [:7] And other falls into the thorn-bushes, and the thorn-bushes ascend and together-choke same, and it-does_not_give fruit.  [:8] And other falls into the land, the good, and it-has-been-giving fruit, ascending and growing, and has-been-carrying, one, thirty, and one, sixty, and one, hundred."  [:9] And he-has-been-saying, "The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing."  [:10] Moreover, when he-becomes with-only/alone the around same, together-with to{the} twelve, ask same the parable.  [:11] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "To{you} has-been-given to-know the mystery of{the kingdom} of{the God}; moreover, to{the-there-s, the} outside, in to{parables} the all is-being-become, [:12] in-which-place "viewing, they-may-be-viewing and they-would_not_behold and, hearing, they-may-be-hearing and would_not_be-putting-together, not-whereby they-may-turn-upon and the sin-effects would-be-let-off/away-from to{same}."  [:13] And he-is-saying to{same}, "You-have_not_beheld the parable, the-same[?], and how[?] you-will-know all the parables[?]  [:14] The sowing is-sowing the word. [:15] Moreover, the-same are-being the beside the way, which-where is-being-sown the word, and when-supposing they-may-hear, straightaway the Satan/adversary is-being-come, and is-lifting the word, the having-been-sown in to{the hearts} of{same}.  [:16] And the-same are-being similarly the being-sown upon the rocky-beholds, who when-supposing may-hear the word, straightaway alongside of{joy} are-taking same.  [:17] And they-are_not_having root in to{sameselves}; contrariwise, toward-seasons thereafter are-being of{become} of{pressure/constriction/oppression} or of{chasing[noun]} through the word; straightaway they-are-being-scandalized.  [:18] and the-same[plural] are-being the into the thorn-bushes being-sown, the-same[plural] are-being the hearing the word, [:19] and the worries of{the eon, the-same} and the deceit of{the riches} and the upon-desire-ia being-gone-into about the remaining are-together-choking the word, and it-is-being-become unfruitful.  [:20] And the-same[plural] are-being the upon the land, the good sown, who-some are-hearing the word, and are-receiving-aside and are-carrying-fruit, one, thirty, and one, sixty, and one, hundred."  [:21] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Not-what[?] the lamp is-being-come in-which-place it-may-be-placed under the basket-measure or under the couch/bed, not in-which-place it-may-be-placed-upon upon the lampstand[?]  [:22] For there-is_not_being anything hidden[adjective], if-supposing which would_not_be-revealed.  Not-moreover it-becomes hidden-off/away-from; contrariwise, in-which-place it-may-come into revealed[adjective].  [:23] If any is-having ears to-be-hearing, [him:] be-hearing."  [:24] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Be-viewing what you-are-hearing.  In to{which measure} you-are-measuring it-will-be-measured to{you}, and it-will-be-placed-toward to{you, the hearing}.  [:25] For who supposing may-be-having, it-will-be-given to{same}, and who is_not_having, also what he-is-having will-be-lifted from of{same}."  [:26] And he-has-been-saying, "The-same-ly is-being the kingdom of{the God}, as if-supposing [a] man may-cast the seed upon of{the land}.  [:27] And he-may-be-lying-asleep and may-be-being-roused night and day, and the seed may-be-sprouting and may-be-being-lengthened as he-has_not_beheld same.  [:28] For the automatic land is-fruit-carrying, first pasture/grass, thereafter head-of-grain, thereafter full grain in to{the head-of-grain}.  [:29] Moreover, when-supposing the fruit may-deliver, straightaway he-is-sending-off/away the sickle, that the harvest has-been-stood-beside."  [:30] And he-has-been-saying, "To{whom}[?] we-may-liken the kingdom of{the God}, or in to{about-what-such parable} we-may-parable same[?]  [:31] As [a] kernel of{mustard}, which, when-supposing may-be-sown upon of{the land}, is-being smaller of{all the sow-effects} of{the} upon of{the land}.  [:32] And when-supposing it-may-be-sown, is-ascending and is-being-become larger of{all the herbs}, and is-making large branches, such-as to-be-enabled under the shade of{same} the birds of{the heaven} to-be-roosting."  [:33] And to{many to-which-the-same parables} he-has-been-speaking to{same} the word, according-as they-have-been-being-enabled to-be-hearing.  [:34] Moreover, apart of{parable} he-has_not_been-speaking to{same}.  Moreover, with self [i.e. in private] he-has-been-loosing-upon all to{the disciples} of{same}.  [:35] And he-is-saying to{same} in to{the-there, the day,} of{late/evening become}, "We-should-come-through into the other-side."  [:36] And, let[ing]-off/away-from the crowd, they-are-taking-aside same, as he-has-been-being in to{the boat} and, moreover, other small-boats; he-has-been-being alongside of{same}.  [:37] And [a] large storm of{wind} is-being-become; moreover, the waves have-been-casting-upon into the boat such-as same already to-be-being-fill-ized.  [:38] And same has-been-being upon to{the stern} upon the toward-head/pillow lying-asleep, and they-are-through-rousing same and are-saying to{same}, "Teacher, it-is_not_concerning to{you} that we-are-perishing-off/away[?]"  [:39] And, through-roused, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{the wind} and says to{the seawater}, "Be-being-silent; be-having-been-muzzled," and the wind exhausts and becomes [a] great calm.  [:40] And he-says to{same}, "What[?]  Cowardly you-are-being.  How[?] the-same-ly you-are_not_having faith[?]"  [:41] And they-fear great fear, and they-have-been-saying toward one-another, "Who[?], consequently, is-being same, that also the wind and the seawater is-hearkening-under to{same}[?]"

[Mark 5][:1] And they-come into the other-side of{the seawater} into the region of{the Gadarenes}, [:2] and to{same come[ing]-out} out of{the boat}, straightaway [a] man in to{unclean spirit} encounters to{same} out of{the memorials}, [:3] who has-been-having the with-house-sis[i.e. state of dwelling] in to{the memorials} and neither to{un-loose-sis-es[i.e. states of being chained/bound]} [nor] not-one has-been-being-enabled to-bind same.  [:4] Through the same, often to{[foot]shackles} and to{un-loose-sis-es[i.e. states of being chained/bound]} to-have-been-bound, and to-have-severed under of{same} the un-loose-sis-es[i.e. states of being chained/bound] and the [foot]shackles to-have-been-crushed, and not-one has-been-having-strength to-subjugate same.  [:5] and through of{all night and day} in to{the mountains} and in to{the memorial-effects} he-has-been-being crying-out and cutting-down sameself to{stones}.  [:6] Moreover, behold[ing] the Jesus from afar, he-hurries and worships to{same}, [:7] and cry[ing]-out to{great sound}, he-says, "What[?] to{emphatically-me} and to{you}, Jesus, son of{the God, the highest}[?]  I-am-oath-izing you, [by] the God; you-should_not_torture me."  [:8] For he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Come-out," the spirit, the unclean, out of{the man}.  [:9] And he-has-been-asking-upon same, "What[?] name to{you}[?]" and he-is-saying to{same}, "'Legion,' name to{me}, that we-are-being many."  [:10] And it-has-been-calling-aside same much in-which-place he-should_not_send-off/away same outside of{the region}.  [:11] Moreover, [a] large herd of{pigs} has-been-being there toward the mountains, being-grazed.  [:12] And all the demons call-aside same, saying, "Dispatch us into the pigs, in-which-place we-may-come-into into same."  [:13] And straightaway the Jesus turns-upon to{same} and, come[ing]-out, the spirits, the unclean, come-into into the pigs, and the herd dashes down of{the precipice} into the seawater.  Moreover, there-have-been-being as two-thousand, and they-have-been-being-choked in to{the seawater}.  [:14] Moreover, the[plural] grazing the pigs flee and message-off/away into the city and into the fields, and they-come-out to-behold what is-being the having-become.  [:15] And they-are-being-come toward the Jesus and are-observing the being-demonized being-seated and having-been-outer-garmented and being-of-sound-disposition, the having-had the legion, and they-fear.  [:16] And the behold[ing] describe to{same} how it-becomes to{the demonized}, and about of{the pigs}, [:17] and they-initiate to-be-calling-aside same to-come-off/away-from from of{the boundaries} of{same}.  [:18] and of{same step[ing]-in} into the boat, the demonized has-been-calling-aside same, in-which-place he-may-be-being alongside of{same}.  [:19] Moreover, the Jesus does_not_let-from same; contrariwise, he-is-saying to{same}, "Be-withdrawing into the house of{you} toward the yours, and message-anew to{same} as-much-as the Lord does to{you} and has-mercy [upon] you."  [:20] And he-comes-off/away and initiates to-be-proclaiming in to{the ten-city/Decapolis} as-much-as the Jesus does to{same}, and all have-been-marveling.  [:21] And, of{the Jesus go[ing]-through-to-other-side} in to{the boat} [a] vast crowd again is-gathered-together upon same into the other-side, and he-has-been-being beside the seawater.  [:22] And, behold, one of{the synagogue-chiefs} is-being-come, Jairus to{name}, and, behold[ing] same, is-falling toward the feet of{same}.  [:23] And he-has-been-calling-aside same much, saying that "the daughterling of{me} is-having end-ly, in-which-place, come[ing], you-may-place to{same} the hands, which-how she-may-be-saved and will-be-being-alive.  [:24] And he-comes-off/away alongside of{same} and [a] vast crowd has-been-accompanying to{same}, and they-have-been-together-compressing same.  [:25] And some woman, being in to{flow-sis[i.e. a state of flow]} of{blood} twelve years [:26] and, suffer[ing] much under of{many physicians} and spend[ing] the, beside of{same[feminine]}, all, and profited nothing; contrariwise, come[ing] more into the worse, [:27] hear[ing] about of{the Jesus} come[ing] in to{the crowd}, from-behind she-takes-hold of{the outer-garment} of{same}.  [:28] For she-has-been-saying that "and-supposing I-should-take-hold of{the outer-garments} of{same}, I-will-be-saved."  [:29] And straightaway the fountain of{the blood} of{same} is-dried, and she-knows to{the body} that she-has-been-cured from of{the scourge}.  [:30] And straightaway the Jesus, know[ing]-upon in to{sameself} the empowerment come[ing]-out out of{same}, be[ing]-turned-upon in to{the crowd}, has-been-saying, "Who[?] takes-hold of{the outer-garments} of{me}[?]"  [:31] And the disciples of{same} have-been-saying to{same}, "You-are-viewing the crowd together-compressing you, and you-are-saying, "Who[?] takes-hold of{me}[?]"  [:32] And he-has-been-viewing-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around to-behold the do[ing] the-same.  [:33] Moreover, the woman, fear[ing] and trembling, having-beheld what has-become upon to{same[feminine]}, comes and falls-toward to{same} and says to{same} all the truth.  [:34] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Daughter, the faith of{you} has-saved you.  Be-withdrawing into peace and be-being healthy from of{the scourge} of{you}."  [:35] Still of{same speaking}, they-are-being-come from of{the synagogue-chief}, saying that "the daughter of{you} has-died-off/away; what[?], still you-are-hassling the teacher[?]"  [:36] Moreover, straightaway the Jesus, hear[ing] the word being-spoken, is-saying to{the synagogue-chief}, "Do_not_be-fearing, only be-believing."  [:37] And he-does_not_let-off not-one to{same} to-accompany-together, if not Peter and James and John, the brother of{James}.  [:38] And he-is-being-come into the house of{the synagogue-chief} and he-is-observing tumult and weeping and much shouting.  [:39] And, come[ing]-into, he-is-saying to{same}, "What[?] you-are-being-tumult-ed and weeping[?]  The childling is_not_died-off/away; contrariwise, she-is-lying-asleep."  [:40] And they-have-been-laughing-down/against of{same}.  Moreover, the cast[ing]-out all, he-is-taking-aside the father of{the childling} and the mother and the alongside of{same} and he-is-being-gone-into which-where has-been-being the childling being-lain-up/anew.  [:41] And, sieze[ing] of{the hand} of{the childling}, he-is-saying to{same}, "Talitha coumi," which is-being being-translated, "The girl to{you}, I-am-saying, 'Rouse-yourself.'"  [:42] And straightaway the girl stands-up and has-been-walking-around, for she-has-been-being twelve of{years}.  And they-astound to{great astoundment}.  [:43] And he-sends-through-such-as-to-be-sent-through many to{same} in-which-place no-one may-know the-same, and he-says to-be-given to{same} to-eat.

[Mark 6][:1] And he-comes-out thence and comes into the fatherland of{same}, and the disciples of{same} are-accompanying to{same}.  [:2] And of{sabbath become[ing]} he-initiates in to{the synagogue} to-be-teaching, and many hearing have-been-being-impacted, saying, "Whence[?] to{the-same[masculine singular]} the-same[neuter plural] and who[?] the wisdom, the given to{same}, also empowerments to-which-the-same through of{the hands} of{same} are-being-become[?]  [:3] The-same is_not_being[?] the craftsman/carpenter, the son of{Mary}, brother moreover of{James} and of{Joses} and of{Judas} and of{Simon}, and the sisters of{same} are_not_being[?] here toward us[?]"  And they-are-being-scandalized in to{same}.  [:4] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-saying to{same} that [a] prophet is_not_being unvalued if not in to{the fatherland} of{same} and in to{the together-become[i.e. related]} and in to{the house} of{same}.  [:5] And he-has_not_been-being-enabled there to-do not-one enablement if not upon-place[ing] the hands to{few sick} he-heals.  [:6] And he-has-been-marveling through the unbelief of{same}.  And he-has-been-leading-around the villages, teaching to{round-about[translit. "cycle"]}.  [:7] And he-is-calling-toward-himself the twelve and initiates to-be-sending-off/away same two [by] two and has-been-giving to{same} authority, of{the spirits, the unclean}, [:8] and he-messages-aside to{same} in-which-place they-should-be-lifting nothing into [the] way, if no staff only, no bag, no bread, no copper into the belt; [:9] contrariwise, having-been-under-bound sandals and not to-clothe-self [in] two inner-garments.  [:10] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Which-where if-supposing you-may-come-into into [a] house, be-staying there until supposing you-may-come-out thence, [:11] and as-many-as supposing should_not_receive you moreover-not they-should-hear of{you}, being-gone-out thence, shake-out the soil, the down-under of{the feet} of{you} into witness to{same}.  Amen I-am-saying to{you} it-will-be more-endurable to{Sodom} or to{Gomorrah} in to{[the] day} of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} than to{the city, the-there}."  [:12] And, come[ing]-out, they-have-been-proclaiming in-which-place they-should-change-minds/thinking.  [:13] And they-have-been-casting-out many demon-ias and they-have-been-oiling to{olive-oil} many sick and they-have-been-healing.  [:14] And the king Herod hears, for the name of{same} becomes revealed[adjective], and he-has-been-saying that John, the immersing, is-roused out of{dead} and through the-same the enablements are-working in to{same}.  [:15] Others have-been-saying that he-is-being Elijah; moreover, others have-been-saying that he-is-being [a] prophet as one of{the prophets}.  [:16] Moreover, hear[ing], the Herod says that "John, whom I behead, is-being the-same, roused out of{dead}."  [:17] For same, the Herod, send[ing]-off/away, seizes the John and binds same in to{custody} through Herodias, the woman of{Philip, the brother} of{same}, that he-marries same.  [:18] For the John has-been-saying to{the Herod} that "it-is_not_being-allowed to{you} to-be-having the woman of{the brother} of{you}."  [:19] Moreover, the Herodias has-been-having-in[i.e. holding a grudge] to{same} and has-been-will-ing to-kill-off/away same, and she-has_not_been-being-enabled.  [:20] For the Herod has-been-fearing the John, having-beheld same man just and holy, and has-been-keeping-together same and, hear[ing] many of{same} he-has-been-doing, and pleasantly, has-been-hearing of{same}.  [:21] And of{well-seasonable day become} when Herod to{the geneses[/birthdays]} of{same} he-has-been-making dinner/supper to{the magnates} of{same} and to{the thousand-chiefs/chiliarchs} and to{the firsts} of{the Galilee}.  [:22] And of{come[ing]-into} of{the daughter} of{same[feminine], the Herodias}, and of{dance[ing]} and of{please[ing]} to{the Herod} and to{the being-lain-up/anew-together}, the King says to{the girl}, "Request/give-cause-to me, what if-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, and I-will-give to{you}."  [:23] And swears to{same} that "what if-supposing you-may-request/give-cause-to me, I-will-give to{you}, until of{half the kingdom} of{me}."  [:24] Moreover, the[feminine] come[ing]-out says to{the mother} of{same}, "What[?] I-will-request/give-cause-to-for-myself[?]"  Moreover, the[feminine] says, "The head of{John the immerser}"  [:25] And come[ing]-into, straightaway alongside of{expedience} toward the king, she-requests/gives-cause-to-for-herself, saying, "I-am-will-ing in-which-place you-may-give to{me} out-same-ly/immediately upon to{[a] platter} the head of{John the immerser}.  [:26] And, become[ing] about-grief, the king, through the oaths and the being-lain-up/anew-together, he-does_not_will to-un-place/reject same[feminine], [:27] and, straightaway, send[ing]-off/away, the king sets-upon [the] speculator[Latin]/principale/body-guard to-be-carried the head of{same}; moreover, the come[ing]-off/away beheads same in to{the custody[i.e. prison]}, [:28] and carries the head of{same} upon to{[a] platter} and gives same to{the girl}, and the girl gives same to{the mother} of{same}.  [:29] And, hear[ing], the disciples of{same} come and lift the fall-effect[/corpse] of{same} and place same in to{memorial}.  [:30] And the sent-off[ones] are-being-gathered-together toward the Jesus, and they-message-off to{same} all as-much-as they-do and as-much-as they-teach.  [:31] And he-says to{same}, "Come, you, same, with self [i.e. in private] into [a] desolate place and be-pausing-anew/resting a-bit," for the being-come and the withdrawing have-been-being many and not-moreover they-have-been-being-well-seasoned[i.e. have had opportunity] to-eat.  [:32] And they-come-off/away into [a] desolate place to{the boat} with self [i.e. in private].  [:33] And many behold same withdrawing and know-upon same, and hurry-together afoot from of{all the cities} there and come-before same and come-together toward same.  [:34] And, come[ing]-out, the Jesus beholds [a] vast crowd and is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] upon to{same} that they-have-been-being as sheep having no shepherd, and he-initiates to-be-teaching same much.  [:35] And already of{much hour become[ing]}, toward-come[ing] to{same}, the disciples of{same} are-saying that "the place is-being desolate and already much hour.  [:36] Loose-off/away same in-which-place, come[ing]-off/away into the to{round-about} fields and villages, they-may-purchase to{sameselves} breads, for what[?] they-may-eat, they-are_not_having.  [:37] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "You, give to{same} to-eat," and they-are-saying to{same}, "Come[ing]-off/away, we-would-purchase of{two-hundred denarii} breads and would-give to{same} to-eat[?]"  [:38] Moreover, the is-saying to{same}, "You-are-having how-many[?] breads[?]  Be-withdrawing and behold."  And, know[ing], they-are-saying, "Five and two fishes."  [:39] And he-sets-upon to{same} to-recline all drinking-together[Greek "symposium"] [by] drinking-together[Greek "symposium"] upon to{the green grass}.  [:40] And they-fall-anew, plots [by] plots, anew hundred and anew fifty.  [:41] And, take[ing] the five breads and the two fishes, view[ing]-up into the heaven, he-well-words and breaks-down the breads, and has-been-giving to{the disciples} of{same} in-which-place they-may-place-aside to{same}, and the two fishes he-divides to{all}, [:42] and all eat and are-fed-ized, [:43] and they-lift twelve full baskets of{break-effects/fragments} and from of{the fishes}.  [:44] And the eat[ing] the breads have-been-being five-thousand men.  [:45] And straightaway he-compels the disciples of{same} to-step-in into the boat and to-be-leading-in-front into the other-side toward Bethsaida until same will-loose-off/away the crowd.  [:46] And, set[ing]-such-as-to-be-set-off/away to{same}, he-comes-off/away into the mountain to-pray.  [:47] And of{late/evening become} the boat has-been-being in to{midst} of{the seawater} and same alone upon of{the land}.  [:48] And he-beholds same being-tortured in to{the} to-be-propelling, for the wind has-been-being in-opposition to{same}.  And he-is-being-come toward same about [the] fourth custody[i.e. time period] of{the night}, walking-about upon of{the seawater}, and he-has-been-will-ing to-pass-by same.  [:49] Moreover, the behold[ing] same walking-about upon of{the seawater} deem to-be-being [an] appear-ize-effect/apparition, and they-cry-out-up/anew.  [:50] For all behold same, and are-disturbed, and straightaway he-speaks alongside of{same} and is-saying to{same}, "Be-having-courage.  I am-being.  Do_not_be-fearing."  [:51] And he-steps-up toward same into the boat and the wind exhausts, and they-have-been-being-astounded and they-have-been-marveling very out of{excess} in to{sameselves}.  [:52] For they-do_not_put-together upon to{the breads}, for the heart of{same} has-been-being having-been-hardened.  [:53] And, go[ing]-through-to-other-side, they-come upon the Gennesaret land and are-anchored-toward.  [:54] and of{same come[ing]-out} out of{the boat} straightaway know[ing]-upon same, [:55] hurry[ing]-around the whole region-around the-there, they-initiate to-be-carrying-around upon to{the pallet/beds} the having unwell, which-where they-have-been-hearing that he-is-being there.  [:56] and which-where supposing he-has-been-being-gone-into into villages or cities or fields in to{the marketplaces} they-have-been-placing the being-weak/infirm, and they-have-been-calling-aside same in-which-place and-supposing of{the fringe} of{the outer-garment} of{same} they-may-take-hold, and as-many-as supposing take-hold of{same} have-been-being-saved.

[Mark 7][:1] And the Pharisees and some of{the scribes} come[ing] from of{Jerusalems} are-being-gathered-together toward same, [:2] and behold[ing] some of{the disciples} of{same} eating breads to{common[i.e. vulgar/unclean] hands}, the-same is-being to{unwashed}, they-find-fault.  [:3] For the Pharisees and all the Judeans if-supposing not to{from-elbow-to-knuckles} they-should-wash the hands, they-are_not_eating, holding the delivery of{the elders}.  [:4] And from of{marketplace} if-supposing they-should_not_immerse-themselves, they-are_not_eating, and many others is-being, which they-take-aside to-be-holding, immersions of{cups} and of{[measure]pitchers} and of{copper[vessels]} and of{couches/beds}.  [:5] The Pharisees and the scribes thereafter-upon are-asking-upon same, "Through what[?] the disciples of{you} are_not_walking-about according-to the delivery of{the elders}; contrariwise, to{unwashed hands} they-are-eating the bread."  [:6] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same} that "Isaiah prophesies well about of{you, the pretenders} as it-has-been-written, 'The-same, the people, to{the lips} is-valuing me; moreover, the heart of{same} is-holding-off from of{emphatically-me} distantly.  [:7] Moreover, vainly they-are-devoting-themselves-to me, teaching teachings command-effects of{men}.'  [:8] For let[ing]-off/away the command of{the God} you-are-holding the delivery of{the men}, immersions of{[measure]pitchers} and of{cups} and other aside-like to-which-the-same many you-are-doing."  [:9] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "You-are-un-placing/nullifying/rejecting well the command of{the God} in-which-place you-may-keep the delivery of{you}, [:10] for Moses says, 'Be-valuing the father of{you} and the mother of{you},' and 'The saying-bad[of/to] father or mother: be-deceasing to{death}.'  [:11] Moreover, you are-saying if-supposing [a] man may-say to{the father} or to{the mother}, 'Corban, which is-being gift which if-supposing out of{emphatically-me} you-would-be-profited,' [:12] also you-are_not-still_letting-off/away same to-do not-one[i.e. nothing] to{the father} of{same} or to{the mother} of{same}, [:13] invalidating the word of{the God} to{the delivery} of{you} to{which} you-deliver, and aside-like to-which-the-same you-are-doing many."  [:14] And, call[ing]-toward-himself all the crowd, he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Be-hearing of{me}, all, and be-putting-together.  [:15] Not-one[i.e. nothing] outwardly of{the man} is-being being-gone-into into same which is-being-enabled to-common[i.e. make vulgar/unclean] same; contrariwise, the being-gone-out from of{same}, the-there-s is-being the common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man.  [:16] If any is-having ears to-be-hearing, [he:] be-hearing.  [:17] And when he-comes-into into [the] house from of{the crowd}, the disciples of{same} have-been-asking-upon same about of{the parable}.  [:18] And he-is-saying to{same}, "The-same-ly also you are-being not-put-together.  You-are_not_thinking that every, the outwardly, being-gone-into into the man is_not_being-enabled to-common[i.e. make vulgar/unclean] same, [:19] that is_not_being-gone-into of{same} into the heart; contrariwise, into the cavity and into the sitting-off/away-from[i.e. defecating] is-being-gone-out, purging/cleansing all the foods."  [:20] Moreover, he-has-been-saying that "the out of{the man} being-gone-out the-there is-common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man.  [:21] For inwardly out of{the heart} of{the men}, the dialog-iz-ations, the bad, are-being-gone-out, adulteries, sexual-immoralities, murders, [:22] thefts, greater-having-ness, evilness, bait, licentiousness/wantonness, evil eye, evil-assertion, over-show-ia/pride/arrogance, imprudence.  [:23] All, the-same, the evil inwardly is-being-gone-out and is-common-ing[i.e. making vulgar/unclean] the man."  [:24] And thence, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-comes-off/away into the boundaries of{Tyre} and of{Sidon} and, come[ing]-into into [a] house, he-has-been-will-ing not-one to-know, and he-is_not_being-enabled to-escape-notice, [:25] for [a] woman, hear[ing] about of{same}, of{whom} the daughterling of{same} has-been-having [an] unclean spirit, come[ing], falls-toward toward the feet of{same}.  [:26] Moreover, the woman has-been-being to{the become[noun]} [a] Greek Syrophoenician, and she-has-been-asking same in-which-place he-may-be-casting-out the demon-ia out of{the daughter} of{same}.  [:27] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Let-off/away-from first the offsprings to-be-feed-ized, for it-is_not_being good to-take the bread of{the offsprings} and to-cast to{the doggies}."  [:28] Moreover, the responds and is-saying to{same}, "Yes, Lord, for also the doggies down-under of{the table} are-eating from of{the crumblets} of{the childlings}."  [:29] And he-says to{same}, "Through the-same, the word, be-withdrawing.  The demon-ia has-come-out out of{the daughter} of{you}."  [:30] And, come[ing]-off/away into the house of{same}, she-discovers the demon-ia having-come-out, and the daughter having-been-cast upon of{the couch/bed}.  [:31] And again come[ing]-out out of{the boundaries} of{Tyre} and of{Sidon} he-comes toward the seawater of{the Galilee} up/anew midst of{the boundaries} of{ten-city/Decapolis}.  [:32] And they-are-carrying to{same} deaf/mute excruciatingly-speaking[adjective] and they-are-calling-aside same in-which-place he-may-place-upon to{same} the hand.  [:33] And, take[ing]/get[ing]_same_off/away-from from of{the crowd} with self [i.e. in private] he-casts the fingers of{same} into the ears of{same} and, spit[ing], takes-hold of{the tongue} of{same}, [:34] and, view[ing]-up into the heaven, he-sigh/groan-izes, and is-saying to{same}, "Ephphatha," which is-being "Be-opened-up-through," [:35] and straightaway the hearings of{same} are-opened-up-through and the bond of{the tongue} of{same} is-loosed, and he-has-been-speaking straightly.  [:36] And he-sends-through-such-as-to-be-sent-through to{same[plural]} in-which-place to{no-one} may-say; moreover, as-much-as same has-been-sending-through-such-as-to-be-being-sent-through to{same[plural]}, they-have-been-proclaiming more-excessive more.  [:37] And they-have-been-being-impacted over-exceedingly, saying, "He-has-done all well, and is-making deaf/mute to-be-hearing and the speechless to-be-speaking."

[Mark 8][:1] In to{the-there-s, the days}, again, of{being [a] vast crowd}, and not of{having} what they-may-eat, the Jesus calls-toward-himself the disciples of{same}.  He-is-saying to{same}, [:2] "I-am-being-affected-inwardly[/having-compassion] upon the crowd, that already they-are-staying-toward to{me} three days and they-are_not_having what they-may-eat, [:3] and if-supposing I-may-loose-off/away same fasting[adjective] into home of{same}, they-will-be-slackened-out in to{the way}, for some of{same} have-arrived afar."  [:4] And the disciples of{same} respond to{same}, "Whence[?] any will-be-enabled, the-same, here, to-feed-ize of{breads} upon of{[the] desolate}[?]"  [:5] And he-has-been-asking-upon same, you-are-having how-many[?] breads[?]  Moreover, the[plural] say, "Seven."  [:6] And he-messages-aside to{the crowd} to-fall-anew[i.e. sit down] upon of{the land} and, take[ing] the seven breads, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, he-breaks, and he-has-been-giving to{the disciples} of{same} in-which-place they-may-place-aside, and they-place-aside to{the crowd}.  [:7] And they-have-been-having [a] few fishies and, well-word[ing] same, he-says to-place-aside same also.  [:8] Moreover, they-eat and are-fed-ized, and they-lift excessive-effects of{break-effects/fragments}, seven [large]baskets.  [:9] Moreover, the eat[ing] have-been-being as four-thousand, and he-looses-off/away same.  [:10] And straightaway, step[ing]-in into the boat alongside of{the disciples} of{same} he-comes into the Dalmanutha parts.  [:11] And the Pharisees come-out, and they-initiate to-be-seeking-together to{same}, seeking aside of{same} [a] sign from of{the heaven}, trial-izing same, [:12] and, sigh/groan-ize[ing]-up/anew to{the Spirit} of{same}, he-is-saying, "What[?], the generation, the-same, is-seeking [a] sign[?]  Amen I-am-saying to{you} if it-will-be-given to{the generation, the-same} [a] sign."  [:13] And let[ing]-off/away same, step[ing]-in again into [the/a] boat, he-comes-off/away into the other-side.  [:14] And they-forget to-take breads, and if not one bread they-have_not_been-having alongside of{sameselves} in to{the boat}.  [:15] And he-has-been-sending-through-such-as-to-be-being-sent-through to{same}, saying, "Be-seeing; be-viewing from of{the leaven} of{the Pharisees} and of{the leaven} of{Herod}.  [:16] And they-have-been-being-dialog-ized toward one-another, saying, that "we-are_not_having breads."  [:17] And the Jesus, know[ing], is-saying to{same}, "What[?] you-are-being-dialog-ized that you-are_not_having breads[?]  Not-yet you-are-thinking, nor-moreover you-are-putting-together; still you-are-having the heart of{you} having-been-hardened.  [:18] Having eyes, you-are_not_viewing, and having ears, you-are_not_hearing.  And you-are_not_remembering [:19] when I-break the five breads into the five-thousand.  How-many[?] baskets full of{break-effects/fragments} you-lift[?]"  They-are-saying to{same}, "Twelve."  [:20] "Moreover, when the seven into the four-thousand, of{how-many}[?] of{[large]baskets} full-effects of{break-effects/fragments} you-lift[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] say, "Seven."  [:21] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "How[?] you-are_not_putting-together[?]"  [:22] And he-is-being-come into Bethsaida and they-are-carrying blind to{same}, and they-are-calling-aside same in-which-place he-may-take-hold of{same}.  [:23] And, take[ing]/get[ing]-upon of{the hand} of{the blind}, he-leads-out same out of{the village} and, spit[ing] into the eye-effects of{same}, place[ing]-upon the hands to{same}, he-has-been-asking-upon same if what he-is-viewing.  [:24] And, view[ing]-up/anew, he-has-been-saying, "I-am-viewing the men that as trees I-am-seeing walking-around."  [:25] Thereafter, again he-upon-places the hands upon the eyes of{same} and he-makes same to-view-up/anew, and it-is-reinstated, and he-views-in complete-radiantly/clearly emphatically-all.  [:26] And he-sends-off/away same into the house of{same}, saying, "Neither you-should-come-into into the village, nor you-should-say to{anyone} in to{the village}."  [:27] And the Jesus comes-out, and the disciples of{same}, into the villages of{Caesarea, the} of{Philip[pi]}, and in to{the way} he-has-been-asking-upon the disciples of{same}, saying to{same}, "Who[?] the men are-saying me to-be-being[?]"  [:28] Moreover, the[plural] respond, "John the immerser, and others Elijah, moreover others one of{the prophets}."  [:29] And same[singular] is-saying to{same[plural]}, "Moreover you, who[?] you-are-saying me to-be-being[?]"  Moreover, respond[ing] the Peter is-saying to{same}, "You are-being the anointed."  [:30] And he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{same[plural]} in-which-place to{no-one} they-may-say about of{same[singular]}.  [:31] And he-initiates to-be-teaching same that it-is-necessitating the son of{the man} to-suffer many and to-be-deemed-off/away[i.e. be rejected] from of{the elders} and of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{the scribes} and to-be-killed-off/away and alongside three days to-stand-up/anew.  [:32] And to{all-declaration-ia} he-has-been-speaking the word and, toward-take[ing]/get[ing] same, the Peter initiates to-be-adjudging-valuation-upon to{same}.  [:33] Moreover, the turn[ing]-upon and behold[ing] the disciples of{same}, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{the Peter}, saying, "Be-withdrawing behind of{me}, Satan/adversary, that you-are_not_considering the of{the God}; contrariwise, the of{the men}."  [:34] And call[ing]-toward-himself the crowd together-with to{the disciples} of{same}, he-says to{same}, "If any is-will-ing to-accompany behind of{me}: deny-off/away sameself and lift the cross of{same} and be-accompanying to{me}.  [:35] For who supposing may-be-will-ing to-save the life of{same} will-destroy-off/away same; moreover, who supposing may-destroy-off/away the life of{same} because of{emphatically-me} and of{the good-message}, the-same will-save same.  [:36] For what[?] will-profit [a] man if-supposing he-may-gain the whole world and may-be-penalized the life of{same}[?]  [:37] Or what[?] [a] man will-give compensation of{the life} of{same}[?]  [:38] For who if-supposing may-be-ashamed-upon me and the my words in to{the generation, the-same, the adulterous} and to{sinful}, also the son of{the man} will-be-ashamed-upon same when-supposing he-may-come in to{the glory} of{the father} of{same} alongside of{the messengers, the holy}."

[Mark 9][:1] And he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that some are-being of{the thus having-stood} some-who, no, may_not_taste of{death} until supposing they-may-behold the kingdom of{the God} having-come in to{empowerment}."  [:2] And alongside six days the Jesus is-taking-along the Peter and the James and the John and is-bringing-up same into [a] high mountain with self [i.e. in private] alone, and he-is-transformed in-front of{same}.  [:3] And the outer-garments of{same} become glistening[participle] white/bright, very as snow, the-which [a] fuller upon of{the land} is_not_being-enabled to-whiten/brighten.  [:4] And is-seen to{same} Elijah together-with to{Moses}, and they-have-been-being talking-together to{the Jesus}.  [:5] And, respond[ing], the Peter is-saying to{the Jesus}, "Rabbi, it-is-being good, us, to-be-being here, and we-should-make three tents, one to{you} and one to{Moses} and one to{Elijah}."  [:6] For he-had_not_beheld what he-should-respond, for they-have-been-being out-fearful.  [:7] And [a] cloud becomes, shadowing-upon to{same}, and [a] sound comes out of{the cloud}, "The-same is-being the son of{me}, the beloved.  Be-hearing of{same}."  [:8] And, unexpectedly, view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around, not-still not-one they-behold; contrariwise, the Jesus only alongside of{sameselves}.  [:9] Moreover, of{same descending} from of{the mountain}, he-sends-through-such-as-to-be-sent-through to{same} in-which-place to{no-one} they-may-describe what they-behold, if not when-supposing the son of{the man} would-stand-up/anew out of{dead}.  [:10] And they-hold toward sameselves the word, seeking-together what is-being the out of{dead} to-stand-up/anew.  [:11] And they-have-been-asking-upon same, saying that the scribes are-saying that it-is-necessitating Elijah to-come first.  [:12] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "Elijah on-one-hand, come[ing] first, is-reinstating all, and how it-has-been-written upon the son of{the man} in-which-place many he-may-suffer and may-be-out-not-one-ed/nothing-ed[i.e. disparaged].  [:13] Contrariwise, I-am-saying to{you} also that Elijah has-come and they-do to{same} as-much-as they-will, according-as it-has-been-written upon same.  [:14] And, come[ing] toward the disciples, he-beholds [a] vast crowd around same and scribes, together-seeking to{same}.  [:15] And straightaway all the crowd behold[ing] same is-out-amazed and, hurrying-toward, they-have-been-greeting-to-be-greeted same.  [:16] And he-asks-upon the scribes, "What[?] you-are-seeking-together toward same[?]"  [:17] And, respond[ing], one out of{the crowd} says, "Teacher, I-carry the son of{me} toward you having un-speech spirit [:18] and, which-where supposing may-take-according-to same, is-tearing same, and he-is-foam-izing, and is-clatter-izing the teeth of{same}, and is-being-withered, and I-say to{the disciples} of{you} in-which-place they-may-cast-out same, and they-are_not_having-strength."  [:19] Moreover, the respond[ing] to{same} is-saying, "Oh generation, unbelieving[adjective], until at-what-time[?] I-will-be toward you[?]  Until at-what-time[?] I-will-hold/be-held-up/anew of{you}[?]  Be-carrying same toward me."  [:20] And they-carry same toward same and, behold[ing] same, straightaway the spirit convulses same and, fall[ing] upon of{the land}, he-has-been-rolling, foam-izing.  [:21] And he-asks-upon the father of{same}, "How-much[?] time is-being out of{which} the-same has-become to{same}[?]"  Moreover, the says, "From-childly," [:22] and often same also it-casts into fire and into waters in-which-place it-may-destroy-off/away same; contrariwise, if you-are-being-empowered any, help to{us}, affected-inwardly[/have[ing]-compassion] upon us.  [:23] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "The 'if.'  You-are-being-enabled/empowered to-believe all able/empowered[adjective] to{the believing}."  [:24] And straightaway cry[ing]-out, the father of{the childling}, alongside of{tears}, has-been-saying, "I-am-believing, Lord, help of{me} to{the unbelief}."  [:25] Moreover, the Jesus behold[ing] that [a] crowd is-rushing-together-upon, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{the spirit, the unclean}, saying to{same}, "The spirit, the un-speech and deaf/mute, I am-setting-upon to{you}, come-out out of{same} and no-still you-may-come-into into same."  [:26] And, cry[ing]-out and much convulse[ing] same, it-comes-out, and he-becomes as-if dead, such-as many to-be-saying that he-died-off/away.  [:27] Moreover, the Jesus, seize[ing] same of{the hand}, rouses same, and he-stands-up/anew.  [:28] And the disciples of{same}, same come[ing]-into into [a] house, have-been-asking-upon same with self [i.e. in private] that "we are_not_enabled to-cast-out same."  [:29] And he-says to{same}, "The-same, the become[noun], is-enabled in to{nothing} to-come-out if not in to{prayer} and to{fasting[noun]}.  [:30] And thence come[ing]-out, they-have-been-being-gone-aside through of{the Galilee} and he-has_not_been-will-ing in-which-place any may-know, [:31] for he-has-been-teaching the disciples of{same} and has-been-saying to{same} that the son of{the man} is-being-delivered into hands of{men} and they-will-kill-off/away same and, be[ing]-killed-off/away, he-will-stand-up/anew to{the third day}.  [:32] Moreover, the have-been-not-thinking the declaration, and they-have-been-fearing to-ask-upon same.  [:33] And he-comes into Capernaum and, become[ing] in to{the house}, he-has-been-asking-upon same, "What[?] in to{the way} toward sameselves you-have-been-being-dialog-ized[?]"  [:34] Moreover, the have-been-being-silent toward one-another, for they-are-dialogued in to{the way} who greater.  [:35] And, sit[ing]-down, he-sounds the twelve and is-saying to{same}, "If any is-will-ing to-be-being first, he-will-be last of{all} and servant of{all}."  [:36] And, take[ing] [a] childling, he-stands same in to{midst} of{same} and, in-arm-ize[ing]/embrace[ing] same, says to{same[plural]}, [:37] "Who if-supposing may-receive one of{the to-which-the-same childlings} upon to{the name} of{me} is-receiving emphatically-me, and who if-supposing may-receive emphatically-me is-receiving not emphatically-me; contrariwise, the send[ing]-off/away me."  [:38] Moreover, the John responds to{same}, saying, "Teacher, we-behold someone in to{the name} of{you} casting-out demon-ias, who is_not_accompanying to{us} and we-hinder same, that he-is_not_accompanying to{us}."  [:39] Moreover, the Jesus says, "Do_not_be-hindering same, for not-one is-being who will-do [an] enablement upon to{the name} of{me} and will-enable-himself speedily to-say-bad[of/to] me.  [:40] For who is_not_being down/against of{us} is-being over/for-the-sake of{us}.  [:41] For who supposing may-drink-ize[i.e. hydrate] you [a] cup of{water} in to{the name} of{me} that you-are-being of{anointed}, amen I-am-saying to{you} no, he-would_not_destroy-off/away the wage of{same}.  [:42] And who supposing may-scandalize one of{the little, the-same, the believing/entrusting} into emphatically-me, it-is-being good to{same} more if [a] mill-type stone is-being-laid-around around the neck of{same} and he-has-been-cast into the seawater.  [:43] And if-supposing the hand of{you} may-be-scandalizing you, cut-off/away same.  It-is-being good to{you} to-come-into into the being-alive[noun] crippled than having the two hands to-come-off/away into the Gehenna, into the fire, the unquenchable, [:44] which-where the worm of{same} is_not_deceasing and the fire is_not_being-quenched.  [:45] And if-supposing the foot of{you} may-be-scandalizing you, cut-off/away same.  It-is-being good to{you} to-come-into into the being-alive[noun] lame than having the two feet to-be-cast into the Gehenna, into the fire, the unquenchable, [:46] which-where the worm of{same} is_not_deceasing and the fire is_not_being-quenched.  [:47] And if-supposing the eye of{you} may-be-scandalizing you, cast-out same.  It-is-being good to{you} to-come-into into the kingdom of{the God} single-eyed than having two eyes to-be-cast into the Gehenna of{the fire}, [:48] which-where the worm of{same} is_not_deceasing and the fire is_not_being-quenched.  [:49] For every will-be-salted to{fire} and every sacrifice will-be-salted to{salt}, [:50] the good salt.  Moreover, if-supposing the salt may-become saltless, in to{what}[?] you-will-prepare/season same[?]  Be-having in to{sameselves} salt and be-being-at-peace in to{one-another}."

[Mark 10][:1] And-thence, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-is-being-come into the boundaries of{the Judea} through of{the} other-side of{the Jordan}, and crowds are-being-gone-together again toward same and, as he-had-been-accustomed, he-has-been-teaching same again.  [:2] And Pharisees, come[ing]-toward, ask-upon same if it-is-being-allowed to{man} to-loose-off/away [a] woman, trial-izing same.  [:3] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "What[?] Moses commands to{you}[?]"  [:4] Moreover, the say, "Moses upon-turns to-write scrollet of{off/away-standing} and to-loose-off/away."  [:5] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Toward the hard-heart of{you} he-writes to{you} the command, the-same.  [:6] Moreover, from of{origin creation} the God makes same male and female.  [:7] Because of{the-same} [a] man will-leave-behind the father of{same} and the mother, and will-be-glued/welded/adhered/conjoined-toward toward the woman of{same}, [:8] and the two will-be into one flesh, such-as not-still they-are-being two; contrariwise, one flesh.  [:9] So, what the God yokes-together, man: be_no_separating."  [:10] And in to{the house} again the disciples of{same} ask-upon same about of{the same}.  [:11] And he-is-saying to{same}, "Who if-supposing may-loose-off/away the woman of{same} and may-marry another is-adultering/being-adultered upon same[feminine], [:12] and if-supposing [a] woman may-loose-off/away the man of{same} and be-married to{another} is-adultering/being-adultered."  [:13] And they-have-been-carrying-toward to{same} childlings in-which-place he-may-take-hold of{same}; moreover, the disciples have-been-adjudging-valuation-upon to{the carrying-toward}.  [:14] Moreover, the Jesus, behold[ing], is-irritated, and says to{same}, "Let-off/away-from the childlings to-be-coming toward me.  Do_not_be-hindering same, for of{the to-which-the-same} is-being the kingdom of{the God}.  [:15] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, who if-supposing should_not_receive the kingdom of{the God} as [a] childling, no, he-would_not_come-into into same."  [:16] And, in-arm-ize[ing]/embrace[ing] same, placing the hands upon same, he-has-been-well-word-ing same.  [:17] And, of{same[singular] being-gone-out} into [the] way, one hurry[ing]-toward and knee-fall[ing] same has-been-asking-upon same, "Beneficial teacher, what[?] I-may-do in-which-place I-may-inherit eternal being-alive[noun][?]"  [:18] Moreover the Jesus says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-saying me beneficial[?]  Not-one beneficial if not one, the God.  [:19] You-have-beheld the commands, you-should_not_adulter, you-should_not_murder, you-should_not_steal, you-should_not_false-witness, you-should_not_deprive-off/away-from, be-valuing the father of{you} and the mother."  [:20] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "Teacher, the-same all I-guard-such-as-to-be-guarded out of{youth} of{me}."  [:21] Moreover, the Jesus, view[ing]-in to{same}, loves same, and says to{same}, "One to{you} is-being-deficient.  Be-withdrawing.  As-much-as you-are-having, sell and give to{destitute} and you-will-have wealth in to{heaven} and, Come! be-accompanying to{me}, lifting the cross."  [:22] Moreover the, be[ing]-gloomy upon to{the word}, comes-off/away grieving, for he-has-been-being having many acquire-effects.  [:23] And, view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around, the Jesus is-saying to{the disciples} of{same}, "How difficultly the having the business-effects will-come-into into the kingdom of{the God}."  [:24] Moreover, the disciples have-been-being-amazed upon to{the words} of{same}.  Moreover, the Jesus, respond[ing] again, is-saying to{same}, "Offsprings, how difficult it-is-being, the having-had-confidence upon to{the business-effects} to-come-into into the kingdom of{the God}.  [:25] It-is-being easier, camel to-come-through through of{the hole} of{the needle} than rich into the kingdom of{the God} to-come-into."  [:26] Moreover, the have-been-being-impacted exceedingly, saying toward sameselves, "And who[?] is-being-enabled to-be-saved[?]"  [:27] Moreover, view[ing]-in to{same}, the Jesus is-saying, "Beside to{men} unable; contrariwise, not beside to{the God}, for all is-being able beside to{the God}."  [:28] The Peter initiates to-be-saying to{same}, "Behold, we let-off/away all and accompany to{you}."  [:29] Respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} not-one is-being who lets-off/away house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or woman or offsprings or fields because of{emphatically-me} and because of{the good-message} [:30] if-supposing should_not_take [a] hundredfold now in to{the season, the-same} houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and offsprings and fields, alongside of{chasing[noun]}, and in to{the eon, the being-come}, eternal being-alive[noun].  [:31] Moreover, many firsts will-be lasts and lasts firsts."  [:32] Moreover, they-have-been-being in to{the way}, ascending into Jerusalem, and the Jesus has-been-being leading-before same, and they-have-been-being-amazed, and, accompanying, they-have-been-fearing and, take[ing]-aside the twelve again, he-initiates to-be-telling to{same[plural]} the about-to-be-being to{same[singular]} to-be-stepping-together[i.e. events to be unfolding together], [:33] that, "Behold, we-are-ascending into Jerusalem and the son of{the man} will-be-delivered to{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and to{the scribes} and they-will-judge-against same to{death} and they-will-deliver same to{the nations}, [:34] and they-will-infantilize to{same} and will-scourge same and will-spit-in to{same} and will-kill-off/away same and to{the third day} he-will-stand-up/anew."  [:35] And James and John, the sons of{Zebedee} are-being-gone-toward to{same}, saying, "Teacher, we-are-will-ing in-which-place what if-supposing we-may-request/give-cause-to you-may-do to{us}."  [:36] Moreover, the says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-will-ing me to-do to{you}[?]"  [:37] Moreover, the say to{same}, "Give to{us} in-which-place we-may-sit-down, one out of{right} of{you} and one out of{left} of{you}, in to{the glory} of{you}."  [:38] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "You-have_not_beheld what you-are-requesting/giving-cause-to-for-yourselves.  You-are-being-enabled to-drink the cup which I am-drinking and the immerse-effect which I am-being-immersed to-be-immersed[?]"  [:39] Moreover, the say to{same}, "We-are-being-enabled."  Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "On-one-hand the cup which I am-drinking you-will-drink and the immerse-effect which I am-being-immersed you-will-be-immersed.  [:40] On-the-other-hand, the to-sit-down out of{right} of{me} and out of{left} of{me} is_not_being mine to-give; contrariwise, to{whom} it-has-been-prepared."  [:41] And, hear[ing], the ten initiate to-be-being-irritated about of{James and John}.  [:42] Moreover, the Jesus, call[ing]-toward-himself same, is-saying to{same}, "You-have-beheld that the[plural] deeming to-be-chief-ing of{the nations} are-lording-down/against/according-to of{same} and the great of{same} are-exercising-authority-down/against/according-to of{same}.  [:43] Moreover, not the-same-ly it-will-be in to{you}; contrariwise, who[singular] if-supposing may-be-will-ing to-be-become great in to{you[plural]} will-be servant of{you[plural]}, [:44] and who supposing may-be-will-ing of{you[plural]} to-be first will-be slave of{all}.  [:45] For also the son of{the man} does_not_come to-be-served; contrariwise, to-serve and to-give the life of{same} [a] price-of-release in-place-of of{many}.  [:46] And they-are-being-come into Jericho and, of{same being-gone-out} from Jericho and of{the disciples} of{same} and of{sufficient crowd}, son of{Timeus}, bar-Timeus, blind, has-been-being-seated beside the way giving-cause/requesting-toward.  [:47] And, hear[ing] that it-is-being Jesus the Nazarene, he-initiates to-be-crying-out and to-be-saying, "Son [of-]David, Jesus, show-mercy-to me."  [:48] And many have-been-adjudging-valuation-upon to{same} in-which-place he-should-be-silent; moreover, the to{much} more he-has-been-crying-out, "Son [of-]David, show-mercy-to me."  [:49] And, stand[ing], the Jesus says to-be-sounded same, and they-are-sounding the blind, saying to{same}, "Be-having-courage; rouse-yourself; he-is-sounding you."  [:50] Moreover, the, cast[ing]-off/away the outer-garment of{same}, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-comes toward the Jesus.  [:51] And, respond[ing], the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "What[?] you-are-will-ing I-may-do to{you}[?]"  Moreover, the blind says to{same}, "Rabboni, in-which-place I-may-view-up/anew."  [:52] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Be-withdrawing.  The faith of{you} has-saved you."  And, straightaway he-views-up/anew and he-has-been-accompanying to{same} in to{the way}.

[Mark 11][:1] And when they-are-becoming-near into Jerusalem into Bethphage and Bethany toward the mountain of{the olives} he-is-sending-off/away two of{the disciples} of{same}, [:2] and he-is-saying to{same}, "Be-withdrawing into the village, the down-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{you} and straightaway, being-gone-into into same you-will-discover [a] colt having-been-bound upon which not-one of{men} has-been-seated.  Loose[ing] same, lead.  [:3] And if-supposing anyone may-say to{you}, 'What[?] you-are-doing the-same[?],' say that the Lord is-having need of{same}, and straightaway he-will-send-off/away same thus."  [:4] Moreover, they-come-off/away and discover [a] colt having-been-bound toward the entrance out upon of{the encircle-way}, and they-are-loosing same.  [:5] And some of{the having-stood} there have-been-saying to{same}, "What[?] you-are-doing, loosing the colt[?]"  [:6] Moreover, the[plural] say to{same} according-as the Jesus commands and they-let-off/away same.  [:7] And they-lead the colt toward the Jesus, and they-cast-upon to{same} the outer-garments of{same}, and he-sits-down upon to{same}.  [:8] Moreover, many spread the outer-garments of{same} into the way; moreover, others have-been-cutting stuffing/bedding out of{the trees} and have-been-spreading into the way.  [:9] And the leading-before and the accompanying have-been-crying-out, saying, "Hosanna, having-been-well-word-ed, the being-come in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}.  [:10] Having-been-well-word-ed, the being-come kingdom in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord} of{the Father} of{us}, David, hosanna in to{the highest}."  [:11] And, the Jesus comes-into into Jerusalem and into the consecrated[i.e. temple] and, view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around all, of{the hour being late/evening} already, he-comes-out into Bethany alongside of{the} twelve.  [:12] And to{the} upon-the-next-day, of{same[plural] come[ing]-out} from Bethany, he-hungers.  [:13] And, behold[ing] [a] fig-tree afar having leaves, he-comes, if of-consequence he-will-discover any in to{same} and, come[ing] upon same, he-discovers not-one, if not leaves, for it-has_not_been-being [the] season of{figs}.  [:14] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "No-one might-eat fruit no-still out of{you} into the eon."  And the disciples of{same} have-been-hearing.  [:15] And they-are-being-come into Jerusalem, and the Jesus come[ing]-into into the consecrated[i.e. temple], he-initiates to-be-casting-out the selling and purchasing in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, and he-overturns the tables of{the money-changers} and the seats of{the selling} the pigeons/doves.  [:16] And he-has_not_been-letting-off in-which-place any may-carry-through [a] vessel through of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}.  [:17] And he-has-been-teaching, saying to{same}, "Not[?] it-has-been-written that the house of{me} will-be-called [a] house of{prayer} to{all the nations}; moreover, you make same [a] cave of{robbers}."  [:18] And the scribes and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] hear and have-been-seeking how they-may-destroy-off/away same, for they-have-been-fearing same, that all the crowd has-been-being-impacted upon to{the teaching} of{same}.  [:19] And when it-becomes late, he-has-been-being-gone-out out of{the city}.  [:20] And early/morning being-gone-by, they-behold the fig-tree having-been-withered out of{roots}.  [:21] And the Peter, reminded-anew, is-saying to{same}, "Rabbi, behold, the fig-tree which you-curse has-withered."  [:22] And, respond[ing], Jesus is-saying to{same[plural]}, "Be-having faith of{God}.  [:23] For amen I-am-saying to{you} that who supposing may-say to{the mountain, the-same}, 'Be-lifted and be-cast into the seawater,' and would_not_be-deliberating in to{the heart} of{same}; contrariwise, would-believe that which he-is-saying is-being-become, it-will-be to{same} what if-supposing he-may-say.  [:24] Through the-same I-am-saying to{you}, all as-much-as supposing, praying, you-are-requesting/giving-cause-to-for-yourselves, be-believing that you-are-taking and it-will-be to{you}.  [:25] And when-supposing you-are-standing praying, be-letting-off/away if any you-are-having against of{anyone}, in-which-place also the father of{you}, the in to{the heavens}, may-let-off/away to{you} the fall-aside-effects of{you}.  [:26] Moreover, if you are_not_letting-off/away, neither the Father of{you} the in to{the heavens} will-let-off/away the fall-aside-effects of{you}.  [:27] And they-are-being-come again into Jerusalem and, of{same walking-around} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes and the elders are-being-come toward same.  [:28] And they-are-saying to{same}, "In to{about-what-such[?] authority} you-are-doing the-same and who[?] gives to{you} the authority, the-same, in-which-place you-may-be-doing the-same[?]"  [:29] Moreover, the Jesus, respond[ing], says to{same}, "Also I will-ask-upon you one word, and respond to{me}, and-I will-declare to{you} in to{about-what-such authority} I-am-doing the-same.  [:30] The immerse-effect of{John} has-been-being out of{heaven} or out of{men}[?]  Respond to{me}.  [:31] And they-have-been-being-word-ized toward sameselves, saying, "If-supposing we-may-say 'Out of{heaven},' he-will-declare, 'So, through what[?] you-do_not_entrust to{same}[?];' [:32] contrariwise, if-supposing we-may-declare, 'Out of{men}--,'" they-have-been-fearing the people, for emphatically-all have-been-having the John that being-ly/actually he-has-been-being [a] prophet.  [:33] And, respond[ing], they-are-saying to{the Jesus}, "We-have_not_beheld," and the Jesus, respond[ing], is-saying to{same}, "Neither I am-saying to{you} in to{about-what-such authority} I-am-doing the-same."

[Mark 12][:1] And he-initiates to-be-saying to{same} in to{parables}.  "[A] man plants [a] vineyard and places-around [a] barrier and digs [a] [wine]vat and house-builds [a] tower and gives-out same to{land-workers} and goes-abroad.  [:2] And he-sends-off/away toward the land-workers to{the season} [a] slave, in-which-place beside of{the land-workers} he-may-take from of{the fruit} of{the vineyard}.  [:3] Moreover, the[plural], take[ing] same, flay and send-off/away empty.  [:4] And again, he-sends-off/away toward same another slave, and-the-there, stone-cast[ing], summarily-bring-under-head and send-off/away, having-disvalue-ized.  [:5] And again he-sends-off/away another, and-the-there they-kill-off/away, and many others, the on-one-hand flaying, the on-the-other-hand killing-off/away.  [:6] So, still having one son, beloved of{same}, he-sends-off/away also same toward same[plural] last, saying that they-will-have-regard-for the son of{me}.  [:7] Moreover, the-there-s, the land-workers, say toward sameselves that 'the-same is-being the heir.  Come, we-may-kill-off/away same and the inheritance will-be of{us}.'  [:8] And, take[ing] same, they-kill-off/away and cast-out out of{the vineyard}.  [:9] So, what[?] the lord of{the vineyard} will-do[?]  He-will-be-come and will-destroy-off/away the land-workers, and will-give the vineyard to{others}.  [:10] Moreover-not[?] you-know-anew the scripture, the-same, 'The house-building[plural] deem-off/away[i.e. reject] which stone, the-same, is-become into head of{corner}.'  [:11] Beside of{Lord} same becomes and it-is-being marvelous in to{[the] eyes} of{us}."  [:12] And they-have-been-seeking to-seize same, and they-fear the crowd, for they-know that he-says the parable toward same and, let[ing]-off/away same, they-come-off/away.  [:13] And they-are-sending-off/away toward same some of{the Pharisees} and of{the Herodians} in-which-place they-may-catch same to{word}.  [:14] Moreover, the, come[ing], are-saying to{same}, "Teacher, we-have-beheld that you-are-being true, and it-is_not_concerning to{you} about of{not-one}, for you-are_not_viewing into [the] face of{men}; contrariwise, upon of{truth} you-are-teaching the way of{the God}.  It-is-being-allowed to-give [tax]assessment to{Caesar} or not[?]  [:15] We-should-give or we-should_not_give[?]"  Moreover, the having-beheld of{same} the pretense, says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-trial-izing me[?]  Be-carrying to{me} [a] denarius, in-which-place I-may-behold."  [:16] Moreover, the[plural] carry, and he-is-saying to{same}, "Of{whom}[?] the same image and the writing-upon/inscription[?]"  Moreover, the say to{same}, "Of{Caesar}."  [:17] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Give-off/away the of{Caesar} to{Caesar} and the of{the God} to{the God}."  And they-marvel upon to{same}.  [:18] And Sadducees are-being-come toward same, some-who are-saying to_no_be-being stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection], and they-ask-upon same, saying, [:19] "Teacher, Moses writes to{us} that if-supposing [a] brother of{any} may-die-off/away and may-leave-behind woman and may-let-off/away no offsprings, in-which-place the brother of{same} should-take the woman of{same} and should-stand-up/anew-out[i.e. procreate] sow-effect to{the brother} of{same}.  [:20] Seven brothers have-been-being and the first takes [a] woman and, dying-off/away, does_not_let-off/away sow-effect.  [:21] And the second takes same[feminine] and dies-off/away, and neither same lets-off/away sow-effect, and the third as-same-ly, [:22] and the seven, take same[feminine] and do_not_let-off/away sow-effect.  Last of{all} the woman also dies-off/away.  [:23] In to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}, when-supposing they-may-stand-up/anew, of{which[masculine]}[?] of{same[masculine]} will-be [the] woman, for the seven have [the] same woman[?]"  [:24] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Not[?] through the-same you-are-being-led-astray, having_not_beheld the scriptures nor the enablement of{the God}.  [:25] For when-supposing out of{dead} they-may-stand-up/anew, neither they-are-marrying nor they-are-being-marry-ized[i.e. given in marriage]; contrariwise, they-are-being as messengers in to{the heavens}.  [:26] Moreover, about of{the dead}, that they-are-being-roused, you-do_not_know-anew in to{the scroll} of{Moses} upon of{the bramble/briar-bush} as the God says to{same}, saying, "I, the God [of-]Abraham and the God [of-]Isaac and the God [of-]Jacob.  [:27] The God is_not_being of{dead}; contrariwise, of{being-alive}.  So, you-are-being-led-astray much."  [:28] And, one of{the scribes} come[ing]-toward, hear[ing] of{same[plural] seeking-together}, having-beheld that he-responds well to{same[plural]}, asks-upon same about-what-such is-being [the] first command of{all}.  [:29] Moreover, the Jesus responds to{same} that "first of{all the commands}, 'Be-hearing, Israel, [the] Lord the God of{us} is-being one Lord, [:30] and you-will-love [the] Lord the God of{you} out of{the whole heart} of{you} and out of{the whole life} of{you} and out of{the whole through-mind/thinking} of{you} and out of{the whole strength} of{you},' same first command, [:31] and second similar to{same}, 'You-will-love the nearby of{you} as yourself.'  Another command is_not_being greater of{the-same[plural]}."  [:32] And the scribe says to{same}, "Teacher, upon of{truth} you-say well, that one is-being and another is_not_being more-ly of{same}, [:33] and the to-be-loving same out of{the whole heart} and out of{the whole put-together-sis[i.e. state of comprehension]} and out of{the whole life} and out of{the whole strength} and the to-be-loving the nearby as sameself is-being much-more of{all the whole-burned-effects} and of{sacrifices}."  [:34] And the Jesus, behold[ing] same, that he-responds having-mind/thinking-ly, says to{same}, "You-are_not_being far from of{the kingdom} of{the God}."  And not-one not-still has-been-daring to-ask-upon same.  [:35] And, respond[ing], the Jesus has-been-saying, teaching in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, "How[?] the scribes are-saying that the anointed is-being son [of-]David[?]  [:36] For same David says in to{the Spirit, the Holy}, 'The Lord says to{the Lord} of{me}, "Be-being-seated out of{right} of{me} until supposing I-may-place the hostile of{you} [a] footstool of{the feet} of{you}."'  [:37] So, same David is-saying/wording same, 'Lord,' and whence[?] is-being son of{same}[?]"  And the vast crowd has-been-hearing of{same} pleasantly.  [:38] And he-has-been-saying to{same} in to{the teaching} of{same}, "Be-viewing off/away-from of{the scribes, the will-ing} to-be-walking-around in to{wardrobes} and greetings in to{the marketplaces}, [:39] and first-seats in to{the synagogues}, and first-[re]cline-places in to{the dinners/suppers}, [:40] the eating-down the houses of{the widows} and to{reveal-before-sis[i.e. pretext]}, praying long.  The-same will-take/get more-excessive judge-effect/judgment."  [:41] And the Jesus, sit[ing]-down down-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{the treasury}, has-been-observing how the crowd is-casting copper into the treasury, and many rich have-been-casting much.  [:42] And, come[ing], one destitute widow casts two mites, which is-being [a] quadrans[Latin].  [:43] And, call[ing]-toward-himself the disciples of{same}, says to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that the same widow, the destitute, casts much-more of{all} of{the cast[ing]} into the treasury, [:44] for all out of{the exceeding} to{same} cast; moreover, same[feminine] out of{the deficiency} of{same} casts all, as-much-as she-has-been-having, the whole livelihood of{same}."

[Mark 13][:1] And of{same being-gone-out} out of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} one of{the disciples} of{same} is-saying to{same}, "Teacher, behold when-where/what-manner[?] stones and when-where/what-manner[?] house-buildings."  [:2] And the Jesus, respond[ing], says to{same}, "You-are-viewing the-same, the large house-buildings.  No, [a] stone should_not_be-let-off/away upon stone here which no, should_not_be-loosed-down."  [:3] And, of{same being-seated} into the mountain of{the olives} down-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, Peter and James and John and Andrew have-been-asking-upon same with self [i.e. in private], [:4] "Say to{us} at-what-time[?] the-same will-be and what[?] the sign when-supposing may-be-being-about the-same all to-be-being-completed-together."  [:5] Moreover, the Jesus, respond[ing] to{same}, initiates to-be-saying, "Be-viewing; no, any would-lead_you_astray, [:6] for many will-be-come upon to{the name} of{me}, saying that "I am-being," and will-lead-astray many.  [:7] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-hear wars and what-is-heard of{wars}, do_not_be-being-perturbed, for it-is-necessitating to-become; contrariwise, not-yet the completion.  [:8] For nation will-be-roused upon nation and kingdom upon kingdom and will-be shakes/quakes down/against places, and will-be famines and disturbances, origin of{travail/anguish[e.g. childbirth]}, the-same.  [:9] Moreover, you be-viewing sameselves, for they-will-deliver you into councils and into synagogues you-will-be-flayed, and upon of{governers} and of{kings} you-will-be-stood because of{emphatically-me} into witness to{same}.  [:10] And the good-message is-necessitating first to-be-proclaimed into all the nations.  [:11] Moreover, when-supposing they-may-lead you, delivering, you-should_not_be-worrying-beforehand what[?] you-should-speak nor be-concerned/care-about; contrariwise, what if-supposing may-be-given to{you} in to{the-there, the hour}, the-same be-speaking, for you are_not_being the speaking; contrariwise, the Spirit, the Holy.  [:12] Moreover, brother will-deliver brother into death, and father[subject] offspring[object], and offsprings will-stand-up-upon upon parents and will-put-to-death same.  [:13] And you-will-be being-hated under of{all} through the name of{me}; moreover, the stay[ing]-under into completion, the-same will-be-saved.  [:14] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-behold the abomination of{the desolate-sis[i.e. state of being desolate]}, the declared under of{Daniel the prophet} having-stood which-where it-is_not_necessitating, the knowing-anew: be-thinking.  Then the in to{the Judea}: be-fleeing into the mountains.  [:15] Moreover, the upon of{the building}: do_not_descend into the house; no-moreover enter-into to-lift anything out of{the house} of{same}, [:16] and the being into the field: do_not_turn-upon into the behind to-lift the outer-garment of{same}.  [:17] Moreover, woe to{the having in belly} and to{the nursing} in to{the-there-s, the days}.  [:18] Moreover, be-praying in-which-place the flight of{you} would_not_become of{winter/bad-weather/storm}.  [:19] For will-be pressure/constriction/oppression, the days, the-there-s, the-which has_not_become to-which-the-same from of{origin} of{creation} of{which} the God creates until of{the} now, and no, would_not_become.  [:20] And if not [the] Lord curtails the days, not supposing every flesh is-saved; contrariwise, through the chosen, whom he-chooses, he-curtails the days.  [:21] And then if-supposing anyone says to{you}, "Behold, here, the anointed," or, "Behold, there," you-should_not_believe, [:22] For false-anointeds and false-prophets will-be-roused, and they-will-give signs and miracles toward the to-be-leading-astray-off/away, if able/empowered, also the chosen.  [:23] Moreover, you be-viewing; behold, I-have-said-beforehand all to{you}.  [:24] Contrariwise, in to{the days, the-there}, alongside the pressure/constriction/oppression the-there, the sun will-be-darkened and the moon will_not_give the radiance of{same}, [:25] and the stars of{the heaven} will-be falling-out, and the empowerments, the in to{the heavens} will-be-shaken.  [:26] And then they-will-see the son of{the man} being-come in to{clouds} alongside of{much empowerment} and of{glory}.  [:27] And then he-will-send-off/away the messengers of{same}, and he-will-gather-together-upon the chosen of{same} out of{the four winds} from of{extremity} of{earth} until of{extremity} of{heaven}.  [:28] Moreover, from of{the fig-tree} learn the parable.  When-supposing already the branch of{same} may-become tender and may-be-growing-out the leaves, you-are-knowing that the summer is-being near.  [:29] The-same-ly, also, when-supposing you may-behold the-same being-become, be-knowing that it/he-is-being near upon to{[the] entrances}.  [:30] Amen I-am-saying to{you} that no, the generation, the-same, may_not_pass-by up-to of{which} all the-same may-become.  [:31] The heaven and the earth will-be-passed-by; moreover, the words of{me}, no, would_not_pass-by.  [:32] Moreover, about of{the day, the-there} and of{the hour}, not-one has-beheld, nor the messengers, the in to{heaven}, nor the son, if not the Father.  [:33] Be-viewing; be-being-awake and be-praying, for you-have_not_beheld at-what-time the season is-being.  [:34] As [an] abroad man let[ing]-off/away the house of{same} and give[ing] to{the slaves} of{same} the authority, and to{each} the work of{same} and to{the doorkeeper} he-commands in-which-place he-may-be-being-awake.  [:35] So, be-being-awake, for you-have_not_beheld at-what-time the lord of{the house} is-being-come, late or of{midst-night} or of{rooster-sound} or early/morning, [:36] no, come[ing] out-unexpectedly, he-may-discover you lying-asleep.  [:37] Moreover, what I-am-saying to{you}, to{all} I-am-saying, 'Be-being-awake.'"

[Mark 14][:1] Moreover, it-has-been-being the passover and the unleavened alongside two days, and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes have-been-seeking how, seize[ing] in to{bait}, they-may-be-killing-off/away same.  [:2] Moreover, they-have-been-saying, "Not in to{the festival}, not-whereby will-be [a] tumult of{the people}."  [:3] And of{same being} in to{Bethany}, in to{the house} of{Simon the leprous}, of{same being-lain-down}, [a] woman comes, having [an] alabaster-vessel of{ointment, faithful/trustworthy much-finished/precious/costly spikenard} and, crush[ing] the alabaster-vessel, she-pours-down of{same} down/against of{the head}.  [:4] Moreover, some have-been-being being-irritated toward sameselves and saying, "Into what[?] the same destruction/loss-off/away of{the ointment} has-become[?]  [:5] For the-same has-been-being-enabled to-be-liquidated-for-sale upon-up/anew of{three-hundred denarii} and to-be-given to{the destitute}," and they-have-been-expressing-emotion to{same[feminine]}.  [:6] Moreover, the Jesus says, "Let-off/away-from same[feminine].  What[?] you-are-having-aside/presenting toil to{same[feminine]}[?]  She-work-izes [a] good work in to{emphatically-me}.  [:7] For always you-are-having the destitute alongside of{sameselves}, and when-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, you-are-being-enabled to-do well to{same}; moreover, you-are_not_having emphatically-me always.  [:8] [That] which she-has-been-having, same does.  She-takes-before to-ointment-ize the body of{me} into the en-funeral-ization.  [:9] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, which-where supposing the good-message may-be-proclaimed, the-same, into the whole world, also [that] which same[feminine] does will-be-spoken into remembrance of{same[feminine]}."  [:10] And the Judas, the Iscariot, one of{the twelve}, comes-off/away toward the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] in-which-place he-may-deliver same[singular] to{same[plural]}.  [:11] Moreover, the hear[ing] are-joyed and message-such-as-to-be-messaged-upon/agree-upon to{same} to-give silver, and he-has-been-seeking good-season-ly/opportunely how he-may-deliver same.  [:12] And to{the first day} of{the unleavened}, when they-have-been-sacrificing the passover, the disciples of{same} are-saying to{same}, "Where[?] you-are-will-ing, come[ing]-off/away, we-may-prepare, in-which-place you-may-eat the passover[?]"  [:13] And he-is-sending-off/away two of{the disciples} of{same}, and he-is-saying to{same}, "Be-withdrawing into the city, and [a] man will-encounter to{you}, bearing [a] pot of{water}.  Accompany to{same}.  [:14] And which-where if-supposing he-may-enter-into, say to{the house-ruler} that the teacher is-saying, 'Where[?] is-being the loose-down-effect/lodging which-where I-may-eat the passover alongside of{the disciples} of{me}[?]'  [:15] And same will-show to{you} [a] large up[from]ground[room] having-been-spread ready there.  Prepare to{us}."  [:16] And the disciples of{same} come-out and come into the city, and they-discover according-as he-says to{same}, and they-ready the passover.  [:17] And, of{late/evening become[ing]}, he-is-being-come alongside of{the twelve}.  [:18] And of{same being-lain-up/anew} and of{eating}, the Jesus says, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that one out of{you} will-deliver me, the eating alongside of{emphatically-me}."  [:19] Moreover, the[plural] initiate to-be-grieving and to-be-saying to{same[singular]}, one according-to one, "Not-what[?] I[?]" and another, "Not-what[?] I[?]"  [:20] Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "One out of{the twelve}, the dipping-in alongside of{emphatically-me} into the bowl.  [:21] On-one-hand, the son of{the man} is-withdrawing according-as it-has-been-written about of{same}; moreover, woe to{the man, the-there}, through of{whom} the son of{the man} is-being-delivered.  It-has-been-being good to{same} if the man, the-there, is_not_begotten."  [:22] And of{same[plural] eating}, the Jesus, take[ing] bread, well-word[ing], breaks and gives to{same}, and says, "Take, eat, the-same is-being the body of{me}."  [:23] And take[ing] the cup, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, he-gives to{same} and all drink out of{same}.  [:24] And he-says to{same}, "The-same is-being the blood of{me}, the of{the new through-placement/disposition/covenant}, the being-poured-out about of{many}.  [:25] Amen I-am-saying to{you} that not-still, no, I-should_not_drink out of{the begotten-effect} of{the vine} until of{the day, the-there} when-supposing I-may-be-drinking same new in to{the kingdom} of{the God}."  [:26] And, sing[ing][a]hymn, they-come-out into the mountain of{the olives}.  [:27] And the Jesus is-saying to{same} that "all you-will-be-scandalized in to{emphatically-me} in to{the night, the-same}, that it-has-been-written, 'I-will-smite the shepherd and the sheep will-be-scattered-through.'  [:28] Contrariwise, alongside the to-be-roused me, I-will-lead-in-front-of you into the Galilee."  [:29] Moreover, the Peter has-been-asserting to{same}, "Also if all will-be-scandalized; contrariwise, not I."  [:30] And the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that today, in to{the night, the-same}, prior than twice to-sound [the] rooster, thrice you-will-deny-off/away-from me."  [:31] Moreover, the out of{excess} has-been-saying, "More if-supposing it-is-necessitating me to-die-off/away-together to{you}, no, I-will_not_deny-off/away-from you;" moreover, as-same-ly also all have-been-saying.  [:32] And they-are-being-come into [the] area of{which} the name [is] "Gethsemane," and he-is-saying to{the disciples} of{same}, "Sit-down here until I-may-pray."  [:33] And he-is-taking-aside the Peter and James and John alongside of{sameself}, and he-initiates to-be-being-out-amazed and to-be-being-dismayed.  [:34] And he-is-saying to{same}, "The life of{me} is-being about-grief until of{death}.  Stay here and be-being-awake."  [:35] And, come[ing]-toward [a] little, he-falls upon of{the ground} and has-been-praying in-which-place if it-is-being able, the hour may-pass-by from of{same}.  [:36] And he-has-been-saying, "Abba, the father, all able to{you}.  Carry-aside the cup from of{emphatically-me}, the-same; contrariwise, not what I am-will-ing; contrariwise, what you."  [:37] And he-is-being-come and is-discovering same[plural] lying-asleep, and he-is-saying to{the Peter}, "Simon, you-are-lying-asleep.  You-do_not_have-strength to-be-awake one hour[?]  [:38] Be-being-awake and be-praying in-which-place you-should_not_come-into into trial.  On-one-hand the spirit pre-desire; moreover, the flesh weak."  [:39] And again, come[ing]-off/away, he-prays, say[ing] the same word.  [:40] And, return[ing], he-discovers same[plural] lying-asleep again, for the eyes of{same} have-been-being having-been-weighted, and they-had_not_beheld what to{same[masculine singular]} they-may-respond.  [:41] And he-is-being-come the third, and is-saying to{same}, "Be-lying-asleep the remaining, and you-are-quitting-anew/resting.  It-is-having-off/away-from.  The hour comes.  Behold, the son of{the man} is-being-delivered into the hands of{the sinful}.  [:42] Be-being-roused.  We-may-be-going.  Behold, the delivering me has-become-near."  [:43] And straightaway still of{same speaking} Judas is-being-become-aside, one being of{the twelve}, and alongside of{same} [a] vast crowd alongside of{knives} and of{wood[en-clubs]} beside of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{the scribes} and of{the elders}.  [:44] Moreover, he-had-given, the delivering same, [a] sign-together to{same[plural]}, saying, "Whom supposing I-may-be-fond-of, same is-being.  Seize same and lead-off/away unwaveringly."  [:45] And, come[ing], straightaway come[ing]-toward to{same}, he-is-saying, "Rabbi," and fonds-down/against same.  [:46] Moreover, the[plural] cast-upon upon same the hands of{same} and seize same.  [:47] Moreover, one who of{the standing-aside}, draw[ing] the knife, strikes the slave of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} and lifts-off/away-from of{same} the earlet.  [:48] And the Jesus, respond[ing], says to{same[plural]}, "As upon [a] robber you-come-out alongside of{knives} and of{wood[en-clubs]} to-together-take me.  [:49] According-to day I-have-been-being toward you in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, teaching, and you-do_not_seize me; contrariwise, in-which-place the scriptures may-be-fulfilled."  [:50] And, let[ing]-off/away same, all flee.  [:51] And some one youth accompanies to{same}, having-been-draped-around linen upon of{naked}, and the youths are-holding same.  [:52] Moreover, the, leave[ing]-behind the linen, flees naked from of{same}.  [:53] And they-lead-off/away the Jesus toward the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest], and all the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders and the scribes are-being-come-together to{same}.  [:54] And the Peter accompanies to{same} from afar until within into the courtyard of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}, and he-has-been-being being-seated-together alongside of{the subordinates}, and being-warmed toward the light.  [:55] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the whole council have-been-seeking witness-ia against of{the Jesus} into the to-put-to-death same, and they-have_not_been-discovering, [:56] for many have-been-falsely-witnessing against of{same} and the equal witness-ia have_not_been-being.  [:57] And some, stand[ing]-up/anew, have-been-falsely-witnessing against of{same}, saying [:58] that "we hear of{same saying} that 'I will-loose-down the temple, the-same, the hand-made, and through of{three days} I-will-house-build another un-hand-made.'"  [:59] And neither the-same-ly equal has-been-being the witness-ia of{same}.  [:60] And, stand[ing]-up/anew, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest], into [the] midst, asks-upon the Jesus, saying, "You-are_not_responding, not-one.  What[?] the-same[plural] are-witnessing-against of{you}[?]"  [:61] Moreover, the has-been-being-silent, and responds not-one.  Again the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] has-been-asking-upon same, and is-saying to{same}, "You are-being the anointed, the son of{the well-word-ed}[?]"  [:62] Moreover, the Jesus says, "I am-being, and you-will-see the son of{the man} being-seated out of{right[hand]s} of{the empowerment}, and being-come alongside of{the clouds} of{the heaven}.  [:63] Moreover, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest], tear[ing] the inner-garments of{same}, is-saying, "Still what[?] need we-are-having of{witnesses}[?]  [:64] You-hear of{the evil-assertion}.  What[?] is-being-revealed to{you}[?]  Moreover, the all judge-down/against same to-be-being liable of{death}.  [:65] And some initiate to-be-spitting-in to{same} and to-be-covering-around the face of{same} and to-be-buffet-izing same, and to-be-saying to{same}, "Prophesy," and the subordinates have-been-casting same to{slap-ize-effects}.  [:66] And of{the Peter being} down in to{the courtyard}, one of{the girlies} of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} is-being-come, [:67] and, behold[ing] the Peter being-warmed, view[ing]-in to{same}, is-saying, "Also you have-been-being alongside of{Jesus, the Nazarene.}"  [:68] Moreover, the denies, saying, "I-have_not_beheld, nor I-am-standing-upon[i.e. vouching for] what you are-saying," and he-comes-out out into the before-courtyard, and [a] rooster sounds.  [:69] And the girlie, behold[ing] same again, initiates to-be-saying to{the having-stood-aside} that the-same is-being out of{same[plural]}.  [:70] Moreover, the again has-been-denying, and alongside [a] little again, the having-stood-aside have-been-saying to{the Peter}, "Truly, you-are-being out of{same[plural]}, for also you-are-being Galilean, and the speech of{you} is-like-izing."  [:71] Moreover, the initiates to-be-cursing-up/anew and to-be-swearing that "I-have_not_beheld the man, the-same, whom you-are-saying."  [:72] And out of{second} [the] rooster sounds, and the Peter is-reminded-anew the declaration the Jesus says to{same}, that "prior to-sound [the] rooster twice, you-will-deny-off/away-from me thrice," and, cast[ing]-upon, he-has-been-weeping.

[Mark 15][:1] And straightaway upon the early/morning, make[ing] together-intention, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] alongside of{the elders} and of{[the] scribes} and the whole council, bind[ing]/necessitate[ing], carry-off/away and deliver the Jesus to{the Pilate}.  [:2] And the Pilate asks-upon same, "You are-being the king of{the Judeans}[?]"  Moreover, the respond[ing] says to{same}, "You are-saying."  [:3] And the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] have-been-accusing much of{same}; moreover, same responds not-one.  [:4] Moreover, the Pilate again asks-upon same, saying, "You-are_not_responding, not-one.  Behold how-many are-witnessing-down/against of{you}."  [:5] Moreover, the Jesus responds not-still not-one, such-as to-marvel the Pilate.  [:6] Moreover, according-to [the] festival he-has-been-loosing-off/away to{same[plural]} one bound[noun], whomever they-have-been-giving-cause/requesting.  [:7] Moreover, there-has-been-being the being-said "bar-Abbas," alongside of{the standing-together-ones/insurrectionists} having-been-bound, some-who in to{the stand-sis[i.e. state of standing]} had-done murder.  [:8] And, cry[ing]-up/anew, the crowd initiates to-be-giving-cause/requesting according-as ever he-has-been-doing to{same[plural]}.  [:9] Moreover, the Pilate responds to{same}, saying, "You-are-will-ing I-may-loose-off/away to{you} the king of{the Judeans}[?]"  [:10] For he-has-been-knowing that through jealousy the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] had-delivered same  [:11] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] shake-up/anew the crowd in-which-place more he-may-loose-off/away the bar-Abbas to{same[plural]}.  [:12] Moreover, the Pilate, respond[ing], again says to{same}, "So, what[?] you-are-will-ing I-may-do, whom you-are-saying 'king of{the Judeans}'[?]"  [:13] Moreover, the[plural] again cry-out, "Crucify same."  [:14] Moreover, the Pilate has-been-saying to{same}, "For what[?] bad he-does[?]"  Moreover, the[plural] more-exceedingly cry-out, "Crucify same."  [:15] Moreover, the Pilate, intending to-do to{the crowd} the sufficient, looses-off/away to{same} the bar-Abbas and delivers the Jesus, whip[ing] in-which-place he-may-be-crucified.  [:16] Moreover, the soldiers lead-off/away same within of{the courtyard}, the is-being "praetorium[Latin]," and are-calling-together the whole [military]company.  [:17] And they-are-clothing same purple and, placing-around to{same}, weave[ing] [a] thorny garland/crown, [:18] And they-initiate to-be-greeting same, "be-joying, the king of{the Judeans}."  [:19] And they-have-been-beating the head of{same} to{reed/staff} and have-been-spitting-in to{same} and, placing the knees, they-have-been-worshiping to{same}.  [:20] And when they-infantilize to{same}, they-strip same, the purple, and clothe same the outer-garments, the own/self, and are-leading-out same in-which-place they-may-crucify same.  [:21] And they-are-conscripting, leading-aside some Simon Cyrene, being-come from of{field}, the father of{Alexander} and of{Rufus}, in-which-place he-may-lift the cross of{same}.  [:22] And they-are-carrying same upon the Golgotha place, the is-being being-translated, "place of{skull}."  [:23] And they-have-been-giving to{same} to-drink having-been-myrrh-ized wine; moreover, the does_not_take [it].  [:24] And, crucify[ing] same, they-are-parting/dividing-through-themselves the outer-garments of{same}, casting lot upon same[neuter] who may-lift what.  [:25] Moreover, it-has-been-being [the] third hour and they-crucify same.  [:26] And the writing-upon/inscription has-been-being of{the cause} of{same}, having-been-written-upon, "The king of{the Judeans}."  [:27] And together-with to{same} are-being-crucified two robbers, one out of{right} and one out of{left} of{same}.  [:28] And the scripture is-fulfilled, the saying, "And alongside of{lawless} he-is-word-ized/reckoned/accounted."  [:29] And the[plural] being-gone-aside have-been-asserting-evil [toward] same, moving the heads of{same} and saying, "Ah, the loosing-down the temple and in to{three days} house-building, [:30] save yourself and descend off/from of{the cross}."  [:31] Moreover, similarly also the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests], infantilizing toward one-another, alongside of{the scribes}, have-been-saying, "He-saves others; he-is_not_being-empowered to-save sameself.  [:32] The anointed, the king of{the Israel}: descend now off/from of{the cross} in-which-place we-may-behold and may-entrust to{same}."  Also the having-been-crucified-together to{same} have-been-reproach-ize-ing same.  [:33] Moreover, of{sixth hour become}, darkness becomes upon the whole land until of{ninth hour}.  [:34] And to{the ninth hour} the Jesus cries to{large sound}, saying, "Eloi, Eloi, lima sabachthani," the is-being being-translated, "Oh God of{me}, oh God of{me}, into what you-in-down/against-leave/leave-behind me[?]"  [:35] And some of{the standing-aside}, hear[ing], have-been-saying, "Behold, he-is-sounding Elijah."  [:36] Moreover, hurry[ing], one also fill-ize[ing] [a] sponge of{vinegar}, place[ing]-around both to{reed/staff}, has-been-drink-izing same, saying, "Let-off/away-from.  We-may-behold if Elijah is-being-come to-lift-down same."  [:37] Moreover, the Jesus, let[ing]-off/away [a] great sound, breaths-out.  [:38] And the spread-out-against-effect/curtain of{the temple} is-split into two from up-place-ly until down.  [:39] Moreover, behold[ing], the centurion[Latin], the having-stood-aside out of{in-opposition} of{same} that the-same-ly, cry[ing]-out, breaths-out, says, "Truly the man, the-same, has-been-being son of{God}."  [:40] Moreover, also women have-been-being observing from afar, in to{whom} has-been-being also Mary the Magdalene, also Mary, the mother of{James, the little}, and of{Joses}, and Salome, [:41] who[plural], also, when he-has-been-being in to{the Galilee} have-been-accompanying to{same} and have-been-serving to{same} and many others, the ascend[ing]-together to{same} into Jerusalem.  [:42] And, already of{late/evening become} since it-has-been-being preparation, the is-being toward [the] sabbath, [:43] Joseph, the from of{Arimathea}, [a] well-decorum-ed councillor, who same also has-been-being receiving-toward the kingdom of{the God}, emboldened, comes-into toward Pilate and requests/gives-cause-to-for-himself the body of{the Jesus}.  [:44] Moreover, the Pilate marvels if already he-has-died and, call[ing]-toward-himself the centurion[Latin], asks-upon same if long-ago he-dies-off/away.  [:45] And, know[ing] from of{the centurion[Latin]}, he-bestows the body to{the} Joseph.  [:46] And, purchase[ing] linen and lift[ing]-down same, wraps-in to{the linen} and places same in to{memorial} the has-been-being having-been-hewn out of{rock-mass}, and toward-rolls [a] stone upon the entrance of{the memorial}.  [:47] Moreover, the Mary, the Magdalene, and Mary of{Joses} have-been-observing where he-is-being-placed.

[Mark 16][:1] And of{become[ing]-through} of{the sabbath}, Mary, the Magdalene, and Mary, the of{James}, and Salome, purchase aromatics in-which-place, come[ing], they-may-oil same.  [:2] And, very early/morning of{the one} of{sabbaths}, they-are-being-come upon the memorial of{the sun complete[ing]-up/anew}.  [:3] And they-have-been-saying toward sameselves, "Who will-roll-off/away to{us} the stone out of{the entrance} of{the memorial}[?]"  [:4] And, view[ing]-up/anew, they-are-observing that the stone has-been-rolled-off/away, for it-has-been-being vehemently large.  [:5] And, come[ing]-into into the memorial, they-behold [a] youth being-seated in to{the right}, having-been-draped-around [in a] white/bright wardrobe, and are-amazed.  [:6] Moreover, the is-saying to{same}, "Do_not_be-being-amazed.  You-are-seeking Jesus, the Nazarene, the having-been-crucified.  He-is-roused.  He-is_not_being here.  Behold the place where-which they-place same.  [:7] Contrariwise, be-withdrawing.  Say to{the disciples} of{same} and to{the Peter} that he-is-leading-before you into the Galilee.  There you-will-see same according-as he-says to{you}."  [:8] And come[ing]-out, they-flee from of{the memorial}; moreover, having-been-having same trembling[noun] and astoundment, and say not-one/nothing to{not-one/no-one}, for they-have-been-fearing.  [:9] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew early/morning to{first} of{sabbath}, he-is-revealed first to{Mary, the Magdalene} from of{whom} seven demons had-been-cast-out.  [:10] The-there, be[ing]-gone, messages-off/away to{the[plural]} alongside of{same} to{become[ing]} to{mourning} and to{weeping}.  [:11] And-the-there-s, hear[ing] that he-is-being-alive and is-spectated under of{same}, disbelieve.  [:12] Moreover, alongside the-same[neuter plural] he-is-revealed to{two} out of{same} to{walking-around} in to{different/other form} to{being-gone} into [a] field.  [:13] And-the-there-s, come[ing]-off/away, message-off/away to{the remaining}; moreover-not to{the-there[plural]} believe.  [:14] Afterward, to{same being-lain-up/anew} he-is-revealed, to{the} eleven, and he-reproach-izes the unbelief of{same} and hard-heart, that to{the spectate[ing]} same[singular] having-been-roused they-do_not_believe.  [:15] And he-says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone into the world, emphatically-everyone, proclaim the good-message to{all the creation}.  [:16] The believe[ing] and immersed will-be-saved; moreover, the unbelieving will-be-judged-against.  [:17] Moreover, signs to{the believe[ing]}, the-same[neuter], will-accompany-beside.  In to{the name} of{me} they-will-cast-out demon-ias, they-will-speak to{new tongues}, [:18] they-will-lift serpents, and-supposing deadly, what they-may-drink, no, it-will_not_hinder/disable/harm same.  Upon sick they-will-upon-place hands and they-will-have[i.e. get] well.  [:19] So, on-one-hand, the Lord Jesus, alongside the to-speak to{same}, is-taken/gotten-up into the heaven and sits-down out of{right} of{the God}; [:20] On-the-other-hand, the-there-s, come[ing]-out, proclaim everywhere of{the Lord working-together} and of{confirming} the word through of{the signs accompanying-upon}.  Amen.

Good-message according-to Luke

[Luke 1][:1] Upon-having-beheld-about many hand-upons[i.e. undertakings] to-set-anew a-leading-through-sis[i.e. narrative] about of{the[plural] having-full-carried} in to{us} of{practice-effects} [:2] according-as it-is-delivered to{us}, the[masculine plural] from of{origin} same-seeing[adjective plural] and subordinates become of{the word} [:3] it-deems to{me-also, accompanying-beside} up/anew-place-ly to{all}, precisely, consecutively, to-write to{you}, mightiest Theophilus, [:4] in-which-place you-may-know-upon about of{whom[plural]} you-are-orally-informed/instructed, the un-fail-ia/stability/security/assuredness of{[the] words}.  [:5] It-becomes in to{the days} of{Herod, the king} of{the Judea} [a] consecrated[i.e. priest], who to{name}, "Zechariah," out of{upon-day[i.e. translit. ephemeral, a shift]} [of-]Abijah, and the woman of{same}, out of{the daughters} [of-]Aaron, and the name of{same}, "Elizabeth."  [:6] Moreover, both have-been-being just in-sight of{the God}, being-gone in to{all the commands} and blameless to{justice-effects} of{the Lord}.  [:7] And there-has_not_been-being offspring to{same}, according-that the Elizabeth has-been-being sterile, and both have-been-being having-been-advanced in to{the days} of{same}.  [:8] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-consecrating[i.e. priestly-duty] same[masculine] in to{the set-sis[i.e. set state]/order/arrangement} of{the upon-day[i.e. translit. ephemeral, a shift]} of{same} in-in-place-of of{the God} [:9] according-to the custom of{the consecrate-ia[i.e. priesthood]} designates of{the} to-smoke/fumigate/[incense], come[ing]-into into the temple of{the Lord}.  [:10] And all the multitude of{the people} has-been-being praying outside to{the hour} of{the smoke/fumigation/[incense]}.  [:11] Moreover, [a] messenger of{[the] Lord} is-seen to{same}, having-stood out of{right} of{the sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]} of{the smoke/fumigation/[incense]}.  [:12] And Zechariah is-disturbed, behold[ing], and fear falls-upon upon same.  [:13] Moreover, the messenger says toward same, "Do_not_be-fearing, Zechariah, through-that the necessitation of{you} is-heard-into and the woman of{you}, Elizabeth, will-beget [a] son to{you}, and you-will-call the name of{same}, 'John.'  [:14] And it/he-will-be joy to{you}, and exultation, and many will-rejoice upon to{the beget-sis[i.e. conception]} of{same}.  [:15] For he-will-be great in-sight of{the Lord} and wine and strong/fermented-drink/liquor, no, he-should_not_drink, and he-will-be-filled of{Holy Spirit} still out of{cavity} of{mother} of{same}.  [:16] And many of{the sons} [of-]Israel will-turn-upon upon [the] Lord the God of{same}.  [:17] And same will-come-before in-sight of{same} in to{spirit} and to{enablement/empowerment} of{Elijah}, to-turn-upon hearts of{fathers} upon offsprings, and unpersuadable/stubborn/noncompliant in to{prudence} of{just}, to-prepare people to{[the] Lord} having-been-equip-ized/furnished."  [:18] And Zechariah says toward the messenger, "According-to what[?] I-will-know the-same[?]  For I am-being [an] elder and the woman of{me} having-advanced in to{the days} of{same[feminine]}."  [:19] And the messenger, respond[ing], says to{same}, "I am-being Gabriel, the having-stood-beside in-sight of{the God}, and I-am-sent-off/away to-speak toward you and to-good-message-ize the-same to{you}.  [:20] And, behold, you-will-be being-silent and not being-enabled to-speak, even-to of{which day} the-same may-become, in-place-of of{which[plural]} you-do_not_believe to{the words} of{me}, which-what will-be-fulfilled into the season of{same}."  [:21] And the people has-been-being deeming-toward/anticipating the Zechariah, and they-have-been-marveling in to{the} to-time-izing same in to{the temple}.  [:22] Moreover, come[ing]-out, he-has_not_been-enabled to-speak to{same}, and they-know-upon that he-has-seen [a] vision in to{the temple}, and same has-been-being nodding-through[i.e. gesturing] to{same} and mute has-been-remaining-through.  [:23] And it-becomes as the days of{the voluntary-employment} of{same} are-filled, he-comes-off/away into the house of{same}.  [:24] Moreover, alongside the-same, the days, Elizabeth, the woman of{same}, together-takes[i.e. gets pregnant], and has-been-hiding-around sameself five months, saying [:25] that "the-same-ly the Lord has-done to{me} in to{days which} he-beholds-upon to-lift-off/away the reproach of{me} in to{men}."  [:26] Moreover, in to{the month, the sixth}, the messenger Gabriel is-sent-off/away under of{the God} into [a] city of{the Galilee} to{the} name, "Nazareth," [:27] toward [a] virgin having-been-remember-promised[i.e. betrothed/engaged] to{[a] man, whom} name, "Joseph," out of{house} [of-]David, and the name of{the virgin}, "Mary," [:28] and come[ing]-into, the messenger says toward same, "be-joying, having-been-favored, the Lord alongside of{you}, having-been-well-word-ed, you in to{women}."  [:29] Moreover, the behold[ing] is-disturbed-through upon to{the word} of{same}, and has-been-being-dialog-ized when-where/what-manner[?] might-be-being the greeting, the-same.  [:30] And the messenger says to{same}, "Do_not_be-fearing, Mary, for you-find favor aside to{the God}.  [:31] And, behold, you-will-together-take/get[i.e. get pregnant] in to{belly}, and you-will-offspring/be-offspring-ed [a] son, and you-will-call the name of{same}, 'Jesus.'  [:32] The-same will-be great and son of{highest} will-be-called, and [the] Lord the God will-give to{same} the throne of{the father} of{same}, David.  [:33] And he-will-reign upon the house [of-]Jacob into the eons, and of{the kingdom} of{same} it-will_not_be completion."  [:34] Moreover, Mary says toward the messenger, "How[?] the-same will-be, upon-if I-am_not_knowing [a] man[?]"  [:35] And, respond[ing], the messenger says to{same}, "[The] Holy Spirit will-come-upon upon you and [the] enablement/empowerment of{highest} will-upon-shadow[i.e. overshadow] to{you} through-which also the having-begotten, holy, will-be-called 'son of{God}.'  [:36] And, behold, Elizabeth, the together-become[i.e. related] of{you}, also same having-together-taken[i.e. gotten pregnant] [a] son in to{old-age} of{same}, also the-same is-being sixth month to{same, the being-called sterile}, [:37] that every declaration will_not_unenable/unempower beside to{the God}."  [:38] Moreover, Mary says, "Behold the slave of{[the] Lord}.  It-might-become to{me} according-to the declaration of{you}," and the messenger comes-off/away-from from of{same}."  [:39] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew, Mary, in to{the days, the-same}, is-gone into the mountainous, alongside of{expedience}, into [a] city of{Judah}.  [:40] And she-comes-into into the house of{Zechariah}, and greets/is-greeted the Elizabeth.  [:41] And it-becomes as the Elizabeth hears the greeting of{the Mary} the baby jumps in to{the cavity} of{same} and the Elizabeth is-filled of{Holy Spirit}, [:42] and sounds-up/anew to{great sound} and says, "You having-been-well-word-ed in to{women}, and the fruit of{the cavity} of{you}, having-been-well-word-ed, [:43] and whence to{me} the-same, in-which-place may-come the mother of{the Lord} of{me} toward me, [:44] for behold, as the sound of{the greeting} of{you} becomes into the ears of{me}, the baby jumps in to{exultation} in to{the cavity} of{me}.  [:45] And blessed, the believe[ing], that completion-sis[i.e. state of completion] will-be to{the having-been-spoken} to{same[feminine]} beside of{[the] Lord}.  [:46] And Mary says, "The life of{me} magnifies the Lord, [:47] and the spirit of{me} exults upon to{the God, the savior} of{me}, [:48] that he-views-upon upon the humbleness of{the slave} of{same}, for, behold, off/away-from of{the} now all the generations will-bless-ize me, [:49] that the able does to{me} magnificent, and holy, the name of{same}, [:50] and the mercy of{same} into generations of{generations} to{the fearing} same.  [:51] He-does might in to{arm} of{same}, scatter[ing]-through over-shown/proud/arrogant to{through-mind/thinking} of{heart} of{same[plural]}.  [:52] He-lifts-down empowered-ones from of{thrones} and elevates [the] humble.  [:53] He-in-fills [the] hungering of{beneficial} and sends-out-off/away empty [the] being-rich.  [:54] He-takes-in-place-of Israel of{same child} to-be-reminded of{mercy}, [:55] according-as he-speaks toward the fathers of{us} to{the} Abraham and to{the sow-effect} of{same} into the eon."  [:56] Moreover, Mary stays together-with to{same} as-if three months and returns into the house of{same}.  [:57] Moreover, to{the} Elizabeth, the time of{the} to-offspring[verb], same, is-filled, and she-begets [a] son.  [:58] And the houses-around and the together-become[i.e. related] of{same} hear that [the] Lord has-been-magnifying the mercy of{same} alongside of{same} and they-have-been-together-joying to{same}.  [:59] And it-becomes in to{the eighth day} they-come to-circumcise the childling and have-been-calling same upon to{the name} of{the father} of{same}, "Zechariah."  [:60] And, respond[ing], the mother of{same} says, "Emphatically-not; contrariwise, he-will-be-called "John."  [:61] And they-say toward same that "not-one is-being in to{the together-become-ia[i.e. family]} of{you} who is-being-called to{the name, the-same}."  [:62] Moreover, they-have-been-nodding-in[i.e. gesturing] to{the father} of{same} the what supposing he-might-be-will-ing to-be-being-called same.  [:63] And, give[ing]-cause/request[ing] [a] tablet, he-writes, saying, "'John' is-being the name of{same}," and all marvel.  [:64] Moreover, the mouth of{same} is-opened-up/anew, and immediately the tongue of{same} also has-been-speaking, well-word-ing the God.  [:65] And fear becomes upon all, the housing-around same, and in to{whole, the mountainous} of{the Judea} all the declarations, the-same, has-been-being-spoken-through.  [:66] And all the hear[ing] place-such-as-to-be-placed in to{the heart} of{same[plural]}, saying, "What[?], consequently, will-be the childling, the-same[?]," and, "[The] hand of{[the] Lord} has-been-being alongside of{same}."  [:67] And Zechariah, the father of{same}, is-filled of{[the] Holy Spirit} and prophesies, saying, [:68] "Well-worded, [the] Lord, the God of{the} Israel, that he-watches-upon and does loose-sis/[state of]release to{the people} of{same}, [:69] and rouses [a] horn of{salvation} to{us} in to{[the] house} [of-]David, of{the child} of{same}, [:70] according-as he-speaks through of{[the] mouth} of{the holy, the} from of{eon} of{prophets} of{same}, [:71] salvation out of{hostile} of{us} and out of{[the] hand} of{all the hating} us, [:72] to-do mercy alongside of{the fathers} of{us} and to-remember of{[the] holy through-placement/disposition/covenant} of{same}, [:73] which oath he-swears toward Abraham, the father of{us}, of{the} to-give to{us} [:74] without-fear out of{[the] hand} of{the hostile} of{us}, rescued to-be-rendering-employment to{same}, [:75] in to{piety} and to{justice} in-sight of{same}, all the days of{the being-alive[noun]} of{us}.  [:76] And you, childling, prophet of{highest}, will-be-called, for you-will-be-gone-before before of{face} of{[the] Lord} to-prepare [the] ways of{same}, [:77] of{the} to-give knowledge of{salvation} to{the people} of{same} in to{let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release]} of{sins} of{same}, [:78] through inward-affect-ion[/compassion] of{mercy} of{[the] God} of{us} in to{which} up/anew-complete he-watches-upon us out of{height/elevation/exaltation}, [:79] to-reveal-upon to{the} being-seated in to{darkness} and to{shadow} of{death}, of{the} to-straighten-down/against/according-to the feet of{us} into [the] way of{peace}."  [:80] Moreover, the childling has-been-growing and has-been-being-mighty/prevailing to{spirit} and has-been-being in to{the desolate} until of{day} of{[the] show-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of having showed up/anew]} of{same} toward the Israel.

[Luke 2][:1] Moreover, it-becomes, in to{the days, the-there}, [a] decree beside of{Caesar Augustus} comes-out, to-be-being-written-from/documented/registered all the housed/inhabited.  [:2] The-same, the written-from/document/registration first becomes of{governing} of{the Syria} of{Quirinius}.  [:3] And they-have-been-being-gone, all to-be-being-written-from/documented/registered each into the own city.  [:4] Moreover also Joseph ascends from of{the Galilee} out of{[the] city} [of-]Nazareth into the Judea into [the] city [of-]David, which-what is-being-called "Bethlehem," through the to-be-being same out of{[the] house} and of{father-ia[i.e. paternal lineage]} [of-]David, [:5] to-write-such-as-to-be-written-from/document/register together-with Mary to{the having-been-remember-promised[i.e. betrothed/engaged]} to{same}, to{woman being with-child}.  [:6] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being same[plural] there, the days are-filled of{the} to-be-offspring[ing], same[feminine].  [:7] And she-offsprings the son of{same}, the first-offspring, and swaddles same, and reclines same in to{the manger}, through-that there-has_not_been-being to{same} [a] place in to{the loose-down-effect/lodging}.  [:8] And shepherds have-been-being in to{the region, the same}, being-afield and guarding custodies of{the night} upon the flock of{same[plural]}.  [:9] And, behold, [a] messenger of{[the] Lord} stands-upon to{same} and [the] glory of{[the] Lord} shines-around same, and they-fear great fear.  [:10] And the messenger says to{same}, "Do_not_be-fearing, for behold, I-am-good-message-izing to{you} great joy which-what will-be to{all the people}, [:11] that [a] savior is-offspring-ed to{you} today who is-being anointed, Lord, in to{[the] city} [of-]David.  [:12] And the-same, to{you}, the sign, you-will-discover [a] baby having-been-swaddled and being-lain in to{[a] manger}.  [:13] And out-suddenly it-becomes together-with to{the messenger} [a] multitude of{heavenly army praising} the God, and of{saying}, [:14] "Glory in to{highest God} and upon of{[the] earth} peace, well-deem-ia/inclination, in to{men}."  [:15] And it-becomes as the messengers come-off/away from of{same[plural]} into the heaven, and the men, the shepherds, say toward one-another, "We-should-come-through, indeed, until Bethlehem, and should-behold the declaration, the-same, the having-become, which the Lord know-izes to{us}."  [:16] And, hasten[ing], they-come, and discover-anew both the Mary and the Joseph and the baby being-lain in to{the manger}.  [:17] Moreover, behold[ing], they-through-know-ize about of{the declaration, the spoken} to{same} about of{the childling, the-same}.  [:18] And all the hear[ing] marvel about of{the spoken} under of{the shepherds} toward same.  [:19] Moreover, the Mary has-been-keeping-together all the declarations, the-same, casting-together in to{the heart} of{same}.  [:20] And the shepherds return, glorifying and praising the God upon to{all which} they-hear and behold, according-as is-spoken toward same.  [:21] And when eight days are-filled of{the} to-circumcise same, also he-is-called, the name of{same}, "Jesus," the called under of{the messenger} before of{the} to-be-together-taken/gotten[i.e. got pregnant] same in to{the cavity}.  [:22] And when the days of{the purging/cleansing} of{same} are-filled according-to the law of{Moses} they-lead-up/anew same into Jerusalem to-stand-beside to{the Lord}, [:23] according-as it-has-been-written in to{law} of{[the] Lord} that every male opening-up-through [the] womb will-be-called holy to{the Lord}, [:24] and of{the} to-give [a] sacrifice according-to the having-been-declared in to{[the] law} of{[the] Lord}, [a] pair of{turtledoves} or two young-birds of{pigeons/doves}.  [:25] And, behold, [a] man has-been-being in Jerusalem to{whom} name, "Simeon," and the man, the-same, just and well-taken[adjective], toward-receiving [the] call-aside-sis[i.e. state of being called-aside] of{the} Israel, and [the] Spirit has-been-being [the] Holy upon same.  [:26] And he-has-been-being to{same}, having-been-business-effect-ized under of{the Spirit, the Holy} to_no_behold death prior than he-should-behold the anointed of{[the] Lord}.  [:27] And he-comes in to{the Spirit} into the consecrated[i.e. temple] and in to{the} to-lead-into the parents, the childling, Jesus, of{the} to-do same[plural] according-to the having-been-custom-ized of{the law} about of{same}, [:28] and same receives same into the arms of{same}, and well-words the God, and says, [:29] "Now you-are-loosing-off/away the slave of{you}, ruler, according-to the declaration of{you} in to{peace}, [:30] that the eyes of{me} behold the salvation of{you}, [:31] which you-prepare according-to face[noun, but like the verb] of{all the peoples}, [:32] [a] light into off-cover-sis/state-of-uncovering/revelation of{[the] nations} and [the] glory of{[the] people} of{you}, Israel."  [:33] And Joseph has-been-being, and the mother of{same}, marveling upon to{the being-spoken} about of{same[masculine singular]}.  [:34] And Simeon well-words same[plural] and says toward Mary, the mother of{same}, "Behold, the-same is-being-lain into [the] fall-sis[i.e. state of falling] and up/anew-stand-sis[i.e. state of standing up/anew] of{many} in to{the} Israel, and into [a] sign, saying-in-place-of/in-opposition-to/contradicting/rebutting, [:35] and of{you}, moreover, of{same[feminine]}, [a] sword will-come-through the life which-how supposing dialog-iz-ations may-off-cover/uncover out of{many hearts}."  [:36] And Hannah, prophet, daughter [of-]Phanuel has-been-being out of{[the] tribe} [of-]Asher, same having-advanced in to{many days}, be[ing]-alive years alongside of{man}, seven from of{the virginity} of{same}, [:37] and same widow as of{eighty-four years}, the[feminine] has_not_been-being-stood-off/away-from from of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} to{fastings[noun]} and to{necessitations} being-employed night and day.  [:38] And same, to{the same hour}, stand[ing]-upon, has-been-same-wording-in-place-of to{the Lord}, and has-been-speaking about of{same[masculine]} to{all the receiving-toward} loose-sis/[state of]release in Jerusalem.  [:39] And, as they-finish emphatically-all, the according-to the law of{[the] Lord}, they-return into the Galilee into the city of{same}, Nazareth.  [:40] Moreover, the childling has-been-growing and has-been-being-mighty/prevailing to{spirit}, being-filled-full of{wisdom}, and [the] grace/favor of{God} has-been-being upon same.  [:41] And the parents of{same} have-been-being-gone according-to year into Jerusalem to{the festival} of{the passover}.  [:42] And when it-becomes of{year} twelve, of{same ascend[ing]} into Jerusalem according-to the custom of{the festival}, [:43] and of{complete[ing]} the days in to{the} same to-be-returning, the child, Jesus, stays-under/behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph does_not_know, also the mother of{same}.  [:44] Moreover, decide[ing] same to-be-being in to{the together-way}, they-come of{day['s]} way and have-been-seeking-anew same in to{the together-become[i.e. related]} and in to{the knowns}, [:45] and, no discover[ing] same, return into Jerusalem, seeking-anew same.  [:46] And it-becomes alongside three days they-discover same in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} being-seat-ized in to{midst} of{the teachers} and hearing of{same} and asking-upon same.  [:47] Moreover, all the hearing of{same} have-been-being-astounded upon to{the put-together-sis[i.e. state of comprehension]} and to{the responses} of{same}.  [:48] And, behold[ing] same, they-are-impacted and the mother of{same} says toward same, "Offspring, what[?] you-do to{us} the-same-ly[?]  Behold, the father of{you} and-I, suffering, have-been-seeking you."  [:49] And he-says toward same, "What[?] that you-have-been-seeking me[?]  You-had_not_beheld that in to{the} of{the father} of{me} it-is-necessitating me to-be-being[?]  [:50] And same do_not_put-together the declaration which he-speaks to{same}.  [:51] And he-descends alongside of{same}, and comes into Nazareth, and has-been-being being-set-under/subjected to{same}, and the mother of{same} has-been-through-keeping all the declarations, the-same, in to{the heart} of{same[feminine]}.  [:52] And Jesus has-been-progressing to{wisdom} and to{age/stature} and to{grace/favor} beside to{God} and to{men}.

[Luke 3][:1] Moreover, in to{[the] fifteenth year} of{the government} of{Tiberius Caesar}, of{governing} of{Pontius Pilate} of{the Judea} and of{fourth-part-origin-ruling} of{the Galilee} of{Herod}; moreover, of{Philip, the brother} of{same}, of{fourth-part-origin-ruling} of{the region} of{Ituraea} and of{Trachonitis}, and Lysanias of{fourth-part-origin-ruling} of{the Abilene}, [:2] upon of{chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} of{Annas} and of{Caiaphas}, [a/the] declaration of{God} becomes upon John, the son of{Zechariah}, in to{the desolate}, [:3] and he-comes into all the region-around of{the Jordan}, proclaiming immerse-effect of{change-of-mind/thinking} into let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins}, [:4] as it-has-been-written in to{scroll} of{words} of{Isaiah, the prophet, saying}, "Sound of{crying} in to{the desolate}, prepare the way of{[the] Lord}, make straight the paths of{same}.  [:5] Every ravine will-be-filled-full and every mountain and hill will-be-lowered, and the crooked will-be into straight, and the rough into smooth ways, [:6] and all flesh will-see-themselves the salvation of{the God}.  [:7] So, he-has-been-saying to{the crowds being-gone-out} to-be-immersed under of{same}, "Begotten-effect of{vipers}, who[?] indicates to{you} to-flee from of{the about-to-be-being wrath}[?]  [:8] So, make worthwhile fruit of{the change-of-mind/thinking}.  And you-should_not_initiate to-be-saying in to{sameselves}, 'We-are-having the father Abraham,' for I-am-saying to{you} that the God is-being-enabled to-rouse offsprings to{the Abraham} out of{the stones, the-same}.  [:9] Moreover, already also the axe is-being-lain toward the root of{the trees}; so, every tree making no good fruit is-being-cut-out and being-thrown into fire."  [:10] And the crowds have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "So, what[?] we-will-do[?]"  [:11] Moreover, respond[ing], he-is-saying to{same}, "The having two inner-garments: [ex]change/alongside-give/share to{the no having} and the having food: be-doing similarly."  [:12] Moreover, also [tax]collectors come to-be-immersed, and say toward same, "Teacher, what[?] we-will-do[?]"  [:13] Moreover, the says toward same, "Nothing more-than aside the having-been-set-through to{you} be-practicing."  [:14] Moreover, also being-armed have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "And we, what[?] we-will-do[?]"  And he-says toward same, "No-one should-shake-through[i.e. shake down] nor be-fig-revealer/informer/blackmail/extort, and be-being-sufficed to{the salary} of{you}."  [:15] Moreover, of{the people deeming-toward/anticipating} and of{all being-dialog-ized} in to{the hearts} of{same} about of{the John} not-whereby same might-be-being the anointed.  [:16] The John responds to{emphatically-all}, saying, "I, on-one-hand, am-immersing you to{water}; on-the-other-hand, the stronger of{me} is-being-come, of{whom} I-am_not_being sufficient to-loose the strap of{the footwear} of{same}.  Same will-immerse you in to{Holy Spirit} and to{fire}, [:17] of{whom} the winnowing-fork in to{the hand} of{same} also will-purge/cleanse-through the threshing-floor of{same} and will-gather-together the grain into the storehouse of{same}; moreover, he-will-burn-down the chaff to{unquenchable fire}."  [:18] So, on-one-hand, also calling-aside many different/others, he-has-been-being-good-message-izing the people; [:19] on-the-other-hand, the Herod, the fourth-part-origin-ruler, confuting under of{same} about of{Herodias, the woman} of{Philip, the brother} of{same}, and about of{all} as the Herod does of{evil}, [:20] he-places-toward the-same upon to{all} also; he-closes-down/against[i.e. locks up] the John in to{the custody[i.e. prison]}.  [:21] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-immersed, emphatically-all the people, also of{Jesus immersed} and of{praying}, to-be-opened-up/anew the heaven, [:22] and to-descend, the Spirit, the Holy, to{bodily behold[noun]} as-if [a] pigeon/dove upon same, and sound out of{heaven} to-become, saying, "You are-being the son of{me}, the beloved.  In to{you} I-well-deem."  [:23] And same, the Jesus, has-been-being commencing as-if thirty of{years}, being as has-been-being-decided, son [of-]Joseph, of{the} Eli, [:24] of{the} Matthat, of{the} Levi, of{the} Melchi, of{the} Janna, of{the} Joseph, [:25] of{the Mattathias}, of{the} Amos, of{the} Nahum, of{the} Esli, of{the} Naggai, [:26] of{the} Maath, of{the Mattathias}, of{the} Semein, of{the} Joseph, of{the Joda}, [:27] of{the Joana}, of{the} Rhesa, of{the} Zerubbabel, of{the} Shealtiel, of{the} Neri, [:28] of{the} Mechi, of{the} Addi, of{the} Cosam, of{the} Elmodam, of{the} Er, [:29] of{the Jose}, of{the} Eliezer, of{the} Jorim, of{the} Matthat, of{the} Levi, [:30] of{the} Simeon, of{the Judah}, of{the} Joseph, of{the} Jonan, of{the} Eliakim, [:31] of{the} Melea, of{the} Mainam, of{the} Mattatha, of{the} Nathan, of{the} David, [:32] of{the} Jesse, of{the} Obed, of{the} Boaz, of{the} Salmon, of{the} Naasson, [:33] of{the} Aminadab, of{the} Aram, of{the} Esrom, of{the} Phares, of{the} Judah, [:34] of{the} Jacob, of{the} Isaac, of{the} Abraham, of{the} Tarah, of{the} Nahor, [:35] of{the} Saruch, of{the} Reu, of{the} Peleg, of{the} Eber, of{the} Sala, [:36] of{the} Cainan, of{the} Arphaxad, of{the} Shem, of{the} Noah, of{the} Lamech, [:37] of{the} Methuselah, of{the} Enoch, of{the} Jared, of{the} Maleleel, of{the} Cainan, [:38] of{the} Enosh, of{the} Seth, of{the} Adam, of{the God}.

[Luke 4][:1] Moreover, Jesus, full of{[the] Holy Spirit}, returns from of{the Jordan} and has-been-being-led in to{the spirit} into the desolate [:2] forty days, being-trial-ized under of{the devil/slanderer} and he-does_not_eat, nothing, in to{the days, the-there}, and of{together-completed same}, afterward he-hungers.  [:3] And the devil/slanderer says to{same}, "If you-are-being son of{the God}, say to{the stone, the-same} in-which-place it-may-become bread."  [:4] And Jesus responds toward same, saying, "It-has-been-written that not upon to{bread only} the man will-be-being-alive; contrariwise, upon to{every declaration} of{God}."  [:5] And the devil/slanderer lead[ing]-up same into [a] high mountain, he-shows to{same} all the kingdoms of{the housed/inhabited} in to{point} of{time}.  [:6] And the devil/slanderer says to{same}, "To{you} I-will-give the authority, the-same emphatically-every, and the glory of{same}, that to{emphatically-me} it-has-been-delivered, and to{whom} if-supposing I-may-be-will-ing I-am-giving same.  [:7] So, you, if-supposing you-may-worship in-sight of{emphatically-me} it-will-be all of{you}.  [:8] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "It-has-been-written, 'You-will-worship [the] Lord, the God of{you}, and to{same only} you-will-render-employment.'"  [:9] And he-leads same into Jerusalem and stands same upon the pinnacle of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, and says to{same}, "If you-are-being son of{the God}, cast yourself down from-here, [:10] for it-has-been-written that to{the messengers} of{same} he-will-command about of{you} of{the} to-through-guard you, [:11] and that upon of{hands} they-will-lift you, not-whereby you-may-strike-toward toward [a] stone, the foot of{you}."  [:12] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same} that it-has-been-declared, "You-will_not_try-out [the] Lord, the God of{you}."  [:13] And together-complete[ing] all trials, the devil/slanderer stands-off/away-from from of{same}, even-to of{season}.  [:14] And the Jesus returns in to{the enablement/empowerment} of{the spirit} into the Galilee, and report comes-out down/against of{the whole region-around} around of{same}.  [:15] And same has-been-teaching in to{the synagogues} of{same}, being-glorified under of{all}.  [:16] And he-comes into the Nazareth, of{which} he-has-been-being having-been-nourished, and enters-into according-to the having-been-accustomed to{same} in to{the day} of{the sabbaths} into the synagogue and stands-up/anew to-know-anew.  [:17] And [the] scrollet of{Isaiah the prophet} is-given-upon to{same} and, furl[ing]-up/anew the scrollet, he-finds the place of{which} has-been-being having-been-written, [:18] "[The] Spirit of{[the] Lord} upon emphatically-me, because of{whom} he-anoints me to-be-being-good-message-ized to{destitute}.  He-has-sent-off/away me to-cure the having-been-broken/crushed the heart, to-proclaim to{[the] spear-takens[i.e. prisoners of war]} let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release], and anew-view to{blind}, to-send-off/away [the] having-been-shattered in to{let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release]}, [:19] to-proclaim [an] acceptable anniversary/year of{[the] Lord}."  [:20] And, furl[ing] the scrollet, give[ing]-off/away to{the subordinate}, he-sits-down, and the eyes of{all} in to{the synagogue} have-been-being being-fixated to{same}.  [:21] Moreover, he-initiates to-be-saying toward same that "today the scripture, the-same, in to{the ears} of{you}, has-been-fulfilled."  [:22] And all have-been-witnessing to{same} and have-been-marveling upon to{the words} of{the grace/favor} to{the being-gone-out} out of{the mouth} of{same} and have-been-saying, "The-same is_not_being the son [of-]Joseph[?]"  [:23] And he-says toward same, "You-will-declare, all, to{me} the parable, the-same, '"Curer, heal yourself."  As-much-as we-hear become[ing] in to{the} Capernaum, do also here/thus in to{the father-land} of{you}.'"  [:24] Moreover, he-says, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that not-one prophet is-being acceptable in to{the father-land} of{same}.  [:25] Moreover, upon of{truth} I-am-saying to{you}, many widows have-been-being in to{the days} of{Elijah} in to{the} Israel when the heaven is-closed upon three years and six months as [a] large famine becomes upon all the land, [:26] and toward not-one of{same} Elijah is-dispatched if not into Zarephath of{the Sidon} toward [a] woman, [a] widow.  [:27] And many leprous have-been-being upon of{Elisha, the prophet} in to{the} Israel, and not-one of{same} is-purged/cleansed if not Naaman the Syrian."  [:28] And all are-filled of{fury} in to{the synagogue}, hearing the-same [:29] and, stand[ing]-up/anew, they-cast-out same out of{the city} and lead same until of{[the] brow} of{the mountain} upon of{which} the city of{same} had-been-home-built such-as to-down-cliff-ize same.  [:30] Moreover, same, come[ing]-through through of{midst} of{same} has-been-being-gone.  [:31] And he-comes-down into Capernaum city of{the Galilee} and has-been-being teaching same in to{the sabbaths}, [:32] And they-have-been-being-impacted upon to{the teaching[noun]} of{same}, that the word of{same} has-been-being in to{authority}.  [:33] And [a] man has-been-being in to{the synagogue} having [a] spirit of{unclean demon-ia} and cries-out-up/anew to{great sound}, [:34] saying, "Ah, What[?] to{us} and to{you}, Jesus, Nazarene[?]  You-come to-destroy-off/away us[?]  I-have-beheld you, who is-being the holy of{the God}."  [:35] And the Jesus adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, saying, "Be-muzzled and come-out out of{same}."  And the demon-ia, toss[ing] same into the midst, comes-out from of{same} hinder/disable/harm[ing] same nothing.  [:36] And amazement becomes upon all, and they-have-been-speaking-together toward one-another, saying, "Who[?] the word, the-same, that in to{authority} and to{enablement/empowerment} he-is-setting-upon to{the unclean spirits} and they-are-being-come-out[?]"  [:37] And [the] audible-manifestation has-been-being-gone-out about of{same} into every place of{the region-around}.  [:38] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew out of{the synagogue}, he-comes-into into the house of{Simon}.  Moreover, the mother-in-law of{the Simon} has-been-being having-together to{great fever}, and they-ask same[masculine singular] about of{same[feminine]}.  [:39] And, stand[ing]-upon up-upon of{same}, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{the fever}, and it-lets-off/away-from same.  Moreover, immediately stand[ing]-up/anew, she-has-been-serving to{same}.  [:40] Moreover, of{the sun sinking}, all, as-many-as have-been-having being-weak/infirm to{various diseases}, lead same[plural] toward same[singular]; moreover, the, to{each one} of{same}, upon-place[ing] the hands, heals same.  [:41] Moreover, also demon-ias have-been-being-come-out from of{many}, crying-out and saying that "you are-being the anointed, the son of{the God}" and, adjudging-valuation-upon, he-has_not_been-allowing same to-be-speaking, that they-had-beheld the anointed same to-be-being.  [:42] Moreover, of{become day}, come[ing]-out, he-is-gone into [a] desolate place, and the crowds have-been-seeking-upon same, and come until of{same[singular]} and have-been-holding-down same[singular] of{the} to-be_not_gone from of{same[plural]}.  [:43] Moreover, the says toward same that "also to{the different/other cities}, to-good-message-ize me it-is-necessitating the kingdom of{the God} that into the-same I-have-been-sent-off/away."  [:44] And he-has-been-being proclaiming in to{the synagogues} of{the Galilee}.

[Luke 5][:1] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} the crowd to-be-laid-upon to{same}, of{the} to-be-hearing the word of{the God} and same has-been-being having-stood beside the lake Gennesaret, [:2] and he-beholds two boats having-stood beside the lake.  Moreover, the fishers, stepping-off/away-from from of{same}, are-rinsing-off the nets.  [:3] Moreover, step[ing]-in into one of{the boats}, the has-been-being of{the Simon}, he-asks same from of{the land} to-lead-upon [a] few and, sit[ing]-down, he-has-been-teaching the crowd out of{the boat}.  [:4] Moreover, as he-stops speaking, he-says toward the Simon, "Lead-upon into the deep and loosen/lower the nets of{you[plural]} into [a] catch."  [:5] And, respond[ing], the Simon says to{same}, "Superintendent, through of{the whole night}, labor[ing], we-take not-one; moreover, upon to{the declaration} of{you} I-will-loosen/lower the net."  [:6] And, do[ing] the-same, they-close-together much multitude of{fish}.  Moreover, the net of{same[plural]} has-been-tearing-through.  [:7] And they-nod-down[i.e. gesture/beckon] to{the have-alongside/participants/partners, the} in to{the different boat}, of{the} come[ing] to-together-take/get to{same[plural]} and they-come and fill both the boats such-as to-be-deep-izing/submerging same[plural].  [:8] Moreover, behold[ing], Simon Peter falls-toward to{the knees} of{Jesus}, saying, "Come-out from of{emphatically-me}, that sinful man I-am-being, Lord," [:9] for amazement has-around same[singular] and all the together-with to{same} upon to{the catch} of{the fish} to{which} they-take-together, [:10] moreover, similarly also James and John, sons of{Zebedee}, who have-been-being partners/in-common to{the Simon}.  And the Jesus says toward the Simon, "Do_not_be-fearing.  From of{the} now you-will-be catching-alive men."  [:11] And, lead[ing]-down the boats upon the land, let[ing]-off/away-from emphatically-all, they-accompany to{same}.  [:12] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being same[masculine] in to{one} of{the cities}, and, behold, [a] man full of{leprosy}, also behold[ing] the Jesus, fall[ing] upon [his] face, is-necessitated of{same}, saying, "Lord, if-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, you-are-being-enabled/empowered to-purge/cleanse me."  [:13] And, stretch[ing]-out the hand, he-takes-hold of{same}, say[ing], "I-am-will-ing.  Be-purged/cleansed."  And straightaway the leprosy comes-off/away-from from of{same}.  [:14] And same messages-aside to{same}, "To{no-one} to-say; contrariwise, come[ing]-off/away, show yourself to{the consecrated[i.e. priest]} and carry-toward about of{the purging/cleansing} of{you} according-as Moses sets-toward into witness to{same}."  [:15] Moreover, the word about of{same} has-been-being-come-through more, and many crowds have-been-being-come-together to-be-hearing and to-be-being-healed under of{same} from of{the weak/infirm} of{same}.  [:16] Moreover, same has-been-being retreating in to{the desolate} and praying.  [:17] And it-becomes in to{one} of{the days} also same has-been-being teaching, and Pharisees and law-teachers have-been-being being-seated, who have-been-being having-been-come out of{every village} of{the Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem}, and enablement/empowerment of{[the] Lord} has-been-being into the same[plural] to-be-being-cured.  [:18] And, behold, men carrying [a] man upon of{[a] bed} who has-been-being having-been-paralyzed and they-have-been-seeking same to-carry-into and to-place in-sight of{same}.  [:19] And not discover[ing] through of{about-what-such} they-may-carry-into same through the crowd, ascend[ing] upon the building they-let-down through of{the earthen-tiles} same together-with to{the bedlet/cot} into the midst in-front of{the Jesus}.  [:20] And, behold[ing] the faith of{same[plural]}, he-says to{same}, "Man, the sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away to{you}.  [:21] And the scribes and the Pharisees initiate to-be-being-dialog-ized, saying, "Who[?] is-being the-same, who is-speaking evil-assertions[?]  Who[?] is-being-enabled to-be-letting-off/away sins if not only the God[?]"  [:22] Moreover, the Jesus, know[ing]-upon the dialog-iz-ation of{same}, respond[ing], says toward same, "What[?] you-are-being-dialog-ized in to{the hearts} of{you}[?]  [:23] What[?] is-being easier to-say[?], 'The sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away to{you},' or to-say, 'Rouse-yourself and be-walking-around'[?]  [:24] Moreover, in-which-place you-should-have-beheld that the son of{the man} is-having authority upon of{the earth} to-let-off/away sins," he-says to{the having-been-paralyzed}, "I-am-saying to{you}, rouse-yourself and, lift[ing] the bedlet/cot of{you}, be-being-gone into the house of{you}."  [:25] And, immediately, stand[ing]-up/anew in-sight of{same[plural]}, lift[ing] upon what he-has-been-lain-down, he-comes-off/away into the house of{same}, glorifying the God.  [:26] And astoundment takes emphatically-all, and they-have-been-glorifying the God and are-filled of{fear}, saying that "we-behold paradoxical today."  [:27] And alongside the-same he-comes-out and spectates [a] [tax]collector to{name} 'Levi' being-seated upon the [tax]collection[place], and he-says to{same}, "Accompany to{me}."  [:28] And leave[ing]-behind emphatically-all, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-has-been-accompanying to{same}.  [:29] And Levi makes [a] large reception to{same} in to{the house} of{same} and [a] vast crowd has-been-being of{[tax]collectors} and of{others} who have-been-being alongside of{same} being-lain-down.  [:30] And the Pharisees and the scribes of{same} have-been-muttering toward the disciples of{same}, saying, "Through what[?] alongside of{the [tax]collectors} and of{sinful} you-are-eating and are-drinking[?]  [:31] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says toward same, "The being-healthy are_not_having need of{[a] curer}; contrariwise, the having badly.  [:32] I-have-come not to-call [the] just; contrariwise, sinful into change-of-mind/thinking."  [:33] Moreover, the[plural] say toward same, "Through what[?] the disciples of{John} are-fasting often and making necessitations, and similarly the of{the Pharisees}; moreover, the to{you} are-eating and are-drinking."  [:34] Moreover, the Jesus says toward same, "You-are_not_being-enabled, the sons of{the bridal-chamber}, in to{whom} the bridegroom is-being alongside of{same}, to-make to-be-fasting.  [:35] Moreover, days will-be-come also when-supposing the bridegroom should-be-lifted-off/away-from from of{same}; then they-will-fast in to{the days, the-there}."  [:36] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also [a] parable toward same, that "not-one is-casting-upon [an] upon-cast-effect of{new outer-garment} upon [an] old outer-garment; moreover, if no-indeed also the new is-splitting also to{the old}; it-is_not_carrying-together, the upon-cast-effect, the from of{the new}.  [:37] And not-one is-casting fresh wine into old leathern-bags; moreover, if no-indeed the fresh wine will-tear the leathern-bags and same will-be-poured-out, and the leathern-bags will-perish-off/away; [:38] contrariwise, cast[adjective] fresh wine into new leathern-bags, and both are-being-kept-together.  [:39] And not-one drink[ing] [the] old straightaway is-will-ing [the] fresh, for he-is-saying the old is-being more-useful."

[Luke 6][:1] Moreover, it-becomes in to{second-first sabbath} to-be-being-gone-through same through of{the sown} and the disciples of{same} have-been-plucking the heads-of-grain and have-been-eating, crumbling to{the hands}.  [:2] Moreover, some of{the Pharisees} say to{same}, "What[?] you-are-doing, which is_not_being-allowed to-be-doing in to{the sabbaths}[?]"  [:3] And, respond[ing] toward same, the Jesus says, "Nor you-know-anew the-same, which David does when[?] same hungers, and the alongside of{same}, [:4] as he-comes-into into the house of{the God} and takes the bread, of{the setting-forth}, and eats, and he-gives also to{the} alongside of{same}, whom it-is_not_being-allowed to-eat, if not only the consecrateds[i.e. priests][?]"  [:5] And he-has-been-saying to{same} that the son of{the man} is-being lord also of{the sabbath}.  [:6] Moreover, it-becomes also in to{[a] different sabbath} to-enter-into same, into the synagogue also to-be-teaching, and [a] man has-been-being there, and the hand of{same}, the right, has-been-being withered.  [:7] Moreover, the scribes and the Pharisees have-been-keeping-beside same, if in to{the sabbath} he-will-heal, in-which-place they-may-discover accusation of{same}.  [:8] Moreover, same had-beheld the dialog-iz-ation of{same} and says to{the man}, to{the having withered}, the hand, "Rouse and stand into the midst."  Moreover, the, stand[ing]-up/anew, stands.  [:9] So, the Jesus says toward same[plural], "I-will-ask-upon you what[?] is-being-allowed to{the sabbaths}, to-do-benefit or to-do-bad, to-save life or to-destroy-off/away[?]"  [:10] And, view[ing]-around-such-as-to-be-viewed-around same all, he-says to{the man}, "Stretch-out the hand of{you}."  Moreover, the does the-same-ly, and the hand of{same} is-reinstated, healthy as the other.  [:11] Moreover, same are-filled of{thoughtlessness} and have-been-speaking-through toward one-another what supposing they-might-do to{the Jesus}.  [:12] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the days, the-same} he-comes-out into the mountain to-pray and has-been-being through-night-ing in to{the prayer} of{the God}.  [:13] And when day becomes, he-sounds-toward the disciples of{same}, also choose[ing] from of{same} twelve, whom also he-names sent-off[ones], [:14] Simon, whom also he-names Peter, and Andrew, the brother of{same}, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, [:15] Matthew and Thomas, James, the of{the Alphaeus}, and Simon, the being-called Zealot, [:16] Judas of{James} and Judas Iscariot, who also becomes betrayer.  [:17] And, descend[ing] alongside of{same} he-stands upon of{[a] flat/level place}, and [a] crowd of{disciples} of{same} and [a] vast multitude of{the people} from of{all the Judea} and Jerusalem and of{the Tyre, beside-salt[sea]} and of{Sidon}, who come to-hear of{same} and to-be-cured from of{the diseases} of{same}, [:18] and the being-inundated under of{unclean spirits}, and they-have-been-being-healed.  [:19] And all the crowd has-been-seeking to-be-taking-hold of{same}, that enablement/empowerment beside of{same} has-been-coming-out, and he-has-been-curing all.  [:20] And same, lift[ing]-upon the eyes of{same} into the disciples of{same}, has-been-saying, "Blessed, the destitute, that yours is-being the kingdom of{the God}.  [:21] Blessed, the hungering now, that you-will-be-fed-ized.  Blessed, the weeping now, that you-will-laugh.  [:22] Blessed you-are-being when-supposing the men may-hate you, and when-supposing they-may-define-off/away[i.e. separate] you and may-reproach-ize and may-cast-out the name of{you} as evil because of{the son} of{the man}.  [:23] be-joying in to{the-there, the day,}, and jump, for behold, the wage of{you} much in to{the heaven}, for according-to the-same the fathers of{same} have-been-doing to{the prophets}.  [:24] More-ly, woe to{you, the rich}, that you-are-holding-off the call-aside-sis[i.e. state of being called-aside] of{you}.  [:25] Woe to{you}, the having-been-in-filled, that you-will-hunger.  Woe to{you}, the laughing now, that you-will-mourn and you-will-weep.  [:26] Woe when-supposing well all the men may-say you, for according-to the-same the fathers of{same} have-been-doing to{the false-prophets}.  [:27] Contrariwise, to{you} I-am-saying, to{the hearing}, be-loving the hostile of{you}; be-doing well to{the hating} you.  [:28] Be-well-wording the cursing you and pray over of{the threaten-izing-upon} you.  [:29] To{the beating} you upon the cheek, be-holding-aside/presenting also the other, and from of{the lifting} of{you} the outer-garment also you-should_not_hinder the inner-garment.  [:30] Moreover, to{the all requesting/giving-cause-to} you, be-giving, and from of{the lifting} the yours do_not_be-requesting/giving-cause-off/away-from.  [:31] And according-as you-are-will-ing in-which-place the men may-be-doing to{you} also you be-doing similarly to{same}.  [:32] And if you-are-loving the loving you, about-what-such[?] grace/favor is-being to{you}, for also the sinful are-loving the loving same.  [:33] And if-supposing you-may-be-doing-benefit the doing-benefit you, about-what-such[?] grace/favor is-being to{you}, for also the sinful are-doing the same.  [:34] And if-supposing you-may-loan-ize beside of{whom} you-may-be-expect[ize]ing to-take-off/away-from, about-what-such[?] grace/favor is-being to{you}, for also sinful to{sinful} are-loan-izing in-which-place they-may-take-off/away-from the equal.  [:35] More-ly, be-loving the hostile of{you} and be-doing-benefit and be-loan-izing, expect[ize]ing-off/away nothing, and the wage of{you} will-be much and you-will-be sons of{[the] highest}, that same is-being useful upon the unfavorable/ungracious and evil.  [:36] So, be-becoming caring[adjective] according-as also the Father of{you} is-being caring[adjective].  [:37] And do_not_be-judging, and no, you-should_not_be-judged.  Do_not_be-justifying-down/against/condemn, and no, you-should_not_be-justified-down/against/condemn.  Loose-off/away-from, and you-will-be-loosed-off/away-from.  [:38] Be-giving, and it-will-be-given to{you}, [a] good measure having-been-pressed and having-been-shaken and being-poured-out-over they-will-give into the bosom/lap of{you}, for to{the same measure which} you-measure it-will-be-measured-in-place-of to{you}.  [:39] Moreover, he-says [a] parable to{same}.  "No-what[?] blind is-being-enabled to-be-leading-way blind[?]  Emphatically-not; both will-fall-themselves into [a] pit.  [:40] [A] disciple is_not_being over the teacher of{same}; moreover, having-been-made-ready, every will-be as the teacher of{same}.  [:41] Moreover, what[?] you-are-viewing the twig, the in to{the eye} of{the brother} of{you}; moreover, you-are_not_thinking-according-to/considering the log, the in to{the own eye}[?]  [:42] Or, how[?] you-are-being-enabled to-be-saying to{the brother} of{you}, 'Brother, let-off/away, I-may-cast-out the twig, the in to{the eye} of{you},' same not viewing the log in to{the eye} of{you}[?]  Pretender, first cast-out the log out of{the eye} of{you} and then you-will-view-through to-cast-out the twig, the in to{the eye} of{the brother} of{you}.  [:43] For [a] good tree is_not_being making worthless fruit, nor [a] worthless tree making good fruit, [:44] for each tree is-becoming out of{the own fruit}, for they-are-collecting figs not out of{thorn-bushes}, nor are-gathering grapes out of{[a] bramble/briar-bush}.  [:45] The beneficial man is-carrying-forth the beneficial out of{the beneficial wealth} of{the heart} of{same} and the evil man is-carrying-forth the evil out of{the evil wealth} of{the heart} of{same}, for out of{the excess-effect} of{the heart} the mouth of{same} is-speaking.  [:46] Moreover, what[?] you-are-calling me 'Lord, Lord," and are_not_doing what I-am-saying[?]  [:47] The every being-come toward me and hearing of{the words} of{me} and doing same, I-will-indicate to{you} to{whom} it-is-being analogous.  [:48] It-is-being analogous to{[a] man house-building} [a] house who excavates and deepens and places [a] foundation upon the rock-mass.  Moreover, of{flood become}, the river tears-toward to{the house, the-there} and it-does_not_have-strength to-shake same, for it-had-been-founded upon the rock-mass.  [:49] Moreover, the hear[ing] and no do[ing] is-being analogous to{[a] man house-build[ing]} [a] house upon the land separate of{foundation}, to{which} the river tears-toward, and straightaway together-falls, and great becomes the tear-effect of{the house, the-there}."

[Luke 7][:1] Moreover, since he-fills-full all the declarations of{same} into the hearing[noun] of{the people}, he-comes-into into Capernaum.  [:2] Moreover, [a] slave of{some centurion}, having unwell, has-been-being-about to-decease, who has-been-being invaluable to{same}.  [:3] Moreover, hear[ing] about of{the Jesus}, he-sends-off/away, toward same, elders of{the Judeans}, asking same which-how, come[ing], he-may-through-save the slave of{same}.  [:4] Moreover, the[plural], being[ing]-become-aside toward the Jesus, call-aside same expediently, saying that "he-is-being worthwhile to{whom} he-will-have-aside/present the-same, [:5] for he-is-loving the nation of{us}, and same house-builds the synagogue to{us}."  [:6] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-being-gone together-with to{same[plural]}.  Moreover, already of{same} not far of{having-off/away-from} from of{the house} the centurion dispatches toward same friends, saying to{same}, "Lord, do_not_be-being-hassled, for I-am_not_being sufficient in-which-place you-may-come-into under the roof of{me}, [:7] nor through-which I-am-worthwhile myself toward you to-come; contrariwise, say to{word} and the child of{me} will-be-cured.  [:8] For also I am-being [a] man under authority, having setting under myself soldiers, and I-am-saying to{the-same}, 'Be-gone,' and he-is-being-gone, and to{another}, 'Be-being-come,' and he-is-being-come, and to{the slave} of{me}, 'Do the-same,' and he-is-doing."  [:9] Moreover, hear[ing] the-same, the Jesus marvels same and, turn[ing] to{the same crowd accompanying}, says, "I-am-saying to{you} moreover-not in to{the} Israel I-discover the-which-the-same faith."  [:10] And the dispatched return[ing] into the house discover the infirm slave being-healthy.  [:11] And it-becomes in to{the} next; he-has-been-being-gone into [a] city being-called Nain, and the disciples of{same} have-been-being-gone-together to{same}, sufficient, and [a] vast crowd.  [:12] Moreover, as he-becomes-near to{the gate} of{the city}, also, behold, [a] having-died has-been-being-out-attend-ized, [an] only-begotten son to{the mother} of{same} and same[feminine] has-been-being [a] widow, and [a] crowd of{the city}, sufficient, has-been-being together-with to{same[feminine]}.  [:13] And, behold[ing] same[feminine], the Lord is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] upon to{same[feminine]} and says to{same[feminine]}, "Do_not_be-weeping."  [:14] And, come[ing]-toward, he-takes-hold of{the coffin}; moreover, the[plural] bearing stand, and he-says, "Youth, I-am-saying to{you}, be-roused."  [:15] And the dead sits-up/anew and initiates to-be-speaking, and he-gives same to{the mother} of{same}.  [:16] Moreover, fear takes emphatically-all and they-have-been-glorifying the God, saying that "[a] great prophet has-been-roused in to{us}," and that the God watches-upon the people of{same}.  [:17] And the word, the-same, comes-out in to{the whole Judea} about of{same}, and in to{all the region-around}.  [:18] And the disciples of{same} message-off/away to{John} about of{all the-same}.  [:19] And, call[ing]-toward-himself some two of{the disciples} of{same}, the John dispatches toward the Jesus, saying, "You are-being the being-come, or another we-deem-toward/anticipate[?]"  [:20] Moreover, the men become[ing]-aside toward same say, "John, the immerser, has-sent-off/away us toward you, saying, 'You are-being the being-come, or another we-deem-toward/anticipate[?]'"  [:21] Moreover, in to{same, the hour} he-heals many from of{diseases} and of{scourges} and of{evil spirits} and to{many blind} he-gratifies the to-be-viewing.  [:22] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, message-off/away to{John} what you-behold and hear.  Blind are-viewing-anew, lame are-walking-around, leprous are-being-purged/cleansed, deaf/mute are-hearing, dead are-being-roused, and destitute are-being-good-message-ized.  [:23] And blessed is-being who if-supposing would_not_be-scandalized in to{emphatically-me}.  [:24] Moreover, of{come[ing]-off/away, the messengers} of{John}, he-initiates to-be-saying toward the crowds about of{John}, "What[?] you-come-out into the desolate to-spectate, [a] reed being-shaken under of{wind}[?]  [:25] Contrariwise, what[?] you-come-out to-behold, [a] man having-been-dressed in to{soft outer-garments}[?]  Behold, the in to{in-glorious outer-garment-sets} and to{luxury} are-being originating-under in to{the king-dwellings/palaces}.  [:26] Contrariwise, what[?] you-come-out to-behold[?]  [A] prophet, yes, I-am-saying to{you}, and more-excessive of{[a] prophet}.  [:27] The-same is-being about of{whom} it-has-been-written, 'Behold, I am-sending-off/away the messenger of{me} before of{[the] face} of{you}, who will-equip-ize/furnish the way of{you} in-front of{you}.'  [:28] For I-am-saying to{you}, not-one prophet in to{begotten} of{women} is-being greater-than of{John, the immerser}; moreover, the lesser in to{the kingdom} of{the God} is-being greater-than of{same}.  [:29] And every, the people hear[ing], also the [tax]collectors, justify the God, immersed the immerse-effect of{John}.  [:30] Moreover, the Pharisees and the lawyers un-place/nullify/reject the intent of{the God} into sameselves, no immersed under of{same}.  [:31] So, to{what[?]} I-will-liken the men of{the generation, the-same} and to{what[?]} they-are-being analogous[?]  [:32] They-are-being analogous to{childlings, the} in to{[the] marketplace being-seated}, and are-sounding-toward one-another and saying, 'We-flute to{you} and you-do_not_dance; we-lament to{you} and you-do_not_weep,' [:33] for John, the immerser, has-come neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you-are-saying, 'He-is-having demon-ia.'  [:34] The son of{the man} has-come eating and drinking and you-are-saying, 'Behold, [a] glutton man and wine-bibber, friend of{[tax]collectors} and of{sinful}.'  [:35] And the wisdom is-justified off/away-from of{the offsprings} of{all} of{same}."  [:36] Moreover, someone of{the Pharisees} has-been-asking same in-which-place he-may-eat alongside of{same} and, come[ing]-into into the house of{the Pharisee} he-is-reclined.  [:37] And behold, [a] woman in to{the city}, she-who has-been-being sinful, upon-know[ing] that he-is-being-lain-up/anew in to{the house} of{the Pharisee}, attend-ize[ing] [an] alabaster-vessel of{ointment}, [:38] and stand[ing] beside the feet of{same} behind, weeping, initiates to-be-wetting the feet of{same} to{the tears} and has-been-out-wiping to{the hair} of{the head} of{same[feminine]}, and has-been-fonding-down/against the feet of{same}, and has-been-oiling to{the ointment}.  [:39] Moreover, the Pharisee, the call[ing] same, behold[ing], says in to{sameself}, saying, "The-same, if he-has-been-being [a] prophet, has-been-knowing supposing who and when-where/what-manner the woman, she-who is-taking-hold of{same}, that she-is-being sinful."  [:40] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says toward same, "Simon, I-am-having what to-say to{you}."  Moreover, the is-asserting, "Teacher, say."  [:41] "Two obligation-owe-ers have-been-being to{some debt}.  The one has-been-owing five-hundred denarii; moreover, the different/other fifty.  [:42] Moreover, no of{having same} to-give-off/away, he-is-gratified to{both}.  So, who[?] of{same}, say, will-love same much-more[?]"  [:43] Moreover, respond[ing], the Simon says, "I-am-taking-under that the to{whom} is-gratified much-more."  Moreover, the says to{same}, "Straightly you-judge."  [:44] And, turned toward the woman, he-has-been-asserting to{the Simon}, "You-are-viewing the-same, the woman.  I-come-into into the house of{you}; you-do_not_give water upon the feet of{me}; moreover, same wets the feet of{me} to{the tears} and out-wipes to{the hair} of{the head} of{same}.  [:45] You-do_not_give [a] fond-effect to{me}; moreover, same from of{whom} I-come-into does_not_discontinue fonding-down/against the feet of{me}.  [:46] You-do_not_oil the head of{me} to{olive-oil}; moreover, same oils the feet of{me} to{ointment}, [:47] of{which}, graciously, I-am-saying to{you} the sins of{same}, the many, have-been-let-off/away, that she-loves much; moreover to{whom} are-being-let-off/away scant, is-loving scant."  [:48] Moreover, he-says to{same[feminine]}, "The sins of{you} have-been-let-off/away."  [:49] And the being-lain-up/anew-together initiate to-be-saying in to{sameselves}, "Who[?], the-same, is-being, who also is-letting-off/away sins[?]"  [:50] Moreover, he-says toward the woman, "The faith of{you} has-saved you.  Be-being-gone into peace."

[Luke 8][:1] And it-becomes in to{the} consecutively also same has-been-traveling-through according-to city and village, proclaiming and good-message-izing the kingdom of{the God}, and the twelve together-with to{same}.  [:2] And some women who have-been-being having-been-healed from of{evil spirits} and of{infirmities}, Mary, the being-called Magdalene, from of{whom} seven demon-ias had-come-out, [:3] and of{Joanna}, woman of{Chuza}, of{administrator} of{Herod}, and Susanna, and many different/others, some-who have-been-serving to{same[plural]} from of{the undertaking-s} to{same[plural]}.  [:4] Moreover, of{[a] vast crowd together-being} and of{the being-gone-upon[plural]} according-to city he-says toward same through parable, [:5] "The sowing comes-out of{the} to-sow the seed of{same} and in to{the} to-be-sowing same, the on-one-hand falls beside the way and is-walked-down/against[i.e. trampled], and the birds of{the heaven} eats-down same.  [:6] And different/other falls upon the rock-mass and, produce[ing], is-withered through the having no moisture. [:7] And different/other falls in to{midst} of{the thorn-bushes} and, produce[ing]-together, the thorn-bushes suffocate-off/away same.  [:8] And different/other falls into the land, the beneficial, and, produce[ing], makes [a] hundredfold fruit."  Saying the-same, he-has-been-sounding, "The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing."  [:9] Moreover, the disciples of{same} have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "Who[?] might-be-being the parable, the-same[?]"  [:10] Moreover, the says, "To{you} has-been-given to-know the mysteries of{the kingdom} of{the God}; moreover, to{the remaining}, in to{parables}, in-which-place viewing, they-would_not_be-viewing, and hearing, they-would_not_be-putting-together. [:11] Moreover, the-same is-being the parable:  The seed is-being the word of{the God}.  [:12] Moreover, the beside the way are-being the hearing; thereafter, the devil/slanderer is-being-come and is-lifting the word off/away-from of{the heart} of{same}, lest in-which-place, believe[ing]/entrust[ing], they-would-be-saved.  [:13] Moreover, the upon of{the rock-mass}, the when-supposing may-hear, alongside of{joy} they-are-receiving the word, and the-same are_not_having root.  The toward season are-believing/entrusting and in to{season} of{trial} are-being-stood-off/away.  [:14] Moreover, the fall[ing] into the thorn-bushes, the-same are-being the hear[ing], and being-gone under of{worry} and of{riches} and of{pleasures} of{the livelihood}, are-together-being-choked and are_not_carrying-to-completion.  [:15] Moreover, the in to{the good land}, the-same are-being the-some hear[ing] the word in to{good heart} and to{beneficial}.  They-are-having/holding-according-to and are-carrying-fruit in to{under-remain/endurance/perseverance}.  [:16] Moreover, not-one kindle[ing] [a] lamp is-covering same to{vessel} or is-placing down-under of{couch/bed}; contrariwise, upon of{[a] lampstand} is-placing-upon, in-which-place the being-gone-into may-be-viewing the light.  [:17] For [the] hidden[adjective] is_not_being which will-become not revealed[adjective], nor [the] hidden-off/away-from[adjective], which will_not_be-known, also may-come into [the] revealed[adjective].  [:18] So, be-viewing how you-are-hearing, for who supposing may-be-having, it-will-be-given to{same}, and who supposing would_not_be-having, also what he-is-deeming to-be-having will-be-lifted off/away-from of{same}."  [:19] Moreover, the mother and the brothers of{same} become-aside toward same, and they-have_not_been-being-enabled to-happen-together to{same} through the crowd.  [:20] And it-is-messaged-off/away to{same}, of{saying}, "The mother of{you} and the brothers of{you} have-stood outside will-ing to-behold you."  [:21] Moreover, the respond[ing] says toward same, "[The] mother of{me} and [the] brothers of{me}, the-same are-being the hearing the word of{the God} and doing same."  [:22] And it-becomes in to{one} of{the days} also same steps-in into [a] boat, and the disciples of{same}, and he-says toward same, we-should-come-through into the other-side of{the lake} and they-lead-up/anew.  [:23] Moreover, of{same boating}, he-sleeps-off/away, and [a] storm of{wind} descends into the lake, and they-have-been-being-together-filled-full and they-have-been-being-endangered.  [:24] Moreover, come[ing]-toward, they-through-rouse same, saying, "Superintendent, superintendent, we-are-perishing-off/away."  Moreover, the roused adjudges-valuation-upon to{the wind} and to{the wave/surge/billow} of{the water} and they-quit/end/rest/stop and it-becomes calm.  [:25] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "Where[?] is-being the faith of{you}[?]"  Moreover, fear[ing], they-marvel, saying toward one-another, "Who[?] of-consequence is-being the-same, that also to{the winds} he-is-setting-upon, and to{the water}, and they-are-hearkening-under to{same}[?]"  [:26] And they-boat into the region of{the Gadarenes} which-what is-being opposite-side-ly of{the Galilee}.  [:27] Moreover, to{same come[ing]-out} upon the land he-encounters to{same} some man out of{the city} who has-been-having demon-ias out of{sufficient time}, and outer-garment has_not_been-being-clothed, and in to{[a] house} has_not_been-staying; contrariwise, in to{the memorial-effects}.  [:28] Moreover, behold[ing] the Jesus and cry[ing]-out-up/anew, he-falls-toward to{same} and to{great sound} says, "What[?] to{emphatically-me} and to{you}, Jesus, son of{the God, the highest}[?]  I-am-being-necessitated of{you} you-would_not_torture me."  [:29] For he-messages-aside to{the spirit, the unclean} to-come-out from of{the man}, for to{many times} it-had-together-snatched same, and he-has-been-being-fettered to{un-loose-sis-es[i.e. states of being chained/bound]} and to{[foot]shackles}, being-guarded, and, tearing the bonds, he-has-been-being-propelled under of{the demon} into the desolate.  [:30] Moreover, the Jesus asks-upon same, saying, "What[?] to{you} is-being name[?]"  Moreover, the says, "Legion," that many demon-ias come-into into same.  [:31] And they-have-been-calling-aside same in-which-place he-would_not_set-upon to{same[plural]} to-come-off/away into the bottomless-depths.  [:32] Moreover, [a] herd of{sufficient pigs being-grazed} has-been-being there in to{the mountain} and they-have-been-calling-aside same in-which-place he-may-turn-upon to{same} into the-there-s to-come-into, and he-turns-upon to{same}.  [:33] Moreover, the demon-ias, come[ing]-out from of{the man}, come-into into the pigs, and the herd dashes down of{the precipice} into the lake and suffocates-off/away[i.e. drowns].  [:34] Moreover, the grazing behold[ing] the having-become flee and message-off/away into the city and into the fields.  [:35] Moreover, they-come-out to-behold the having-become, and come toward the Jesus and discover the man from of{whom} the demon-ias had-come-out being-seated, having-been-outer-garmented, and being-of-sound-disposition beside the feet of{the Jesus}, and they-fear.  [:36] Moreover, also the behold[ing] message-off/away to{same} how the demonized is-saved.  [:37] And the emphatically-every multitude of{the region-around} of{the Gadarenes} ask same to-come-off/away-from from of{same}, that to{great fear} they-have-been-having-together; moreover, same, step[ing]-in into the boat, returns.  [:38] Moreover, the man from of{whom} the demon-ias had-come-out has-been-necessitating of{same} to-be-being together-with to{same}; moreover, the Jesus looses-off/away same, saying, [:39] "Be-returning into the house of{you} and be-describing as-much-as the God does to{you}."  And he-comes-off/away down/against the whole city, proclaiming as-much-as the Jesus does to{same}.  [:40] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-return the Jesus, the crowd receives-from same, for all have-been-being deeming-toward/anticipating same.  [:41] And behold, [a] man, to{whom} name "Jairus," comes, and same chief of{the synagogue} has-been-originating-under and, fall[ing] beside the feet of{the Jesus}, has-been-calling-aside same to-come-into into the house of{same}, [:42] that only-begotten daughter has-been-being to{same} as twelve of{years}, and same has-been-dying-off/away; moreover, in to{the} to-withdrawing same, the crowds together-stifle same.  [:43] And [a] woman being in to{flow-sis[i.e. a state of flow]} of{blood} from twelve of{years}, she-who, loose[ing]-up/anew-toward physicians the whole livelihood, does_not_have-strength under of{not-one} to-be-healed.  [:44] Come[ing]-toward from-behind, she-takes-hold of{the fringe} of{the outer-garment} of{same} and immediately stands the flow-sis[i.e. state of flow] of{the blood} of{same}.  [:45] And the Jesus says, "Who[?], the take[ing]-hold of{me}[?]"  Moreover, of{all denying}, the Peter and the alongside of{same} say, "Superintendent, the crowds are-together-holding you and constricting-from and you-are-saying, 'Who[?], the take[ing]-hold of{me}[?]'"  [:46] Moreover, the Jesus says, "Someone takes-hold of{me}, For I know enablement/empowerment come[ing]-out from of{emphatically-me}.  [:47] Moreover, the woman behold[ing] that she-does_not_escape-notice, trembling, comes and, fall[ing]-toward to{same}, through whom cause she-takes-hold of{same}, messages-off/away to{same} in-sight of{all the people} and as she-is-cured immediately.  [:48] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Be-having-courage, daughter.  The faith of{you} has-saved you.  Be-being-gone into peace."  [:49] Still of{same speaking}, someone is-being-come beside of{the synagogue-chief}, saying to{same} that "the daughter of{you} has-died.  Do_not_be-hassling the teacher."  [:50] Moreover, the Jesus, hear[ing], responds to{same}, saying, "Do_not_be-fearing, only be-believing, and she-will-be-saved."  [:51] Moreover, come[ing]-into into the house he-does_not_let-off to-come-into, not-one, if not Peter and James and John, and the father of{the child} and the mother.  [:52] Moreover, all have-been-weeping and have-been-striking-themselves [regarding] same[feminine]; moreover, the says, "Do_not_be-weeping, for she-does_not_die-off/away; contrariwise, she-is-lying-asleep.  [:53] And they-have-been-laughing-down/against of{same}, having-beheld that she-dies-off/away.  [:54] Moreover, same, cast[ing]-out all outside and, seize[ing] of{the hand} of{same}, sounds, saying, "The child, be-being-roused."  [:55] And the spirit of{same} turns-upon, and she-stands-up/anew immediately, and he-sets-through to{same[feminine]} to-be-given to-eat.  [:56] And the parents of{same} are-astounded; moreover, the messages-aside to{same} to{no-one} to-say the having-become.

[Luke 9][:1] Moreover, call[ing]-together the twelve, he-gives to{same} enablement/empowerment and authority upon all the demon-ias and to-be-healing diseases.  [:2] And he-sends-off/away same to-be-proclaiming the kingdom of{the God} and to-be-curing the weaknesses/infirmities.  [:3] And he-says toward same, "Be-lifting nothing into the way, neither staffs, nor bag, nor bread, nor silver, nor two inner-garments to-be-having anew.  [:4] And into which supposing house you-may-come-into, be-staying there and thence be-being-come-out.  [:5] And as-many-as supposing may_not_receive you, being-come-out from of{the city, the-there}, shake-off the dust from of{the feet} of{you} into witness upon same."  [:6] Moreover, being-come-out, they-have-been-being-come-through according-to the villages, good-message-izing and healing everywhere.  [:7] Moreover, Herod, the fourth-part-origin-ruler, hears the being-become all under of{same} and has-been-being-perplexed-through through the to-be-being-said under of{some}, that John has-been-roused out of{dead}, [:8] moreover under of{some} that Elijah is-revealed, moreover of{others} that [a] prophet into of{the originals} stands-up/anew.  [:9] And Herod says, "I behead John; moreover, who[?] is-being the-same about of{whom} I am-hearing to-which-the-same[?]"  And he-has-been-seeking to-behold same.  [:10] And, return[ing], the sent-off[ones] describe to{same} as-much-as they-do and, take[ing]-aside same[plural], he-retreats with self [i.e. in private] into [a] desolate place of{[a] city being-called} Bethsaida.  [:11] Moreover, the crowds, know[ing], accompany to{same} and, receive[ing] same[plural], he-has-been-speaking to{same} about of{the kingdom} of{the God}, and the[plural] having need of{therapy} he-has-been-curing.  [:12] Moreover, the day initiates to-be-leaning; moreover, come[ing]-toward, the twelve say to{same}, "Loose-off/away the crowd, in-which-place, come[ing]-off/away into the to{round-about} villages and the fields, they-may-loose-down[i.e. retire] and may-discover upon-grain/provision, that we-are-being here in to{[a] desolate place}."  [:13] Moreover, he-says toward same, "You, give to{same} to-eat."  Moreover, the[plural] say, "There-are_not_being to{us} much-more than five breads and two fishes if not-what, be[ing]-gone, we may-purchase into all the people, the-same, food," [:14] for there-have-been-being as-if five-thousand men.  Moreover, he-says toward the disciples of{same}, "Lay-down same[plural], companies fifty anew."  [:15] And they-do the-same-ly, and recline emphatically-all.  [:16] Moreover, take[ing] the five breads and the two fishes, view[ing]-up into the heaven, he-well-words same and breaks-down and has-been-giving to{the disciples} to-be-set-aside to{the crowd}.  [:17] And they-eat and all are-fed-ized, and the exceed[ing] to{same} of{break-effects/fragments}, twelve baskets, are-lifted.  [:18] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being, same, praying, with-only/alone, the disciples have-been-being-together to{same}, and he-asks-upon same, saying, "Who[?] the crowds are-saying me to-be-being[?]"  [:19] Moreover, the respond[ing] say, "John, the immerser; moreover, others, Elijah; moreover, others that [a] prophet, who of{the originals}, stands-up/anew."  [:20] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "Moreover, who[?] you are-saying me to-be-being[?]"  Moreover, the Peter, respond[ing], says, "The anointed of{the God}."  [:21] Moreover, the, adjudge[ing]-valuation-upon to{same}, messages-aside to-say the-same to{no-one}, [:22] say[ing] that it-is-necessitating the son of{the man} to-suffer many and to-be-deemed-off/away[i.e. be rejected] from of{the elders} and of{chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{scribes}, and to-be-killed-off/away, and to{the third day} to-be-roused.  [:23] Moreover, he-has-been-saying toward all, "If any is-will-ing behind of{me} to-come: deny-off/away sameself and lift the cross of{same} according-to day and be-accompanying to{me}, [:24] for who supposing may-be-will-ing the life of{same} to-save will-destroy-off/away same; moreover, who supposing may-destroy-off/away the life of{same} because of{emphatically-me}, the-same will-save same.  [:25] For what[?] is-being-profited, [a] man gain[ing] the whole world, moreover destroy[ing]-off/away sameself or penalized[?]  [:26] For who supposing may-be-ashamed-upon me and the my words, the-same, the son of{the man} will-be-ashamed-upon when-supposing he-may-come in to{the glory} of{same} and of{the father} and of{the holy messengers}.  [:27] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you}, truly some are-being of{the thus having-stood} who, no, should_not_taste of{death} until supposing they-may-behold the kingdom of{the God}.  [:28] Moreover, it-becomes alongside the words, the-same, as-if eight days and, take[ing]-aside Peter and John and James, he-ascends into the mountain to-pray.  [:29] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-praying same, the behold of{the face} of{same} different, and the outer-garment-set of{same} flashing-out[like "lightning"] white/bright.  [:30] And, behold, two men have-been-speaking-together to{same}; the-some have-been-being Moses and Elijah, [:31] who, seen in to{glory}, have-been-saying the way-out of{same[masculine singular]} he-has-been-being-about which to-be-fulfilling in Jerusalem.  [:32] Moreover, the Peter and the together-with to{same} have-been-being having-been-weighted to{sleep}.  Moreover, be[ing]-through-awake, they-behold the glory of{same} and the two men, the having-stood-together to{same[singular]}.  [:33] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-separating-through same from of{same} the Peter says toward the Jesus, "Superintendent, it-is-being good, us, to-be-being here, and we-should-make three tents, one to{you} and one to{Moses} and one to{Elijah}," no having-beheld the he-is-saying.  [:34] Moreover, of{same saying} the-same, [a] cloud becomes and shadows-upon same.  Moreover, they-fear in to{the} the-there-s to-come-into into the cloud.  [:35] And [a] sound becomes out of{the cloud}, saying, "The-same is-being the son of{me}, the beloved.  Be-hearing of{same}."  [:36] And in to{the} to-become the sound, only the Jesus is-discovered, and same[plural] refrain-from-speaking and to{not-one} they-message-off/away in to{the-there-s, the days} nothing of{whom} they-have-seen.  [:37] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the next day} of{same come[ing]-down} from of{the mountain} [a] vast crowd meets to{same}, [:38] And behold, [a] man from of{the crowd} cries-up/anew, saying, "Teacher, I-am-being-necessitated of{you} to-view-upon upon the son of{me}, that he-is-being only-begotten to{me}, [:39] and behold, [a] spirit is-taking same and out-suddenly cries-out, and is-convulsing same alongside of{foam} and excruciatingly it-is-separating-off/away-from from of{same}, crushing same, [:40] and I-am-necessitated of{the disciples} of{you} in-which-place they-may-be-casting-out same, and they-are_not_enabled/empowered."  [:41] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Oh generation unbelieving[adjective] and having-been-twisted/distorted.  Until at-what-time[?] I-will-be toward you and will-hold/be-held-up/anew of{you}[?]  Lead-toward here the son of{you}."  [:42] Moreover, still being-come-toward of{same} the demon-ia tears same and together-convulses; moreover, the Jesus adjudges-valuation-upon to{the spirit, the unclean} and cures the child and gives-off/away same to{the father} of{same}.  [:43] Moreover, all have-been-being-impacted upon to{the magnificence} of{the God}.  Moreover, of{all marveling} upon to{all which} the Jesus does, he-says toward the disciples of{same}, [:44] "You, place into the ears of{you} the words, the-same, for the son of{the man} is-being-about to-be-being-delivered into [the] hands of{men}."  [:45] Moreover, the[plural] have-been-not-thinking the declaration, the-same, and has-been-being having-been-covered-aside from of{same} in-which-place they-would_not_perceive same and they-have-been-fearing to-ask same about of{the declaration, the-same}.  [:46] Moreover, [a] dialog-iz-ation comes-into in to{same[plural]}, the who[singular] supposing might-be-being greater of{same[plural]}.  [:47] Moreover, the Jesus, behold[ing] the dialog-iz-ation of{the heart} of{same[plural]}, take[ing]-upon of{[a] childling}, stands same beside to{sameself} [:48] and says to{same[plural]}, "Who if-supposing may-receive the-same, the childling, upon to{the name} of{me} is-receiving emphatically-me, and who if-supposing may-receive emphatically-me is-receiving the send[ing]-off-away me, for the lesser in to{all you} originating-under[i.e. having subordinated to], the-same will-be great."  [:49] Moreover, respond[ing], the John says, "Superintendent, we-behold someone upon to{the name} of{you} casting-out demon-ias, and we-hinder same, that he-is_not_accompanying alongside of{us}."  [:50] And the Jesus says toward same, "Do_not_be-hindering, for who is_not_being against of{you} is-being over/for-the-sake of{you}."  [:51] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-together-fulfilled the days of{the taking-up-sis[i.e. state of taking up]} of{same} and same establishes the face of{same} of{the} to-be-being-gone into Jerusalem.  [:52] And he-sends-off/away messengers before of{face} of{same} and, be[ing]-gone, they-come-into into [a] village of{Samaritans} such-as to-prepare to{same}, [:53] and they-do_not_receive same, that the face of{same} has-been-being being-gone into Jerusalem.  [:54] Moreover, behold[ing], the disciples of{same}, James and John, say, "Lord, you-are-will-ing we-may-say fire to-descend from of{the heaven} and to-consume same as also Elijah does."  [:55] Moreover, be[ing]-turned, he-adjudges-valuation-upon to{same} and says, "You-have_not_beheld of{the-which spirit} you-are-being; [:56] the son of{the man} does_not_come to-destroy-off/away [the] lives of{men}; contrariwise, to-save."  And they-are-gone into [a] different village.  [:57] Moreover, it-becomes, of{same being-gone} in to{the way}, someone says toward same, "I-will-accompany to{you} which-where supposing you-may-be-being-come-off/away, Lord."  [:58] And the Jesus says to{same}, "The foxes are-having dens and the birds of{the heaven} roosts; moreover, the son of{the man} is_not_having where he-may-be-leaning the head."  [:59] Moreover, he-says toward [a] different, "Be-accompanying to{me}."  Moreover, the says, "Lord, turn-upon to{me, come[ing]-off/away}, first to-bury the father of{me}."  [:60] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Let-off/away the dead to-bury the dead of{sameselves}.  Moreover, you, come[ing]-off/away, through-message the kingdom of{the God}."  [:61] Moreover, also [a] different says, "I-will-accompany to{you}, Lord; moreover, first turn-upon to{me} to-set-such-as-to-be-set-off/away to{the} into the house of{me}."  [:62] Moreover, the Jesus says toward same, "Not-one cast[ing]-upon the hand of{same} upon [the] plow and viewing into the behind is-being well-placed into the kingdom of{the God}."

[Luke 10][:1] Moreover, alongside the-same the Lord shows-anew/appoints also seventy different/others and sends-off/away same two anew before of{face} of{same} into every city and place of{which} same[singular] has-been-being-about to-be-being-come.  [:2] So, he-has-been-saying toward same, "On-one-hand the harvest much; on-the-other-hand the workers few.  So, be-necessitated of{the Lord} of{the harvest}, which-how may-cast-out workers into the harvest of{same}.  [:3] Be-withdrawing.  Behold, I am-sending-off/away you as lambs in to{midst} of{wolves}.  [:4] Do_not_be-bearing [a] purse, no bag, nor footwear, also, you-may-greet/be-greeted no-one down the way.  [:5] Moreover, into which supposing house you-may-be-being-come-into, first be-saying, 'Peace to{the house, the-same},' [:6] and if-supposing [a] son of{peace} may-be-being there, the peace of{you} will-rest-upon upon same; moreover, if no-indeed upon you it-will-turn-back/anew.  [:7] Moreover, in to{same, the house}, be-staying, eating and drinking the beside of{same}, for the worker of{the wage} of{same} is-being worthwhile.  Do_not_change-course out of{house} into house.  [:8] And into which supposing you-may-be-being-come-into [a] city and they-may-be-receiving you, be-eating the placing-beside to{you}.  [:9] And be-healing the infirm in to{same} and be-saying to{same}, 'The kingdom of{the God} has-become-near upon you.'  [:10] Moreover, into which supposing city you-may-be-being-come-into and they-are_not_receiving you, come[ing]-out into the broad[space]s of{same}, say, [:11] 'Also the dust, the adhered to{us} out of{the city} of{us} we-are-wiping-off to{you}.  More-ly be-knowing the-same, that has-become-near upon you the kingdom of{the God}.'  [:12] I-am-saying to{you} that it-will-be more-endurable to{Sodom} in to{the day, the-there} than to{the city, the-there}.  [:13] Woe to{you}, Chorazin, woe to{you}, Bethsaida, that if in to{Tyre} and to{Sidon} is-become the empowerments, the be[ing]-become in to{you}, long-ago supposing being-seated in to{sackcloth} and to{ashes} they-change-minds/thinking.  [:14] More-ly, it-will-be more-endurable to{Tyre} and to{Sidon} in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} than to{you}.  [:15] And you, Capernaum, the until of{the heaven} elevated, until of{unseen/Hades}, you-will-be-descended.  [:16] The hearing of{you} is-hearing of{emphatically-me}, and the un-placing/rejecting you is-un-placing/rejecting emphatically-me; moreover, the un-placing/rejecting emphatically-me is-un-placing/rejecting the send[ing]-off/away me."  [:17] Moreover, the seventy return alongside of{joy}, saying, "Lord, also the demon-ias are-being-set-under/subjected to{us} in to{the name} of{you}."  [:18] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "I-have-been-observing the Satan/adversary as lightning fall[ing] out of{the heaven}.  [:19] Behold, I-have-given to{you} the authority of{the} to-be-treading up-upon of{serpents} and of{scorpions} and upon all the enablement/empowerment of{the hostile}, and nothing, no, would_not_do-injustice-to/injure you.  [:20] More-ly, in to{the-same} do_not_be-joying that the spirits are-being-set-under/subject to{you}; moreover, be-joying that the names of{you} are-written in to{the heavens}."  [:21] In to{the same hour} the Jesus exults to{the Spirit} and says, "I-am-acknowledging-out to{you}, Father, Lord of{the heaven} and of{the earth}, that you-conceal-from, the-same, from of{wise} and of{intelligent} and you-uncover same to{infants}.  Yes, oh Father, that the-same-ly becomes well-deem-ia/inclination in-front of{you}."  [:22] And, be[ing]-turned toward the disciples, he-says, "All is-delivered to{me} under of{the Father} of{me}, and no-one is-knowing who is-being the son if not the Father, and who is-being the Father if not the son, and to{whom} if-supposing he-may-be-intending the son to-off-cover."  [:23] And, be[ing]-turned toward the disciples with self [i.e. in private], he-says, "Blessed, the eyes, the viewing, what you-are-viewing, [:24] for I-am-saying to{you} that many prophets and kings will to-behold what you are-viewing, and do_not_behold, and to-hear what you-are-hearing and do_not_hear."  [:25] And, behold, some lawyer stands-up, trial-izing-out same and saying, "Teacher, do[ing] what[?] I-will-inherit eternal being-alive[noun][?]"  [:26] Moreover, the says toward same, "It-has-been-written what[?] in to{the law}[?]  How[?] you-are-knowing-anew[?]"  [:27] Moreover, respond[ing], the says, "You-will-love [the] Lord, the God of{you}, out of{the whole heart} of{you} and out of{the whole life} of{you} and out of{the whole strength} of{you} and out of{the whole mind/thinking-through} of{you} and the nearby of{you} as yourself."  [:28] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "Straightly you-respond.  Be-doing the-same and you-will-be-alive."  [:29] Moreover, the, will-ing to-be-justifying sameself, says toward the Jesus, "And who[?] is-being nearby of{me}[?]"  [:30] Moreover, take[ing]-under, the Jesus says, "Some man has-been-descending from Jerusalem into Jericho and falls-around/about to{robbers} who, also, out-clothe[ing]/disrobe[ing] same, also set[ing]-upon blows, come-off/away, let[ing]-off/away half-dead.  Occurring, [:31] moreover, according-to together-happen/coincidence, some consecrated[i.e. priest] has-been-descending in to{the way, the-there} and, behold[ing] same, comes-opposite-aside.  [:32] Moreover, similarly, also [a] Levite, become[ing] according-to the place, come[ing], also behold[ing], comes-opposite-aside.  [:33] Moreover, some Samaritan, traveling, comes according-to same and, behold[ing] same, is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion].  [:34] And, come[ing]-toward, binds-down/against the wound-effects of{same}, upon-pouring olive-oil and wine.  Moreover, step-ize[ing]-upon/mounting-upon same upon the own livestock/animal, he-leads same into [an] inn and is-concerned-upon/takes-care of{same}.  [:35] And upon the tomorrow, come[ing]-out, cast[ing]-out two denarii, he-gives to{the innkeeper} and says to{same}, 'Be-concerned-upon/take-care of{same} and the what supposing you-may-spend-toward, I will-give-off/away to{you} in to{the} to-be-being-upon-come-anew[i.e. come back again] me.'  [:36] So, who[?] of{the-same[plural], the three} to{you} are-deeming to-have-become nearby of{the fall[ing]-in} into the robbers[?]"  [:37] Moreover, the says, "The do[ing] the mercy alongside of{same}."  Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Being-gone, also you, be-doing similarly."  [:38] Moreover, it-becomes, in to{the} to-be-being-gone same, and same comes-into into some village, moreover some woman to{name} Martha under-receives same into the house of{same}.  [:39] And to{she-here} has-been-being [a] sister being-called Mary who, also sit[ing]-down-beside beside the feet of{the Jesus} has-been-hearing the word of{same}.  [:40] Moreover, the Martha has-been-being-drawn-around around much service.  Moreover, stand[ing]-upon, she-says, "Lord, it-is_not_concerning to{you} that the sister of{me} leaves-behind me alone to-be-serving[?]  So, say to{same} in-which-place she-may-take-together-in-place[i.e. assist] to{me}."  [:41] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "Martha, Martha, you-are-worrying and being-stirred-up about many; [:42] moreover, of{one} need is-being; moreover, Mary chooses the beneficial part which-what will_not_be-lifted-off/away-from from of{same}."

[Luke 11][:1] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being same in to{some place} praying, as he-stops, someone of{the disciples} of{same} says toward same, "Lord, teach us to-be-praying according-as also John teaches the disciples of{same}."  [:2] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "When-supposing you-may-be-praying, be-saying, "Father of{us}, the in to{the heavens}, the name of{you}: be-holy-ized.  The kingdom of{you}: be-come.  The will-effect of{you}: be-become, as in to{heaven} and/also upon of{the earth}.  [:3] Be-giving to{us} the bread of{us}, the upon-substance, the according-to[i.e. per] day.  [:4] And let-off/away to{us} the sins of{us}; for also same[plural] are-letting-off/away to{every owing} to{us}.  And you-would_not_carry-into us into trial; contrariwise, rescue us from of{the evil}."  [:5] And he-says toward same, "Who[?] out of{you} will-have [a] friend and will-be-gone toward same of{mid-night} and may-say to{same}, 'Friend, lend to{me} three breads, [:6] since-indeed [a] friend of{me} becomes-aside out of{[the] way} toward me, and I-am_not_having what I-will-set-aside to{same}.'  [:7] And-the-there, inside, respond[ing], may-say, 'Be_not_having-aside/presenting toil to{me}.  Already the door has-been-closed and the childlings of{me} alongside of{emphatically-me} are-being into the [marriage/family]bed.  I-am_not_being-enabled, stand[ing]-up/anew, to-give to{you}.'  [:8] I-am-saying to{you} if also he-will_not_give to{same} stand[ing]-up/anew through the friend to-be-being of{same}, yet through the shameless-ia/shamelessness of{same}, roused, he-will-give to{same} as-much-as he-is-needing.  [:9] And-I am-saying to{you}, be-requesting/giving-cause-to and it-will-be-given to{you}, be-seeking and you-will-discover, be-knocking and it-will-be-opened-anew to{you}, [:10] For every, the requesting/giving-cause-to, is-taking, and the seeking, is-discovering, and to{the knocking}, it-will-be-opened-anew.  [:11] Moreover, the some father out of{you}, the son will-give-cause-to/request bread.  He-will_not_upon-give [a] stone to{same}; or also [a] fish, not in-place-of of{[a] fish} he-will-upon-give [a] serpent to{same}.  [:12] Or also if-supposing he-may-give-cause-to/request [an] egg, he-will_not_upon-give [a] scorpion to{same}.  [:13] So, if you, evil originating-under, having-beheld beneficial give-effects to-be-giving to{the offsprings} of{you}, to{how-much} more the Father, the out of{heaven} will-give [the] Holy Spirit to{the giving-cause-to/requesting} same."  [:14] And he-has-been-being casting-out [a] demon-ia, and same has-been-being deaf/mute.  Moreover, it-becomes of{the demon-ia come[ing]-out} the deaf/mute speaks, and the crowds marvel.  [:15] Moreover, some out of{same} say, "In to{Ba'al-Zebub, chief} of{the demon-ias} he-is-casting-out the demon-ias.  [:16] Moreover, different/others, trial-izing, have-been-seeking [a] sign out of{heaven} beside of{same}.  [:17] Moreover, same having-beheld the through-mind/thinking-effects[i.e. thoughts] of{same} says to{same}, "Every kingdom be[ing]-divided-through upon sameself is-desolated, and house upon house is-falling.  [:18] Moreover, if also the Satan/adversary is-divided-through upon sameself, how[?] will-be-stood, the kingdom of{same}, that you-are-saying me, in to{Ba'al-Zebub} to-be-casting-out the demon-ias[?]  [:19] Moreover, if I am-casting-out the demon-ias in to{Ba'al-Zebub}, in to{whom[?]} the sons of{you} are-casting-out[?]  Through the-same, judges of{you} will-be same[plural].  [:20] Moreover, if I-am-casting-out the demon-ias in to{[the] finger} of{God}, consequently, the kingdom of{the God} precedes/overtakes upon you.  [:21] When-supposing the strong, having-been-armed-against, may-be-guarding the courtyard of{sameself}, in to{peace} is-being the undertaking-s of{same}.  [:22] Moreover, upon-supposing the stronger of{same}, come[ing]-upon, may-conquer same, he-is-lifting the all-arms/weapon-ia/panoply of{same} upon to{which} he-had-had-confidence-upon and is-giving-through/distributing the spoils of{same}.  [:23] The not being alongside of{emphatically-me} is-being against of{emphatically-me} and the not gathering-together alongside of{emphatically-me} is-scattering.  [:24] When-supposing the unclean spirit may-come-out from of{the man}, it-is-being-come-through through of{dry/withered places}, seeking rest and, not discovering, it-is-saying, 'I-will-return into the house of{me} whence I-come-out.'  [:25] And, come[ing], it-is-discovering being-vacant, having-been-swept, and having-been-arranged/ordered.  [:26] Then it-is-being-gone and is-taking-along seven different/other spirits, more-evil-than of{sameself} and, come[ing]-into, is-housing-down there, and the last of{the man, the-there} is-being-become worse-than of{the first}."  [:27] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-be-saying same[masculine], the-same[neuter plural], some woman, sound raise[ing]-upon out of{the crowd}, says to{same}, "Blessed, the cavity, the bear[ing] you, and breasts which you-nurse."  [:28] Moreover, same says, "Yet,-so,-on-the-other-hand, blessed, the hearing the word of{the God} and guarding same."  [:29] Moreover, of{the crowds assembled-upon}, he-initiates to-be-saying, "The same generation is-being evil.  It-is-seeking-upon [a] sign, and [a] sign will_not_be-given same if not the sign of{Jonah the prophet}, [:30] for according-as Jonah becomes [a] sign to{the Ninevites}, the-same-ly the son of{the man} will-be also to{the generation, the-same}.  [:31] [The] queen of{[the] south/southwest} will-be-roused in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} alongside of{the men} of{the generation, the-same} and will-judge-against same, that she-comes out of{the limits} of{the earth} to-hear the wisdom of{Solomon} and, behold, more-than of{Solomon} here.  [:32] Ninevite men will-stand-up/anew in to{the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]} alongside of{the generation, the-same}, and judge-against same, that they-change-mind/thinking into the proclaim-effect of{Jonah} and, behold, more-than of{Jonah} here.  [:33] Moreover, no-one kindle[ing] [a] lamp is-placing into hidden[adjective], nor under the basket-measure; contrariwise, upon the lampstand, in-which-place the being-gone-into may-be-viewing the light.  [:34] The lamp of{the body} is-being the eye.  So, when-supposing the eye of{you} may-be-being straightforward, also the whole body of{you} is-being luminous.  Moreover, upon-supposing it-may-be-being evil, also the body of{you} dark.  [:35] So, watch, lest the light, the in to{you}, is-being darkness.  [:36] So, if the whole body of{you} luminous, not having any part dark, [the] whole will-be luminous, as when-supposing the lamp to{the lightning/flash} may-be-illuminating you."  [:37] Moreover, in to{the} to-speak, some Pharisee has-been-asking same which-how he-may-have-breakfast/lunch beside to{same}.  Moreover, come[ing]-into, he-falls-anew[i.e. sits down].  [:38] Moreover, the Pharisee, behold[ing], marvels that not first he-is-immersed before of{the breakfast/lunch}.  [:39] Moreover, the Lord says toward same, "Now you, the Pharisees, are-cleansing the outwardly of{the cup} and of{the platter}; moreover, the inwardly of{you} is-brimming of{seizure[i.e. taking from]} and of{evil}.  [:40] Imprudent[ones], not the make[ing] the outwardly also makes the inwardly[?]  [:41] More-ly, give the being-in mercy/charity and, behold, all is-being clean to{you}.  [:42] Contrariwise, woe to{you, the Pharisees}, that you-are-tenth-ing-off/away-from the sweet-smelling/mint and the rue and every herb, and you-are-being-come-aside the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment], and the love of{the God}.  He/it-has-been-necessitating the-same to-do, and-the-there not to-be-letting-off/away-from.  [:43] Woe to{you, the Pharisees}, that you-are-loving the first-seat in to{the synagogues} and the greetings in to{the marketplaces}.  [:44] Woe to{you}, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders, that you-are-being as the memorials, the un-evident, and the men, walking-around up-upon, have_not_beheld."  [:45] Moreover, respond[ing], someone of{the lawyers} is-saying to{same}, "Teacher, saying the-same also is-rampaging us."  [:46] Moreover, the says, "Also to{you, the lawyers}, woe, that you-are-loading the men hard-to-bear loads, and same are_not_toward-touching to{one} of{the fingers} of{you} to{the loads}.  [:47] Woe to{you}, that you-are-house-building the memorials of{the prophets}; moreover, the fathers of{you} kill-off/away same.  [:48] Consequently, you-are-witnessing and you-are-being-well-inclined-together to{the works} of{the fathers} of{you}, that same on-one-hand kill-off/away same; on-the-other-hand, you are-house-building the memorials of{same}.  [:49] Through the-same also the wisdom of{the God} says, 'I-will-send-off/away into same prophets and sent-off/away[ones], and out of{same} they-will-kill-off/away and they-will-chase-out,' [:50] in-which-place the blood of{all the prophets}, the being-poured-out from of{[the] cast-down} of{[the] world}, may-be-sought-out from of{the generation, the-same}, [:51] from of{the blood} [of-]Abel until of{the blood} of{Zechariah} of{the perished-off/away} between of{[the] sacrifice-place[i.e. altar]} and of{the house}.  Yes, I-am-saying to{you}, it-will-be-sought-out from of{the generation, the-same}.  [:52] Woe to{you, the lawyers}, that you-lift the key of{the knowledge}.  Same[plural] [you-]do_not_come-into, and you-hinder the being-come-into."  [:53] Moreover, of{same saying} the-same[neuter plural] toward same[masculine plural], the scribes and the Pharisees initiate to-be-holding-in terribly and to-be-mouth-off-izing same about of{much-more}, [:54] ambushing same and seeking to-hunt something out of{the mouth} of{same} in-which-place they-may-accuse of{same},

[Luke 12][:1] in to{which} of{gather[ing]-together-upon} of{the ten-thousand} of{the crowd} such-as to-be-walking-down/against[i.e. trampling] one-another, he-initiates to-be-saying toward the disciples of{same} first, "Be-holding-toward to{sameselves} from of{the leaven} of{the Pharisees}, which-what is-being pretense.  [:2] Moreover, nothing having-been-covered-together is-being the will_not_be-off-covered, and [the] hidden[adjective] the will_not_be-known, [:3] to-the-contrary of{which}, as-much-as in to{the darkness-ia} you-say, in to{the light} will-be-heard, and the toward the ear you-speak in to{the inner-rooms} will-be-proclaimed upon of{the buildings}.  [:4] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you, the friends} of{me}, do_not_fear from of{the killing-off/away} the body and alongside the-same not of{having} more-excessive what to-do.  [:5] Moreover, I-will-indicate to{you} whom you-should-fear.  Fear the, alongside the to-kill-off/away, having authority to-cast-in into the Gehenna.  Yes, I-am-saying to{you}, fear the-same.  [:6] Emphatically-not five sparrows is-being-sold of{two assarii[a Roman coin]} and one out of{same} is_not_being having-been-forgotten in-sight of{the God}.  [:7] Contrariwise, also the hairs of{the head} of{you} all have-been-numbered, so do_not_be-fearing; you-are-bearing-through/surpassing of{many sparrows}.  [:8] Moreover, I-am-saying to{you}, every who supposing may-same-word in to{emphatically-me} in-front of{the men}, also the son of{the man} will-same-word in to{same} in-front of{the messengers} of{the God}.  [:9] Moreover, the deny[ing] me in-sight of{the men} will-be-denied-off/away in-sight of{the messengers} of{the God}.  [:10] And every, who will-declare [a] word into the son of{the man}, will-be-let-off/away to{same}; moreover, to{the asserting-evil} into the Holy Spirit, will_not_be-let-off/away.  [:11] Moreover, when-supposing they-may-be-toward-carrying you upon the synagogues and the chiefs and the authorities, you-should_not_worry how or what you-may-defend or what you-may-say, [:12] for the Holy Spirit will-teach you in to{the same hour} what is-necessitating to-say."  [:13] Moreover, someone out of{the crowd} says to{same}, "Teacher, say to{the brother} of{me} to-divide alongside of{emphatically-me} the inheritance."  [:14] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Man, who[?] stands/sets-down me justice[role] or divider upon you[?]"  [:15] Moreover, he-says toward same[plural], "Be-seeing and be-guarding from of{the greater-having-ness}, that not in to{the} to-be-exceeding to{which} the being-alive[noun] of{same} is-being out of{the undertaking-s} of{same}."  [:16] Moreover, he-says [a] parable toward same, saying, "The region of{some rich man} bears-well, [:17] and he-has-been-being-dialog-ized in to{sameself}, saying, 'What[?] I-may-do, that I-am_not_having where[?] I-will-gather-together the fruits of{me}[?]'  [:18] And he-says, 'I-will-do the-same[i.e. this:].  I-will-lift-down of{me} the storehouses and house-build larger, and I-will-gather-together there all the begotten-effects of{me} and the beneficial of{me}, [:19] And I-will-declare to{the life} of{me}, "Life, you-are-having many beneficial being-lain into many years.  Be-resting, eat, drink, be-being-gladdened."'  [:20] Moreover, the God says to{same}, 'Imprudent, to{the-same, the night}, it-is-giving-cause-to/requesting-off/away-from from of{you} the life of{you}.  Moreover, what you-prepare, to{whom} it-will-be[?]'  [:21] The-same-ly the wealth-izing to{sameself} and not being-rich into God."  [:22] Moreover, he-says toward the disciples of{same}, "Through the-same I-am-saying to{you}, do_not_be-worrying to{the life} of{you}, what you-may-eat, nor to{the body}, what you-may-clothe-yourself, [:23] for the life is-being more-than of{the nourishment} and the body of{the clothing}.  [:24] Think-according-to/consider the ravens, that they-are_not_sowing nor harvesting, to{which} there-is_not_being inner-room nor storehouse, and the God is-nourishing same.  To{how-much} more you-are-bearing-through/surpassing of{the birds}.  [:25] Moreover, who[?] out of{you} of{worry} is-being-enabled to-place-toward upon the stature of{same} one cubit[?]  [:26] So, if you-are-being-enabled not-besides [the] least, what[?] about of{the remaining} you-are-worrying[?]  [:27] Think-according-to/consider the lilies, how they-are-growing.  They-are_not_laboring nor spinning; moreover, I-am-saying to{you} neither Solomon in to{all the glory} of{same} drapes-around-himself as one of{the-same}.  [:28] Moreover, if the God the-same-ly is-dress-ing the grass being in to{the field} today and being-cast tomorrow into [an] oven, to{how-much[?]} more you, scant[of]faith[?]  [:29] And you, do_not_be-seeking what you-may-eat or what you-may-drink, and do_not_be-in-suspense, [:30] for the nations of{the world} is-seeking-upon the-same all; moreover, the Father of{you} has-beheld that you-are-needing of{the-same}.  [:31] More-ly, be-seeking the kingdom of{the God} and the-same all will-be-placed-toward to{you}.  [:32] Do_not_be-fearing, the little flock-let, that the Father of{you} is-well-inclined to-give to{you} the kingdom.  [:33] Sell the undertaking-s of{you} and give mercy/charity.  Make to{sameselves} purses not becoming-old, wealth uninterrupted in to{the heavens} which-where thief is_not_becoming-near nor moth is-ruining-through, [:34] for which-where the wealth of{you} is-being, there also the heart of{you} will-be.  [:35] The hips/loins of{you}: be-being having-been-girded-around, and the lamps being-ignited.  [:36] And you, analogous to{men receiving-toward} the Lord of{sameselves}, at-what-time he-will-loose-up/anew out of{the weddings} in-which-place, of{come[ing]} and of{knock[ing]} straightaway they-may-open-up to{same}.  [:37] Blessed, the slaves, the-there-s, whom, come[ing], the Lord will-discover being-awake.  Amen I-am-saying to{you} that he-will-be-girded-around and will-recline same and, come[ing]-aside, will-serve to{same}.  [:38] And if-supposing he-may-come in to{the second custody[i.e. time period]}, and in to{the third custody[i.e. time period]} he-may-come and may-discover the-same-ly, blessed are-being the slaves, the-there-s.  [:39] Moreover, be-knowing the-same, that if the house-ruler had-beheld to{about-what-such hour} the thief is-being-come, he-is-awake, also supposing he-does_not_let-off/away to-be-dug-through, the house of{same}  [:40] So, also you be-becoming ready, that to{which hour} you-are_not_supposing, the son of{the man} is-being-come."  [:41] Moreover, the peter says to{same}, "Lord, you-are-speaking the parable, the-same, toward us, or also toward all[?]"  [:42] Moreover, the Lord says, "Who[?], consequently, is-being the faithful house-legislator, and prudent, whom the lord will-stand/set-down upon of{the therapy/treatment/attendance} of{same}, of{the} to-be-giving in to{season} the grain-measure[?]  [:43] Blessed, the slave, the-there, whom the lord of{same}, come[ing], will-discover doing the-same-ly.  [:44] Truly I-am-saying to{you} that upon to{all the undertaking-s} of{same} he-will-stand/set-down same.  [:45] Moreover, if-supposing the slave, the-there, may-say in to{the heart} of{same}, 'The lord of{me} is-taking-time to-be-being-come,' and may-initiate to-be-beating the children and the girlies, both to-be-eating and to-be-drinking and to-be-getting-drunk, [:46] the lord of{the slave, the-there}, will-arrive in to{[a] day which} he-is_not_deeming-toward and in to{[an] hour which} he-is_not_knowing, and he-will-cut/separate same and will-place the portion of{same} alongside of{the unfaithful}.  [:47] Moreover, the slave, the-there, the know[ing] the will-effect of{the lord} of{sameself} and not prepare[ing] nor do[ing] toward the will-effect of{same} will-be-flayed many.  [:48] Moreover, the not know[ing], moreover do[ing] worthy of{blows}, will-be-flayed few; moreover, to{every whom} is-given much, much will-be-sought beside of{same}, and to{whom} is-placed-beside-such-as-to-place-beside much, more-excessive will-be-requested/given-cause-to same.  [:49] I-come to-cast fire upon the earth, and what I-am-will-ing, if already it-is-kindled-anew.  [:50] Moreover, I-am-having [an] immersion-effect to-be-immersed, and how I-am-being-held-together until of{which} may-be-finished.  [:51] You-are-deeming that I-become-near to-give peace in to{the earth}; emphatically-not, I-am-saying to{you}; contrariwise, rather, division-through.  [:52] For will-be, from of{the} now, five in to{one house} having-been-divided-through, three upon to{two} and two upon to{three}.  [:53] Father will-be-divided-through upon to{son} and son upon to{father}, mother upon to{daughter} and daughter upon to{mother}, mother-in-law upon the bride/daughter-in-law of{same} and bride/daughter-in-law upon the mother-in-law of{same}."  [:54] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also to{the crowds}, "When-supposing you-may-behold [a] cloud completing-up from of{setting/[west]}, straightaway you-are-saying, '[A] rainstorm is-being-come,' and it-is-becoming the-same-ly.  [:55] And when-supposing blowing south/southwest you-are-saying that it-will-be burning-heat, and it-is-becoming.  [:56] Pretenders!  You-have-beheld the face of{the earth} and of{the heaven} to-be-deem-izing/evaluating; moreover, how[?] you-are_not_deem-izing/evaluating the season, the-same[?]  [:57] Moreover, what[?] also from of{sameselves} you-are_not_judging the just[?], [:58] for as you-are-withdrawing alongside of{the litigant} of{you} upon [a] chief/ruler/magistrate, give work-ia/business in to{the way} to-have-been-released/acquitted/discharged/absolved/settled from of{same}, not-whereby he-may-drag-down you toward the judge and the judge may-deliver you to{the executor} and the executor may-cast you into custody.  [:59] I-am-saying to{you}, no, you-would_not_come-out thence until of{whom} also you-would-give-off the last mite."

[Luke 13][:1] Moreover, some have-been-being-present in to{same, the season}, messaging-off to{same} about of{the Galileans}, the blood of{whom} Pilate mixes alongside of{the sacrifices} of{same[plural]}.  [:2] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "You-are-deeming that the Galileans, the-same, become sinful aside all the Galileans, that to-which-the-same have-suffered.  [:3] Emphatically-not, I-am-saying to{you}; contrariwise, if-supposing you-should_not_be-changing-mind/thinking, [you] all similarly will-perish-off/away.  [:4] Or, the ten and eight, the-there-s, upon whom the tower in to{the} Siloam falls and kills-off/away same.  You-are-deeming that the-same owe-ers become, aside all men, the housing-down in Jerusalem.  [:5] Emphatically-not, I-am-saying to{you}; contrariwise, if-supposing you-should_not_be-changing-mind/thinking, [you] all similarly will-perish-off/away."  [:6] Moreover, he-has-been-saying the-same, the parable, "Someone has-been-having [a] fig-tree, having-been-planted in to{the vineyard} of{same}, and he-comes seeking fruit in to{same} and does_not_discover.  [:7] Moreover, he-says toward the vineyard-worker, 'Behold, I-am-being-come three years seeking fruit in to{the fig-tree, the-same} and I-am_not_discovering.  Cut-out same in-which-place what[?] also the land is-being-unemployed/idle/useless.'  [:8] Moreover, the respond[ing] is-saying to{same}, 'Lord, let-off/away-from same and the year, the-same, until of{when} I-may-excavate around same and may-cast manure, [:9] and-supposing, on-one-hand, it-may-make fruit; if, on-the-other-hand, no-indeed into the being-about, you-will-cut-out same.'"  [:10] Moreover, he-has-been-being teaching in to{one} of{the synagogues} in to{the sabbaths} [:11] and, behold, [a] woman has-been-being having [a] spirit of{infirmity} ten and eight years, and has-been-being stooping-together and not being-enabled to-stoop-up/anew into the all-complete.  [:12] Moreover, behold[ing], the Jesus sounds-toward same and says to{same}, "Woman, you-have-been-loosed-off/away-from of{the infirmity} of{you}."  [:13] And he-upon-places the hands to{same} and immediately she-is-straightened-up and has-been-glorifying the God.  [:14] Moreover, respond[ing], the synagogue-chief, being-irritated that the Jesus heals to{the sabbath}, has-been-saying to{the crowd}, "Six days are-being in to{which} it-is-necessitating to-be-being-work-ized so, in to{the-same} being-come, be-being-healed, and not to{the day} of{the sabbath}."  [:15] So, respond[ing] to{same}, the Lord also says, "Pretenders, each of{you} to{the sabbath} is_not_loosing the ox of{same} or the donkey from of{the manger} and, lead[ing]-off/away, is-drink-izing[?]  [:16] Moreover, the-same being [a] daughter [of-]Abraham, whom the Satan/adversary binds, behold, ten and eight years, it-has_not_been-necessitating to-be-loosed from of{the bond, the-same} to{the day} of{the sabbath}[?]"  [:17] And, of{same saying} the-same, all the being-lain-opposed to{same} have-been-being-shamed-down and all the crowd has-been-joying upon to{all the in-glorious, the become} under of{same}.  [:18] Moreover, he-has-been-saying, "To{what[?]} is-being the kingdom of{the God} analogous, and to{what[?]} I-will-liken same[?]  [:19] It-is-being analogous to{[a] kernel} of{mustard}, which [a] man, take[ing], casts into [the] plantation of{sameself}, and it-grows and becomes into [a] large tree, and the birds of{the heaven} roost in to{the branches} of{same}."  [:20] And again he-says, "To{what[?]} I-will-liken the kingdom of{the God}[?]  [:21] It-is-being analogous to{leaven}, which [a] woman, take[ing], conceals-in into three seahs of{flour}, until of{which} is-leavened whole."  [:22] And he-has-been-being-gone-through according-to cities and villages, teaching and being-made going[noun]/journey into Jerusalem.  [:23] Moreover, someone says to{same}, "Lord, if few, the being-saved[?]"  Moreover, the says toward same, [:24] "Be-competing/contending to-come-into through of{the narrow gate}, that many, I-am-saying to{you}, will-seek to-come-into and will_not_have-strength.  [:25] From of{which} supposing the house-ruler is-roused and closes-off the door, and you-may-initiate outside to-have-stood and to-be-knocking the door, saying, 'Lord, lord, open-up to{us}' and, respond[ing], he-will-declare to{you}, 'I-have_not_beheld you.  Whence[?] you-are-being[?]'  [:26] Then you-will-initiate to-be-saying, 'We-eat in-sight of{you} and we-drink and in to{the broad[space]s} of{us} you-teach.'  [:27] And he-will-declare, 'I-am-saying to{you} I-have_not_beheld you.  Whence[?] you-are-being[?]  Stand-off/away from of{emphatically-me} all the workers of{the injustice}.'  [:28] There will-be the weeping[noun] and the gnashing[noun] of{the teeth} when-supposing you-may-see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in to{the kingdom} of{the God}; moreover, you being-cast-out outside.  [:29] And they-will-arrive from of{risings/[east]} and of{settings/[west]} from of{north/northeast} and of{south/southwest} and will-be-reclined in to{the kingdom} of{the God}.  [:30] And, behold, lasts are-being the will-be firsts and firsts are-being the will-be lasts."  [:31] In to{same, the day}, some Pharisees come-toward, saying to{same}, "Be-come-out and be-being-gone from-here, that Herod is-will-ing to-kill-off/away you."  [:32] And he-says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, say to{the fox, the-same}, 'Behold, I-am-casting-out demon-ias and finishing-upon cure-sis-es[i.e. states of cures] today and tomorrow, and to{the third} I-am-being-finished.'  [:33] More-ly, it-is-necessitating me today and tomorrow and to{the being-had/held} to-be-being-gone, that it-is_not_receiving-in[i.e. acceptable] [a] prophet to-perish-off/away outside [of-]Jerusalem.  [:34] Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killing-off/away the prophets and stone-casting the having-been-sent-off/away toward same, how-many-times I-will to-gather-together-upon the offsprings of{you}, whom manner [a] hen the brood of{sameself} under the wings, and you-do_not_will.  [:35] Behold, the desolate house of{you} is-being-let-off/away to{you}.  Moreover, I-am-saying to{you} that no, you-would_not_behold me until supposing would-arrive when you-would-say, 'Having-been-well-worded, the being-come in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}.'"

[Luke 14][:1] And it-becomes in to{the} to-come same into of{some} house of{the chiefs} of{the Pharisees} to{sabbath} to-eat bread, and same[plural] have-been-being keeping-beside same.  [:2] And, behold, some man has-been-being dropsical in-front of{same}.  [:3] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says toward the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, "It-is-being-allowed to{the sabbath} to-be-healing or not[?]"  [:4] Moreover, the[plural] quiet-ize.  And, take[ing]-upon, he-cures same and looses-off/away.  [:5] And, respond[ing] toward same, he-says, "Of{any} son or ox of{you} will-fall-in into [a] cistern/tank/reservoir/well and not straightaway he-will-draw-up same in to{the day} of{the sabbath}[?]"  [:6] And they-do_not_have-strength to-counter-respond to{same} toward the-same[neuter plural].  [:7] Moreover, he-has-been-saying [a] parable toward the having-been-called, holding-upon how they-have-been-choosing the first-[re]cline-places, saying toward same, [:8] "When-supposing you-may-be-called under of{someone} into weddings, you-should_not_lay-down into the first-[re]cline-place, not-whereby more-in-value of{you} may-be-being having-been-called under of{same} [:9] and, come[ing], the call[ing] you and same will-declare to{you}, 'Give to{the-same} [the] place,' and then you-may-initiate alongside of{shame} to-be-holding-down the last place.  [:10] Contrariwise, when-supposing you-may-be-called, be[ing]-gone, fall-anew[i.e. sit down] into the last place, in-which-place when-supposing the having-called you may-come, he-may-say to{you}, 'Friend, step-up-toward more-up.'  Then it-will-be to{you} glory in-sight of{the reclining-together} to{you}, [:11] that every, the elevating sameself, will-be-lowered, and the lowering sameself will-be-elevated."  [:12] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also to{the having-called} same, "When-supposing you-may-make breakfast/lunch or dinner/supper, do_not_be-sounding the friends of{you}, nor the brothers of{you}, nor the together-become[i.e. related] of{you}, nor rich neighbors, not-whereby also same may-opposite-call[i.e. invite in return] you and may-become to{you} opposite-give-off/away-effect[i.e. compensation in exchange].  [:13] Contrariwise, when-supposing you-may-be-making [a] reception, be-calling destitute, maimed/disabled, lame, blind.  [:14] And you-will-be blessed, that they-are_not_having to-opposite-give-off/away[i.e. compensation in exchange] to{you}, for it-will-be-opposite-given-off/away[i.e. compensation in exchange] in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the just}."  [:15] Moreover, hear[ing], someone of{the being-lain-up/anew-together}, the-same[plural], says to{same}, "Blessed, who will-eat bread in to{the kingdom} of{the God}."  [:16] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Some man makes [a] large dinner/supper and calls many.  [:17] And he-sends-off/away the slave of{same} to{the hour} of{the dinner/supper} to-say to{the having-been-called}, "Be-being-come, that already all is-being ready."  [:18] And they-initiate from of{one} to-be-being-given-cause-aside[i.e. excused], all.  The first says to{same}, 'I-purchase [a] field, and I-am-having of-certainty to-come-out and behold same.  I-am-asking you, be-having me having-been-given-cause-aside[i.e. excused].'  [:19] And [a] different/other says, 'I-purchase yoke of{oxen}, five, and am-being-gone to-deem-ize/evaluate same.  I-am-asking you, be-having me having-been-given-cause-aside[i.e. excused].'  [:20] And [a] different/other says, 'I-marry [a] woman, and through the-same I-am_not_being-enabled to-come.'  [:21] And, become[ing]-aside, the slave, the-there, messages-off/away to{the lord} of{same}, the-same[neuter plural].  Then, angered, the house-ruler says to{the slave} of{same}, 'Come-out speedily into the broad[space]s and streets of{the city} and lead-into here the destitute and maimed/disabled and lame and blind.'  [:22] And the slave says, 'Lord, it-has-become as you-set-upon and still place is-being.'  [:23] And the lord says toward the slave, 'Come-out into the ways and barriers and compel to-come-into, in-which-place the house of{me} may-be-fill-ized.'  [:24] For I-am-saying to{you} that not-one of{the men, the-there, the having-been-called,} will-taste of{the dinner/supper} of{me}."  [:25] Moreover, many crowds have-been-being-gone-together to{same} and, turned, he-says toward same, [:26] "If any is-being-come toward me and is_not_hating the father of{sameself} and the mother and the woman and the offsprings and the brothers and the sisters and, moreover still, the life of{sameself}, he-is_not_being-enabled to-be-being [a] disciple of{me}.  [:27] And any-who is_not_bearing the cross of{same} and being-come behind of{me} is_not_being-enabled of{me} to-be-being [a] disciple.  [:28] For who out of{you} will-ing to-house-build [a] tower, emphatically-not first, sit[ing]-down, are-pebble-izing/calculating the expense, if he-is-having the[plural] into [the] conclusion, [:29] in-which-place not-whereby of{place[ing] same} foundation and of{having_no_strength} to-complete-out all, the observing may-initiate to-be-infantilizing to{same}, [:30] saying that the-same, the man, initiates to-be-house-building and does_not_have-strength to-complete-out.  [:31] Or, who[?], [a] king, being-gone to-together-cast to{[a] different/other king} into war emphatically-not, sit[ing]-down, first is-intending if he-is-being enabled[noun] in to{ten thousand} to-encounter to{the} alongside of{twenty thousand} to{being-come} upon same[?]  [:32] Moreover, if no-indeed, still of{same being} distantly, send[ing]-off/away elder-ia/embassy, he-asks the toward peace.  [:33] So, the-same-ly, every out of{you} who is_not_setting-off/away to{all the undertaking-s} of{sameself} is_not_being-enabled to-be-being [a] disciple of{me}.  [:34] Good, the salt; moreover, if-supposing the salt may-become-stupid, in to{what[?]} it-will-be-prepared/seasoned[?]  [:35] Neither it-is-being well-placed into [the] ground nor into manure.  They-are-casting same outside.  The having ears to-be-hearing: be-hearing."

[Luke 15][:1] Moreover, all the [tax]collectors and the sinful have-been-being becoming-near to{same} to-be-hearing of{same}, [:2] and the Pharisees and the scribes have-been-muttering-through, saying that the-same is-receiving-toward sinful and eating-together to{same}.  [:3] Moreover, he-says toward same the parable, the-same, saying, [:4] "Who[?], [a] man out of{you}, having [a] hundred sheep, and lose[ing] one out of{same}, is_not_leaving-behind the ninety-nine in to{the desolate} and is-being-gone upon the having-been-lost-off/away until he-may-discover same[?]  [:5] And, discover[ing], he-is-placing-upon upon the shoulders of{sameself} joying.  [:6] And, come[ing] into the house, he-is-calling-together the friends and the neighbors, saying to{same}, 'Be-joyed-together to{me}, that I-discover the sheep of{me}, the having-been-lost-off/away.'  [:7] I-am-saying to{you} that the-same-ly it-will-be joy in to{the heaven} upon to{one sinful changing-mind/thinking} than upon to{ninety nine just}, who-any are_not_having need of{change-of-mind/thinking}.  [:8] Or, who[?], [a] woman having ten drachmas, if-supposing she-may-lose one drachma, emphatically-not is-kindling [a] lamp and is-sweeping the house and is-seeking upon-concern/carefully until of{when} she-may-discover[?]  [:9] And, discover[ing], she-is-calling-together the friends and the neighbors, saying, 'Be-joyed-together to{me}, that I-discover the drachma, which is-lost-off/away.'  [:10] The-same-ly I-am-saying to{you}, it-is-becoming joy in-sight of{the messengers} of{the God} upon to{one sinful changing-mind/thinking}."  [:11] Moreover, he-says, "Some man has-been-having two sons, [:12] and the younger of{same} says to{the father}, "Father, give to{me} the being-cast-upon portion of{the being-ia}.  And he-lifts-through/distributes to{same[plural]} the livelihood.  [:13] And, alongside not many days, gather[ing]-together emphatically-all, the younger son goes-abroad into [a] far region and there scatters-through the being-ia of{same}, being-alive unsalvageably.  [:14] Moreover, of{same spending} all, [a] strong famine becomes down/against the region, the-there, and same initiates to-be-being-deficient.  [:15] And, be[ing]-gone, he-is-adhered to{one} of{the city-ers/citizens} of{the region, the-there} and he-dispatches same into the fields of{same} to-be-grazing pigs.  [:16] And he-has-been-desiring-upon to-fill-ize the cavity of{same} from of{the horns[of carob], which} the pigs have-been-eating, and not-one has-been-giving to{same}.  [:17] Moreover, come[ing] into sameself, he-says, 'How-many hired-s of{the father} of{me} are-exceeding of{bread}; moreover, I am-perishing to{famine}.  [:18] Stand[ing]-up/anew I-will-be-gone toward the father of{me} and will-declare to{same}, "Father, I-sin into the heaven and in-sight of{you}, [:19] and I-am-being not-still worthwhile to-be-called [a] son of{you}.  Make me as one of{the hired} of{you}."'  [:20] And, stand[ing]-up/anew, he-comes toward the father of{same}; moreover, still of{same} far of{having-off/away}, the father of{same} beholds same and is-affected-inwardly[/has-compassion] and, hurry[ing], falls-upon upon the neck of{same} and fonds-down/against same.  [:21] Moreover, the son says to{same}, 'Father, I-sin into the heaven and in-sight of{you}, and I-am-being not-still worthwhile to-be-called [a] son of{you}.'  [:22] Moreover, the father says toward the slaves of{same}, 'Carry-out the wardrobe, the first, and clothe same, and give [a] ring into the hand of{same} and footwear into the feet.  [:23] And, carry[ing] the calf, the grain-fed, sacrifice and, eat[ing], we-may-be-gladdened, [:24] that the-same, the son of{me}, has-been-being dead and is-alive-anew, and has-been-being having-been-lost-off/away, and is-discovered,' and initiates to-be-being-gladdened.  [:25] Moreover, the son of{same}, the elder, has-been-being in to{[the] field} and, as he-becomes-near to{the house}, being-come, he-hears of{together-sound-ia/harmony/music} and of{chorus/dance}.  [:26] And, call[ing]-toward-himself one of{the children}, he-has-been-ascertaining what supposing might-be-being the-same.  [:27] Moreover, the says to{same} that 'the brother of{you} has-arrived and the father of{you} sacrifices the calf, the grain-fed, that he-takes-off/away same being-healthy.'  [:28] Moreover, he-is-angered, and has_not_been-being-will-ing to-come-into.  So, the father of{same}, come[ing]-out, has-been-calling-aside same.  [:29] Moreover, the, respond[ing], says to{the father}, 'Behold, the-which-the-same years I-am-slaving to{you} and not-yet-ever I-pass-by [a] command of{you}, and to{emphatically-me} not-yet-ever you-give [a] [young]goat, in-which-place alongside of{the friends} of{me} would-be-gladdened.  [:30] Moreover, when the son of{you}, the-same, the eat[ing]-down the livelihood of{you} alongside of{prostitutes} comes, you-sacrifice to{same} the calf, the grain-fed.'  [:31] Moreover, the says to{same}, 'Offspring, you always are-being alongside of{emphatically-me} and all the mine is-being yours.  [:32] Moreover, to-be-gladdened and to-be-joyed it-has-been-necessitating that the brother of{you}, the-same, has-been-being dead and is-alive-anew, and has-been-being having-been-lost-off/away, also is-discovered.'"

[Luke 16][:1] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also toward the disciples of{same}, "Some man has-been-being rich, who has-been-having [a] house-legislator, and the-same is-through-cast to{same} as scattering-through the undertaking-s of{same}, [:2] and, sound[ing] same, says to{same}, 'What[?], the-same, I-am-hearing about of{you}[?]  Give-off/away the word/account of{the house-legislation} of{you}, for you-will_not_be-enabled still to-be-house-legislating.'  [:3] Moreover, the house-legislator says in to{sameself}, 'What[?] I-may-do, that the lord of{me} is-being-lifted-off/away-from from of{emphatically-me} the house-legislation[?]  I-am_not_having-strength to-be-excavating.  I-am-being-ashamed to-be-giving-cause/requesting-upon/begging.  [:4] I-know what I-will-do, in-which-place when-supposing I-may-be-stood-alongside of{the house-legislation}, they-may-receive me into the houses of{same}.'  [:5] And, call[ing]-toward-himself each one of{the obligation-owe-ers} of{the lord} of{sameself}, he-has-been-saying to{the first}, 'How-much[?] you-are-owing to{the lord} of{me}[?]'  [:6] Moreover, the says, '[A] hundred baths[Hebrew] of{olive-oil}.'  And he-says to{same}, 'Receive of{you} the write-effect and, sit[ing]-down, speedily write fifty.'  [:7] Upon-thereafter, to{different/other} he-says, 'Moreover, you, how-much[?] you-are-owing[?]'  Moreover, the says, '[A] hundred kors[Hebrew] of{grain}.'  And he-is-saying to{same}, 'Receive of{you} the write-effect and write eighty.'  [:8] And the lord praises-upon the house-legislator of{the injustice}, that he-does prudently, that the sons of{the eon, the-same} are-being more-prudent over the sons of{the light} into the generation of{sameselves}.  [:9] And-I am-saying to{you}, make to{sameselves} friends out of{the mammon} of{the injustice}, in-which-place when-supposing it-may-leave-out/abandon/disappear, they-may-receive you into the eternal tents.  [:10] The faithful in to{least} also is-being faithful in to{much}, and the unjust in to{least} is-being unjust in to{much}.  [:11] So, if faithful in to{the unjust mammon} you-do_not_become, who[?] will-entrust the genuine to{you}[?]  [:12] And if faithful in to{the belonging-to-another} you-do_not_become, who[?] will-give the yours to{you}[?]  [:13] Not-one domestic/house-resident is-being-enabled to-be-slaving to{two lords}, for either he-will-hate the one and will-love the different/other, or will-hold-against of{one} and will-disregard of{the different/other}.  You-are_not_being-enabled to-be-slaving to{God} and to{mammon}."  [:14] Moreover, the silver-fond Pharisees undertaking the-same all also have-been-hearing, and have-been-mock-izing/deride-izing same.  [:15] And he-says to{same}, "You are-being the justifying sameselves in-sight of{the men}; moreover, the God is-knowing the hearts of{you}, that the high in to{men} is-being [an] abomination in-sight of{the God}.  [:16] The law and the prophets until of{John}; from then the kingdom of{the God} is-being-good-message-ized, and every into same is-being-forced.  [:17] Moreover, it-is-being easier, the heaven and the earth to-pass-by, than one point to-fall of{the law}.  [:18] The every loosing-off/away the woman of{same} and marrying [a] different/other is-adultering, and the every having-been-loosed-off/away from of{[a] man}, marrying, is-adultering.  [:19] Moreover, some man has-been-being rich and has-been-being-dressed purple and fine-cloth, being-gladdened according-to day, radiantly/brilliantly/splendidly.  [:20] Moreover, some destitute has-been-being, to{name} 'Lazarus,' who had-been-cast toward the gate of{same}, having-been-wounded/ulcerated, [:21] and desiring-upon to-be-fed-ized from of{the crumblets, the falling} from of{the table} of{the rich}, and, contrariwise, the dogs, being-come, have-been-licking-off/away the wounds/sores of{same}.  [:22] Moreover, it-becomes to-die-off/away, the destitute, and to-be-carried-off/away same under of{the messengers} into the bosom/lap of{the} Abraham.  Moreover, also the rich dies-off/away and is-buried.  [:23] And in to{the unseen/Hades}, lift[ing]-upon the eyes of{same}, originating-under in to{torments}, he-is-seeing the Abraham from afar and Lazarus in to{the bosoms/laps} of{same}.  [:24] And same, sound[ing], says, 'Father Abraham, show-mercy-to me and dispatch Lazarus, in-which-place he-may-dip the extremity of{the finger} of{same} of{water} and cool-down the tongue of{me}, that I-am-suffering in to{the flame, the-same}.'  [:25] Moreover, Abraham says, 'Offspring, remember that you take-off/away the beneficial of{you} in to{the being-alive[noun]} of{you} and Lazarus similarly the bad.  Moreover, now thus he-is-being-called-aside; moreover, you are-suffering.  [:26] And upon to{all, the-same}, between of{us} and of{you} [a] large chasm has-been-established, which-how the will-ing to-step-through from-here toward you may_not_be-being-enabled, nor the from-there toward us they-may-be-going-through-to-other-side.'  [:27] Moreover, he-says, 'So, I-am-asking you, father, in-which-place you-may-dispatch same into the house of{the father} of{me},  [:28] For I-am-having five brothers, which-how he-may-be-witnessing-through to{same}, in-which-place also same would_not_come into the place, the-same, of{the torment}.'  [:29] Abraham is-saying to{same}, 'They-are-having Moses and the prophets.  [They:] hear of{same}.' [:30] Moreover, the says, 'Emphatically-not, father Abraham; contrariwise, if-supposing someone from of{dead} may-be-gone toward same they-will-change-mind/thinking.'  [:31] Moreover, he-says to{same}, 'If they-are_not_hearing of{Moses} and of{the prophets}, neither if-supposing someone out of{dead} may-stand-up/anew they-will-be-persuaded.'"

[Luke 17][:1] Moreover, he-says toward the disciples, "It-is-being un-received-in/inadmissible of{the} to_not_come the scandals; moreover, woe through of{whom} they-are-being-come.  [:2] It-is-being-appropriate to{same} if [a] donkey millstone is-being-lain-around around the neck of{same} and have-been-tossed into the seawater than in-which-place he-may-scandalize one of{the little, the-same}.  [:3] Be-holding-toward to{sameselves}.  Moreover, if-supposing the brother of{you} may-sin into you, adjudge-valuation-upon to{same}, and if-supposing he-may-change-mind/thinking, let-off/away to{same}.  [:4] And if-supposing seven-ly of{the day} he-may-sin into you and seven-ly of{the day} he-may-upon-turn toward you, saying, 'I-am-changing-mind/thinking,' you-will-let-off/away to{same}."  [:5] And the sent-off[ones] say to{the Lord}, "Place-toward to{us} faith."  [:6] Moreover, the Lord says, "If you-have-been-having faith as [a] kernel of{mustard}, you-have-been-saying supposing to{the mulberry-tree, the-same}, 'Be-rooted-out and be-planted in to{the seawater},' and it-hearkens-under supposing to{you}.  [:7] Moreover, who[?] out of{you}, having [a] slave plowing or shepherding who, to{come[ing]-into} out of{the field} will-declare, straightaway, 'Come[ing]-aside, fall-anew[i.e. sit down]'[?]  [:8] Contrariwise, emphatically-not.  He-will-declare to{same}, 'Prepare what I-may-dine and, be[ing]-girded-around, be-serving to{me} until I-may-eat and may-drink and, alongside the-same, you will-eat and will-drink.'  [:9] He-is-having no grace/favor to{the slave, the-there}, that he-does the set-through to{same}.  I-am_not_deeming.  [:10] The-same-ly, also, you, when-supposing you-may-do all the set-through to{you}, be-saying that 'we-are-being useless slaves, that, which we-have-been-owing to-do, we-have-done.'"  [:11] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-gone same into Jerusalem and same has-been-being-come-through through of{midst} of{Samaria} and of{Galilee}.  [:12] And, of{same being-come-into} into some village, ten leprous men encounter to{same}, who stand from-distantly.  [:13] And same lift [a] sound, saying, "Jesus, superintendent, show-mercy-to us."  [:14] And, behold[ing], he-says to{same}, "Be[ing]-gone, show-upon sameselves to{the consecrateds[i.e. priests]}."  And it-becomes, in to{the} to-be-withdrawing, same, they-are-purged/cleansed.  [:15] Moreover, one out of{same}, behold[ing] that he-is-cured, returns alongside of{large sound}, glorifying the God. [:16] And he-falls upon [his] face beside the feet of{same}, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks to{same}.  And same has-been-being [a] Samaritan.  [:17] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Emphatically-not[?] the ten are-purged/cleansed[?]  Moreover, the nine, where[?]  [:18] They-are_not_found return[ing] to-give glory to{the God} if not the other-become[noun][i.e. other race], the-same[?]"  [:19] And he-says to{same}, "Stand[ing]-up/anew, be-being-gone.  The faith of{you} has-saved you."  [:20] Moreover, be[ing]-asked-upon under of{the Pharisees} at-what-time the kingdom of{the God} is-being-come, he-responds to{same} and says, "The kingdom of{the God} is_not_being-come alongside of{kept-aside-sis/surveillance}, [:21] nor they-will-declare, 'Behold here,' or, 'Behold there,' for behold, the kingdom of{the God} is-being within of{you}."  [:22] Moreover, he-says toward the disciples, "Days will-be-come when you-will-desire-upon to-behold one of{the days} of{the son} of{the man}, and you-will_not_see.  [:23] And they-will-declare to{you}, 'Behold here,' or, 'Behold there.'  You-should_not_come-off/away nor should-chase.  [:24] For about-as the lightning lightning-ing[verb] out of{the} under heaven into the under heaven is-shining, the-same-ly will-be the son of{the man} in to{the day} of{same}.  [:25] Moreover, first it-is-necessitating same to-suffer many and to-be-deemed-off/away[i.e. be rejected] from of{the generation, the-same}.  [:26] And according-as it-becomes in to{the days} of{the Noah}, the-same-ly it-will-be also in to{the days} of{the son} of{the man}.  [:27] They-have-been-eating, they-have-been-drinking, they-have-been-marrying, they-have-been-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage], even-to of{which day} Noah comes-into into the ark, and the deluge comes and destroys-off/away emphatically-all.  [:28] Similarly also as it-becomes in to{the days} [of-]Lot, they-have-been-eating, they-have-been-drinking, they-have-been-purchasing, they-have-been-selling, they-have-been-planting, they-have-been-house-building; [:29] moreover, to{the day} Lot comes-out from Sodom, it-rains fire and sulfur/brimstone from of{heaven} and destroys-off/away emphatically-all.  [:30] According-to the-same it-will-be to{the day} the son of{the man} is-being-off-covered.  [:31] In to{the-there, the day,} who will-be upon of{the building}, and the vessels of{same} in to{the house}: do_not_descend to-lift same; also, the in to{the field} similarly: do_not_turn-upon into the behind.  [:32] You-are-remembering of{the woman} [of-]Lot.  [:33] Who if-supposing may-seek to-save the life of{same} will-destroy-off/away same, and who if-supposing may-destroy-off/away same will-become/make-alive same.  [:34] I-am-saying to{you}, to{the-same, the night} there-will-be two upon of{one bed}; one will-be-taken-aside and the different/other will-be-let-off/away.  [:35] Two will-be grinding upon the same; one will-be-taken-aside and the different/other will-be-let-off/away."  [:37] And, respond[ing], they-are-saying to{same}, "Where[?], Lord[?]"  Moreover, the says to{same}, "Which-where the body, there the eagles will-be-gathered-together."

[Luke 18][:1] Moreover, he-has-been-saying also [a] parable to{same}, toward the to-be-necessitating always same to-be-praying and not to-be-bad-ing-out, [:2] saying, "Some judge has-been-being in to{some city}, not fearing the God and not having-regard-for men.  [:3] Moreover, [a] widow has-been-being in to{the city, the-there} and has-been-being-come toward same, saying, 'Give-out-justice-to/vindicate me from of{the litigant} of{me}.'  [:4] And he-does_not_will, upon [a] time.  Moreover, alongside the-same he-says in to{sameself}, 'If also I-am_not_fearing the God and I-am_not_having-regard-for men, [:5] yet through the to-be-having-beside to{me} toil, the widow, the-same, I-will-give-out-justice-to/vindicate same, lest in-which-place into finish, being-come, she-may-be-provoking me.'"  [:6] Moreover, the Lord says, "Hear what the judge of{the injustice} is-saying.  [:7]  Moreover, the God, no, will_not_do the out-justice/vindication of{the[plural] chosen} of{same[singular]} of{the[plural] crying} toward same[singular] of{day} and of{night} and being-far-fury[i.e. longsuffering] upon to{same[plural]}[?]  [:8] I-am-saying to{you} that he-will-do the out-justice/vindication of{same} in to{speed}.  More-ly, the son of{the man}, come[ing], consequently will-discover the faith upon of{the earth}."  [:9] Moreover, he-says the parable, the-same, also toward some, the having-had-confidence upon to{sameselves} that they-are-being just, and out-nothing/discount the remaining.  [:10] "Two men ascend into the consecrated[i.e. temple] to-pray, the one [a] Pharisee and the different/other [a] [tax]collector.  [:11] The Pharisee, be[ing]-stood, has-been-praying the-same toward sameself, 'The God, I-am-well-favoring/giving-thanks to{you}, that I-am_not_being about-as the remaining of{the men}, snatching[adjective], unjust, adulterers, or also as the-same, the [tax]collector.  [:12] I-am-fasting twice of{the sabbath}.  I-am-tenth-ing/off-away all, as-much-as I-am-acquiring,' [:13] and the [tax]collector, having-stood afar, has_not_been-will-ing, not-moreover, to-lift-upon the eyes into the heaven; contrariwise, he-has-been-beating the chest/sternum of{same}, saying, 'The God, be-propitious to{me, the sinful}.'  [:14] I-am-saying to{you}, the-same descends having-been-justified into the house of{same}, for the-there may-be-being that the every elevating sameself will-be-lowered; moreover, the lowering sameself will-be-elevated."  [:15] Moreover, they-have-been-carrying-toward to{same} also the babies, in-which-place he-may-be-taking-hold of{same}.  Moreover, behold[ing], the disciples adjudge-valuation-upon to{same}.  [:16] Moreover, the Jesus, call[ing]-toward-himself same, says, "Let-off/away the childlings to-be-being-come toward me and do_not_be-hindering same, for of{the to-which-the-same} is-being the kingdom of{the God}.  [:17] Amen I-am-saying to{you}, who if-supposing would_not_receive the kingdom of{the God} as [a] childling, no, would_not_come-into into same."  [:18] And some chief asks-upon same, saying, "Beneficial teacher, what[?], do[ing], will-inherit eternal being-alive[noun][?]"  [:19] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-saying me beneficial[?]  Not-one beneficial if not one, the God.  [:20] You-have-beheld the commands.  You-should_not_adulter, you-should_not_murder, you-should_not_steal, you-should_not_false-witness, be-valuing the father of{you} and the mother of{you}."  [:21] Moreover, the says, "the-same all I-guard-such-as-to-be-guarded out of{youth} of{me}."  [:22] Moreover, hear[ing] the-same, the Jesus says to{same}, "Still one to{you} is-lacking.  Sell all, as-much-as you-are-having, and give-through/distribute to{destitute} and you-will-have wealth in to{heaven}, and Come!  Be-accompanying to{me}."  [:23] Moreover, the, hear[ing] the-same, about-grief becomes, for he-has-been-being rich vehemently.  [:24] Moreover, the Jesus behold[ing] same become[ing] about-grief says, "How[?] difficultly the having the business-effects will-be-come-into into the kingdom of{the God}[?]  [:25] For it-is-being easier, [a] camel through of{needle hole} to-come-into, than rich into the kingdom of{the God} to-come-into."  [:26] Moreover, the hear[ing] say, "And who[?] is-being-enabled to-be-saved[?]"  [:27] Moreover, the says, "The unable beside to{men} is-being able beside to{the God}."  [:28] Moreover, the Peter says, "Behold, we let-off/away all and accompany to{you}."  [:29] Moreover, the says to{same[plural]}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} that not-one is-being who lets-off/away house or parents or brothers or woman or offsprings because of{the kingdom} of{the God} [:30] who no, would_not_take-off/away multiple in to{the season, the-same}, and in to{the eon, the being-come}, eternal being-alive[noun]."  [:31] Moreover, take[ing]-aside the twelve, he-says toward same, "Behold, we-are-ascending into Jerusalem, and all the having-been-written through of{the prophets} will-be-finished to{the son} of{the man}, [:32] for he-will-be-delivered to{the nations} and will-be-infantilized and will-be-rampaged and will-be-spit-in [:33] and, scourge[ing], they-will-kill-off/away same and to{the day, the third,} he-will-stand/be-stood-up/anew."  [:34] And the-same put-together not-one of{the-same}, and the declaration, the-same, has-been-being having-been-hidden from of{same}, and they-have_not_been-knowing the saying[participle].  [:35] Moreover, it-becomes in to{the} to-becoming-near same into Jericho some blind has-been-being-seated beside the way giving-cause/requesting-toward.  [:36] Moreover, hear[ing] of{[the] crowd being-gone-through}, he-has-been-ascertaining what might-be-being the-same.  [:37] Moreover, they-message-off to{same} that Jesus, the Nazarene, is-being-come-aside.  [:38] And he-cries, saying, "Jesus, son [of-]David, show-mercy-to me."  [:39] And the leading-in-front have-been-adjudging-valuation-upon to{same} in-which-place he-should-be-silent; moreover, same has-been-crying-out to{much} more, "Son [of-]David, show-mercy-to me."  [:40] Moreover, stand[ing], the Jesus orders same to-be-led toward same.  Moreover, of{become[ing]-near same}, he-asks-upon same, [:41] saying, "What[?] to{you} you-are-will-ing I-may-do[?]"  Moreover, the says, "Lord, in-which-place I-may-view-anew."  [:42] And the Jesus says to{same}, "View-anew.  The faith of{you} has-saved you."  [:43] And immediately he-views-anew and has-been-accompanying to{same}, glorifying the God, and all the people behold[ing] give praise to{the God}.

[Luke 19][:1] And, come[ing]-into, he-has-been-being-come-through the Jericho.  [:2] And, behold, [a] man to{name} being-called "Zaccheus," and same has-been-being chief-[tax]collector, and the-same has-been-being rich, [:3] and he-has-been-seeking to-behold the Jesus, who is-being, and he-has_not_been-being-enabled from of{the crowd}, that to{the small stature} has-been-being.  [:4] And, hurry[ing]-ahead in-front, he-ascends upon [a] sycamore-tree in-which-place he-may-behold same, that through of{the-there} he-has-been-being-about to-be-being-come-through.  [:5] And as he-comes upon the place, view[ing]-up, the Jesus beholds same and says toward same, "Zaccheus, hasten[ing], descend, for today it-is-necessitating me to-stay in to{the house} of{you}."  [:6] And, hasten[ing], he-descends and under-receives same, joying.  [:7] And, behold[ing], all have-been-muttering-through, saying that beside to{[a] sinful man} he-comes-into to-loose-down[i.e. retire].  [:8] Moreover, stand[ing], Zaccheus says toward the Lord, "Behold, Lord, I-am-giving the half of{the undertaking-s} of{me} to{the destitute} and if of{any} what I-fig-reveal/be-informer/blackmail/extort I-am-giving-off/away quadruple."  [:9] Moreover, the Jesus says toward same that "today salvation becomes to{the house, the-same}, according-that also same is-being son [of-]Abraham, [:10] for the son of{the man} comes to-seek and to-save the having-been-lost-off/away."  [:11] Moreover, of{same[plural] hearing}, place[ing]-toward the-same[neuter plural], he-says [a] parable through the same to-be-being near Jerusalem and same[plural] to-deem that immediately the kingdom of{the God} is-being-about to-be-being-revealed-anew.  [:12] So, he-says, "Some well-become man is-gone into [a] far region to-take to{sameself} [a] kingdom and to-return.  [:13] Moreover, call[ing] ten slaves of{sameself}, he-gives to{same} ten minas and says toward same, "Do-practice-effect until I-am-being-come."  [:14] Moreover, the city-ers/citizens of{same} have-been-hating same and send-off/away [an] elder-ia/embassy behind of{same}, saying, "We-are_not_will-ing the-same to-reign upon us."  [:15] And it-becomes in to{the} to-come-upon-anew[i.e. come back again] same, take[ing] the kingdom, also he-says to-sound to{same} the slaves, the-same, to{whom} he-gives the silver, in-which-place he-may-know who does-practice-effect-through what.  [:16] Moreover, the first becomes-aside, saying, "Lord, the mina of{you} work-izes-toward ten minas."  [:17] And he-says to{same}, "Well beneficial, slave, that in to{least} you-become faithful.  Be-being having authority up-upon of{ten cities}."  [:18] And the second comes, saying, "Lord, the mina of{you} makes five minas."  [:19] Moreover, he-says also to{the-same}, "Also you, be-being-become up-upon of{five cities}."  [:20] And [a] different/other comes, saying, "Lord, behold, the mina of{you} which I-have-been-having, being-lain-off/away in to{[a] sudarium[Latin]/towel/napkin/cloth}, [:21] for I-have-been-fearing you, that you-are-being [an] austere man.  You-are-lifting the you-do_not_place and you-are-harvesting the you-do_not_sow."  [:22] Moreover, he-is-saying to{same}, "Out of{the mouth} of{you} I-will-judge you, evil slave.  You-had-beheld that I am-being [an] austere man, lifting the I-do_not_place and harvesting the I-do_not_sow.  [:23] And through what[?] you-do_not_give the silver of{me} upon [the] [money market]table, and I, come[ing], supposing I-effect same together-with to{interest}[?]"  [:24] And to{the having-stood-beside} he-says, "Lift off/away-from of{same} the mina and give to{the having} the ten minas."  [:25] And they-say to{same}, "Lord, he-is-having ten minas." [:26] For I-am-saying to{you} that to{every, the having} it-will-be-given; moreover, off/away-from of{the not having} also what he-is-having will-be-lifted off/away-from of{same}.  [:27] "More-ly, the hostile of{me}, the-there-s, the not will[ing] me to-reign upon same, lead here and slay-down in-front of{me}."  [:28] And, say[ing] the-same, he-has-been-being-gone in-front, ascending into Jerusalem.  [:29] And it-becomes as he-becomes-near into Bethphage and Bethany toward the mountain, the being-called "of{olives}," he-sends-off/away two of{the disciples} of{same}, [:30] say[ing], "Be-withdrawing into the down-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] village in to{which}, being-gone-into, you-will-discover [a] colt having-been-bound, upon which not-one ever-yet of{men} sits-down.  Loose[ing] same, lead.  [:31] And if-supposing any may-be-asking you, 'Through what[?] you-are-loosing the-same-ly,' you-will-declare to{same} that the Lord is-having need of{same}."  [:32] Moreover, come[ing]-off/away, the having-been-sent-off/away discover according-as he-says to{same}.  [:33] Moreover, of{same loosing} the colt, the lords of{same} say toward same, "What[?] you-are-loosing the colt[?]"  [:34] Moreover, they-say, "The Lord is-having need of{same}."  [:35] And they-lead same toward the Jesus and, toss[ing]-upon the outer-garments of{sameselves} upon the colt, they-step-ize-upon/mount the Jesus.  [:36] Moreover, of{same being-gone}, they-have-been-spreading-under, the outer-garments of{same}, in to{the way}.  [:37] Moreover, of{same becoming-near} already toward to{the descent-sis[i.e. state of descent]} of{the mountain} of{the olives}, they-initiate, emphatically-all, the multitude of{the disciples}, joying to-praise the God to{large sound} around of{all who} behold of{[the] enablements/empowerments}, [:38] saying, "Having-been-well-worded, the being-come king in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}, peace in to{heaven} and glory in to{highest}."  [:39] And some of{the Pharisees} from of{the crowd} say toward same, "Teacher, adjudge-valuation-upon to{the disciples} of{you}."  [:40] And, respond[ing], he-says to{same}, "I-am-saying to{you} that if-supposing the-same may-be-silent the stones will-cry-out."  [:41] And as he-becomes-near, behold[ing] the city, he-weeps upon to{same}, [:42] saying that "if you-know, and/also you and/also yet in to{the day} of{you}, to{the-same}, the toward peace of{you}; moreover, now it-is-hidden from of{[the] eyes} of{you}, [:43] that days will-arrive upon you, and the hostile of{you} will-cast-around [an] encampment[or barricade of pales/poles/stakes/fortification] to{you} and circle-around you from-everywhere, [:44] and ground/level-ize you and the offsprings of{you} in to{you}, and they-will_not_let-off/away in to{you} stone upon to{stone}, instead/contrary/against of{whom} you-do_not_know the season of{the watch-upon/oversight} of{you}."  [:45] And, come[ing]-into into the consecrated[i.e. temple], he-initiates to-be-casting-out the selling in to{same} and purchasing, [:46] saying to{same}, "It-has-been-written, 'The house of{me} is-being [a] house of{prayer};' moreover, you make same [a] cave of{robbers}."  [:47] And he-has-been-being teaching the according-to day in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}; moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes, also the firsts of{the people}, have-been-seeking to-destroy-off/away same.  [:48] And they-have_not_been-discovering the what they-may-do, for the people, emphatically-every, has-been-hanging-out, hearing of{same}.

[Luke 20][:1] And it-becomes in to{one} of{the days, the-there,} of{same teaching} the people in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and of{good-message-izing}, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes together-with the elders stand-upon, [:2] and they-say, saying toward same, "Say to{us} in to{about-what-such authority} you-are-doing the-same, or who[?] is-being the give[ing] to{you} the authority, the-same[?]"  [:3] Moreover, respond[ing], he-says toward same, "Also-I will-ask you one word.  And, say to{me}, [:4] the immerse-effect of{John} has-been-being out of{heaven} or out of{men}[?]"  [:5] Moreover, the[plural] dialog-ize-together toward sameselves, saying that "if-supposing we-may-say, 'Out of{heaven},' he-will-declare, 'So, through what[?] you-do_not_entrust to{same}[?]' [:6] Moreover, if-supposing we-may-say, 'Out of{men},' all the people will-stone-ize-down us, for it-is-being having-been-persuaded John[accusative], [a] prophet[accusative], to-be-being."  [:7] And they-respond to-have_not_beheld whence.  [:8] And the Jesus says to{same}, "Neither I am-saying to{you} in to{about-what-such authority} I-am-doing the-same."  [:9] Moreover, he-initiates to-be-saying toward the people the parable, the-same, "Some man plants [a] vineyard and gives-out same to{land-workers} and goes-abroad sufficient times.  [:10] And in to{season} he-sends-off/away toward the land-workers [a] slave, in-which-place they-may-give from of{the fruit} of{the vineyard} to{same}.  Moreover, the land-workers, flay[ing] same, send-out-off/away empty.  [:11] And he-places-toward to-dispatch [a] different slave.  Moreover, the[plural] flay[ing] also-the-there and, unvalue-ize[ing], send-out-off/away empty.  [:12] And he-places-toward to-dispatch [a] third.  Moreover, the[plural] also, wound-effect-ize[ing] the-same, cast-out.  [:13] Moreover, the lord of{the vineyard} says, "What[?] I-may-do[?]  I-will-dispatch the son of{me}, the beloved.  Behold[ing] the-same, they-will-have-regard-for equally."  [:14] Moreover, behold[ing] same, the land-workers have-been-dialog-izing toward sameselves, saying, 'The-same is-being the heir.  Come, we-may-be-killing-off/away same, in-which-place the inheritance may-become of{us}.'  [:15] And, cast[ing]-out same outside of{the vineyard}, they-kill-off/away.  So, what[?] the lord of{the vineyard} will-do to{same}[?]  [:16] He-will-be-come and will-destroy-off/away the land-workers, the-same, and give the vineyard to{others}." Moreover, hear[ing], they-say, "It-could_not_become."  [:17] Moreover, the, view[ing]-in to{same}, says, "So, what[?] is-being the having-been-written, the-same, '[The] stone whom the house-building deem-off/away[i.e. reject], the-same becomes into head of{corner}.'  [:18] Every, the fall[ing] upon the-there, the stone, will-be-crushed; moreover, upon whom supposing it/he-may-fall it/he-will-winnow same."  [:19] And the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes seek to-cast-upon upon same the hands in to{same, the hour} and they-fear the people, for they-know that toward same he-says the parable, the-same.  [:20] And, keep[ing]-beside, they-send-off/away spies, pretending sameselves to-be-being just, in-which-place they-may-take-upon of{same} of{word} into the to-deliver same to{the origin} and to{the authority} of{the governor}.  [:21] And they-ask-upon same, saying, "Teacher, we-have-beheld that straightly you-are-saying and you-are-teaching and you-are_not_taking face[i.e. appearance]; contrariwise, upon of{truth} you-are-teaching the way of{the God}.  [:22] It-is-being-allowed to{us} to-give tribute to{Caesar} or not[?]"  [:23] Moreover, think[ing]-according-to/considering of{same} the all-working/craftiness, he-says toward same, "What[?] you-are-trial-izing me[?]  [:24] Show-upon to{me} [a] denarius.  Of{whom[?]} it-is-having image and writing-upon/inscription[?]"  Moreover, respond[ing], they-say, "Of{Caesar}."  [:25] Moreover, the says to{same}, "To-this-now/therefore, give-off/away the of{Caesar} to{Caesar} and the of{the God} to{the God}."  [:26] And they-do_not_have-strength to-take-upon of{same} of{declaration} in-in-place-ly[/opposite/facing] of{the people} and, marvel[ing] upon to{the response} of{same}, refrain-from-speaking.  [:27] Moreover, some of{the Sadducees} come[ing]-toward, the saying-in-place-of/in-opposition-to/contradicting/rebutting, no stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection] to-be-being, ask-upon same, [:28] saying, "Teacher, Moses writes to{us}, if-supposing of{some} brother may-die-off/away having [a] woman, and the-same may-die-off/away without-offspring, in-which-place the brother of{same} would-take the woman and may-stand-up/anew-out sow-effect to{the brother} of{same}.  [:29] So, they-have-been-being seven brothers, and the first, take[ing] [the] woman, dies-off/away without-offspring.  [:30] And the second takes the woman, and the-same without-offspring dies-off/away.  [:31] And the third takes same.  Moreover, as-same-ly, also the seven do_not_leave-behind offsprings, and die-off/away.  [:32] Afterward of{all}, the woman also dies-off/away.  [:33] So, in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}, of{whom[?]} of{same} is-becoming [the] woman, for the seven have same woman[?]"  [:34] And, respond[ing], the Jesus says to{same}, "The sons of{the eon, the-same} are-marrying and are-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage].  [:35] Moreover, the considered-worthwhile-according-to of{the eon, the-there} to-occur also of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the} out of{dead} neither are-marrying nor are-being-marry-ized-out[i.e. given out/away in marriage].  [:36] For neither they-are-being-enabled still to-die-off/away, for they-are-being equal-messengers and they-are-being sons of{the God}, being sons of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]}.  [:37] Moreover, that the dead are-being-roused, also Moses discloses upon of{the bramble/briar-bush} as he-is-saying 'Lord the God [of-]Abraham and the God [of-]Isaac and the God [of-]Jacob.'  [:38] Moreover, God is_not_being of{dead}; contrariwise, of{being-alive}, for all are-being-alive to{same}."  [:39] Moreover, respond[ing], some of{the scribes} say, "Teacher, you-say well."  [:40] Moreover, they-have_not-still_been-daring to-be-asking-upon same, nothing.  [:41] Moreover, he-says toward same, "How[?] they-are-saying the anointed son [of-]David to-be-being[?]  [:42] And same David is-saying in to{scroll} of{psalms}, "The Lord says to{the lord} of{me}, 'Be-being-seated out of{right} of{me} [:43] until supposing I-may-place the hostile of{you} under-foot of{the feet} of{you}.'  [:44] So, David is-calling same 'lord,' and how[?] he-is-being son of{same}[?]"  [:45] Moreover, of{all the people hearing}, he-says to{the disciples} of{same}, [:46] "Be-having-toward off/away-from of{the scribes, the will-ing} to-be-walking-around in to{wardrobes} and of{liking} greetings in to{the marketplaces} and first-seats in to{the synagogues} and first-[re]cline-places in to{the dinners/suppers}, [:47] the are-eating-down the houses of{the widows} and to{reveal-before-sis[i.e. pretext]} they-are-praying long.  The-same will-take/get more-excessive judge-effect/judgment."

[Luke 21][:1] Moreover, view[ing]-up, he-beholds the rich casting the gifts of{same} into the treasury.  [:2] Moreover, he-beholds also [a] poor widow casting two mites there.  [:3] And he-says, "Truly, I-am-saying to{you} that the widow, the destitute, same casts much-more of{all}, [:4] for emphatically-all, the-same[plural], out of{the exceeding} to{same} cast into the gifts of{the God}; moreover, same[feminine] out of{the deficient-effect/lack} of{same} casts emphatically-all the livelihood which she-has-been-having."  [:5] And of{some saying} about of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, that to{good stones} and to{up/anew-place-effects/monuments/ornaments/offerings} it-has-been-arranged/ordered, he-says, [:6] "You-are-observing the-same, which, days will-be-come in to{which} it-will_not_be-let-off/away-from stone upon to{stone} which will_not_be-loosed-down."  [:7] Moreover, they-ask-upon same, saying, "Teacher, so, at-what-time[?], the-same[plural], it-will-be, and what[?] the sign when-supposing may-be-being-about, the-same[plural], to-be-becoming[?]"  [:8] Moreover, the says, "Be-viewing, you-would_not_be-led-astray, for many will-be-come upon to{the name} of{me}, saying that 'I am-being' and, 'The season has-become-near,' so, you-should_not_be-gone behind of{same[plural]}.  [:9] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-hear wars and without-stand-down/against-ia/instability you-should_not_be-distraught/upset/dismayed/agitated, for it-is-necessitating the-same[plural] to-become first; contrariwise, not straightaway the completion."  [:10] Then he-has-been-saying to{same}, "Nation upon nation will-be-roused, and kingdom upon kingdom.  [:11] Both large/great tempests/shakes/quakes down/against places and famines and plagues will-be.  It-will-be both fears/terrors and large/great signs from of{heaven}.  [:12] Moreover, before of{the-same all} they-will-cast-upon upon you the hands of{same} and will-chase, delivering into synagogues and custodies, being-led upon kings and governors because of{the name} of{me}.  [:13] Moreover, it-will-step-off/away-from/turn-out/result to{you} into witness.  [:14] So, place into the hearts of{you} not to-be-concerned/care-about-beforehand to-be-defended, [:15] for I will-give to{you} mouth and wisdom to{which} all the being-lain-opposed to{you} will_not_be-enabled to-say-in-place-of/against/in-opposition-to/contradict/rebut nor to-stand-in-place-of/against/in-opposition-to/withstand.  [:16] Moreover, you-will-be-delivered also under of{parents} and of{brothers} and of{together-become[i.e. related]} and of{friends} and they-will-put-to-death out of{you}.  [:17] And you-will-be being-hated under of{all} through the name of{me}.  [:18] And [a] hair out of{the head} of{you[plural]}, no, will_not_perish.  [:19] In to{the under-remain/endurance/perseverance} of{you[plural]}, acquire the lives of{you[plural]}.  [:20] Moreover, when-supposing you-may-behold the Jerusalem being-circled under of{soldier/army-ground/military-encampment}, then know that the desolate-sis[i.e. state of being desolate] of{same} has-become-near.  [:21] Then the in to{the Judea}: be-fleeing into the mountains, and the in to{midst} of{same}: be-separating-out, and the in to{the spaces}: do_not_be-being-come-into into same, [:22] that same are-being days of{out-justice/vindication} of{the} to-be-fulfilled all the having-been-written.  [:23] Moreover, woe to{the} in to{belly having} and to{the nursing} in to{the-there, the days}, for it-will-be of-certainty large upon of{the earth} and wrath to{the people, the-same}.  [:24] And they-will-be-fallen to{[the] mouth/edge} of{[the] knife} and will-be-spear-taken-ized/taken-captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will-be being-treaded under of{nations} even-to [the] seasons of{nations} may-be-fulfilled.  [:25] And it-will-be signs in to{[the] sun} and to{[the] moon} and to{[the] stars} and upon of{the earth}, hold-together[noun] of{nations} in to{difficulty-of-passage} of{audible-manifestation} of{seawater} and of{tossing-motion}, [:26] of{men life-ing-off/away} from of{fear} and of{deem-toward/anticipation} of{the being-come-upon} to{the housed/inhabited}, for the enablements/empowerments of{the heavens} will-be-shaken.  [:27] And then they-will-see the son of{the man} being-come in to{cloud} alongside of{enablement/empowerment} and of{much glory}.  [:28] Moreover, of{the-same being-initiated} to-be-being-become, stoop-up/anew and lift-upon the heads of{you}, through-that the loose-off/away-sis/[state of]release-off/away of{you} is-becoming-near."  [:29] And he-says [a] parable to{same}, "Behold the fig-tree and all the trees.  [:30] When-supposing they-may-cast-forth, already viewing from of{sameselves} you-are-knowing that already near the summer is-being.  [:31] The-same-ly also you, when-supposing you-may-behold the-same being-become, be-knowing that near is-being the kingdom of{the God}.  [:32] Amen I-am-saying to{you} that no, the generation, the-same, should_not_pass-by until supposing all may-become.  [:33] The heaven and the earth will-be-passed-by; moreover, the words of{me} no, should_not_pass-by.  [:34] Moreover, be-having-toward to{sameselves}, not-whereby the hearts of{you} may-be-weighted in to{intoxication} and to{drunkenness} and to{livelihood-ish worries} and unexpectedly the day, the-there, may-stand-upon upon you, [:35] for as [a] trap it-will-be-come-upon upon all the being-seated upon [the] face of{all the earth}.  [:36] So, be-being-awake in to{all season}, being-necessitated, in-which-place you-may-be-considered-worthwhile-according-to flee-out/escape the-same all, the being-about to-be-being-become, and to-be-stood in-front of{the son} of{the man}."  [:37] Moreover, the days, in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} he-has-been-being teaching; moreover, the nights, being-come-out, he-has-been-being-camped-out/spending-the-night into the mountain, the being-called "of{olives}."  [:38] And every, the people, has-been-daybreak-izing toward same in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} to-be-hearing of{same}.

[Luke 22][:1] Moreover, the festival of{the unleavened}, the being-said "passover," has-been-becoming-near, [:2] and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes have-been-seeking the how they-may-lift-up[i.e. take out] same, for they-have-been-fearing the people.  [:3] Moreover, [the] Satan/adversary comes-into into Judas, the being-upon-called Iscariot, being out of{the number} of{the twelve}, [:4] and, come[ing]-off/away, he-speaks-together to{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and to{the officers} the how he-may-deliver same to{same[plural]}, [:5] and they-are-joyed and place-together to-give silver to{same}.  [:6] And he-acknowledges-out and has-been-seeking good-season/opportunity of{the} to-deliver same to{same[plural]} apart-from of{crowd}.  [:7] Moreover, the day of{the unleavened} comes in to{which} it-has-been-necessitating the passover to-be-being-sacrificed.  [:8] And he-sends-off/away Peter and John, say[ing], "Be[ing]-gone, prepare to{us} the passover, in-which-place we-may-eat."  [:9] Moreover, the say to{same}, "Where[?] you-are-will-ing we-may-prepare[?]"  [:10] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Behold, of{you come[ing]-into} into the city, [a] man will-meet to{you} bearing [a] pot of{water}.  Accompany to{same} into the house of{which} he-is-being-gone-into, [:11] and you-will-declare to{the house-ruler} of{the house}, 'The teacher is-saying to{you}, "Where[?] is-being the loose-down-effect/lodging which-where I-may-eat the passover alongside of{the disciples} of{me}[?]"'  [:12] And-the-there will-show to{you} [a] large up[from]ground[room] having-been-spread.  Prepare there."  [:13] Moreover, come[ing]-off/away, they-discover according-as he-has-declared to{same}, and they-prepare the passover.  [:14] And when the hour becomes, he-falls-anew[i.e. sits down], and the twelve sent-off[ones] together-with to{same}.  [:15] And he-says toward same, "To{upon-desire-ia} I-desire-upon the-same, the passover, to-eat alongside of{you} before of{the} me to-suffer, [:16] for I-am-saying to{you} that not-still, no, I-should_not_eat out of{same} until of{when} it-may-be-fulfilled in to{the kingdom} of{the God}."  [:17] And, receive[ing] [the] cup, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, he-says, "Take the-same and divide-through to{sameselves}, [:18] for I-am-saying to{you} that no, I-should_not_drink, from of{the} now, from of{the begotten-effect} of{the vine}, until of{when} the kingdom of{the God} may-come."  [:19] And, take[ing] bread, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, he-breaks and gives to{same}, saying, "The-same is-being the body of{me}, the over/for-the-sake of{you} being-given.  Be-doing the-same into the mine remembrance-anew."  [:20] As-same-ly also the cup alongside the to-dine, saying, "The-same, the cup, the new through-placement/disposition/covenant in to{the blood} of{me}, the over/for-the-sake of{you} being-poured-out.  [:21] More-ly, behold, the hand of{the delivering} me alongside of{emphatically-me} upon of{the table} [:22] and, on-one-hand, the son of{the man} is-being-gone according-to the having-been-defined; more-ly, woe to{the man, the-there} through of{whom} he-is-being-delivered."  [:23] And same[plural] initiate to-be-seeking-together toward sameselves the who consequently might-be-being out of{same} the being-about to-be-practicing the-same.  [:24] Moreover, [a] fond-of-quarrel-ia/competition/rivalry becomes in to{same}, the who of{same} is-deeming to-be-being greater.  [:25] Moreover, the says to{same}, "The kings of{the nations} are-lording of{same} and the[plural] are-authority-izing of{same}.  Good-workers/benefactors are-being-called; [:26] moreover, you not the-same-ly; contrariwise, the greater in to{you}: become as the youth, and the governing as the serving, [:27] for who[?] greater, the being-lain-up/anew or the serving[?]  Emphatically-not the being-lain-up/anew[?]  Moreover, I am-being in to{midst} of{you} as the serving.  [:28] Moreover, you are-being the having-stayed-through alongside of{emphatically-me} in to{the trials} of{me}.  [:29] And-I am-[through-placing/dispositioning/covenanting-such-as-to-be-]being-through-placed/dispositioned/covenanted to{you} according-as the father of{me} through-places/dispositions/covenants-such-as-to-be-through-placed/dispositioned/covenanted to{me} [a] kingdom, [:30] in-which-place you-may-be-eating and may-be-drinking upon of{the table} of{me} in to{the kingdom} of{me}, and will-sit-down upon of{thrones} judging the twelve tribes of{the} Israel."  [:31] Moreover, the Lord says, "Simon, Simon, behold, the Satan/adversary gives-cause/requests-out-for-himself you[plural] of{the} to-sift as the grain.  [:32] Moreover, I am-necessitated about of{you} in-which-place the faith of{you} should_not_leave-out/abandon/disappear, and you, at-what-time, turn[ing]-upon, establish the brothers of{you}."  [:33] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Lord, alongside of{you} I-am-being also ready to-be-being-gone into custody and into death."  [:34] Moreover, the says, "I-am-saying to{you}, Peter, no, [a] rooster will_not_sound today prior than thrice you-will-deny-off/away to-have_not_beheld me."  [:35] And he-says to{same}, when I-send-off/away you apart-from of{purse} and of{bag} and of{footwear}, no, of{any[?]} you-are-deficient[?]"  Moreover, the say, "Of{nothing}."  [:36] So, he-says to{same}; "Contrariwise, now the having purse: lift.  Similarly also bag, and the not having: sell the outer-garment of{same} and purchase [a] knife, [:37] for I-am-saying to{you} that still the-same, the having-been-written, is-necessitating to-be-finished in to{emphatically-me}, the also 'he-is-word-ized/reckoned/accounted alongside of{lawless},' for also the about of{emphatically-me} is-having completion."  [:38] Moreover, the say, "Lord, behold, two knives here."  Moreover, the says to{same}, "It-is-being sufficient."  [:39] And, come[ing]-out, he-is-gone according-to the custom into the mountain of{the olives}; moreover, the disciples of{same} accompany to{same}.  [:40] Moreover, become upon of{the place}, he-says to{same}, "Be-praying to_not_come-into into trial."  [:41] And same is-drawn-off/away-from from of{same} as-if of{stone cast[noun]} and, place[ing] the knees, he-has-been-praying, [:42] saying, "Father, if you-are-intending, carry-aside the cup, the-same, from of{emphatically-me}; more-ly, not the will-effect of{me}; contrariwise, the yours: be-become."  [:43] Moreover, [a] messenger from of{heaven} is-seen to{same}, in-strengthening same.  [:44] And become[ing] in to{contest-ia/struggle-ia/agony} he-has-been-praying fervently; moreover, the sweat of{same} becomes as-if clots/coagulations of{blood} descending upon the ground.  [:45] And, stand[ing]-up from of{the prayer}, come[ing] toward the disciples, he-discovers same sleeping from of{the grief}.  [:46] And he-says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-lying-asleep[?]  Stand[ing]-up, be-praying in-which-place you-should_not_come-into into trial."  [:47] Moreover, still of{same speaking}, behold, [a] crowd, and the being-said "Judas," into of{the twelve}, has-been-coming-before same, and becomes-near to{the Jesus} to-fond same.  [:48] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Judas, you-are-delivering the son of{the man} to{fond-effect}[?]"  [:49] Moreover, behold[ing] the will-be, the around same say to{same}, "Lord, if we-will-smite in to{knife}[?]"  [:50] And some one out of{same} smites the slave of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} and lifts-off/away of{same} the ear, the right.  [:51] Moreover, respond[ing], the Jesus says, "Be-allowing until of{the-same}," and, take[ing]-hold of{the ear} of{same}, he-cures same.  [:52] Moreover, the Jesus says toward the become-aside upon same, chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and officers of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and elders, "As upon [a] robber you-come-out alongside of{knives} and of{wood[en-clubs]}.  [:53] According-to day of{me being} alongside of{you} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} you-do_not_stretch-out the hands upon emphatically-me; contrariwise, same[singular] is-being of{you} the hour and the authority of{the darkness}."  [:54] Moreover, together-take[ing] same, they-lead, and they-into-lead same into the house of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}.  Moreover, the Peter has-been-accompanying afar.  [:55] Moreover, of{kindle[ing]} [a] fire in to{midst} of{the courtyard} and of{same being-seated-together}, the Peter has-been-being-seated in to{midst} of{same}.  [:56] Moreover, behold[ing] same, some girlie being-seated toward the light and fixate[ing] to{same} says, "Also the-same has-been-being together-with to{same}."  [:57] Moreover, the denies same, saying, "Woman, I-have_not_beheld same."  [:58] And alongside [a] bit, [a] different/other, behold[ing] same, has-been-asserting, "Also, you are-being out of{same}."  Moreover, the Peter says, "Man, I-am_not_being."  [:59] And of{stand[ing]-through/apart} as-if of{one hour}, some other has-been-being-through-strength-izing/persisting/maintaining, saying, "Upon of{truth} also the-same has-been-being alongside of{same}, for also he-is-being [a] Galilean."  [:60] Moreover, the Peter says, "Man, I-have_not_beheld what you-are-saying," and immediately, still of{same speaking} [a] rooster sounds.  [:61] And, turn[ing], the Lord views-in to{the Peter}, and the Peter is-reminded-under of{the word} of{the Lord} as he-says to{same} that "prior to-sound [a] rooster, you-will-deny-off/away me thrice."  [:62] And, come[ing]-out outside, the Peter weeps bitterly.  [:63] And the men, the together-holding the Jesus, have-been-infantilizing to{same}, flaying [:64] and cover[ing]-around same, they-have-been-beating the face of{same} and have-been-asking-upon same, saying, "Prophesy.  Who[?] is-being the strike[ing] you[?]"  [:65] And they-have-been-saying many different/others, asserting-evil into same.  [:66] And as day becomes, the [body of]elders of{the people} are-gathered-together, both chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and scribes, and lead-up/anew same into the council of{same}, saying, [:67] "If you are-being the anointed, say to{us}."  Moreover, he-says to{same}, "If-supposing I-would-say to{you}, no, you-would_not_believe.  [:68] Moreover, if-supposing also I-would-ask, no, you-would_not_respond to{me} or loose-off/away.  [:69] From of{the} now it-will-be the son of{the man} being-seated out of{right} of{the enablement/empowerment} of{the God}"  [:70] Moreover, they-say, all, "So, you are-being the son of{the God}[?]  Moreover, the has-been-asserting toward same, "You are-saying that I am-being."  [:71] Moreover, the say, "Still what[?] need we-are-having of{witness-ia}[?]  For same[plural] we-hear from of{the mouth} of{same}."

[Luke 23][:1] And, stand[ing]-up/anew, emphatically-all the multitude of{same}, leads same upon the Pilate.  [:2] Moreover, they-initiate to-be-accusing of{same}, saying, "We-discover the-same through-turning/twisting/distorting the nation of{us} and hindering to-be-giving tribute to{Caesar}, saying sameself to-be-being anointed[noun] king."  [:3] Moreover, the Pilate asks-upon same, saying, "You are-being the king of{the Judeans}[?]"  Moreover, the, respond[ing] to{same}, has-been-asserting, "You are-saying."  [:4] Moreover, the Pilate says toward the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the crowds, "I-am-discovering not-one cause in to{the man, the-same}."  [:5] Moreover, the[plural] have-been-having-strength-upon, saying that he-shakes-up/anew the people, teaching down/against of{the whole Judea}, initiate[ing]-himself from of{the Galilee} until here.  [:6] Moreover, Pilate, hear[ing] "Galilee," asks-upon if the man is-being Galilean.  [:7] And, upon-know[ing] that he-is-being out of{the authority} of{Herod}, he-dispatches-anew same toward Herod, same also being in to{Jerusalems} in to{the-same, the days}.  [:8] Moreover, the Herod, behold[ing] the Jesus, joys extremely, for he-has-been-being will-ing out of{sufficient} to-behold same through the to-be-hearing much about of{same} and has-been-expect[ize]ing what[?] sign to-behold being-become under of{same}.  [:9] Moreover, he-has-been-asking-upon same in to{sufficient words}; moreover, same responds nothing to{same}.  [:10] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the scribes had-stood strenuously accusing of{same}.  [:11] Moreover, out-nothing[ing]/discount[ing] same, the Herod, together-with to{the armaments} of{same}, and infantilize[ing], drape[ing]-around same [with] shining attire, dispatches-anew same to{the Pilate}.  [:12] Moreover, the both Pilate and the Herod become friends in to{same, the day} alongside of{one-another}, for they-have-been-being-before-under-originating in to{hostility}, being toward sameselves.  [:13] Moreover, Pilate, call[ing]-together the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the chiefs and the people, [:14] says toward same, "You-carry-toward to{me} the man, the-same, as turning-off/away the people and, behold, I, in-sight of{you}, judge[ing]-anew, discover nothing in to{the man, the-same}, of{which} cause you-are-accusing down/against/according-to of{same}.  [:15] Contrariwise, moreover-not Herod, for he-dispatches-anew same toward us and, behold, nothing worthwhile of{death} is-being having-been-practiced to{same}.  [:16] So, child[ing]/chastise[ing] same, I-will-loose-off/away."  [:17] Moreover, of-certainty he-has-been-having to-be-loosing-off/away to{same} one according-to [the] festival.  [:18] Moreover, they-cry-out-anew all-multitude-ly, saying, "Be-lifting the-same; moreover, loose-off to{us} the bar-Abbas," [:19] someone-who has-been-being through some stand-sis[i.e. state of standing] become[ing] in to{the city} and murder, having-been-cast into custody.  [:20] So, again the Pilate sounds-toward, will-ing to-loose-off/away the Jesus.  [:21] Moreover, the[plural] have-been-sounding-upon, saying, "Crucify, crucify same."  [:22] Moreover, the says third[ly] toward same, "For what[?] bad the-same does[?]  I-discover not-one cause of{death} in to{same}.  So, child[ing]/chastise[ing] same, I-will-loose-off/away."  [:23] Moreover, the have-been-being-lain-upon to{large sounds} requesting/giving-cause-to-for-themselves same to-be-crucified and the sounds of{same} have-been-having-strength-against.  And of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]}, [:24] moreover, the Pilate judges-upon the request/cause-effect to-become of{same[plural]}.  [:25] Moreover, he-looses-off/away to{same} the through stand-sis[i.e. state of standing] and murder having-been-cast into the custody, whom they-have-been-requesting/giving-cause-to-for-themselves; moreover, he-delivers the Jesus to{the will-effect} of{same}.  [:26] And as they-lead-off/away same, take[ing]-upon of{Simon, some Cyrenian, the being-come} from of{field}, they-place-upon to{same} the cross to-be-carrying from-behind of{the Jesus}.  [:27] Moreover, [a] vast multitude of{the people} has-been-accompanying to{same}, and of{women}, who also have-been-striking-themselves and have-been-lamenting same.  [:28] Moreover, turn[ing] toward same, the Jesus says, "Daughters [of-]Jerusalem, do_not_be-weeping upon emphatically-me; more-ly be-weeping upon sameselves and upon the offsprings of{you}, [:29] that, behold, days are-being-come in to{which} they-will-declare, "Blessed, the sterile and cavities which do_not_beget, and breasts which do_not_nurse.  [:30] Then they-will-initiate to-be-saying to{the mountains}, "Fall upon us," and to{the hills}, "Cover us," [:31] that if in to{the moist/wet wood} they-are-doing the-same, in to{the dry/withered} what[?] may-become[?]"  [:32] Moreover, also two different/others, bad-working[adjective], have-been-being-led together-with to{same} to-be-lifted-up.  [:33] And when they-come-off/away upon the place, the being-called "skull," there they-crucify same and the bad-working[adjective], whom on-one-hand out of{right}, whom on-the-other-hand out of{left}.  [:34] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-saying, "Father, let-off/away to{same}, for they-have_not_beheld what they-are-doing."  Moreover, parting/dividing-through-themselves the outer-garments of{same}, they-cast lot.  [:35] And the people had-stood observing.  Moreover, the chiefs together-with to{same} have-been-mock-izing/deride-izing, saying, "Others he-saves; [he:] save sameself, if the-same is-being the anointed, the chosen of{the God}."  [:36] Moreover, also the soldiers have-been-infantilizing to{same}, being-come-toward and carrying-toward to{same} vinegar, [:37] and saying, "If you are-being the king of{the Judeans}, save yourself."  [:38] Moreover, also [a] writing-upon/inscription has-been-being having-been-written upon to{same} to{write-effects} to{Greek} and to{Latin} and to{Hebrew}, "The-same is-being the king of{the Judeans}."  [:39] Moreover, one of{the hung bad-workers} has-been-asserting-evil [to] same, saying, "If you are-being the anointed, save yourself and us."  [:40] Moreover, respond[ing], the different/other adjudges-valuation-upon to{same}, saying, "Nor you are-fearing the God, that in to{the same judge-effect/judgment} you-are-being.  [:41] And we on-one-hand justly, for we-practice worthwhile of{which} we-are-taking-off/away; on-the-other-hand, the-same practices nothing out-of-place.  [:42] And he-has-been-saying to{the Jesus}, "Be-reminded of{me}, Lord, when-supposing you-may-come in to{the kingdom} of{you}."  [:43] And the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen I-am-saying to{you} today alongside of{emphatically-me} you-will-be in to{the garden}"  [:44] Moreover, it-has-been-being as-if [the] sixth hour and darkness becomes upon the whole land until of{[the] ninth hour}, [:45] and the sun is-darkened and the spread-out-against-effect/curtain of{the temple} is-split midst, [:46] and, sound[ing] to{large sound}, the Jesus says, "Father, into [the] hands of{you} I-am-being-placed-aside[/placing-myself-aside] the spirit of{me}."  And, say[ing] the-same, he-breathes-out.  [:47] Moreover, behold[ing] the be[ing]-become, the centurion glorifies the God, saying, "Being-ly/actually, the man, the-same, has-been-being just."  [:48] And all the together-be[ing]-become-beside crowds upon the observe-ia, the-same, observing the be[ing]-become, beating the chests/sternums of{sameselves}, have-been-returning.  [:49] Moreover, all the knowns of{same} had-stood afar, and the women accompanying-together to{same} from of{the Galilee}, seeing the-same.  [:50] And, behold, [a] man to{name} "Joseph," [a] councilor originating-under, [a] beneficial man and just, [:51] the-same, has_not_been-being having-been-together-placed-according-to to{the intention} and to{the practice} of{same[plural]}, from of{Arimathea, the Judean city}, and who same also has-been-toward-receiving the kingdom of{the God}, [:52] the-same, come[ing]-toward to{the Pilate}, requests/gives-cause-for-himself the body of{the Jesus}.  [:53] And, lift[ing]-down same, envelopes same to{linen} and places same in to{hewn-out-of-rock memorial-effect} of{which} has_not_been-being not-moreover-yet-ly not-one being-lain.  [:54] And [the] day has-been-being preparation, and [the] sabbath has-been-upon-light-izing/illuminating[i.e. becoming dawn]  [:55] Moreover, the women, following-down/according-to, some-who have-been-being having-come-together to{same} out of{the Galilee}, spectate the memorial and as the body of{same} is-placed.  [:56] Moreover, return[ing], they-prepare aromatics and ointments.  And, on-one-hand, they-quiet-ize the sabbath, according-to the command;

[Luke 24][:1] on-the-other-hand, to{the one} of{the sabbaths} of{deep[i.e. dim/early] daybreak} they-come upon the memorial-effect, carrying which aromatics they-prepare, and some[feminine plural] together-with to{same[feminine plural]}.  [:2] Moreover, they-discover the stone having-been-rolled-off/away from of{the memorial} [:3] and, come[ing]-into, they-do_not_discover the body of{the Lord Jesus}.  [:4] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-being-perplexed-through same[feminine plural] about of{the-same[neuter singular]}, also, behold, two men stand-upon to{same[feminine plural]} in to{attire-sis-es[i.e. states of attire] flashing-out[like lightning]}.  [:5] Moreover, of{same[feminine plural] become[ing] in-fear} and of{leaning} the face into the ground, they-say toward same[feminine plural], "What[?] you-are-seeking the being-alive alongside of{the dead}[?]  [:6] He-is_not_being here; contrariwise, he-is-roused.  Remember as he-speaks to{you} still being in to{the Galilee}, [:7] saying that it-is-necessitating, the son of{the man}, to-be-delivered into [the] hands of{sinful men} and to-be-crucified and to{the third day} to{stand-up/anew}."  [:8] And they-remember of{the declarations} of{same}.  [:9] And, return[ing] from of{the memorial}, they-message-off/away the-same all to{the eleven} and to{all the remaining}  [:10] Moreover, they-have-been-being the Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary of{James} and the remaining, together-with to{same}, who have-been-saying toward the sent-off[ones] the-same.  [:11] And they-are-revealed in-sight of{same} as-if nonsense, the declarations of{same}, and they-have-been-disbelieving to{same}.  [:12] Moreover, the Peter, stand[ing]-up/anew, hurries upon the memorial and, stoop[ing]-beside, views the linen-cloths being-lain alone, and comes-off/away marveling toward sameself the having-become.  [:13] And, behold, two out of{same} have-been-being being-gone in to{same, the day}, into [a] village, having-off/away sixty stadia from Jerusalem, to{which} name, "Emmaus."  [:14] And same have-been-keeping-company toward one-another about of{all the having-stepped-together, the-same}.  [:15] And it-becomes in to{the} to-be-keeping-company same and to-seek-together, also the same Jesus, become[ing]-near, has-been-being-gone-together to{same}  [:16] Moreover, the eyes of{same} have-been-being-seized of{the} to_not_know-upon same.  [:17] Moreover, he-says toward same, "What[?] the words, the-same which you-are-casting-contrary/exchanging/debating toward one-another walking-around, and you-are-being somber[?]"  [:18] Moreover, one out of{same} respond[ing], to{which} name "Cleopas," says toward same, "You alone/only are-housing-aside Jerusalem and do_not_know the be[ing]-become in to{same} in to{the days, the-same}[?]  [:19] And he-says to{same}, "About-what-such[?]"  Moreover, the say to{same}, "The about of{Jesus the Nazarene} who becomes [a] prophet man able/enabled/empowered in to{work} and to{word} in-in-place-ly[/opposite/facing] of{the God} and of{all the people}, [:20] which-how both the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the chiefs of{us} deliver same into judge-effect/judgment of{death} and crucify same.  [:21] Moreover, we have-been-expect-ize-ing that same is-being the being-about [to-be-liberating-such-as-]to-be-being-liberated the Israel; contrariwise, yet together-with to{the-same all}, it-is-leading [the] third, the-same day, today, from of{which} the-same is-become.  [:22] Contrariwise, also some women out of{us} astound us, daybreak become[ing] upon the memorial [:23] and not discover[ing] the body of{same}, they-come saying to-have-seen also [a] vision of{messengers} who are-saying same to-be-being-alive, [:24] and some of{the} together-with to{us} come-off/away upon the memorial and discover the-same-ly according-as also the women say; moreover, they-do_not_behold same."  [:25] And same[singular] says toward same[plural], "Oh mindless/thoughtless and slow to{the heart} of{the} to-be-believing upon to{all which} the prophets speak.  [:26] Emphatically-not[?] it-has-been-necessitating the-same to-suffer, the anointed, and to-come-into into the glory of{same}[?]"  [:27] And, initiate[ing] from of{Moses} and from of{all the prophets} he-has-been-interpreting to{same} in to{all the scriptures} the about of{sameself}.  [:28] And they-become-near into the village of{which} they-have-been-being-gone and same has-been-making-toward to-be-being-gone more-distantly, [:29] and they-force-beside same, saying, "Stay alongside of{us}, that it-is-being toward dusk/evening and the day has-leaned."  And he-comes-into of{the} to-stay together-with to{same}.  [:30] And it-becomes in to{the} to-lay-down same[singular] alongside of{same[plural]}, take[ing] the bread, he-well-words and, break[ing], he-has-been-giving-upon to{same}.  [:31] Moreover, the eyes of{same} are-opened-up-through and they-know-upon same, and unrevealed[adjective] same[singular] is-become from of{same[plural]}.  [:32] And they-say toward one-another, "Emphatically-not[?] the heart of{us} has-been-being having-been-ignited in to{us} as he-has-been-speaking to{us} in to{the way} and as it-has-been-opening-up-through the scriptures to{us}[?]"  [:33] And stand[ing]-up/anew to{the same hour} they-return into Jerusalem and discover assembled-together the eleven and the together-with to{same}, [:34] saying that the Lord is-roused, being-ly/actually, and is-seen to{Simon}.  [:35] And same has-been-guiding-out the in to{the way} and as he-is-known to{same} in to{the break-sis[i.e. state of breaking]} of{the bread}.  [:36] Moreover, of{same speaking} the-same[neuter], same[masculine], the Jesus, stands in to{midst} of{same} and is-saying to{same}, "Peace to{you}."  [:37] Moreover, be[ing]-distraught/upset/dismayed/agitated and become[ing] in-fear, they-have-been-deeming to-be-observing [a] spirit.  [:38] And he-says to{same}, "What[?] you-are-being having-been-disturbed, and through what[?] dialog-iz-ations are-ascending in to{the hearts} of{you}[?]  [:39] Behold the hands of{me} and the feet of{me}, that same I am-being.  Handle me and behold that [a] spirit is_not_having flesh and bones according-as you-are-observing emphatically-me having."  [:40] And, say[ing] the-same, he-shows-upon to{same} the hands and the feet.  [:41] Moreover, still of{same disbelieving} from of{the joy} and of{marveling}, he-says to{same}, "What[?] edible you-are-having in-this-place[?]"  [:42] Moreover, the gives-upon to{same} part of{[a] cooked fish} and from of{beehive honeycomb}.  [:43] And, take[ing], in-sight of{same}, he-eats.  [:44] Moreover, he-says to{same}, "The-same, the words which I-speak toward you still being together-with to{you}, that it-is-necessitating to-be-fulfilled all the having-been-written in to{the law} of{Moses} and to{[the] prophets} and to{[the] psalms} about of{emphatically-me}."  [:45] Then he-opens-up-through of{same} the mind/thinking, of{the} to-be-putting-together the scriptures.  [:46] And he-says to{same} that "the-same-ly has-been-written and the-same-ly has-been-necessitating to-suffer, the anointed, and to-stand-up/anew out of{dead} to{the third day}, [:47] and to-be-proclaimed upon to{the name} of{same} change-of-mind/thinking and let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins} into all the nations, initiate[ing][neuter singular] from Jerusalem.  [:48] Moreover, you are-being witnesses of{the-same}.  [:49] And, behold, I am-sending-off/away the upon-message-ia of{the Father} of{me} upon you.  Moreover, you, sit-down in to{the city}, Jerusalem, until of{whom} you-may-clothe-yourself enablement/empowerment out of{height}."  [:50] Moreover, he-leads-out same outside until into Bethany and, lift[ing]-upon the hands of{same}, well-words same.  [:51] And it-becomes, in to{the} to-be-well-wording same, he-stands-through/apart off/away-from of{same} and has-been-carried-up into the heaven.  [:52] And same[plural], worship[ing] same, return into Jerusalem alongside of{great joy}.  [:53] And they-have-been-being through of{all} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, praising and well-wording the God.  Amen.

Good-message according-to John

[John 1][:1] In to{origin} has-been-being the word and the word has-been-being toward the God and God has-been-being the word.  [:2] The-same has-been-being in to{origin} toward the God.  [:3] All through of{same} becomes and apart-from of{same} becomes moreover-not one which has-become.  [:4] In to{same} being-alive[noun] has-been-being, and the being-alive[noun] has-been-being the light of{the men}.  [:5] And the light is-revealing in to{the darkness-ia}, and the darkness-ia does_not_take-according-to same.  [:6] [A] man is-become, having-been-sent-off/away beside of{God}, name to{same} "John."  [:7] The-same comes into witness-ia, in-which-place he-may-witness about of{the light}, in-which-place all may-believe through of{same}.  [:8] The-there has_not_been-being the light; contrariwise, in-which-place he-may-witness about of{the light}.  [:9] The light, the genuine, has-been-being, which is-light-izing/illuminating every man coming into the world.  [:10] In to{the world} he-has-been-being, and the world is-become through of{same}, and the world does_not_know same.  [:11] He-comes into the own[plural], and the own[plural] do_not_take-aside/along/near same.  [:12] Moreover, as-many-as take same he-gives to{same} authority to-become offsprings of{God} to{the believing/entrusting} into the name of{same}, [:13] who, not out of{bloods}, nor out of{will-effect} of{flesh}, nor out of{will-effect} of{[a] man}; contrariwise, out of{God} are-begotten.  [:14] And the word becomes flesh, and tents/lodges/tabernacles in to{us}, and we-spectate the glory of{same}, as of{only-begotten} aside/beside/near of{[the] Father}, full of{grace/favor} and of{truth}.  [:15] John is-witnessing about of{same}, and has-cried-out, saying, "The-same has-been-being whom I-say the behind of{me} being-come in-front of{me} has-become, that first of{me} has-been-being."  [:16] And out of{the full-effect} of{same} we all take also grace/favor in-place-of of{grace/favor}, [:17] that the law through of{Moses} is-given; the grace/favor and the truth through of{Jesus anointed} becomes.  [:18] Not-one has-seen God ever-yet.  The only-begotten son, the being into the bosom/lap of{the father}, the-there leads/guides-out.  [:19] And the witness-ia of{the John} is-being the-same when the Judeans send-off/away consecrateds[i.e. priests] and Levites out of{Jerusalems} in-which-place they-may-ask same, "You are-being who[?]"  [:20] And he-acknowledges, and does_not_deny, and acknowledges that "I am_not_being the anointed."  [:21] And they-ask same, "So, what[?]  Elijah you are-being[?]"  And he-is-saying, "I-am_not_being."  "The prophet you are-being[?]" And he-responds, "Not."  [:22] So, they-say to{same}, "Who[?] you-are-being, in-which-place we-may-give response to{the dispatch[ing]} us[?]  What[?] you-are-saying about of{yourself}[?]"  [:23] He-has-been-asserting, "I, 'Sound of{crying} in to{the desolate}.  Straighten the way of{[the] Lord},'["] according-as Isaiah the prophet says.["]  [:24] And the having-been-sent-off/away have-been-being out of{the Pharisees}.  [:25] And they-ask same and say to{same}, "So, what[?] you-are-immersing if you are_not_being the anointed nor Elijah nor the prophet[?]"  [:26] The John responds to{same}, saying, "I am-immersing in to{water}; moreover, midst of{you} has-stood whom you have_not_beheld.  [:27] Same is-being the behind of{me} being-come whom in-front of{me} has-become of{whom} I am_not_being worthwhile in-which-place I-may-loose of{same} the strap of{the footwear}."  [:28] The-same[neuter] becomes in to{Bethany}, other-side of{the Jordan}, which-where John has-been-being immersing.  [:29] To{the} upon-the-next-day, he-is-viewing the Jesus being-come toward same, and he-is-saying, "Behold, the lamb of{the God}, the lifting the sin of{the world}.  [:30] The-same is-being about of{whom} I say, 'Behind of{me} is-being-come [a] man who in-front of{me} has-become,' that he-has-been-being first of{me}.  [:31] And-I had_not_beheld same; contrariwise, in-which-place it-may-be-revealed to{the Israel} through the-same, I come in to{water} immersing."  [:32] And John witnesses, saying that "I-have-spectated the spirit descending as-if [a] pigeon/dove out of{heaven} and he-stays upon same.  [:33] And-I had_not_beheld same; contrariwise, the dispatch[ing] me to-be-immersing in to{water}, the-there says to{me}, 'Upon whom supposing you-may-behold the spirit descending and staying upon same, the-same is-being the immersing in to{Holy Spirit}.'  [:34] And-I have-seen and have-witnessed that the-same is-being the son of{the God}."  [:35] To{the} upon-the-next-day again the John had-stood, and two out of{the disciples} of{same} [:36] and, view[ing]-in to{the Jesus walking-around}, he-is-saying, "Behold, the lamb of{the God}."  [:37] And the two disciples hear of{same speaking} and accompany to{the Jesus}.  [:38] Moreover, be[ing]-turned, the Jesus, also spectate[ing] same following, is-saying to{same}, "What[?] you-are-seeking[?]"  Moreover, the say to{same}, "Rabbi," the is-being-said is-being-meant "Teacher," "Where[?] you-are-staying[?]"  [:39] He-is-saying to{same}, "Be-being-come and behold."  So, they-come and behold where he-is-staying and beside to{same} stay the day, the-there; moreover, [the] hour has-been-being as [the] tenth.  [:40] Andrew, the brother of{Simon Peter} has-been-being into out of{the two, the hear[ing]} beside of{John} and of{accompany[ing]} to{same}.  [:41] The-same first is-discovering the brother, the own, Simon, and is-saying to{same}, "We-have-discovered the messiah[Hebrew 'anointed' translit.]," the is-being being-translated, "the anointed."  [:42] And he-leads same toward the Jesus.  Moreover, view[ing]-in to{same}, the Jesus says, "You are-being Simon, the son of{Jona}.  You will-be-called Cephas," which is-being-meant "rock."  [:43] To{the} upon-the-next-day, he-wills to-come-out into the Galilee, and is-discovering Philip, and the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Be-accompanying to{me}."  [:44] Moreover, the Philip has-been-being from Bethsaida, out of{the city} of{Andrew} and of{Peter}.  [:45] Philip is-discovering the Nathanael, and is-saying to{same}, "We-have-discovered whom Moses writes in to{the law} and the prophets, Jesus, the son of{the} Joseph, the from Nazareth."  [:46] And Nathanael says to{same}, "Out [of-]Nazareth is-being-enabled what[?] beneficial to-be-being[?]"  Philip is-saying to{same}, be-being-come and behold."  [:47] The Jesus beholds the Nathanael being-come toward same and is-saying about of{same}, "Behold truly [an] Israelite in to{whom} bait is_not_being."  [:48] Nathanael is-saying to{same}, "Whence you-are-knowing me[?]"  Jesus responds and says to{same}, "Before of{the} Philip to-sound you, being under the fig-tree, I-behold you."  [:49] Nathanael responds and is-saying to{same}, "Rabbi, you are-being the son of{the God}.  You are-being the king of{the} Israel."  [:50] Jesus responds and says to{same} that "I-say to{you}, I-behold you down-under of{the fig-tree}.  You-are-believing.  You-will-see greater of{the-same}."  [:51] And he-is-saying to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} from presently you-will-see the heaven having-been-opened-up and the messengers of{the God} ascending and descending upon the son of{the man}."

[John 2][:1] And to{the day, the third} [a] wedding becomes in Cana of{the Galilee}, and the mother of{the Jesus} has-been-being there.  [:2] Moreover, also the Jesus is-called, and the disciples of{same}, into the wedding.  [:3] And of{wine be[ing]-deficient}, the mother of{the Jesus} is-saying toward same, "They-are_not_having wine," [:4] and the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "What[?] to{emphatically-me} and to{you}, woman[?]  Not-yet the hour of{me} has-arrived."  [:5] The mother of{same} is-saying to{the servants}, "Which what[?] supposing he-may-be-saying to{you}, do."  [:6] Moreover, six stone water-vessels have-been-being there, being-lain according-to the cleansing of{the Judeans}, making-space-for up/anew two or three measures.  [:7] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Fill-ize the water-vessels of{water}."  And they-fill-ize same until up.  [:8] And he-is-saying to{same}, "Draw/drain now and be-carrying to{the chief-three[wall]-couch-er/chief-triclinium[Roman term]}."  And they-carry.  [:9] Moreover, as the chief-three[wall]-couch-er/chief-triclinium[Roman term] tastes the water having-become wine, and he-had_not_beheld whence it-is-being; moreover, the servants had-beheld the having-been-drawn/drained the water, the chief-three[wall]-couch-er/chief-triclinium[Roman term] is-sounding the bridegroom, [:10] and saying to{same}, "Every man first places the good wine, and when-supposing they-may-be-drunk, then the inferior.  You have-kept the good wine until presently."  [:11] The Jesus does the-same origin of{the signs} in to{Cana} of{the Galilee}, and reveals the glory of{same}, and the disciples of{same} believe/entrust into same.  [:12] Alongside the-same[neuter], same descends into Capernaum, and the mother of{same} and the brothers of{same} and the disciples of{same} also stay there not many days.  [:13] And the passover of{the Judeans} has-been-being near, and the Jesus ascends into Jerusalem.  [:14] And he-discovers in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} the selling oxen and sheep and pigeons/doves, and the cash-change-makers being-seated.  [:15] And, make[ing] [a] whip out of{rush-cordlets/ropelets}, he-casts-out all out of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, both the sheep and the oxen, and of{the money-changers} he-pours-out the cash and turns-up the tables, [:16] and to{the selling} the pigeons/doves he-says, "Lift the-same from-here.  Do_not_be-making the house of{the father} of{me} [a] house of{market/trade/commerce/emporium}."  [:17] Moreover, the disciples of{same} remember that it-is-being having-been-written, "The zeal of{the house} of{you} will-eat-down[i.e. consume] me."  [:18] So, the Judeans respond and say to{same}, "What[?] sign you-are-showing to{us} that you-are-doing the-same[?]"  [:19] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "Loose the temple, the-same, and in to{three days} I-will-rouse same."  [:20] So, the Judeans say, "To{forty and six years} the temple, the-same, is-house-built, and you in to{three days} will-rouse same[?]"  [:21] Moreover, the-there has-been-saying about of{the temple} of{the body} of{same}.  [:22] So, when he-is-roused out of{dead}, the disciples of{same} remember that he-has-been-saying the-same and believe to{the scripture} and to{the word which} the Jesus says.  [:23] Moreover, as he-has-been-being in to{Jerusalems} in to{the passover} in to{the festival}, many believe into the name of{same}, observing of{same} the signs which he-has-been-doing.  [:24] Moreover, same, the Jesus, has_not_been-entrusting sameself to{same[plural]} through the same[singular] to-be-knowing all, [:25] also that he-has_not_been-having need in-which-place any may-witness about of{the man}, for same has-been-knowing what has-been-being in to{the man}.

[John 3][:1] Moreover, [a] man has-been-being out of{the Pharisees}, "Nicodemus" name to{same}, [a] chief of{the Judeans}.  [:2] The-same comes toward same of{night} and says to{same}, "Rabbi, we-have-beheld that [a] teacher from of{God} you-have-come, for not-one is-being-enabled/empowered to-be-doing the signs, the-same, which you are-doing, if-supposing the God would_not_be-being alongside of{same}."  [:3] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing no any/someone would-be-begotten up/anew-place-ly, he-is_not_being-enabled to-behold the kingdom of{the God}."  [:4] The Nicodemus is-saying toward same, "How[?] [a] man is-being-enabled to-be-begotten being old-age[?]  He-is_not_being-enabled to-come-into into the cavity of{the mother} of{same} secondly and to-be-begotten."  [:5] Jesus responds, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing no any/someone would-be-begotten out of{water} and of{spirit}, he-is_not_being-enabled to-come-into into the kingdom of{the God}.  [:6] The having-been-begotten out of{the flesh} is-being flesh and the having-been-begotten out of{the spirit} is-being spirit.  [:7] You-should_not_marvel that I-say to{you} it-is-necessitating you to-be-begotten up/anew-place-ly.  [:8] The breath-effect/blow-effect/wind/spirit, which-where it-is-will-ing, breathes/blows, and you-are-hearing the sound of{same}; contrariwise, you-have_not_beheld whence it-is-being-come and where it-is-withdrawing.  The-same-ly is-being all the having-been-begotten out of{the spirit}."  [:9] Nicodemus responds and says to{same}, "How[?] the-same is-being-enabled to-become[?]"  [:10] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "You are-being the teacher of{the} Israel and you-are_not_knowing the-same[plural].  [:11] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, that we-have-beheld what we-are-speaking and what we-have-seen.  We-are-witnessing, and you[plural]-are_not_taking the witness-ia of{us}.  [:12] If I-say to{you} the upon-earthly and you-are_not_believing, how[?], if-supposing I-may-say to{you} the upon-heavenly, you-will-believe[?]  [:13] And not-one has-ascended into the heaven if not the out of{the heaven} descend[ing], the son of{the man}, the being in to{the heaven}.  [:14] And, according-as Moses elevates the serpent in to{the desolate}, the-same-ly it-is-necessitating the son of{the man} to-be-elevated, [:15] in-which-place every, the believing/entrusting into same, would_not_perish-off/away; contrariwise, may-be-having eternal being-alive[noun].  [:16] For the-same-ly the God loves the world such-as he-gives the son of{same}, the only-begotten, in-which-place every, the believing/entrusting into same would_not_perish-off/away; contrariwise, may-be-having eternal being-alive[noun].  [:17] For the God does_not_send-off/away the son of{same} into the world in-which-place he-may-be-judging the world; contrariwise, in-which-place the world may-be-saved through of{same}.  [:18] The believing/entrusting into same is_not_being-judged; moreover, the not believing/entrusting already has-been-judged, that he-has_not_believed/entrusted into the name of{the only-begotten son} of{the God}.  [:19] Moreover, the-same is-being the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment], that the light has-come into the world, and the men love more the darkness than the light, for the works of{same} has-been-being evil.  [:20] For every, the practicing insignificant/unimportant, is-hating the light and is_not_being-come toward the light in-which-place the works of{same} would_not_be-confuted.  [:21] Moreover, the doing the truth is-being-come toward the light in-which-place the works of{same} may-be-revealed that in to{God} is-being having-been-work-ized."  [:22] Alongside the-same[neuter] the Jesus comes, and the disciples of{same}, into the Judean land, and there he-has-been-engaging alongside of{same}, and has-been-immersing.  [:23] Moreover, also John has-been-being immersing in Aenon near of{the Salim}, that many waters has-been-being there, and they-have-been-becoming-aside/beside and have-been-being-immersed, [:24] for not-yet the John has-been-being having-been-cast into the custody.  [:25] So, seek-sis[i.e. state of seeking]/inquiry becomes out of{the disciples} of{John} alongside of{Judeans} about of{cleansing}.  [:26] And they-come toward the John and say to{same}, "Rabbi, who has-been-being alongside of{you}, other-side of{the Jordan}, to{whom} you have-witnessed, behold, the-same is-immersing and all are-being-come toward same."  [:27] John responds and says "[A] man is_not_being-enabled to-be-taking not-one if-supposing he-may_not_be-being having-been-given to{same} out of{the heaven}.  [:28] The-same[masculine plural] you[plural] are-witnessing to{me} that I-say I am_not_being the anointed; contrariwise, that I-am-being having-been-sent-off/away in-front of{the-there}.  [:29] The having the bride is-being bridegroom; moreover, the friend of{the bridegroom}, the having-stood and hearing of{same} is-joying to{joy} through the sound of{the bridegroom}; so, the same joy, the mine, has-been-fulfilled.  [:30] It-is-necessitating the-there to-be-growing/increasing; moreover, emphatically-me to-be-being-diminished."  [:31] The up-place-ly being-come is-being up-upon of{all}.  The being out of{the earth} is-being out of{the earth}, and out of{the earth} is-speaking.  The out of{the heaven} being-come is-being up-upon of{all}.  [:32] And what he-has-seen and hears is-witnessing the-same[neuter], and not-one is-taking the witness-ia of{same[masculine]}.  [:33] The take[ing] the witness-ia of{same} affixes-with-seal that the God is-being true, [:34] for whom the God sends-off/away is-speaking the declarations of{the God}, for not out of{measure} the God is-giving the Spirit.  [:35] The Father is-loving the son and has-given all in to{the hand} of{same}  [:36] The believing/entrusting into the son is-having eternal being-alive[noun]; moreover, the being-unpersuaded/stubborn/noncompliant to{the son} will_not_see being-alive[noun]; contrariwise, the wrath of{the God} is-remaining upon same.

[John 4][:1] So, as the Lord knows that the Pharisees hear that Jesus is-making and immersing much-more disciples than John, [:2] and-to-which-yet same Jesus has_not_been-immersing; contrariwise, the disciples of{same}, [:3] he-lets-off/away the Judea and comes-off/away again into the Galilee.  [:4] Moreover, it-has-been-necessitating same to-be-being-come-through through of{the Samaria}.  [:5] So, he-is-being-come into [a] city of{the Samaria} being-said "Sychar" nearby of{the region} which Jacob gives [to-]Joseph, to{the son} of{same}.  [:6] Moreover, [the] fountain of{the} Jacob has-been-being there, so, the Jesus, having-been-labored out of{the way-going-ia} has-been-being-seat-ized the-same-ly upon to{the fountain}.  It-has-been-being as-if [the] sixth hour.  [:7] [A] woman out of{the Samaria} is-being-come to-drain/draw water.  The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Give to{me} to-drink," [:8] for the disciples of{same} had-come-off/away into the city in-which-place they-may-purchase nourishment.  [:9] So, the woman, the Samaritess, is-saying to{same}, "How[?], you being Judean aside of{emphatically-me}, are-giving-cause-to/requesting to-drink of{being woman Samaritess}, for Judeans are_not_together-utilizing/cooperating to{Samaritans}[?]"  [:10] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "If you-had-beheld the gratuity of{the God} and who is-being the saying to{you}, 'Give to{me} to-drink,' supposing you give-cause-to/request same, and supposing he-gives to{you} being-alive water."  [:11] The woman is-saying to{same}, "Lord, nor you-are-having draw/drain-effect/bucket/pail and the cistern/tank/reservoir/well is-being deep.  So, whence[?] you-are-having the water, the being-alive[?]  [:12] You are_not_being greater of{the father} of{us}, Jacob, who gives to{us} the cistern/tank/reservoir/well, and same drinks out of{same}, and the sons of{same}, and the nourish-effects of{same}."  [:13] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "Every, the drinking out of{the water, the-same} will-thirst again; [:14] moreover, who supposing may-drink out of{the water which} I will-give to{same}, no, he-would_not_thirst into the eon.  Contrariwise, the water which I-will-give to{same} will-become in to{same} [a] fountain of{water leaping} into eternal being-alive[noun]."  [:15] The woman is-saying toward same, "Lord, give to{me} the-same, the water, in-which-place I-would_not_thirst, nor would-be-being-come to-draw/drain in-this-place."  [:16] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Be-withdrawing.  Sound the man of{you} and come in-this-place."  [:17] The woman responds and says, "I-am_not_having [a] man."  The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "You-say well, that "I-am_not_having [a] man, [:18] for you-have five men and now whom you-are-having is_not_being [a] man of{you}.  You-have-declared the-same true."  [:19] The woman is-saying to{same}, "Lord, I-am-observing that you are-being [a] prophet.  [:20] The fathers of{us} worship in to{the mountain, the-same}, and you[plural] are-saying that in to{Jerusalems} is-being the place which-where it-is-necessitating to-be-worshiping."  [:21] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Woman, believe/entrust to{me} that [an] hour is-being-come when neither in to{the mountain, the-same} nor in to{Jerusalems} you[plural]-will-worship to{the Father}.  [:22] You[plural] are-worshiping what you-have_not_beheld.  We are-worshiping what we-have-beheld, that the salvation is-being out of{the Judeans}.  [:23] Contrariwise, [an] hour is-being-come and now is-being when the genuine worshipers will-worship to{the Father} in to{spirit} and to{truth}, for also the Father is-seeking to-which-the-same[plural], the worshiping same [:24] Spirit, and the God is-necessitating the[plural] worshiping same to-be-worshiping in to{spirit} and to{truth}."  [:25] The woman is-saying to{same}, "I-have-beheld that messiah[Hebrew 'anointed' translit.] is-being-come, the being-said 'anointed.'  When-supposing the-there may-come, he-will-message-up/anew all to{us}."  [:26] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "I am-being, the speaking to{you}."  [:27] And upon to{the-same}, the disciples of{same} come, and they-marvel that alongside of{[a] woman} he-has-been-speaking.  Nevertheless, not-one says, "What[?] you-are-seeking[?]" or, "What[?] you-are-speaking alongside of{same[feminine]}[?]"  [:28] So, the woman lets-off/away the water-vessel of{same}, and comes-off/away into the city, and is-saying to{the men}, [:29] "Come, behold [a] man who says to{me} all as-much-as I-do.  No-what[?] the-same is-being the anointed[?]"  [:30] So, they-come-out out of{the city} and have-been-being-come toward same.  [:31] Moreover, in to{the} between, the disciples have-been-asking same, saying, "Rabbi, eat."  [:32] Moreover, the says to{same}, "I am-having food-sis[i.e. state of food] to-eat which you have_not_beheld.  [:33] So, the disciples have-been-saying toward one-another, "No, who[?] carries to{same} to-eat[?]"  [:34] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "My food is-being in-which-place I-may-do the will-effect of{the dispatch[ing]} me and may-complete the work of{same}.  [:35] Not[?] you are-saying that 'Still four-month is-being and the harvest is-being-come'[?]  Behold, I-am-saying to{you} lift-upon the eyes of{you} and spectate the spaces that are-being white/bright/clear toward harvest already.  [:36] And the harvesting is-taking wage and is-gathering fruit into eternal being-alive[noun] in-which-place the sowing and the harvesting may-be-joying of{like}.  [:37] For in to{the-same} the word is-being genuine that other[English "one"] is-being the sowing and [the] other the harvesting.  [:38] I send-off/away you to-be-harvesting what you have_not_labored.  Others have-labored, and you have-come-into into the labor of{same}."  [:39] Moreover, out of{the city, the-there,} many of{the Samaritans} believe/entrust into same through the word of{the woman witnessing} that "he-says to{me} all as-much-as I-do."  [:40] So, as the Samaritans come toward same, they-have-been-asking same to-stay beside to{same}, and he-stays there two days.  [:41] And to{much} many-more believe through the word of{same}.  [:42] Besides, to{the woman} they-have-been-saying that "not-still through the your speech we-believe, for same[we] have-heard and have-beheld that the-same is-being truly the savior of{the world}, the anointed."  [:43] Moreover, alongside the two days he-comes-out thence and comes-off/away into the Galilee, [:44] for same Jesus witnesses that [a] prophet in to{the own fatherland} is_not_having value.  [:45] So, when he-comes into the Galilee, the Galileans receive same, having-seen all as-much-as he-does in to{Jerusalems} in to{the festival}, for also same come into the festival.  [:46] So, the Jesus again comes into the Cana of{the Galilee}, which-where he-makes the water wine, and has-been-being some royal of{whom} the son has-been-being-infirm in Capernaum.  [:47] The-same hear[ing] that Jesus has-arrived out of{the Judea} into the Galilee comes-off/away toward same and has-been-asking same in-which-place he-may-descend and may-cure the son of{same}, for he-has-been-being-about to-be-dying-off/away.  [:48] So, the Jesus says toward same, "If-supposing you[plural]-may-behold no signs and miracles, no, you[plural]-would_not_believe."  [:49] The royal is-saying toward same, "Lord, descend prior to-die-off/away the childling of{me}."  [:50] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Be-being-gone.  The son of{you} is-being-alive."  And the man believes/entrusts to{the word which} the Jesus says to{same} and has-been-being-gone.  [:51] Moreover, already of{same descending}, the slaves of{same} encounter to{same} and message-off/away, saying that "the child of{you} is-being-alive."  [:52] So, he-ascertains aside of{same} the hour in to{which} he-has/holds more-refined-ly and they-say to{same} that yesterday seventh hour the fever let-off/away same.  [:53] So, the father knows that in to{the-there, the hour} in to{which} the Jesus says to{same} that "the son of{you} is-being-alive," and same believes, and the whole house of{same}.  [:54] The Jesus does the-same second sign again come[ing] out of{the Judea} into the Galilee.

[John 5][:1] Alongside the-same [a] festival of{the Judeans} has-been-being, and the Jesus ascends into Jerusalem.  [:2] Moreover, [a] pool, the being-said-upon Hebrew-ly, "Bethesda," is-being in to{the Jerusalems} upon to{the of-sheep[Nehemiah 3:1 "gate"]}, having five porticos/colonnades.  [:3] In to{the-same[plural]} has-been-being-lain-down [a] vast multitude of{the being-weak/infirm, blind, lame, withered, receiving-out} the of{the water} move[noun].  [:4] For [a] messenger according-to season has-been-descending in to{the pool} and has-been-disturbing the water, so, the first step[ing]-in alongside the disturbance of{the water}, he-has-been-being-become healthy, to{which} sometimes he-has-been-being-held-down/according-to to{disease-effect}.  [:5] Moreover, some man has-been-being there thirty and eight years, having in to{the infirmity} of{same}.  [:6] The Jesus, behold[ing] the-same being-lain-down and know[ing] that already he-is-having much time, is-saying to{same}, "You-are-will-ing to-become healthy[?]"  [:7] The being-infirm responds to{same}, "Lord, I-am_not_having [a] man in-which-place when-supposing the water may-be-disturbed he-may-be-casting me into the pool; moreover, in to{which} I am-being-come, another before of{emphatically-me} is-descending."  [:8] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Rouse-yourself, lift the pallet/bed of{you} and be-walking-around."  [:9] And straightaway the man becomes healthy, and lifts the pallet/bed of{same}, and has-been-walking-around.  Moreover, it-has-been-being [the] sabbath in to{the-there, the day}.  [:10] So, the Judeans have-been-saying to{the having-been-healed}, "It-is-being [the] sabbath, and it-is_not_being-allowed to{you} to-lift the pallet/bed of{you}"  [:11] He-responds to{same}, the make[ing] me healthy, the-there, says to{me}, "Lift the pallet/bed of{you} and be-walking-around."  [:12] So, they-ask same, "Who[?] is-being the man, the say[ing] to{you}, "Lift the pallet/bed of{you} and be-walking-around[?]"  [:13] Moreover, the cured had_not_beheld who he-is-being, for the Jesus nods-out/turns-aside of{[the] crowd being} in to{the place}.  [:14] Alongside the-same, the Jesus discovers same in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and says to{same}, "Behold, you-have-become healthy.  No-still be-sinning, in-which-place no worse what to{you} may-become."  [:15] The man comes-off/away and messages-anew to{the Judeans} that Jesus is-being the make[ing] same healthy, [:16] and through the-same the Judeans have-been-chasing the Jesus and have-been-seeking same to-kill-off/away, that he-has-been-doing the-same in to{[the] sabbath}.  [:17] Moreover, the Jesus responds to{same}, "The Father of{me} until presently is-work-izing; also-I am-work-izing."  [:18] So, through the-same, the Judeans more have-been-seeking same to-kill-off/away, that not only he-has-been-loosing the sabbath; contrariwise, also own Father he-has-been-saying the God, making equal sameself to{the God}.  [:19] So, the Jesus responds and says to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, the son is_not_being-enabled to-be-doing from of{sameself} not-one if-supposing not what he-may-be-viewing the Father doing, for what[plural] supposing the-there may-be-doing, also the son similarly is-doing the-same, [:20] for the Father is-being-fond-of the son and is-showing all to{same}, which same is-doing, and he-will-show greater works of{the-same[plural]} to{same}, in-which-place you should-be-marveling, [:21] for about-as the Father is-rousing the dead and is-making-alive, the-same-ly also the son whom he-is-will-ing is-making-alive, [:22] for neither the Father is-judging, not-one; contrariwise, he-has-given the every judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment] to{the son}, [:23] in-which-place all may-be-valuing the son according-as they-are-valuing the Father.  The not valuing the son is_not_valuing the Father, the dispatch[ing] same.  [:24] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that the hearing the word of{me} and believing/entrusting to{the dispatch[ing]} me is-having eternal being-alive[noun], and he-is_not_being-come into judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]; contrariwise, he-has-stepped-across/changed-course out of{the death} into the being-alive[noun].  [:25] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that [an] hour is-being-come and now is-being when the dead will-hearken of{the sound} of{the son} of{the God} and the hear[ing] will-be-being-alive.  [:26] For about-as the Father is-having being-alive[noun] in to{sameself}, the-same-ly he-gives being-alive[noun] also to{the son} to-be-having in to{sameself}, [:27] and he-gives authority to{same} and judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment] to-be-making, that he-is-being son of{man}.  [:28] Do_not_be-marveling the-same, that [an] hour is-being-come in to{which} all the in to{the memorials} will-hearken of{the sound} of{same}  [:29] and the do[ing] the beneficial will-be-gone-out into stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection] of{being-alive[noun]}; moreover, the practice[ing] the insignificant/unimportant into stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection] of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}.  [:30] I am_not_being-enabled to-be-doing from of{myself}, not-one.  According-as I-am-hearing I-am-judging, and the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment], the mine, is-being just, that I-am_not_seeking the will-effect, the mine; contrariwise, the will-effect of{the Father dispatch[ing]} me.  [:31] If-supposing I may-be-witnessing about of{myself}, the witness-ia of{me} is_not_being true.  [:32] Another is-being the witnessing about of{emphatically-me}, and I-have-beheld that true is-being the witness-ia which he-is-witnessing about of{emphatically-me}.  [:33] You have-sent-off/away toward John and he-has-witnessed to{the truth}.  [:34] Moreover, I, not beside of{[a] man}, am-taking the witness-ia; contrariwise, I-am-saying the-same in-which-place you may-be-saved.  [:35] The-there has-been-being the lamp, the igniting and revealing; moreover, you will to-be-exulted toward [an] hour in to{the light} of{same}.  [:36] Moreover, I am-having the witness-ia greater-than of{the John}, for the works which the Father gives to{me} in-which-place I-may-complete same, the same works which I-am-doing, he-is-witnessing about of{emphatically-me}, that the Father has-sent-off/away me, [:37] and the same Father dispatch[ing] me has-witnessed about of{emphatically-me}.  Neither you-have-heard sound of{same} ever-yet nor you-have-seen behold[noun] of{same}, [:38] and the word of{same} you-are_not_having remaining in to{you}, that whom the-there sends-off/away, you are_not_believing/entrusting to{the-same}.  [:39] You-are-investigating the scriptures, that you are-deeming in to{same} to-be-having eternal being-alive[noun], and the-there are-being the witnessing about of{emphatically-me}, [:40] and you-are_not_will-ing to-come toward me in-which-place you-may-be-having being-alive[noun].  [:41] I-am_not_taking glory beside of{men}; [:42] contrariwise, I-have-known you, that you-are_not_having the love of{the God} in to{sameselves}.  [:43] I have-come in to{the name} of{the Father} of{me} and you-are_not_taking/getting me.  If-supposing another may-come in to{the name, the own}, you-will-take the-there.  [:44] How[?] you are-being-enabled to-believe, taking glory beside of{one-another}, and you-are_not_seeking the glory, the beside of{the God alone [or, "only God"]}[?]  [:45] Do_not_be-deeming that I will-accuse of{you} toward the Father.  The accusing of{you} is-being Moses, into whom you have-expect-ized.  [:46] For if supposing you-have-been-believing/entrusting to{Moses} you-have-been-believing/entrusting to{emphatically-me}, for about of{emphatically-me} the-there writes.  [:47] Moreover, if to{the writings} of{the-there} you-are_not_believing/entrusting, how[?] you-will-believe/entrust to{the my declarations}[?]"

[John 6][:1] Alongside the-same, the Jesus comes-off/away, other-side of{the seawater} of{the Galilee} of{the Tiberias}.  [:2] Moreover, [a] vast crowd has-been-accompanying to{same}, that they-have-been-observing of{same} the signs which he-has-been-doing upon of{the being-infirm}.  [:3] Moreover, the Jesus comes-off/away into the mountain, and there he-has-been-being-seated alongside of{the disciples} of{same}.  [:4] Moreover, the passover has-been-being near, the festival of{the Judeans}.  [:5] So, the Jesus, lift[ing]-upon the eyes and spectate[ing] that [a] vast crowd is-being-come toward same, is-saying toward the Philip, "Whence[?] we-will-purchase breads in-which-place the-same may-eat[?]"  [:6] Moreover, he-has-been-saying the-same, trial-izing same, for same had-beheld what he-has-been-being-about to-be-doing.  [:7] Philip responds to{same}, "Breads of{two-hundred denarii} are_not_sufficing to{same} in-which-place each of{same} may-take some/any bit."  [:8] One out of{the disciples} of{same}, Andrew, the brother of{Simon Peter}, is-saying to{same}, [:9] "One childlingsie[double diminutive] is-being here, which is-having five barley breads and two side-portion-ies; contrariwise, what[?] the-same is-being into the-which-the-same[?]"  [:10] Moreover, the Jesus says, "Make the men to-fall-anew[i.e. sit down]."  Moreover, much grass has-been-being in to{the place}, so, the men fall-anew[i.e. sit down], the number as-if five-thousand.  [:11] Moreover, the Jesus takes the breads and, well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks, gives-through/distributes to{the disciples}; moreover, the disciples to{the being-lain-up/anew}, similarly also out of{the side-portion-ies}, as-much-as they-have-been-will-ing.  [:12] Moreover, as they-are-in-filled, he-is-saying to{the disciples} of{same}, "Gather-together the exceed[ing] break-effects in-which-place not any may-perish-off/away."  [:13] So, they-gather-together and fill-ize twelve baskets of{break-effects} out of{the five breads, the barley} which exceed to{the having-been-devoured}.  [:14] So, the men, behold[ing], which sign the Jesus does, have-been-saying that the-same is-being truly the prophet, the being-come into the world.  [:15] So, Jesus, know[ing] that they-are-being-about to-be-being-come and to-be-snatching same, in-which-place they-may-make same king, same alone separates-anew again into the mountain.  [:16] Moreover, as late/evening becomes, the disciples of{same} descend upon the seawater, [:17] and, step[ing]-in into the boat, they-have-been-being-come other-side of{the seawater} into Capernaum, and darkness-ia already had-become, and the Jesus had_not_come toward same.  [:18] Besides, the seawater has-been-being-roused-through of{[a] large wind blowing}.  [:19] So, having-propelled as twenty-five or thirty stadia, they-are-observing the Jesus walking-around upon of{the seawater} and becoming near of{the boat}, and they-fear.  [:20] Moreover, the is-saying to{same}, "I am-being.  Do_not_be-fearing."  [:21] So, they-have-been-will-ing to-take same into the boat, and straightaway the boat becomes upon of{the land} into which they-have-been-withdrawing.  [:22] To{the} upon-the-next-day, the crowd, the having-stood other-side of{the seawater}, behold[ing] that another small-boat has_not_been-being there if not one, the-there, into which the disciples of{same} step-in, and that the Jesus does_not_come-into-together to{the disciples} of{same} into the boat; contrariwise only the disciples of{same} come-off/away; [:23] moreover, contrariwise, small-boats come out of{Tiberias} near of{the place} which-where they-eat the bread of{well-favor[ing]/give[ing]-thanks} of{the Lord}.  [:24] So, when the crowd beholds that Jesus is_not_being there, nor the disciples of{same}, they-step-in, same, into the small-boats and come into Capernaum seeking the Jesus.  [:25] And, discover[ing] same, other-side of{the seawater}, they-say to{same}, "Rabbi, at-what-time[?] you-have-become here[?]"  [:26] The Jesus responds to{same} and says, "Amen, Amen I-am-saying to{you}, you-are-seeking me not that you-behold signs; contrariwise, that you-eat out of{the breads} and are-fed-ized.  [:27] Do_not_be-being-work-ized the food-sis[i.e. state of food], the perishing-off/away; contrariwise, the food-sis[i.e. state of food], the remaining into eternal being-alive[noun], which the son of{the man} will-give to{you}, for the Father, the God, affixes-with-seal the-same[masculine]."  [:28] So, they-say toward same, "What[?] we-may-be-doing in-which-place we-may-be-work-ized, the works of{the God}[?]"  [:29] The Jesus responds and says to{same}, "The-same is-being the work of{the God} in-which-place you-may-believe/entrust into whom the-there sends-off/away."  [:30] So, they-say to{same}, "So, what[?] you are-doing sign in-which-place we-may-behold and may-believe/entrust to{you}[?]  What[?] you-are-being-work-ized[?]  [:31] The fathers of{us} eat the manna in to{the desolate} according-as it-is-being having-been-written, 'He-gives bread out of{the heaven} to{same} to-eat.'"  [:32] So, the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, not Moses has-given to{you} the bread out of{the heaven}; contrariwise, the Father of{me} is-giving to{you} the bread out of{the heaven}, the genuine, [:33] for the bread of{the God} is-being the descending out of{the heaven} and giving being-alive[noun] to{the world}."  [:34] So, they-say toward same, "Lord, always give to{us} the bread, the-same."  [:35] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "I am-being the bread of{the being-alive[noun]}.  The being-come toward me, no, would_not_hunger, and the believing/entrusting into emphatically-me, no, would_not_thirst ever-yet.  [:36] Contrariwise, I-say to{you} that also you-have-seen me and you-are_not_believing.  [:37] Every[neuter] which the Father is-giving to{me} will-arrive toward emphatically-me and no, I-would_not_cast-out outside the[masculine] being-come toward me, [:38] that I-have-descended out of{the heaven} not in-which-place I-may-be-doing the will-effect, the mine; contrariwise, the will-effect of{the dispatch[ing]} me.  [:39] Moreover, the-same is-being the will-effect of{the dispatch[ing]} me, in-which-place every[neuter] which he-has-given to{me} would_not_lose/destroy-off/away out of{same}; contrariwise, I-will-stand-up/anew same in to{the last day}.  [:40] Moreover, the-same is-being the will-effect of{the Father} of{me}, in-which-place every[masculine] the observing the son and believing/entrusting into same may-be-having eternal being-alive[noun], and I will-stand-up/anew same in to{the last day}."  [:41] So, the Judeans have-been-muttering about of{same}, that he-says, "I am-being the bread, the descend[ing] out of{the heaven}," [:42] and they-have-been-saying, "Not[?] the-same is-being Jesus, the son [of-]Joseph, of{whom} we have-beheld the father and the mother[?]  So, how[?] he-is-saying that "out of{the heaven} I-have-descended[?]"  [:43] So, the Jesus responds and says to{same}, "Do_not_be-muttering alongside of{one-another}.  [:44] Not-one is-being-enabled to-come toward me if-supposing, no, the Father, the dispatch[ing] me, may-pull same, and I will-stand-up/anew same in to{the last day}.  [:45] It-is-being having-been-written in to{the prophets}, 'And all will-be taught[adjective] of{God},' so, every, the hear[ing] beside of{the Father} and learn[ing] is-being-come toward me.  [:46] Not that anyone has-seen the Father, if not the being beside of{the God}.  The-same has-seen the Father.  [:47] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, the believing/entrusting into emphatically-me is-having eternal being-alive[noun].  [:48] I am-being the bread of{the being-alive[noun]}.  [:49] The fathers of{you} eat the manna in to{the desolate} and they-die-off/away.  [:50] The-same is-being the bread, the out of{the heaven} descending, in-which-place who out of{same} may-eat and would_not_die-off/away.  [:51] I am-being the bread, the being-alive, the out of{the heaven} descend[ing].  If-supposing anyone may-eat out of{the-same, the bread}, he-will-be-being-alive into the eon, and the bread, moreover, which I will-give, is-being the flesh of{me}, which I will-give, over/for-the-sake of{the being-alive[noun]} of{the world}."  [:52] So, the Judeans have-been-fighting toward one-another, saying, "How[?] is-being-enabled, the-same, to-give to{us} the flesh to-eat[?]"  [:53] So, the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing, no, you-would-eat the flesh of{the son} of{the man} and drink of{same} the blood, you-are_not_having being-alive[noun] in to{sameselves}.  [:54] The munching the flesh of{me} and drinking the blood of{me} is-having eternal being-alive[noun], and I will-stand-up/anew same in to{the last day}, [:55] for the flesh of{me} is-being true food-sis[i.e. state of food] and the blood of{me} is-being true drink-sis[i.e. state of drink].  [:56] The munching the flesh of{me} and drinking the blood of{me} is-remaining in to{emphatically-me}, and-I in to{same}.  [:57] According-as the being-alive Father sends-off/away me, also-I am-living through the Father.  And the munching me, also-the-there will-be-being-alive through emphatically-me.  [:58] The-same is-being the bread, the out of{the heaven} descend[ing], not according-as the fathers of{you} eat the manna and die-off/away.  The munching the-same, the bread, will-be-being-alive into the eon."  [:59] He-says the-same in to{[a] synagogue}, teaching in Capernaum.  [:60] So, many hear[ing] out of{the disciples} of{same} say, "The-same, the word, is-being hard.  Who[?] is-being-enabled of{same} to-be-hearing[?]  [:61] Moreover, the Jesus having-beheld in to{sameself} that the disciples of{same} are-muttering about of{the-same}, says to{same}, "The-same is-scandalizing you.  [:62] So, if-supposing you-may-observe the son of{the man} ascending which-where the more-before he-has-been-being[?] [:63] The spirit is-being the making-alive; the flesh is_not_profiting, nothing.  The declarations which I have-spoken to{you}, spirit is-being and being-alive[noun] is-being; [:64] contrariwise, some out of{you} are-being, who are_not_believing."  For the Jesus had-beheld out of{origin} some are-being the not believing, and who is-being the will-deliver[ing] same.  [:65] And he-has-been-saying, "Through the-same I-have-declared to{you} that not-one is-being-enabled to-come toward me if-supposing it-may_not_be-being having-been-given to{same} out of{the Father} of{me}.  [:66] Out of{the-same}, many of{the disciples} of{same} come-off/away-from of{same} into the behind and have_not-still_been-walking-around alongside of{same}.  [:67] So, the Jesus says to{the} twelve, "No, also you are-will-ing to-be-withdrawing[?]"  [:68] Simon Peter responds to{same}, "Lord, toward whom[?] we-will-come-off/away[?]  You-are-having [the] declarations of{eternal being-alive[noun]}, [:69] and we have-believed and have-known that you are-being the anointed, the son of{the God, the being-alive}."  [:70] The Jesus responds to{same}, "Not[?] I choose you, the twelve[?]  And out of{you} one is-being [a] devil/slanderer."  [:71] Moreover, he-has-been-saying the Judas of{Simon Iscariot}, for the-same has-been-being-about to-be-delivering same, one being out of{the twelve}.

[John 7][:1] And the Jesus has-been-walking-around alongside the-same[neuter] in to{the Galilee}, for he-has_not_been-will-ing to-be-walking-around in to{the Judea}, that the Judeans have-been-seeking same to-kill-off/away.  [:2] Moreover, the festival of{the Judeans}, the tent-pitching/booth-making/-ia, has-been-being near.  [:3] So, the brothers of{same} say toward same, "Step-across from-here and be-withdrawing into the Judea, in-which-place also the disciples of{you} may-observe the works of{you} which you-are-doing, [:4] for not-one is-doing anything in to{hidden[adjective]}, and same is-seeking to-be-being in to{all-declaration-ia}.  If you-are-doing the-same, reveal yourself to{the world}."  [:5] For neither the brothers of{same} have-been-believing/entrusting into same.  [:6] So, the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "The season, the mine, not-yet is-being-present; moreover, the season, the yours, always is-being ready.  [:7] The world is_not_being-enabled to-be-hating you; moreover, it-is-hating emphatically-me, that I am-witnessing about of{same}, that evil is-being the works of{same}.  [:8] You, ascend into the festival; I not-yet am-ascending into the festival, the-same, that the my season not-yet has-been-fulfilled."  [:9] Moreover, say[ing] the-same to{same}, he-stays in to{the Galilee}.  [:10] Moreover, as the brothers of{same} ascend, then same ascends into the festival, not revealingly; contrariwise, as in to{hidden[adjective]}.  [:11] So, the Judeans have-been-seeking same in to{the festival} and have-been-saying, "Where[?] is-being the-there[?]"  [:12] And much muttering[noun] has-been-being about of{same} in to{the crowds}, the on-one-hand have-been-saying that he-is-being beneficial; on-the-other-hand, others have-been-saying, "Contrariwise, not.  He-is-leading-astray the crowd."  [:13] Nevertheless, not-one has-been-speaking to{all-declaration-ia} about of{same} through the fear of{the Judeans}.  [:14] Moreover, already of{the festival being-midway}, the Jesus ascends into the consecrated[i.e. temple] and has-been-teaching.  [:15] So, the Judeans have-been-marveling, saying, "How[?] the-same having-beheld write-effects not having-learned[?]"  [:16] The Jesus responds to{same} and says, "The my teaching is_not_being mine; contrariwise, of{the dispatching} me.  [:17] If-supposing anyone may-be-will-ing to-be-doing the will-effect of{same}, he-will-know about of{the teaching}, whether it-is-being out of{the God} or I am-speaking from of{sameself}.  [:18] The speaking from of{sameself} is-seeking the glory, the own/self; moreover, the seeking same, the glory of{the dispatch[ing]}, the-same is-being true, and injustice in to{same} is_not_being.  [:19] Not[?] Moses has-given to{you} the law[?], and not-one out of{you} is-doing the law.  What[?] you-are-seeking me to-kill-off/away[?]"  [:20] The crowd responds and says, "You-are-having demon-ia.  Who[?] is-seeking you to-kill-off/away[?]"  [:21] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "I-do one work and all are-marveling.  [:22] Through the-same, Moses has-given to{you} the circumcision, not that out of{the Moses} it-is-being; contrariwise, out of{the fathers}, and in to{[the] sabbath} you-are-circumcising [a] man, [:23] if [a] man is-taking circumcision in to{[the] sabbath}, in-which-place he-would_not_loose the law of{Moses}, to{emphatically-me} you-are-being-galled that I-make [a] whole man healthy in to{[the] sabbath}.  [:24] Be_not_judging according-to sight-sis[i.e. state of seeing/sight]; contrariwise, judge the just judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]."  [:25] So, some out of{the Jerusalemites} have-been-saying, "Not[?] the-same is-being whom they-are-seeking to-kill-off/away[?]  [:26] And, behold, to{all-declaration-ia} he-is-speaking, and they-are-saying nothing to{same}, not-whereby truly the chiefs know that the-same is-being the anointed[?]  [:27] Contrariwise, we-have-beheld the-same, whence he-is-being; moreover, the anointed, when-supposing he-may-be-being-come, no-one is-knowing whence he-is-being."  [:28] So, the Jesus cries-out, teaching in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and saying, "You-have-beheld also-me and have-beheld whence I-am-being, and from of{myself} I-have_not_come; contrariwise, the dispatch[ing] me is-being genuine, whom you have_not_beheld.  [:29] Moreover, I have-beheld same, that beside of{same} I-am-being, and-the-there sends-off/away me."  [:30] So, they-have-been-seeking same to-grab-hold-of, and no-one upon-casts the hand upon same, that not-yet the hour of{same} had-come.  [:31] Moreover, many out of{the crowd} believe/entrust into same and have-been-saying, "The anointed, when-supposing he-may-come, will-do not many-more signs of{what} the-same does."  [:32] The Pharisees hear the-same of{the crowd muttering} about of{same}, and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the Pharisees send-off/away subordinates in-which-place they-may-grab-hold-of same.  [:33] So, the Jesus says to{same}, "Still little time alongside of{you} I-am-being, and I-am-withdrawing toward the dispatch[ing] me.  [:34] You-will-seek me and you-will_not_discover, and which-where I am-being you are_not_being-enabled to-come."  [:35] So, the Judeans say toward sameselves, "Where[?] the-same is-being-about to-be-being-gone, that we will_not_discover same[?]  Not into the sow-through/dispersion of{the Greek[plural]} he-is-being-about to-be-being-gone and to-be-teaching the Greek[plural][?]  [:36] What[?] is-being the-same, the word, which he-says, 'You-will-seek me and you-will_not_discover, and which-where I am-being you are_not_being-enabled to-come.'[?]"  [:37] Moreover, in to{the last day, the great} of{the festival}, the Jesus had-stood and cries-out, saying, "If-supposing anyone may-be-thirsting: be-being-come toward me and be-drinking.  [:38] The believing/entrusting into emphatically-me according-as the scripture says, rivers out of{the cavity} of{same} will-flow of{being-alive water}."  [:39] Moreover, the-same says about of{the Spirit, which} the believing/entrusting into same have-been-being-about to-be-taking, for not-yet [the] Holy Spirit has-been-being, that the Jesus not-moreover-yet-ly is-glorified.  [:40] So, many out of{the crowd}, hear[ing] the word, have-been-saying, "The-same truly is-being the prophet."  [:41] Others have-been-saying, "The-same is-being the anointed."  Moreover, others have-been-saying, "For not out of{the Galilee} the anointed is-being-come, [:42] emphatically-not.  The scripture says that out of{the sow-effect} [of-]David, and from Bethlehem, of{the village} which-where David has-been-being, the anointed is-being-come."  [:43] So, [a] split-effect in to{the crowd} is-become through same.  [:44] Moreover, some out of{same} have-been-will-ing to-grab-hold-of same; contrariwise, not-one upon-casts the hands upon same.  [:45] So, the subordinates come toward the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and Pharisees, and they-say to{same}, the-there-s, "Through what[?] you-do_not_lead same[?]"  [:46] The subordinates respond, "Not-yet-ever the-same-ly [a] man speaks as the-same, the man."  [:47] So, the Pharisees respond to{same}, "No, also you have-been-led-astray[?]  [:48] Not any out of{the chiefs} believe/entrust into same, or out of{the Pharisees}.  [:49] Contrariwise, the crowd, the-same, the not knowing the law are-being cursed[adjective]."  [:50] Nicodemus is-saying toward same, the come[ing] of{night} toward same, one being out of{same}, [:51] "Not the law of{us} is-judging the man if-supposing it-may_not_hear first beside of{same} and may-know what he-is-doing[?]"  [:52] They-respond and say to{same}, "Not also you are-being out of{the Galilee}[?]  Investigate and behold that [a] prophet is_not_being-roused out of{the Galilee}."  [:53] And each is-gone into the house of{same};

[John 8][:1] moreover, Jesus is-gone into the mountain of{the olives}.  [:2] Moreover, of{daybreak} again he-becomes-aside into the consecrated[i.e. temple], and every, the people, has-been-being-come toward same and, sit[ing]-down, he-has-been-teaching same.  [:3] Moreover, the scribes and the Pharisees are-leading[i.e. bringing] toward same [a] woman having-been-taken-down/against/according-to in to{adultery} and, stand[ing] same in to{midst}, [:4] they-are-saying to{same}, "Teacher, same, the woman, is-taken-down/against/according-to upon-same-detect-ly[i.e. caught red-handed, in the act] adulterating.  [:5] Moreover, in to{the law}, Moses commands to{us} the to-which-the-same to-be-being-stone-cast.  So, you, what[?] you-are-saying about of{same}[?]"  [:6] Moreover, they-have-been-saying the-same, trial-izing same, in-which-place they-may-be-having to-be-accusing down/against of{same}.  Moreover, the Jesus, stoop[ing] down, has-been-writing to{the finger} into the ground, not being-toward-made/done [i.e. acting as if not so].  [:7] Moreover, as they-have-been-remaining-upon asking same, stoop[ing]-up/anew, he-says toward same, "The without-sin/blameless/faultless of{you} first: cast the stone upon same[feminine].  [:8] And, again stoop[ing] down, he-has-been-writing into the ground.  [:9] Moreover, the hear[ing] under of{the conscience}, being-confuted, have-been-being-come-out one according-to one, initiate[ing] from of{the elders} until of{the lasts}, and only the Jesus is-left-behind, and the woman being in to{midst}.  [:10] Moreover, stoop[ing]-up/anew, the Jesus, also no-one spectate[ing] more-ly of{the woman}, says to{same}, "Where[?] are-being the-there, the accusers of{you}[?]  Not-one judges-against you[?]"  [:11] Moreover, the says, "Not-one, Lord."  Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Neither I am-judging-against you.  Be-being-gone and from of{the} now no-still be-sinning."  [:12] So, again, the Jesus speaks to{same}, saying, I am-being the light of{the world}.  The accompanying to{emphatically-me} no, will_not_walk-around in to{the darkness}; contrariwise, he-will-have the light of{the being-alive[noun]}.  [:13] So, the Pharisees say to{same}, "You are-witnessing about of{yourself}.  The witness-ia of{you} is_not_being true."  [:14] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "And-supposing I may-be-witnessing about of{myself}, the witness-ia of{me} is-being true, that I-have-beheld whence I-come and where I-am-withdrawing; moreover, you have_not_beheld whence I-am-being-come or where I-am-withdrawing.  [:15] You are-judging according-to the flesh; I am_not_judging, not-one, [:16] and if-supposing, moreover, I may-be-judging, the judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment], the mine, is-being true, that I-am_not_being alone; contrariwise, I and the Father dispatch[ing] me.  [:17] And in to{the law}, moreover, to{the yours}, it-has-been-written that the witness-ia of{two men} is-being true.  [:18] I am-being the witnessing about of{myself} and the Father dispatch[ing] me is-witnessing about of{emphatically-me}."  [:19] So, they-have-been-saying to{same}, "Where[?] is-being the father of{you}[?]"  Jesus responds, "Neither you-have-beheld emphatically-me nor the Father of{me}.  If supposing you-had-beheld emphatically-me, also you-had-beheld the Father of{me}."  [:20] He-speaks the-same, the declarations, in to{the treasury}, teaching in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, and not-one grabs-hold-of same, that the hour of{same} not-yet had-come.  [:21] So, the Jesus says again to{same}, "I am-withdrawing, and you-will-seek me, and you-will-die-off/away in to{the sin} of{you}; which-where I am-withdrawing you are_not_being-enabled to-come."  [:22] So, the Judeans have-been-saying, "Not-what[?] he-will-kill-off/away sameself, that he-is-saying, 'Which-where I am-withdrawing you are_not_being-enabled to-come.'[?]"  [:23] And he-says to{same}, "You are-being out of{the down}; I am-being out of{the up}.  You are-being out of{the world, the-same}; I am_not_being out of{the world, the-same}.  [:24] So, I-say to{you} that you-will-die-off/away in to{the sins} of{you}, for if-supposing you-would_not_believe that I am-being, you-will-die-off/away in to{the sins} of{you}."  [:25] So, they-have-been-saying to{same}, "You, who[?] you-are-being[?]"  The Jesus says to{same}, "The what also I-am-speaking to{you}, the origin."  [:26] I-am-having many to-be-speaking about of{you}, and to-be-judging; contrariwise, the dispatch[ing] me is-being true, and-I, which I-hear beside of{same}, am-speaking the-same into the world."  [:27] They-do_not_know that he-has-been-saying "the Father" to{same}.  [:28] So, the Jesus says to{same}, "When-supposing you-may-elevate the son of{the man}, then you-will-know that I am-being, and from of{myself} I-am-doing nothing; contrariwise, according-as the Father teaches me, I-am-speaking the-same, [:29] and the dispatch[ing] me is-being alongside of{emphatically-me}.  He-does_not_let-off/away me alone, that always I am-doing the pleasing[adjective] to{same}."  [:30] Of{same speaking} the-same, many believe/entrust into same.  [:31] So, the Jesus has-been-saying toward the Judeans having-believed/entrusted to{same}, "If-supposing you remain in to{the word, the mine}, you-are-being truly disciples of{me}, [:32] and you-will-know the truth and the truth will-emancipate/liberate/release/free you."  [:33] They-respond toward same, "We-are-being [the] sow-effect [of-]Abraham and to{not-one} we-have-been-enslaved ever-yet.  How[?] you are-saying that we-will-become free[?]."  [:34] The Jesus responds to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that every, the doing the sin, is-being [a] slave of{the sin}.  [:35] Moreover, the slave is_not_remaining in to{the house} into the eon; the son is-remaining into the eon.  [:36] So, if-supposing the son may-emancipate/liberate/release/free you, being-ly/actually you-will-be free.  [:37] I-have-beheld that you-are-being [the] sow-effect [of-]Abraham; contrariwise, you-are-seeking me to-kill-off/away, that the word, the mine, is_not_making-space in to{you}.  [:38] What I have-seen beside to{the Father} of{me} I-am-speaking and, so, what you have-seen beside to{the Father} of{you} you-are-doing."  [:39] They-respond and say to{same}, "The father of{us} is-being Abraham."  The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "If supposing offsprings of{the} Abraham you-have-been-being, you-have-been-doing the works of{the} Abraham.  [:40] Moreover, now you-are-seeking me to-kill-off/away, [a] man who has-spoken the truth to{you}, which I-hear beside of{the God}.  Abraham does_not_do the-same.  [:41] You are-doing the works of{the father} of{you}."  So, they-say to{same}, "We have_not_been-begotten out of{sexual-immorality}.  We-are-having one Father, the God."  [:42] So, the Jesus says to{same}, "If supposing the God has-been-being Father of{you}, you-have-been-loving emphatically-me, for I come-out of{the God} and am-arriving.  For neither from of{myself} I-have-come; contrariwise, the-there sends-off/away me.  [:43] Through what[?] you-are_not_knowing the speech, the mine, that you-are_not_being-enabled to-be-hearing the word, the mine[?]  [:44] You are-being out of{the father, the devil/slanderer} and you-are-will-ing to-be-doing the desire-upon of{the father} of{you}.  The-there has-been-being homicidal from of{origin} and in to{the truth} has_not_been-standing, that truth is_not_being in to{same}.  When-supposing he-may-be-speaking the falsehood, he-is-speaking out of{the owns}, that he-is-being [a] falsifier/liar, and the father of{same}.  [:45] Moreover, I, that I-am-saying the truth, you-are_not_believing/entrusting to{me}.  [:46] Who[?] out of{you} is-confuting me about of{sin}[?]  If I-am-speaking truth, through what[?] you are_not_believing/entrusting to{me}[?]  [:47] The being out of{the God} is-hearing the declarations of{the God}.  Through the-same, you are_not_hearing, that you-are_not_being out of{the God}."  [:48] So, the Judeans respond and say to{same}, "Not well we are-saying that you-are-being [a] Samaritan and are-having demon-ia[?]"  [:49] Jesus responds, "I am_not_having demon-ia; contrariwise, I-am-valuing the Father of{me} and you un-value-ize me.  [:50] Moreover, I am_not_seeking the glory of{me}.  He-is-being the seeking and judging.  [:51] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing anyone may-keep the word, the mine, no, he-should_not_observe death into the eon."  [:52] So, the Judeans say to{same}, "Now we-have-known that you-are-having demon-ia.  Abraham dies-off/away, and the prophets, and you are-saying, 'If-supposing anyone may-keep the word of{me}, no, he-will_not_taste of{death} into the eon.'  [:53] You are-being not greater of{the father} of{us}, Abraham, someone-who dies-off/away, and the prophets die-off/away.  Whom[?] yourself you-are-making[?]"  [:54] Jesus responds, "If-supposing I am-glorifying myself, the glory of{me} is-being nothing.  The Father of{me} is-being the glorifying me, whom you are-saying that he-is-being God of{us}, [:55] and you-have_not_known same; moreover, I have-beheld same, and if-supposing I-may-say that I-have_not_beheld same, I-will-be [a] falsifier/liar similar of{you}; contrariwise, I-have-beheld same and I-am-keeping the word of{same}.  [:56] Abraham, the father of{you}, exults in-which-place he-may-behold the day, the mine, and he-beholds and is-joyed."  [:57] So, the Judeans say toward same, "Not-yet you-are-having fifty years and you-have-seen Abraham[?]"  [:58] The Jesus says to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, prior Abraham to-become, I am-being."  [:59] So, they-lift stones in-which-place they-may-cast upon same; moreover, Jesus is-hidden, and comes-out out of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, come[ing]-through through of{midst} of{same}, and has-been-leading-aside the-same-ly.

[John 9][:1] And, leading-aside, he-beholds [a] man blind out of{birth}.  [:2] And the disciples of{same} ask same, saying, "Rabbi, who[?] sins, the-same or the parents of{same}, in-which-place blind he-is-begotten[?]"  [:3] Jesus responds, "Neither the-same sins nor the parents of{same}; contrariwise, in-which-place the works of{the God} may-be-revealed in to{same}, [:4] it-is-necessitating emphatically-me to-be-being-work-ized the works of{the dispatching} me until day is-being.  Night is-being-come when not-one is-being-enabled to-be-being-work-ized.  [:5] When-supposing I-may-be-being in to{the world}, I-am-being light of{the world}."  [:6] Say[ing] the-same, he-spits on-the-ground[adverb] and makes mud/clay out of{the spit-effect} and anoints-upon of{same} the mud/clay upon the eyes of{the blind} [:7] and says to{same}, "Be-withdrawing.  Wash into the pool of{the Siloam}," which is-being-meant, "having-been-sent-off/away."  So, he-comes-off/away and washes, and he-comes viewing.  [:8] So, the neighbors and the observing same the more-before, that he-has-been-being blind, have-been-saying, "Not the-same is-being the being-seated and giving-cause/requesting-toward[?]"  [:9] Others have-been-saying that "he-is-being the-same;" moreover, others, that "emphatically-not, contrariwise, he-is-being similar to{same}."  Moreover, the-there has-been-saying that "I am-being."  [:10] So, they-have-been-saying to{same}, "How[?] the eyes of{you} are-opened-up[?]"  [:11] The-there responds and says, "[A] man being-said 'Jesus' makes mud/clay and anoints-upon the eyes of{me} and says to{me}, 'Be-withdrawing into the pool of{the Siloam}" and wash.'  So, come[ing]-off/away and wash[ing], I-view-anew."  [:12] So, they-say to{same}, "Where[?] he-is-being[?]"  The-there is-saying, "I-have_not_beheld."  [:13] They-are-leading same, the at-what-time blind, toward the Pharisees.  [:14] Moreover, it-has-been-being [the] sabbath when the Jesus makes the mud/clay and opens-up the eyes of{same}.  [:15] So, again, the Pharisees have-been-asking same also how[?] he-views-anew.  Moreover, the says to{same}, "He-upon-places mud/clay upon the eyes of{me} and I-wash and I-view."  [:16] So, some out of{the Pharisees} have-been-saying, "The-same, the man, is_not_being beside of{God}, that he-is_not_keeping the sabbath."  Others have-been-saying, "How[?] sinful man is-being-enabled to-which-the-same signs to-be-doing[?]" and [a] split-effect has-been-being in to{same}.  [:17] They-are-saying to{the blind} again, "You, what[?] you-are-saying about of{same}, that he-opens-up the eyes of{you}[?]"  Moreover, the says that he-is-being [a] prophet.  [:18] So, the Judeans do_not_believe about of{same}, that he-has-been-being blind and views-anew, until of{when} they-sound the parents of{same, the view[ing]-anew}.  [:19] And they-ask same, saying, "The-same is-being the son of{you}, whom you are-saying that he-is-begotten blind[?]  So, how[?] presently he-is-viewing[?]"  [:20] Moreover, the parents of{same} respond to{same} and say, "We-have-beheld that the-same is-being the son of{us} and that he-is-begotten blind; [:21] moreover, how now he-is-viewing we-have_not_beheld or what opens-up the eyes of{same} we have_not_beheld.  Same is-having age/stature; ask same.  Same will-speak about of{sameself}."  [:22] The parents of{same} say the-same, that they-have-been-fearing the Judeans, for already the Judeans had-together-placed in-which-place if-supposing any may-acknowledge same anointed he-would-become off/away-from-synagogue-ible[adjective].  [:23] Through the-same the parents of{same} say that "he-is-having age/stature; ask same."  [:24] So, they-sound out of{second} the man who has-been-being blind and say to{same}, "Give glory to{the God}.  We have-beheld that the man, the-same, is-being sinful."  [:25] So, the-there responds, "If he-is-being sinful I-have_not_beheld.  I-have-beheld one, that, being blind, presently I-am-viewing."  [:26] So, they-say to{same} again, "What[?] he-does to{you}[?]  How[?] he-opens-up the eyes of{you}[?]"  [:27] He-responds to{same}, "I-say to{you} already and you-do_not_hear.  What[?] again you-are-will-ing to-be-hearing[?]  Not also you are-will-ing to-become disciples of{same}[?]"  [:28] Moreover, the[plural] insult same and say, "You are-being [a] disciple of{the-there}; moreover, we are-being disciples of{the Moses}.  [:29] We have-beheld that to{Moses} the God has-spoken; moreover, we-have_not_beheld the-same, whence he-is-being."  [:30] The man responds and says to{same}, "For in to{the-same} is-being marvelous, that you have_not_beheld whence he-is-being and he-opens-up the eyes of{me}.  [:31] Moreover, we-have-beheld that the God is_not_hearing of{sinful}; contrariwise, if-supposing any may-be-being God-reverent and may-be-doing the will-effect of{same}, he-is-hearing of{the-same}.  [:32] Out of{the eon} it-is_not_heard that someone opens-up [the] eyes of{having-been-begotten blind}.  [:33] If the-same has_not_been-being beside of{God} he-has_not_been-being-enabled to-be-doing, nothing."  [:34] They-respond and say to{same}, "In to{sins} you, whole, are-begotten and you are-teaching us[?]"  And they-cast-out same outside.  [:35] The Jesus hears that they-cast-out same outside and, discover[ing] same, he-says to{same}, "You are-believing/entrusting into the son of{the God}[?]"  [:36] The-there responds and says, "And who[?] is-being, Lord, in-which-place I-may-believe/entrust into same[?]"  [:37] Moreover, the Jesus says to{same}, "Also, you-have-seen same, and the speaking alongside of{you} is-being the-there."  [:38] Moreover, the has-been-asserting, "I-am-believing, Lord," and worships to{same}.  [:39] And the Jesus says, "Into judge-effect/judgment I come into the world, the-same, in-which-place the not viewing may-be-viewing and the viewing may-become blind."  [:40] And the being out of{the Pharisees} hear the-same alongside of{same} and say to{same}, "No, also we are-being blind[?]"  [:41] The Jesus says to{same}, "If supposing you-have-been-being blind, you-have_not_been-having sin; moreover, now you-are-saying that 'We-are-viewing,' so, the sin of{you} is-remaining."

[John 10][:1] "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, the not being-come-into through of{the entrance} into the courtyard of{the sheep}; contrariwise, ascending from-another-place, the-there is-being [a] thief and [a] robber.  [:2] Moreover, the being-come-into through of{the entrance} is-being shepherd of{the sheep}.  [:3] To{the-same} the doorkeeper is-opening-up and the sheep are-hearing of{the sound} of{same} and he-is-sounding the own sheep according-to name and is-leading-out same.  [:4] When-supposing he-may-cast-out the own sheep he-is-being-gone in-front of{same} and the sheep are-accompanying to{same}, that they-have-beheld the sound of{same}.  [:5] Moreover, to{belonging-to-another} no, they-would_not_accompany; contrariwise, they-will-flee away-from of{same}, that they-have_not_beheld the sound of{the belonging-to-others}."  [:6] The Jesus says the-same, the proverb, to{same}; moreover, the-there do_not_know what has-been-being which he-has-been-speaking to{same}.  [:7] So, again the Jesus says to{same}, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that I am-being the entrance of{the sheep}.  [:8] All as-many-as come before of{emphatically-me} are-being thieves and robbers; contrariwise, the sheep do_not_hear of{same}.  [:9] I am-being the entrance.  Through of{emphatically-me} if-supposing who may-come-into will-be-saved, and will-be-come-into and will-be-come-out and will-discover pasturage.  [:10] The thief is_not_being-come if not in-which-place he-may-steal and he-may-sacrifice[by consequence, kill] and he-may-destroy-off/away.  I come in-which-place they-may-be-having being-alive[noun] and they-may-be-having excess.  [:11] I am-being the shepherd, the good. The shepherd, the good, is-placing the life of{same} over/for-the-sake of{the sheep}.  [:12] Moreover, the hired[noun], also not being shepherd, of{whom} the sheep are_not_being own, is-observing the wolf being-come, and is-letting-off/away the sheep and is-fleeing, and the wolf snatches same and is-scattering the sheep.  [:13] Moreover, the hired[noun] is-fleeing, that he-is-being [a] hired[noun], and he-is_not_concerning/caring to{same} about of{the sheep}.  [:14] I am-being the shepherd, the good, and I-am-knowing the mine and am-being-known under of{the mine}, [:15] according-as the Father is-knowing me and-I am-knowing the Father, and I-am-placing the life of{me} over/for-the-sake of{the sheep}.  [:16] And I-am-having other sheep which is_not_being out of{the courtyard, the-same}, and-the-there it-is-necessitating me to-lead, and of{the sound} of{me} they-will-hear, and they-will-become one flock, one shepherd.  [:17] Through the-same the Father is-loving me, that I am-placing the life of{me} in-which-place again I-may-take same.  [:18] No-one is-lifting same from of{emphatically-me}; contrariwise, I am-placing same from of{myself}.  I-am-having authority to-place same and I-am-having authority again to-take same, the-same, the command, I-take beside of{the Father} of{me}.  [:19] So, [a] split-effect again becomes in to{the Judeans} through the words, the-same.  [:20] Moreover, many out of{same[plural]} have-been-saying, "He-is-having demon-ia and is-raging/being-mad.  What[?] you-are-hearing of{same}[?]"  [:21] Others have-been-saying, "The-same, the declarations, is_not_being of{being-demonized}.  No demon-ia is-being-enabled/empowered to-open-up eyes of{[the] blind}."  [:22] Moreover, the dedication/consecration in to{Jerusalems} is-become.  It-has-been-being winter/bad-weather/storm, [:23] and the Jesus has-been-walking-around in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} in to{the portico/colonnade} of{Solomon}.  [:24] So, the Judeans circle same and have-been-saying to{same}, "Until at-what-time[?] you-are-lifting the life of{us} [i.e. keeping their lives in suspense][?]  If you are-being the anointed, say to{us} to{all-declaration-ia}."  [:25] The Jesus responds to{same}, "I-say to{you} and you-are_not_believing.  The works which I am-doing in to{the name} of{the Father} of{me}, the-same, is-witnessing about of{emphatically-me}.  [:26] Contrariwise, you are_not_believing, that you-are_not_being out of{the sheep, the mine}, according-as I-say to{you}.  [:27] The sheep, the mine, are-hearing of{the sound} of{me}, and-I am-knowing same and they-are-accompanying to{me}.  [:28] And-I am-giving to{same} eternal being-alive[noun], and no, they-would_not_perish-off/away into the eon, and any will_not_snatch same out of{the hand} of{me}.  [:29] The Father of{me} who has-given to{me} is-being greater-than of{all} and not-one is-being-enabled to-be-snatching out of{the hand} of{the Father} of{me}.  [:30] I and the Father are-being one."  [:31] So, again the Judeans bear stones in-which-place they-may-stone-ize same.  [:32] The Jesus responds to{same}, "I-show many good works to{you} out of{the Father} of{me}.  Through about-what-such[?] work of{same[neuter plural]} you-are-stone-izing me[?]"  [:33] The Judeans respond to{same}, "About of{good work} we-are_not_stone-izing you; contrariwise, about of{evil-assertion}, and that you, being [a] man, are-making yourself God.  [:34] The Jesus responds to{same}, "Not[?] it-is-being having-been-written in to{the law} of{you} that 'I say you-are-being gods'[?]  [:35] If he-says the-there-s 'gods,' toward whom the word of{the God} is-become, and the scripture is_not_being-enabled to-be-loosed, [:36] whom[singular] the Father holy-izes and sends-off/away into the world, you are-saying that 'you-are-asserting-evil' that I-say I-am-being son of{the God}.  [:37] If I-am_not_doing the works of{the Father} of{me} do_not_be-believing/entrusting to{me}; [:38] moreover, if I-am-doing, also-supposing to{emphatically-me} you-may_not_be-believing, believe to{the works}, in-which-place you-may-know and may-believe that in to{emphatically-me} the Father, and-I in to{same}."  [:39] So, they-have-been-seeking again to-grab-hold-of same, and he-comes-out out of{the hand} of{same}.  [:40] And he-comes-off/away again other-side of{the Jordan} into the place which-where John has-been-being the first immersing and stays there.  [:41] And many come toward same and have-been-saying that John on-one-hand does not-one sign; on-the-other-hand, all, as-much-as John says about of{the-same}, has-been-being true.  [:42] And many believe/entrust into same there.

[John 11][:1] Moreover, someone has-been-being being-infirm, Lazarus, from of{Bethany}, out of{the village} of{Mary} and of{Martha, the sister} of{same[feminine]}.  [:2] Moreover, Mary has-been-being the oil[ing] the Lord to{ointment} and out-wipe[ing] the feet of{same} to{the hairs} of{same[feminine], whom} the brother, Lazarus, has-been-being-infirm.  [:3] So, the sisters send-off/away toward same, saying, "Lord, behold, whom you-are-being-fond-of is-being-infirm."  [:4] Moreover, hear[ing], the Jesus says, "Same, the infirmity, is_not_being toward death; contrariwise, over/for-the-sake of{the glory} of{the God}, in-which-place the son of{the God} may-be-glorified through of{same}."  [:5] Moreover, the Jesus has-been-loving the Martha, and the sister of{same}, and the Lazarus.  [:6] So, as he-hears that he-is-being-infirm, then, on-one-hand, he-stays to{place}, in to{which} he-has-been-being, two days.  [:7] [On the other hand,] upon-thereafter, alongside the-same[neuter singular], he-is-saying to{the disciples}, "We-should-lead into the Judea again."  [:8] The disciples are-saying to{same}, "Rabbi, now the Judeans have-been-seeking you to-stone-ize, and again you-are-withdrawing there[?]"  [:9] Jesus responds, "Emphatically-not[?] twelve hours are-being of{the day}[?]  If-supposing any may-be-walking-around in to{the day}, he-is_not_striking-toward[i.e. tripping], that he-is-viewing the light of{the world, the-same}.  [:10] Moreover, if-supposing any may-be-walking-around in to{the night}, he-is-striking-toward[i.e. tripping], that the light is_not_being in to{same}.  [:11] He-says the-same[plural], and alongside the-same[singular], he-is-saying to{same}, "Lazarus, the friend of{us}, has-slept; contrariwise, I-am-being-gone in-which-place I-may-out-sleep-ize/awaken same."  [:12] So, the disciples of{same} say, "Lord, if he-has-slept he-will-be-saved."  [:13] Moreover, the Jesus had-declared about of{the death} of{same}; moreover, the-there deems that he-is-saying about of{the sleep-sis[i.e. state of sleeping]} of{the sleep}.  [:14] So, then the Jesus says to{same} to{all-declaration-ia}, "Lazarus dies-off/away, [:15] and I-am-joying through you, in-which-place you-may-believe that I-have_not_been-being there; contrariwise, we-should-be-leading toward same."  [:16] So, Thomas, the being-said "Didymus," says to{the together-disciples}, "We also should-be-leading in-which-place we-may-die-off/away alongside of{same}."  [:17] So, the Jesus, come[ing], discovers same, already four days having in to{the memorial}.  [:18] Moreover, the Bethany has-been-being near of{the Jerusalems}, as from of{fifteen stadia}.  [:19] Moreover, many out of{the Judeans} had-come toward the[plural] about Martha and Mary, in-which-place they-may-relate-beside same about of{the brother} of{same}.  [:20] So, the Martha, as she-hears that Jesus is-being-come, encounters to{same}; moreover, Mary has-been-being-seat-ized in to{the house}.  [:21] So, the Martha says toward the Jesus, "Lord, if you-have-been-being here, the brother of{me} not supposing dies-off/away."  [:22] Contrariwise, also now I-have-beheld that as-much-as supposing you-may-request/give-cause-to the God, the God will-give to{you}.  [:23] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "The brother of{you} will-stand-up/anew."  [:24] Martha is-saying to{same}, "I-have-beheld that he-will-stand-up/anew in to{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} in to{the last day}."  [:25] The Jesus says to{same}, I am-being the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection] and the being-alive[noun].  The believing/entrusting into emphatically-me, and-supposing he-may-die-off/away, he-will-be-being-alive, [:26] and every, the being-alive and believing/entrusting into emphatically-me, no, he-would_not_die-off/away into the eon.  You-are-believing the-same[?]"  [:27] She-is-saying to{same}, "Yes, Lord, I have-believed that you are-being the anointed, the son of{the God}, the being-come into the world."  [:28] And, say[ing] the-same, come[ing]-off/away, also she-sounds Mary, the sister of{same} privately, say[ing], "The teacher is-being-present and is-sounding you."  [:29] Moreover, as the-there hears, she-is-being-roused speedily and is-being-come toward same.  [:30] Moreover, not-yet the Jesus had-come into the village; contrariwise, he-has-been-being in to{the place} which-where the Martha encounters to{same}.  [:31] So, the Judeans, the being alongside of{same} in to{the house} and relating-beside same, behold[ing] the Mary, that speedily she-stands-up/anew and comes-out, accompany same, saying that she-is-withdrawing into the memorial, in-which-place she-may-weep there.  [:32] So, the Mary, as she-comes which-where the Jesus has-been-being, behold[ing] same, falls toward the feet of{same}, saying to{same}, "Lord, if you-have-been-being here, the brother of{me} not supposing dies-off/away."  [:33] So, as Jesus beholds same weeping and the be[ing]-come-together to{same} Judeans weeping, he-expresses-emotion to{the Spirit} and disturbs sameself.  [:34] And he-says, "Where[?] you-have-placed same[?]"  They-are-saying to{same}, "Lord, be-being-come and behold."  [:35] The Jesus tears.  [:36] So, the Judeans have-been-saying, "Behold how he-has-been-being-fond-of same."  [:37] Moreover, some out of{same} say, "He-has_not_been-being-enabled, the-same, the open[ing]-up the eyes of{the blind}, to-do in-which-place also the-same would_not_die-off/away." [:38] So, Jesus, again expressing-emotion in to{sameself}, is-being-come into the memorial.  Moreover, it-has-been-being [a] cave, and [a] stone has-been-being-lain-upon upon to{same}.  [:39] The Jesus is-saying, "Lift the stone."  Martha, the sister of{the having-died}, is-saying to{same}, "Lord, already it-is-smelling, for it-is-being [the] fourth-day."  [:40] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Not[?] I-say to{you} that if-supposing you-would-believe, you-will-see the glory of{the God}[?]"  [:41] So, they-lift the stone, of{which} has-been-being the having-died being-lain.  Moreover, the Jesus lifts the eyes up and says, "Father, I-am-well-favoring/giving-thanks to{you} that you-hear of{me}.  [:42] Moreover, I had-beheld that always of{me} you-are-hearing; contrariwise, through the crowd, the having-stood-around, I-say, in-which-place they-may-believe that you send-off/away me."  [:43] And, say[ing] the-same, he-cry-out-izes to{large sound}, "Lazarus, Come! out."  [:44] And the having-died comes-out, having-been-bound, the feet and the hands had-been-bound-around to{girth/bandage} and the sight-sis[i.e. state of seeing/sight] of{same} to{sudarium[Latin]/towel/napkin/cloth}.  The Jesus is-saying to{same} "Loose same and let-off/away to-be-withdrawing."  [:45] So, many out of{the Judeans}, the come[ing] toward the Mary and spectate[ing] what the Jesus does, believe/entrust into same.  [:46] Moreover, some out of{same} come-off/away toward the Pharisees and say to{same} what the Jesus does.  [:47] So, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the Pharisees gather-together council and have-been-saying, "What[?] we-are-doing, that the-same, the man, is-doing many signs[?]  [:48] If-supposing we-should-let-off/away same, the-same-ly all will-believe/entrust into same and the Romans will-be-come and will-lift of{us} and/also the place and the nation."  [:49] Moreover, one who, out of{same}, Caiaphas, chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest], being of{the anniversary/year, the-there}, says to{same}, "You have_not_beheld, nothing/not-one.  [:50] Nor you-are-being-word-ized/reckoned/accounted that it-is-bearing-together to{us} in-which-place one man may-die-off/away over/for-the-sake of{the people} and not the whole nation perish-off/away."  [:51] Moreover, he-does_not_say the-same from of{sameself}; contrariwise, being chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] of{the anniversary/year, the-there} he-prophesies that the Jesus has-been-being-about to-be-dying-off/away over/for-the-sake of{the nation}, [:52] and not over/for-the-sake of{the nation} only; contrariwise, in-which-place also the offsprings of{the God}, the having-been-scattered-through, would-gather-together into one.  [:53] So, from of{the-there, the day,} they-together-intend in-which-place they-may-be-killing-off/away same.  [:54] So, Jesus has_not-still_been-walking-around to{all-declaration-ia} in to{the Judeans}; contrariwise, he-comes-off/away from-there into the region near of{the desolate} into Ephraim, being-said city, and-there has-been-engaging alongside of{the disciples} of{same}.  [:55] Moreover, the passover of{the Judeans} has-been-being near, and many ascend into Jerusalem out of{the region} before of{the} passover in-which-place they-may-purify sameselves.  [:56] So, they-have-been-seeking the Jesus and have-been-saying, having-stood alongside of{one-another} in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, "What[?] is-deeming to{you}, that, no, he-would_not_come into the festival[?]"  [:57] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the Pharisees had-given [a] command in-which-place if-supposing any would-know where he-is-being, he-should-disclose which-how they-may-grab-hold-of same.

[John 12][:1] So, the Jesus, before six of{days} of{the} passover, comes into Bethany, which-where has-been-being Lazarus, the having-died whom he-rouses out of{dead}.  [:2] So, they-make to{same} [a] dinner/supper there and the Martha has-been-serving.  Moreover, the Lazarus has-been-being one of{the being-lain-up/anew} together-with to{same}.  [:3] So, the Mary, take[ing] [a] litra[Latin "libra"] of{ointment} of{valuable, faithful/trustworthy spikenard}, oils the feet of{the Jesus} and wipes to{the hairs} of{same} the feet of{same}.  Moreover, the house is-filled-full out of{the smell} of{the ointment}.  [:4] So, one out of{the disciples} of{same}, Judas of{Simon} Iscariot, the being-about to-be-delivering same, is-saying, [:5] "Through what[?], the-same, the ointment, is_not_liquidated-for-sale of{three-hundred denarii} and is-given to{destitute}[?]"  [:6] Moreover, he-says the-same not that about of{the destitute} he-has-been-concerning/caring to{same}; contrariwise, that he-has-been-being [a] thief, and has-been-having the tongue-case[i.e. small box], and has-been-bearing the being-cast [into it].  [:7] So, the Jesus says, "Let-off/away-from same[feminine], in-which-place she-may-keep same into the day of{the en-funeral-ization} of{me}, [:8] for always you-are-having the destitute alongside of{sameselves}; moreover, you-are_not_having emphatically-me always."  [:9] So, [a] vast crowd out of{the Judeans} knows that he-is-being there and they-come not through the Jesus only; contrariwise, in-which-place also they-may-behold the Lazarus, whom he-rouses out of{dead}.  [:10] Moreover, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] intend in-which-place also they-may-kill-off/away the Lazarus, [:11] that through same many of{the Judeans} have-been-withdrawing and have-been-believing/entrusting into the Jesus.  [:12] To{the} upon-the-next-day [a] vast crowd, the come[ing] into the festival, hear[ing] that Jesus is-being-come into Jerusalem, [:13] take the palm-leaf-branches of{the palm-trees} and come-out into encounter to{same}, and have-been-crying-out, "Hosanna, having-been-well-worded, the being-come in to{[the] name} of{[the] Lord}, king of{the} Israel."  [:14] Moreover, the Jesus, discover[ing] [a] donkey-ling[diminutive], sits-down upon same according-as it-is-being having-been-written, [:15] "Do_not_be-fearing, daughter [of-]Zion.  Behold, the king of{you} is-being-come, being-seated upon [a] colt of{[a] donkey}."  [:16] Moreover, the disciples of{same} do_not_know the-same, the first; contrariwise, when the Jesus is-glorified, then they-remember that the-same has-been-being upon to{same} having-been-written, and [that] they-do the-same to{same}.  [:17] So, the crowd, the being alongside of{same} when he-sounds the Lazarus out of{the memorial} and rouses same out of{dead}, has-been-witnessing.  [:18] Through the-same[neuter] also the crowd encounters to{same[masculine]}, that it-hears the-same[neuter], same[masculine] to-have-done the sign.  [:19] So, the Pharisees say toward sameselves, "You-are-observing that you-are_not_profiting, not-one.  Behold, the world comes-off/away behind of{same}."  [:20] Moreover, some Greeks have-been-being out of{the ascending}, in-which-place they-may-worship in to{the festival}.  [:21] So, the-same come-toward to{Philip, the} from Bethsaida of{the Galilee}, and have-been-asking same, saying, "Lord, we-are-will-ing to-behold the Jesus."  [:22] Philip is-being-come and is-saying to{the Andrew}, and again Andrew and Philip are-saying to{the Jesus}.  [:23] Moreover, the Jesus responds to{same}, saying, "The hour has-come in-which-place the son of{the man} may-be-glorified.  [:24] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, if-supposing not the kernel of{the grain} fall[ing] into the ground may-die-off/away, same alone is-remaining; moreover, if-supposing it-may-die-off/away, it-is-carrying much fruit.  [:25] The being-fond-of the life of{same} will-destroy-off/away same, and the hating the life of{same} in to{the world, the-same}, will-guard same into eternal being-alive[noun].  [:26] If-supposing to{emphatically-me} any may-be-serving: be-accompanying to{emphatically-me}, and which-where I am-being, there also the servant, the mine, will-be, and if-supposing any may-be-serving to{emphatically-me} the Father will-value same.  [:27] Now the life of{me} has-been-disturbed, and what[?] I-may-say, 'Father, save me out of{the hour, the-same}[?]'  Contrariwise, through the-same I-come into the hour, the-same.  [:28] Father, glorify the name of{you}."  So, [a] sound comes out of{the heaven} also, "I-glorify and again I-will-glorify."  [:29] So, the crowd, the having-stood and hear[ing], has-been-saying to-have-become thunder; others have-been-saying [a] messenger has-spoken to{same}.  [:30] Jesus responds and says, "Not through[i.e. on account of] emphatically-me same, the sound, has-become; contrariwise, through[i.e. on account of] you.  [:31] Now is-being judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment] of{the world, the-same}.  Now the chief of{the world, the-same} will-be-cast-out outside.  [:32] And-I, if-supposing I-may-be-elevated out of{the earth}, I-will-pull all[masculine plural] toward myself.  [:33] Moreover, he-has-been-saying the-same, signifying to{about-what-such death} he-has-been-being-about to-be-dying-off/away.  [:34] The crowd responds to{same}, "We hear out of{the law} that the anointed is-remaining into the eon, and how[?] you are-saying that it-is-necessitating to-be-elevated, the son of{the man}.  Who[?] is-being the-same, the son of{the man}[?]"  [:35] So, the Jesus says to{same}, "Still little time is-being the light alongside of{you}.  Be-walking-around while you-are-having the light, in-which-place no darkness may-take-down/against/according-to you and the walking-around in to{the darkness} has_not_beheld where it-is-withdrawing.  [:36] While you-are-having the light, be-believing/entrusting into the light, in-which-place you-may-become sons of{light}.  The Jesus speaks the-same and, come[ing]-off/away, is-hidden from of{same}.  [:37] Moreover, of{same having-done} the-which-the-same signs in-front of{same}, they-have_not_been-believing/entrusting into same, [:38] in-which-place the word of{Isaiah, the prophet} would-be-fulfilled, whom he-says, "Lord, who[?] believes/entrusts to{the hearing[noun]} of{us} and the arm of{[the] Lord} to{whom[?]} it-is-off-covered[?]"  [:39] Through the-same they-have_not_been-being-enabled to-be-believing/entrusting, that again Isaiah says, [:40] "He-has-blinded the eyes of{same} and has-hardened the heart of{same}, in-which-place lest they-would-behold to{the eyes} and would-think to{the heart} and would-be-upon-turned and I-would-cure same."  [:41] Isaiah says the-same when he-beholds the glory of{same}, and he-speaks about of{same}.  [:42] Likewise, nevertheless, also out of{the chiefs} many believe/entrust into same; contrariwise, through[i.e. on account of] the Pharisees, they-have_not_been-same-wording/acknowledging, lest in-which-place they-would-become off/away-from-synagogue-ible[adjective], [:43] for they-love the glory of{the men} more than-about the glory of{the God}.  [:44] Moreover, Jesus cries-out and says, "The believing/entrusting into emphatically-me is_not_believing/entrusting into emphatically-me; contrariwise, into the dispatch[ing] me, [:45] and the observing emphatically-me is-observing the dispatch[ing] me.  [:46] I have-come [a] light into the world, in-which-place every, the believing/entrusting into emphatically-me, would_not_remain in to{the darkness}, [:47] and if-supposing any may-hear of{the declarations} of{me} and may_not_guard, I am_not_judging same, for I-do_not_come in-which-place I-may-be-judging the world; contrariwise, in-which-place I-may-save the world.  [:48] The un-placing/rejecting emphatically-me and not taking the declarations of{me} is-having the judging same.  The word whom I-speak, the-there, will-judge same in to{the last day}, [:49] that I do_not_speak out of{myself}; contrariwise, the dispatch[ing] me, same Father gives to{me} command, what I-may-say and what I-may-speak, [:50] and I-have-beheld that the command of{same} is-being eternal being-alive[noun], so, what I am-speaking, according-as the Father has-declared to{me}, the-same-ly I-am-speaking."

[John 13][:1] Moreover, before of{the festival} of{the} passover, the Jesus having-beheld that the hour of{same} comes in-which-place he-may-change-course/step-across/transition out of{the world, the-same} toward the Father, love[ing] the own[plural], the[plural] in to{the world}, he-loves same[plural] into finish/completion.  [:2] And of{dinner/supper become[ing]}, of{the devil/slanderer having-cast} already into the heart of{Judas Simon Iscariot} in-which-place he-may-deliver same, [:3] the Jesus having-beheld that the Father has-given all to{same}, into the hands, and that from of{God} he-comes-out and toward the God is-withdrawing, [:4] he-is-being-roused out of{the dinner/supper} and is-placing the outer-garments and, take[ing] [a] towel[Latin "linteum"], through-girds sameself.  [:5] Thereafter, he-is-casting water into the wash-basin and initiates to-be-washing the feet of{the disciples} and to-be-wiping-out to{the towel[Latin "linteum"], which} has-been-being having-been-through-girded.  [:6] So, he-is-being-come toward Simon Peter, and the-there is-saying to{same}, "Lord, you are-washing the feet of{me}[?]"  [:7] Jesus responds and says to{same}, "What I am-doing you have_not_beheld presently; moreover, you-will-know alongside the-same[plural]."  [:8] Peter is-saying to{same}, "No, you-should_not_wash the feet of{me} into the eon."  The Jesus responds to{same}, "If-supposing I-should_not_wash you, you-are_not_having share/portion/part alongside of{emphatically-me}."  [:9] Simon Peter is-saying to{same}, "Lord, not the feet of{me} only; contrariwise, also the hands and the head."  [:10] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "The having-been-bathed is_not_having need than to-wash/be-washed the feet; contrariwise, he-is-being whole[ly] clean.  And you[plural] are-being clean; contrariwise, emphatically-not all," [:11] for he-had-beheld the delivering same; through the-same he-says, "Emphatically-not all are-being clean."  [:12] So, when he-washes the feet of{same} and takes the outer-garments of{same}, fall[ing]-anew[i.e. sit down] again, he-says to{same}, "You-are-knowing what[?] I-have-done to{you}[?]  [:13] You are-sounding me "The teacher" and "the Lord," and you-are-saying well, for I-am-being.  [:14] So, if I wash the feet of{you}, "the Lord" and "the teacher," also you are-owing of{one-another} to-be-washing the feet.  [:15] For I-give to{you} indication/example in-which-place according-as I do to{you} also you may-be-doing.  [:16] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, [a] slave is_not_being greater-than of{the lord} of{same}, nor [a] sent-off[one] greater-than of{the dispatch[ing]} same.  [:17] If you-have-beheld the-same[plural], you-are-being blessed if-supposing you-may-be-doing same[plural].  [:18] Not about of{all} of{you} I-am-saying.  I have-beheld whom I-choose; contrariwise, in-which-place the scripture may-be-fulfilled, "The munching the bread alongside of{emphatically-me} lifts-upon upon emphatically-me the heel of{same}."  [:19] From presently I-am-saying to{you} before of{the} to-become, in-which-place when-supposing it-may-become, you-may-believe that I am-being.  [:20] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, the taking if-supposing someone I-may-dispatch is-taking emphatically-me; moreover, the taking emphatically-me is-taking the dispatch[ing] me."  [:21] The Jesus, say[ing] the-same, is-disturbed to{the Spirit}, and witnesses and says, "Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that one out of{you} will-deliver me."  [:22] So, the disciples have-been-viewing into one-another, being-perplexed about of{whom} he-is-saying.  [:23] Moreover, one of{the disciples} of{same} has-been-being being-lain-up/anew in to{the bosom/lap} of{the Jesus}, whom the Jesus has-been-loving.  [:24] So, Simon Peter is-nodding to{the-same} to-ascertain who[?] supposing might-be-being about of{whom} he-is-saying.  [:25] So, the-there, fall[ing]-upon upon the chest/sternum of{the Jesus}, is-saying to{same}, "Lord, who[?] it-is-being[?]"  [:26] The Jesus is-responding, "The-there is-being to{whom} I, dip[ing]-in, the morsel, will-give-upon."  And, dip[ing]-in, the morsel, he-is-giving to{Judas of{Simon} Iscariot}.  [:27] And alongside the morsel, then the Satan/adversary comes-into into the-there, so, the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "What you-are-doing do more/very-speedily."  [:28] Moreover, not-one knows the-same, of{the being-lain-up/anew}, toward what he-says to{same}, [:29] For some have-been-deeming since the Judas has-been-having the tongue-case[i.e. small box], that the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Purchase of{what} we-are-having need into the festival," or in-which-place what he-may-give to{the destitute}.  [:30] So, take[ing] the morsel, the-there straightaway comes-out.  Moreover, it-has-been-being night.  [:31] So, when he-comes-out, the Jesus is-saying, "Now the son of{the man} is-glorified, and the God is-glorified in to{same}.  [:32] If the God is-glorified in to{same} also the God will-glorify same in to{sameself} and straightaway will-glorify same.  [:33] Offspring-lings, still little alongside of{you} I-am-being.  You-will-seek me and, according-as I-say to{the Judeans}, that which-where I am-withdrawing you are_not_being-enabled to-come, also to{you} I-am-saying presently.  [:34] I-am-giving to{you} [a] new command in-which-place you-should-be-loving one-another according-as I-love you, in-which-place also you should-be-loving one-another.  [:35] In to{the-same} all will-know that to{emphatically-me} you-are-being disciples, if-supposing you-may-be-having love in to{one-another}."  [:36] Simon Peter is-saying to{same}, "Lord, where[?] you-are-withdrawing[?]"  The Jesus responds to{same}, "Which-where I-am-withdrawing you-are_not_being-enabled now to-accompany to{me}; moreover, afterward you-will-accompany to{me}."  [:37] Peter is-saying to{same}, "Lord, through what[?] I-am_not_being-enabled to-accompany to{you} presently[?]  I-will-place the life of{me} over/for-the-sake of{you}.  [:38] The Jesus responds to{same}, "You-will-place the life of{you} over/for-the-sake of{emphatically-me}.  Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, no, [a] rooster will_not_sound until of{whom} you-will-deny-off/away me thrice."

[John 14][:1] "The heart of{you[plural]}: be_not_be-being-disturbed.  You-are-believing/entrusting into the God; also be-believing/entrusting into emphatically-me. [:2] Many abodes are-being in to{the house} of{the Father} of{me}.  Moreover, if not I-say supposing to{you}, that I-am-being-gone to-prepare [a] place to{you}, [:3] and if-supposing I-may-be-gone and may-prepare [a] place to{you}, again I-am-being-come and will-take-along you toward myself, in-which-place which-where I am-being also you may-be-being, [:4] and which-where I am-withdrawing you-have-beheld, and you-have-beheld the way."  [:5] Thomas is-saying to{same}, "Lord, we-have_not_beheld where[?] you-are-withdrawing and how[?] we-are-being-enabled to-have-beheld the way[?]"  [:6] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "I am-being the way and the truth and the being-alive[noun].  Not-one is-being-come toward the Father if not through of{emphatically-me}.  [:7] If supposing you-had-known me, also the Father of{me} you-had-known, and from presently you-are-knowing same and have-seen same."  [:8] Philip is-saying to{same}, "Lord, show to{us} the Father and it-is-sufficing to{us}."  [:9] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "I-am-being alongside of{you} the-which-the-same time and you-have_not_known me, Philip[?]  The having-seen emphatically-me has-seen the Father, and how[?] you are-saying, 'Show to{us} the Father'[?]  [:10] You-are_not_believing that I in to{the Father} and the Father is-being in to{emphatically-me}[?]  I am-speaking the declarations to{you}, which I-am_not_speaking from of{myself}; moreover, the Father, the remaining in to{emphatically-me}, same is-doing the works.  [:11] Be-believing/entrusting to{me}, that I in to{the Father} and the Father in to{emphatically-me}; moreover, if not, be-believing/entrusting to{me} through the same works.  [:12] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, the believing/entrusting into emphatically-me, the works which I am-doing, also-the-there will-do, and greater of{the-same} he-will-do, that I am-being-gone toward the Father, [:13] and which, what supposing you-may-request/give-cause in to{the name} of{me}, I-will-do the-same, in-which-place the Father may-be-glorified in to{the son}.  [:14] If-supposing what you-may-request/give-cause in to{the name} of{me}, I will-do.  [:15] If-supposing you-may-be-loving me, keep the commands, the mine.  [:16] And I will-ask the Father and he-will-give another call-aside/beside/near/advocate to{you}, in-which-place he-may-remain alongside of{you} into the eon, [:17] the Spirit of{the truth}, which the world is_not_being-enabled to-take, that it-is_not_observing same, nor is-knowing same; moreover, you are-knowing same, that beside/near to{you} he-remains and he-is-being in to{you}.  [:18] I-will_not_let-off/away-from you bereft; I-am-being-come toward you [:19] still little, and the world still is_not_observing me; moreover, you are-observing me, that I am-being-alive and you will-be-being-alive.  [:20] In to{the-there, the day,} you will-know that I in to{the Father} of{me} and you in to{emphatically-me} and-I in to{you}.  [:21] The having the commands of{me} and keeping same, the-there is-being the loving me.  Moreover, the loving me will-be-loved under of{the Father} of{me}, and I will-love same and will-reveal-ize myself to{same}."  [:22] Judas, not the Iscariot, is-saying to{same}, "Lord, and what[?] has-become, that to{us} you-are-being-about to-be-reveal-izing yourself, and emphatically-not to{the world}[?]"  [:23] The Jesus responds and says to{same}, if-supposing anyone may-be-loving me, he-will-keep the word of{me}, and the Father of{me} will-love same, and we-will-be-come toward same, and we-will-make-such-as-to-be-made abode beside to{same}.  [:24] The not loving me is_not_keeping the words of{me}.  And the word which you-hear is_not_being mine; contrariwise, of{the Father dispatching} me.  [:25] I-have-spoken to{you} the-same, remaining beside to{you}; [:26] moreover, the call-aside/beside/near/advocate, the Spirit, the Holy, which the Father will-dispatch in to{the name} of{me}, the-there will-teach you all[neuter], and will-remind-under you all[neuter] which I-say to{you}.  [:27] Peace I-am-letting-off/away to{you}.  I-am-giving to{you} peace, the mine, not according-as the world is-giving I am-giving to{you}.  The heart of{you}: do_not_be-being-disturbed; nor, [the heart of{you}:] be-cower-ing.  [:28] You-hear that I say to{you}, I-am-withdrawing and I-am-being-come toward you.  If you-have-been-loving me, you-are-joyed, supposing that I-am-being-gone toward the Father, that the Father of{me} is-being greater-than of{me}.  [:29] And now I-have-declared to{you} prior to-be-become, in-which-place, when-supposing it-may-be-become, you-may-believe.  [:30] Not-still I-will-speak many [things] alongside of{you}, for the chief of{the world} is-being-come, and in to{emphatically-me} he-is_not_having, not-one/nothing.  [:31] Contrariwise, in-which-place the world may-know that I-am-loving the Father, and according-as the Father commands to{me}, the-same-ly I-am-doing.  Be-being-roused; we-may-be-leading from-here."

[John 15][:1] I am-being the vine, the genuine, and the Father of{me} is-being the land-worker.  [:2] He-lifts same every break/lot-effect[i.e. resulting branch] in to{emphatically-me} not carrying fruit, and is-purging/cleansing same every carrying the fruit, in-which-place it/he-may-be-carrying much-more fruit.  [:3] Already you are-being purged/clean through the word which I-have-spoken to{you}.  [:4] Remain in to{emphatically-me}, and-I in to{you}.  According-as the break/lot-effect[i.e. resulting branch] is_not_being-enabled to-be-carrying fruit from of{sameself} if-supposing it-should_not_remain in to{the vine}, the-same-ly nor you, if-supposing you-should_not_remain in to{emphatically-me}.  [:5] I am-being the vine, you the break/lot-effects[i.e. resulting branches].  The remaining in to{emphatically-me}, and-I in to{same}, the-same is-carrying much fruit, that separate of{emphatically-me} you-are_not_being-enabled to-be-making/doing, not-one/nothing.  [:6] If-supposing any should_not_remain in to{emphatically-me}, it/he-is-cast outside as the break/lot-effect[i.e. resulting branch], and it/he-is-withered/dried, and they-are-gathering-together same and are-casting into fire, and it/he-is-being-ignited.  [:7] If-supposing you-may-remain in to{emphatically-me} and the declarations of{me} may-remain in to{you}, what if-supposing you-may-be-will-ing, you-will-request/give-cause-to and it-will-be-become to{you}.  [:8] In to{the-same} the Father of{me} is-glorified, in-which-place you-may-be-carrying much fruit, and disciples to{emphatically-me} you-will-become.  [:9] According-as the Father loves me also-I love you.  Remain in to{the love, the mine}.  [:10] If-supposing you-may-keep the commands of{me}, you-will-remain in to{the love} of{me} according-as I have-kept the commands of{the Father} of{me} and I-am-remaining in to{the love} of{same}.  [:11] I-have-spoken the-same to{you} in-which-place the joy, the mine, may-remain in to{you} and the joy of{you} may-be-filled-full.  [:12] The-same is-being the command, the mine, in-which-place you-may-be-loving one-another according-as I-love you.  [:13] Not-one is-having greater love of{the-same} in-which-place someone may-place the life of{same} over/for-the-sake of{the friends} of{same}.  [:14] You are-being friends of{me}, if-supposing you-may-be-doing as-much-as I am-commanding to{you}.  [:15] Not-still I-am-saying you "slaves," that the slave has_not_beheld what the lord of{same} is-doing; moreover, I-have-declared you "friends," that all which I-hear beside of{the Father} of{me} I-know-ize to{you}.  [:16] You do_not_choose me; contrariwise, I choose you and place you, in-which-place you may-be-withdrawing and may-be-carrying fruit, and the fruit of{you} may-be-remaining, in-which-place which what supposing you-may-request/give-cause-to the Father in to{the name} of{me} he-may-give to{you}.  [:17] I-am-commanding to{you} the-same in-which-place you-may-be-loving one-another.  [:18] If the world is-hating you, you-are-knowing that it-has-hated emphatically-me first of{you}.  [:19] If supposing you-have-been-being out of{the world}, the world has-been-being-fond-of the own/self; moreover, that out of{the world} you-are_not_being; contrariwise, I choose you out of{the world}.  Through the-same the world is-hating you.  [:20] Be-remembering of{the word which} I say to{you}, '[A] slave is_not_being greater-than of{the lord} of{same}.'  If they-chase emphatically-me, also they-will-chase you; if they-keep the word of{me}, also they-will-keep the yours.  [:21] Contrariwise, they-will-do the-same all to{you} through the name of{me}, that they-have_not_beheld the dispatch[ing] me.  [:22] If I-do_not_come and speak to{same}, they-have_not_been-having sin; moreover, now they-are_not_having reveal-before-sis[i.e. pretext/pretense/excuse] about of{the sin} of{same}.  [:23] The hating emphatically-me also is-hating the Father of{me}.  [:24] If I-do_not_do the works in to{same}, which not-one other has-done, they-have_not_been-having sin; moreover, now also they-have-seen and have-hated also emphatically-me and the Father of{me}.  [:25] Contrariwise, in-which-place the word, the having-been-written in to{the law} of{same} may-be-fulfilled, that they-hate me gratuitously.  [:26] Moreover, when-supposing the call-aside/beside/near/advocate may-come, whom I will-dispatch to{you} beside of{the Father}, the Spirit of{the truth}, which beside of{the Father} is-being-gone-out, the-there will-witness about of{emphatically-me}.  [:27] Moreover, also you are-witnessing that from of{origin} you-are-being alongside of{emphatically-me}."

[John 16][:1] "I-have-spoken the-same to{you} in-which-place you-may_not_be-scandalized.  [:2] They-will-make off/away-from-synagogue-ible[adjective] you; contrariwise, [an] hour is-being-come in-which-place every, the kill[ing]-off/away you, may-deem to-be-toward-carrying employment to{the God}.  [:3] And they-will-do the-same, that they-do_not_know the Father nor emphatically-me.  [:4] Contrariwise, I-have-spoken the-same to{you} in-which-place when-supposing the hour may-come you-may-be-remembering of{same} that I say to{you}; moreover, I-do_not_say the-same to{you} out of{origin}, that alongside of{you} I-have-been-being.  [:5] Moreover, now I-am-withdrawing toward the dispatch[ing] me, and not-one out of{you} is-asking me, 'Where[?] you-are-withdrawing[?]  [:6] Contrariwise, that I-have-spoken the-same to{you} the grief has-filled-full the heart of{you}.  [:7] Contrariwise, I am-saying the truth to{you}.  It-is-bearing-together to{you} in-which-place I may-come-off/away, for if-supposing I-may_not_come-off/away, the call-aside/beside/near/advocate will_not_be-come toward you; moreover, if-supposing I-may-be-gone, I-will-dispatch same toward you.  [:8] And, come[ing], the-there will-confute the world about of{sin} and about of{justice} and about of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}; [:9] about of{sin}, on-one-hand, that they-are_not_believing/entrusting into emphatically-me; [:10] about of{justice}, on-the-other-hand, that I-am-withdrawing toward the Father of{me} and not-still you-are-observing me; [:11] on-the-other-hand, about of{judge-sis[i.e. state of judgment]}, that the chief of{the world, the-same,} has-been-judged.  [:12] Still I-am-having many [things] to-be-saying to{you}; contrariwise, you-are_not_being-enabled to-be-bearing presently.  [:13] Moreover, when-supposing the-there, the Spirit of{the truth}, may-come, he-will-lead-way you into every, the truth, for he-will_not_speak from of{sameself}; contrariwise, he-will-speak as-much-as supposing he-may-hear, and he-will-message-anew to{you} the being-come.  [:14] The-there will-glorify emphatically-me, that out of{the emphatically-me} he-will-take/get and will-message-anew to{you}.  [:15] All as-much-as the Father is-having is-being mine.  Through the-same I-say that out of{the emphatically-me} he-will-take/get and will-message-anew to{you}.  [:16] Little and you-are_not_observing me, and again, little and you-will-see me, that I-am-withdrawing toward the Father.  [:17] So, they-say, out of{the disciples} of{same} toward one-another, "What[?] is-being the-same, which he-is-saying to{us}, 'Little and you-are_not_observing me, and again, little and you-will-see me,' and, 'that I-am-withdrawing toward the Father.'[?]"  [:18] So, they-have-been-saying, "What[?] is-being the-same, which he-is-saying, the 'little.'  We-have_not_beheld what he-is-speaking."  [:19] So, the Jesus knows that they-have-been-will-ing to-be-asking same, and says to{same}, "About of{the-same} you-are-seeking alongside of{one-another}, that I-say, 'Little and you-are_not_observing me, and again, little and you-will-see me.'  [:20] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that you will-weep and will-lament; moreover, the world will-be-joyed; moreover, you will-be-grieved; contrariwise, the grief of{you} will-become into joy.  [:21] The woman, when-supposing she-may-be-offspring-ing, is-having grief, that the hour of{same} comes; moreover, when-supposing she-may-beget the childling, not-still she-is-remembering of{the pressure/constriction/oppression} through the joy that [a] man is-begotten into the world.  [:22] So, and you, on-one-hand now are-having grief; on-the-other-hand, again I-will-see you and the heart of{you} will-be-joyed, and not-one will-lift from of{you} the joy of{you}.  [:23] And in to{the-there, the day,} you-will_not_ask emphatically-me, not-one.  Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you} that as-much-as supposing you-may-request/give-cause-to the Father in to{the name} of{me} he-will-give to{you}.  [:24] Until presently you-do_not_request/give-cause-to, not-one/nothing, in to{the name} of{me}.  Be-requesting/giving-cause-to, and you-will-take/get, in-which-place the joy of{you} may-be-being having-been-fulfilled.  [:25] I-have-spoken to{you} the-same in to{proverbs}.  [An] hour is-being-come when not-still in to{proverbs} I-will-speak to{you}; contrariwise, I-will-message-anew to{you} to{all-declaration-ia} about of{the Father}.  [:26] In to{the-there, the day,} you-will-request/give-cause in to{the name} of{me} and I-am_not_saying to{you} that I will-ask the Father about of{you}, [:27] for same, the Father, is-being-fond-of you, that you have-been-fond-of emphatically-me and have-believed that I come-out beside of{the God}.  [:28] I-come-out beside of{the Father} and I-have-come into the world.  Again I-am-letting-off/away-from the world and am-being-gone toward the Father.  [:29] The disciples of{same} are-saying to{same}, "Behold, now you-are-speaking to{all-declaration-ia} and are-saying not-one proverb.  [:30] Now we-have-beheld that you-have-beheld all and are_not_having need in-which-place anyone may-be-asking you.  In to{the-same[neuter]} we-are-believing that from of{God} you-come-out.  [:31] The Jesus responds to{same}, "Presently you-are-believing.  [:32] Behold, [an] hour is-being-come and now has-come in-which-place you-may-be-scattered, each into the own/selves and may-let-off/away emphatically-me alone.  And I-am_not_being alone, that the Father is-being alongside of{emphatically-me}.  [:33] I-have-spoken the-same to{you} in-which-place you-are-having peace in to{emphatically-me}.  You-will-have pressure/constriction/oppression in to{the world}; contrariwise, be-having-courage; I have-conquered the world."

[John 17][:1] The Jesus speaks the-same, and he-lifts-upon the eyes of{same} into the heaven and says, "Father, the hour has-come.  Glorify the son of{you} in-which-place also the son of{you} may-glorify you, [:2] according-as you-give authority to{same} of{every flesh}, in-which-place every[neuter], which you-have-given to{same[singular]}, he-will-give eternal being-alive[noun] to{same[plural]}.  [:3] Moreover, same is-being the eternal being-alive[noun] in-which-place they-may-be-knowing you, the only genuine God, and whom you-send-off/away, Jesus anointed.  [:4] I glorify you upon of{the earth}.  I-complete the work which you-have-given to{me} in-which-place I-may-do.  [:5] And now, glorify me, you, Father, beside to{yourself}, to{the glory, which} I-have-been-having beside to{you} before of{the} the world to-be-being.  [:6] I-reveal the name of{you} to{the men} whom you-have-given to{me} out of{the world}.  They-have-been-being yours and you-have-given same to{emphatically-me}, and they-have-kept the word of{you}.  [:7] Now they-have-known that all, as-much-as you-have-given to{me} is-being beside of{you}, [:8] that the declarations which you-have-given to{me} I-have-given to{same}, and same take and know truly that beside of{you} I-come-out, and they-believe that you send-off/away me.  [:9] I am-asking about of{same}; I-am-asking not about of{the world}; contrariwise, about of{whom} you-have-given to{me}, that they-are-being to{you}, [:10] and the mine all is-being yours, and the yours mine, and I-have-been-glorified in to{same}.  [:11] And not-still I-am-being in to{the world}, and the-same are-being in to{the world}, and I am-being-come toward you.  Holy Father, keep same in to{the name} of{you}, to{which} you-have-given to{me}, in-which-place they-may-be-being one according-as we.  [:12] When I-have-been-being alongside of{same} in to{the world}, I have-been-keeping same in to{the name} of{you}, whom you-have-given to{me}, I-guard, and not-one out of{same} perishes-off/away, if not the son of{the destruction/loss/perish-off/away}, in-which-place the scripture may-be-fulfilled.  [:13] Moreover, now toward you I-am-being-come, and I-am-speaking the-same in to{the world}, in-which-place they-may-be-having the joy, the mine, having-been-filled-full in to{same}.  [:14] I have-given to{same} the word of{you}, and the world hates same, that they-are_not_being out of{the world}, according-as I am_not_being out of{the world}.  [:15] I-am_not_asking in-which-place you-may-lift same out of{the world}; contrariwise, in-which-place you-may-keep same out of{the evil}.  [:16] They-are_not_being out of{the world}, according-as I am_not_being out of{the world}.  [:17] Holy-ize same in to{the truth} of{you}; the word, the yours, is-being truth.  [:18] According-as you-send-off/away emphatically-me into the world, also-I send-off/away same[plural] into the world.  [:19] And over of{same[plural]} I am-holy-izing myself, in-which-place also same[plural] may-be-being having-been-holy-ized in to{truth}.  [:20] Moreover, I-am-asking not only about of{the-same[plural]}; contrariwise also about of{the believing} through of{the word} of{same[plural]} into emphatically-me, [:21] in-which-place all may-be-being one according-as you, Father, in to{emphatically-me} and-I in to{you}, in-which-place also same[plural] may-be-being one in to{us}, in-which-place the world may-believe that you send-off/away me.  [:22] And I have-given to{same[plural]} the glory which you-have-given to{me}, in-which-place they-may-be-being one according-as we are-being one, [:23] I in to{same[plural]} and you in to{emphatically-me}, in-which-place they-may-be-being having-been-completed into one, and in-which-place the world may-be-knowing that you send-off/away me and love same[plural] according-as you-love emphatically-me.  [:24] Father, whom[plural] you-have-given to{me}, I-am-will-ing in-which-place which-where I am-being, also-the-there-s may-be-being alongside of{emphatically-me}, in-which-place they-may-be-observing the glory, the mine, which you-give to{me}, that you-love me before of{[the] cast-down} of{[the] world}.  [:25] Just Father, also the world does_not_know you; moreover, I know you, and the-same[plural] know that you send-off/away me, [:26] and I-know-ize to{same[plural]} the name of{you}, and will-know-ize, in-which-place the love which you-love me may-be-being in to{same[plural]} and-I in to{same[plural]}."

[John 18][:1] Say[ing] the-same, the Jesus comes-out together-with to{the disciples} of{same}, other-side of{the bad-weather/storm-flow[i.e. some consequential valley/ravine]} of{the} Kidron, which-where has-been-being [a] plantation into which same comes-into, and the disciples of{same}.  [:2] Moreover, also Judas, the delivering same, had-beheld the place, that often the Jesus is-gathered-together there alongside of{the disciples} of{same}.  [:3] So, the Judas, take[ing] the [military]cohort and subordinates out of{the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests]} and of{Pharisees}, is-being-come there alongside of{revealing[noun]/lights/torches} and of{lamps} and of{implements/arms/weapons}.  [:4] So, Jesus, having-beheld all the being-come upon same, come[ing]-out, says to{same}, "Whom[?] you-are-seeking[?]"  [:5] They-respond to{same}, "Jesus, the Nazarene."  The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "I am-being."  Moreover, also Judas, the delivering same, had-stood alongside of{same}.  [:6] So, as he-says to{same}, "I am-being," they-come-off/away into the behind and fall on-the-ground[adverb].  [:7] So, again he-asks-upon same, "Whom[?] you-are-seeking[?]"  Moreover, the say, "Jesus the Nazarene."  [:8] Jesus responds, "I-say to{you} that I am-being.  So, if you-are-seeking emphatically-me, let-off/away the-same[plural] to-be-withdrawing, [:9] in-which-place the word may-be-fulfilled which says that 'whom you-have-given to{me} I-do_not_lose out of{same}, not-one.'"  [:10] So, Simon Peter, having [a] knife, pulls same and strikes the slave of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}, and cuts-off/away the earlet of{same}, the right; moreover [the] name to{the slave} has-been-being "Malchus."  [:11] So, the Jesus says to{the Peter}, "Cast the knife of{you} into the sheath/place.  The Father has-given to{me} the cup which, no, I-should_not_drink same[?]"  [:12] So, the [military]cohort and the thousand-chief/chiliarch and the subordinates of{the Judeans} together-take the Jesus, and bind same, [:13] and lead-off/away same toward Annas first, for he-has-been-being father-in-law of{the Caiaphas}, who has-been-being chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] of{the anniversary/year, the-there}.  [:14] Moreover, Caiaphas has-been-being the together-intention[ing] to{the Judeans}, that "it-is-bearing-together one man to-be-dying-off/away over/for-the-sake of{the people}."  [:15] Moreover, Simon Peter has-been-accompanying to{the Jesus}, and the another disciple; moreover, the disciple, the-there has-been-being known to{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} and comes-into-together to{the Jesus} into the courtyard of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}.  [:16] Moreover, the Peter had-stood toward to{the entrance/door} outside, so the disciple, the other, who has-been-being known to{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}, comes-out and says to{the doorkeeper} and into-leads the Peter.  [:17] So, the girlie, the doorkeeper, is-saying to{the Peter}, "Not also you are-being out of{the disciples} of{the man, the-same}[?]"  The-there is-saying, "I-am_not_being."  [:18] Moreover, the slaves and the subordinates had-stood, having-made [a] charcoal/coal-ia[fire], that it-has-been-being cold and they-have-been-being-warmed.  Moreover, the Peter has-been-being alongside of{same}, having-stood and being-warmed.  [:19] So, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] asks the Jesus about of{the disciples} of{same} and about of{the teaching} of{same}.  [:20] The Jesus responds to{same}, "I speak to{all-declaration-ia} to{the world}.  I always teach in to{the synagogue} and in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, which-where the Judeans always are-being-come-together, and in to{hidden[adjective]} I-speak not-one/nothing.  [:21] What[?] you-are-asking-upon me[?]  Ask-upon the having-heard what I-speak to{same}.  Behold, the-same have-beheld what I say."  [:22] Moreover, of{same say[ing]} the-same, one of{the subordinates} having-stood-aside/beside/near gives slap-ize-effect to{the Jesus}, say[ing], "The-same-ly you-are-responding to{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]}."  [:23] The Jesus responds to{same}, "If badly I-speak, witness about of{the bad}; moreover, if well, what[?] you-are-flaying me[?]"  [:24] So, the Annas sends-off/away same, having-been-bound, toward Caiaphas, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest].  [:25] Moreover, Simon Peter has-been-being having-stood and being-warmed.  So, they-say to{same}, "Not also you are-being out of{the disciples} of{same}[?]"  The-there denies and says, "I-am_not_being."  [:26] One out of{the slaves} of{the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest]} being together-become[i.e. related] of{whom} Peter cuts-off/away the earlet is-saying, "Not I behold you in to{the plantation} alongside of{same}[?]"  [:27] So, again the Peter denies, and straightaway [a] rooster sounds.  [:28] So, they-are-leading the Jesus from of{the Caiphas} into the praetorium[Latin]; moreover, it-has-been-being early/morning and same do_not_come-into into the praetorium[Latin] in-which-place they-would_not_be-defiled; contrariwise, in-which-place they-may-eat the passover.  [:29] So, the Pilate comes-out outside toward same[plural] and says, "What[?] accusation you-are-carrying against of{the man, the-same}[?]"  [:30] They-respond and say to{same}, "If supposing the-same has_not_been-being bad-doing[adjective], we-do_not_deliver same to{you}."  [:31] So, the Pilate says to{same}, "You, take same and judge same according-to the law of{you}."  So, the Judeans say to{same}, "To{us} is_not_being-allowed to-kill-off/away, not-one," [:32] in-which-place the word of{the Jesus} may-be-fulfilled, which he-says signifying to{about-what-such death} he-has-been-being-about to-be-dying-off/away.  [:33] So, the Pilate comes-into into the praetorium[Latin] again, and sounds the Jesus, and says to{same}, "You are-being the king of{the Judeans}[?]"  [:34] The Jesus responds, "From of{sameself} you are-saying the-same, or others say to{you} about of{emphatically-me}[?]"  [:35] The Pilate responds, "Not-what[?] I am-being Judean[?]  The nation, the yours, and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] deliver you to{emphatically-me}.  What[?] you-do[?]"  [:36] Jesus responds, "The kingdom, the mine, is_not_being out of{the world, the-same}.  If supposing out of{the world, the-same} has-been-being the kingdom, the mine, the subordinates, the to{emphatically-me}, have-been-competing/contending, in-which-place I-would_not_be-delivered to{the Judeans}; moreover, now the kingdom, the mine, is_not_being from-here."  [:37] So, the Pilate says to{same}, "So-not[?], you are-being [a] king[?]"  Jesus responds, "You are-saying that I am-being [a] king.  Into the-same I have-been-begotten, and into the-same I-have-come into the world, in-which-place I-may-witness to{the truth}.  Every, the being out of{the truth}, is-hearing of{me, the sound}."  [:38] The Pilate is-saying to{same}, "What[?] is-being truth[?]"  And, say[ing] the-same, again he-comes-out toward the Judeans and is-saying to{same}, "I discover not-one cause in to{same}.  [:39] Moreover, it-is-being together-habituation to{you} in-which-place I-may-loose-off/away one to{you} in to{the passover}.  So, you-are-intending I-may-loose-off/away to{you} the king of{the Judeans}[?]"  [:40] So, all cry-out-ize, saying, "Not the-same; contrariwise, the bar-Abbas."  Moreover, the bar-Abbas has-been-being [a] robber.

[John 19][:1] So, then, the Pilate takes the Jesus and scourges.  [:2] And the soldiers, weave[ing] [a] garland/crown out of{thorn-bushes}, place-upon to{the head} of{same}, and drape-around purple outer-garment same.  [:3] And they-have-been-saying, "Be-joying, the king of{the Judeans}," and they-have-been-giving slap-ize-effects to{same}.  [:4] So, again the Pilate comes-out outside and is-saying to{same[plural]}, "Behold, I-am-leading same outside to{you}, in-which-place you-may-know that in to{same} I-discover not-one cause."  [:5] So, the Jesus comes-out outside, wearing the thorny crown and the purple outer-garment, and he-is-saying to{same[plural]}, "Behold the man."  [:6] So, when the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the subordinates behold same, they-cry-out-ize, saying, "Crucify, crucify same."  The Pilate is-saying to{same}, "You, take same and crucify, for I am_not_discovering cause in to{same}."  [:7] The Judeans respond to{same}, "We are-having [a] law, and according-to the law of{us} it-is-owing to-die-off/away, that he-makes sameself son of{God}."  [:8] So, when the Pilate hears the-same, the word, he-fears more.  [:9] And he-comes-into into the praetorium[Latin] again and is-saying to{the Jesus}, "Whence you are-being[?]"; moreover, the Jesus does_not_give response to{same}.  [:10] So, the Pilate is-saying to{same}, "To{emphatically-me} you-are_not_speaking[?]  You-have_not_beheld that I-am-having authority to-crucify you and I-am-having authority to-loose-off/away you[?]"  [:11] The Jesus responds, "You-have_not_been-having authority, not-one, against/according-to of{emphatically-me} if not it-has-been-being having-been-given to{you} up-place-ly.  Through the-same, the delivering me to{you} is-having greater sin."  [:12] Out of{the-same} the Pilate has-been-seeking to-loose-off/away same; moreover, the Judeans have-been-cry-out-izing, saying, "If-supposing you-may-loose-off/away the-same, you-are_not_being friend of{the Caesar}.  Every, the making sameself king, is-saying-in-place-of/in-opposition-to/contradicting/rebutting to{the Caesar}."  [:13] So, the Pilate, hear[ing] of{the words, the-same}, leads the Jesus outside and sits-down upon of{the step} into [the] place being-said, "stone-paved/spread;" moreover, Hebrew-ly "gabbatha."  [:14] Moreover, preparation has-been-being of{the} passover; [the] hour has-been-being as-if sixth, and he-is-saying to{the Judeans}, "Behold, the king of{you}."  [:15] Moreover, the[plural] cry-out-ize, "Lift, lift, crucify same."  The Pilate is-saying to{same}, "I-will-crucify the king of{you}."  The chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] respond, "We-are_not_having [a] king if not Caesar."  [:16] So, then he-delivers same to{same[plural]} in-which-place he-may-be-crucified.  Moreover they-take-aside the Jesus and lead-off/away.  [:17] And, bearing the cross of{sameself}, he-comes-out into the being-said, "place of{skull}," which Hebrew-ly is-being-said, "Golgotha," [:18] which-where they-crucify same, and alongside of{same} two others, from-here and from-here; moreover, the Jesus midst.  [:19] Moreover, also the Pilate writes [a] title, and places upon of{the cross}; moreover, it-has-been-being having-been-written, "Jesus the Nazarene, the king of{the Judeans}."  [:20] So, many know-anew the-same, the title, of{the Judeans}, that the place has-been-being near of{the city}, which-where the Jesus is-crucified, and it-has-been-being having-been-written Hebrew-ly, Greek-ly, Latin-ly.  [:21] So, the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] of{the Judeans} have-been-saying to{the Pilate}, "Do_not_be-writing, 'The king of{the Judeans};' contrariwise, that the-there says, 'I-am-being king of{the Judeans}.'"  [:22] The Pilate responds, "What I-have-written I-have-written."  [:23] So, when the soldiers crucify the Jesus, they-take the outer-garments of{same} and make four parts, [a] part to{each soldier}, and the inner-garment; moreover, the inner-garment has-been-being seamless out of{the} up-place-ly interwoven[adjective] through of{whole}.  [:24] So, they-say toward one-another, "We-should_not_split same; contrariwise, we-should-designate[i.e. cast lot] about of{same}, of{whomever} it-will-be," in-which-place the scripture may-be-fulfilled, the saying, "They-part/divide-through-themselves the outer-garments of{me} to{sameselves} and upon the outer-garment-set of{me} they-cast lot."  So, on-one-hand, the soldiers do the-same; [:25] on-the-other-hand the mother of{same}, and the sister of{the mother} of{same}, Mary, the of{the Clopas}, and Mary, the Magdalene, had-been-standing beside to{the cross} of{the Jesus}.  [:26] So, Jesus, behold[ing] the mother and the disciple having-stood-beside, whom he-has-been-loving, is-saying to{the mother} of{same}, "Woman, behold, the son of{you}."  [:27] Thereafter/accordingly, he-is-saying to{the disciple}, "Behold, the mother of{you}," and from of{the-there, the hour} the disciple takes same[feminine] into the own.  [:28] Alongside the-same, the Jesus, having-beheld that all already has-been-finished, in-which-place the scripture may-be-completed, is-saying, "I-am-thirsting."  [:29] So, [a] vessel has-been-being-lain, replete of{vinegar}; moreover, the[masculine plural], fill[ing] [a] sponge of{vinegar} and place[ing]-around to{hyssop}, carry-toward to{the mouth} of{same}.  [:30] So, when the Jesus takes the vinegar, he-says, "It-has-been-finished," and, lean[ing] the head, he-delivers the spirit/breath.  [:31] So, the Judeans, since it-has-been-being preparation, in-which-place the bodies should_not_remain upon of{the cross} in to{the sabbath}, for great has-been-being the day of{the-there, the sabbath}, ask the Pilate in-which-place the legs of{same} may-be-broken-down and they-may-be-lifted.  [:32] So, the soldiers come and, on-one-hand, break-down the legs of{the first} and of{the other} of{the crucified-together} to{same}.  [:33] On-the-other-hand, come[ing] upon the Jesus, as they-behold same already having-died, they-do_not_break-down the legs of{same}.  [:34] Contrariwise, one of{the soldiers} pierces the ribs/side to{spear-head/lance} of{same}, and straightaway blood and water comes-out.  [:35] And the having-seen has-witnessed and the witness-ia of{same} is-being genuine, and-the-there has-beheld that he-is-saying true, in-which-place also you may-believe, [:36] for the-same is-become in-which-place the scripture may-be-fulfilled, "[A] bone will_not_be-crushed of{same}," [:37] and again [a] different/other scripture is-saying, "They-will-see into whom they-goad/prick/sting/stab."  [:38] Moreover, alongside the-same, Joseph, the from of{Arimathea}, being [a] disciple of{the Jesus}, moreover having-been-hidden through the fear of{the Judeans}, asks the Pilate in-which-place he-may-lift the body of{the Jesus}, and the Pilate upon-turns, so he-comes and lifts the body of{the Jesus}.  [:39] Moreover, also Nicodemus comes, the come[ing] toward the Jesus of{night}, the first, carrying [a] mix-effect of{myrrh} and of{aloe} as-if [a] hundred litras[Latin "libra"].  [:40] So, they-take the body of{the Jesus} and bind same to{linen-cloths} alongside of{the aromatics} according-as is-being [the] custom to{the Judeans} to-be-en-funeral-izing.  [:41] Moreover, [a] plantation has-been-being in to{the place} which-where he-is-crucified, and in to{the plantation} [a] new memorial in to{which} not-moreover-yet-ly not-one is-placed.  [:42] So, there, through the preparation of{the Judeans}, that the memorial has-been-being near, they-place the Jesus.

[John 20][:1] Moreover, to{the one} of{the sabbaths}, Mary, the Magdalene, is-being-come early/morning still of{being darkness} into the memorial and is-viewing the stone, having-been-lifted out of{the memorial}.  [:2] So, she-is-hurrying and is-being-come toward Simon Peter and toward the other disciple whom the Jesus has-been-being-fond-of, and she-is-saying to{same}, "They-lift the Lord out of{the memorial} and we-have_not_beheld where[?] they-place same."  [:3] So, the Peter comes-out, and the other disciple, and they-have-been-being-come into the memorial.  [:4] Moreover, the two of{like} have-been-hurrying and the other disciple hurries-before more/very-speedily of{the Peter} and comes first into the memorial, [:5] and, stoop[ing]-beside, he-is-viewing the linen-cloths being-lain.  Nevertheless, he-does_not_come-into.  [:6] So, Simon Peter, accompanying to{same}, is-being-come, and comes-into into the memorial, and is-observing the linen-cloths being-lain [:7] and the sudarium[Latin]/towel/napkin/cloth which has-been-being upon of{the head} of{same}, not alongside of{the linen-cloths}, being-lain; contrariwise, separate, having-been-enveloped into one place.  [:8] So, then also the other disciple, the come[ing] first, comes-into into the memorial and beholds and believes, [:9] for not-moreover-yet-ly they-had-beheld the scripture, that it-is-necessitating same to-stand-up/anew out of{dead}.  [:10] So, again the disciples come-off/away toward sameselves.  [:11] Moreover, Mary had-stood toward the memorial outside, weeping.  So, as she-has-been-weeping, she-stoops-beside into the memorial [:12] and is-observing two messengers in to{white/bright} being-seat-ized, one toward to{the head} and one toward to{the feet}, which-where the body of{the Jesus} has-been-being-lain, [:13] and the-there are-saying to{same}, "Woman, what[?] you-are-weeping[?]"  She-is-saying to{same} that "they-lift the Lord of{me} and I-have_not_beheld where[?] they-place same," [:14] and, say[ing] the-same, she-turns into the behind and is-observing the Jesus having-stood, and she-had_not_beheld that he-is-being the Jesus.  [:15] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Woman, what[?] you-are-weeping; who[?] you-are-seeking[?]"  The-there[feminine], deeming that he-is-being the plantation-keeper, is-saying to{same}, "lord, if you bear same, say to{me} where[?] you-place same and-I will-lift same."  [:16] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Mary."  Turned, the-there is-saying to{same} Hebrew-ly, "Rabboni," which is-being-said, "Teacher."  [:17] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Do_not_be-taking-hold of{me}, for I-have_not-yet_ascended toward the Father of{me}; moreover, be-being-gone toward the brothers of{me} and say to{same}, "I-am-ascending toward the Father of{me} and Father of{you}, and God of{me} and God of{you}."  [:18] Mary, the Magdalene, is-being-come, messaging-off/away to{the disciples} that she-has-seen the Lord, and/also the-same [things] he-says to{same[feminine]}.  [:19] So, of{being late/evening} to{the day, the-there, the one} of{the sabbaths} and of{the doors having-been-closed}, which-where the disciples have-been-being having-been-gathered-together through the fear of{the Judeans}, the Jesus comes and stands into the midst, and is-saying to{same}, "Peace to{you}."  [:20] And, say[ing] the-same, he-shows to{same} the hands and the ribs/side of{same}.  So, the disciples are-joyed, behold[ing] the Lord.  [:21] So, the Jesus says to{same} again, "Peace to{you}.  According-as the Father has-sent-off/away me, also-I am-dispatching you."  [:22] And, say[ing] the-same, he-breathes/blows-in and is-saying to{same}, "Take Holy Spirit.  [:23] Supposing of{any[plural]} you-may-let-off/away the sins, they-are-being-let-off/away to{same}; supposing of{any[plural]} you-may-be-holding, they-have-been-held."  [:24] Moreover, Thomas, one out of{the} twelve, the being-said "Didymus," has_not_been-being alongside of{same[plural]} when the Jesus comes.  [:25] So, the other disciples have-been-saying to{same}, "We-have-seen the Lord."  Moreover, the says to{same}, if_not_supposing I-may-behold in to{the hands} of{same} the imprint of{the nails} and may-cast the finger of{me} into the imprint of{the nails} and cast the hand of{me} into the ribs/side of{same}, no, I-will_not_believe."  [:26] And alongside eight days again the disciples of{same} have-been-being within and Thomas alongside of{same}.  The Jesus is-being-come of{the doors having-been-closed} and stands into the midst and says, "Peace to{you}."  [:27] Thereafter, he-is-saying to{the Thomas}, "Be-carrying the finger of{you} here and behold the hands of{me}, and be-carrying the hand of{you} and cast into the ribs/side of{me}, and do_not_be-becoming unbelieving[adjective]; contrariwise, believing[adjective]," [:28] and Thomas responds and says to{same}, "The Lord of{me} and the God of{me}."  [:29] The Jesus is-saying to{same} that "you-have-seen me; you-have-believed.  Blessed, the not behold[ing] and believe[ing]."  [:30] So, on-one-hand, the Jesus also does many other signs in-sight of{the disciples} of{same}, which is_not_being having-been-written in to{the scrollet, the-same}; [:31] on-the-other-hand, the-same has-been-written in-which-place you-may-believe that the Jesus is-being the anointed, the son of{the God}, and in-which-place, believing, you-may-be-having being-alive[noun] in to{the name} of{same}.

[John 21][:1] Alongside the-same, the Jesus reveals sameself again to{the disciples} upon of{the seawater, the Tiberias}.  Moreover, he-reveals the-same-ly.  [:2] They-have-been-being of{like}, Simon Peter, and Thomas, the being-said "Didymus," and Nathanael, the from Cana of{the Galilee}, and the[plural] of{the Zebedee}, and two others out of{the disciples} of{same}.  [:3] Simon Peter is-saying to{same}, "I-am-withdrawing to-be-fishing."  They-are-saying to{same}, "We-are-being-come, and we together-with to{you}."  They-come-out and step-in into the boat and in to{the-there, the night} grab-hold-of not-one/nothing.  [:4] Moreover, of{early/morning} already become[ing], the Jesus stands into the shore.  Nevertheless, the disciples had_not_beheld that it-is-being Jesus.  [:5] So, the Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Childlings, no what[?] you-are-having toward-eat[noun][?]"  They-respond to{same}, "Not."  [:6] Moreover, the says to{same}, "Cast the net into the right parts/portions of{the boat} and you-will-discover."  So, they-cast and not-still they-have-strength to-pull same, from of{the multitude} of{the fish}.  [:7] So, the disciple, the-there, whom the Jesus has-been-loving, is-saying to{the Peter}, "It-is-being the Lord."  So, Simon Peter, hear[ing] that it-is-being the Lord, through-girds the upon-clothing, for he-has-been-being naked, and casts sameself into the seawater.  [:8] Moreover, the other disciples come to{the small-boat}, for they-have_not_been-being far from of{the land}; contrariwise, as from of{two-hundred cubits}, dragging the net of{the fish}.  [:9] So, as they-step-off into the land, they-are-viewing [a] charcoal/coal-ia[fire] being-lain, and side-portion-ies being-lain-upon, and bread.  [:10] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Carry from of{the side-portion-ies which} you-grab-hold-of now."  [:11] So, Simon Peter ascends and pulls the net into the land replete of{[a] hundred fifty three large fish}, and of{the-which-the-same being}, the net is_not_split.  [:12] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Come!  Have-breakfast/lunch."  Moreover, not-one has-been-daring of{the disciples} to-examine-out same, "You who[?] are-being," having-beheld that it-is-being the Lord.  [:13] So, the Jesus is-being-come and is-taking the bread and is-giving to{same}, and the side-portion-ies similarly.  [:14] Already the Jesus is-revealed to{the disciples} of{same} [the] third, the-same, roused out of{dead}.  [:15] So, when they-have-breakfast/lunch, the Jesus is-saying to{the Simon Peter}, "Simon of{Jonah}, you-are-loving me much-more of{the-same[masculine plural]}[?]"  He-is-saying to{same}, "Yes, Lord, you have-beheld that I-am-being-fond-of you."  He-is-saying to{same}, "Be-grazing the lambkins of{me}."  [:16] He-is-saying to{same} again secondly, "Simon of{Jonah}, you-are-loving me[?]"  He-is-saying to{same}, "Yes, Lord, you have-beheld that I-am-being-fond-of you.  He-is-saying to{same}, "Shepherd the sheep of{me}."  [:17] He-is-saying to{same}, the third, "Simon of{Jonah}, you-are-being-fond-of me[?]"  The Peter is-grieved that he-says to{same}, the third, "You-are-being-fond-of me," and he-says to{same}, "Lord, you have-beheld all.  You are-knowing that I-am-being-fond-of you."  The Jesus is-saying to{same}, "Be-grazing the sheep of{me}.  [:18] Amen, amen I-am-saying to{you}, when you-have-been-being younger, you-have-been-girding yourself and have-been-walking-around which-where you-have-been-will-ing; moreover, when-supposing you-may-become-old, you-will-stretch-out the hands of{you} and another will-gird you, and will-carry which-where you-are_not_will-ing."  [:19] Moreover, he-says the-same signifying to{about-what-such death} he-will-glorify the God and, say[ing] the-same, he-is-saying to{same}, "Be-accompanying to{me}."  [:20] Moreover, be[ing]-upon-turned, the Peter is-viewing the disciple whom the Jesus has-been-loving, accompanying, who also falls-up/anew in to{the dinner/supper} upon the chest/sternum of{same} and says, "Lord, who[?] is-being the delivering you[?]"  [:21] Behold[ing] the-same, the Peter is-saying to{the Jesus}, "Lord, moreover, the-same[masculine], what[?]"  [:22] The Jesus is-saying to{same}, if-supposing I-may-be-will-ing same to-be-staying until I-am-being-come, what[?] toward you[?]  You, be-accompanying to{me}."  [:23] So, the-same, the word, comes-out into the brothers that the disciple, the-there, is_not_dying-off/away, and the Jesus does_not_say to{same} that he-is_not_dying-off/away; contrariwise, "If-supposing I-may-be-will-ing same to-be-staying until I-am-being-come, what[?] toward you[?]"  [:24] The-same is-being the disciple, the witnessing about of{the-same} and write[ing] the-same, and we-have-beheld that the witness-ia of{same} is-being true.  [:25] Moreover, it-is-being also many other as-many-as the Jesus does, which-any if-supposing it-may-be-written according-to one, not-moreover I-am-presuming same, the world, to-make-space, the being-written scrollets.  Amen.

Practices of{the sent-off[ones]}

[Acts 1][:1] On-one-hand, I-make the first word/account about of{all}, oh Theophilus, of{which} the Jesus initiates both to-be-doing and to-be-teaching, [:2] even-to of{which day}, command[ing] to{the sent-off[ones]} through of{[the] Holy Spirit}, whom he-chooses, he-is-taken-up, [:3] to{whom} also he-stands-beside[i.e. presents] sameself being-alive, alongside the to-suffer same, in to{many proofs} through of{forty days}, being-seen to{same[plural]} and saying the about of{the kingdom} of{the God}.  [:4] And, being-amassed, he-messages-aside to{same} not to-be-being-separated from of{Jerusalems}; contrariwise, to-be-staying-around/about the upon-message-ia of{the Father}, "which you-hear of{me}, [:5] that John, on-one-hand, immerses to{water}; on-the-other-hand, you will-be-immersed in to{Holy Spirit} not alongside many days, the-same."  [:6] So, on-one-hand, the[plural] come[ing]-together have-been-asking same, saying, "Lord, if in to{the time, the-same} you-are-reinstating the kingdom to{the} Israel[?]"  [:7] On-the-other-hand, he-says toward same, "Not of{you} is-being to-know times or seasons which the Father places in to{the own/self authority}.  [:8] Contrariwise, you-will-take/get enablement/empowerment of{upon-come[ing] the Holy Spirit} upon you, and you-will-be witnesses of{me} in both Jerusalem and in to{every, the Judea}, and to{Samaria} and until of{last} of{the earth}.  [:9] And, say[ing] the-same, of{viewing same}, he-is-lifted-upon and [a] cloud takes-under same from of{the eyes} of{same}.  [:10] And as they-have-been-being fixating into the heaven of{same being-gone}, also, behold, two men had-stood-beside to{same} in to{white/bright attire}, [:11] who also say, "Men, Galileans, what[?] you-have-stood viewing-in into the heaven[?]  The-same, the Jesus, the taken-up from of{you} into the heaven, the-same-ly will-be-come which manner you-spectate same being-gone into the heaven."  [:12] Then they-return into Jerusalem from of{[the] mountain, the being-called "olive"}, which is-being near Jerusalem of{sabbath} having way.  [:13] And when they-come-into, they-ascend into the upper-part/place/room of{which} they-have-been-being staying-down/according-to, the both Peter and James and John and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James of{Alphaeus} and Simon the Zealot and Judas of{James}.  [:14] The-same all have-been-being enduring-toward like-desire-ly/one-accord to{the prayer} and to{the necessitation} together-with to{women} and to{Mary, the mother} of{the Jesus}, and together-with to{the brothers} of{same}.  [:15] And in to{the days, the-same}, Peter, stand[ing]-up in to{midst} of{the disciples}, says, which/it-has-been-being besides [a] crowd of{names} upon the same[neuter singular] as [a] hundred twenty, [:16] "Men, brothers, it-has-been-necessitating to-be-fulfilled, the scripture, the-same, which the Spirit, the Holy, says-before through of{[the] mouth} [of-]David about of{Judas, the become[ing] way-leader} to{the together-take[ing]} the Jesus, [:17] that, having-been-numbered-according-to, has-been-being in to{us} and designates the lot of{the service, the-same}.  [:18] So, on-the-other-hand, the-same acquires [a] space/spot/region out of{[the] wage} of{the injustice} and, become[ing] drooping-forward[adjective], [the] middle bursts-open and all the inward-parts of{same} is-poured-out, [:19] and it-becomes known to{all the housing-down} [in] Jerusalem such-as the space/spot/region, the-there, to-be-called, to{the own dialect} of{same[plural]}, 'Akeldama;' the-same is-being, 'space/spot/region of{blood},' [:20] for it-has-been-written in to{scroll} of{psalms}, 'The upon-courtyard/steading/residence of{same}: become desolate,' and, '[It:] be_not_being the housing-down in to{same},' and, '[a] different/other: take the watch-upon/oversight of{same}.'  [:21] So, it-is-necessitating of{the come[ing]-together} to{us} of{men} in to{every time} in to{whom/which} the Lord Jesus comes-into and comes-out upon us, [:22] initiate[ing] from of{the immersion-effect} of{John} until of{the day which} he-is-taken-up from of{us}, [a] witness of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{same} together-with to{us} to-become one of{the-same}."  [:23] And they-stand two, Joseph, the being-called "bar-Sabbas," who is-upon-called "Justus," and Matthias.  [:24] And, pray[ing], they-say, "You, Lord, heart-knower of{all}, show-anew which one you-choose out of{the-same, the two}, [:25] to-take the lot/allotment of{the service, the-same} and of{[the] sent-off[one]} from of{which} Judas steps-aside to-be-gone into the place, the own."  [:26] And they-give lots to{same} and the lot falls upon Matthias, and he-is-counted-together-with/according-to alongside of{the eleven sent-off[ones]}.

[Acts 2][:1] And in to{the} to-be-being-together-fulfilled, the day of{the fiftieth}, all have-been-being like-desire-ly/one-accord upon the same, [:2] and suddenly [an] audible-manifestation becomes out of{the heaven} about-as of{forceful breath being-carried} and fills-full the whole house of{which} they-have-been-being being-seated, [:3] and tongues as-if of{fire} being-divided-through to{same} are-seen; both it-sits-down upon one each of{same}, [:4] and emphatically-all are-filled of{Holy Spirit}, and initiate to-be-speaking to{different/other tongues} according-as the Spirit has-been-giving to{same} to-be-voicing-off/away.  [:5] Moreover, Judean men have-been-being housing-down in Jerusalem, well-taken[adjective] from of{every nation} of{the} under the heaven.  [:6] Moreover, of{the sound, the-same, become[ing]}, the multitude comes-together and is-confounded, that they-have-been-hearing one each to{the own dialect} of{same[plural] speaking}.  [:7] Moreover, all have-been-being-astounded and have-been-marveling, saying toward one-another, "Behold, not all the-same[plural] are-being the Galileans speaking[?] [:8] And how[?] we are-hearing, each to{the own dialect} of{us} in to{which we-are-begotten}, [:9] Parthinians and Medes and Elamites, and the housing-down: the Mesopotamia, both Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus, and the Asia, [:10] both Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of{the Libya, the} according-to Cyrene, and the upon-people/settling: Romans, both Judeans and toward-comers, [:11] Cretans and Arabs, we-are-hearing of{same speaking} to{the our tongues} the magnificent of{the God}.  [:12] Moreover, all have-been-being-astounded and have-been-being-perplexed-through, another[English "one"] toward another, saying, "What[?] the-same is-will-ing to-be-being[?]"  [:13] Moreover, different/others, joke-izing, have-been-saying that of{new/sweet-wine} they-are-being having-been-repleted.  [:14] Moreover, Peter, stand[ing] together-with to{the} eleven, lifts-upon the sound of{same} and voices-off/away to{same}, "Men, Judeans, and the housing-down [in] Jerusalem, all, [it:] be-being known, the-same[neuter], to{you}, and [you:] in-ear-ize the declarations of{me}, [:15] for not as you are-taking-under, "the-same[plural] are-being-drunk," for it-is-being [the] third hour of{the day}.  [:16] Contrariwise, the-same is-being the having-been-declared through of{the prophet} Joel, [:17] and it-will-be in to{the last days}.  The God is-saying, 'I-will-pour-out from of{the Spirit} of{me} upon every flesh and the sons of{you} and the daughters of{you} will-prophesy, and the youths of{you} will-see see-sis-es[i.e. states of seeing] and the elders of{you} will-be-dream-vision-ized to{dream-visions}, [:18] and yet upon the slaves[masculine] of{me} and upon the slaves[feminine] of{me} in to{the days, the-there} I-will-pour-out from of{the Spirit} of{me}, and they-will-prophesy, [:19] and I-will-give miracles in to{the heaven} up and signs upon of{the earth} down, blood and fire and vapor of{smoke}, [:20] the sun will-be-change-turned into darkness and the moon into blood prior to-come the day of{[the] Lord}, the great and upon-reveal/appearing[adjective], [:21] and it-will-be every who supposing may-call-upon the name of{[the] Lord} will-be-saved.'  [:22] Men, Israelites, hear the words, the-same.  Jesus, the Nazarene, [a] man from of{the God}, having-shown-off/away into you to{enablements/empowerments} and to{miracles} and to{signs} to{which} the God does through of{same} in to{midst} of{you}, according-as same[you plural] have-beheld [:23] the-same, to{the having-been-defined intention} and to{before-knowledge} of{the God}, take[ing] delivery through of{hands} of{lawless}, fasten[ing]-toward, you-lift-up, [:24] whom the God stands-up/anew, loose[ing] the travail/anguish of{the death}, according-that he-has_not_been-being enabled/able to-be-being-held, same under of{same}, [:25] for David is-saying into same, 'I-have-been-before-seeing the Lord in-sight of{me} through of{all}, that out of{right} of{me} he-is-being, in-which-place I-may_not_be-shaken.  [:26] Through the-same the heart of{me} is-gladdened and the tongue of{me} exults; moreover, still also the flesh of{me} will-lodge/tabernacle/dwell-down upon to{expectation}, [:27] that you-will_not_in-down/against-leave/leave-behind the life of{me} into of{unseen/hades} nor will-give the pious of{you} to-behold through-ruin.  [:28] You-know-ize to{me} [the] ways of{being-alive[noun]}.  You-will-fulfill me of{gladness} alongside of{the face} of{you}.' [:29] Men, brothers, it-is-being-allowed to-say alongside of{all-declaration-ia} toward you about of{the patriarch}, David, that also he-deceases and is-buried, and the memorial-effect of{same} is-being in to{us} even-to of{the day, the-same}.  [:30] So, [the] prophet, originating-under and having-beheld that to{oath} the God swears to{same} out of{[the] fruit} of{the loin} of{same} the according-to flesh to-will-stand-up/anew the anointed to-sit-down upon the throne of{same}, [:31] behold[ing]-before, speaks about of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the anointed}, that neither he-is-in-down/against-left/left-behind, the life of{same} into of{unseen/hades}, nor the flesh of{same} beholds through-ruin.  [:32] The God stands-up/anew the-same, the Jesus, of{whom} we all are-being witnesses.  [:33] So, elevated to{the right} of{the God}, besides the upon-message-ia of{the Spirit, the Holy}, take[ing] beside of{the Father}, he-pours-out the-same, which now you are-viewing and are-hearing.  [:34] For David does_not_ascend into the heavens; moreover, same is-saying, 'The Lord says to{the Lord} of{me}, "Be-being-seated out of{right} of{me} [:35] until supposing I-may-place the hostile of{you} under-foot of{the feet} of{you}"'  [:36] So, unwaveringly, every house [of-]Israel: be-knowing that also the God makes same Lord and anointed, the-same, the Jesus, whom you crucify." [:37] Moreover, hear[ing], they-are-pierced-down/against the heart.  Both toward the Peter and the remaining sent-off[ones] they-say, "What[?] we-should-do, men, brothers[?]"  [:38] Moreover, Peter is-asserting toward same[plural], "Change-mind/thinking and, each of{you}: be-immersed upon to{the name} of{Jesus anointed} into let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins}, and you-will-take/get the gratuity of{the Holy Spirit}, [:39] for the upon-message-ia is-being to{you} and to{the offsprings} of{you}, and to{all the} into far, as-many-as supposing [the] Lord, the God of{us}, would-call-toward-himself."  [:40] Both to{many-more different/other words} he-witnesses/is-witnessed-through, and he-has-been-calling-aside same, saying, "Be-saved from of{the generation, the crooked, the-same}."  [:41] So, by-contrast, the[plural], as-if three-thousand lives, welcome-ly, receive[ing]-off/away the word of{same}, are-immersed and are-placed-toward in to{the day, the-there}.  [:42] Moreover, they-have-been-being enduring-toward to{the teaching} of{the sent-off[ones]} and to{the common-ia/association/participation/partnership} and to{the break-sis[i.e. state of breaking]} of{the bread} and to{the prayers}.  [:43] Moreover, fear becomes to{every life}, besides many miracles and signs through of{the sent-off[ones]} has-been-being-become.  [:44] Moreover, all the believing have-been-being upon the same and have-been-having emphatically-all common, [:45] and have-been-liquidating-for-sale the acquire-effects and the undertakings, and have-been-parting/dividing-through same[neuter plural] to{all}, according-that supposing who has-been-having need, [:46] according-to day [i.e. day by day], besides enduring-toward like-desire-ly/one-accord in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, besides according-to house [i.e. house by house] breaking bread, they-have-been-taking-across/exchanging of{nourishment} in to{exultation} and to{simplicity} of{heart}, [:47] praising the God and having grace/favor toward the whole people.  Moreover, the Lord has-been-placing-toward the being-saved according-to day [i.e. day by day] to{the out-calling} upon the same[neuter singular].

[Acts 3][:1] Moreover, Peter and John have-been-ascending into the consecrated[i.e. temple] upon the hour of{the prayer}, the ninth, [:2] and some man, lame, originating-under out of{[the] cavity[i.e. womb]} of{[the] mother} of{same}, has-been-being-borne, whom they-have-been-placing according-to day [i.e. day by day] toward the entrance of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, the being-said "beautiful", of{the} to-be-requesting/giving-cause-to mercy/charity beside/near of{the[plural] being-gone-into} into the consecrated[i.e. temple], [:3] who, behold[ing] Peter and John, being-about to-be-being-into into the consecrated[i.e. temple], has-been-asking to-take mercy/charity.  [:4] Moreover, Peter, fixate[ing] into same, together-with to{the John}, says, "View into us."  [:5] Moreover, the has-been-having-upon to{same[plural]}, deeming-toward what beside of{same[plural]} to-take.  [:6] Moreover, Peter says, "He/it-is_not_originating-under/undertaking silver and gold to{me}; moreover, what I-am-having, I-am-giving the-same to{you}.  In to{the name} of{Jesus anointed, the Nazarene}, be-roused and be-walking-around."  [:7] And, grab[ing]-hold-of, of{the right hand}, he-rouses same; moreover, immediately the step-sis-es[i.e. states of stepping] of{same} and the ankles are-made-firm/solid [:8] and, leaping-out, he-stands and has-been-walking-around, and he-comes-into together-with to{same[plural]} into the consecrated[i.e. temple], walking-around and leaping and praising the God.  [:9] And every, the people, behold same walking-around and praising the God, [:10] besides they-have-been-knowing-upon same, that the-same has-been-being the being-seated toward the mercy/charity upon to{the beautiful gate} of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and are-filled of{amazement} and of{astoundment} upon to{the having-stepped-together[i.e. events having unfolded]} to{same[masculine]}.  [:11] Moreover, of{same holding} the Peter and the John, every, the people, hurries-together toward same upon to{the portico/colonnade, the being-called} "of{Solomon}" out-amazed[adjective].  [:12] Moreover, behold[ing], Peter responds toward the people, "Men, Israelites, what[?] you-are-marveling upon to{the-same} or to{us} what[?] you-are-fixating as to{[our] own/self enablement/empowerment} or to{well-devotion}, to{having-done} of{the} to-be-walking-around, same[?]  [:13] The God [of] Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of{the fathers} of{us} glorifies the child of{same}, Jesus, whom you on-the-other-hand deliver and deny, against [the] face of{Pilate, judge[ing] the-there} to-be-loosing-off/away.  [:14] Moreover, you deny the holy and just, and request/give-cause-to-for-yourselves [a] man, [a] murderer, to-be-gratified to{you}.  [:15] Moreover, you-kill-off/away the originator of{the being-alive[noun]}, whom the God rouses out of{dead}, of{whom} we are-being witnesses.  [:16] And upon to{the faith} of{the name} of{same} you-are-observing the-same, whom also you-have-beheld the name of{same} makes-firm/solid, and the faith, the through of{same}, gives to{same} the whole-allotment, the-same, from-in-in-place-of[/opposite/in-front-of] of{all} of{you}.  [:17] And now, brothers, I-have-beheld that according-to without-knowledge you-practice, about-as also the chiefs of{you}.  [:18] Moreover, the God messages-before-according-to, which through of{[the] mouth} of{all the prophets} to-suffer, the anointed of{same}, he-fulfills the-same-ly.  [:19] So, change-mind/thinking and upon-turn into the to-be-oiled-out of{you} the sins, which-how supposing seasons may-come of{cooling-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of...]/refreshment} from of{[the] face} of{the Lord}, [:20] and he-may-send-off/away the having-been-before-hand-ized/assigned/mobilized to{you}, Jesus anointed, [:21] whom it-is-necessitating heaven on-one-hand to-receive even-to of{times stand-off/away-according-to-sis[i.e state of...]/restoration/reinstatement/re-establishment} of{all which} the God speaks through of{[the] mouth} of{the holy prophets} of{same} from of{[the] eon}.  [:22] On-one-hand Moses says toward the fathers that [the] Lord the God of{you} will-stand-up/anew [a] prophet to{you} out of{the brothers} of{you} as emphatically-me.  You-will-hearken of{same} according-to all as-much-as supposing he-may-speak toward you.  [:23] On-the-other-hand it-will-be every life which-what if-supposing would_not_hear of{the prophet, the-there} will-be-destroyed-out out of{the people}.  [:24] Moreover, also all the prophets from Samuel and of{the} consecutively as-many-as speak also message-according-to the days, the-same.  [:25] You are-being the sons of{the prophets} and of{the through-placement/disposition/covenant which} the God through-places/dispositions/covenants-such-as-to-be-through-placed/dispositioned/covenanted toward the fathers of{us}, saying toward Abraham, "and to{the sow-effect} of{you} all the father-ia[i.e. paternal lineage] of{the earth} will-be-well-worded-in."  [:26] To{you} first, the God, stand[ing]-up/anew the child of{same}, sends-off/away same, well-wording you in to{the} to-be-turning-off/away, each, from of{the evil} of{you}."

[Acts 4][:1] Moreover, of{same[plural] speaking} toward the people, the consecrateds[i.e. priests] and the officer of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and the Sadducees stand-upon to{same}, [:2] belabored-through through the to-be-teaching same, the people, and to-be-messaging-according-to in to{the Jesus} the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection], the out of{dead}, [:3] and they-cast-upon to{same[plural]} the hands and place-such-as-to-be-placed into keep-sis[i.e. state of keeping] into the tomorrow, for it-has-been-being dusk/evening already.  [:4] Moreover, many of{the hear[ing]} the word believe and the number of{the men} become as-if five thousand.  [:5] Moreover, it-becomes upon the tomorrow to-be-gathered-together of{same} the chiefs and the elders and the scribes in Jerusalem., [:6] and Annas the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] and Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as-many-as have-been-being out of{chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priestly] become[noun]} [:7] and, stand[ing] same in to{the midst}, they-have-been-ascertaining, "In to{about-what-such enablement/empowerment} or in to{about-what-such name} you do the-same[?]"  [:8] Then Peter, filled of{Holy Spirit}, says toward same, "Chiefs of{the people} and elders of{the} Israel, [:9] if we today are-being-judged-anew upon to{well-work-ia} of{[an] infirm man} in to{whom[?]} the-same has-been-saved, [:10] [it:] be-being known to{all you} and to{all the people} Israel that in to{the name} of{Jesus anointed, the Nazarene}, whom you crucify, whom the God rouses out of{dead}, in to{the-same[neuter]} the-same[masculine] has-stood-beside in-sight of{you} healthy.  [:11] The-same is-being the stone, the out-nothing[ing]/discount[ing] under of{you, the house-builders}, the become[ing] into head of{corner}, [:12] and the salvation is_not_being in to{another, not-one}, for not-besides is-being [a] different/other name under the heaven, the having-been-given in to{men}, in to{which} it-is-necessitating us to-be-saved."  [:13] Moreover, observing the all-declaration-ia of{the Peter} and of{John}, and take[ing]-according-to that they-are-being unwritten men and own-persons/individuals[i.e. laymen], they-have-been-marveling.  Besides, they-have-been-knowing-upon same[plural], that they-have-been-being together-with to{the Jesus}.  [:14] Besides, viewing the man together-with to{same[plural]}, having-stood, the having-been-healed, they-have-been-having not-one/nothing to-say-in-place-of/against/in-opposition-to/contradict/rebut.  [:15] Moreover, order[ing] same to-come-off/away outside of{the council} they-cast-together toward one-another, [:16] saying, "What[?] we-will-do to{the men, the-same}, that for, on-one-hand, [a] known sign has-become revealed[adjective] through of{same} to{all the housing-down} [in] Jerusalem, and we-are_not_being-enabled to-be-denying.  [:17] Contrariwise, lest in-which-place upon much-more may-be-dispensed-through into the people, to{threat} we-should-threaten to{same[plural]} no-still to-be-speaking upon to{the name, the-same}, to{no-one} of{men}."  [:18] And, call[ing] same, they-message-aside/enjoin, the according-to-whole-ly not to-be-vocalizing nor to-be-teaching upon to{the name} of{the Jesus}.  [:19] Moreover, the Peter and John, respond[ing], say toward same, "If it-is-being just in-sight of{the God} to-be-hearing of{you} more than of{the God}, judge, [:20] for we are_not_being-enabled to-be_not_speaking what we-behold and hear."  [:21] Moreover, the[plural], threaten[ing]-toward, loose-off/away same, discovering not-one/nothing, the how they-should-punish same, through the people, that all have-been-glorifying the God upon to{the having-been-become}, [:22] for the man has-been-being of{more-than forty years} upon whom had-become the sign, the-same, of{the cure-sis[i.e. state of cure]}.  [:23] Moreover, loosed-off/away, they-come toward the own[plural] and message-off/away as-many-as the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] and the elders say toward same.  [:24] Moreover, the[plural] hear[ing] like-desire-ly/one-accord lift [a] sound toward the God and say, "Ruler, you, the God, the make[ing] the heaven and the earth and the seawater and all the in to{same}, [:25] which, of{the Father} of{us} through of{[the] Holy Spirit}, of{[the] mouth} of{[the] child} of{you}, David, says, "In-which-place what[?] [the] nations snort/are-haughty/insolent/arrogant and peoples are-concerned/care-about empty [things][?]  [:26] The kings of{the earth} stand-beside and the chiefs are-gathered-together upon the same against of{the Lord} and against of{the anointed} of{same}."  [:27] For upon of{truth}, in to{the city, the-same} upon the holy child of{you}, Jesus, whom you-anoint, both Herod and Pontius Pilate together-with to{nations} and to{peoples} [of-]Israel are-gathered-together [:28] to-do as-much-as the hand of{you} and the intention of{you} predefines to-be-become.  [:29] And now, Lord, behold-upon the[neuter plural], upon the threats of{same} and give to{the slaves} of{you}, alongside of{all-declaration-ia, all} to-be-speaking the word of{you}, [:30] in to{the} the hand of{you}, you to-be-stretching-out into cure-sis[i.e. state of cure] and signs and miracles to-be-become through of{the name} of{the holy child} of{you}, Jesus."  [:31] And of{same be[ing]-necessitated}, the place in to{which} they-have-been-being having-been-gathered-together is-shaken, and emphatically-all are-filled of{the Holy Spirit}, and have-been-speaking the word of{the God} alongside of{all-declaration-ia}.  [:32] Moreover, of{the multitude} of{the believ[ing]} the heart and the life has-been-being one and moreover-not one[masculine] what of{the undertaking-s} to{same} has-been-saying own/self to-be-being; contrariwise, it-has-been-being emphatically-all common to{same[masculine plural]}.  [:33] And to{great enablement/empowerment} the sent-off[ones] have-been-giving-off/away the witness of{the stand-up/anew-sis[i.e. state of resurrection]} of{the Lord Jesus}.  Besides, great grace/favor has-been-being upon same all, [:34] for moreover-not in-necessitation[i.e. in need-of/lacking-in/deprivation] anyone has-been-undertaking in to{same[plural]}, for as-many-as possessors/owners of{spaces[i.e. lands]} or of{houses} have-been-undertaking, selling, they-have-been-carrying the values of{the liquidated-for-sale} [:35] and have-been-placing beside the feet of{the sent-off[ones]}; moreover, it-has-been-being-given-through/distributed to{each} according-that supposing anyone has-been-having need.  [:36] Moreover, Joseph, the upon-called "Barnabas" from of{the sent-off[ones]}, which is-being being-translated, "Son of{call-aside-sis[i.e. state of being called-aside]}, [a] Cyprian Levite to{the become[noun]}, [:37] of{undertaking} to{same} of{field}, sell[ing], carries the business-effect and places beside the feet of{the sent-off[ones]}.

[Acts 5][:1] Moreover, some man, Ananias to{name}, together-with to{Sapphira, the woman} of{same}, sells [an] acquire-effect, [:2] and sets-aside-for-self/keeps-back from of{the value, having-beheld-together} also of{the woman}, and, carry[ing], he-places some part beside the feet of{the sent-off[ones]}.  [:3] Moreover, Peter says, "Ananias, through what[?] the Satan/adversary fills-full the heart of{you} to-falsify-such-as-to-be-falsified, you, [and] the Spirit, the Holy, and to-set-aside-for-self/hold-back from of{the value} of{the space[i.e. land]}[?]  [:4] Emphatically-not[?], remaining to{you}, it-has-been-remaining, and liquidated-for-sale in to{the your authority} it-has-been-originating-under[?]  What[?] that you-place-such-as-to-be-placed in to{the heart} of{you} the practice-effect, the-same[?]  You-do_not_falsify-such-as-to-be-falsified to{men}; contrariwise, to{the God}."  [:5] Moreover, Ananias, hearing the words, the-same, fall[ing], lifes-out, and great fear is-become upon all the hearing.  [:6] Moreover, stand[ing]-up, the[plural] younger draw-together same and, carry[ing]-out, bury.  [:7] Moreover, it-becomes as of{three hours} stand-through-effect/interval also the woman of{same}, not having-beheld the having-become, comes-into.  [:8] Moreover, Peter responds toward same[feminine], "Say to{me} if of{the-which-the-same}, you[plural]-give-off/away the space[i.e. land]."  Moreover, the[feminine] says, "Yes, of{the-which-the-same}."  [:9] Moreover, the Peter says toward same, "What[?] that you[singular]-are-sounded-together to{you[plural]} to-try the Spirit of{[the] Lord}[?]  Behold, the feet of{the bury[ing]} the man of{you} upon to{the entrance/door} and they-will-carry-out you."  [:10] Moreover, immediately she-falls beside the feet of{same[singular]} and lifes-out.  Moreover, come[ing]-into, the youths discover same dead and, carry[ing]-out, bury toward the man of{same}.  [:11] And great fear becomes upon the whole out-calling, and upon all the hearing the-same.  [:12] Moreover, through of{the hands} of{the sent-off[ones]} many signs and miracles have-been-being-become in to{the people}, and they-have-been-being like-desire-ly/one-accord, emphatically-all in to{the portico/colonnade} of{Solomon}.  [:13] Moreover, of{the remaining}, not-one has-been-daring to-be-being-adhered/conjoined to{same}; contrariwise, the people has-been-magnifying same.  [:14] Moreover, more, multitudes both of{men} and of{women} believing/entrusting to{the Lord} have-been-being-placed-toward, [:15] such-as also into the broad[space]s to-be-carrying-out the weak/infirm and to-be-placing upon of[bedlets/cots] and of{pallets/beds} in-which-place, of{Peter being-come} also-supposing the shadow may-shadow-upon to{whom[singular]} of{same[plural]}.  [:16] Moreover, also, the multitude of{the[plural] cities} around-ly has-been-being-come-together into Jerusalem, carrying [the] weak/infirm and [the] being-inundated under of{unclean spirits}.  Who-any[plural] have-been-being-healed, emphatically-all.  [:17] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] and all the together-with to{same}, the being sect of{the Sadducees}, are-filled of{zeal}, [:18] and cast-upon the hands of{same} upon the sent-off[ones] and place same in to{public keep-sis[i.e. state of keeping]}.  [:19] Moreover, [a] messenger of{[the] Lord} through of{night} opens-up the doors of{the custody}.  Besides lead[ing]-out same, he-says, [:20] "Be-being-gone and, be[ing]-stood, be-speaking in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} to{the people} all the declarations of{the being-alive[noun], the-same}."  [:21] Moreover, hear[ing], they-come-into under the daybreak into the consecrated[i.e. temple] and have-been-teaching.  Moreover, become[ing]-aside, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] and the together-with to{same} call-together the council and all the gerousia/old/elder-ia of{the sons} [of-]Israel, and send-off/away into the prison to-be-led, same.  [:22] Moreover, the subordinates, become[ing]-aside, do_not_discover same in to{the custody}.  Moreover, turn[ing]-anew, they-message-off/away, [:23] saying that "on-one-hand, we-discover the prison having-been-closed in to{all un-fail-ia/stability/security/assuredness} and the custodians/guards having-stood upon of{the entrances/doors}.  On-the-other-hand, open[ing]-up/anew, we-discover not-one within."  [:24] Moreover, as they-hear the words, the-same, both the officer of{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and the chief-consecrateds[i.e. chief priests] have-been-being-perplexed-through about of{same[masculine plural]}, what[?] supposing might-become, the-same[neuter singular].  [:25] Moreover, become[ing]-aside, someone messages-off/away to{same}, that "behold, the men whom you-place in to{the custody} are-being in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]}, having-stood, and teaching the people."  [:26] Then, come[ing]-off/away, the officer together-with to{the subordinates} lead same, not alongside of{force}, for they-have-been-fearing the people, lest in-which-place they-would-be-stone-ized.  [:27] Moreover, lead[ing], they-stand same in to{the council} and the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] asks-upon same, [:28] saying, "Not to{message-aside/enjoinment} we-message-aside/enjoin to{you} not to-be-teaching upon to{the name, the-same}[?]  And, behold, you-have-filled-full the Jerusalem of{the teaching[noun]} of{you} and are-intending to-lead-upon upon us the blood of{the man, the-same}."  [:29] Moreover, respond[ing], the Peter and the sent-off[ones] say, "It-is-necessitating to-be-yielding/obeying to{God} more than to{men}.  [:30] The God of{the fathers} of{us} rouses Jesus, whom you hand-through-ize, hang[ing] upon of{wood}.  [:31] The God elevates the-same, originator and savior, to{the right[hand]} of{same}, to-give change-of-mind/thinking to{the} Israel and let-off/away-sis[i.e. state of release] of{sins}, [:32] and we are-being witnesses of{same}, of{the declarations, the-same}, and the Spirit, the Holy, which the God gives to{the[plural] yielding/obeying} to{same}."  [:33] Moreover, the[plural], hear[ing], have-been-being-sawed/ground[teeth]-through and have-been-intending to-lift-up same.  [:34] Moreover, stand[ing]-up/anew, someone in to{the council}, [a] Pharisee to{name} "Gamaliel," [a] law-teacher valued[adjective] to{all the people}, orders the sent-off[ones] to-make outside [a] bit.  [:35] Besides, he-says toward same, "Men, Israelites, be-holding-toward to{sameselves} upon to{the men, the-same}, what you-are-being-about to-be-practicing, [:36] for before of{the-same, the days} Theudas stands-up saying sameself someone to-be-being, to{whom} [the] number of{men} as of{four-hundred} are-inclined-toward, who is-lifted-up and all as-many-as have-been-being-persuaded to{same} are-loosed-through and become into nothing.  [:37] Alongside the-same, Judas the Galilean stands-up in to{the days} of{the written-from/document/registration} and he-stands-off/away people sufficient behind of{same}, and-the-there perishes-off/away, and all as-many-as have-been-being-persuaded to{same} are-scattered-through.  [:38] And the now, I-am-saying to{you}, stand-off/away from of{the men, the-same} and allow same, that if-supposing it-may-be-being out of{men}, the intention, the-same, or the work, the-same, will-be-loosed-down; [:39] moreover, if it-is-being out of{God}, you-are_not_being-enabled/empowered to-loose-down same[plural], not-whereby also fighting-God[adjective] you-may-be-discovered."  [:40] Moreover, they-are-persuaded to{same[masculine singular]} and, call[ing]-toward the sent-off[ones], flay[ing], they-message-aside/enjoin not to-be-speaking upon to{the name} of{the Jesus} and loose-off/away same.  [:41] So, on-the-other-hand, the[plural] have-been-being-gone joying off/away-from of{[the] face} of{the council}, that over of{the name} they-are-considered-worthwhile-according-to to-be-unvalue-ized.  [:42] Besides, every day in to{the consecrated[i.e. temple]} and according-to house [i.e. house by house] they-have_not_been-stopping teaching and good-message-izing the anointed, Jesus.

[Acts 6][:1] Moreover, in to{the days, the-same} of{the disciples multiplying}, muttering[noun] becomes of{the Greeks} toward the Hebrews, that the widows of{same} have-been-being-observed-aside in to{the service, the according-to-day [i.e. day by day]}.  [:2] Moreover, the twelve, call[ing]-toward the multitude of{the disciples}, say, "It-is_not_being pleasing, us leave[ing]-behind the word of{the God} to-be-serving to{tables}.  [:3] So, brothers, watch-upon men out of{you} being-witnessed, seven full of{[the] Holy Spirit} and of{wisdom}, whom we-will-stand/set-down upon of{the need, the-same}.  [:4] Moreover, we will-endure-toward to{the prayer} and to{the service} of{the word}."  [:5] And the word pleases in-sight of{every, the multitude}, and they-choose Stephen, [a] man full of{faith} and of{[the] Holy Spirit}, and Philip and Prochoros and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicolas, Antioch toward-comer, [:6] whom they-stand in-sight of{the sent-off[ones]} and, pray[ing], they-place-upon to{same} the hands.  [:7] And the word of{the God} has-been-growing and the number of{the disciples} in Jerusalem has-been-multiplying vehemently, besides [a] vast crowd of{the consecrateds[i.e. priests]} have-been-hearkening-under to{the faith}.  [:8] Moreover, Stephen, full of{grace/favor} and of{enablement/empowerment} has-been-doing great miracles and signs in to{the people}.  [:9] Moreover, some of{the} out of{the synagogue} of{the being-said, "libertines[Latin, 'liberated/freed ones']"} and of{Cyrenians} and of{Alexandrians} and of{the} from of{Cilicia} and of{Asia} stand-up, seeking-together to{the Stephen}, [:10] and they-have_not_been-being-strong to-stand-in-place-of/against/in-opposition-to/withstand to{the wisdom} and to{the Spirit} to{which} he-has-been-speaking.  [:11] Then they-cast-under/suggest/suborn men, saying that "we-have-heard of{same speaking} evil-assertive declarations into Moses and the God."  [:12] Besides, they-move-together[i.e. cause com-motion] the people and the elders and the scribes and, stand[ing]-upon, they-together-snatch same and lead into the council.  [:13] Besides, they-stand false witnesses, saying, "The man, the-same, is_not_quitting saying declarations against of{the place, the holy, the-same} and of{the law}, [:14] for we-have-heard of{same saying} that Jesus the Nazarene, the-same, will-loose-down the place, the-same, and alter the customs which Moses delivers to{us}."  [:15] And, fixate[ing] into same, all the being-seat-ized in to{the council} behold the face of{same} as-if [the] face of{[a] messenger}.

[Acts 7][:1] Moreover, the chief-consecrated[i.e. chief priest] says "if, of-consequence, he-is-having the-same[neuter plural] the-same-ly."  [:2] Moreover, the has-been-asserting, "Men, brothers and fathers, hear.  The God of{the glory} is-seen to{the father} of{us}, Abraham, to{being} in to{the Mesopotamia} prior than to-house-down same in Charan/Haran, [:3] and says toward same, 'Come-out out of{the land} of{you} and out of{the together-become[i.e. related]} of{you} and come! into the land which supposing I-will-show to{you}.'  [:4] Then, come[ing]-out out of{[the] land} of{[the] Chaldeans}, he-houses-down in Charan/Haran, and-thence, alongside the to-die-off/away, the father of{same}, he-changes-home same[object of verb], into the land, the-same, into which you now are-housing-down.  [:5] And he-does_not_give to{same[masculine]} [an] inheritance in to{same[it]}, nor step[noun] of{foot}, and messages-such-as-to-be-messaged-upon to-give to{same[masculine]} same[it] into [a] down-hold-sis[i.e. state of holding down], and to{the sow-effect} of{same[masculine]}, alongside same[masculine] not of{being offspring} to{same[masculine]}.  [:6] Moreover, the-same-ly, the God speaks that the sow-effect of{same} will-be housed-aside[adjective] in to{land belonging-to-another} and they-will-enslave same and will-mistreat four-hundred years.  [:7] And I will-judge the nation to{which} if-supposing would-enslave, says the God, and alongside the-same they-will-be-come-out and will-render-employment to{me} in to{the place, the-same}.  [:8] And he-gives to{same} through-placement/disposition/covenant of{circumcision} and the-same-ly begets the Isaac and circumcises same to{the day, the eighth}, and the Isaac the Jacob, and the Jacob the twelve patriarchs.  [:9] And the patriarchs, zeal[ing] the Joseph, give-off/away into Egypt, and the God has-been-being alongside of{same}, [:10] and lifts-out same out of{all the pressures/constrictions/oppressions} of{same} and gives to{same} grace/favor and wisdom in-in-place-ly[/opposite/facing] of{Pharaoh, king} of{Egypt}, and stands/sets-down same, governing upon Egypt and upon the whole house of{same}.  [:11] Moreover, famine comes upon the whole land of{Egypt} and Canaan, and great pressure/constriction/oppression, and the fathers of{us} have_not_been-discovering feed-effects.  [:12] Moreover, Jacob, hear[ing] grain being in to{Egypt}, sends-out-off/away the fathers of{us} first.  [:13] And in to{the second}, Joseph is-know-ized-anew to{the brothers} of{same}, and the become[noun] of{the} Joseph becomes revealed[adjective] to{the} Pharaoh.  [:14] Moreover, Joseph, send[ing]-off/away, calls-alongside Jacob, the father of{same}, and all the together-become[i.e. related] of{same}, in to{lives}, seventy five.  [:15] And Jacob descends into Egypt, and same deceases, and the fathers of{us}.  [:16] And they-are-placed-across into Shechem and are-placed in to{the memorial-effect} which Abraham procures of{value} of{silver} beside of{the sons} [of-]Hamor of{the Shechem}.  [:17] Moreover, according-as the time has-been-becoming-near of{the upon-message-ia} of{which} the God swears to{the} Abraham, the people grows/increases and is-multiplied in to{Egypt}, [:18] even-to of{whom} [a] different/other king stands-anew upon Egypt, who had_not_beheld the Joseph.  [:19] The-same, wise-ize[ing]-down/against the become[noun] of{us}, mistreats the fathers of{us} of{the} to-be-making place-out[noun] the babies of{same} into the to-becoming_not_alive, [:20] in to{which season} Moses is-begotten and has-been-being town-bred/urbane to{the God}, who is-nourished-up/anew three months in to{the house} of{the father}.  [:21] Moreover, of{same placed-out}, the daughter [of-]Pharaoh lifts-up same and nourishes-up/anew same to{sameself} into son.  [:22] And Moses is-child-ed to{every wisdom} of{Egyptians}; moreover, he-has-been-being able/enabled in to{words} and in to{works} of{same}.  [:23] Moreover, as forty-year time has-been-being-fulfilled to{same}, it-ascends upon the heart of{same} to-watch-upon the brothers of{same}, the sons [of-]Israel.  [:24] And, behold[ing] someone doing-injustice, he-repels and does out-justice/vindication to{the being-evil-ed-down/against/subdued}, smite[ing] the Egyptian.  [:25] Moreover, he-has-been-deciding the brothers of{same} to-be-putting-together[i.e. comprehending] that the God through of{[the] hand} of{same} is-giving salvation to{same[plural]}; moreover, the[plural] do_not_put-together[i.e. comprehend].  [:26] Besides, to{the being-upon day} he-is-seen to{same fighting} and propels-together same into peace, say[ing], 'Men, you-are-being brothers, in-which-place what[?] you-are-doing-injustice/injuring one-another[?]'  [:27] Moreover, the doing-injustice-to the nearby thrusts-off/away same, say[ing], 'Who[?] stands/sets-down you chief and justice[role] upon of{us}[?]  [:28] Not you are-will-ing to-lift-up me which manner yesterday you-lift-up the Egyptian[?]'  [:29] Moreover, Moses flees in to{the word, the-same} and becomes housed-aside[adjective] in to{[the] land} [of-]Midian, of{which} he-begets two sons.  [:30] And of{being[ing]-fulfilled forty years} [a] messenger of{[the] Lord} is-seen to{same} in to{the desolate} of{the mountain} [of-]Sinai in to{[a] flame} of{fire} of{[a] bramble/briar-bush}.  [:31] Moreover, the Moses, behold[ing], has-been-marveling the see-effect; moreover, of{being-come-toward same} to-think-according-to/consider, [a] sound is-become of{[the] Lord}, [:32] "I, the God of{the fathers} of{you}, the God [of-]Abraham and the God [of-]Isaac and the God [of-]Jacob."  Moreover, Moses, become[ing] in-trembling, has_not_been-daring to-think-according-to/consider.  [:33] Moreover, the Lord says to{same}, 'Loose the footwear of{the feet} of{you}, for the place upon to{which} you-have-stood, [the] ground is-being holy.  [:34] I-behold, behold[ing], the mistreat-sis[i.e. state of mistreatment] of{the people} of{me}, of{the} in to{Egypt} and of{the sigh/groan} of{same} I-hear and descend to-lift-out same and, now, come! I-will-send-off/away you into Egypt.'  [:35] The-same, the Moses, whom they-deny, say[ing] 'Who[?] stands/sets-down you chief and justice[role] upon of{us}[?],' the God sends-off/away the-same, chief and loose-er/release-er in to{[the] hand} of{the messenger seen} to{same} in to{the bramble/briar-bush}.  [:36] The-same leads-out same[plural], do[ing] miracles and signs in to{[the] land} of{Egypt} and in to{[the] red seawater} and in to{the desolate} forty years.  [:37] The-same, the Moses, is-being the say[ing] to{the sons} [of-]Israel, "The God will-stand-up/anew [a] prophet to{you} out of{the brothers} of{you} as emphatically-me.  Of{same} you-will-hearken."  [:38] The-same is-being the become in to{the out-calling} in to{the desolate} alongside of{the messenger} of{the speaking} to{same} in to{the mountain} [of-]Sinai and of{the fathers} of{us}, who receive sayings being-alive to-give to{us}, [:39] to{whom} the fathers of{us} do_not_will to-become hearkened-under[adjective]; contrariwise, thrust-off/away and are-turned to{the heart} of{same[plural]} into Egypt, [:40] say[ing] to{the} Aaron, 'Make to{us} gods, the[plural] will-be-gone-before of{us}, for the Moses, the-same, who leads-out us out of{[the] land} of{Egypt}, we-have_not_beheld what[?] has-become to{same}.'  [:41] And they-make-a-calf in to{the days, the-there} and lead-up/anew [a] sacrifice to{the idol} and have-been-being-gladdened in to{the works} of{the hands} of{same}.  [:42] Moreover, the God turns and delivers same to-being-employed to{the army} of{the heaven} according-as has-been-written in to{[the] scroll} of{the prophets}, 'No[?], house [of-Israel], you-carry-toward to{me} victims/slaughtereds and sacrifices forty years in to{the desolate}[?]  [:43] And you-take-up/anew the tent/lodge/tabernacle of{the} Moloch and the star of{the God} of{you}, Rompha/Raiphan/Remphan, the imprints/replicas/types which you-make to-be-worshipping to{same} and I-will-change-home you upon-the-there/beyond of{Babylon}.'  [:44] The tent/lodge/tabernacle of{the witness} has-been-being to{the fathers} of{us} in to{the desolate} according-as the speaking sets-through-such-as-to-be-set-through to{the Moses} to-do/make same according-to the imprint/replica/type which he-had-seen, [:45] which also the fathers of{us} lead-into, receive[ing]-through alongside of{Joshua} in to{the down-hold-sis[i.e. state of holding down]} of{the nations, which} the God thrusts-out from of{[the] face} of{the fathers} of{us} until of{the days} [of-]David, [:46] who discovers grace/favor in-sight of{the God}, and requests/gives-cause-for-himself to-discover [a] tent/lodge/tabernacle-effect to{the God} [of-]Jacob.  [:47] Moreover, Solomon house-builds [a] house to{same}.  [:48] Contrariwise, the highest is_not_housing-down in to{hand-made}, according-as the prophet is-saying, [:49] '"The heaven, throne to{me}; moreover, the earth, under-foot of{the feet} of{me}.  About-what-such[?] house you-will-house-build to{me}," [the] Lord is-saying, "or who[?], place of{the rest-down} of{me}[?]  [:50] Emphatically-not[?] the hand of{me} makes the-same all[?]"'  [:51] Hard-necks and uncircumcision to{the heart} and to{the ears}, you ever are-falling-against/contrary/colliding to{the Spirit, the Holy,} as the fathers of{you}, also you.  [:52] Whom[?] of{the prophets} the fathers of{you} do_not_chase[?]  And they-kill-off/away the message[ing]-before-according-to about of{the will-come-sis[i.e. state of future coming] of{the just}, of{whom} now you have-become betrayers and murderers, [:53] the-who take the law into set-through of{messengers} and do_not_guard."  [:54] Moreover, hearing the-same, they-have-been-being-sawed/ground[teeth]-through to{the hearts} of{same} and have-been-gnashing the teeth upon same.  [:55] Moreover, originating-under full of{[the] Holy Spirit}, fixate[ing] into the heaven, he-beholds [the] glory of{God} and Jesus having-stood out of{right[hand]} of{the God}.  [:56] And he-says, "Behold, I-am-observing the heavens having-been-opened-up and the son of{the man} out of{[the] right[hand]} of{the God}, having-stood."  [:57] Moreover, cry[ing]-out to{large sound}, they-hold-together the ears of{same} and dash like-desire-ly/one-accord upon same.  [:58] And, cast[ing]-out outside of{the city} they-have-been-stone-casting.  And the witnesses place-off/away the outer-garments of{same} beside the feet of{[a] young-man being-called Saul}.  [:59] And they-have-been-stone-casting the Stephen, [singular]calling-upon and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive the spirit of{me}."  [:60] Moreover, place[ing] the knees, he-cries-out to{large sound}, "Lord, you-should_not_stand to{same[plural]} the sins, the-same."  And, say[ing] the-same, he-sleeps.

[Acts 8][:1]

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